The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, May 16, 1872, Image 4

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? *??1 l . I l I ll i H I HI ers of pilotage may not think proper to deprive the pilot in default of his license in any instance herein authorized. And the commissioners of pilotage now in office shall act as such until the appointment of others, under the provisions of this act, and shall exercise all the powers vested in the commissioners of pilotage under tho provisions of this act. Sec. 28. The members of the respective boards of commissioners herein provided for shall hold their offices for two years, ;uniess sooner removed by the Governor. IV hen a vacancy occurs a new appointment shall be made for the full term. Sec. 29. This act shall not be construed to interfero with rights of any pilot who already holds a limited or full branch license; but all such pilots after the passage of this act shall be subject to all the fines and penalties aud forfeitures, and entitled to all its ;privclcges and immunities. Sec. 30 That all acts or parts of acts in consistent with the provisions of this act, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or iu conflict with the provisions thereof, be and the same arc hereby repealed. Approved February 27,1872. SuritE>rE C oukt, May 7.?A. Dotheridge vs. R. E. Earlo. Opinion by Wright, A. J. This was un action on a promissory note, dated April 5,1801, payable one day aftwr date. The case comes to this court on appeal, because of the unjust, erroneous and unwarranted charge of the presiding J udge, which led the jury to bring in a verdict contrary to the law and cvidcucc. I cannot see any reason why a solemn contract, with a good and sufficient consideration, should be interfered with, because it was made previous to or during the progress of the late .rebellion, unless it was made in reference to "Confederate States notes or their equivalent." It is not claimed or attempted to be shown, that the note in question was so made, therefore it was the duty of the jury, according to the law and evidence in this case, to bring in w verdict ibr the whole amount found to fee due. All persons have rights which all courts of justice will respect. Under our sj'stem of jurisprudence, no State has the right to impair the obligation of contracts, much less has a court a right to assume to and destroy, or partially destroy, solemn obligations made between citizens. To permit persons to get rid of paying onehalf of their just, honest and equitable debts, because there has been a rebellion in the State, is no more nor less than offering a premium for such rebellion. It is urged by respondent that, in order to give this court jurisdiction to review on appeal, a motion for a new trial should have been made to the court below. When an appeal is taken in due time after judgmcut is entered by the court below, and it is found, as in this case, such judgment is contrary to the law, a new trial will be granted. The motion is granted, and a new trial ordered to proceed, according to the rule laid down iu this opinion. Williard, A. J., concurred. Moses, C. J., absent at bearing, but concurred in the opinion. ' _ I How a Western Citv Dodge* its _ Cufmixona.?Tho thriving city of Watertown, Wis., owes $75,000, and judgments and PTPPll^na are. CJfct ngninsf it On tllC debt. The only way they can be collected, however, is by an order of the court served on the City Council, directing a tax to be levied. The Council evades this order by the resignation of a, majority of the Alderv&n, the PnfrftinPA nf*#v?o movolml flw# einrnnl fnr the dissolution of the municipd legislature. If any city business requy*s the action of the Council, the vacanptes are filled at a special election, the <Juorum called long enough to do busino?s, and then resignations again fillod. Sharp tactics are often employed by the United States marshal to get iu a service of his mandamus while a quorum of Aldermen remain in office, but the city thus far succeeded in dodging its creditors. Adulteration of Lard.?A writer in the Canadian Pharmaceutical Jov.rnal says that fio lately obtained a quantity of lard from a respectable pork dealer. It was beautifully white; indeed, he had never seen an article that looked better, llis first trial of it was in preparing oiutmcnt of nitrate of mercury. The color, when the mercurial solution was added, was the reverse of citrine, indeed decidedly saturine, developing in a short time to a full slate color. Surprised at this unprecedented result, the usual pre cautions having been taken as to temperature, &c., the lard was suspected, and on examination was found to contain a largo proportion of lime. Sometime after, being in conversation with a lard Tenderer, a hint was dropped as to the relation of lime to color, when the information was confidentially | imparted that a common practice among lard dealers was to mix from two to five per cent. ! of milk of lime with melted lard. A saponaceous compound is formed, which is not only pearly white, but will allow of the stirring j in, during cooling, of 25 per cent, of wator. So much for appearances. P*ttiyv.vk ok Husbandry.?As ml*rht ^ nuturally have been expected, this new secret society of farmers is making rapid progress in the South. It is felt to meet the want nowhere, perhaps, so urgent as here of union and co-operation among the tillers of tho soil, while offering, at the same time, social advantages which add four-fold to its attractiveness. In Mississippi, a State Orange of this order has been organized under the most favorable auspices, and with that popular leader, Gen. Vaughn, as Master. The first substantial Grange in South Carolina was organized in this city last summer, under the name of Ashley Grange, No. 1, with Dr. A. B. Rose as Master, and Wm. Ufferhardt as Secretary. There are now ten working Granges in the State, and several ethers in the process of organization; and we learn that Col. D. Wyatt Aiken, Worthy Deputy at Large for the Southern States, proposes, during the coining summer and autumn, to canvass tho whole State in the , interest of tho order and of agricultural progress gcucrally.? Charleston Courier. Says the Boston Post: "Notice! Ladies who contemplate poisoning their husbands or children, or shooting alienated lovers, are requested to postpone tlieir purpose until after the Presidential election, as newspaper columns will be so crowded with political subjects until that time, it will be impossiblo for them to pay proper attention to the analysis of tho stomachs or to properly describe the treachery of admirers, before December." - - - 111 ii i rn -i > i i -i -1111111 BREVITIES. A noose paper?a marriage certificate. A tight fit?delirium tremens. "Electrograms" is a western innovation. The ratio of whiskey shops to churches in Portland, Oregon, is ten to one. Memphis claims ten thousand yaller punps. And yet she is not happy. The reason why they beat the drum was because it called the harp a lyre. Why is a muff lake a fool ? Because it: holds a lady's hand without squeezing it. New Jersey has sixteen thousand of acresplanted with cranberries. You may find fashion in town, but you nnnf rriflt nmrft cfilny in flnVOOlintrV. UIVVU 1I1VU AA*\JA \S WVA?VW ? J Two Tndianians fircda salute from an old iron tube, about twelve hours before their funeral. "What's in a dress ?" says a popular writer. Sometimes a great deal and somctimcsa precious little. Covington, Kentucky, hns had some smallpox. Three persons died from fright and one from the disease. , Alexis "Was "briefly "bilt satisfactorily introduced to Chicago wiskqy tho other day, aud never smiled again. What is the difference "between a bee-line and a diseased .potato ? None?as one is a bee holder und the other a speck'd tatur. Sec'st thou a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him. To seek the redress ofgrievances by going to%w is like a sheop running-for shelter to a bramble bushWhen a man has no design but to speak plain truth, he may say a great deal in a very narrow compass. Franklin sa}'s: Of all our infirmities, vanity is the dearost-to us; a man will starve his other vices to keep that alive. A good many trades-people only give fifteen ounces to the pound?it is a bad weigh they have. The man whose hair turned white in a single night is surpassed by the New York girl who lost hers -completely off in one dance. A San Francisco tobacconist, believing in newspapers, gives a copy of the morning or evening coition to every customer spending ten cents for segars or tobacco. ! The premium sweet potato at tho recent Louisiana Stutate Fair weighed 1G pounds, and measured in shortest circumference 24 inhccs. No man was ever yet convinced of any momentous truth without focl ingiu himself the power as well as the desire of commuicating iU Oh! the blessings of a homo where old and young mix kindly?the young unawed, the old unchillcd, in unrosorved communication. 'The most faithful and natural cxecrise of the mind, is conversation. We find the use of it more sweet than of any other action of life. i The Boston Post thinks that Mr. Tennyson, if he comes to America, should visit South Carolina, to see how his "federation of the world" ? getting along. "Which of the Fejce Islands are you from V' asked a visitor of one ofBarnuin's cannibals the other day. "Tipperary, bedad," was the', reply of tho ravenous anthropophaginian. A legislator in Missouri estimates the dog. crop of the United States at 21,000,00(1. Each pup, he says costs $8 a year, making a total of ?168,000,000. Of these. 105,000 go mad annually and bite 10,000 people, furnishing about 50,000 items to the local reporters. "Thomas," said a father to his son, "don't | let the girl make a fool of you. Remember the adage, that<Love is blind." "Oh, talk | about love's being blind," said Tom; "why, I see ten timos as much in that girl as von do." A youthful novice in smoking turned | deadly pale and threw his cigar away* "Oh, [ dear," he said, "there's some'in' in that cigar [ that's makin' me sick." "I know what it is," said his companion, pulling away." "What?" "Tobackcr." They have a way of enlightening the voters in Franco without sending Pub. Docs* through the mails. All tax papers are headed "Occasioned by the war of 1870, declared by Napoleon." One of the latcs sensation stories commences with the casual remark : "Did you ever, gentle reader, have a tustle with a full-grown J3engal tiger ? The Chicago Post says: "We did, and if the king had turned as we betted it would, we'd have come out 835 ahead." The Courier-Journal says : England has the most powerful navy iu tho world, while ours amounts to a little more than Robeson on a corn-stalk raft armed with a half-inch howitzer made of plaster of Paris. That doesn't look like we ought to be "consequen tial." Mary had a little lamb, with hair as fine as silk; the longer Mary lived, the more she found that lamb a bilk. For all the hair was only flax, on that deceitful brute; but Mary hadu't much to say, for hers was only jute. An Atlanta lady recently playfully tied her husband's hands and feet together, and while he was thinking it was a capitl jokcj she picked his pockets, of a certain billetdoux. Since the occurrence, the gentleman's friends avoid hiin, under tho impression that he has small-pox. A mournful event is thus alluded to by a San Francisco paper : "Any person lcaring the whereabouts of a young man named Scott, who attempted to seal a botttlc of ben* zine this morniug, with a lighted candle standing near the bottle, will confer a favor on his sister at the Mission by reporting the same to her, as his clothes will lit her husband, who is badly in need of them." A school teacher spelled out tho word "g-r-a-c-e," and asked a scholar to pronounce, lie gave it up, when the teacher, to refresh his memory, asked him, "what did your lather say this morning, before eating breakfast ? The boy thought a minute, and finally said, "Fa said, D?n these eggs they arc bad l" CAROLIjNTA / LIFE INSURAEE4OHPANY! 'Of MEMPHIS, TENN-. Branch Office Baltimore, Md. f I Assets $1,075)000 i ; i Hob. JEFF-. DAVIS. President. Gen. WADE HAMPTON, Vice Prcs't JOHN D. KENNEDY, febl5Iy State Asont, DRUGS 4 MEDICINES . We have justreccived a fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINlS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDOW - GrL.A.SS, Dye SlnlES and PATENT MEDICINES. Our stock is ver.y largo and complete. We think we can give satisfaction to every person, both as to quality and prices, as our Medicines arc warranted PUREnnd GENUINE-. HODGSON & DUNLAP. I Brushes, A Largo Assortment of fine English and French Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Infants' Brushes; also Nail and Buthing Brushes. Dressing Cotabs of all qualities. HODGSON & DUNLAP, Fancy and Joilet Articles. IN Largo Variety, such as Toilet Sets, Dress ing Cases, (both ladies' and gentlemen's) Toilet Stands, Jewelry Stands, Work Boxes Vases, Leather and Silk Bags and Port Monies. Also, German Colognes, Lulin's and Lowe's Extracts, Lubin's Soap, besidts a largo lot of other Perfumeries and Fancy Soaps. HODUSOX & DUNLAP. Paints and Colors. BEST English White Lead, Cmme, Green and Yellow, Winber's Terra Skinna, Prussian Blue, Patent Dryer, &c., &c. Also, Linseed Oil I and Turpentine. For sale by I HODGSON It DUNLAP. * I Kerosene I*ninptj Oil. JUST arrived; a largo and bdiutiful assortment of Kerosene Lntnps, bom l'nrlor and hand with all the Latest I mproved'B tuners. Wc also keep on hand the Best Know* Oil, as nil the oil wc sell HAS BEEN TESTED.! IIOBGSON rCUNLAP. LAMP^CHIMNIES. THESE Chimnies arc made of the Best Flint Glass, and are not half so liable to break as the common ones. H. & D. Jany4 ly M Garten Seeds and Won Sets, Just Received by UODtSOJ A JOIM.1P. ft AD \V AY' S KE ADY RELIEF a Cures the Worst Pains in from One to Tenty Minutes. Not one hour after reading this advertisement need any one suffer with pain. Railway's* Ready relief is a cure for every pain. It was the first and is the only PAIX REMEDY hat instantly stops the most excrutiating pains, allays inflammations, and cures congestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Rowels, or other glands or organs, by one application. In from one to twenty minutes, no matter how violent or excrutiatingj the pain, tlie Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated 'with disease rnny suffer, J Radway's Ready Relief will afford instant J case. -Inflammation of the Kidney, Inflammation of the Bladder, Inflammation of the Bowels,, Congestion cf the Lungs, Sore Throat, Difficult Breatliing, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Dyptlieria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, 'Cold Chills, Ague Chills. The application of the Ready Relief to the, " part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in n half tumbler of "water will" in a few moments euro Cramp, Spasms, Souri Stomach, Heart-burn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea/ Dysentery, Colio, Wind in the Dowels, and all) internal pains. # Travelers should always have a bottle of Bad-,' way's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in; water will prevent sickness or pr.ins from a; change of water. It is better than FrenchBrandy or Bitters as a stimulant. Fever and Ague Cured FOR FIFTY CENTS. There Is not a remedinl agent in this world; that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Bilous, Scarlet, Typhoid, YclJo/ and | other Fevers, (aided by Radway's Pills) so quiiik as ltadway's Ready Relief, Fifty cents per bottle. Health ! Scanty! Strong and Pure Rich Blood?Iucrease of 1 Flesh and Weights-Clear Skin and Beau- ! tiful Complexion secured to all. , _ ( BIl. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent Has made thb most astonishing cures. So quick, so rapid-are the changes the body undergoes, under the influence of this truly wonderful medicine, that every day an increase of flesh and weight is seen and felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. , Every drop of the Sarsaparillian Resolvent; communicates through the blood, sweat, urine! and other fluids and juices of the system the; vigor of life, for it repairs the waste of the, body with new and sound material. Scrofula,' syphiilis, consumption, glandular disease, ulcers in the 'throat, mouth, tumors, nodes in the glands and other parts of the system, sore eyes, strumoi'ous discharges from the cars, and the worst forms of skin diseases, Eruptions, fever sores,scald head, ring worm, salt r-heum, erysipelas, ache, black spots, worms in the tumors, cancers in the womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, bight sweats, loss of sperm,; and all wastes of the life principle, aeo in the; curative range of this wonder of modern chcm-; istry, and a few days' use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of diseaso: its potent power to cure thcrn. DR. RADWAY'S Perfect Purgative Pills. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen the system. Radway's Pills for the cure of all disorde.s of the stomach, liver, bladder nervous discuses, headache, constipation. costiveness, indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, bilious fever, inflammation of the bowels, piles, Itml ?tl 'tara'ngembnta of Uie internal viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or dcletcrioos drugs. A few doses of Radway's Pills will free the . system frtJm all the above named disorders.? Price 25 cents per box. Sold by all druggists. Read '"False and True." Send one letter stamp to Radway & Co., No 87 -Maiden Lane, New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. oct o-ly aiiS^ J. W*lk?i, Proprietor. R. H. McDonald k Co., DrtttOffcU k Gsu. AgsoU, Sad t nmcUco,Col.,aud 34 Couwcrcs St., N.Y* BULLIONS Bear Testimony to theUf Wonderful Curative Hffecm Vinegar Blttora aro not a vllo Pnncy Drink, Made of Poor Hum; 'Whiskey. , Proof Hplrltn and Refuse Liquors, doctorod, splccd aud slvootened to plcaso tbo ton to, called " Tonics," " Appetisers." " Restorers,' dee., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin,' but are a truo Medicine, tnodo from tho Native Roots and Herbs of California, freo from nil Alcolinlic Stimulants. They aro tho UKKAT HLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFE til VIN<> PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator aud luvlgorator of tho System, carrying oil all poisonous matter and restoring tho blood to a healthy coudltion. No person can tako these Bitters according to directions and remain Ion? unwell, provided their bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tho vital briraas wasted beyond tho point of repair: They uron Gentle Purgative an wcli as u Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent In relieving Congestion or Iudaiuiualiuu of the Liver, aud of all tho Visceral Organs. i' FOR FE.VIALE COMPLAINTS, whether In young or old, married or slugio, at the dawn of womanhood oral tho turn of life, theso Tonic Bitters tiavc 110 equal. T For I niluinuiiitoi-y and Chronic llheUa _[ nintism and Rout, Dyspcpsln or III* J dlgesllon, Dillons, It eminent and j; Iiileriuiltcut Fovcrs, Discuses of tho Itlooil, Liver, Kidneys aud IHadder* those Blltcrs have been most successful. Silclt Diseases are caused by Vltlnted Olood, tviiich is goocrully produced by dcrangemcut of tliu Digestive Organs: DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION* Uouduche, Puiu In tho Bhouldors, Coughs, Tight- tj nets of the Chest, Dizziness, Bour Eructations of j tiio Stomach, Bad Tusto in tho Mouth, Billons ? Attacks, Palpitation of tho lleSrt, Inflainnintion of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and hundred other pulnful symptoms arp.tho oft- k* springs of Dyspepsia. Hfi They iuvigorato the Stomach and stimulate the ly torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled eflicucy in cleansing the blood of ail impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the wbole system. . ' FOR SKIN DISEASED, Eruption*.Te*cr( Bolt Klicuni, Blotches, Sjiots, riraples, Pustules, Bolls, Curbonclcs, Ring-Worms, Snaid Ileail, Soro Byes, Erysipelas. Itch, Scurfs. Discolorations of tho Rkin. Humors and Diseases of tiic Skin, of what ever name or nature, arc literally da it up and car ried out of the system in a short time by the umj o? ,s these Hitters. One bottle in such cases will con- Jy Tiucc the most incredulous of their curative effect. , * Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood wheneveryou And its imparities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and sluggish in tho veins; clcanso it ? when it Is foul,and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. FIN, TAX'E, and other WORMS, urkhig in the system of so many thousands, ore offcctually gr destroyed and removed. , f BOLD liY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. J. WAT.KKH, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD A: CO., Druggists and lien. Agents, Satt Francisco, CaL, and W ami vl Commerce Street, New York. ^. piedmois t an Life Insuran of ifticm i?o; 1SSKTS, over POLICIES ISSUED, ipxiajstim annual dividends on 1 Offl< %. C. CARRINGTC J. E. EDWARDS, 1 T). J. HARTSOOK, J. j. Hopkins, as B. C. HARLSOOK, Prof. E. B. SMITH, C. H. PERROW, H C. H: SMITH, i 'GEO. ROSS, J ft. E. WOLF. Surift ^ 1 ihlllS COMPANY hns'met'with a Success beyoi the Southern public a Home Enterprise equa It has no restrictions on rcsidence'or travel, al if parties guaranteed on thcfftbe of the Policiy& The Piedmont and Arlington charge no extra i It hns the following valuable feature's, Vhich'H many the penalty of lieing separated from being part payments forfeited. This Company guards ration from its office by any intervention, guaram up policy, surrender value and reinstalment, as cause. The Piedmont and Arlington asks all who wish with any company; and feels confident its merits LEAPHABI JAMES I.. Meed, Local Ag SUJSIEK BITTEBS) ; Tho most delightful Tonic known. f Imperfect Digestion . 1 | Cured by Sumter Bitters. 5 {Lost Appetite \ Restored by Sumtot Bitters. / f Bodily Wnakness 1 Cured by Sumter Bitters. / / CHILLS AND FEVER, \ Prevented by Sumter Bitters. J r Female Compiaints \ Relieved by Sumter Bitters. J f Nervous Diseases \ \ Cured by Sumter Bitters. / ( Recommended by the highest 1 \ rhedical authority in the State, j (This popular Tonic and delightful Beverage) is for sale by Druggists jand Grocers. J 7 ^OWTETMOISE & DAVISj '" Proprietors, And Wholesale frruggists, Charleston, S. C. F. L._ ZEMP, Agent fcr Camden. May 25; ly. ENGLISH ' STONEWALL" CIUITJIPTT T713T5 I JL" ?11^1 JL 1U1LIJLI1U i *tIIE BEST NOW USED; 135 lbs Equal to 200 lbs of any Other TRY IT! D. L. DeSAUSSUEE & CO., AGENTS: Also, Fertilizing time! Constantly on hand and for sale as above. [EllSIIAW?In tiie Probate Court. ESTATE OF TIIOS. U. ELLIOTT. fTOTICE is hereby given /hat one month after date tho undersigned will apply to the udge of Probate of Kershaw county for letters isniissory as administratrix of said estate. April 25 JAMES A. ELLIOTT, Adm'r. Notice to Consignees. ON AND AFTER April 25th, until furthet' nb." cc the Steamer Isis will run as follows: LeaV ig Camden fbr Wnteree .bridge, Mondays and liursduys at 8 o'clock a. it.; returning Tueslys and Fridays at 6 o'clock r. m. Go to Parer's Wednesdays and Saturdays, returning the inic days. Warehouse, in building occupied y Messrs Wallace and Hums. J.vo. P., 0. W. JESTER, Agent at Camden. Captain Isis. al 25 wo. Dissolution. THE copartnership in planting heretofore exting between L. M. & II. T. AVatts is dissolved y mutual consent. The business will hereafter i conducted by II. T. AVatts. LEWIS M. AVATtS, HENRY T- AVATTS. Information Wanted! THE UNDERSIGNED desire information reacting the heirs of William Harris, at one iuc resident within this county. Call upon or i Ldrcss KERSIIAAV & KERSIIAAV, Attorneys at Ltiw, Caiuden, S. C. ft ARLINGTON ce Company) ' . '{ IOND, YA. * i ?2,000,tHH> 17,900 IUTTTAXj. HE CONTRIBUTION ULAJSs 3 ? iers ; ?N. Peisidsxt': /ice Pbesideut, Skcbetabt, 8i8tant SeCBETABY, Cashikb. Actuaby. ? M^dxcax Advisees. .INTfciTDljrr'OF Aoencies. 3 ? nd all parallel in Life . Insurance, and offeito A .1 to any and surpassed by none In existence. 1 policies are non-forfeitable, and the the riglft s part'bf the contract. >remiura'bn lives of f&naldg. 'o othrir Icdinpany gives: The lateVrar tanglrt separated from the homo office by having their against this in her policies, and in event of separ tees to such all the right of non-forfeiture, paid though there had been no such intervening l to insure to compare its rates, terins, -pi*ogres& will equal any company's. \ & HANSOM, General Agents. cnt. SAVE VOIR BAGS! 10,000 pounds Clean Linen and Cotton BAGS wanted, for which the highest market price win ' be paid. Apply at thisoffice. Seed Potatoes. J' UST RECEIVED, v EARLY ROSE, EARLY GOODRICH, EYES.. D. L. DeSAUSSTJRE & Also, Extra Choice Goshen Butte? And Cream Cheese. D. L. DeS. & CO., Com. Ag<n. ?. Poeaeaeing1 powertnl invigorating * These Bitten aro positively invaluable in They poii/y the system, and will cups Remittent and Intermittent lever*, and are a preventive of Chilli and Fever. All yield to their powerful cfllcaey. Are an antidote to change of Water and Diet. h *V* /mma en/1 <wvmw4 nil \ WO UW " "Will save days of Buffering to the tick, tod tof- The grand Panacea for all tho ill* of life. n 1 ?? Young or Old, ^r?* Singlo, thoao Bitten tn un^W * ', v^equaUed and hare often been th^V Jr meana of aaving Ufa. tRV^ONE ^ J. & T. I. JoneS ARE SOW receiving! Sl opening THEIR SPRING AND SUMMER STOCl OF Dry Ooodsj Boots and Slioes^ Groceries & Crockery To which they invite the attention Of pn7chascrs,