loo-a-xj news.' CHURCH DIRECTORY. "M. ii .5: <'i:u:v!i. !' sJrcut?licv. A. .I Sin!: --. i*:iy: I'fiiycf Wwlifwlajr .11 l i\ M. I'r.-liv!?Mi.iii t'liurcii, 1'cKrtili sjycil?11 ev. S. II. !!.;* * Ma.-;.i. --Sc: vicfa ;.i 11 A. M. j.n.l, i L i'. M. ..ii S ; i :.;y; i'l.jvci* Meeting oil \\\iliics"biy in p. .\i. lit-:. . n.mi. !':it-ni ir. Tlitv. II. F. !>. 1*i:i:i:v.? S:in?i:t , . 1! .'clock A. M. llll'l 3 1'. Al. Weill.". Any. :t! li. I'.M. . I5.i|.ll.-I <'hill-ell, lli'it.iil flivol? A. 1\. 1 'iirii.nii. I'.lslur? S.'i'i ice.* .J ?I 1 A. M. lili'l t i I'. M. >.: i!i.- v.n.inl : fniiiifi Suinlsiys i.l'j i:i>*lll it: r.i':iv-I" .Mcelill-i Tllill S-I.i/ a! ! > r. j M. ' \v.\Ti:i:! :! : nmsiuN no. 'j, s. of t.?au j I-if! :!tf ivtiiiiar iiu-tainf; of ^ottr ?l>ivi>itiu at T. itij. i-.tiict' llal! o:s Monday cvcnu^ at 8 <>'- . < !..-ti. I?v itr?K'r of W. 1\ 1>. C. KniKT.RY,- It. S. 0. \ ;:\ts in <':i\iti.i:sr?.N.?Thoailvortislug av> i > ;' Walker. Kvntts & Cogswell, rejirosviit i i.y !'. s\.oil V. I, -an. Kss. \ ur d?sire to .-co tl.c i^ontlcuiaii who. will p i ve us a larger one. Pring in I he melons ami secure the Journal. I'!it. I'K.vtMits.?Mr. .'I. P. Kelly our jovial young friend presented us yesterday Willi a pock of ripe peaches, gathered from trees uii this farm. As these arc (lie first j we have seen, Pink must conseut to have | hi.; uaiiic mentioned as a public benefactor. 'I'm: Finkst Y*:r.?("'apt .!oel A. Schroek 1 ha l.uwii us a piece of cotton, ah.uit one- j liiili al'an acre in extent, which beats aiij- j tiling in its way that we have yet seen. \ Some of the stalks have from fifty to one him-' divil I'lrni.- uprtn thorn and some of the bolls are full grown and ready to open. "We supp..so that by the first day of August, the eottoii will be ready fur picking. The Captain iia- presented irs with some magnificent specimens of the Trophy tomato, a species ) discovered by Col. Waring of Rhode l.-land j in tin; spring of JS7i> and were sold by liim j a! t lu: high price of five dollars per .package of twenty-five seed. Tlicy arc -elegant; fruit. (' if, !>. W\.\rr An;i.n's Ann'tEss.? i i'mruant to appointment. Col. Aiken ap-'j ]?"areil before ?jn:te a large, intelligent and 1 appreciative audience in the Town Ilall on ^ Tuesday evening, and addressed them tipon i tin* .-abject of agriculture. 1 f?? said the mid He h dt of S .nth C'aroli- j na war tlie l'aradise of ihe world : that nature had strewu her gifts up.ei us with lav-1 ish hand : that we all were complaining and j restless and considered ourselves extremely ; ]i .or. The principal caip-e of (his condition <1 things was our ignorance* We arc. a'.pc-; euliar people in this particular. Were we I t . go about redeeming our prosperity in an ! intelligent and educated manner! this rest- i lessncss woi.hi pass away and we. would be j happy. We were accustomed to think that we knew everything and a ' book-fanner", was a fraud, hut ouch is not the case. The ( nly way to prosper is to study the science of agriculture, as a lawyer his law hooks or a physi.-iati his medical Works, uud wo-oould. not c|.cet to do much until we made it - * j ! :i sts>?!\*. Take agricultural magazines aiiu : papers. read and reflect upon their contents J and while not: accepting everything they i contained, cx]>crinicnfc upon upon them and carry out their surest ions. \Wplant the two most exhaustive crops to land in the world, cotton and Corn, which arc also the most expensive that arc produced. We toil the entire year for those products and at the end j are not one cent richer loan when wc begun, j 'i lln:" we arc wearing nut lr.th our land and I ourselves. Cotton is king and we arc its ahslaves. The proper way, then, is to sind>' agriculture, sec which crops produce most money with least expenditure, raise cattle and sheep and utilize lands. There is is a society known as the .Cat rot is of Husbandry, each local society of which constitutes a (?range. They are for purposes of mutual benefit aifd prntc-tion. Ladies and !! .. |. If'i j|f.i 1,'lie moluht.TS. Ho desires ;i :r who had iulrodttrod;the Speak ?t. iuv*iCc?l ;sl 1 present who desired to unite i.i forming 41 (Jimiiljo ly emne forward ami give in (heir names. Ahorit thirty of the most intelligent Jar niers. iu. the eouulry at i nco signed ami the movement. is likely to isioct with great favor. JI.wk iVktmk ienw.av's Amve arc giau to sac me colored citizens taking up the matter so warmly. as they show an anxiety to bring to justice those who are drawing uown reflections upon their race. We wish them every snore.-*. > ' Imiutovkment.s.?Messrs. J. ^ T. 1. .Tones have just had the front of their handsome establishment painted in a manner which emulates their neighbors. It always pleases us to notice these indications of thrift and prosperity, on the part of onr merchants.' Aocidext.?While; Mr. Alfred Hhoorn's; little hoy. aged-'abont 12 years, was driving a small wagon out of town ' one day last weeV. lie fell out,oi',a basket in which he was sitting. wan runovor-by the wagon, in which were at that time two ladies, 12 buslrofs of-born and other articles. Both wheels t ' ' ? i-'ij - >* r j ?? passed ever his body, . .breaking . thr.cq, ril}?ri, near his back, aud splitting anothor in front, lie was: taken home- and under the care of Dr. lhirut-h will soon'be out again. I , ? "" - ! A j\u'kr kor tiik Masses.?Tho Pittsburg, Jja., Real Estate Register comes to us this week enlarged to a beautiful sixteen j page; ^ikty-fuur column, illustrated lycckly. j with the name changed to the American j Land and Law AdvUor. The original fen- I turoH inko the did paper- by its publishers , on used ft to be sought after by persons in all parts ofj the United States, and.thus encouraged by public patronage, the publishers determine to give to the people a paper every way wofthy of the name they have chosen for their new weekly. The American Land and Law Advisor is a "Weekly Journal of Heal Rotate: Finance, Uuilding and Fopitlamathjn of Law." The issue before ns absolutely a necessity to every landed pro-' ' prietor ?>r real estate owner in the country, as well :ts to every citizen of the United States tfiat wishes to keep posted on that! indestructible element of value?real estate, i : The law* department of this excellent Jour- J J nal is edited by the ablest law counsellors in , j the country, and answer, free of rlvuyr} all ! I ?|uC(#ious of law submitted to the paper with | a clearness and accuracy that makes them 1 ' undersized by men of the most ordinary | intelligence. This feature alone should ! cause it to b.2 taken by every farmer and ! l.m.l . .Ii-Lnf in # Ti r? runuf i-l' TllO ill US 11*11 | luuu it?v . | lions. oti fllC.ilr-st page of original designs for cott.igcjr.nd suburban residence's, gotten up i ex press jy for this journal, is also'iu feature | that ctiaiiucnds itself to those about to build, j Address Croft k Phillips, publisher*, Pilisj burg, Pa. 1 (f'Jiiinmnieatcd.*) ] Proceedings of.School Meeting. li'ict \o. 5. * ? The following has hecn handed us with i (I... ii...t .M.i.n.k *i in C'iIIiii wJlifll ?;" * ? - I wo ?i4i with pleasure. The first rclalesto a meet i in?^ held June 2tRh, 1872 iandjhe latter to an | adjourned meeting held July l.'lth. At an niiiiiml tiicctiii!*' of School District ! N'n. ."). Dr. S. I?. Lucas was called to the chair, and S. !?. Hall. Ksij.. was appointed clerk. The elrairniau aro-e and explained the nl.? jeet of the iiicetinir. On motion of John II. Shaw this i;i'-c(:u^ . ; f - I m-H-WTI'f --JJ .V. JaojiM, j adjourned without .deciding the tjucslion of | tax or no tax, until jthii e shall he a lull lnocting, and that this nreting adjourn to meet at Mrs. Martha Berr/'son Saturday, the lilt It (Jay of July next, at 11 o'clock A. M. Ou motiun of John It. Shaw, it was resolved: That the clminnnn appoint a onnnnilfA of live to prepare bu uncss for the next meetJug. 'i he chairman appointed Messrs John It. Shaw, S. B. Hall. I). M. Bethune, John Braiinon nndB. J. Itatcliff. On motion of John It. Shaw, it was Resolved, That the editor of the Journal be request-" ed to publish the proceedings of this meeting in the Cttmdoli Journal.' 9 On motion of John It. Shaw Ksrj. th meeting then adjourned to fhcctf.t (he time and place above mcntione 1 j It. S. LTJOAS Chairman. S. B.IHALTi". Clerk. The legal voters of scho >1 district No. 5, met at 51 rs- Martlia BerryV, according to adjournment. The'chairman, Br. if. ft. Lucas, being absent on account of indisposition, 5Ir. J. J. Joscy was chosen chairman. The chairman stated that not having been present at the last meeting, lie could u -t make any .statement regarding the objects of' the mooting, whereupon the minutes of the last meeting ' were read. Mr. 51. I). Bithune moved that before the committee appointed at the last meeting report, that the school trustees make a report of their actions and doings. 5Ir. 5 V. .T If all then inquired what kind of a report ho was ; expected to make, and stated that lie could 1 not say what were the duties of' a school trus-1 ice. J. B.'Shatf Esq. then arose and'Stated j what were the duties of school trustees. 51 r. ITall.then stated that he had no report to make, as lie had done nothing but approve teacher's pay certificates (o the amount of one hundred and forty-five dollars. The eOmmittc then offered the following report: Although it :s the duty of all good oitixens to willingly submit to taxation, to uny^reasonahle ext.mt, for the support of' that most noble of cau-e^, education, which alone can dispel that ignorance which prevails to so alarming an extent in this State, and which under the. control of designing demagogues and corrupt politicians, is calculated to ruin any government, aud especially one professing to be free; and although .we believe the people pay tl.e'r taxes as willingly, and sup- | port schools as liberally, according to their means, as any other portion of the county, of equal extent outside the corporate limits of the town of Camden; yet it bchoovs us to examine into the workings of the free, school systemjin this district in .the past, and see if it has been such as to justify us in levying any more tax for its support, and risk the consequences. What are are the facts'! At the session of the Legislature before the last,:* large amount of money was appropria ted for the support and maiut iinance of the | free-schools in the fcjtate. Can any one show | that this school district ever received its just proportion of this appropriation ? We will not go into an exhibit of that appropriation; it would occupy too much of our time to do so; we will lake the operations ofthc last fiscal school year. A year ago w'c assessed onehalf a mill on the dollar,s woitli of property, to.he applied in this district to educational, purposes. We have about one hundred and twenty-two polls. At the last session of the Legislature, $3011.000 were appropriated.? Now from these several.source's there should huvc been about $4S3 for the support of j schools in this district. With the iloaliug school claims unpaid, how much has been ! V Wn -iii-.-vVpr* fn flic ! -JratU UJ Hl.ll/ itUO'UHK > .v., -w , best ui'aur knowledge, about ?8^; and. (bat j whea t he. last teachers' pay certificate was i preset) tod, tlwrc ,W4S no money in the tress- j ury. The natural inquiry should be, "what has become of the balance Your coin-: luittee have come deliberately to the conelu- j sion that ou account either of ignorance or . corruption, and perhaps of holh, the thing 'has been a failure so far as this district is . concerned, and until the subjects of cduca-< tion and. party politics became dissevered, the present system, as now managed may be considered a perfect humbug; that until no other qualific; tons arc from those who are. to execute the provisions of the law establishing free common schools, than that required by a great statesman, once 1'resident of.these Jiuited States, of persons recouithcuded to him for office, namely: 'is ho capable ? Is lie honest ? Is* he faithfulthe system cannot work well or be profitable. / lu conclusion, we would state that we believe that the present trustees hold their ]> >aitiou or were appointed through p.rty considerations, and not on account of their qualifications for the place. Wc would state that they arc not even qualified, (o record their own proceedings. Are men so deficient in education themselves, such ;.s ; ou tro willing should have the superintendence and direction of the education of your children '! Wo leave it for this meeting to answer Tlieie are many more things we might stuto, but think we have said enough to show that it is inexpedient to assess any tax iu this school district lur mis year. TVo therefore recommend tlic adoption of the following resolution: . Jti'sulccrf, That we. the legal voters and tax-payers in tSeho.al District So. 5, known by the local name of Lysenby, in public meetLing assembled, on the Kith day of Ju.y. 1872, do agree, that until the free school law j bo intelligently, faithfully and honestly adj ministered, that we will not lay any tax on | our property, for the support of free schools in this district. Mr. X. A. Dcthunc moved that the report j be received and thccommitloc discharged. Mr. W. ?T. Hall wisiied to know in what J way the trustees were not qualified for the ! place. i XIr. J. J). Shaw moved that the report be j adopted, which motion was seconded by sev' c'raT gc'ntlchi'dn/ " | Mr. \\r. J. Hail moved that the report be laid on the table. The chair iu!cd that tlie Question of adoption had prafcedeneG and afr.ter ttgo.od deal o?jdisqus; ud, and left , behind her three Heralds, < ne Sun, the ('hri.lian Observer. mil a iVa^iuent of I muslin, all tied together by an "Id black ' shuc.-lrinjj. i i,. # ; eapawMK??MquaKaa-u^wc^tir-Jftoi, B?^BW^C?a .Mi fiSriffl * :*>. 1\I !!u*(;icin- Sir,..I Chii. eh. Churl* slon. S. C. June Id, ]?72, l?y l?iv. ./. L. Girardeau, IJ. !>., F. L y.KMH, of Ctitaden, mid Emily A., dauf.dilei Thomas Hamlin, i>q., of Christ Church Parish. No carjsv wntwumNWMn mn m,mrwrmmmmmmy??fmmrm 1MEU. * July 10. 1.172. n1 her'tcsidrncn in Kershaw county, Mrs. M. L. Stauick, relief of Thomas Starke, deceased; awed 81 years. yrrrm'z^^ ? Miggawwi?y ii ?imammtmtam The Vir.LAdK Oiicnru.?It should not look like ti bar a or a storehouse. Tt should be a building, the very Jftfclit of which would cause devout fecliijgs in the breast. A ii n i ii *'. a i i . weu-carveu cross snouiu jnujit to neaveu; massive paneled dnurs,.s]u.ulJ impress the visitor with the .solemnity of the place into which ho is entering; stained glass should throw a mystic light athwart the aisle ; pulpit a J tar ceiling and galleries should boornaincntcd with figurative mouldings, and the columns that support the galleries, and the balusters that rail them in,should be ofehisHiopattcrns. Any congregation wishing such a " church should scnd^hmrordenrJ'or finishing material to Mr. 1'. R Toale, importer oH'Ycnchstained glass, and manufacturer of .and dealer in Doors. Sashes, lllinds.&e., No.20 ilayuc-Ht.. Charleston, S. C. ~ Wanti:d ! Wanted !?Everybody who has not already subscribed for the' Daily, Tri-Weckly or Weekly Charleston. News, to do so'sit once. Apply to J.. Levin, Agt., Kershaw ifov.se. Jlmst'mmkr MaF.AI/IES.?'J he liOt sola ray that ripens the harvests generates many distressing diseases. If thclivcrhcatallpredisjoSed to irregularities, tins is the season in which bilious attacks may be anticipated. A weak stomach, too. is weakest in the summer months, and the loss of vitality through the pores by excessive perspiration is so great, that a wholesome ionic, combining awn me properties of a diffusive stimulant and gentle exhihirant, in many daMrs" necessary to health, and under nn eircnnistanees should be dispensed with by the sickly and debilitated. Of all the preparations intended thus to refresh, sustain, and fbrtrfy the human frame, there is none that will /compare with llostetter's Celebrated Stomach Kilters. They have been weighed in the balance t)T experience and not found wanting; have been recommended from the first us a great medicinal specific, not as a beverage in spitoof interested opposition from innumerable quarters, stand, after a twenty years trial, at the head of all proprietary medicines intended for the prevention and cure of all ordinary complaints of the stomach, the liver, the bowels, and the nerves Jn the unhealthy districts bordering the great rivers of California, llostetter's Stomach Bitters may be ; classed as the standard one for every species of intermittent or remittent fever. The poo- j pic who inhabit those districts, place the most implicit confidence in the preparation ?a confidence that is increased every year ? by the results of' its operation. As bitters, so-a!e of !"lin.jiicitt land; , oil the litli day of June, 1;*7'.>. Also a lot of lumlier containing one thousand I'eet. more or ie;--:. I.eviod on as the property of.James !'. lloswcil S. K. : 0., at the suit of.I. .1. 11 or*, on jr. J. w. Dal'A.SS, t'nioiii.r Iv t'o. jitly 11 w Trees, Flowers., Bulbs, Seeds. m:ma: rahAxra! Nursery Stock. Fruif i\; FiowerTinles, A?Mios.j ! '. K. l'UrtKKlX. Btoffliitoii Nursery, Illinois. (500 Acres: 21 si year; IJ fJ.-eeiilixiisrs. Api>le, 1,000 1 yr., Stilt:.:! y,\, Hyr., :? !U; Jyr., $">0 I oaltilnjriies, L'O ron!.-. july 11 ml * i % ? Corii,Maejiei < l! ?& Si5j>?r. 1o, ooo llushcls of ('orn. Jioo Hhls awl Kits of Mackrol. tipo }?bls of Swuar. For sale l.y F. W. KFllf'HNEll line 20 If. 27. 2and li'.i Xortli Water St. Eutlei % tellers, A'e. 2g Tubs of 1;!!',(MY. ?5o Uoxck awl ibiiTtrls of ('rael;?'fs. 2oo Casj ; Sc!i;i.tjij>.j awl iit aiiuy I'caches. For sale hy ... F. W. KERCHNER. 77, Mill !i!i Ni.iiIi W'nlcr S( may 30, Li' Wilmington, S*>C. Spirit C'ttKfcKKiiti Molasses *t t?, IOO M'l 111 I V'.'vftJxrt. |5o 1 Ilnls. nii'l bbF Cubft n:i'lSu;*nr ITqiis.'j Molasses* $ J For s.ilf l.y F. w. KT-:n<'iiNEn. jiiiii* -0 If 27. :i;i*i :!'.i \\ :;i r-ii fi i. IF Ion i*9 X*or?f sms$I H&H'Oii, HIF-. i-'i.ori:, ' Soil FMs I''ir!. !*.">?> r-l.k ami llliis . : . ;ii:1 : ilftl'S : !' il.ii'.sit. l'nr s:iv liy V. W. KKlirilNiW. jiiiic H' t:i " ; ::;i 1 '.VI. Wii'i-t < cl. Special IVotices. I'l-iiit Inr.i'i.i .?Have the routine iif lirim o! the priifes.ioit ilone you no goyil ? ire vnit ilis< i>iirn?i'il ami miserable? If so, lest ho j>i-i,j,iM-/i"-* of iho ncwTOgetablc specific, Dr. Walker's t'alifoi nia Virttgar Hitters, already fanons as' i lie linos! corrective. Lnvigornnland. allerative iiial hns even seen I lie flight.. Dyapepi?s rjul per. ?iis billions lr.i)ii( should keep it in reach, if I hey value lieitHh ami case. II lull h'rtf/i Jforsiiiitiii U'ltnl.i.-?A^o^d,. cheap, ..vliahl.i liiiarucut. fcjuch an article is Dr. I'cir-'tinu lliii.se T.ininicnt. l'inl bottles, one lullnr. For lam'oncss cuts, sprains lameness, Is. colic ,tc.. WiiiTiiitioil better tlian 4ny otH* jr. Si?M by the druggi?ts/; Do]?wt ]?>,*rnrkPhioo, Now Vr.rk. Jiiirncifs Cot'o.iini'.?A compound of racoa-nut oil ^R.jfefor Hi" lialr. has established ? world-Wide reputation. Its natural adaptation, ngreeablejiosh mnl frcene.-s from nil .injurious or soiling , properties together witiijls cheapness ami dijra- ' hility with regard to thftsiz.e of the bottles, ron Icr it iine<|i;:i!?,'l hy any other preparation fn' the world. For sale by nil druggists. X'njii >j lhMonth. | Odiferous Suzodonl renlers t!i?*niottlh enchanting, composceofrnrctiintkteplic herbs, it imparls whiteness to the teeth; amis delicious, llower-likc aroinfi to tiic breath and preVcrvesini. ql, 7* i>>iu youth to age,! he teeth I'nt.'i'x Ar.lrcl (hi.?Safest and.brst illuminating oil ever nisde. l)oes not. explode por take tire if the lamp Is upset orbrokcu. Over IKXU/OO families conlinue to uSe it, ami no accidents have occurred, of any description, from it. Oil House r of t/'harlcs Pratt, cMablifihed 1770, Neb Ybfk. t .1 Jlmuli/iil II Wr soft fTuoolli and clear sfcin is produced by using C! \V. Laird's"^'Tfldom of Youth."' It removes tan, freckles, sun burnnnd all ill liefsdiscoloral ions of the skin, leaving the comj.lexiou brilliant and beautiful. Thisprepnration is eutiriyy fl ee from any .-.ubslancc dehri-. mciitiu to health; sold hy all ufiiggists. eJii"!' Iln> f'tinnli/ Xcnkil.?Ti.ankstoMr/J^Yins low's sooLhing syrup, u c have lor years been rcleived from sleeplesiy nights of painful watching wilti poor, suffering, teething children. m ' . . ^ # f ' ?' For fh/.tprpriti, indigestion, depression iff spirihs-,-Mid general debility in j^eir various forms, also as a prcvertlaiivc agnrp.-t fever and ague ami oilier intermittent, fevers, flic Ferro-pltosplioratcd elixcr- of calysir. tnrtdo by ('asewcll, Hazard &C'uM Is. V., aiw^sold by all uriigglattu^ is tlie best tonic, and as a Ipiiic for patients recovering from fever, and other diseases, it has' no equal." ' ' -i, * ' Cm i/inr (J"him llcll Color/lie iVtilr^ according to the original formula of Prcvost, Paris, so long and favorably known to the customers of llaviland, Currall &, ltisley, and the)* branches# for its line, permanent fragrance is now made by II. W. Uisley, j*nl the trade supplied by his successors, Morgaiut Kislev, wliolesnledruggists N. V. Tt'/tirxh/ii ii h'ori/ l'airl Tooth I'viriler.?'flu best article fcnown for cleaning and preserving fl'C teeth and gums. Sold by all druggists.'price J"> and ",0c per bottle, P. C. Wells &Co. N. Y. .C'liil'iiiic Sot re II econune tided by the leading physicians and the President of the Hoard of health of New York its Ihc. most healing compound ever l.rio-.vn. (lives instant relief to "burns and cures nil kinds of sore&ouls'and wound.*: and a ni'.cit invaluable salve for all purposes. Sold everywhere for 2nc. Jiihn P. Henry sole.proprietor K Oollcge place New York. ('hrl-t'iihru x Ihiir />i/t.?Tr the safer! and best. It corrects the had effects of inferior dyes, while I!: > black or brown tints it nri.duces arc idmiti- I eal la lifiluro. Fneiorv tiH Maiden Line Sow York. I.-; i >) i::n purified of its s:ickcnin"and pnisoiinr.s i|iinliiiey, discovered by i>r. Uij-t.dow. I'roi'i ssor (.1' lioluiiy. Diilrui! .Medical <,Jolle;.p'. A iiio.-I peii'ecl iiiuulvru* :nn! southing opinio. .1 Fhrr. chemist N?\V York. 50 ceiiix For Sir* Month* on Trial, h'r.-n/ Mil. ' It .shou'il r.ulxcffl'i' In tin: jIasoxicmoN iron. published monthly. a I ffnbl.-ihoro X. ' |li \'oI'd yliir-l.lv lo the Seienee.0, 1 diilnsnpliV. Symbol km and Jurisprudence of Masonry and new? of special i merest (o I he fraternity iVoiUh, The Moxi mi: has vereived I lie highest enconii:m:' from the imparl inl and ipfMlijioiil ]?r<-> month?everywhere, Male ami k'cin.le, to in!roduccthe genuine improved Maiisii m.lScivini. M'.ruixi:. This machine w ill slitcli, lioin, fell, braid, tuck, bind, cord, rjnilt nr.d rnibrob!rr in a most Mtpecior manmr. I'ricc only $15,' lully liueiwcd and v/arrnnlcih for live yea is. IV e v. Ill pay $ I Oil fur any machine. high priced ov that will sew a stronger, more beautiful or more elastic stitch than ours. It make a llie i.;.astic i ork j?TiTcir. livery second stiicl^caif be cut und still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay apents fi-om $1-iiuinc :i!i I realty cheap machine manufactured. If you Want Candy that is Sweet, and Doily Varden Candy at that, Go to LEVIN & DRILL'S Rroad Street. If you want to save Money- by Purchasing, Go to LEVIN & DRILL'S Eroad Street. l.KtllM Your clubs for the J0U11XAL at once, .1. as we. are oH'cr^g extraordinary inducements to clubs. Koau the advcrfisfiricn!. 'iTIIB'l B?JKOFAVOI2ITE. NATIONAL GIFT FNTERPRISE! FOR ElHWATiOXAL FHi POSES. ESTABLISHED IN 1SU0. i ...t I. !>"_-! lilinii v.-ill lake Ti1.li>:' ill Tiilb lii* in Ik>?. L. i?. CniiijjIii'U's llalL. I Monday H&ix-y ?SO "73. $?0,lf0f". .Wliylc niyiiliiTu!' c.i:;'i jriii Sihjiie iickcls, t'Vl; tix lickffin, S"?. lo ('00 Agents w.-inictt, In v. hum liher.. 1 ili ilnci:x 17 >. !"- ii.il; .n, < ! !<>. ?;.! is I If any Goiitlornan wants a Hat ! that will kcop his IT\'ut as C'ocl as a Cueumfcor, I., l.KVIN k 111!f !.f/S IV..mi! > r.-t'i. Siil.scr li; i'-.r i ;i l.'iii ii li i ?. ll. ' o ?:n*:i f : caiiii>:iij;ii. < ?nly : 1 - I I I ? "EX+ENSIVE ARRIVALS. ' IMIE UNLlfin-ilUXEi) i- now o].onin;f a l.au lI. rtnuo- and well selected stock of / I' ? * "dry goods, ""! t. v... CI U IT ABLE TO THE^KASON, io r J , . y t ? V * " ' f A ? ?3A r jmrnjav I f . ? ? K I * * QHN'fLEMEN'S Fiiriii ;hiug Good.}. ai.no. , . _ I I * BOOOTS. SHOES aM HOSIERY, * . ! ' ' ,/v I ?. ( ,/ ! . A I,SO. '! .. * JIAMILY and * Fancy Groceries. i" if ' ' . ,,r * * r i - * CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK. * . l i r ; l ! v . - ; *' v J. W. McCURRt1, Agt. , . , .... EE]tTlL]ZL\Ci*LIJU?. i . .... ."! ' < :' rt: 1 ... ..... ....'/ i l' . ' " o r : ' )* 1. ' ! .. ?fl .... ...... : ...,/ - J.. ' " A.. WE are now prepared lo lake orfterr for tli'o above? li'liveraMo at any time between d..lT? n>wl il.A 1 ..kftl' /W^ol.nn nntd ill %iiin Uiiii; 41 li *4 me, idiui ? ?tn?uci iiva> ^ ? ? *j?u??f"lilies lo suit purchaser?-; for cash, or n:uable on lie . . 4 ; t ' !' >!'!>"! I ' if .. | j . , % / , . . ... V I 1873. "I { i; !#.; j . ' I ! / i :? "-K (^nicrLACsronluiniirg nil ii^oriiinlion .f ld byitV.iisc, mbilobfufioin;'. pit6or n. : . * Masons Lime, 1/ t. v. > ' s,H"i . [ ij.'i >i I I'' ' ' ' " 8 f I FOR ]?uildinro:ul Street. ^peial Notice*, C'amkkx S.C. :::! may. ]e;._i I T?I"1%INrj my ah-i-nee IVntn tlfe State Mr Marens Tt.liias will act as n.v tllm ui::y -1 t 'n \i:I.I:S I'M I A Fine Selection of Dolly Varden Straw Hats, I'or UikV.i ;ltnl ^