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THE JOURNAL. I JOHN KERSHAW, Ildilor ami I>&'oi>riolor. CAMDEN S. C., JAM AH V 2. 1S7;J A Happy \ow-Ycar." This, we very cordially present ns ;i C'm plimcnt of the season to all our readers. Undoubtedly, to many, thfc compliment will be apt and acceptable,' while to man} others, the words will fall with a jarring sound upon-the ears. The year jn<t missed has been a trying one i?i many particulars. Events of tlie greatest mugnitmi luve been occurring with startling rapidity, and scarcely a day passes without some new and unheard of thing be. ing brought to light. In fact, it is difficult to create a sensation, so numerous are occurrences of that character. But in the ceaseless whirl of business, and amid the engrossing circs of lite, let us beware lest we forget Flinr by whose command all these strange spring into iight. for wo live in an age where every tiring ii viewed from a materialistic stand rihint. The greater concerns of eternity are merged iuta the lesser concerns of' time, and the spiritual is cast entirely asrne as unworthy the attention of the active, wide awake uian of the period. Every thin;: is reduced to a money standard, and anything which does not pay. is refused a hearing. But as we look back to the beginning of the last twclvc-ii.onth, how many familiar faces do we remember, which are now lying forever still in the boson) of the earth, closely held iu the cold euibraeeof the King of Terrors! IIow many of those very persons, who were breasting the tide of life with the best of us, aud who were pursuing the phantom, money, with the same eager efforts that wc now bring to bear!* Is i* a t'uie then, when we should forge* that, like the dying, yes, dead year, we too. must pass away. To how manyot us will n be permitted to see another year ? These are questions which wc would do well to heed. But- along with those solemn reflections, cnuies the joy that another year is born, and wo still live to drink in the purest pleasure, the draughts of happiness presented by our health, our friends, the bounty by which we are surrounded and the many tempting fields of success which are* opened. We buckle on our armor with fresh hope, determined to ' turn over a new leaf." and press with renewed vigor and strength towards the accomplishment of our desires. And. iriends. a word m your ear. lie-1 number the printer. Some of you owe hitr : and lie will doubly welcome you, if at tli * ' joyous season you all present those iwair, mickles which make a mucklo. That's all. FOR TMK ?01'PK*T. Mr. Eih'tur :?The cap Keeiu?s to have 6t Waterec. V\Ty .should lie erect hits mane and r ir - loudly because f?ur members nut >h'>iiId 1; alined I'uf a lew months of the year in m/" >ior- ? Where are the other seven ? Do these four hard working and industrious yottna clerks constitute the baud ? This reason. Mr. Editor, is as clear as the Wateree river itself, somewhat muddy. Wateree says "the band does not moot to prac- 1 ticc now." The question I would like to 1 a-k is. When did they"// evr awl? 1 have ' never, or have 1 ever seen any person who ever saw them all together. Ihirimr the summer months when our four "clerks" could get ofl' early in the evenings and the i 1 rv*..o tliero was alwavs one uauu uici i??4 piuw.w, - ? v or more members of the band absent. Again Watcrec informs us that "there have never been any demands for the band to perform in public." I would ask him if he has forgotten the Steamboat excursion of November, 1 ST 1, when the Captain of the Steamer Isi.i tendered the Wuteroo Band a polite invitatiou to furnish music for the occasion ? Has ho forgotten St. John's Pay when the Masons had their celebration ? Our band received a writ'en invitation to play only tico pieces of music?one piece to inarch the Brotherhood from their hall to the Presbyterian Church, and another to march t hem back. This was refused by the band. Later still: when the Musical Club of Camden invited the band to perform at one of their social meetings, did they do it ? Another thin idea advanced by Wateree? hear him : "Oo tho citizen* wish us to come out such weather as we have had the past week?" as though the fifty-two weeks in the year was anything-like this cold week. Tiuc, the hand did come ortt and play one night last summer, hut they never repeated it.? They gam three concerts, not for the good people of Camden, however, hut for themselves. They are not a "public baud."? IIow can this he. I> > we "light a candle and put it. under a bushel." \Y hat is the ; good of a band if it i- not a public one. All j this is so thin, Mr. Editor. that any person I who hasuivon the subject a thought will see ( the truth at once. Energy is wanting, and j until this nee '- irv virtue is obtained, the bund mu-t b? a failure. I am satisfied how- j ever, t > loam that the band is about t ? be ] re-organized, an 1 have onn-titutinn. Let give thcrn a fair tri ;!. ami loop them along I I would rcomui-nd that the band pr< cure a charter and go to w >rk. Let us liavea band, i t ontkiilutoit. 1*M'Uf:ci:i>km i:l? Sitcess ?Within the past year L'lMMHH) boxes of I'r. Tutt's Y'oge - - ? * 11 . table l.iv r i'lli' Have i>* ?'n s??i?i. ang inn a i s;n?rl inst:iti<*?* is known \v! ere they liave 1 failed to give satisfaction. 11' you would enjoy life. have a fine appetite and robust health, use these l'ills. Augusta. November, 1SG9. /)? u ?? // T?tf It affords me much j>)--::siiro to testify to the great value of your Liver Pills. They ire all they arc represented to be. In uiy opinion, there are no Pills so well adapted in the Southern climate as they are. Yours truly, JOS. BRUM MEL, late of Richmond Ya. Br Tutt's Hair Dye is endorsed by the best heinists. Tf You feel dull, despondent, drowsy, debilitated; have frequent headaches, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite , and tongue coated, you are suffering from torpid liver, or Billinusness " Nothing will cure you so <peedily and permanently as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. uCwt'f <7o Without it."?This is what the -tage and horse car companies, livery-stable keepers, members of the turf, and all grooms and trainers say of the Mustang Liniment. ti,a mtiv dn without it." And whv? Be eaustc it infallibly reduces the external swellings. &c , which, under various names, impair tho usefulness and value of the king of quadrupeds, and also because, for sprains. Strains. gall* and other injuries to which horse-flesh is liable, it is the most trustworthy preparation in the market. Yet these recommendations comprisoonly. a portion of its claims to public confidence. Pnring a period of more than sixteen years, it has been recognized as a specific for many of the most agonizing disorders which afflict the hutnou family?such as rheumatism, gout, neuralgia lumbago, ticdnloreux. sore throat, earache, toothache ; and likewise as a peerless application for cuts, bruises, burns and scalds. The Great Pictorial Annual. Ilostetfer's United States Almanac for 1873, for distribution, gratis, throughput the United States, nnd all civilized countries of the Western Hemisphere, is now published and ready for delivery, in the English, German, i'rencli, Norwegian. Welsh, Swedish, Holland, lloheniain and Spanish languages, and all who wish to understand the truo philosphy of health should read and ponder the valuable suggestions it contains. In addition to an admirable medical treatise on the causes, prevention and cure of agrcai variety of diseases, it,embrace? a large amount ofin formation int cresting the inerehan , the mechanic, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and professional man : nnd the calculationshnvebccnmnde for such meridians and latitudes as arc most suitable for a correct and comprehensive National Calendar. The nature, uses, nnd extraordinary sanitary, effects of Hostcttcr's Stomach Bitter's the staple tonic and alterative of* more than half the Christian world, are fully set forth in its pages, which arc also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, valuable recipes for the household and farm, humorous anecdotes, and othar instructivivnnd amusing reading matter, original and selected. Among the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will be one >f the most us' ful, and mm/ be had for the asking. The proprietors, Messrs. IJostetler & Smith, Pittsburgh. Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. The Bit tecc oro o-l.T >? *???-! j eiiv. town and village, and arc extensively used throughout the entire civilized world. MARRIED?At the residence of the bride's father, on the 12th ult., by Rev. T. J. Taylor, Mr. K. S. Rollins and Miss Sallic J. daughter of James Fletcher. Esq. Camden Cotton Market. Camden S. C. Jan. 2, 1373. 'I lie transactions in cotton since the com uicnceinent of th holidays have been light. We quote extremes at 17? to IS J. , FA CAiti). piKimovr axi> Ain,i\<;ro\ Life Insurance Company, Ajmnj at Columbia, >S. Ike 5, 187?' I To Capt. W. Glyburn. HAVING examined into tho matters relating to the change of Agency for the Piedmont ' and Arlington Life Insuruncc Company from j your hands, in your former District. 1 take plea- | I sure in saying the difficulties are all satisfaeto| l ily explained, and I would request that you ali low the Company to reinstate you tn your former , , position. Hoping you may accept the "Agency tempered. | and with thanks for your former efficient efforts in our beliall', I remain, Your "a, very respectfully. W. 0. CAKlllNUTON. The above is written with our entire emlor re i meut and approval. LKAPIIEAUT & KANSOM, General Agents. TO MY FRIENDS. CAMDEX. S. ('. .IAN*. 1, 1873. : mm: onuses which 1 to my resignation of the 1_ agency of the Piedmont and Xrlingto'n l.ife ' Insurance <'<>nij?:111y having been removed, nml nil difficulties satisfactorily explained, as stated in the President's letter, 1 would notify my friends that I have resumed the Agency of said Company. Kcspcct fully, Jan. -J?if. ' W. PLYBURN. State and County Taxes. Oi vn t: CnrxTY Tnrvsi nn: Kkksiiaw. ) Cuind''ii, S. t\, .Ian. 1, 1*7". \ j III, bonks of (lie Treasurer of this county will j J pencil "ii the M?l? day <>i January, 1 .i. I fur ill" 111 |.tioll of the St:;?? i?ll'i CoillHy Taxes. TUe r it< "f 1 'i\nti<iii will lit' us follows : ! Appropriations for presult ti'toil year, mills I Lk-tieieneit s lor | :isi ' n " Support of Free Schools l! County Purposes, d The authorized Itridg" lux will, at the same lime. In* coll"ft4 1, .i- follows HeKiilh nii'l Waloreo Town hips each, 'J mills, liutfiilo and Flat (lock ' 1 The followiii;; St h""l llisi rifts have each astossed to he eolleel i 'I III lliesullic lilliC? School l?istri i, No. I J mill. ' l? -j " " 1U I " The penalty of twenty percent, attaches to all unpaid I'ayts after tli<- 1 "?i Ii of .January, 1N7". T. S. T '- isiiry Nott s and National Currency alone will he lal n lor Slate Tax. Megn:i:.\\ Jan. 2. County Treasurer. Havaa. Ornanges And NOltTIIKlIN A1TLKS. I or sale l*v D. C. KlKKLIiV. SARI Ammoniated Solut Cnsli Price at Factory. PHOSPHOPERl Caali, $50. ACID BONE F CaMh, $25. Oi*oiiiicl Cavoli "Cash $15. ' NOVA SCOTIA L CASH o THE above named Ammoniated Soluble Pacific a of the highest grades of Bone Phosphates ren vian Guano and animal matter, making the ntosi combining the ingredients required to produce am While these Fertilizer* are warranted to keep i materially reduced for the present season. Mnnu JO HI Also for sole by Age^s throughout the South. F jan2-tf < JONATHAN General License Tax. Office of CorNTT Tr.kasrner Kershaw,! Camden, S. C., January 1873. I THE fourth and last Quarter's General License Tax, is due and payable at this Office until the 15th instant, after which the penalty attaches. DONALD McQUEKN, Jan. 2. County Treasurer. * Kershaw?In the Probate CourtESTATE OF MARCUS BAVM. Whereas, Herman Baunt has applied to mo for letters of administration of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which u-m-n nf uniil Mnrru* Huuni. deoeased : Now those arc to require, all and singular the kimlrcd and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at a Court to be hohjen oh tlie 14th day of January, inst. to show cause, if any they have, why said administration should Hot be granted. Given under my hand nnd seal, this 2d dny of January, 1873. j. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. January 2 , 2t Kershaw?In the Probate Court, ESTAVi OF DUMBO MURPHY. Whereas, John Burton has applied to me ,for letters of administration on all and singular the goods nnd chatties, rights and credits which were of said Dumbo Murpliy, deceased; Now these arc therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred nnd creditors of the said deceased to be and. appear before me at a Court to beholden on t he 14th day of January, inst., to show cause, if any they have, why the suid nduiinistrntion should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 2d dny Jnuuury, 1873. J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. January 2. 2t ^Vll ^\vlio Want A beautiful Picture with which to ndorn the walls of their parlors, should immediately enclose their aubw?iitlien- hit th? " Temperance .\avocnte," (2.00) and they will receive by return mail our " FRUIT CHROMO," which we arc giving away to every yearly subscriber to our paper. Don't remit by mail. Address, I.MIAVW 1> UV Villi Pnmdon K C! i iwlillv J . i/IJ.llll'j VMihmvi., ?v.. Ki^G'slSSimiT" MILITARY SCHOOL, YOKKVILLE, S. C. mHE first session of the School Yeat- 1873, will 1 begin Februarv 1st, and end June 30th.? Terms: For School P.xpcnses, i e.. Board, Tuition. Fuel, Lights, Washing, Stationery, tic,, $i2"> p;r session, payable in advance. For circulars, address Col. A. Go ward, Principal. Dec. 25. lit. *<> FOR $3?GRAXD OFFER. mi IK yORKVILLE ENQUIRER will present a L three-dollar OHROMO to every subscriber for 1H73, who pays $3.0(1 in advance for a year's subscription. The chromo?entitled "The Unwclcotnc Visitor"?is executed in the finest style ,.f ..lirnmniix uriiitinrr- thenriiited surface is 181 I "r > ?- 1 by 17} inches, and the picture sells in the art stores for $3. It is equal in every respect to tiny of tire cliromo premiums offered hy other publications. The Enquirer is u family pnper adapted to the Home Circle, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Tradesman, alike in every section of the Union ; is not sectional in its character, nor partisan or sectarian. Besides all the news of the day, collated with a view to correctness anjl accuracy, its columns are tilled with the choicest mntter appropriate to the different Departments?Stories, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Travel and Adventure, Sabbath Beading, a column for the Children, Wit and Humor, Agricul- j tural. Correspondence from Abroad, Excerps on ( nil Subjects, tin Epitome of the News of the Day, j \c. ORIUIXAL. STORIES. The publication of Original Stories is a foa Hire of the EnqCIUKH, and for the next volume we have procured several lioni the pens of popular and entertaining writers. In this Department our readers entertainment, equal in character to that of any of the popular story papers. The subscription price of the Entjuirrr is !?'.'{ per annum, with Chronio Premium, or without Premium, two copies one year So; one copy six months $1.">0; one copy three months $1.00.? The Chronio will lie promptly mailed to subscribers on receipt of subscription. Specimen copies of the paper sent on application. Address nil | letters to L. M. (.MUST, Proprietor. llocl'.l-tt I OrilTIIIO, CJ. v;, ACAI)E>IY, I ' Camden Orphan Society, :o: Tin* exercises of this school having hcon suspended (lin ing the Christmas llulidftp, will |>v. resumed the 1'IUST MONHAV in January next. 'J'K K.MS. For reading. writing, geography anil arith nietic per month, $12. It) For same with grammar included. l).l!tt I'm-same, with Latin, (Ireek or French or eit Iter of them, . I.Htl Tin- almvc rates are payable in advance. JOHN W. JAMISON, dccl'J-!>t Principal. Spoeinl iNotice. A gentleman ami his wife desire to secure hoard ami lodging with n respectable private family Address, ill rough the Post Office at (''amdon, "Z." lilting)* anil UproMpiu1 oil. Best Chiinnies, AVicks, Lanterns, ic. For sale by HODGSON & DUNLAP. >Y'S ?- ?h ile Pacific Guano. 5 per Toil. Oil time, |"?0 ,n J VI AN-GUANO, Time, $55. H0S1MIATE, Time, $ftO. c< S( 11a Phosphate, rime $20. AND PLASTER, , $13. n<l Phospho-Peruvinn Guanos are rich compounds dered soluble ami ainrnoniatod with No. 1 PeruL concentrated and profitable Fcrtilirera in use, J support the cotton plant and cereals, np to their high standard,.the prices have been ifacttired and for sale at Charleston, 8. C., by V II. ft Uiin A 'or analysis and certiticat cs, send for phamphlets PAGE, Agent, Camilen, S. C. rrri ^ Carolina Fertilizer WILL BK SOLI) AS FOLLOWS: Casli I^rice. $48 Per Ton of 2,000 lbsTime I'rice$83 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Payable November 1, 1878, FREEE OF INTEREST. Freight and Drayage rr~ l.? .. .1U LPw auucu. ITS SUCCESS IS UNPARALLELED, AND ITS STANDARD IS A NO. 1. CALL ON AGENTS FOR Almanacs and Certificates. GEO W WILLIAM A CO., Charleston, S. C. W. C. GERALD & CO., Agents at Camden, S. (J. Dee. 10. 4 TAX NOTICE. Council Chamber, Doc. 17, 1872. Ordered, that the Treasurer of the town he required to open his -hooks for the return of town taxes for 1S7'2, and hoop the same open until the lUili day <?i" .January. lS7th All persons owning property within the corporate limits .of the town, taxable tinder the laws of the Stale, uft* required to return the same within Hint time. Those failing to do so. the Tryasurer is hereby required to assess the value of the same according to the best information he can get. Extract from the minutes. J. M. DAVIS, Intendnnt. J.'K. Withkuspoon, Treasurer & Clerk. CHRISTMAS SUPPLIES Constantly Arriving! PINE Bananas, Oranges, Apples ( Vtinborries. Lemon*. ("Won Nuts. Almonds. Butter Nut<. Brazil Nut*. Pcean*. Filberts. E. Walnuts, \e. Also, just received, nnotlr r flip ply of Genuine Frenph Confections, % .. .1 .1 v .... it... !... .III'I m;iu\ UIIII'I ,>m r. riii.Min iui i in- ? n i 1^1 mil > I holtdavs, f?rshie bvl). KII'KI.I'.V. Aft. E.WOLFE, l'ays the highest print's for Otter, Mink, Mu$k rat. Pox. Wild Cut, Sheep mi l float skin*. Dry and Green Oow Hide*. Old Iron, Brass, Copper and Hags. In the Workman Building next door to F. Goss. dec IB-lit Cigar Emporium. We have added to our stock a large assortment of CIGABS. similar to those sold by the proprietor of Tho Iudinn Girl, in Oolutahir, S or an y other first class Cign Store. We invito the at trillion of all Smoker 11ST CAMDEN and vicinity, cull and examine the stock. J..& I. T. JONES. 28. Novtf PerCuusorioN, dc. German Cologne*: Florida Water, I.ubin'a Extract s, Fine Toilet Soups, in large variety. Dressing Combs, &c. For sale by November 28. HODGSON k DUN LAP. w?- * " . T' 1711NK FKHN'Ml Confectionery, Crystnlizcd ' Fruits. Burnt Almouds, Ac. Al-anice bbHurt incut of Stick Candv. For ank by HODGSON & DI N LAP. MBEMMHHBHHBDBMHMmnHr .V?qP??? ffOTICE. . < The undersigned have rt ^nod a Gallery in the )urt House lit Lancaster, they will he tppy to see their friends. . At the same time they continue their Gallery i Camden, In the Workman lSuilding. I>ec51t. ' LKK IHWV8. Notice of Dissolution. RHK co-partnership heretofore existing be* L t ween Joseph 8. Cloud and Francis L Zcmp, r., has been dissolved by mutual consent. CLOUD A 'ZEiiP. . All persons having claims against the-said )-pnrtncrship will receive payment upon presntation, and those indebted will make, paytent to tlfo undersigned. . JOS. S. CLOUD. December 6. ' tf EnFOBivn I OF FASHION! THE BEST STOCK OF + BOOTS AND SHOES .. !-ae I TV CAMDEN ? ' V i* ;i ' '< .1 * 'I A # ___ * 1 r < . Vo1 DRY 600JS, ; - lllr A -'i. .. :i. > ; CLOTHING, 7 |M , n 4 *i f Hats and. Caps'. o ' 'U tff'" t' '.T>p7 ^ . f J/ (f' | jS Call and Examine the v ' .'I ; ' . , ' Magnificent Display t . ' .1 . . . f , , 4 OF Seasonable Goods, AT PRICES WHICH Defy Competition, AT'THE CASH STORE OF JOS. S. CLOUD. Heavy Additions HAVE BEEN MADE THIS WEEK, TO MY J] '* I ' .% ? ?* ^ . STOCK OFGOODS, / : '*** Which arc now i.ffered ut prices which 1 ?' * ' DEFY COMPETITION. Call and iixnnnnc <;ooi>s ,t\i> i?rices. (io< Is shown with pleasure at H. BAR'CTCH'S STORE, OITOSITK TIIH M.YKKKT. December 5. Buckwheat, Flour and Corn, 20 libls. Duckwbcat," 1,000 Darrcls Flour, 6,000 Dushcls Corn. l*'or sale by F.'W. KKRCIIXRXK, Nov. 14. Wilmington, N. C. Finn f!hnwinff Tobacco&Cigars. , . " o ^ 'J HOSE in want of n nrw. .\nnri.v of I fV/A'H'/AV/ ro/UCCO and CMAHSeati fin<l tho same i?v calling on 1). C. KIKKIjKY, Agent. Cotton Seed. ... JAOlt anle. .'5.0(H) IhisIicIh of Cotton Seed, if ap plied for soon, at the CAMDEN STEAM WORKS. NlieiHTs^klo. South Carolina?Kershaw County. i .IN Till - COMMON PIN IX. J Daniel w. Brown, ") M M. v I|'-'c,'c,c for Jj W. D.. MrD'iu'n!!, Trust-". ft. TJ. . Foreclosure tftj Patterson and P. C. McDownll. J ' B-V virtue of a Decretal Order, made in this cause, on the 2d day of October, I 2, by the Hon. tv W. Melton, Judge of the 5th Circuit, iVi 11 proceed to sol) on the first Monday i of January next, being the Otli day of the said i month, af the legal hour? of sale,, before the court ? housf door in Cuuiden, the following described Lands, to-wit. 1 The tract known as the " Havic Place," situ on Hingietou's Creek. Kershaw county, containing ciglit hundred (t*00) acr$?, more or lesst 1 hounded north by lands of Is. J. Patterson, eas lands of Dixon, west by lands formerly of Per- % ry, and south by lauds of Dixon. It a ?80 All those threo (3) tracts situate in the court- I ty aforesaid, and?now combined in one, known as "Champion," and "Davidson" Tracts, con- ^ taining twenty-six hundred and twenty-three (2023) acres, more orMess, bounded north by lands of Daniel Uilliard and John Bell, enst by wlunds of Matilda Hammond and estate of William Duncan, south by lands of Wyatt Patterson, and west by lands of R. B. Cunningham. S Trhms?Cash. Purchasers to pay for papers. SAMUEL PLACE, S. K. C. December 14." ,.L., Assignee's Hale. United States of America SOUTH-CAROLINA DISTRICT. IX BANKRUPTCY Thurston & "Holmes m. Henry C. Salmond, Assignee of John D. Kennedy/ Bankrupt. T)Y rirtne of an order of tlic Hon. George S. J3 Bryan, Judge of the said Court, made in the abovejentitlrd-aatiie on tho fifth day ofSepfomhor V I) lfe~i I will nroeecd to sell at the court house in fZamden on'thc first Monday, being the Otli day of January, A. D. 1873, the following valuable Real Estate, t'o-wif: A tract of Lnr.d in Jeff<jrsdn<5ouiity, Arkansas, adjacent to lands of John M. Jones and Mr. Collier, containing seven hundred actus. A ?80 "" C The "Dnby Place," situated in Kershaw county. bounded to the north by lands of E. A. Cunningham. sonth by lands of frHniel and John Motley, east by lan Is of tfullcn. and west by wind* of B. A. Cuuninghnm and D. Motley, < containing nbont six hundred" acres, more or less. ALSO ' All the right,' title and interest ol said John b. Kennedy in'."Rock Hill Plantation," situated in Kershaw county, 'bounded north by lands of William "Kelly and Thomas .Sessions, sontli by tlie "l)oby Place*' and lands of Daniel Motley, oast by lands of Citllen. Kellsy and estate of M. K. Young, west by lands of Rose and the Rice Creek Springs Road. Terms of Sale?One third (1?3) cash, and the balance on a credit of one and two years, se cured by the bond <Jr bords of the purchaser, with interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent, per nnnugj, payable annually, and a mortgage or niortgascs of the premises sold. HENRY C. SAUtOND, Assignee of ,T. D. Kennedy, Bankrupt. December 12. ' 4t. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! CMSTMAS GOODSHAP ARRIVED and still they come ! fire works; ^ Of Every Size and Description f \ ROMAN CANDLES?4 to'15Balls.each. * ? * SKY ROCKETS?4 . z. to 2 lbs. each?the LARGEST ever brought to Camdfu. Large Triangles, Pin Wheels, Flying Pigeons, w Signal Rockets, Flower Pots, large Blue Lights, Bengola Rights, Cannon Torpedoes, No. 1 Fire Crackers, &c.. &c., together with many other Goods suitable for Christmas, can be had cheap at the store one door South of the corner in the Workman Building. D. C. KIRKLEY, Agt. Christmas Goods!! !' Cash Purchers WILL find it to their advantage to call upo> the undersigned, as he is offering a choice assortment of Staple "Dry-Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Faruiiug Implements. Choice Family Groceries, Consisting in part of SUGARS. COFFEES, TEAS, LARD, FLOUR, GOSIIEN BUTTER, HAMS, SIDES, | BREAKFAST STRIPS, FACTORY CIIEEESE, SPICES, FISH, &c., &c., Sic. I fty* IVe hare renewed Q.ur Sto^k for Christmas. . A, V. DOI GLAS. The subscriber will pay the highest ui:ul\Ct prices for Cottou and oiUrt-Country Produce GEORGE S. DOUGLAS. Novcnahes 28. JUST RECEIVED, A PRESII STOCK OF? JDttir GOODS, GROCERIES. II Alt 1MY A It 10, Ae., Which will be sold at lowest prices for ASK. A. 1>. KENNEDY & 0. dcc'.lt'?tt. Patronize Home Industry, And keep yonr Money Circulating AT HOMK Buggies, Carriages and Wagons "1 ! AM FACTI KKL) of ilie best selected niatei\l rlnl. l?y skilled workmen, nt the Factory of JoiiN near tiie Post-ofiie, at Columbia. Old Carriages repaired to look like new. All work warranted. Cor Cuts and information, address. M. J. CALNAN, Agent. J ohm Aoxkw. Proprietor. Pec. 6. For Sale. _.. .. *_ - * ? ti... .ami !ni nt'Mrs. Marv R. beSaassure on the wot ai-lc of the .Factory The lot coutaiu# ahout thinv aero. For particulars nppl.v to J. M PAVIS. | uot2&-3). r * * ?