The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, September 05, 1872, Image 3

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L jUAL J>'i iiTWb.] CHTJIJCH DIHECTOHY. M ?'i!: ? I * > i I'i.tuvls, Di'KaVi sIivH?Tjpv. A.~X I'nito.-?S&lrie-ii.ti II A. '^.jfcin'l * ? i*. ' M. .?.i Sun.lav: Wiine-'*l#;. at !j I I1 II . ) V vl f y J R- J L * I'i'-'Ni.i lcr!:!:i CIi.i: p!i. I'/kall. ?ti*t?ol?Low N. j Jl. i *: W at 1 ! .1. M. JIM A 1.1 1'. I \i. ...; Sua 'a IVaAL-H-iiijr ??Si tWiLic-wliiY I 71 !'. * * Ml'l V.iI-.;!. llr-.V. I?. F. 1?. I'r.KUV.? I' Siili !:?j. :tl ii o'clock A. M. ami "? 1'. .\|. I \\ ' inlay. a. I'. M. I' u.i! ! JJiaiffl str^ 't?l!?v. A. K. i>arli;i.:t. t'.. :l... -St'i vivca at?11 A. M. ami 7.1 Si. i.n iii .^ 't'liihl siml t'oui'tli Fnml.iv.-' of . :w'? ii: !' aj i-r Ali'.-fliijt TliutsfiAV afV- P. j<. - >- V j i-JL ? w .Meci in?s. WATtillKK DI VISION* N*<>. P. S. OF T.?Al- | t 'it i tiio rt'jiul. ?' lueeiisi^ of your L'iVimoii :n i Tempo ranee ! 1 :tll ...:i Matttlay 0YOili:M S n'- | cl.i-k. li y of H\ 1'. D. <\ KIKKI.KY, K. S. O: k A#;ksts i?: <*u vsii.ksto.w?Titpailverlisinjr >\s;?Micv of V. tli.or. i'vat:.-' & Cogswell, rcprescnt l l<y Ito-wi'it'f, Logan. Iv-.q. is the only nutliorjzoil 1'i.r fids j'liiu'r, ill t'liiiiUsiou. yjloxsrs. GfSIFfIX C iIOKI-\MA.V. JJjtwgl A ?*AP?R AT>v::".TISIN.I AOKXTS. A'o. 1 Sn.iUl /Ur.el. jgj IULtiXokk, Mi>.. arc duly authorized to contract 3 K'Z advert i.iujiunts ;.t our lou-ext rule*. Advertisers HI is that city at- rci|tu?tc'l lo Knvc their favors w ittt H this'totifc. 'i'iii.-t f.rt.t l.n.i exceptional facilities for M J.lar 1 tut idvc: l:sciijfnt8 ciuaplv. uud V.'O tal:0 J '.tn# H teviri: : all wl. )(\-iro tv s.'Ucrtise ltt (if.tW of town ri!i|icrs. c> |>ecl ally those having real eiSut# \ to se'l-to rlic-c yen tic in. n. >1 KKTIXii OK Till-; MKMCAL A.?SOO'IA r'ON - A CI K A N li .1 !< L 0 F 1! Ji .v LT !i .?At a mcctlr.g oPtlio Afcdlcil A.-seriation hold last week. the following wa>;tL'l?M-iiiiiiO?l u|>r>n asa satisfactory refatalatioii <if'the report that the t-wn t f Cuu.tjcii is very unhealthy : Inasmuch a.- statements have iiKuivscrfcntlyhcti-u jjiade relative to the health of Camden ami it* vicinity, calculated to injure its . f jfS business, we. the 5't'jru :u nui iiii.i uinjorsiiruod, practising physicians in tl.c li?\vn anil nei^lii?:)vl???oiI. do certify ..thu^ttap season so far h is been an uitusuwh/ lim/tlii/ one. and the two cases of sudden d -atli which, wo presume, gave fine to the report, lie re exceptional in their char Jeter and not fo i,v attributed to local causes. A. Mookk, M. I). I, ii. Ukas, M. I), l 8. iiaruch, i)I. ]). li ('. 1/UflllES, M. P. M. lfcYKlX, M. 1). * j?. L. PUSAI/ssi.KK: M. P. The uufor uuaft? paragraph vhiib-' ?p-pea red in this paper, and lias led to.such un. fortunate results, was inserted during the i absence of the editor, who ^vys .surprised to learn that Camden was so unhealthy. in the first i-sue after the Kfiitors return, the error was ei,nuJetr<I. awl the request liaa/c that all pap/'rs vh:eh flail e'jn'rrf the first, mailt/ a/sa raja/ the last. JIV rejiraf the request at this time. Tjik ('jhkchks (in Sunday.?The dci .i..c..i |.isj. Sabbath, brought j J.UIillUI nv.uiM ?... on manv chuivh goers. and eoiisecjocntly. tho" services' wore well attended. In the ?.eu'n.r, the lh v. J. ]\ IVi'ass preached to :t largo ettngrejf.ition in the Methodist KpiscOjial (w. ) Church. Camden has always been noted for the I manner in which the sanctify 6f tJhaS'lbbatfc j lias been preserved, though occasionally it is I l? ssjltle t?i meet with a confirmed violator of'! the day. and many make use of it as one of t>tal ami aVo'u c rest from all kindof^ork. Tin: Tkhm oi* Court.?It is exceedingly doubtful if we have any session of Court on the Kith. Judge Mellon, the nominee ou the Moses ticket for Atk'rney_.UeacnJ, is now actively engaged in stumping certain parts oftheStato ; and besides, his term of ???*live has expired, and though re-clcetcd, lie has lii?t cpialllicd. If he were to/jualify.nud hold all the Courts in his circuit, he would liave no time left fur attending to his election. The general opinion seems to b.n that lie will not. under the circumstance?, (ju:il:? fy. though it is thought that until his sue- > cossor qualifies, he remains a Judge. This would allow him to wait until after the diction, anil then, if nut succssf'ul, he would . still he a Judgc. ]>R.\WIX<J TIIK J t'HORS.?Oil MoudilV, Shelton 13. Hall. Ksq., Jury Commissioner, agisted hy the j ro.c.- editors, {.ro.ceded to draw the Jurors for the October torui of Court. The following wore drawn : John Outlaw. Nelson Newman Joseph M-;13rid'\ John McCarthy. Allen Peas. Stephen West, M. (J. lluekabce, Wi!Ua\i K. O'Stcuii, W. A. Ancnun'.'John (iralwm, A. M. llyams. John Munn. J. J. Hall. W. J. liall. W. J. Jcfl'-rs, lleiijamin Ilatcliff. Saui. Wright. Seipio Timbers. William Micklc. l inlu aiui J ones. .Juan. Shayar$,- Sul?>i)iivi - .? . v. .1 ill rrt. .1 L lt_?U.v Jj M'U'ic. )'li!l!}> nuMOdgw. * ri*itnnn?s ?^rnorcr Janes Klliott. John Hurt, James A. Young, Jvii Parkins, Nod Alungo. Ambrose Fletcher. A. J. Friotag. John iluv, ]>on. Brooks, Ambrose Mills, V. S. Jordan, Hazard Kersli iw, Bristol* Perkins. Dklkihtkul Wkatakr?On Friday evening last, the weather took a most charming change for the hotter. The sun set nft:r a beautifully clear sky,andthe minute his beapis were withdrawn, it couid be felt that a grout change had taken place. l*p to this time, the thermometer has ranged from 13 to 15? lower than it did a week ago. From our exchanges, wo notice that severe hail-storms have visited several of the northern counties of the State which would account in a great measure, for the change. The tvors i f the ho it is ccr.ainly -over. > Mr. H ko. Ai.; !:>.*.?It gives us pleasure to announce thnt this gentleman has returned from the North .with an iuiaicnso stock of new goods. He will appear before our readers in our advertising columns next week, mm i inm mn m> n ,' * ? -u- jr. ? ? The C-oierpiisiitg firm -!* Oloinl & Zo?i;p. determined not be behir d hand, intend to is nft*' in process oC.f.ipstni'-ti ?n. in the hnildingowmaixftd ooeapieti-dii p.^rt. as a drug store, by M* 7\ understand that it vttlia iu+^htioit gwtlenicn to make?!u^> Urotf, cte.V;^4ieei<ltv. and wc have po.iloi^bt their ^Hl tie erowncii v. ith aueeow^ v BaI'M Bndll.i.ns ?"Wo iJPftu tlio Attention of ohr readers to tfffc aft raetive advwtice incut of this o'hLaj&l p .pafar iSi?i2ifeUl^pp jars in this ^^^Wilh for the-opening tif $hc wanting"any thing.should goand eiuiuiro for it.15r^hey wSl have it?own if it is money, winch hey are prepared to soil cotton market, jirlre,.^; . r&tgtf-m SwKMiVa AM>.a??i<iNKi?:?-?iiiiiijj ,j>n Monday last, IJIo/StkrilJ 'Uw I'oKa]11 House iu CaiiidtiiiTfgr tlTtf"in all "lurii. ofc dollars. Tlioro?'we#o'^nni?ttriH5!P 4tv t ho anir-unt of nUitr. ci^tTt t-hrihsm tfclfoftfeSs 111 it. howctcrj * _ : 1'_"*'* -~.l .vlso. a traoTof^-UnW A>nfcniKru? about 12000 acres, (lie property. i>f .ToiiatMifNew. man. for huiidrcil?4?UflB^&y dollars, to the adapfi'is'hal-if,^^wtwiiV estate, an nrrnn^oflidut luiv ing. J* w^ftectpl whiclrgarc him a little aioi^-ti^ic itpffhifch (o nay the judgmerfix on NewmAliN^f&perty. The Coroner sold ;i tract of fiyud^dvertised as the property of the Sheriff^ boilj^ht by liiinaffhc laie tax sate, "The sale was forbidden, but went on, tho and property was knocked, dc.wi Also, a small lot of liniibevwhieli the County laid claim to, to Ay*. I*: DejWss, Kwj., who has taken it into .his ^oss^loSjfc*-" t . tt- _ OLD John Kotukpon wsum&rwi sue by onr cxcHflH^s; .that Old #^hir Robinson, the uiojjnrchtul\ shgwmeD.proj^acs visiting this State flaring Oetobcfr, wfth his groat X^tioufll jSTuseiViu, CnravfcifcHftppodromc and Itkcruatioual Zoological G <rden Combination, an exhibition as novel, colassal. btjfiBerftJpv vivacious as uiouev and experience can make it. Camden is isct cfritfn among thc'?tfieWit:cs jnlveitiscd to befhisUeu by tiiUinminiOlh exhibition. ' ' * - ; i. /.I! .? ,, . ' : , - 11 ?l id i ' -A. Cattekpillar.?Mr. II. Jljjuui.,reports, the regnlar cattcrpilkir in his cotton. As yet. it has done no harui,bu; itTs feare'd thitl. if not checked, the entire crop will be'great-; Ijr damaged. _'vj : " Mr. V. S. Jordan also reports that tlw eatterpillars have gosic for him," but we hope that the lateness of the season will prove a furuibjoble barrier V>iheir further ' / . . ' t *i ; -4 I progress. * - J * - ? * * Since writing the ab >ve, v.u have aseortained that the cattcrpillars have become general on the Western side of the Waterec. Rkckiptfor Making WixJvrjI>ji,>s th. grape?, next day Vratin them in ilirqjiniHcs' sol; to every gallon of juice stir iu a half pound of good white sugar. which has boon previously dissolved in the juice; sot it in a place where it will bo undistuibed; every day skim off any impurities thaUmuy xfisc to) the snrfticc; keop it well covered,'first"with a cl th, then with a board. In about five or six weeks, carefully pour it off iu a close vessel, adding sugar, according to the quality of wine you wish to make. ? '7 ; 7 ?.;> ; i Jkalousy.?Since an inadvertent and altogether mistaken paragraph in the Journal some time since., ,anuoun.ed ih^t t-amden was very unhealthy, the people of our neighboring town, Smutor, havo been using their utmost endeavors to draw away our trade, by cirenfating this report aiul frightening traders with the belief that to visit our town was almost certain death. -,!r J>i.? Every tiling, they say. is fair in love find war; but as \yc are in a profound state of pencc^yrc onnnotjiwp the Justk'c-JtftlJe^uuitcr merchants in endeavoring to draw away our trade. ]>nt when we rcmind'ohV readers that the "green-eyed uionsler'^has taken pors?e??ion of thonSuoiter men, and co rner; chants liave gained the reputation {"or lair dealing and good buyers, than whoui hone arc better entitled, we think wb have spitted 'lulr nialigifths. ' Jttst- after' tlib war, when in their wisdom in the management of t he S C. Itailroad had our track taken up for 13 miles, Sumter took a good portion .of our legitimate trade from us, hut n'w, wc are getting the upper hand, it is nedeh ary to get up some damaging story before they can hope to copo ith us. l)KK!t liCNTlNG.?Monday last, being tin first available day, under the new gauio law for indulging in this fascinating aport, \v( hoard of several different parties, who tool advantage thereof. A party of fifteen or twenty from Cam den tried their luck in the vicinity of Mr Ario Nilos* plantation; a four milos ahoy this place, but with indifferent sucqcss?ow i > 4 ^ r . v ^ /*. fine doe being the result of the day's hhnt the same being killed by Capt. .7. M. Can tey, our popular City Marshul. The saui 1 party were out again yesterday, but up t the tiuic of going to press, we had not henn with what success they had met. Cotton Moving Kapjdi.y.?A glane down Main-street, will at onee satisfy an that the teniae stringency cfjthfc;iM noy market will soon give way to ease, a . Cotton is coming in very rapidly, au'd'sell | like hot e:?ke.s." The polite and gcntlninaiily agent of the S. (J. Kailroad ill formed - week?ago, - that- over ninety balWBf 'Iffif '11^'iV H-njJ \|aft j^nrvf ihftrtl already, while the in-coming Jreiehts denoted ^hnt. onr merchants expected to do a very heavy business this tall. We can Qnly add tjiat we hope their expectations will b? realized. The Wilmincston Star'.?We ncghVcted to notice iitfoWv ki&t Mhoh-.thtt this excellent Xorth Caroling paper lia,s ,eomc to ns uj;* entiye>.ucv droa^.and greatly enlarged and I ith^iorcd. '' TKc''fi/ar lias ever been ou* m<*>t welcome cxehnhgi;.^ and K 'gived nH ^ftftsnre'lb^e thik'trcV "fc'vidctico yf its |PK&P??''!}'- r J1 Jr. C. .W. IIaukis has titkeri obargeof tlio editorial department.' Evefy lissuo ui' the gives evidouce of hie go 'nins and capacity. 1 ( Magazines.?The Kuril Carolinhfn., fot Saptcmjior iy at baud and is an unusually interesting and able number. The publishe'rsj Messrs Walker, Evans & Cogswell deserve tlie patronage of. our planting friends and the two dollar's invested in tlie Cavoliniau will amply repay. Tlie Southern Cultivator for this mentlw is upon our table. Mr. Win. 1j. Jones, now' snjd proprietor has rosiguo.l a profess irakip in the jUeorgiu College'to! devote more tiuic j -to tho Cultivator.. Its cmtonU bespeak what dt is <j[|acd. to jjecqme, I Tn K AMFJUOAN Fa RMfcrt's ADYOCATp.?y (ti^votQdito.tiia-iuterestit represented irt fhte' NitfKm.lTlA'gricnltufal Congress. is ono ofihi^ largest, and by far the cheapest agricultural pape^iiu^i^^i^l^ and sficmHli feev&B the SuHidtfthVyory farmer. :Ucfchon!d be?eo?em- j borrdlkat the! publishers offer 'it1 free vriib hny S2 00 or higher' priced paper in die country, and at only 5(0 ecpts advance with per year; in clubs of four or mojrc,* 50. cents Cucliu,..AlldrossAdvocate Publishing G?m*<i pany.-'Jackson, Tenn. . ' Ai-'i i. ' ' J '\ The American Farmer for Septet-' RER.'^Whife y^ry ropleito w!ith'matipr perUudug tp.thoF all crops, manures, nogleetfc liene of the othdr; branches ib which it if devoted, every, department bciug well fill?!.1 To-wheui-^roTrors especially thi^^o. vvilV hb' VG^/is^ful; awl we rcooimueud such of bur reutlofHias nvonet subscribers to the Farrilcv ttf seiid f<)V a ,vpccinicn', 9^p.y1vhich will be furnished free, ( 'This practical and solid journal is published fcySuud. Sands & .Son, Baltimore. Md.," at #t.80m year, or flvd copies, S5. i -it j /. v " Camden Cotton Market. ; UAMDEN, i5. U.'SepL't, 1S7Z. ' The market jov the pafjj \j cck- hns ruled -wi$?vcry little change-on previous -quotations, the prevalence of "rust and catterpillur; httv'mg a tendency to keep np price*" ' Sales of new uotton up to dnte, 90 bales, the pfiep to day being 18^ to IDijcents f*r huddling. Shipments to 166 vales. V''' J.7 W. DeP^SS, , :JUSTI E. i : I t ' ' 1 J > il- M< > ' > ' " i"Lt Claims put in my hands for collection, J\ will receive prompt attention, it (Otiiev Upstnirs ift ^VorJuJian Duildiqg.)-/ :;nugiop-i .****''. iTpilH uii'Ttfraigneil ^Vifntolicivtbat on'o niontli 'I L aftiu-datej^'^n.^ply'^.o)^ F. SuthcrlauH^Wj^Ajof Pr0 hn l e,fOr 1 eU?3j| dismissory as-Cxfetttor of the os takM^i?Vn>'Motlfy, dc-cd.v^ ' jT\y a-- I C&\ i J mid ejhjfr M^Hcines.,.. Our-cluck of MediI cinesis very lai^c uiid compjctoj. ofwhirittve ! $^)>^qw)Ajrt/to !,h4tl in ftiiy'ftirfi1"^, n'lHl wilrat ^u)^ a small profit f*'OIl CXffff. ( W: JK P"OnflSQN & DINL4.1V J 'PATENT Medicines OF ALL KISrDS'cousfanny on Land,. V ! ,? ' "'TU- k ' - ii. A-D* _ , .::n.::;-r ? J? Sparkliag Soda-Water^ ( 'OLD nml FROSTY. r ' n'&D' Estate of John Shedd, dec'd. The uif dp-signed will applying Lhc Judfo of l'robutc'of Korslimv County, lor Leltrri* Di?Miri$pory ns. Administrator of tbo eBtrvto of .John j Shedd, d?r'd. ona month nffr the (Into of tliUt notice. J.,C..llK.YJ LL.. -Vlii?'r. j - jw-'P--}ni*:. ,rj . " ? A plain' potii P^V'C^f^r. jritii slightly.or j neuieuted Uonu;rs.,,?ni! .was iuuiiu ui a j point opposite ike- l-esiJune* of Oapt. Joel A. , Sclirnck, on Monday morning about 10 pYlocK. The owner i? requested to give a small reward 1 to the finder; Jack L'arttiy. Apply at the , 30VK.NAL OJft'lCK. . A"K-rJr# ^ >. ' v' - >*; Tip PLilTTEm ^ . .. .1 '*" u 5 - :' ' ' TUB undersigned hereby gives notice that he 2 is now prepared to GIN" and 1\VCK COTTON, at tire DeKalb Mills*. Having two first-rate Gins ? in operation, order* will be filled wMiont-delay. } He solicits the patronago of his,friends and the public gonornlly, ' , t W. I'. MORRILL. 0 .,|Aug. 2fl.'?2m. 1 Office Assistant Assessor, ; - SUMTER, S. (Y Aug. 28, 1872. Having been appointed Assistant Assessor for the counties of Sumter, Kerslnw and Lancaster, e all persons about to engage in the sale of Liquors or Tobacco, will luake application to mo y Ht Sumter, or Mr. J. F. Sutherland, at Camden. >- T>c U. S. Revenue laws will be rigidly enforced.lijf Dhl'dioti u ill-b: cartful how thty aci. 1S J. II. FERITJJB, Is Aug. 20.-r-8t. Ass't. Assessor. ! HODGSON &. DUNLAP. I ovotLtq.-tin-'ii^ eli'gunt T ! 1..L ViirfWfnmjr. rnrffveTt. M. Kenncj <1.v'm. Invite ttie altotilion of their friends und'the public generally, to their-Full and Complete stock of I K MS II : DRUGS& MEDICINES I fflfffilflj WINDOW - GLASS. French anti English PERFUMERY, Haic Sc. ToothBrushes j rjVJUETHKK. with a (icautllui Assortment 01 Toilet.i ^djfanc^,Article i OUR STOCKcmbraces everything usually kept in our line, and arc offered on us RPJASOXADLE TERMS :>s art ids of similar quality can be found in ANY CITY IN THE STATE. Kerosene Lai?ij).s ?& Oil. TX7E HAVE constantly on hand a Large QunnYf tity of:lio Rest Kcrosinc Oil. also a large assortment of Kerosino Ramps and Lamp-ehini liics of all sizes. r TON^ORIAI,. f|_J AVfifG Repaired and vo-filtcd our shop, wo J 1 are now prepared to do any work in our Gin?. Our shop is in the Market Duilding, on Main Street. , , Shaving, Shampooing, Hair-cutting lie., done \ in the LatcstStyles, Geo. McLAIN & Co. , iiug'22tf. , KEIiSIfAW?IN THE ritOBATE COURT. Estate of J. J. Workman. 4 ' WHEREAS W. II R.Workman lias madesuitto \ me for letters ion (.n all and singular | the goods and chatties rights and credits which f were of the said J. J. Workman deceased. Now ] \^rru t-ud tiMimfcnlArlnif kindred and creditonrOr Tile laid deceased to be and appear before me at the tourt of probate to be held on the 5th day of J Sept'r next, to show cnuse, if any there be, why j said administration should not be granted. . nng 22nd 2t. J. P. UTIIERLAND, J. P. 1 ? J NEW GOODS! j J ! i \ ' J\. few doors north of the Market,, will be , round n stock, consisting of MOl W'HSM"' i l Hardware, Nails, Iron, Steel. Spades, Shovels, , Garden Hoes, Brady &. Klwell Hoes, 1'low Moulds, &c., &c. ke. \ GROCERIES. 1 C,??hcYQS?iKg>? : and Java Coffiecs, Ureen and Hyson , Teas, Smoked and unsmoked Side and Shoulder Ba Lard . . i : " Lime, Fine Supor-and Extra 1 Cruckersand Cheese, New Orlenns Sugar House jters, J&i$j Robe, Goodrich, Fink Eye and Jai^j. HonB^rteTl4^tij?gFolaloos. ut " , i . * ?/' (' ?Ulit c ^ ^ flhmmnMifl*. HAJ21AI| HwIIM: 'UrDCitirptiBSwaim., MUM, Drums, * I?11 y Slidffs, Ham89 &c.f All 9f wliicl at thelt^vfesf fcfrjccftv c^nt n^iu we request a call from iifl who \viiUto. purchase. A,D.KU5rifEDI^.C0. f*<\? Djiif'NHEDY. jk *"atn c'i! #/ 1 ' i.-nA, .t .v*i ' A M KftJWwty vkil) glyo liis: attention lo |lj? |u:rcJ)u9c oTicpllop^jU wvnt.for, tr it wic of; .HiJ wallHiiano, PiijyatiUro'i> PoatlanilKuwan/irouilJ, B?p?-v.;?\ u-L, ??i " >. '.! .t:.v -iii' J- 'Vj .. : CLOUO & ZEMP. : ^ I fiaJ ;?!< ?<> ?.?< i ' ai h.'U O'j.. >ij *o i'""1 I*.. ' i TF TOU A?fiiL#)Oima'PCmO"ClOD&<10HfS1 < t i F'"' Goto -I -"-"ClAt'l) JrSMP'8. I \ J . *t> I'il* Tii 'If' . "THJltLV H (-11 Selected ami Assorted Stock of 1 Dry (tnd'fancy nitiodnj ami Not ions, OttH at ! I >-.ra?a .'i v.lCtOUDdxKiiMlva. I U J__0 . . i -Am,1 " 1>r:rfj ;-j .< ;. i *t' * ** ifr s ' f .v ??'.? TU)R, Dc^utU'^Vi4i'^H.?tf,jDrc?eClos(|s4 yisitthe , . li8tnbti(i)iniA^t of , ' CLQUii >y. ZKMiV _I - i1. ' . . , , f 1 Y - 1 TFIK Fin8*'f arid Besr, hs wol) jis the pbcaixjHtSpool frirtoh frrfm J 1' Co;itfs add JohuClark jr. ACo's.^willbe found at CTOUD'# ? ??: ?7! :?i and purchase the best Sewing Mnchine 1/ Thread. .Jkir i^t>H Buttons, NbedW, etc.: Bit {rgvAVhips,' Um; breilas,etc.,!otci. o#c. GotoCLOUDi/,F,M'PS - ? -" :-' { . ! - 1 &KEXY in! nil Dries etui he had al Our SfwrpJ j?svwo;'jiye jiUoiit.tQ, veuKiya to a better slte/art'TUcsIiv to dispose of our sarplus Slock. ' j it oilV CLOUD t . J ,? f? - ' - -.* ?1 . FOR- MOSQUITO NiiTS at $1,00, solo " - a 1 CLOUD ft YEMP'8; GEORGE TUPPER, BBOKEB,;- . < , i't in > i J1* ' )' > ' > ? 1 * T1 IJ_t_ 3 m\ Esiaie anil Apt, . i : . ? . * J . ..i > ' !. i'W. ! . 1 , .. OKI'ICE ?VKJl \V. C. IIKJIEII S DUl'U STOUEtj OPPOSITE OOLUMBIA HOTEL, v.: ,w - MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, H. C. *S"f!" ; -,.)0ii...iiY ALEX AN DEB. SPilU NT, * ' JJiO, W. RIMSON, British Vice Consul. ? james swrKT. 9PRUNT & HINSON, i Naval Stone ComVn Merchants, WILMINGTON, "jf. <\ 4 Valuable Hints. A regular habit of body is absolutely cssenUaUa i>h?i?iriHl health ami olaaraa? otiaUJUoi. Nor is this all.! , Beauty of person cannot cocxhist with an unnatural condition of the bonds. ;, A free passage of the refuse matter of the system through these natural waste pipes is or nojcpsarjrto the purity of fhebedy a* the free passage Of the otfalof a city through its newer* is necessary to thehbnlth of its inhabitants. 'Indigestion is the primary cause of most ot the diseases of the discharging orguns, and one of its tbost common results is constipation. This Complaint, besides;being d&ngerons in itaolf, lias many disagreeable concomitants?Btteh as nri iiuplcasant breath, a sallow skin, contaminating blood, hemorrhoids, headache, loss of memory and gencrul debility; Ilofltottcr's fr'toarach BUters rdtftore all these evils by removing thnir inimadiuta enuse in the digestive organs, uuti regulating tlie action U the.irftcvjtinctj ,-The, eonfbjdijUp/i <g properties in this celebrated preparation is one of its chief merits. It is not merely a stimohdit or a tonic, or to antibilioiis ngtnt, or n nervine, or a blood (lofciviirt> or* cathartic but all these curative elements judioiously blended in one powerful restorative. It lfetfdS'activify and vigor to the inert and enervated stomach, relieves the ailuientary canal of its obstructions, and'gives tone to the membrane which lines if; gently stimulates the liver, braces the nerves, and cheers thtfouimnl spirits. No other remedy possesses such a Variety of ofliygieriic virtues. ' It is to these characteristic virtues that it dwesits prestige us a household medicine. Experience has proved that it is as harmless as it is efficacious, mid licncc it is as papular with the weaker sex its witjr ilie.vtroiigcr.^ 3 'flwtfc) fei* s i^loinsiek Bitters arc sold in bottles only, apd the trademark blown in the glass and engraved on the label js thotest of genuineness^ Beware of counterfeits. wf \ J i( jf Special Notices. The Galea' of Aral)! arc not spicier than the ireinh''which the fragrant Sozodont imparts to lltg Breath. Nor is the hofrt Qf the ivory nut ivMtsr thftn the t eeth that ate cleaned daily with lint matchless fluid.' 1 ' "* ' ' Qtener* of Horaes and Cattle.?Tobias' Deriy iC opdilton Powders are warranted superior to mjl others or no pay, for the cure of dvstcmpef, >voiritys,J)dt8, colic, cough, hide bound, eeld/in A itil AA llu .tallffl, Inju t\F mill/ n,, ,1 KIamV 'V^T'^ V vs, vvu^M, IV^H Ui uiiin IIUU UIUVA ongue, horn distemper &c., in cattle. Price 25c [)epot 10, Park Place, New York. ' ' JMdhet'i 8ta)idtitd>fllAconrij Eilradt am neat' y put up in U.hfa:?*xi.hd 2 oz, 5 oz. auJlO or >ottles, and arc, /or sale, by the trade gansrsllr/ / n e$?ry-?iiAolpa? cityb^towj^jn; the U? Slates' hinadies and tk:4 I&Stbdi IOr<Arfncet{ as well as n.any ather foreign countries. Help jot (he jfppcleu.^-toii are weak, dejec ed, miserable, and nothing docs you any good, rou say. Dont despair. There is-balm in Oilind. "MaTcynOj tried Vinegar BUtors? No! rlien Why deal you ? Whether your complaint >c dyspepsia, biliousness,^constitutional debility, tr reHlra iiftrffnoVare your shattered systeaj, an La geniali taitf rtrfrcihea'ijfg'withered fywgrs. j Thurston's Icory Pcarl Tooth_l'ouilor-pl\n best cnown lor derailing aid prcservihg.the teeth ind .gums, dold by uH druggists. Price 25 tui 50 cents poribottle. - P. C: Wells & Co, No* York.-.; ' r'.'i We' have frequently heard mothers- say they ivonld'not do without Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup from ttaobirlh of the child until it has limped with thetaething seige, under any eonsideratiyn whatever. The Sterol of Beauty. What is it? No long, er Ask', for the world of fasnion and afi the ladies khow that it is produced by using a dslightful and harmless preparation known as Q. W. Laird's llloonf Of Youlh. Its Beautifying effects arc truly wonderful. Depol.G Gold st.N. Y. jiuirv j joiiciiu je y.fcimmcHuurcuc ana tonic for all derangement 0 rf the genital and urinary organs The genuine, as formerly so.d by Usviland. Harsel A Mty,<a>^t|cir.fcr?ttrffeAlanoW prcpafed "b'p fT. n?i lUsleyy ifce Originator and proprietor, and the trade supplied by his sue censors, Morgan.& RiBlc}', New York. y Prat?* AiltCl OiTi^-^Safest and best illuminating oil ever made. Does not explode nor fake fire if tjie'lamp ls'uppet orbrokem -Over. 200,000 families continue to it, indnoaceMefts tatte occurred,-of any tfofcri^Mofi, from it, Oil Housft of Ok aides Pratt, established 1770; New York. for tfyaprpsia, indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility in their various forms, also as u preventative against fever and ague na^otUor intermittent fevers, the Ferro-phobphorafcd.clixer of calysia made by Caseirell, Hnj?irdi? Co., N. Yi, and sold by all-druggists, is tlie best tonic, and as a tonic.for patients recovering from fever, and other diseases, it Wis no oqrthl. Tkuyiton't Ivory I'tiifl Tooth rdicilrr'.?The best article kpowp. for cleaning and nreservine the tcclH'ifail gum?. Sold by all druggists, price 25 rinil'SOc'per bottle, F. C. Wells &Co. N. V. Carbolic Stif*/ Recommended by the lending pliysicinns and the President of the. beard of health of New York ns t{ie roost healing compoitnd cvor known. Gives instant relfef to burns fcnd euros all kinds of sores cuts and wounds; and a most invaluable mire for all purposes. Sold ivcrywhere for 2oo. Jbhn'F. Henry sole proprietor 8 College place New York. Chri.i/adoro'n Hair D;/c.?Is the safest nntlbeef. It corrects the bad effects of inferior dy?e, whHe the black or brown tints it produces arj identical to nature, '^'uclory 68 Mol4*n Laoe New York.*' ' / fivajtniti Is Opiqm pinifled of Hs-Vickening and poisouous qualities, discovered by Dr. Bigelow, Professor of Botany, Detroit ^Iedicnl College. A most pm;ieot ?uio(Jy*e and soothing opiate. John F rr, shemfst New York. "NICKERSON HOUSE." OOXumbla B. O. millS Pleasantly located Hotel, unsurpassed ]_ by any House iu the South for comfort, and hcaltlr df locality?!* now open to Travelers and others seeking accommodation. Families can be furnisiieu witu mcc, airy rooms on reasonable terms. '-A cnll is aolicited. Mrs. Wm. A. WRIGHT & SOX. Our ami Carriages found at tho different depots. Terns reasonable, transient or regular boarders. mar 23 tf. RICHMOND BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY. 0:0 Capital. - - $500,000. m PERSONS wishing to insure in a Fivst (Ran* Company at Law rates, will please apply to W. CLYllURN, Agent, july 2;"?th, . Camden So. Ca. I710RM Your club* for the JOURNAL at ooco, ' ttjwo u? afforlng o*ir?orditta?-y isduce?ePt? to cb^s. Read the fiare* ?r??tnt. EXTENSIVE ARRIVALS. . - . i,ii fpHE UNDERHTQNED is tww ?f*I^ S*W*X some sod w?U selected stock of DRY GOODS, i..V I'. ' 1 ' . ' 1 # . gUITABLE TO THE SEASON, . AIM. QENTLEMBN'SFuraiaUsf OmEl '' JUM. Bona SHOES at I6W. .. . Vi . t > aim. ' IJ : : .1. J), Ji'T < .,f . . 1\ - ?- * *f* ": - .?* . ? J1A MILT and Fancy Groceries. ' . ' ' 1 ' 1 * f'li 4tSt CALL AND EXADINE *Y STOCK. ( . :. ? . .*? i iv.' * i: ; j: *t: it ' i-J-iJ-f'iA >. .. J. W. McCUlRY, Aft A?u8.4f. FKKTIL1ZIW till. ; -,,-j I if)'.M . I* ' ' 01 . i : \ ' ' W&zzp&ZX&ZS: hi* date aiwl the Tit0/October aext?la qtuuM tifta to suit purchasers; for cub, or ^fibl? m i"". ; ; . i ' . ' ' ? - ' . ' .((/ ifj/u.j > :-1 .4 1 I i . -1*1- "?' ct JO-i .il-.'J ' > I .... . !#.? ' Ctt* JAlT"3rilQ73. . . jff v.., . : ; .. * * '?? V- . iag, either m a special toancire e?.pr with quantities required ft* 4a^ Irflt bt Ml to .'any address or deliw^frhptfMi Mi* dtr oflke. 0 L DESAUSSURE 4 CO. Comminioti AgeoU, Cittfcn f. C. .' ' % -V f ,? ' .* 4 ' ' '!/ ; i"' : / 1 ? *% f' ALSO* Masons lime, - I ' , . i'? * 1 "4 ' FOR Building, plastering and WritiwAing, and of the very best quality; constantly on han and for sale low, aa abort. june27 tf D L. D. k Ccf -WEISENFELD, STHRN ft 00. 39 W. Lombard St., Baltimore Kd. CoTi9ign'm?fh(s bf Cotton respectfully solicited, fiheml CASH advances made thereon by ' OE?BGE AIJlKI, t . t' . Is a powerful tonio specially adapted fur up? in Summer, when the languid and debilitated system needs strength and vitality, it will give vigor to tUe feeble, strength to the weak nnd animation to the dejected, activity to the siuggiBh, rest to the weary, quiet to the nervous and hoalth to the infirm. It is a Soutli Amorican plant which according to the scientific and medical journals of London and Paris, possesses the most powerful tonio properties known to the Materia Medics, and is well known in its nativecouatry as having wonderful curative qualities, and has beenloog need ' us a specific in all cases of tinjmritiw Of the blood. Derangements of th* Liver and Spleen, Tumors, Drops*?, Poverty of the Blood, Debility, Weakness of the intestines Utorine or Urinary Orgnns.TUl WPTTQ) Pvhut ftf mDIIDni - Ufi. Whim fiiuflw n aunomsA Ih strengthening tad nourishing; like nutrition# food, talceu into ths stomach, it assimilates and diffuses itself through the circulation, fining vigor and health. It regulates the bowels, quiets the nems nets directly uuou ths Secretory Organs, sad b? its powerful 'ionic s id restoring effects, products- ' * ^ healthy sad vigorous action of the tsfcnhW^W, JOHN g. KKLLOO, 18 PlnM B*TS. I. / / ' _ I.