~ POETRY. The Old, Old Story, 1 bade him good-bye with n laughicg eye, In a careless, giilish way But I turned aside in time to hide The tear that was bound to stray; But I brushed it off with joyous laugh, It had fallen by him unseen; For lie must not know, ere I turned to go, What a foolish girl I'd been. He must not know why I trembled so 'Neath the glance of his dark blue eye; But back iu my heart from whence it would tnrt, I must crnsh the rebel sigh; I hurried along through a motley throng, But my eyes with tears were dim, And ray heart was sore?it Would beat no more, With the hope I was dear to him. For his words were cold, and his pnrting told Me each warm lore throb to still; But my passion wild, like a wayward child, Would yield not to reason's wild; I had loved him long, though I knew 'twas wrong, For be gave me no look, no word; Tet passing me by with a careless eye, The chords of my heart were stirred. I've seen Trim smile on the lovely, while He has oft times frowned on me; Yet his name and face I can ne'er erase From the books of my memory; I will keep him there, and oft in prayer Bis dear name I'll waft above ; And the angels alone, when the night wind3 moan, "Will hear of my hopeless love. MISCELLANY. The Dutchman's Insurance Policy.? A. good story is fold of a German by the Dame of Schmidt, who had taken tho precaution to insure the life of hi> wife for five thousand dollars, and his bain for nine hundred dollars, believing that the former might die and the latter be burnt, aud he could not get along without some compensation for the loss. Both policies had been taken from the same agent. In a few months after the stable had been insured it was destroyed by fire. Schmidt quietly notified the ' ageut, and hinted to him that he would expect the nino hundred dollars at the earliest possible moment. The agent at once sent a carpenter to ascertuin the cost of erecting a new stable of the same dimensions, having found that the prop. Ill i eny naa ceen insureu lor inoro tlmn it was worth. The builder n puited that he could replace the stable with new material for five hundred dollars, but unfortunately there was at: ordinance against the erection of frame buildings ?the old stable having been built of acco, HAT3, CAPS, Ots, and Shoes. Together with a Great Variety OF OTHER ARTICEES Suited to his trade. He keepB on hand, a full supply of Bagging and Ties, And offers to sell at ?r low prices as the same articles can be bought in this market. He is prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton consigned to him for shipment, and to pay the highest inniket prices for all kinds of Country Produce, at the stand formerly nccnpied by Mr. ELIAS, next door North of Judge LhITNER's Olficc. Sept. SJ2. Ufn. Northern Cabbage. A Superior Lot of very fine NORTHERN CARNAGE. Also, 30SHEN and MORA I AIN RUTPER, now on hand by Dt?. 8. B. 8. KIRK LEY. ''N. ' ... r . ^ 1 ' 1 * # \ . % . -j v i * * .?ft. I'l TO PHYSICIMS. f] New York, August 15th, 1868. Allow me to cull your Attention to my Preparation of Compound Ex- j tract Buchu. 1 The component parti are BUCHU, LONG LEAF, CUBEBS, JUNIPER BERRIES. Mode op Preparation.?Buchu, in vacuo. Juniper Berries, by distillation, to form a fine j;in. Cnbebs extracted by displacement with spirits obtained from Juniper Berries ; very little sugar is used, and a small proportion of spirits. It is more palatable than any now in use. Buchu, as prepared by Druggists, is of a dark color. It is a olsnt that emits its fra grance ; the action of a flame destroys this, its active principle, leaving a dark and glutinous decoction. Mine is the color of ingredients. The Buchu in my preparation predominates; the smallest quantity of the other ingredients are added, to prevent fermentation; upon inspection, it will be found not to be a Tincture, as made in Phurmaco- * pees, nor is it a Syrup?and therefore can be 8 used in cases where fever or inflammation exist. In this, you have the knowledge of the t ingredients and the mode ot preparation. J: Hoping that you will favor it with a trial, < and that upon inspection it will meet with your approbation. With a feeling of confidence, I I am, very respectfully, e H. T. HELMBOLD, j Chtmitl and Druggist, t of 16 years Experience. i v u From the Largest ManuTactu- n ring Chemists in the World. i November 4, Je54. 1 "I am acquainted with Mr. H. T. Helm- * bold ; he occupied the Drug Store opposite my residence, and was successful in conduct- J ing the business where others had not been . equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with bis character and enterprise." " WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN. " Firm ol Powers it Weight man, . Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. 1 Helmbold's Fluid Extract Bncliu i Is the great specific for Universal Latitude, Prostrations, &c. The constitution, once affected with Organic Weakness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HEMBOLD'3 EXTRACT Bt/CIIU invariably does. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or insanity ensues. . t Kelmbold's Fluid ExtracfUuclm ] ' i In affections pecuftar to Females, is unequaj J. led by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis, , or Retention, Pamfulness, or Suppression ot [ Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schir- r rus State of the Uterus, and all complaints 3 incident to the sex, or the decliue or cbauge j of life. i F I c Helmbold's Fluid Extract Buchu ] and Improved Eose Wash. c S % c r H Will radically exterminate from the system 1 diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no 5 I inconvenience or exposure; co m p le t e 1 y ^ I superceding those unpleasant and dangerous ? remedies, Copuiva and Mercury, in all these diseases. ] Use Helmbold's Flnid Extract of Buchu In all diseases of these orgnns, whether existing in mnleorfeinule, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long stand, ing. It is pleasant in taste and odor, "im- j I mediate" in action, and more strengthening (than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. n S Those suffering from broken down or delicate constitutions procure the remedy at once. I The render must he aware that, however alight may be the attack of the above disease it is certuin to affect the bodily health and mental powers. All the above diseases require the aid of a a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTEACTBU- fc CUU is the great Diuretic. ft Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price? $I.'J5 per bottle, or 6 bottles for 90.50. Delivered to any address. Describe 83 mptouis in all communications. Jl Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, , 594 BROADWAY, New York. ^ None are Genuine ' it 4 Unlpss done np in steel-engraved wrapper, ^ witb fnc Riniile of my Chemical Warohouie, J and signed J H. T. HELMBOLD. I liar ? Ij 1 .. ; . 'X ' : / ' . rf . S?' ^ m 1 ??? i 1 1 PIEDMONT & Life iisuranc OF RICHMOND, LSSETS, over JET SURPLUS, over POLICIES ISSUED, over W. C. CARR1NG' J. E. EDWARDS D. J. HARTSOOI J. J. HOPKINS, J. E. WOLF, Soi SOUTH CAROLINA BBMClOi In South Carolina Nati J. P. THOMAS, PR] S. L. LEAPHART, DR. ISAAC BRANC RnAnri mr Dtrf.ctors.?John McKec er, W. B. Gulick, John T. Sloan, Sr., Di on Earle. State at Laroe.?Ex-Governor M. Jeneral J. D. Kennedy, Colonel T. 0. 1 look. WE OFFER IN THE PIEDMONT AND ,IFE INSURANCE COMPANY, thoroughly st integrity, with abundnnt assets, recent ru jledged to retain within the State herein, and, indeed, presenting every advantage We confidently appeal to every one interested rite rest, by sustaining their own institutions, vithoiit which there can be no permanent pro? M 0.000,000 are annually sent North fo: ur strength, and thereby giving additional pow< Rights of party to non-forfeiture in all its poli ip policy, and surrender value where "intervent nsured off from home office. This feature, omi he Southern people very heavily in the lnte wa inny that provide against such contingency in fi From an official exhibit, it is shown that tli Tease of business in IStil) over 1868 than any hrre wore only three companies in the United : f(>9 than it did. and only tiiue companies that iccu inula tod lists of fifteen or twenty years u tends twentieth in amount of risks in force. This exhibit, among over a hundred oompani ending Life Insurance Company. pt least of thi :aution and economy?its losses being light, its PLAN M Dividend paid on whole life policies, forty pe Dividends given at end of first year, when all All policies uon-forfejtuble. LEAPMAMP, JEFFF GKEIsriERj^L win. CIjVEU For Kershaw and Ls May 12, 1870 TOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, sCeond edition, by Dr. .EWIS. 253-pages. The Medical Conipan oh and Guide to Men it h on the radical cure if Spermutorrhoea 01 Sentinul Wenkness, lmloteucy. Menial anil Physical Incapacity, mpcdimcnis to Marriage, etc., and lite Veicreal and Syphilitic Maladies, with plain ind clear directions for the speedy cure of iecendary Symptoms, Gonorrhoea Gleets, >ti ict urea and nil diseases ol the skin, such scurvy, Sceoiula, Ulcers, Boils, Bloiches, and iimple8 on the face and body, Corsumption, Cpilcpsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence ir sexual extravagance. The celebrated author, in thi' admirable Treatise, clearly demonstrates, front a forty 'cars, successful practice that the alarming onjeqnences of self abuse may be radicully tired; pointing out a mod.: ot cure at once imple, certain and effectual, by means ot vhich every sufferer, no matter what his ondition may be, can be effectually cured, heaply, privately and radically, This Book hould be in the hands of every youth and verv man in the Innd. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope. Price ?0 cents. Address, Dr. LEWIS. No. 7 Beach St., 'few-York. 40 years' private practice. April 7. Jy. KERSHAW HOUSE. BY A. S. ROBGEKS. CAHMO, S. t. Aug. ll-tf. KNOX & GILL. Cotton Factors A HI) General Coniission Mails, To. 4, Holliday St. Baltimore, Md. tonsignment of Cotton or other Produce, eeppctfully Rolicited nnu liberal advances wide by us through our Agent at Caniderf, l. 0. Sept. J a tf. GEO. ALDEN, Agent" i now receiving a LARGE and well-selected stock of GROCERIES, SHOES, Cook Stoves, nd a great variety of other articles apppr lining to his business, to which ho respect iliv culls the utteutiou of the public. Sept. J. tf Ethvan Fertilizer, j FOR i Ylicat and Other Cerials,' _ TEN TONS, jst Received in STORE nml -r J r by D. L. DcSAUSSURE & CO., j Agents. Ii? ^[WaTER WHEEL, i lill Gearing,ShaftingPullep i ? L^SEND FOBACIBCUIAR^S- Sb bnpr. J6. ly I ARLINGTON 3 Company VIRGINIA > ' $2,000,000 700,000 11,000 rON, President. ' ^ , Vice-President. Secretary. Assistant Secretary. 5:< 'erintendent Of AGENCIES. m AT (IMA S. I vital Bank Building. ESIDENT. Secretary. /, H, Superintendent of Agencies: izie, John h. Froston, if. W. Mc31a?* v . R. W. Gibbets, K. C. Shirer, Thotuj> ^ L. Bonham, General M. C. Bntler,* Jerrin, i)r. Isaac Branch, Dr. H. R/ V ' > ARLINGTON. A SOLID, RELIABLE' ' Southern, in the hands of men of the high* ik*, the most secure of all inrestments, . of South Carolina all funds accruing ' that can be desired I in Southern prosperity to look to their own' ? nod thereby establish tbnt self-confidenco' < ( iperitv. Bear in mind that, already, oref r Life Iusurance, taking so much front fpjJ r to our competitors. rii'8. Rights of party to reinstatement paid linn of armies" or any other cause cuts the tted in policies of Northern companies, cost * r, and should make thorn seek the only com- ' ? iture; ie Piedmont and Arlington had a greater incompany on this continent. It shows that is* Stntes that, issued larger amount of risks in issued more policies; also, that, with thfir II combined, this company, though young, t-8. makes the Piedmont and Arlington the s country. It khuws, not only progress, but expenses small. UTUAL. 1 r cent. V cash is paid. ' : A",' 2tS?3U ds 35AKSOM, A.G-ZE0IN"TS5 jFL2T, Agent, ' -'kwl >.itcastcr Cccniies. ? : i -i'>.>?,! T&o Great Medical DiscoTcry f Ti>? to-AT.Tr^Tff? nAT.TS'O^arrA VINEGAR BITTERS, tl 1 Eafidrcd3 of Thousand* J. ' jm 2 Deux testimony to their Troa&crfnl J ?^ ^ Carativo ECecta, "\a b ??y?0 ?|S SHE* ARB NOT A VILB ?>||j I *|fFANCY DRINK,1|J, I Made of Poor Bum. Whisker, Proof Spfr- < * its. and Be fuse Liquors, doctored, spswd. and awe?tbutKl to piemsouie taste, ca'led "Tonics* ;*.?1 " Appetisers," " Restorers," Ac., that lsad t to tippler oato dranJcenneM sad ruin, butsrsatras Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alooholia Stimulants. They am the ORIS AT BLOOD PURIFLEB and LTPB GIVING PBUTCIPLB, a perfect Renovator and Invlgnrator ot the System, carrying off all poisonous matter, nnd restoring the blooa to a healthy condition. No person can talcs these Bitters, sooordingto directions, and remain longnnwelL JUOO will be given for an incurable case, promg the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other mesne, and llie vital organs wasted bevond the point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronlo Bheumat ism, and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigo EY ALL DEUOaiSTS A2CD DLALLUS. ' ? ^ Ladies, Call and See Them! THE KITO WAfe'HEB. he greatest Improvr.rit of the Age ' ./ '.y *-< > for the Laundry. If have t!i? ni in usc? i'*or sale by GEO. ALDEN. Agen Sept. I tf CANDIES, R ACKERS, biscuits, Raisins. Chee?a. &c< KIRKLERY'S. Shoo Fly! ooking Tobacco, so excellent Bmnn AT UTERS*. ' ' ' * .* * f*