The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, November 23, 1871, Image 3

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1 LOCAL IsTIEWS. CAMDEN POST OFFICE. Until further notice the Northern uiul Southlc em Mall will close every night during the wei'K at 8^ o'clock 1*. M. Sundays at 1 o'clock P. M. Lancaster and Flat Hock?Arrives at G o'cloek P. M? Monday, Wednesday and FriFridny. Leaves nt G o'clock A. M., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Bradford Sprinus. Jefferson and Tiller's Feurv?Arrives at 12 o'clock M., every Friday. Leaves at 1 P. M., every Friday. Office open during the week for delivery of Mail, from fl o'cloek A. M., to 1 o'clock P. M., and from 6} o'clock P. M., to 7A o'elock P. M. Sundays from 10 A. M. to 11 o'clock P. M. Aug. 3. SAMUEL PLACE. P. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Church, DeKoih street?Ucv. A. J. Stokes, Pastor?Services at 11 A. M. and 7,! P. M. on Sunday; Prayer Meeting Wednesday at P. M. Presbyterian Church, DeKnlb street?P,ev. S. FI. Hay. Pastor?Services nt 11 A. M. and 41 P. M mi Simdav:!Prayer Meeting on Wednesday I at 7/ i*. JVf. V * I Episcopal Cburcli. Lyttleton street?Rev. .T. 8. Kidney, Pastor?Service at 11 A. M. and 4 J P. M. on Sunday; Prayers Friday al RJ A. M. Baptist Church,. Broad street?Rev. A. K. Durham, Ristor?Services at?11 A. M. and 7\ P. M.'on the first, second and fourth Sundays ni' each month; Prayer Meeting Thursday at P. M. Messrs. Guiffin & IIoffmam, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street, Baltimore, Md., arc duly authorized to eontract for advertisements at our Imrrst rates. Advertisers in that City arc requested to leave their favors with this house. TVaterec Division, Number 9, Sons of Temperance, meets every Monday evening I at 71 o'clock at Temperance Hall, Southeast corner of llroad and PcKulb Streets. Manufacturing} Enterprise in Charleston.?Charleston is fast becoming a i Km I manufacturing as well as a commercial city. The largest manufactory of doors, sashes, blinds, &.c., in the Southern States is that of Mr. P. P. Toale, on Ilorlbcck's wharf in that city, sales room at No. 20 Ilaync street. Mr. Toale's advertisement ap]>ears in another coiuuin. A Good Rye Whiskey, can be Bought for one dollar and Fifty cents, per gallon at E. J. Conway's. 7 The Baptist Convention'.?This body meets at the Baptist Church in Camden, on Thursday the 23 inst, and *will continue in issue until Monday. A large number of the ministers of the denomination, will, it is expected, be in attendance and much business of interest transacted. Service will be held morning and evening. The Rev. Dr. Reynolds will deliver the Introductory service at the Baptist church to night 7*-o'clock. .< *, ^ Crumss.?The bail for Mr. H. L. Hunter ... -was osits^CmL at fije thousa n d. ^ pillars tor the princip^,"with not less'" than :;tw;o ncr more than four sureties, id the sum . fehirt.v.five hundred dollars. He has not s succeeded in giving the bond. A runaway ox afforded much amusement to the boy's, last Saturday, particularly as the rider looked very uu comfortable. A fine lot of mules is at the. Kershaw House stables. .. ...The old boat yard is being repaired, - to {rfjciiijale the conveyance of fright to the . Isis, which is now anchored at that lauding. Our foreman is sick this week and unable to atten<Tto his duties. We hope though, that he will soon be at his post agaiu aud "stick" there. We received no Columbia exchanges on ,);VJ{onday night. 'J< K/ .Worshipful master J. B. Kershaw and <w *Past fnisters S. A. Benjamin and B. L. DeSaussure have been elected to represent Kershaw Dodge No. 29, at the meeting of the Grand Lodge, in . December next in % Charleston, at which time the former will ' deliver an address on the occasion of laying ***" MoeAniA Tnnmln iUC t'Ul UCl aivuc VI bUV lUttovinv avui^/?V. Col. Rodgers, of the Kershaw House, will receive a large supply of Oysters on tomorrow, (Fri Jay) evening. Any party wishing them should leave their orders during the day. CAMDEN COrTON MARKET. . . Camden, S. C. November 22, 1871. The price continues low, Sales for the week of 220 bales at, 1G? to 1CJ cents for middling. Shipments for same time -100 bales. TiiEWatcree Division, as a cold water institution, has a worthy confrere in the "Fat Contributor," who has been expatiating ?-?-P uki Tt- ntni? in Pin/nnnuf i en cu uii vuc^iJICJ lio KJX 1v-v ?? uiv^i j *11 viuviuiiuv^ouju | its history has not been written, but it didn't I come over with the Filgrim Fathers, as they I bronght only New England rum. It was ! known medicinally among the Indians, for when an old chief was once asked what remedy he applied when bis squaw behaved badly, he replied with an emphatic and sig nificant movrment of his arm, "I swat-'cr!" meaning of course, ice-water. The article is not new, it having been known in the re" gions of the North-pole since there was a pole there, and the Esquimaux have lived on ice-water for centuries. The''Fat Contributor" may be very good authority, but the article may be sometimes hurtful, as too much produces cramp colic as was evidenced in some neophytes of the Division recently, yet they may havo been joking, and they wero not affli ted with icc colic, but merely playing shampain for the amusement of their friends, when attempting "I swat-'er" on their heads. Tiie Steamer Isis?Grand Excursion Down the Wateuee.?Captain Jester of the Isis, lias for some time been promising the community of Camden and vicinity, an excursion on his handsome boat. Having had her overhauled and repainted, and put in excellent condition, he concluded to have the said excursion on Thursday last. Accordingly, 011 Tuesday, invitations were issued, notifying the fortunate ones that upon the lGth instant, the pleasure of their com-1 pauy was requested on an excursion down the Wutcrce, leaving the Ferry at 10 o'clock and returning the same afternoon. Thursday dawned a beautifully clear fall day, not a cloud being visible in the sky. and at quite an early hour, vehicles of all descriptions freighted with gaily dressed and happy people, could be seen driving down the liver road, bent upon seeing and enjoying tlio river and excursion. Punctually at ten o'clock the Is is steamed down from her landing to the site of the old bridge and was moored lo the eastern shojc of the river.? Fveryh^Pr having gone aboard and many cautionary signals given by the whistle, the /sis was put under way down the river, which was in splendid condition for the excursion, the water being rather high and the current swift. ( After the novelty of being on board the ' boat had worn off, the services of a disciple 1 of Paganini were called into requisition, and the gay young people, interspersed here and j there with an older couple, were soon thread- , i.wr fim mvctin m:i7cs of the dance. Sports- . I I4q uiv - - men. on murder intent, sought the bow of ( the boat and wasted quantities of annnuni- * tion on the frightened water-fowl, which startled from their quietude, flew rapidly up I and down the river. Everybody was made ' to feel at home and consequently enjoyed 1 themselves to the utmost. About half-past one o'clock, the Tsis having ? been made fast to the eastern shore, the ex- t cursionists were invited to a collation pre- ] pared by tc officers in charge, and a ''feast 1 of reason and flow of soul," ensued. After .1 partaking plentifully of the repast, dancing j was resumed and kept up until the declining ( sun warned the party that it was time to re- t turn. Tlifl K:iil un was as pleasant as could be ' and the excursionists reached the lauding, , c ( delighted with their day's frolic. The Captain and others having the ex- ( cursion in charge, have the warm thanks of t those who partook of their elegant hospitali- t ty, for the very plcant and novel sensation ' of a sail down the Wartcrec. and we have no J doubt that it will be remembered as one of the most'pleasant days that they have enjoyed in many years. < The Hi port of the County Commissiorrors 1 washapd?d tQ_us too late-for publication in t this wee':'a i no. . ktjwill appear iu our next | i gra<ie cnlmcn-^^:j.\a Services.? ' V In May, 18G7, Grace Chm&fr-Episcopal, ( situated on Uroad street, a short dWfeince below the corner of DcKalb, the site of which is now occupied by the stores of It. -31. Ken- f nedy and Hodgson & Dunlap, was burnt, the ' fire being communicated to it from a wing t of the hotel then known as the Mansion, but 1 now as the Kershaw House, which was also ( consumed at the same time. The sacred . . edifice was bnilt, if we mistake not, in the 1 year 1829, and thus was, at the time of its ' burning, of 38 years standing. Its pictur- ^ o?q.ue ruins stood for four years, when they were demolished to make room for the stores < above mentioned. - I; Last fall, tho Vestry and Ward as deter-!' mined to build, and proceeded at once to J carry out their designs into execution. Previous to that that time, the congregation had ( met for worship through the kindness of i { brethren of other denominations, in the va- i 1 rious churches, and in a school house ad- j joining the Methodist Parsonage, which had been tcmpoarily fitted up for worship. Here t they continued until last Sunday, when the new church being completad, it was deter- .] mined to hold services on that day. .< Tho new church is of Gothic architecture, situated near the south-west corner of Lyttleton and Laurens streets, fronting on . j the former, the land being given to the Church by the Board of Trustees of the Camden Male Academy, which is on '! e crno r?nnr lot but distant about tWO . hundred yards* The internal length of the bnilding, which is of brick, is seventy-five feet, including the chancel, and the width is forty feet. It is made open-roof, d, contains sixty-four pews, and is capable of scatiug three h undrcd persons. On Sunday last, the building was filled i though not uncomfortably so, and services were held, the lit. llev. T. F. Davis, D. D. assisted by the Revs. John Johnson ani F. ' 13. Davis, of the clergy, being present. The j services in the morning were unusually sol-' enin and iuiprcssivo, rendered particularly so by a sermon from the Bishop. In the I afternoon, the llev. John Johnson preached j to a large auuicnce. It was particularly gratifying to the brcth. rcn to meet with their former beloved pastor, | Mr. Johnson, now officiating in St. Philip's i Church, Charleston, S. C., on the occasion of the opening of their church, for which both he and they had earnestly striven and pray| cd. Many members of other denominations were present and took a deep interest in the services. Altogether it was a Sabbath and an occasion which afforded cause for much joy and encouragement to Christiau brethren | hero aud elsewhere. t Yellow Jack Goxe Ur.?We extend our hearty congratulations to our friends in old Charleston, upon the appearance of black jack frost, and the consequent disappearance of yellow jack, which has been such a plague and drawback to her prosperity. We see by the papers, that the refugees are returning in great numbers, and that strangers no longer fear to visit the city. rnturn wliicll tllC fjiiuw LIIU aiiAivuy vw * -refugees fe.t, we may add that last week, as soon as it well ascertained that ice had been seen and handled in the city, thirty-two of them left Camden on a single mornifig. We hope that our visitors, unwilling though they may have been to come, found that Camden was not inhospitable, and cherish happy recollections of the time they spent with us. Under the new city government, possessing the confidence and support of the people, we entertain great hope that Charleston will move on toward prosperity and happiness. Water is quoted at six cents a glass and whiskey at four in some parts of Colorado. Spccinl Notices. Tin: Steami:b Isis?Will comm oicc regular trips between the Wnterec Station of tlicWih mington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, and ill intermediate landings on Wnterec itivcl, on Wednesday, November JOtli, making, for the present, semi-weekly trips, and shortly tlureifter, regular tri-weekly Trips. Exact Schedule ,fl" mnwrnwiin find connection with W. C. & V. R. It., will bo given to the public at an early i lay. For particulars apply to Cap). C. W. Jester, Steamer If it. ' The Great Pictorial Assim??Hosteller'.United States Almanac for 1872, for distribution, j nut in. throughout the United Stales, and ail rivilized countries of the Western Hemisphere, will he published about the first of January, in he English,German, French, Xorwrg an, Welsh. Swedish, Holland, Rohctnian and Spun.sli lung- , jages, and all who wish to understand the true i jhilosophy of health should read and ponder the mluable suggestions it contains. In addition to in admirable medical treatise on the causes, irevention and cure of a great variety ofdiseases, t embraces a large amount of information inter ssling to the merchant, tlie mechanic, the miner, he farmer, the planter, and professional hum ; ind the calculations have been made for such neridians and latitudes as arc most suitable for i correct und coiiij rchensive National (Jalcnlar. The nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitary, effects li otter's .Stomach Hitters, the staple -- > ?: I,.alt' ilia r'liviu. OI11C ami Ulivminv VI Uiviv iiiuu ?? V VM..W ain world, nrc fully set forth in its pages, which ire also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, raluahle recipes for the household and farm, tumorous anecdotes, Ad other instructive and uuusing rcudiiij^mnttcr, original and selected. Ymotig the Annuals to appear with the opening >f the year, this will be one of the most -"useful, tnd may be hatIfor the askiny. The proprietors Messrs. Host utter & Smith, Pittsburgh, Ph.; on ty mail to itoiy6auhot' n his neighborhood. The Bitters are sold in r * :rery city, town and village, and arc extensively iscd throughout the entire oivilizod world. Impaired Vitality.?'When you feel as if the riul powers were giving ttwQyi strength gtjtae. ipirits depressed, memory failing, appetite lost, ixhnustion stealing over every sense *nd par alyzing every energy, then is the firae to resort o that powerful ally of nature, Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Litters. The properties they unbody soon work a glorious rcnovutioa in lac lebilitated system and the plouded mind. Tub AsMosritEttE op Love?Is a pifr?, sweet jroath. This desideratum is one ot tit? results )f using Sozodout, which not only invigorates tad preserves the teeth, but renders the mouth is fragrant as a rose. jt . f Children's Lives Saved por 50 otse?Every :asc of Croup can bo cured when first tukeii by Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, warranted lor 24 years and never a bottle returned, it also :urcs diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, sore throat, tuts, burns and external pains. Sold by the Druggists, depot 10 Park Place, New .York. To Owners of Horses.?No one who has jverused Dr. Tobias' Horse Venetian Liniment - iV)U ever DC WllUOUl 11; II 13 3 uaiaiu vuiv ivt :oIic, sore throat, cuts, bruises and q!<1 sores. Warranted superior to nny other. In pint Lotlcs nt SI." Sold by the Druggists. Depot 10 Park Place, New York. Pratt'? Astral Oil?Not tho cheapest, but the infest and best illuminating oil for family use jver made. Burns in the ordinary' kerosene lamp. Does not take fire aud expldde if the lamp is upset or broken. Send l'or circular, Oil House of Charles Pratt, established 1?70, Kcvv York. Risley's Linim'nt?Of Arnica, Hops, Carbolic Acid, acts as a universal external cure-all, acting ou the nerves connected with the skin. It promptly relieves neuralgia pains, cleanses and cures old sores and ulcers, flesh wouuds, burns, bruises, sprains, &c. Sold everywhere at 50 cts. Morgan & Uislcy, Wholesale Druggist.?, New Y'ork, general agents. Laird's Uloom of Youth?A most 'delightful toilet preparation for beautifying Die ekin, lias been established over ten years; during that time over one million ladies havo used it; in every instance it has given entire satisfaction; it removes nil impcrfccti.ons, thns, freckles and sunburns, giving tho skin a youthful appearance. Sold at all druggists and fancy goods stores. Depot 5 Gold street, New York, Thanhs to the timely discovery of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, the hearts of many parents have been made glad by witnessing the beneficial effects which this remedy' never fails to produce during the critical periods of teething. Carbolic Salve.?Nothing like it ever known before, Cures cuts, burns, sores, wounds, &c., likcmugic. Physicians (peak of it in terms of the highest praise, l'riec 25 cents per box. John F. Ilenry, sole proprietor, 8 College Place, New York. Physicians who have prescribed Svnpnia or Purified Opium use no other form of opium in their practice. Chrtsladorcs JIair Dj/r.?If all his hairs were lives, Othello said, "my great revenge hath stomach fJr them all." But hair that's grey or sandy, white or red, the ladies have no stomach for at all. Use Christadorc's Dye and the evil is remedied. Manufactory 08 Maiden Lane, New York. " The rarest and Strictest Cod Li err Oil in the world is Hazard & Carwell's, made on the seashore from fresh, selected livers; by Hazard, Oacwell & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils inthe market Jourin's Inodorous Kid Glove Cleaner restores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale by druggists and frfftcy gooes dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. F. C. W0II9 & Co.; new York. < ,1 BBIjTIN G - FOR COTTON GINS And other machinery. Also an improved article of ,, LACE LEATHER. For sale by GEO. ALDEX, Agent. nng 17-tf. JAMES KNOX. JOHN OlIL. KNOX & GILL, rottnn Fantnrs ? flnmmissinii IfatatJ UulLvlil 1 UULU1U U VUUiiliiUtJIUU uxiuuiu| No. 4 Holiday Street, Baltimore, Md. Consignments of Cotton respectfully solicited. Liberal CASH advances made thereon by GEORGE 1LDEX, Agent. aug. 21. , Gmos. TT^lftlr^Q o -frxYl f" OCTAGON ROSEWOOD FINISH Metallic llurial Cases. AIR TIGHT and INDESTRUCTABLE fur PROTECTING AND PRESERVING THE DEAD. The subscriber keeps the above celebrntcd CASKS on hand, which, for durability, neatness and finish connot be surpassed. These are lir and water, therefore will preserve the body for a lonjr time, which have been proven by a number of Undertakers North and South. rii?*y cost but. little, if any moro than well made IValnut or Mahogany Coffins. A1S0 On band, a complete assortment of WOODE3T OFFI,\S, Linml and Unlined, Stained and Varnished, or Bovered. Handles and Trimmings to suit and it prices to suit the circumstances of all It. J. McCREIOHT, Undertaker. March 1(5. 12tn. Marengo Mills. XiTJIMIBIEIR;! 50 000 ft' R0UGI1 EDGE LUMBER; 30 000fL REFUSE lumber5 3$ 000 ft' SQUARE EDGE LUMBER: Seasoned and Unseasoned, Xow on lund and for sale by tlfc undersigned ut tho possible prices, jpcJ5el cash:, r I All orders addressed to or left with Mr. C. I NOELK.EN. or with tho undersigned, will res'ssUag^;.. j A I^umi)er Yard i Tins been established on tho premises of the above-named gentleman in the town of Camden, where parties from the town or surrounding country can be supplied at Camden prices by calling on him. S. R. ADAMS, sept 14 ly Proprietor Marengo Mills. J. R. CGODALS, Dealer in all kinds of plain stamped and Japanned TIN-WARE. Hoofing, Ouitcring Stove Pipe and all Job Work promptly attended to at the very lowest prices. Towu anu country racrcnams cujijuil-u at wholesale on us reasonable terms as can be bought elsewhere. Also, a lot of good Cookina Stoves, t which will he sold cheaper than any in Camden. Tlmnfc fill for the past patr^nnge so liberally beftowed upon him, he solicits its continuance. At the sign of the Big Coffee-pot, Broad st. nov 2-tf J. 11. GOODALE. KKItS'[AW?In.the Probate Court. In th'<rm after of the last Will and Testament of JOHN MOTLEY\ To John Motley, Elizabeth Tidwcll, and Abigail Robinson. YOU and each of you arc hereby notified to appear at the Court of Probate to be holden in Camden at the office of the subscriber on the first .Monday in December next, A. D. 1871: which day lias been appointed for proving the Will of the said John Motlev, deed., in due form of law. 1 J. F. SUTHERLAND, ' .t p. acpi i ?oui -. _. S1840^L8 j[?j Tltis Valuable Family Medicine lias been widely ami favorably known in our own and foreign countries, upwards of THIRTY YEARS! It has lost nouc of its good name by repeated trials, but continues to occupy a prominent position in every family medicine chest. It is an External and Internal Remedy. For Summer Complaint, or any other form of bowel disease in children or adults, it is nu almost euro, and lias without doubt, been more sue cess fu 1 in curing the various kinds of CHOLERA than any other known remedy, or the most skillful physician. In India, Africa and China, where this dreadful discaoo is more or less prevalent,! the Pain Killer is considered by the natives, as well us European residents in those climates, a .Hire remedy; and while it is a most efficient remedy for pain, it is a perfectly safe medicine, even in unskillful hands. Directions accompany each bottle. Price 2o cents, SO cents, nnd Si per bottle. Seed Wheat! rfk BUSHELS PRIME WHITE and RED dvf WHEAT, selected expressly for SEED. On consignment and for sale by D. L. DeSAUSSURA & CO. ep 28-tf Com. Agts. L SOUTH^C AROLIN A ~~ Land & Immigration Association, The undersigned having accepted the agency for the above Association for this County, is prepared to sell tickets and give all information repecting the same. fiiafOfficc, on Rutledgc Street, Camden, S. C. JOHN KERSHAW. June 29. . If D. t DcSAUSSURE & CO., COMMISSION AGENTS, V,'ill buy and sell COTTON, PRODUCE, and MERCHANDIZE generally, upon liberal terms, and solicit consignments, which they will end en vor to dispose of to best advantage, either at Wholesale or retail. ON CONSIGNMENT. I Flour. Syrup, llnron. Suirar. Lard, Coiree,-Soap, Hams, Molasses, Candles, <fcc. &c. Which are offered VERY LOW, for CASIJ ONLY. They silso Cflci% At Costfor Caeli, The entire of their former stock, purchased by Messrs. J. I. Middlcton & Co., andjjold on their account. aft D. L. DeSAUSSWE & CO. June 22?tf UOiEllAL FIRE AND LIEE INSURANCE AGENCY, CAMDEN, S. O. Piedmont & Arlington Life Insurance Company, RICHMOND, Va, The most Successful and Wealthiest Insurance ompany i n the Ecivh. ASSETS to 10th Sept., 1870, $2,011,000.70 ANNUAL INCOME 1,500,000.00 NO. POLICIES ISSUED to 15th Dec., 1870, | 3?Ir? Companies Pacific Insurance Company of San Francisco, Atlantic Branch New York Capital One Million Dol- ' Gold. Policies Issued Payable in Gold or Currency, Richmond Banking and Inrance Company, :.\riTAL $.500,000. For every description of insurance apply to W. CLYBURN, Agent. J. I. MIDDLETON & CO., FACTORS; ' AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BALTIMORE, MD., Having purchased the entire STOCK OF GOODS of Messrs.. D. L. DeSausscre & Co., we will sell the eame'?afc* , ; .* <" OOST Tor OASEC, and fqx that purpose hereby constitute the membsrrof that firm ouragentslo cH'ectSttWi sale. J. I. MIDDLETON & CO. Jnues tf Susi Received, A small lot of Choico Small Size 3ST. Y. Pig Hams, And White Breakfast Meat For family use?equnl to any home curing, and cheap as the cheapest; D. L. DeSAUSSURE & CO., Aug. 17?tf. Com. Agents. Bagging and Ties. One Bale heavy Dundee Bagging. One Bale medium do. do. One Bale Bagging Twine. One Ton "Eureka" Ties. Just received and for sale by D. L. DeSAUSSURE & CO., Aug. 17?tf. Com. Agents. Seed Oats! -IAA BUSHELS PRIME SELECTED OATS, 1UU for Seed Ou con;i^nmc it and for sale hv D. L. DeSAUSSURE & CO., sept 2F-tf Com.. Agts. 31. BISSELL, DENTIST. Broad Street, Camden, So. Ca. Office over MESSRS. WITTKOWSKV & HYAMS', where he can be found between 8 o'clock A. M. and 6 P. M march 9?tf To Planters. WE have ample room for STORING COTTON and will make liberal advances on all cotton stored with us, when parties desire it, or ship cither to Charleston or Baltimore, oct 2U-1 m WALLACE & BURNS I 'The LiUlc Grocery," Kershaw House Building. 15. 11. SMITH, Proprietor. J ? YS SU1ERIOR FLOUR?CnEAPHams, Bacon Strips and Sides, ~ in 1?. ?n ^nnneu uouua?an am...-, Syrup, Pickles, Lard, Sugar, Cheese, Goshen Butter, Tea?Green and r>lack, Coffee?Piio and Java. The finest lot of Scgars and Tobacco in town, oct 12-tf W. R, WITHERS. JOSH'S DAVIS. WITHERS & DAVIS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law C.tMDEX, S. C. Will practice in the Trial Justices', Probnto and Circuit Courts of the county and State. Office over the store of C. Noelkcn, Broad street. . oct 19-tf J.; PROSPECTUS FOR 1872. FIFTH TEAR. y A Representative and Champion of Aniif& ' can Art. 1 ^ ',r"p*T THE ALDINE. 13 An Illustrated Mentf/h/ Journal, Claimed to be the liutiiltotiuel Payer in the World* f , > I TllU AI DIN", while irBurd with all the regularity, lias i.uue of the tin ponuy or timely Kili-rest characteristic of oriijuaiy periodicals. It in ;.n elegant miscellany of pure, light and graCeiul literature, and a collection of pictures, <lie rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding nun.ber affords a fjrcali pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty oi The Aldinc will be most ap-" ' r preciated after it' has been bound up at the , close of the your. While other publications may claim superior cheapness as compared with > rivals of a similar class. The Aldine is a uniqe and original conception?alone and unapproacb* ed?absolutely wiinout competition in price or .*? character. The possessor of the volume just \ : completed cannot duplicate the quantity of fine paper and engravings in any other shape*or number of volumes for ten times the cost. TIIE VOLUME FOR 1872. 4 ' '"13 will contain nearly 300 pages, and about 250 en-/ graviugs. Commencing with the number fer 4 January, every third number will contain ft beautiful tinted picture on plate paper,, inserted as a frontispiece. The Christmas number will be, a splendid volume in itself, containing graviugs, (four in tint) and although retailed at^^^ $1 will be rent without extra charge toallyear* . ly subscribers. ? A (JHKOMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER * A was a very popular feature last year, and will' . ' he repented with the present volume, Tbe'pub- ' lishers have purcbuscd and reproduced at great ; expense, the beautiful oil painting by Seis, entitled "Dame Nature's School.? Jhji cbromo !e .? ^ 11x13 inches, and is an exact fac-siiqpe in site and appearance of the original picture... It'wiJI , be delivered lYee with the January number ^16 every subscriber who pays for one year in ad vunee. . . TERMS FOR 1872. One copy one year, with oil cbromoj' - " ? t&flQ Five 44 44 44 44 - .--SOW Any person sending 10 na1nesnlid,$40 Wlllry* ceive an extra copy gratis, jnaking 11 copies f#f .2 the money. 'd*vlrr <;A. . Any person wishing to work for a prWmiootf) can have our premium circnlar on appficatieciWe give many beautiful and desirable article*/ offered by no orhcr paper. Any person wishing to act permanently m our~ agent, will apply, with reference, enclosing $1 lor outfit. JAMES SUTTON ft CO.,- ' Publishers, 33 Liberty iuWet, Ni Y. Tbt?liiMi??t?W?4var.WiMUyg; i JB in'antidote' to >. "Will kuvs dars of luffariDg to the tick, *od ' ~ ] J ^ The grand Panacea for all tbe JDi <tf lifa, . ' in.. cw-iJ a mtmhis ggi i rs i?iuyMy mm., w n Sor Finglo, these Bitten uens^L H| ^/?quailed and have often been th^V H f means of Bavins Ufa. *' T.RY.ONEBOTT - Ww JJ In the matter of I 91 McDonald & lfeCinrrj. [ ' s lSumen r flH ASSIGNEE'S SAJLJ^ H Valuable Real and Pereoi&vfl al Property, . H BY virtue of the potver in mo vested as P Assignee of the lute firm of McDonald',/ McCurry, and with the consent of William Shannon, Esquire, Attorney at Law, agent f'o ^Rfl the creditors of the said McDonald Sl *dcCurr7 ' BH I will proceed to sell before the Cour t House; H|H Cumden, S. 0., ou tlie ^H| First Monday in December Next; H| The following property, to wit: Tnd interest of J. W. McCurry in two mules, one horse and sixteen head of cuttle, owned 'I jointly with (J. W. L. Cutoc, together with one . wagon and planting utensils, similarly owned, I etihject to the settlement of accounts and the a payment of the debts of McCurry and Catoe. 9 .... ^ ?"3.?t .... One tract of land of the paid J. W. H HI containing seventy acres, more or less, t ' B^^H in Kershaw county, bounded north by, ^B^fl Warren Kcenan, cast by lands of e ' Washington Myers, south by lands of Ju fl^^B ncr, and west by lands of estate of lien AI'fl0 "T One oilier tract of land of said McCurry, ia-^9 the county aforesaid, containing one liuodred'^^J ann thirteen aeres. purchas?d at sale of estate B of Henry W. De.Saussiire, deeensed, situated on fl the east side of Little Fine Tree Creek, ad- D joining lands of F. J. llay, J. R. Arrants, estate fl Mclluc and others. . . ../! ij fl ALSO, m One lot of land of C. A. McDonald, on Broad street, in the town of Camdeu, on the east side fl of said street, having a front on said street of sixty-six (ii(l) feet and running back cast two hundred tect. more or less, with a commodious flfl i ,i ? c.,1.1 i... .f i.L.,1^.1 H| MOI'l! iiuii.^c IIIVII-UU. 11 %3V ui lutuluuiUUCQ by agreement ol parties. ALSO One tract of land ou the north side of Saa- B dors' ('rook, in the county aforesaid, containing seven liundroil and eighty acres, formerly the B property of Love & Nelson. ' One other tract of C. A McDonald in said county, containing one hundred and. thirty-four ^B acres, bounded by lands of Richard. Brown, J. Jm B. Spradlcy, George Brown, Wm. Nunneryf^^^B Mrs. Myers, Gates Uoff and Duncan' 6heorn. TERMS'?For the personalty casfi; for the real estnte, one-third (\) cash and tjifi balance B| in one year, secured by bond and mortgage. BH Purchasers to pay for papers and stamps. ^B nov 2td JOHN KERSHAW, Assignee. Bfl