The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, February 15, 1872, Image 3

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LOOALFBWS. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Church, DcKalb street?Kev. A. J. Stokes, Pastor?Services at 11 A. M. and, 7 P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 4 P. M. Presbyterian Church, DcKalb street?Rev. S. H. Ha* Pastor?Services at 11 A. M. and 4^ P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting on W edncsday at 7J P. M. Episcopal Church, Lvttleton street?-Rev. B. F. l>. Perry, Pastor?Service at 11 A. M. and 81 P. M. on Sunday: Prayers Friday at M A. M. Baptist Church, Broad street?Rev. A. K. Durham, Pastor?Services at?11 A. M. and 7 P. M. on the first, second and fourth Sundays of mmirli- Prnvcr Mectinir Thursday at 7 P. ? ?""'"J - J W M. Cotton sold in this market yesterday at 2iJ cents for middling. "Old Probabilities," at Washington, said this would be the severest month of the whole winter. So far, wc have no right to dispute the assertion. Runaway.?Quite an excitement was created on our streets last week by the runaway of a four-horse, team. They started in Messrs. peSaussurc & Co's alley, ran up Broad Street, demolished an ox cart in front qf the market, and were stopped somewhere in the neighborhood of Lancaster or Kirk.wood, wc have forgotten "which. A resolution was adopted in the Legislature on "Monday, demanding the immediate resignation of United States Senators Sawyer and Robert on. on of their having used their intiueucc and cast rnoir votes against Sutuner's-civil rights amendment to the amnesty bill, which was debated lust week in the United States Senate, Seizure of Tobacoo.?Mr. W, F. Dc3Cnight, Asseesor of Internal Hevcnue, paid :a visit to this place last week, and seized n arly all the chewing tobacco in town, alI l'ging that the same was not properly stanipe I. Accordingly, it is difficult for those who u;e the weed in this way, to procure a supply. The seized tobacco lias not as yet been ! removed, but we presume it will uot be long ] before it will be. I )f course, the merchants arc not concerned in th" illegal stamping, and were very ' much surprized at the seizure. JIaiout A Co's. Circus.?This company, which was advertised to exhibit in this place j on Thursday last, arrived in town about 10 i o'clock on that morning, but owing to the ' severe storm which set in 011 Wednesday, did not exhibit. Thursday was indeed a miserable day. and few were sufficiently brave to , venture out, unless compelled to do so. The management, however, paid all the hills that ( were against tliom, and regretted thyt tlic weather did net permit an exhibition. "We cheerfully give plac^to this statement. TjIKJCaHOI.IXA J.IFK INSURANCE 1'oMrany.?As will be seen by reference to our ' advertising columns, the above named and j populai*enmpany has succeeded in engaging j 1 lie services of our distinguished fellow-! t .vnsman, Gen. J. D. Kennedy, as State Asrent. The General, with his wonted en- . er :y has already n.udc several heavy hauls, and is still driving at it in a very lively man- I ucr. We learn chat it is his intention to make Columbia his head-quarters, but we ' hepe that lie will he persuaded to remain with us, as we can illy afford to lose his vul- | uahle services, cither as a citizen or an Insurance Agent. The office of the State Agt. Is iii the Workman building, (dins '''Ilio Ark," aniLlic, together with Dr. K. C. llughes, l?is'Medical Examiner, can always : be fbutid there or thereabouts. The Freshkt -In Lynches Creek.?We understand that the bridge of Big Lynches Creek, Known-as 31 filer's Bridge, has been wry seriously.damaged by a raft which was floated down thc?reek by the high water, about a week ftgo. Coming in contact with j the centre of the bridge, the raft swept away ! ninety-three feet of it, thereby rendering it j impassible. The gentleman who gave us the information also says that the road 011 the Kcshaw side of the Creek at Blakeney's , Bridge is in such a terrible condition, that it is impossible for a conveyance of any kind t > pass. The County, Commissioners, however, arc making preparations to have the road worked, t but in our opinion, the gcartquantity of rain 1 which has fallen will materially rctared the \ progress of road work for some time. The Wateree on tiie Rampage.?A i Second Flood,minus the ark ? The "IFoeott j Freshet" nothing by Comparison?A color- j ciI boy Drowned?Great Destruction of, Fences and Bridges?The llIsis" in her j Glory-* As a grand finale totho perfect floods i of rain thnfc have recently fallen in the upper ! portions of this County and above it, the | Watcrce on Tuesday last came booming out | n 1?*,1,1 unnn flip entire swauin lands pI ncr u<iiii>o <*uu wwvn ?^v ...... T ^ pod level grounds on both tides were overflowed ; pot content with a medium sized display of wnter power, the freshet became higher ancLfcigbpr, until on Saturday it was pronounced the most extensive that has been known i? this neighborhood for upward of twentyycars. The ktipwingones pronounced ' The IIocott Freshet" q perfect baby by comparison, though ?hat was considered a very high one. The above named freshed derived its name from a circumstance connected with it, in which that well known former fellow citizen, Mr. D. I), llfcott, flgOrod extensively. It appears that )ie was caught on the western sido of the River by the high water, and being desirous of?returning. to Camden, ventured to try the experiment in a bateau with the assistance of a colored servant. He started out, but had not quite reached the river proper, ere the boat capsized and the occupants came near finding watery graves, but f,rtunatcly the limbs of a friendly tree received thcui and they scrambled up its trunk out of reach of the water. Here, however, they were not much better situated, for their boat had floated away and they had no visible means of escape from their perilous situation. Their cries, after some hours, attracted the attention of persons, who procured another boat and after great difficulty, succeeded in rescuing them in a half frozen condition, it being just this season of the year, and very cold. On Saturday, two little boys, one white 1** V 1 1 ? ? ? i -1 ? ? n am /Ill ana tnc otncr coiorcu, went uimu uu m^uum or level to hunt rabbit', which the water had run out oi their hiding places in great numbers, and while engaged in the pursuit, unfortunately fell or slipped into the water which had broke the darn and was running through the gap very swiftly, and the colored boy was drowned. A tree, nearby, saved the white boy, who managed to extricate himself and came into town with his story Parties.went down and recovered the body. As a matter of course, the rail foncos were utterly demolished, and judging from the number floating all around in the water, the "fence law" prevails here at present, whether adopted by the Legislature or not. Bridges, too, unless strongly secured, also fared badly, and the County Commissioners will be compelled to take active measuro to have those on the public highways replaced, in order that travel may be resumed. "While everything else was water bound, the little "Isis" was plying back and forth very merrily and it was at one time proposed to run her up into the heart of the Town, but the experiment was not made, owing, we presume to the benevolent disposition of the Captain and the great reluctance which he felt to frighten the denizens of this rural village, by such :i novel and soul quaking I proceeding. -The alarm was raised that the k-Jsis" had been wrecked on 'Teay -Ridge," but our reporter after due and diligent inquiry, was unable to find the autior of the report, and we arc forced to the conclusion , that it was a false alarm. Coining down, however do real statistics, we have been informed by a reliable gentle- ( man. that the water reached four inches high er than has been known here for twenty years, j and places were covered which are usually ? not reached by very high water. 5Up to the ? time we go to press, the river is still high and travel can scarcely he said to have been ^ resumed. ? Watekke Division Xo- t), S. of T.? i Attend the regular meeting of your Division ! at Temperance Hall, on Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Ry order of W. P. I). R. Kennedy, R. S. Id the Sunday }Yorhl) we find the following. anion'; the doings of the "Boumrang I & & O ? f Club:" i Says Grant unto Grintieli, as they drew the ' seventh cork, i ' Collector I'll appoint you of the seaport of ' New York, Upon the understanding clear, that when you take your seat, You'll provide a good position for my young i friend .Mr. Beet." i And the thing it came to pass, and young Beet a place obtained Of a kind so piekapluuiuiy, that the Greenbacks by him gained, , Though partly in a stocking crauiuicd, leaked ( out upon the ground, And lu ! among the greasy rags the nauic of Grant was found. Simpson Cotton Seed fob Sale.?Price $1.25 per Bushel aod cost of sack. Apply ' at this office. ? From Dan to Beersiieba.?From Cusir*n tVimi tlm snnhnad to the iVxOLW.i %.yj ^/UIMWHV^, mountains, can be seen a marked improvement in the style of buildings in the last live years. Villages and farm houses all present a more elegant and comfortable appearance. The reason is well known. It is because in that period the whole country has learned to j ! patronize that celebrated manufacturer of 1 Doors, Sashes and Dliuds, 3Ir. P. P. Toale. ' Sinking Slowly.?Diseases that progress rapidly to a crisis are not the only ones to be dreaded. Canker or dry rot does not blast a tree as fuddenly as a strike of light- 1 ning, but unless arrested it destroys it as 1 certainly; and in like manner chronic debility, although it does not kill with the swiftness . of yellow fever, is as sure to sap the j springs of" life eventually as any acute disease, if not checked by invigorating midica-1 tion. There is something inexpressibly j touching in the spectacle of premature do-J cay. Languor, pallor, emaciation, deprcs- j sion of spirits, and a distaste for exertion,! are its ordinary symptoms, and they should | be promptly met by tonic treatment. The best invigorant and exhilernnt that cap be ! administered in a ease of this kind is IIos-! tetter's Stomach Litters. The stimulating' | principle of the preparation rouses the dor| mailt emerges of the eystem, and the strengthI niu.nAHt'iAU iflt'/i 1 TW?1?_ I i viiiii^ uuu iv^muviiij; v ?* |rv?- i nwiaei t and healthful impulse tu the vital' forces thus brought into play. The fallen appetfie is re-awakened, the process of digestion and assimilation arc quickened, the quality of the blood is improved, the secretions become more natural, and every organ that contributes to t'10 nourishment of the body undergoes salutary change. By these means the repair of the physical structure is effected and its health anu vigor restored.1 In no class of disease has the beneficent operation of the Bitters been more marked and striking thai) those characterized by general; debility and nervous prostration. Ladies' affected with theso ailments find in this most wholesome of all tunics and correctives the safest and surest means of relief. It is I strong to restore and powerless to injure.? j Such is the uniform testimony of "clouds of witnesses." j I 4wks. I Special IVotices. You are Troubled With a Bad Breath. It annoys your friends us well as yourself. You would like to get rid of it but scnrccly know what nicuns to adopt. We will tell you. Use the fragrant Sozodout, it will cleanse and beautify the teeth and leave your breath pure. Burnett's Standard Flavoring Extracts.?.Lemon, Vanilla Stc., Charge your servants and dealers, and sec that they do not substitute in their stead any of the unpalatable, pernicious extracts with which the market is flooded. Burnctt'sStandard Flavoring extracts are established as the strongest, purest and best extracts made. The Terrific Duel between Prussia and France is over, but thousands of battles between Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters and Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are now going on in every State in the Union. The issue of such contests is never for one moment in doubt. The contest may last longer in some cases than in others, but the leading vegetable tonie and alterative of the nineteenth century invariably triumphs. To Oicners of Horses and Cattle.?Tobins' Derby Condition Powders are warranted superior to any others, or no pay, for the cure of distemper, worms, botts, cough, hide-bound, colds, &c., in horses, and colds, cough, loss of milk, black tongue, horn-distemper &c. in cattle. Price 25c. Depot No 10 Park Place, New York. Carbolic Salve Recommended by the leading physicians and the President of tho board of health of New York as the most healing compound ever known. Gives instant telicf to burns and cures allkinds of sores cuts and wounds; and a most invaluable salve for all purposes. Sold everywhere for 25c. John F. Henry sole proprietor 8 College place New York. Svapnia Is Opium purified of its sickening and poisonous qualities, discovered by Dr. Bigclow, Professor of Bbtany, Detroit Medical College. A most perfect anodyne and soothing opiate, John Farr, chemist New York. Christadoro's Ifair Ih/e.?Is the safest and best. It corrects the bad effect's of inferior dyes, while the black or brown tints it produces are identical to nature. Factory 08 Maiden Lane New York. Trait's Astral Oil.?Safest ami best illuminat ing oil ever made. Does not explode nor take fire if the lamp is upset or broken. Over 150,000 families continue to use it, nnd noaccidents have occurred, of any discription, from it. Oil House of Charles Pratt, established-1770, New York. The Purest and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazard & Caswell's, made on the seashore from fresh, selected livers; by Hazard, Caswell & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once tuken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in the market Jourin's Inodorous Kid Glove Cleaner restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by druggists and fancy goods dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Co.; new York. Risley's 1'hHoloken is an established, warranted remedy for painful Menstruation; and equally efficient as a nervous antidote in all cases of Nervous excitement, stomach and sleeplessness in male or female. Sold everywhere for $1,00 a bottle. Morgan & ltislcy Druggists, New York, General Agents. A Youthful Appearance nnd a beautiful clear complexion is the desiro of every body. This I'fl'ect is produced by using G. W. Laird's "Bloom jf Youth," a harmless beautifier of the skin. Will cni''vc nil discolorntion, tan, freckles nnd suu)tirns. The use of this delightful toilet prepa ntiou canuot be detected. For sale by alldrugrists and fancygoods dealers. Depot 5 Gold st. <cw York. Mrs. )\'iii*low's Soothing Syrup.?It relieves the ittlcHufferer from pnin. cures wind colic, roguntes the stomach and bowels, corrects ascidity md during the process of teething it is invnluude. Perfectly safe in all cases, as millions of iiothers can testify. Marengo Mills. LTTiMIIBIEIR,! 50 000 ft' K0UGHEDGE LUMBER; 30 000 f>' REFLSE LUMBER; 3? 000 ft' SQUAIlE EDGE LUMBER; ^ca?oucil atul rnsoaNonod, S*ow on hand and for sale by the undersigned it the lowest possible pi ices, Tf^rvn n /X jr^TT. All orders addressed to or left with Mr. C. KOKLKKN, or wiih the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. A Lumber Yard lias been established on the premises of the ibovc-natncd gentleman in the town of Camden, where parties from the town or' surrounding jountry can be supplied at Cumdcn prices by .'ailing ou him. 8. R. ADAMS, sept 14-1 y Proprietor Marengo Mills. Female Free-School For Whites. The Trustees School District No. 1 Kershaw county, take pleasure in announcing to parents and guardians that they have secured the sendees of Mrs. W. II. Jt. Workman is the principal of tlie F mialo Free School for the whites residing in said school district and that she has already entered upon her duties as such. All who desire can send their children to this school free of cost for tuition or books. School taught at present in the wooden building erected fur a male academy, novt tn ?iiwl mistnf tlio Methodist Parsonauc. I School hours from y a m. to 2. p. m. Parents and guardians atfe requested to send their children furward promptly, that the school may be properly organized and the classes formed tis speedily as possible. SHAWLS, HOSIERY, Gloves, &c. TIIE undersigned intending to discontinue the Notion and Fancy Pry Goods Stock, will ; sell at 10 to -o percent. BELOW COST, SItawls, cjtiovcn, Hosiery, Corsets, Ribbons, Braids, ami all other article." in this line, at the abovenamed reduction, and invite the attention of purchasers. D. L. DcSAUSSURE & CO., COM. AGENTS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORSSealed proposals will be receivedfor one month at the otfiee of the county Commissioners, for building or repairing bridge over Big Lynches Creek, at Youngs bridge. Feb 1ml J. F. SUTHERLAND, Chairman. i Extensive Arrivals IJIIE UNDERSIGNED is now receiving Lis FALL STOCK OF GOODS, Fresh from the Great Markets of the Enst, consisting in part of Calicos, Ginghams, Delaines, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS. Notions and Fancy Goods, Full Li of each, In Groceries lie is "prepared to show a well-selected stock of Family and Fancy Groceries, Wfd, 4c., &c. ' To Planters Ho is offering Cheap Bagging, Ties and Rope, Buys Cotton, At the liigest market"rntes, and makes liberal advances on consignments. Having bought for CASH, he is prepared to sell CHEAP ftfr the same-Ifljy GiTC me & call. No charge for showing goods. Tailoring Done in fashionable style and at [reasonable prices by Mr. C- A. McDON.ALD. J. W McCURRY, Agent oct2G-l.y CHEAP STORE! WHOLESALE & RETAIL GRAIN AID PROVISION STORE! THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS IS solicited to my large and -constantly replenished Stock of CORN, . SUGAR' RYE, FLOUR, OATS, MOLASSES, BACON, SOAP, ' LARD, STARCH, CANDjl.ES. FLOUR?From finest to common grades, at low prices* SUNDRIES?^Crackers, Cheese, Pickles, Mustard, Tobacco. BEEF?Fulton Market. HERRINGS?Potomac and Roanoke. MACKEREL?Halves and Quarters. SALMON?Barrels, Kegs and Cans. SIIAD ROE, Cod'Fish, Hams. COFFEE?Old Gov. Java, Laguyra and Rio. TERMS CASH. Staple Goods only. Shoes, Rope, Ragging and Twine. Will make heavy advances on Consignments to his frfeiHhfcin Baltimore. * - * ; D. W JORDAN, Aug. 3-=-tf.71 ' Agent. State cf' South Carolina. COUNTY OF KERSIIAW?COURT OF COMMON FLEAS. J. P. Boswell, Sheriff, pro al. v vs. W. J. Norris. J. W. McLcod 1 and > Foreclosure Napoleon McLcod J By virtue of an order of foreclosure, mnde in the above staled case, by Hon. S. W. Mellon, bearing date 20 September, 1871, I will proceed to Bell on the first Monday, being the 4th day of March next, in front of theCourt House in Camden, during the legal hours of sale, the following described real estate, to-wit: All that tract of land, situated in the County and State aforesaid, known as tract No. 1, of the Murphy land, lying between the Rocky Mount Road and Wntcree River, estimated to contain eight hundred ucrcs more or less. Terms?One third Casli. and the balance on a credit of one and two years, to be secured by bond of purchaser with approved security, and a mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for stamps and papers. JOHN KERSIIAW, Referee. feb 8?tds. Sheriff's Sale. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Camden, S. C. February 8, 1872 By virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fas. to me directed and lodged, I will proceed to sell in front of the Court House in Camden on Monday the fourth day of March next, within the hours of sale, the following described .property, to-wit:? One tract of 700 acres in this county bounded north by lands of J. D. Kennedy, east by lands of est A, H. Boykin, south by lands of est. of W. A. Ancrum, west by Watcrcc River. One tract of 100 acres in this county, on waters of Boggy Branch, bounded north and northeast by est, lands of Thomas J. Ancrum, south by lands of R. G, Ellerbo and Ancrum, west by lands of It. G. Ellerbe and est. lands of A. II, .Boykiru. One tract of 95? acres on Little Pine Tree Creek, bounded north by lands of S. Geding, south by Chesterfield road and II. T. Watts' lands, east, by lands of est. C. L. Chatten apd est. of Nelson, and west by land of S. Gcdncy. The interest of J. W. Arthur will be sold in above described tracts, at the suit of Juo. Glass pnd wife, Julia S. $ Glass, ALSO. The right, title and interest of ITcnry L. Hunter and Joseph W. Floyd in a tract of 8100 acres of land lying on both sides of Brown creek in Kershaw county, known as the McWillic place, bounded north by lands of Mrs. Mary Patterson nnd Sainl McGowan, cast by lands of Sam'l McGowan und Mrs. Sarah Hudson, south by lnnds late of heirs of Jus. Patterson nnd Thos. Durcn, nnd west by lands of Mrs. Mary Cureton, Mrs. Rebecca Cunningham et al. at the suit of Thurston & ilolmcs. Terms Cusli. Purelinscrs paying for stamps and pupcrs. J. 1\ BOSWELL, S, K. C. Hay and Pea Vines. 250 Bnles Prime liny. 150 Bales Peanut Vines, F. W. KERCtt^ER, feb 8 ly Wilmington, N. C. Coffee and Salt. 000 sacks Rio, Juva and Laguyra Coffee, 2,000 sacks American ShU, 2,500 sacks Liverpool Salt, For sale by F. W. KEBCHNIR. !i i i i 11 ii? rape's nitrqgenized SUPERPHOSPHATE OF RIME, The Oldest Hnper-Pliospate Hanufatory in this ??nntry. r . Composed of Bones, Potash, Phosphate Guano, Concentrated Animal Ammoniacal Matter and Sulphuric Acid. No Salt, Salt Cake, Nitre Cake, Plaster nor A^ultepxnt or Absorbent of any kind used. Factory open for inspection at all times. r NINETEEN YEARS 0E PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. Introduced in 1853. Patented Dec. 29- 1859 QUICK ACTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT TO THE SOIL. Testimony of Hundreds of Well-Known Planters in its Favor on Every Variety of Crop, and Soil. Even During Extreme Adverse seasons. $40 Oash ; $50 Time, payable Nov. lpt, 1872. . ? ,, KINSMAN & HOWELL, jan25m2 General Agents for South Carolina, No. 128 East Bay, Charleston, S. 0. thiTbesTand mosTpopular fertilizer in use, '1 ZELL'S AMMOSIATE? BONE SIJPER-PII0SP1UTE, . PREPARED EXPRETSLY FOB THE COTTON CBOP. INCREASING THE YIELD FROM 1?0 to 500 per Cent, FOB PRICES AND TERJIS APPLY TO GEO. ALDE> , Agent. jan 18 2m y" g 1 i ' i ??n Important to Ootton Planters. THE MARYLAND FERTILIZING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY have prepared Special Fertilizer adopted to the cotton plant, under the name of COTTON FOOD, Which tlicy elaitrt to be of the highest grnde of Fertilftcrs sold in tho South, and guaranteed t? equal in its results Peruvian Guano, pound for pound, and to be of more permanent benefit to tho soil. It has been used by several hundred planters in North and South Carolina and Georgia for two seasons, with the following results; It increases tiie crop 10U to 200 per cctit. It resists drought in all cases. The crop is not affected iy rust. ? It matures the crop three to four weeks in advance, thus insuring the crop agniiftt eOrljr frosts, or in the event of a backward senson for planting enables the planter to pnt in his cr6p tkreS Or four weeks later, even as late as the 1st of June, with a certainty of success. It produces a better qunlily of cotton. Looking at tho low price of cotton, the intelligent planter will readily comprehend the necessity of using nothing hut the highest grade of fertilizers, and of strictly avoiding those whose value has been reduced by adulteration or the use of cheap materials, under the pretence of meeting the low price of cotton. If his crop is only doubled by tho use of "COTPON FOOD" it will give him from one to two hundred per cent profit on his outlay, with cotton at 121 cents per pound, and it will enable him to plant fewer acres, with a corresponding reduction of labor and expense, with better results. $35 per ton, in sacks 12 to the tofl. LAWRENCE SANGSTON, Prest., 58 Exchange Place, Baltimore. i. J. It. l-'lti.MjiJjU & SUN, Agents, Charleston, S. C. jan 18 m2 CONFECTIONERY! Fisli's Patent ^ixc!'KIKKLEY, AS|TS' OCTAGON ROSEIOD FINISH . Irish Potatoes c& Onions, For sale giieap bv 'd. c. kirkley, Agt. WgMBBgr % 3 Metallic Burial Cases, ,0 Its AIR TIGHT and INDESTRUCTARLE kf H for PROTECTING AND PRE*3 SERVING THE to Ef /o[k|c mi|t^ $g?? _ DEAD. H mS^\r-^Tnhl TtnrJ. ^ The subscriber keeps the above celebrated ^ 1 /^V^r CASE3 on lmnd, which, for durability, neat* ^ 0 ness and finish connot be surpassed. These are 1^1 air and watertight, therefore will preserrethe ^ body for a long time, which have been proTen * ,u ? j iJ..i||li.Lj..,lT"l~3i hY a number of Undertakers North and South. They cost but little, if any marc than well made Possessing powerful invigorating Walnut or Mahogany Coffins. B A,'so MB iBi>illTrrtalaM<?MMM<u*Ua*i?* On hand, a complete assortment of i These Bitters aro positively invaluable la t 1 M8 |gWK< I a) ^ ygfl ^:iU a WO0DEX COFFINS, They purify the 6ystem, and will cure . a. . . . _ ... ' * ,,*.} a . HJ.IIIIULtX,-1 Lined and Unlincd, Stained and Varnished, or m It covered. Handles and Trimmings to salt and Remittent and Intermittent levers, , ut prices to suit the circumstances of all I *1 d M14M1;V??ViI h M1M R. j. McCREIQHT, IkJfllli iPl ^ ' ' " Undertaker, and are a preventive of Chills and Fever. March 1G l?in IRi;fWiwawti>f:ig5iHti^iy#a:igtni?ij;ig ? ? AH yield to their powerful efficacy. Selling Off At Cost! An an antidote to change of Water and Diet. TN order to reduce my stock I will sell at COST CffnrZTTjIIBi?1 /iT'l-iViHu'lalll'JiT-3 I Pr'ces the following goods: iU^IKM?1TlliUlT>ftUlMlB^ full lino of Crockery, China, Plates of W UUJ WUSLUU UUUCf lUiU UMiCVk UM 11* n o TT 1 O . , ijLiij iyy;j|PJ a" S1ZC3> ^c,? ^c< Hardware, Spiders, niitiyi4*Mii32aUresHi^*/lAAfl3 ^3 Ovens and Lids, of all sizes, Pitchforks, Hayforks; Shovels, Spades, of all descri^ tions; Well Wheels, Smoothing' Irons> |l The grand Panacea for all the ills of life. Plow and Tire Iron, Ilames, Parlor, Doorr iil 15S5BSisdH Staple and Plate Locks, Carpenters' jTools, yvrasmKmBI, Angora Bits an d Braces Squares and Comlno uldilUdiU X0IX rDrcrPTur it posses, Rules, Nails, Brads, &e. A Lot of BITT T-A EjSl , . Saddles, Blind an : Riding Bridles, McLelSqqXlan tree and Ladies' Saddles. A lot of asliMAHy^nYoungorOidIMarricdSJBACTIC^ sortC(1 Axes;-Guns, Single and Doodle, PisJTGt Single, these Bitters are ua\^ ' ' tols, &C. A lot of Till-waiC, Strainers, CoL ^^quolled and hare often been th^W feo-pots, Milk-pans, 31 ilk-pails, &C. A ISO, ^ ?* o v ?' m a general assortment of J try and Fancy "" * Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and ' Caps, for sale low for Cash. DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, &C, jfaaf Liberal advances on consignments of ' ' ' cotton, and highest market prices paid for all kinds of country produce. Am /?> /?> 1 Heavy discouut to largo purchase. Terms <?: .E&iSKZsfy OA cosh. , 'If VK CIIABXES ELIAS, 'I | V 5' : nov 3-f?m Broad Street. msrfm li l?(* the grand finale. An increase of business and a desire to ?3 improve, has prompted us to procure new apparatus, which enables us to make pictures J w from the size of a pin head to life size, and at prices to suit the times. Give us a call, for we mean what we say. I? P. 1TOAME, LEE&BRO. Up Stairs in the "Workman Building* MANUFACTURER AND DEALER, feb. 1 tf. \Tn '>(1 and Ilorlhpck's Wharf. ? Z.... - ;,-.y Vi?7 pe'i'n v a n STATU UJ? SUUTH UAKULliN A>UOtiV^ThU ii i and'most complete Fuc- TY OF KERSHAW-CouET Or <*K tory of the kind in the Southern Stntos, and all * LEAS, article* in this line can he furnished by Mr. Angus Johnson, Plaintiff ") P. To.UK?t prices which defy competition. jnst L W R B]air & f Forelosare of" tfS&SW" "c - *- -posl r"1J' P. P. TOAIE, Clinloton, S. C. I#r2''? 'J10 ?'J? I will proceed Julv 10 % 12m. to sell before the court house door in Camden, * *' "* within the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Moiud:iv. the 4th (lav af March na*f Ilia KEKSIIAW?In the Probate Court, described real estate to-wifc j71 ^"7*A 'VV DT? T H T>1SrFrF$l Aj.L that tract of ]>and situated intheeonn?jb 1 A. 1?j U.L rJ. C.1 TjIIio fy aforesaid, containing ONE THOUSAND ACWHEREAS, P. R.Topeland has made suit to UE8, more or less, bounded, by lands of said mc for letters of administration on allandsingu- Bluir on the north and west, and by those of cs-. lur tiic poods and chattels rights and credits tatc of Amos Hough,, unil east by big Lynches, which were of the said J. C. l'etts deceased.? creek. Now therefore, this is to summons and require Said land to be sold ia three tracts, plats all and singular the kindred and creditors of whereof can be seen at my office on and after the the said deceased to be and appear before mc at 20th instaut. the court of probate to be held on the 24th day Terms:?One-half cash, balance on a credit of" of February next, to show cause if any there be one year, with interest from day of sale; to be se-. why the said administration should not begrnnt- cured by bondof purchaser with upproved secu-. c<j rity and a mortgage of premises. Feby 7 1372. J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. 8ts J. 1'. BOSWELL, S. K. C.