The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, April 25, 1872, Image 4

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The said intendant and wardens shall hold their office from the tiusc of their election un- i til the Second Monday in January ensuing < and until their successors shall bo elected i and qualified. Skc. 4. That in case a vacancy should occur in the office of intendant or any of the wardens, by death, resignation or otherwise i or in case of a tie in said election, an election to fill such vacancy shall be held by appointment of the intendant and wardens, ?or warden.) as the ease may be, ten days notice < thereof being previously given, and in ease of the sickness or temporary absence of the intendant, the wardens forming the council shall be empowered to elcctoneof their num ccr to aer in nissifiiu uuiiUp uiu v..iiv. Skc. 5. That the intcndant and wardens, duly elected and qualified .shall during their term of office, severally and respectively he vested with all the jurisdiction and powers of trial justices and justices of the peace, (except the trial of civil cases and except as it may otherwise be provided in this act.) within the limits of said town, and the in<tendant shall and may, as often as he may deein necessary, summons the wardens to meet in council, any two of whom, with the intendunt, may constitute a quorum to transact business, and they shall be known by name of the town council of Helton, ami! they and their successors hereafter to be elect-1 ed shall have a common seal, which shall be I affixed to all the ordinances, and the said j town council shall have authority, to appoint | from time to time as tliey shall sec fit, such, and so many proper persons to act as marsh' r?Js or constables of said town as the said town council may deem necessary and expedient for the preservation of the peace, good order j ami police thereof, which persons so appoint-1 ed shall, within the corporate limits of said j town, have the powers privileges and cmol-1 uuieuts, and be subject to all the obligations I penalties and regulations provided by law j fin* the office of constable, and shall be liable to be removed at the pleasure of said council; and the said town council shall have establish or to authorize the establishment of the market house in said town, and the said town council shall have full power and authority under their corporate seal, to make all such rules, ordinances and bye-laws respecting the streets, roads, market house and business thereof, and the police system of said towu as shall appear to them necessary aud proper, for the security, welfare and convenience, and fur preserving health order aud good government of the same, and the said town council may impose fines for offenses-against their by-laws and ordinances, and appropriate the same to the public use of said town, and the said town council shall have + nAmnol f-lin ntfcmlnnr-A nf yvnti and require them to give evidence upon the trial before them of any person for a violation of any of these by-laws or ordinances but no fine above twenty dollars shall be collected1, by the town council, except by suit in a 1 court cf competent jurisdiction- and provided also, that no fine shall exceed fifty dollars, and also, that nothing herein ordained shall authorize the said town council to make any by-laws or ordinances inconsistent with or repuguant to the laws of this State, and all the by-laws, rules and ordinances the said council may make shall, at all times be subject to rcvisal or repeal by the General Assembly of this State. Sec. G.. That the said intendant and wardens shall have full power to abate and re : i.???n II1UVU KJUIdillJi'vJa iu. Otuu ivnil, Nwp an n/aus, ways and streets withiu the corporate limits in repair, and for that purpose they are hereby invested With all powers heretofore granted to commissioners of roads, and shall have full power to classify and arrange the inhabitants of the said town, liable to street, road, or-.other public duties therein, and to force ; the performance of sueli duties under such j peualties as are now, or may hereafter be j ] prescribed by law. Provided, that the said town council may compound with persons liable to such duty, upon such terms, and upon payment of such sum as may be established by laws and ordinances. And provided also, that the individuals who compose the said town council shall be exempt from road j ?j and police duty, and the inhabitants of said i town arc hereby exempt from road and police i duty without the corporate limits of said I' town. ' 1 TtlC. 8. That the power to grant or refuse license for billiard tables, to keep tavern or retail spirituous lixuors within the limits of the said corporation be, and the same is hereby vested in the town council of Helton,and they shall also have power to imj>osc a tax on shows or exhibitions for gain or reward J j within the limits and all moneys so received ; u shall be appropriated to the public use of said corporation. Sec 9. That the said town council of Belton shall have power to arrest and commit to i..:t f- -t? * '. - i i: l I 1 jail lur a stpucu ui uiui? nm iwt:iv? ? j honrs'and to fine not exceeding twenty del- | lars, any person or persons who shall bo guil- ; , ty of disorderly conduct in said town to the 1 j , nnnoyauce of the citizens thereof, and it u shall be the duty of the marshal of the town < to make the arrests, and call to his assistance the posse ccnnfutus if necessary; and upon failure to perform such duty he shall be fined in a sum ol'not more than twenty dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 1.0. That the said town council of r Bclton shall have power to impose and collect an annual tax upon the assessed property of 1 said town: Provided that no tax shall be levied in any one year to exceed the rate of ten cents on every hundred dollars of such assessed property, and the money so raised " shall be applied to the use of the said town. The said town council shall have power to enforce the collodion of all taxes levied by the said town council, to the same extent and in the same manner, as is now, or may hereafter be, provided by law for the collection of general State taxes. "Sec. 11. That the said town council of t ? it i , l i .1 ... 1 ... belton shall have power to rcguiaie mosaics at auction within the limits ofsaid town and to grant licenses to auctioneers: Provided, J Nothing heroin contained shall extend to sales oi'sheriir, circuit clerk, probate judge, coroner, executor, administrator, assignee in bankruptcy or by any other person out of the order, decree ol' any court, trial justice or justice of the peace. Skc. 12. That this act shall be deemed a public act and continue in force until repealed. 1 Approved January 31, 1872. Ax Act to repeal a joint resolution entitled 1 <;Joiut resolution authorizing the Govern- j or to purchase two thousand stands of arms of the most approved pattern, with usual , complement of amuuition," approved March 16, 186U. Section 1. lie it enacted by the Senate tnd House of! Ilepresontativca of the State at' South Carolina, now met and sitting in ? General.Assembly, and by authority of the same: That the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution authorizing the Governor to purchase two thousand stands of arms of the most improved pattern, with the usual complement of ammunition," approved March 16,1751?*, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Office Secretary of State,. 1 Columbia, S. C., February 5, 1872. j The foregoing act having been presented to the Governor for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the branch, of the General Assembly in which it origi-. natcd within the time prescribed by the con~ stilution, has become a law without his apF. L. Cardoza, Secretary of State. An Act to incorporate the town of Chesterfield Section 1. he it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State i f South Carolina, now uiet and sitting in General Assembly, and by authority of the.same: That the persons residing within the area of one-half mile in the direction of north and south from the court, in the county of Chesterfield, and one-half mile in the direction of cast and west from the said court house, are hereby created a body corporate under the name of the town of Chesterfield, with the officers the same in number, and having the same powers aud privileges, and subject, in every respect, to the provisions of the charter granted'to the town, of Manning, by an act approved the Otli day of March, A. D. 1871. Sec. 2 That this act shall be taken and deemed a public act, and shall continue in force until amended or repealed. Sec. 3. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act be aud the same arc hereby repealcdApproved February 5, 1ST2; DRUGS & MEDICINES We Lave just received afresh 6upply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDOW - GLASS, Dye Stuffs an?t PATENT MEDICINES, Our stock is very large and 'complete. Wo think we can give satisfaction to every person, both as to quality and prices, as our Medicines lire warranted PUKE und GENUINE. i Q. ki tail a n ou uu^Lrtr. ________ 33rus]ie.s, JEte. A Large Assortment of fine English nnd French Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, I11ants' Brushes; also Nail and Bathing Brushes. Dressing Combs of all qualities. HODGSON & DUXLAP. Fancy and Toilet Articles. IN Large Variety, such as Toilet Sets, Dress ing Cases, (both ladies' and gentlemen's) I'oilet glands, Jewelry Stands, Work Boxes 'uses, Leather and Silk Bags and Port Monies, llso, German Colognes, Labia's and Lowe's Extracts, Lubin's Soap, besides a large lot of ither Perfumeries and Fancy Soaps. HODGSON & DUXLAP. Paints and Colors. REST English White Lead, Crotne, Green nnd Yellow, Winber's Terra Sienna, Prussian 'lite. Patent Dryer, kc., &c. Also, Linseed Oil uid Turpentine. For sale by Hodgson_& dunlap. Kerosene Lanius^ Oil. JUST arrived; a large ami beautiful assort^ ment of Kerosene Lamps, both Parlor and iun<l with all the Latest Improved Burners. We ileo keep on hand the Best Known Oil, as all the >il. we sell HAS BEEN TESTED. HODGSON & DUNLAP. LAMP CHIMNIES. IHIKSE Cliimnics are made of the Best Flint ( lass, and arc nut half so liable to break as he common ones. H. & D. Janyl 1y Fresh MiSfti OfiltsT Just Received by HODUSON & DUNLAP. Dissolution. THE copartnership in planting heretofore exist iug between L. M. & II. T. Wutts is tli^solved l,y mutual consent. The business will hereafter he conducted by II. T. Watts. LEWIS M. WATTS, IIENRY T- WATTS. KERSHAW?In the Probate Court. , EST. MARGARET SCANLOK WHEREAS, William McLeish has made suit to me for letters of administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of the said Margaret Scunlon, deceased. Now, therefore, this is lo summons and require all and singular the kindred and creditors of the 6aid deceased to he and appear before me at the court of probate to he held on the 2ud day of May next to, show jause, if any there be, why said administration jhould not be granted. J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. April 18. 2t Hymnal of tile Church: We arc prepared to furnish the "HYMNAL" at the lowest introduction prices.. A variety of styles; prices from 40c, 60c, 7.5c, $1, and upwards. Fogarties Book Depository, NEW CATALOGUE No. 25. LIFE AND TIMES OF REV. JOHN WESLEY, by Tyerman, Vol. 1, $2 50. A new supply of Bishop Huntington's Helps to a Holjr Lent, $1 25. The Hidden Life of the Soul, from, the French by the author of "A Dominican Artist," &c,, $1 50.. Truth, and Trust, Lessons of the War four Ardent Sermons by Ncnry Alford, D. D., $1. Meditations on the Miracles of Christ, by Rev. J. S. Howson, Dean of Chester, $1 50. Legends of the Tairiarchs and Prophets, by S". Baring Gould, M. A. $2 Lamps, Pitchers and Trumpets, Lectures on thc?Vocation of the Preacher, Illustrated by Anecdotes, Biographical, Historical nnd Eluciditory, of every order of Pulpit Eloquence, from the Great Preachers of all ages, by E. Paxton Hood, two volumes in one, $1 75. Half Truth and Truth, Lectures on the Origin and Development of Prevailing Forms ofVUnbclief, considered in relation to. the nature nnd claims of the Chxjstiaa. System,, by Rev. J.. M. Manning, Di D., $2,. ' Ghrist is. All," by the Rev. Henry taw, Dean of Gloucester, or the Gospel of the Pentateuch, vis.: Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, each $1. Ministering Children, and Sequel1, by Mrs. Charlcsworth, Red Line edition, beautifully illustrated, in. one volume, small q,iuvxto,.$L. Macduff's New Book, "Saint l'a^l imltomc," the Teachings, Fellowship and Dying Testimony of the Great Apostle in the City of the Cmsars, by J. R. MacDutf, D. D., $1 25.. Sermons for Sunday Evenings,. Londioa Religious Tract Society, $1 5Q.. Bcdc's Charity, by. Hesba Stratton, author of j of "Max Kroner," "Aloae in London," &c., $1 50.. Public and Parlor Readings, Pros* ami Poetry, for the use of Reading Clubs,. &c., by Mon roc, SI 50. Science Ruoord for 1872, a compendium of Scientific Progress and Discovery, during the past year with Illustrations, edited by E. A. Beach, $1 50. IIci?t Throba of Enoinjeot Author^, compiled by Wm. H;ardcastle Browne, A. M., $1 50. The S'outhern Poems of the War, collected and arranged by Miss Emily Mason, of Virginia, NEW NOVELS, &o. Lovely of Arden, by M. E. Braddon,. 75o. Kate Jleauniont, by J. W. DcForest, 75c. Two. Family Mothers, by M. Sophie Schwartz, St.. How will it End? by Heywoodj $1 50. More than She Could Bear, a Story of the Oachupin War in Texas, by. IFesgcr Bcnbow,. $1 50. Ought Wc to Visit Ilcr? By. Annie Thomas, $1 75. The Sylvesters, by tlie author of "Kitty," &c., $1 25. The American Baron, by James DeMile, $150. Poor Miss Finch, 50c. Can the Old Love? by Buddington, 75c. The High Ilills, by the author of "Gideon's Rock," 75c. A Leaf in the Storm, by "Ouida," 50c. B?gb>N'ew Novels and Light Literature received by steamer every week. fig?- Persons residing in the country will please bear in mind that by sending their orders to us for any book published in America, they will only Dc ciinrgcu tiie pnoo at tae oook. >yc pay the postage or express. Address FOGARTLE'S BOOK DEP03I rORY, No 2G0 King street, (in the Bcml). April 18 tf Charleston, S. C. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY! or MEMPHIS, TENN. i Branch Office Baltimore, Md. Assets - - - - $1,075,000 Hon. JEFF. DAVIS. President, den. WADE HAMPTON, Vice Prcst JOHN D. KENNEDY, fcbioiy state Agent. 1 HADWAY'S READY RELIEF Cures the Worst Pains in from One to Tcntjj Minutes. Not one hour after reading this advertisement need any one suffer, with pain. Itadway's Ready relief is a cure for every pain., It was the first and is the only. IMIX REMEDY hot instnntly stops the most cxcrutiating.pains, allays intlanimations, and cures congestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Rowels, or other glands or organs, l>y one application. In from one to twenty minutes, no matter how violent or excrutiating) the pain, the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, Radway's Ready Relief will afford instant case. Inflammation of the Kidney, Inflammation of the Bladder, Inflammation of the Bowels, Congestion of the Lungs, Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing, Palpitntion of the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Dyptheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills, Ague Chills. The applioation of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in a half tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramp, Spasms, Sour Stomach, Ileart-burn, Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Wiiul in the Dowels, and all internal pains. Travelers should always have a bottle of Rodway's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from a change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters n3a stimulant. Feyer and Ague Cured FOR FIFTY CENTS. There is not a remedial agent in. this world ' that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious, Dilous, Scarlet, Typhoid, YVJr-lir and other Fevers, (aided by ltadway's Tills) so quick as Radway's Ready Relief. Fifty cents per bottle. Health ! Beanty! Strong and Pure Rich Blood?Increase of Flesh and Weight?Clear Skin and Beautiful Complexion secured- to all. . DR. RADWAY'S .Sarsaparillian Resolvent Has made the most astonishing cures. So quick, so rapid arc the changes the body undergoes, under the influence of this truly wonderful medicine, that every day at) increase of flesh and weight is seen and felt.** . 1 mrm rinn * rn -*vr aat\ nTTTiT-nTTrn inL uiiJjAJ. njuyjyju jruivxrjLrji\. Every drop of the Sarsnparjllian ltesolvent ' commuuicates through the blood, sweat, urine < nnd other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the waste of the body with new and sound material- Scrofula, ; syphillis, consumption, glandular disease, ulcers in the throat, mouth, tumors, nodes in the glands nnd other parts of the system, sore eyes, , strumorous discharges from the ears, and the worst forms of skin diseases, Eruptions, fever sorc8,8cald head, ring worm, salt r-hcura, erysipelas, ache, black spots, worms in the tumors, cancers in the womb, and all weakening anil painful discharges, night sweats, loss of sperm, aud all wastes of the life principle, nee in the curative range of this wonder of modern chemistry, nnd a few days' use will prove to nny person using it. for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. DR. RADWAY'S Perfect Purgative Pills. 1'oriectiy tasteless, eiugunwy cuuicu wnu sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen the system. Itadwny's l'ills for the cure of all disorders of the stomach, liver, bladder, nervous diseases, headache, constipation, costrveness, indigestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, bilious fever, inflammation of the bowels, piles,. 3Jid all derangements of the internal viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs. A few doses of 11 ad way's Pills will free the system from all the above named disorders.? Price cents per box. Sold by all druggists. Head "False and True." Send one letter stamp to Railway & Co., No 87 Maiden Lane, New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. oet 5-1 y IIB J. Walk**, Proprietor. R. H. McDonald k Co., Drurclitt k 0?u. Ag?uU, Sad Freucleco.Cttl^aflJ 34 Commerce Si,, fs.Yt HILMOIY9 Bear Testimony to theirWonderful Curative Effect*. Vlncgnr Hitter* aro not a vile Fancy Prink, Made* of Poor Rum, ! Whiskey, Proof (Spirit* and Refuao Liquors, doctored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste, called " Tonics," " Appetisers," " Restorers,' dec., tbat lead the tippler on to druokenness and ruin, but are a trao Medicine, made from tbo Native Roots and Herbs ot California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulant*. They aro tbo ( HEAT IlLOOD PCKIPIEII and A 1,1 FE GIVING PIIINCI l'I,E, a perfect Renovator and Iuvlgorator of tbo System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring tbo blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to directions and romain long unwell, provided their bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tbo vital organs wasted beyond tbo polot of repair, They aron Gentle Purgative a* well as a Tonic, possessing, also, tbo pecaliar merit of acting as a powerful agent In relieving uongcttion or Inflammation of tlio Liver, and of all tli.0 Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether in young or old. married or single, at the dawn of womanhood orattUo turn of life, theso Tonic Litters ha7e no dual. For Inlluiiiniatory and Chronic RIiciimntiHin and (lout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Rcuiilicut and Intcriiiiliriit Fevers, Diseases of tlio Illootl, Liver, Kidneys and Ulndder, these Hitters have been most successful. Such Dlsenses are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Jlondnche, Pain In the Shouldors, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Lad Taato in tho Mouth, Bllions Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in the regions of tiio Kidneys, and ( a hundred oilier painful symptoms are.tho oilsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tho torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of , unequalled efficacy in cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and imparting now lifo and vigor to the 1 whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES^Eruptions,Te1*cr, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, 1'impics, i-usuiro. Bulls, Carbnuch's, Ring-Worms, Sca'il Head, Sore 1 KvoaErysipelna, Itch, Scurfs, Dlscolorntlons of tho Skiu, Rumors nnd Diseases of the Skin, of whatever tinuui or nnturc, arc literally dug up and carried out of the system inn short timo by the use of these Bitters. Cue bottle in such eases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effect. Clennsc the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through tho akin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanso it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul.and yonr feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, nrking in the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed nnd removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD ic <10., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, 1 4* * V- . '"c-.v PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON, Life Insurance Company,, OF RICHMOND, YA. + * rr? 0 ?. ' ASSETS, over 1 #2,000,000 NET SURPLUS, over- 700,000 POLICIES ISSUED, over 1,00*000, 0 * " W. C. OAEPJNGTON, Pbksidikt; J. E. EDWARDS, Tier. Pbf.si6ekt, D. J. HARTSOOK, Secretary, J. J. HOPKINS, Assistant Secretary, J. JS. W VLtl' , Olil'EI.IJtiU> AUtAVUS. ' D'Ott'j i* 0 . c South Carolina Urancli Offlce at Columbia, S. Ci. In South Carolina National Bank Building. ? i* , '.v . ..-.-A J. P, THOMAS, President. ... S. L. LEAPHEART, Secretary, ? ' *< > ' Dr. ISAAC BRANCH, Superintendent of Agencies. Board op Directors.?John McKenxie. John S. Preston, F. W. McMasteiy W. B. iaHelu John T. Sloan, Sr., Dr. K. W. Gibbes, R.C. Shiver, Thomas Earlo. State atLauoe.?Ex-Governor M. L. Bonham, General M. C. Butler, General Johq. D, Kenae-. dy, Colonel T. C. Pcrrin, Dr. Isaac Branch, Dr. H.. R. Cook. ...jjijr o ? . -t (T We offer in the Piedmont and Arlington a solid and reliable Insurance Company, thoroughlySouthern, in the hands of men of the highest integrity, with abundant assets, recent risks, .th? most secure of all investments, pledged to retain within the State of South Carolina all fnqda^ae-. cruing therein, and, indeed, presenting every advantage that can be desired. We confidently appeal to every one interested in Southern prosperity to look to their-owdintflri-. csts by. sustaining tji.eir own institutions, and thereby establish that self-confidence. witfceuti which there can be no permanent prosperity. Bear in mind that already over $10,00Q,Q0Q ar% annually sent North for Life Insurance, taking so much frdm our strength and thereby giving ad-. /IUiaviaI nnr nnmnntitnra r Right of party to non-forfeiture in all its politics. Rights of party to re-instatemeht policy, and surrender value whose '-'intervention of armies or any other, oause cuts the inured, off from home office. This feature, omitted in policies of Northern companies, cost the SpuU(tra^ people very heavily in the late war, and should make them seek the only company that jirayide against such contingency in the future. ' * From an official exhibit, it is shown that the Piedmont and Arlington had a greater inerMl# *t; business in 18tit) over 18C8 than any company op this continent. It shows that the^O wars onlythree companies in the United States that issued more policies; also, that, with their accumulate^ risks of fifteen or twenty years all combined, this oompany, though young, stand*. twentieth in, amount of risks in force. This exhibit, among over a hundred companies, makes the Piedmont and Arlington, the leading. Life Insurance Company, at. least of this country. It shows, not only progress, huh caution VQ economy?its losses being light, its expenses small. ' ' I IPZLlA-ILT IMZUTTXA-IJ. * , ?J Dividend"paid'on whole Life Policies, forty per cent. . m T\:?:.tan/ia rfioon n? ?n<l nf first vwir. when all cash is naid. .... . ^luuvuuo ? j ? * All policies non-forfeitable. LE1PHE1RT, JEFFERSON ? RANSOM, GENERAL AGENTS. WM. CLYBURN, >'w -<rj\ Agent for Kershaw and Lancaster Coqo&p**. may 12-1 y ^ SATE TOUR RAGS J /pre} 10,000 pounds Cloan Linen and Cotton BAGS; ?T^> wanted, for which the highest market price will| jgeZBr^ig-- am be paid. Apply at thisoffice. ' Seed Potatoes* & CO. SUMTER Extra Choice Goshen Butter "RTTTTP T? <=! AhXXil Cream Cheese, ____J ^ ? P. L. DkS. & CO., Com. Aft*.. The most delightful Tonic known. ~ 7 1 | ^ { ^ ^ Cured-by Sumter Bitters. } ^ { ^ Itestored by Sumter Bitters.. } j1 - -'B' J Bodily Waakncss 1 ^ Ssijt/FI ZJt \ Cured by Sumter Bitters. / vin / KT *1 *T\ J CHILLS AND FEVER, 1 g Ui fcfolc tfl " \ Prevented by Sumter Bitters. f C ^B?\. \ l*'\ I / / Km$ % { ' Relieved by 9um,ter Bitters. } ^V' {* ' Oui'ed by Sumter B'ttors. } ?L f Recommended by tbe highest ^ ' *T \ medical authority in the State, j arrti'Sf!CM. WJttJtl.'W^PflSHff-lTM f This pop^lor ToniVand deliplitthl B^cragJj Blrl ^^"cxMi ^in7 | is for sale by Druggists r i.i<?mhwi? 1J JI lT'lllMi ( and Grocers. j HuWitni^"1;i*M. 5iVtrilliMr '? DOWI iC MO IS E & DA Vis; T > Thcao Bittera nro positively InvaloAble in . , Proprietors, f'l I Itj Til J i *i ^ jj*|MII^1 And Wholesale Druggists, They purify the system, and will cur? Charleston, S. C. giWarTT.TJI.JtHJj1IJ.T.'Jir?TJ?TllC3BBl F.'4Ij. ZEMP, Agent for Camden. J BU^llffiuft'JWaUiUUaJaaUwM May 25. ly. /' Eemittent and Intermittent ;-nrl; ENGLISH All yieM to their poyerfnl cfflcacyT^^^ " 9TDNFWAT T " Ili^K'Ii]ilI>l;H;ig7iiavMf:ii|?];M^lW^Wfflr kJ a v_/j.n j_. v v Are an antidote to change at WtUx sad ft*'/ " cnTS*n^imrTt7S7n?T3*7!tmvT3imn9sv9 FERTILIZER I t tho waattxl aad?)rTe^?^^^^v "Wili save days of suffering to the. siek^ ul THE BEST NOW USED, W>ia?1JHTi<;ftV?lia?iaf|| p'- The grand Panacoa for all theiuaof$Qk 135 lbs Equal to 200 lbs of any Otber |BD38!&@Q3119VV TRY IT : D. L. DcSAUSSUBE & CO., MmXv^o,dtS\mciics /vt Single, those Bitten ?n ss\ * AGENTS, ^equalled and have often beeath^ f means of saving lift, r W.V^O N ^ OQTT.I* ;!^f ? a Also, Fertilizing Lime! Assignee's Safe, . Constantly on hand and for sale as above. " In Re Witkowsky and Ilyams?JElx Parte Davtl Venetian Blinds.?No invention was Haas, ever so important to the^people of hot cli- "QY virtue of an order from the District Court mates OS the Venetian JJllllU. .admitting JJ oi tno unueu auiies ill me ttttove eauneq the air and a shaded light, while keeping cause, I will sell at Camden coviaty g| out the hot and glare, they are absolutely essential to comfort in this climate. If the those several pieces or parcels of land Jy* Houses of any of our readers are destitute oi (;ng and being in the town of Camden and 8tata these desirable contrivances, they should at of South Cnrolina, commonly called town lots. mice before the hot weather sets in, send and known and distinguished in the plan of the ,1 ' i l> V Tntilft \Tn9A ITavno said town us lots nine hundred end twenty* their orders to Mr. l.i.ioaIo,i>o -UJIa}nc |wo (922) and nine hundred 8nd twe8tT-three street, Charleston S. C., manufacturer and t0 wit; the western halves of said We? dealer in doors, sashes, blinds, balusters, Also, the southwestern fourth part of let nine mouldings, &o., &c. mar. 28 tf. hundred and twenty-four (924), the *nole ? frontiug west upon Littleton street two hnn_ dred nnn sixty-four (2(14) feet, being the ?ajn? O JL fl Cv occupied and lately owned by Louis M. DeSaus-. sure. '? "* Terms of sale, one-third cash: balance in fU<S, ALL persons who arc indebted to tne estate and two years, secured by bond of purchaser. of W. E. Johnson, senior, deceased, will and mortgage of the premises. Building^ make prompt payment, anil nil having demands insured and policy assigned. Purchased to pay against the said estate will present, thcin, duly for stamps and papers. nttestcd. to mc. W. E. JOHNSON, DANLEE HAAS, feb 22uil Executor. apriti Assign?#.