AGRICULTURAL. The Cotton Crop. $ 8 Washington, Sep. IT. The September report of ihc statistical! of j j the Department of Agriculture indicates a f decline in the cotton crop prospect during the past month, in consequence of the pros- ] ence of the cotton caterpillar in portions of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi ami < Louisiana, and "of drought of moderate 1 severity in Tcxa-, Arkansas and Tennessee. Tho condition of the crop, as shown by | the average of returns received, iS as follows : Virginia, 97, North Carolina, 301, South Carolina, 95, Georgia, 90, Florida, 92, Alabama 88. Mississidpi, 90, Louisiana, 80, Texas 94, Arkansas 78, Tennessee 92. Thus the prospect throghout the entire cotton area, which favored a yield 5 per cent larger than average product, promises at the present time about 10 per cent less than average. The increase of average ot last year,, and the unfavorable character of the season of 1871, still point to a material increase in the total crop of. 1872, while extension of iusect ravages, or the early occurrence of frost may modify the present expectation. Only seven counties report in Virginia, and in these the average of condition has declined from 101 in August, to 97 in September. ' Returns from couuties in N. C., average 101 in September against 97 in August. Mecklenburg's estimate is 125 and Edgcconie has advanced from 75 to 100, No material loss from insects is reported. The agcrage condition in South Carolina has fallen from 98 in August to 95 in September. Darlington, Barnwell, Edgefield and Fairfield counties, which together produecd 90.000 bales of the crop of 18G8 average 90, Darlington and Fairfield standing better than in August. Richland reporting 100 in August has been visited by the caterpillar and reduces the estimate to 80. In August only 12 counties in Georgia, out of 60 reporting, returned condition 'less than 100 and the general average .was 104 in September it is placed at 9G. The insect ravages are becoming serious In several counties. The decline during the past month in Florida has been from 9G to 92. The caterpillar 1 " - - t T i 1 r ,t. appeareu in ouwanee as cany as iiiuy juiu and divested whole fields of t he leaves before August 15th. lion, Jefferson, Madison, Gadsden a^d Taylor have also been visited. Only four counties in Alabama made returns below 100 in August, the general average being 107. Two-thirds of the prfiscnt returns are below 100, thirty-two comities averaging 88. Two-thirds of the returns include a reference to insect ravages. The general averages of Missippi returns has fallen since tho August report from 112 to 90. Three-fourths of the returns arc below 100. Insect depredation's are serious in many counties. The average for Louisiana was 110 in August and in September 80. The drought has shortened the Texas crop and reduced the agcrage of the returns of condition from 103 to 94. Few reports of the presence ol insects arc received. The average of Arkansas returns has been decreased from 9(L la 78 mainly by tho dry weather. In Tennessee the drought has also been iujurious, reducing the average from 104 to 92. The formB and young bolls of the top crop are rapidly falling off, threatening a material reduction of the crop. Rye as a, Fertilizer. Rye will grow and often yield largely in a soil containing not more than one and "a quarter per cent, of organic matter It affords a fine winter pasture for stock. It should be sown in the fall, as soon as the sun's heat has so moderated as not to kill the young plants. After rye has advanced in age and growth sufficient to stoul out, it is not damaged by the tramping of a reasonable amount of stock. Grazing it to a reasonable extent in winter and early spring is said to increase rather than to. diminish the yield. If it is not desired by the farmer to reap and * thresh out his whole crop of rye, hogs and cattle may be greatly benefitted if turned in upon it. The rye straw, if allowed to remain upon the ground, shades it, thus aiding in its fertilization by preventing evaporation and the escape of valuable gases "from the soil. Besides this, the straw makes si' posh tive large addition to the organic matter in the soil. It also improves its physical properties. Turnedunderitrendersthc ground pulverizablc and pcrmeablo to tho roots of Tvlonfo nnrl frv fhn %????? ? J t 1 ' ' |/iirfeuv9 uiiu w vuv; 4iviii xii grazing imiUj IL 18 all important to remember that tramping it by the stock in wot weather is injurious. A luxuriant rye patch bears winter grazing with less injury, to the soil than any other crop wo are acquainted with, Should the farmer prefer#) save his whole crop of.rvo, the grain always, bears a fair price in market.? It is important, to be careful in the selection of seed for sowing. Much of the rye found in the market has been cut loo early, or from other causes is defective in germinating power.?After getting a start in rye culture the farmer should save his owu seed from year to year.? Carolina iurwir. Pijmvorms in Horses.?T have a marc that is trouble with what I call pin worms. They are from one and one-half to two and nno-linlf inolios in lpnrrili A? 'l? '?1 ? ? - ~"o' -iv i,,u ni'iiu, lor ahalf&n inch or more, they seem to be filled with some dark substance, and about oneeighth of an inch in diameter. The remain- ; der or back portion is but little larger than a common thread. The mare seems $?> feel good but eats very little, and will iJ'ten leave oats or meal in the manger ami oat the coarsest of straw or hay. I ?ant get her to cat grain enough to, fatten her, six quarts a day being as many as sho will eat on an average, Some have recommended feeding salt ashes. \ Wave iriod it but it seems to do no good. ; Any ouo having experience aud knowing a iciucdy will cooler a favor by communicating the same through."?Rrmd Reader, 1 Delhi X. Y. J An injc.tion of linseed oil will generally ? do the job for these pin-worms-?Carolina Farmer. I A few iron nails placed in a vase with flowers will keep the water sweet and the -] flowers fresh. This arises from the sulphur J eliminated from the plants combining with the 0 Iron. w New Advertisements. S&frd'Tim A Month easily made with JStcncil and "" w" Key Check Dies. Secure circular and amples free. S. M. kfkxchk, Brattlobory, Vt. ro THE WOKKIN't! CLASS, male or fcnmle. won week gnaranteod. iCespectalilo employment at , lome, day or enetilng; no capital required; full lnstrnc- J, ions and' valuable package of goods to start with sent f, rec by mail. Address, with 6 cent return stamp, M. YOl'Nfi A CO., 10 Courtlnndt st, ^ew York. RARE CHANCE for AGENTS Agents, wc will pay you $41) a week In cash If yon will Mtfrage with us at mice. Everything furnished and ex- | reuses paid. Address F. A. ELLIS & CO., Charlotte, Mich. A OLTWrQ TXT A T\TrP'E!'n fnr fhp livfi.q of CL\^ J. KJ V T j. V^.w ? . _ Grant! Greeley! < WILSON ! BROWN ! Ami the leading men of all parties. Over ( Forty Thousand Stkki. Portraits.. Just the book wanted by the masses everywhere. Agents meet with wonderful success. Scndfor circulars and secure territory :u once. Address, ZEIGLEIt & McCUHDV, GU3 North Sixth Street St. Louis Mo. .july 16t w4 AGENTS WANTED for the AUTOBIOGRAPHY of HORACE MKEELEY, The best anil only edition written by himself; and for our 1812 CAMPAIGN MANNUAL, a book of the times for all parties." Illustrated. One agent sold 80 in three days. Also for Iiedley's Life of President' Grant, and i splodid portraits of candidates. fsoo a month made. 7'/. 1). TREAT, Publisher, SOC Broadway, N. Y. 1 ^ The Records of Tests r-rn At Lowell, Mass., proves LZ BT. F. BlliHAirS P= E~4 . NEW TURBINE * ^ superior to all others. It gave a higher per ecntagc than any other wheel of common har nnish. . Pamphlet and price list by N. F. Durham, fc? York, Pa. BALTIMORE ~ FEMALE COLLEGE. Was incorporated as a regular college in 1&J9, with power to confer degrees. It was liberally endowed hj the State of Maryland in I860, and allords every facility for a thorough and accomplish^ education. It enjoyr the natronage of the Middle, Southern aud Westen Status. Catalogues may ue nan iu ian uunc ui v. C. BROOKS, L. L. D., Prcst., Baltimora, Md. ST CLAIR HOTEL," BALTIMORE, MD. This New and Beantlful lintel is now OPEN to th< public. Located on Muiiuniciit Square, convenlen ulike to the business man and the tourist. It is the only hotel in Baltimore embracing elevate*,- suits of rooms with baths, aud ail other convenleccs. To accommodate Merchants, Commercial Travelers aud others the rates will be $2 per day for rooms on the fourth and lifth stories, making the difference ou account of the elevation. Ordinary truslent rates for lower rooms, S3 per day. (tucsts desiring to take advantage of the above rates will please notify the clerk before rooms are assigned. An improved elevator for the use of the guests Ls constantly running, from 0 A. M. until 11 P. M. iw HARRY II. FOtiLK, Manager. NORWOOD HIGH SCHOOL, VA. Session 1 $72-73 opens Sept. 20th, 1SW. WILLIAM I). CABELL (I'niv. Va.) Prinnliial. F. Kev Mkaoe, (Univ. Va.) Instructor In Ancient Languages. lto. L. IIaiiisIHON, M. A. (Univ. Va.) Instructor In Modern Languages, English, Ac., Tims. A. Sepdon. (Matliematical Medalist, Uuiv. Va.) Instructor in Mathematics. Ro. L. Bhown, (I'niv. Va.) Instructor in Book-keeping, English, "Ac. w.u.tkk h0m.0dav. 11.Sc., c. A- M. E., (Univ. Va.) Instructor in Applied Mathematics und in Analltical ami Applied Chemistry. D. S. c.vcem., (I'niv.-VaA Instructor In law. Address WILLIAM I). CABELL, Principal, Norwood, Va., * University of -Virginia, May 9,1S72. To Wm. D. Cabell, Esq., Principal: >. *. My Dear Slr?I nave a high appreciation of the work your school Is doing for the Slate and the connuy and of the importance of sending you the treat men as your fiBfckianis. Yours very truly. Cfl YRLESS. VEXA1JI.K, Chairman of the Faculty U. of Va. It Is not a physic which inay give temporary relief to the sufferer for the first few doses, hut which from continued use brlng3 piles and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the invalid, nor is it a doctored liquor, which under the popular name of "Ritters," is so extensively palmed off on the public as sovereign remedies, but it is a most powerful tonic and aljerative, pronounced so by tt?e leading medical authorities of L011dondon and Paris, aim 1ms been long used by the regular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. DR. WELLS'-Eitract of JURUBSBA retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant, and must be taken as a permanent curative agent. Ta thnro wont Af*antinn In rnnr Hvrn* unil unlMMi 9 TTft less relieved at once, the biood becoiaea impure by ?M-eterlons secret Ions, producing scrofulous ovsklimtseases, Blotches, Felous, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, Ac. Take Jurubeba to cleanse, purify uml restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach ? Ur.ica digestion Is promptly aided the system Is dchllita'.ed with loss of vital force, poverty 'of the Blood, dropsical Tendency, General weakness or Lassitude. Take it to assist Digestion, witcout reaction, It will Impart youthful vigor to the Vcarv sufferer. Have you Weakness of th ? Intestluca ? Yon are In danger of Chronic Diarrho'.-a or the dreadful Inhumation of the Bowel. Take it to allay irritation and ward off tendency to inflamation. , . Have you weakness of Uterine or Urinary Organs? You must procure lr.stant relief or you are liable to suffer wars# than dea'.h. Take it to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes a burden. . . Finally, It shtuld he frequently taken to keep the system In perfect health, or you. arc otherwise In great danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious diseases. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Pl&tt st.. New York. Hole Agent for the United States. Price One. Dollar per Bottle. Send for circular. Bini liieri ai Straw Goods i 1M7^. . A i. * White Goods, Embroideries, &c. AUMSTUOISU OATOR & CO., Imporlers, Manufacturers ami* Jobbers Itoiuief, Tri^niuing, Xefk AN l> iSASti RIBBONS, * . YKLVKT NECK TIKS, Bound SiKis, Satins. Vol vols & Crapes, Flowtyrs, VohiIhts, Ornaments, Frames, &c. WW m M jm. AND Ladies' and Children's Hats, TMMMKD ANH I'XTItlM.MKI). ( ANl) IN CONXEC'TINC WAUKUOOMS, White G oods, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, Luces, Nets, Collars, Setts,- Handkerchiefs, Veiling, Head Nets, hhds Sugar IIouso Syrup, lOO bbls Sugar, all grades. For sale low by. WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON". June. 20lh, tf Wilmington, N. C. lagging, Tics, Spirit Casks. 2">0 Rolls Heavy Bagging, ' 800 Spirit Oasks, 2-3 Tons Tics, For sale by F. W. KEROHNER. j?dy 10 tf 27, 28 nnd 20 N. Yfltcrstreet forlc, *111111 ana io?aa*o. ir,0 bbls PORK, 20 bbls and half bbls Snuff, 50 Cases 1 and 1 oz. Snuff, 100 boxes Smoking and Chcwingi'ohncco. For sale by ' F. W. KERCHMER. 27, 28 and 29 NortHWater St septfi tf Wilmingtm, N. C. TONSOBIAL.. RAVING Repaired and re-fitted oui shop, sve are now prepared to do any woik in our line. Our shop is in the Market Bulding, ou Main Street. Shaving, Shampooing, Hair-cutlingfcc., done in theLatestStyles,. Uko. McLAK & Co. I aug 22 tf. GEORGE TUPPER, 1 I BROKER, Real Estate aiInsnraice Agent, office over w. c. fisiike's p1mjo .stt)ile, OPPOSITE COLUMBIA HOTHL, . I I MAW ST., COLUMBIA, 8. C.| ' aug 1?J.v ai.?:xani>ki: svnr.vr. jno. w. hkron, British Vico Consul. jambs siiuwt. SPRUNT & HINSON", COTIOX FACTORS i A>n Naval Store Com's'n Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. 0. "NICKERSON HOUSE." Ooiumtoia 8. o, THIS Plcapnntly located Hotel, unHiirpissi-d !" ..?? iioiw? In South fur comfort, und J_ -J ?.v health of locality, is now open lo Travel era and others seeking accommodation. Families can Le furnished with nice, airy rooms on reasonable terms. "A call is solicited. Mrs. Wm.A. WRIGHT k SON. Onr Omnibuses and Carriages will bo found at the different depots. fleaS"" Terms reasonable, transient or regular boarders. mar23tf. FRUIT TREES Large iS'tock For Send for * and FALL Catalogue Unequalled PLANTING and Assortment | Priced List. Fuly 18 ELW'D J. EVANS k Co., York, Pn. ? 1872 ! 1872! FALL! > * ' WE TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMING our Friends and the Public generally that wc are now receiving a LARGS STOCK OF GOODS! Which will complete our diffrerentdepartments of DRY GOODS ! Of All Descriptions. CLOTHING, From Common to the Best. BOOTS, SHOES & HATS, In Large Variety. QHOO ERIE S 2 For Plantation'and Family use. Hardware, Crockery and Tinware.SADDLERY, LEATHER, And In fact many other things too numerous to mention, to which we respectfully invito the inspection of our friends andnthe public in general, * Thankful'for past patronage, we hppe to continue to receivo the same. BAUM BROTHERS. ggy We pay the highest market pi-ice for COTT")N and other Country Produce. Jig?" Are Agents for LIM?, GUANO and RUBBER RELTING. septh 8t In Store and to Arrive: 2,000 Sacks American Salt, 10,000 Bushels Corn, white and mixed, loo? Bbls Flour, all grades, 500 barrels Fork, ^inrtL'erl l^u/inn UVgOucau MUH/avu jjuvuiij lOO boxes Dry Salted Sides, 3oo Spirit Barrels, prime, lOO barrels glue, ' 2o tons IIoop Iron. lo barrels Bungs, 2oo Bales of Hay. 3oo Rolls bagging, extra heavy; 23 Tons Ties. Buckle and Arrow, 50 bbls Crackers, Lemoit, Sugar & Soda, - Bod Wbite Flour. FROM NEW WHEAT?200 Barrels juat received. For v ; . F. W. KERCIINER. july 19 1-f 27, 28 and 29,'N. Water street. ' n?la88C9, Corn, Hay. idCObhds ' nd bbls S H. Molasses, 10,000 bushels Corn,.. / . 200 bales Eastern Hay, ^ ^ july 19 tf. 27,-28 and 29 North Water St. CAROLINA LIFE mSDKAECE COMPANY / "... OF MEJMPHIS, TE1NTY. /. . ? Branch Office Baltimore, Md f ;i . ' \ v Assets - - - - - $1,075fOOC Hon. JEFF. DAVIS. President. Gen. WADE HAMPTOtf, Vice Pres't JOHN D. KENNEDY, febioly State Agent. y' J. & T. I. Jones * ARE NOW RECEIVING & OPENING THEIR . SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK' . '. v . 1 ' . op . > : | Dry Goods, 1)AA+O 011/I QLaoo JJUUWJ IIIIU UUUQ>3) Grocerias & Crockery To which they, invite the attention of pur. chasers. / ? T-T "7 ' I?r?^ Fo??Miagpo*erfollBTigo??tiBg Thooo Bitters W pocUvely inT?lasblo la They parity the System, sad will eu? Pjmlttap* w* y'ftT'"flt >' A ?In vfmi:llBHil3L J. Wiunt, Proprtator. B. H. UcDovud * Co., Drngtrfs * 0?v Aguu, Sob Frooeloco.Col.^od U Coaaono SU, K.r> BULLION* Bear TwOawr M tfcelf WdBderfal Curative Effect*. Vinegar Bitter* an not a.rtle Fancy Drink. Made or Peor Ran. WbJakey, . Proof Spirits an# Rehu Lie 0 era, doctored. spiced and eweetened to pleaae tba taste, called " Tonics," " Appetizers," 14 Reetorm,' dc&, that laod the tippler otrto dranhenosaa and rain, bat are a true Medicine, made from the Njtlye ^ Roots and Herbs of Uallfarnla, free freae all Alcoholla St linnlnnta. They U? the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFE, GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Ken orator and Invigorator of the System. carrying off all polsotion, matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to directlona and. remain long unwell, prodded their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, end .tho vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Tbey nre a Gentle Purgative as well at a Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting.aa a powerful agent In relieving Conge* v Inn Aw TnAammaflan n/fha T.lvaP arvi rJ all tha Visceral Organs. \ FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether la roan* or old. married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at the torn of UCe, theao Tonic Hit-" ten have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Uliti* mat I em aud Gout, Dyspepsia or Iu? digestion; Hi 11 on h, Remittent and Intcrmltteni For ere, Disease* of the Wood, Liver, Kidney* and Bladder, thcee Bitters Iiuve hocn moet successful. Sack Diseases are canacd br Vitiated Blood* wlilch Is general! r produced by dcrangomcut of the Digcstivo Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour 12nictations of the Stomach, Bad Taste In tho Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of I tho Langs, Paiu in tho regions of the Kidneys, and ' s hundred other painful symptoms are.the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tho torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all imparities, aud imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptlons.Telier,, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, IUng-Wftrms, Scald Head, Soro Uvea,Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discotorotionsof the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, arc literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short timo by the use of those Bitters. Ono bottlaln such coses will convince the most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever yoq find Its impurities bursting through tho akin In Pimplca, Emotions or Sores: cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul,and y onr feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE, and othor WORMS, urklng in the system of so many thousands, arc effectually destroyed and removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUGOI8TS AND DEALERS. J. WALKER. Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD & (JO., liruinriitU mid Gen. Agents. Siu> Francisco, Cat., unit Si and HI (Jomuicrco Street, Now York. QUININE, &c. JUST RECEIVED, a large quantity of Quinine nntl oilier Medicines. Our stock of Medicines in very large and complete; nil of which we warrant Genuine, nnd of the best quality to be had in any market, and will no sold a small profit EOIUUSII. HODGSON J: DUNLAP. 1 I 1 % Fogarties Book Depository. NEW CATALOGUE No. *8. * Studies in Poetry and Philosophy, by Jan. Sharp, $1,60 Shairp's Culture and Beligion in some s of their relations -1,26 Lang's new.rolume, TLoBook of Kings ?,00 Dean Stanley, history of ihe church of Scotland 2,60 The desyt of the Exodus, journeying* on foot in the wilderness of thefortyyears wanderings, undertaken in connection with the ordinance surrey of 8inai and j the Palestine exploration fund, by B H. I Palmer, M.'A. with maps and illustrations 8,00 Jcsns, by P. Deems, numerous illustrations, .4 6,00 Paul ofTarsus, an inquiry into the times and gospel of the Apostles of the Gentiles 1,50 " *? ?r-n ueorge it nvvus, m, u,,n. ?. v., m>wi< icftl ana biographical memoirs, essays &c. 5,00 Women helpers in the church, their sayings hud doings; edited by Wo. Welsh 1,50 Robert and William Chambers, memoirs and autobiographical reminicences 1,60 The autobiography of Stephen Collins U. D. 1,00 AnnualTecord of science and industry for 1871. Edited by Spencer and B&ird 2,00 The newspaper press of Charleston embracing a period of 140 years, by Wm. L. King 2,00 Astronomy and Geology compared, by Lord Orinathwait . 1,00 The student's own speaker, a maxrael of declamation and1'oratory by P. Reaves 1,25 Shakespeare, edited by W J Rolf, M. A with notes. The first four parts of this ~ . . unique edition Of Shakespere. comprising / The Merchant of Venice, the Tempest Henry VIII, and Julius Caesar, bound in " one handsome volume, with illustrations 8,00 Aldine Edition of the poets, to be complotd In fifty-twovolnmes, at 75 . Merry Maple Leaves or a summer fax ^ the country, by Abner Ferk, HumorotLB a Art uiusiraiions ?,w " NEWUOVELS. &c. , Lord KiUgobbin, bj Lever, cloth, $1,60, paper . 1 j Aril's Trjtt, piper, 76?; A. Miller's story bf the' war, or the Plobcsrite, by one of the 7,600000 who voted yes; from the French of Erekmsa Chatrian, cloth 1,26, paper 76c; A crown for the spear, paper 75e; B affiled Schemes, paper 76ct*; Righted at last 1,60; Cilia's trust, lnrih* author of won, not wooed, Ac., 50c; The thief In 'the night, by the author of "The amber gods," Ac., 1,26; Within aid without, by George McDonald, 1,60; The hoosier school master, by Egglestoo: 1,26; Csn the old love t 76c; More than she could bear, by Hesper Bendbow, l,60;Jbhn Thompson Blockhead, by the author of "Dorothy Fox," 1,60; Wanted a pedigree, by Farquhalrsoh, 2,00; Clotilda, from the'French of De Pontmarti n 1,76. a A Initial paper an d enr elopes in boxes, French English and American, a variety of series at un- ,, " usual low prioes. - I^New Novels and Light Literature reseircd by steamer every wetfk. flg^Personiresidinginlbe country will please bear in mind that by seeding tbeir orders to us for fuiy book published is America, they will only be charged the price of the book. We pay ' the postage or express. JBfcjy Address FOGARTIFS BOOK DEP08I TOBY, No 260 King street, (in the Bend) 1 .June 27 tf Charleston, 3. C. \ Subscribe for the " Journal'.' for the coming campaign. Only $1. ' * ' . RAD WAT'S EEADY BELIEF v Curtt the Worst Paint-in from One to /> '.Tenty MiriiUet. 1 Not one hour after reading this advertisement need any one staffer with pain. Bad way's Ready relief is a euro for every pain. It'waa . # the first and is the only ; 3? 'P A hat instantly stop* the most exerntiating paint, allays inflammation?, and cures congestions, .whether of the Lungs, Stomach,v Rowels, or ^ A other glands or organs, by one application. In from one to twenty minutes, no matter how tiolent or excrutiating| the pain, tho Rheumatic, , Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated 'with disease may spfier, Radway'b Riady Belie* will afford instant ease. Inflammation, of the Kidney, Inflammation of tlie Bladder, Inflammation of the Bowels, Congestion cf the Lungs, Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Dyptheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills, Ague Chills. The- application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in a half tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramp,* Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heart-burn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colio, Wind in tbe Bowels, and-.all internal pains. - i ' Travelers should always have a Dottle of Bad* way's Ready-Relief With them. A few drops In water will prevent sickness or pains from a ' change of water. It is bettor thah French A Brandy ot Bitters as a stimulant. . Fever and Ague Cured FOR FIFTY CENTS. - .v. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will euro Fever and Ague, and all othor > Malarioug, Bilous, Scarlet, Typhoid, Telle w and other Fevers, (aided by Railway's. Pills) so quicJc as aaaways tteaay Aeuei. rmy ceuia perRottle." Health! Beauty! Strong;and Pare Rich Blood?Increase of Flesh and Weight?Clear Skin and Bean- * ' tifnl Complexion sectored to all. BR. RADWAY'S " , Sarsaparillian Resolvent Has made the' most astonishing cures. So w quick, so rapid are tliochanges the body undergoes, under the influenced this truly -wonderful medicine, that every day sn increase of flesh and weight is seen and felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the Sarsaparillian Resolvent communicates through the blood, sweat, urine and other fluids and juices of'the system tho vigor of life, for it repairs the waste of tho body with new and sound material. v Scrofula, syphillis, consumption, glandular disease, ulcers . in the throat, mouth, tumors, nodes in the glands and other parts of the system, sore eyes, strumorous discharges from the ears, and tho worst forms of skin diseases, Eruptions, fever sores,scald head, ring worm, salt rheum, erysipelas, ache, black spots, worms in the tumors, cancers in the womb, and -all weakening and painful discharges, night sweats, loss of sperm, and all wastes of the life principle, aee in the curative range of this wonder of modern chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. DR. RADWAY'S . Perfect Purgative Pills. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen the system. Radway's Pills for the cure of all disorders of the stomnchr, liver, bludder, nervous diseases, headache, constipation, costivencss, indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, bilious fever, inflammation of the bowels, piles, and all derangements of the internal viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deletcrions drugs. A few doses of Radway's Pills will free the system from all the above named disorders.?. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by all druggists. Read "False and True." Send one letter stamp to lladway&Co. No. 32 Warren St Cor. Church Si * New York. Information worth thousands will bo < scut you. oct 5-ly ?