The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, January 04, 1872, Image 2

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TS3E JOCKKAL. JOIirf KERSHAW, Editor and Proprietor. CAMDEN S. C., JANUAItY 4, 1872 Announcement ExtraordiV-? n T?TT I 11 Uil J * Having determined to publish a cheap as well as an interesting newspaper, wo have the pleasure of announcing to our readers and the public at large, that we have reduced the price of the Journal to 82 50 ]>cr annum, payable in advance, on and after the first day of January 1872. Every person subscribing now for the full year of 1872, will receive the paper freo for the month of December. Should wo receive sufficient inducements, after this great reduction, to warrant it, we will enlarge our paper, put up a job office and endeavor in every way to make the Journal more interesting and more profitable both to readers and advertisers, than ever before. "We hopo our efforts will be duly appreciated. The Ku Klux Court. , ^ By reference to our exchanges we perceivo that the trials in this Court are p^ressing, doubtless to the satisfaction of the prosecuting officers of the government and the fiends who set in motion this new form of tyrannical oppression. We wish it distinctly understood that we never have directly or indirectly countenanced or encouraged Ku Kluxism, but still we regard the enforcement acts of Congress a disgrace to the Statute books of the country and a stigma upon the civilization of tho age. It has resulted in a reign of terror, and between packedjuries and a prejudiced Judge no man, however innocent, can establish his innocence sufficiently to induce an acquittal. On Monday last when thejsourt convened it -was ascertained that Dr. Avery of York county, whose case was on trial, was absent, and the court demanded of Col. McMastcr, of counsel for the defence, where Dr. Avery "was, and when he replied that ho hoped the court would excuse his answering the demand, Judgo Bond ordered him to show cause why his name should not be stricken ?rom the roll of attorneys of that court. Wo are not sufficiently acquainted with the details of the occurrence to say where the blame attaches, but it surely could not have been that Col. McMoBter connived at the escape of Dr. Avery, or that he insulted tho Judge by not paying sufficient respect to ^ettleHnhat Dr. Avcrv has escaped, and that lis bondsmen will have to pay the amount of his bail?S3,000. lie (Avery) had proved his innocence, but it was seen that there was no prospect of his acquittal, and hcncc !hi6 escapo. "We would not bo surpaised to learn at any moment that Col. McMaster's name was Btricken from the roll of Attorneys of the S.. Circuit Court, for a contempt of the court or some other presext. What the end of all this will bo it is not possible for us to say, but that the recollection of the scenes now being enacted in that oourt will embitter the hearts of all lover3 of liberty and cause a distrust of the government such as has never hitherto been felt in this country, we have not the slightest doubt. Our only hope depends upon the Surpreme Court*of tbo United States, where Messrs Johnson and Stanberry will do their full lor tllft 111 ffil nQt <1Uyj m UUUUatVUU^ IV ittjr MV1VIV VIIV Iii^uvuif judioial tribunal in the land the horrible consequences which have ensued upon the action of Congress. From what we have heard of the opinion of these gentlemen who have noblj vindicated the cause of justice bofore the Court in Columbia, we regard that they consider it almost a certainty that the acts ofCongress above alluded to will be wiped out from the Statute Books. KiRsnAw's BniaAOE.?In the next number of the Banner of the South ami Planters' Journal will bo commenced the publication of a Roster of Kershaw's Brigade, compiled by Gen. E. I*. Alexander, Chief of Artillery of Longstroct's corps. As this is a matter of interest to the survivors of the Brigade, our South Carolina exchanges are requested to copy the announcement. Fatal Accident.?Br. Ephriam Brevard, of Lincolnton, was killed by a fall from his horse, on the 14th. It is not extravagant to say'that ho was the most promising physician of his ago in tho Southern country. The late President of Davidson College had the most exalted opinion of his professional skill and when he wished to compliment a student ho was accustomed to say, "with proper diligence, you may make a man like Dr. Brevard," though he was careful not to say equal to Dr. Brevard. Inheriting the blood, bearing the name and adoring the profession of Doctor Ephraiui Brevard, the celebrated author of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence of 1775, tho deceased wan as ardent a lover of liberty as his illustrious kinsman. During the four years struggle for constitutional liberty, he was a faithful, zealous and efficient Confederate officer, discharging with signal ability the duties of the profession ho loved so well. Brave, chivalrous, generous, warmhearted, truthful, modest and honorable, lie had all those high and noble qualities which win the esteem of the pure and good. hlay God p Hid infinite njejcy and T compassion comfort ami consolo the sorely bereaved parents in this the bitter hour of ? trial. <;0, my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it, Thy will be done." The subject of the above notice, taken from the Southern Home, published in Charlotte, N. C., was the son of Theodare W. Brevard, formerly of this State, afterwards a resident of Alabama, and nit?ro recently of Florida, and his wife Caroline nee Mays, formerly of Edgefield. The family have still many near relatives, and attached friends in the State from which they emigrated, who -u. i Will HynipauilKB lit luu uciouvcuicui ui luc parents as well as for themselves deeply deplore the untimely end of one so elevated and so giifted. A process for purifying -water by moans of spongy iron has lately been patented in England by Dr. (jr. Bischaf, of Bonn. The energetic action of iron upon organio substances in solution lias been long known, but its application in the form of cast iron, iron wire, etc., were without practical results,the effect being too slow. A filter of spongy iron, on the contrary, act9 rapidly and thoroughly, the most offensive water immediately losing its color and snicll, and keeping sweet and in a serviceable condition for a long time. The substance in question can now be bad in any quantity and at a moderate price. Two farmers living in Galcsburg, III., got to bantering whet her a span of horses belonging to one could pull more than a span of uiulcs belonging co the otbe. It was decided to try it in the middle of the main street of the viliige. The mules wero hitched to the end of a long, stout chain,and the horses at the other end. At the words "got up!" quick sprang each span, both sharp-shod, caininir and losinr bv fits and starts, the CT> U vy f horses finally pulling the mules after them. At another trial, the mules went off with their load. This was followed by a long, cheering shout from the crowd. But after various triifls it was decided that the horses were the stronger, for in the last trial they pulled the mules after them, turning them about in their harness, amidst the groat applause of the bystanders. In an Ohio village lately a drunken husband went home and amused himself by breaking furniture, &e. The wife looked on, and whon the work of destruction had ceased sat down and made out a bill, embracing each article destroyed and its value. This done, she went to the saloon keeper who sold the liquor to her husband aud demanded the amount of the bill. He saw she meant business, and "forked over" the full amount. ; RR-AJiiMATixoTnEHAiB.?When the hair ceaecs to draw from the scalp the natural lubricant which is its sustenance, its vitality is, ns it were suspended, and if notpromptlyattended to,baldness will be the certain result. Tho one sure I method of avoiding such an unplensant catastro"1 T K"? tl.n-nlrvr? n-lii/?ll nrhpn TVoll piljr, 13 1V USV lip'uo, ??v? "-v.. rubbed into tha sculp will speedily reanimate the hair, and prevent it from fallingout. Besides that, this inimitable resusitant and strongthener of the hair nourishes and stimulates its young and lender fibers, removes all obstacles to their growth, in the shape of dandruff and dirt, and ultimately produce a new crop of hair, stronger, glossier, and twice as abundant as the old. As a hair dressing, it is notably the most agreeable, refreshing and serviceable article ever placed upon a dressing table. of the Complaints Produced ut it.?A sallow or yellow color of the skin or yellowish brown snots on the face or other parts of the body: dailies and drowsiness, with frequent headache; dizziness, bitter or bad taste in the mouth, dryness of the throat, and internal hem; palpitation with a dry teasing cough, sore throat, unsteady appetite, raising of food, choking sensation in the throat; distress, heaviness, or bloated, or full feeling about the stomach end sides, pain in sides back or breast, and about shoulders; colic pains and soreness through bowels, with heat, constipation alternating with frequent attacks of diarrhoea, piles flatulence, nervousness of extremities; rushing of blood to the head with symptoms of appoplexy, numbness of limbs, especially ut night; cold chills alternating with hot flushes, kidney and urinary disordcre, female weakness, dullness, low spirits, unsoeibilitv and gloomy forebodings. Only a few of these symptoms arc likely to be present in any case at one time. All who use Dr. Pierces Alt. Ext. or Gol*'? X.f?,1!/* > 1 nSuA/tvatiw fftv T Ivnr f^nmrvloin! nn/1 UUU iUCUJUfti A/iovv I IV. Mtwt ....M its complical ions, are loud in its praise. Sold by all first class druggists. A Do dj ami Mind Dispose. Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the brain arc too intimately allied for one to suffer without the other, so that dypepsia and despondency arc inseparable. It may be addeel, too, that irritation of stomach is almost invariably accompanied by irritation of temper. The invigorating and trnnquilizing operation of Hostetter's Bitters is most powerfully developed in cases of indigestion. The first effect of this agreeable tonic is comforting and encouraging. A mild glow pervades the system, the chronic uneasiness in the region of the liver is lessened, and the nervous restlessness which characterizes the disease abates. This improvement is not trnnsiont. It is not succeeded by the return of the old symptoms with superadded force, as is always the case when unmcdicated stimulants arc given for the complaint. Bach dose seems to impart a healthful accession of invigorution. But this is not all. The aperient and anti-billious properties of the preparation nn> nrnvr?.>1v Rt-poiidarv in imDorlance to its tonic virtues. If there is an overflow, of bile the secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if the bilury organ is inert and torpid it is toned, and regulated. The effect upon the discharging is equally salutary, and in cases of constipation the cathurtic effect is just sufficient to produce the dosired result gradually and without pain.? The Hitters also promote henllhy evaporation from the surface, which is particularly desirable at this season when sudden spells of raw, unpleasant weather arc apt to check the natural prespiration and produce congestion of the liver, 1 1 ?I.I.. ,,// UUUgJID ilUU V.UIU3. J. iIP viol u^??rt?v *?*. diseases is bodily vigor, and this the great vegetable restorative especially promotes. Jnn4 ml MARKim" On the 28th of December, 1871, by Rev. J. E. Rodgcrs, Mr. J. E. Watkins, of Darlington, to Miss Susan II. Myers, of Kershaw county. New Advertisements. Sale of Furniture. CHAMBER sets, Wardrobe, Tnblcs, Bureaus, Bronze Clock, Large Chairs, Wire Safe, Cooking Stove, latest pattern, and other household furniture, also, ladder and garden tools.? J To be seen at any hour at Grace church Recto- j I T7* I New Advertisements. dregs & medicines1 Wo Lave just received a fresh supply of . MrrnUTM 1 T ft DRUGS, MEDIUMS, UMffllUiM PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WINDOW - GLASS, Dye Stuffs and e PATENT MEDICINES. Our stock is very large and complete. W# think we cun'give satisfaction to every person, bath as to quality and prices, as our Medicines are warranted Pl'ltE and GENUINE. HODGSON &. DUNLAP.i y '. m Brushes, JEto. A Large Assortment of fine English and French Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Id* fants' Brushes; also Nail nnd Bathing Brushaj. Dressing Coinbs of all qualities. HODGSON & DUNLAP. ?- r-ru, i _ i _ _ rancy ana lonet Arocies. JN Large Variety, such as Toilet Sets, Dressing Cnses, (both ladies' and gentlemen's) oilet Stands, Jewelry Stands, "Work Boxes, Vases, Leather and Silk Bugs and Port Monies, Also, Gorman Colognes, Lubin's and Lowei Extracts, Lubin's Soap, besides a largo lot oj other Perfumeries and Fancy Soaps. IIODCSON & DUNLAP. Paints and Colors. BEST English White Lend, Croroe, Green and Yellow, Winber's Terra Sienna, Prussian Blue, Patent Dryer. Sc.c., Ac. Also, I.insced Oil and Turpoutine. For sale by t HODGSON & DUNLAP.. "f Kerosene JLamjts & Oi| JUST arrived; a largo nnd beautiful nsso& ment of Kerosene Lamps, both Parlor a#i hand with all the Latest Improved Burners. also keep on hand the Best Known Oil, aB all t$< oil we sell HAS BEEN* TESTED. HODGSON & DUNLAP.I LAMP CHIMNIES. I TIIESE Chimnios are rondo of tho Best Fli Glass, and arc not half so liable to break the coicinou ones. H. & D. Jany4 1 y I A" Silver cases: also the celebrated RoscOp Stem Winder, at fifteen dollars, all wifr ranted good tinic-kccpeis. . Jewelry of new patterns; Pocket and Table knives, Razors, Scissors, Spectacles and Fane; Goods. J. A. YOUNG. ! SCHOOL BOOKS! ALL That ure used in the Public and Privat Schools. Blank Books, Paper and Envel i opes. Miller's Almanacs and Pocket Diarie for 1872. J.A.YOUNG. Jan. 4th ml. ESTHAY NOTICE AN Iron-grey horse, with long tail. Novieibl marks. The owner can recover the some b; pvoving property andpajing expenses, Taken up by DAYMON A DAMSON at Z Cantey's Plantation ou Granny's Quarte Creek. Jan. 4th t3. NOTICE. /WTLTi sell at Private Salo a tract of goo< Sand Hill Land, containing eighty (80) acre? j more or lees. Said land lias been under cultiva 1 tion, but not in the last two years. The bound | are a? follows, on Little Deav%- Creole: Cuund 1 ed North by lands of Patience De Druah, Soutl j by land of John M. Shaw, West by lands o estate of Hardy Thorn, and enst by lands o ; Patience De Druah, This land, if not sold a | private sale before, will be sold at public sal on the first Monday in February A. D. 1872, a the Court House in Camden. I will sell for cash or on 7cry moderate terms i Now is the clmnce for a bargain. We can giv j the best of titles. T.. J. CONAWAY. OFFICE COUNTY AUDITOR Camden, S. C.. Jan. 3, 1873. ENTICE, Is hereby given, tliKt the sum of eleven dollar and tbirly (Sll 30) cents has been deposit ed in the County Treasury of jlershnw, for llr redemption of fourteen acres of land in DeKall township, said land having been sold for tnxc of the year 1870 as the property of Calvit Gardner, and bid in by the County Auditor ot account of the State, JAMES I. VILLF.PTGUE, jnnl 2t County Auditor. rTlto Stale of South Carolina, Countj of Kershaw?Court of Common Pleas Israel ITymnn, nnd Bernard'] Sprinz, co-partners trading | Summons foi unilcr the name of J. Ilynian | Money demand & Co. Plaintiffs J-Ooinplnint no against served. Charles ITytnun Dcfendsnt TO Charles Hyman, Defendent in this action You arc hereby summoned nnd required t( answer the complaint in this action, which Is rtud llymnn and Bernard Sprinz, co-partner! trading under the name of Iiyman & Co , plain tiffs, filed in the office of the clerk of the cour of common pleas for the said county and t< serve a copy of your answer on the subscriber! at their offico in Camden within twenty days af ter the service of this summons on you, exclu sive of the dny of Bcrvico. If you fail tonnswei this complaint within the tiino aforesnid th< plaintiff will take judgement ngninst you for th< sum of four hundred and sixty-four and sixty one one-hundredth dollnre, with interest fron the date hereof together with nil costs and cx> penses. LEITJJER & DUXLAP, Attysfor Pif Dated Jany 3d 1S72. To the defendant Charles Hymnn: Take no ticc tlint the complaint in this action has beer this dny filed in the office of the Clerk of th< Court of Common Pleas at Camden, in aud for the county of Kershaw, in the State aforesaid. J?ny4 (6 LEIINEft & DUtfLAP, ?ffe Attji. I * " v y ' NEW ARRIVALS ?OF? FAMILY GROCERIES ind Farming Implements, gagging, Ties,, Rope &c. COTTON and other Country Produce bought at highest market prices for Cash. Liberal advances made on all consignments, either to bis friends in Charleston or New York by .GEOEGE S. DOUGLAS. dool4-lra J LEE & BRO. Htring opened a new Gallery up stairs in the Workman Building we are prepared to make Phonographs, Fereotypes, and Ambrotypes, at sucbobeap rates as to enable all to bare pictured mads. Come at once as wo will remain only a sboy time. We also hare Stereotypes and Views of some of tie great scenes of tho late war.. Also, Pbo- 1 togwph Albums for sale rery cheap. ' Gire us a call whether you want pictures talci en of not. ;! J/XHOS. LEE, deo 14-tf " A. B. LEE. XMAS SUPPLIES, ! ' 1 . : , - SELECTED HAVANA ORANGES, j Ihnanas, Northern Apples, ' ^ocoamtts, Brazil Nuts, % ; tfecan Nuts, Filberts, J^tyer Bnisins, ? a? Cfnmlnoa T^nictrtQ ' jjmjoxj ui uicuuvoj 8myrna Figs, fmyrna Figs, in baskets, 1 and 2 lbs eacb. Stick and Lump Candy, assorted, Sugar Plums, assorted. Cracker, Kisses, Gilt Kisses, i Soft Shell Ammonds, Zante Currants, f Leghorn Citron, 1 Specie Prize Boxes, Fire Crackers. On consignment and for sale by B^L. DeSAUSSURE & CO., / - COM. AGENTS. Coffee. JAVA, LAGUrRA AND It 10 COFFEE, all grades. I). L. DeSAUSSURE & CO., dec 21-tf Commission Agents. Bagging-. If flfl Heavy -and Light Dundee Lagging, iJUU For sale low to close consignment by ' D. L. DeSAUSSURE & CO., Com. Agts. j Mams. b "\7EItY Superior Fig Hams, second to none, s Y D. L. DeSAUSSURE & CO, Com. Agts. Smoked Beef. Al Dried Beef?4 to 10 lbs each?New. For sale by * D. L. DeSAUSSURE & CO., Co;n. Agts. 7 J. 31. IHNUNSOR, i ' PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST rpAICES pleasure in announcing to the people ? of Camden and surrounding country that he i. jjKsftzainrcturnid, an^^prepared to furnish riiotogi$apiis,Terroiyl)es, ?e. f " t* tlic Sc3 style and at reduced rates. 'Tjjose wishing pictures will do well to call soon at his " Gallery up stairs in'tho Workman Building. r > 'C'-1 DFNTIST ; nj'.AiJST, j Broad Street, CAMDEN, S. a. Office?Rooms in the Workman Building, for? mcrly occupied as a Photograph Oallery. e Patients waited upon at any time and place. ' OTCTlOTSAOi \ r Ilcnvy D. Lowndes ra* A. R. Chisolm 1 Mary Robinson ts, A. R. Chisolm. J In pursuance of nn order in abore case made by his If on. Judge Graham at Charleston on ^ the 7th day of December A. D. 1871, wc will of| for for sale at the Court House in the town of ' Oamden S. C* on the second Monday in January s next at 72 o'clock ALL that tract, piece, or parcel of land in Kershaw county state of So. Ca. measuring and containing 400 acres, more or less; bounded on , the north by lands ofT. J. Ancruin, East by lands t of Wm. F. Boyken and watcrs"of Swift Creek, e south by Watcrcc river lands of John M.DcSausat cur and Win. F. Hoy kin, and west by Wateree vivcr, said property formerly belonging to Allen Deaf), and conveyed by him *o Thurston and g Holmes on the 18th of Feby. 1871. The property above described may be treatod for at private sale. TERMS:?Onc-lhird cash, balance in one and two years, secured by the bond or bonds of the ' purchasers and a mortgage of the premises sold. No 21 t3. THURSTON & HOLMES KEiiiSHAW?In the Trokatb Court. . : ESTATE OF THOMAS GOIIF.. Dcc'd. c Whereas, Hall T. McGcc has made suit to me I) for letters of administration upon all and singus jar the Goods, Chattels, Rights anfl Credits r which were of said Thomas Gore, dcc'd.: Now, i therefore, this is to summon and require all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at the Court of Probate, to be hold on the twelfth day of Jan^ uary, 1872, to show cause, if any there he, why 1 said administration should not be granted. J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. Dec. 28. 2t. r Mnlcs! Mules! J Will be sold, at private sale, if applied for roon, quite cheap, Seven Ilcad of Fine Work Mules. Terms one-hnlf Cash, balance on (he first day of November next, secured by note of purchaser j with approved security. Apply to J. D. Kennedy . Agent. ! Plantation For Pent. | Will be rented to the highest bidder, on Mons day next, January. 1st, 1872, before the Court . House in Camden, for the ensuing year, that valuable plantation, on the West side of the WaP tcree river, known as ; TIIE MOBLEY PLACE. [ Rent to be secured to the satisfaction of the , lessor, KERSHAW A KERSHAW, Agents for Lessor. ' FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! . , Fire Works I Fire Works! i Sky Rockets, Roman Candles, Pin Wheels, Serpents, Mirrors, SandCrackcrs, Union Torpedoes, Common Torpedoes, Fire Crackers, Ac., Ac. For itefcbf p. C. KIRKLET, Ag*. j i 1 * " Carolina Fertilize: WII For the largest production of Cotton to the acre, 1, For the largest production of Wheat the acre, 1,000 The above premiums are for crops produced with thi sombination with plantation manures only, and the at iry with the committee of the Association under the r Stevens & Cureton, Lancaster, S. C. To P. P. Zimmerman, Esq., Secretary of Ihe Fair of the The following is a correct statement of tho cotton ri stubble land, which was manured with 400 pounds of mode of cultivation: it was thoroughly broken up 13 i a half fept wide, and the fertilizer applied in the drill and planted the same day, hut owing to the cool and d til about the 1st of June First working it was run t trimmed out with a hoe. Second working it was rui and tho middles thrown out with a sweep 18 inches wi Btand with a hoe about 12 inches between the stocks* i weeks with a sweep 18 inches wide, and hoed each tii lowing is a correct statement of the cotton picked; 1st picking, 254; 2d picking, 410; 3d picking, 413; bolls, 816; total, 1,923. Respectfully submitted, I certify I woighed tho cotton picked in tho above i 1871. At the request of Messrs. Stephens & Cureton we h estimuto mado above is true to the best of our ability* Premiums awarded to Stephens & Cureton.on the al Wo will sell the above splcudid ferti^er at Forty-Fi November, with interest at 7 per cent.-per annum, di Agents will sell at same prices, adding the friight uii GEO. w n ftTCRALD & CO.. Agents at Camden, atlantic acid This article, prepared bj the Atlantic Phosphate C ist, Dr. St Julicn Uavnel, for composting with cottor $28 per ton cash, or $81 per ton payable in Noveiub. Orders filled now will be considered as cash 1st of bcr i872, thereby enabling planters to haul it at atii PELZER RODGER! Jany 4th ui3. j atlantic pfi This Fertilizer manufactured by the Atlantic Fhot chemist Dr. St. Julicn lt.iviul, is now offerod to the i j of $48 dollars per ton cash, or $52 payable 1st Novel j This fertilize/ha9 becu very extensively need in t some practical planters admitting it to be equal to P< I All sales made now will be considered as cash on i time the sales will bo considered as due on 1st. Nove: By this arrangement planters will be enabled, wi their wagons tlnd mules are idle. Pamphlets containing the certificates of tho30 who furnished on application to the Agents. pezjzek nogje BAUM BROS. Agts., Camden, Jnn 4th m3. sojL.uui-.ii: (pacific guano. |b si_ i, /'cw/i7 Ailcuncc for Price fc-io " 1 ?* *""? . , Time. s Ti the past six years in this Stale for'coifej and corn, bus so far established its cbnractcr for excellence m to render comment unneccs- III sary. 1, In accordance with tho established policy of the furnish the best concentrated fertilizer at the lowest cost to consumers, this Gun no is put into market this season at the above reduced price, which the company is enabled to do by reuaon of its largo facilities and the reduced cost of manufacture. The supplies put into market this season are, as heretofore, prepared under the personal superintendence of Dr. St. Julian Itavencl, chemist of the company at Charleston. 8. C., hence plnntcrs may rest assured that its QUALITY ^ and COMPOSITION is precisely the same as that heretofore sold. At the present low price every acre planted can be fertilized with two hundred pounds Guano at a cost not exceeding the pres- 24 \nt value of thirty pounds of cotton, while expbv^cnce has shown that under favorable conditionVof season and cultivation tho crop is incrcusc&by the application from two to three- ei fold the ib^tural capacity of the soiL Ilonce under no conditions could its application fail to Jo compensate for the outlay. Apply to be J. N. BOBSOX, Agent Pacific Guano Company, 68 East Buy, and 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, " ?>---? o l^nanraiuu, v/? JNO. S. REESE & CO., General Agents, nor 3? Co PACIFIC GUANO COM?ANY'S Q< COMPOUND J; ACID PHOSPHATE of LIME For Composting with Cotton Seed. Ti Price $25 Cash, with l~*uai Advance for et? Time. rj^HIS article is prepared under the supcrin- B 1 tcndcncc of St. Julien RaTcncl, expressly for composting with cotton seed. ? It was introduced by this company two years ago, and its use has fully attested its vnhie.? 200 to 250 pounds of this article per acre, pro- ? perly comported with the sapie weight of cot- re. ton seed, furnishes, tho pluWir with a fertilizer of tho highest txicilence at the smallest cost, yj A compost prepared with this article, as by printed directions furnished, contains all tho elements of fori tility that can enter into a first'class Fertilizer, while its economy must commend its liberal use to planters. For supplies and priutcd directions for composting apply to . J. N. KOBSON, In Agent Pacific Gunno Company, 68 East liay and 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, r Charleston, S. C. J.>'0. S. RF.ESE & CO., General Agents. nor 3-4m Sii ? ha ESTATE OF WM. JOIIXSOX. WHEREAS, W. D. McPowall has made suit to D me for letters of? administration upon all and singular the goods, chattels, rights and credits which were of said William Johnson, de ceased. Now, therefore, this is to summon and require nil anb singular the kindred and crcdititors of the said deccnsed to be and appear before me at the Court of Probate to be held on p the 15th day of January next, to show cause, if ll any there be, why the said administration should not be granted. ] Dec 15, 1871 J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P Go Northern Cabbages. < Superior Lot of Northern Cabbages, a!:jo Apples, S0,: Oranges, Cocauuts, on hand, and for sale ty D. C. KIRKLEY, Agt. Fire Works, ALL KINDS, for sale by p. 0. &IBKLET, Agt. i ' * / Jp j.' SBS????asSBssa*M f r^iimnphaiit I, .MINGTON, N. C., August 21st, 1871* 000 lbs. Carolina fertilizer. lbs Carolina Fertilizer. * ' i t nae of the Carolina Fertilizer alone, et ' I warding of said premiums ia'left discretion* J ules. ' ' SANDERS, OATES 4 CO.,. ' J Agent* *t Charlotte. WAXHAWS, Lancaster county, 8. C. Carolinat. Charlotte, C.: *-v used by Stevens & Weton on ty mtm o% Carolina Fertilizer. The foHowisg 1* the. inches deep, and laid off in row* three and ' , then bedded on it on the 16th of May, Iry weather, did not come up to a stand nnLround with a half shovel and partially i around with a 3 inch grub, 12 inehea long idc. One furrow to a row and thinned ,to a ami afterwards it was ploughed every two nc, until it yrus worked five times. The fol* estimated amount of unopened matured STEVENS & CURETON. . i itatemont, end it is correct. October 2d). i i W. A. GRAHAM. $. { avo examined the ij acre of cotton, and th<t ?/ D. P. DURANT, W. A. GRAHAM, " & .. JOSEPH R0HGE8. " I t>ove ecrtifaate. a ive Dollfl^ush, or Fifty Dollars pavatyp 1st. 1 slivered at our warehouse in 'Charleston.--. 1 id druytige to their depots. I W. WILLIAMS & CO. | jan4 3m 1 PHOSPHaTE. I lompany, under the direction of theii; cfcea- j i seed is now offered at the reduced price o$;r 1872, Free of Interest. ' March, 1872, or on time as due 1st Noveigr me when their wagons and mules are idle* S & Co., Gren. Ag^ts. Brown's Wharf Charleston, 3.0.. [OSPHATE - '--'V. iphate company unucr m? iukvuvu v* ilmting community at the Tory reduced price Dibcr 1872 free of interest. \ his Stale, and baa given entire satisfaction; ;rt:vinn guano pound forpound. ' the lat of March 1872, and to those baying on f niter 1872. ... ;i,r ,;<J thout extra cost, to Leul their manure when i h& used the Atlantic Phosphate will be SS &> Co. Genl Agtg. < Browns Wharf, Charleston S. (5* i * DON'T LET THE ' ShllSNPFPOETBSHY SUFI 'OSITTVE DRAWING ~-f ^ Immigration Gift Concerts I Will take place ? V WITHOUT FAI^f ' On the day appointed. \\ ecure Tour Tickets At Onee? I?"All Orders Strictly Confidential.-^! 06 Gifts, amounting to ?*..$0OQ,OQflt t t ,. ^ Tho chanoes are unusualy good?one tieket in ery sixty-two is sure to drawa prism. ; Orders for tickets received up to the 61'i of .nuary, after which time no mere tickets will sold. SINGLE TICKETS $5 EACH. NO POSTPONEMENT I immi831 oners and supebvisobs 01 &baw1n0 > ineral A. R. WRIGHT, of Georgia, mcral BRADLY T. JOHNSON, of Virgina. loncl B. II. RUTLEDGE, of South Carolina. >n. ROGER A. PRYOR, of New York j Great inducement and redaction in price of ckets to Clubs, Remittances can be made to as, and the tiek-. 3 will be seut bp return mail by CTLER, CHADWICK, GARY k CO., Charleston, S. C., or our Agents. ? w v meral M. C. Butler, John Chadwick, j General M, W. Gabt. iPiOIAL 10T1CE ! I ? ' < I GREAT REDUCTION , * Prices of all Goods have been made at "" ' . ' I. Baruch's New Store,, nco the 1st of piecember. Heavy additions ve also been made to his stock of BY GOODS, CLOTHING, Shoes and Hats, Which are offered at ices which Defy Competition! Look to your interests by calling to see thesa oils, as there is no charge for showing. Gentlemen will find a new lot of those HwwL. ue Suits, at greatly reduced prices. I call is solicit;^-from ali at , H. BAllUCH'S, Oppoeite the Mvkefc t ?>* " * * ? .