' ' -Vf ' - " ' ' ' ' 1 V \ ' \' . I Intelligence from several Southern Stares indicates there in considerable disorganization and want oi harmony among tho S'Uthero Republiciu*. This is caused by locul and personal quarrels between the leaders of the party in this seotion. In South Carolina, the e is a hitter feud between Governor Scott and the d'lcgs'imi from that State in Congress. In North Carolina, there is the old quarrel be twein Governor Holdeu and certain members of the party there. In Texas, Co moor Davis hus a contest on hand with Senator Hamilton. In Louisiana, it is said that Governor Warmouih is ' preparing to go over to tho Democrats. There is an utter want of harmony and a lack of discipline which has worktd deiaoraliza 0 > among the rank and til as well a* leaders. AH tlirough iho South the Democrats claim to be making great h. pi. i?> 11 GEO. A. BOWMASf, Agent, 237 King St., CHAKLEVrO.N, 8. 0., Keeps constantly on hnnd, a large and well selected Stock of Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Matting, Rugs, Door-Mats, &c., &c., Snrh n? are usually found in a first eli te Carpet Store. Not 24.?.'in. Seed Wheat and Oatn. For sale by GEO. ALDEN, Agent. Dec. I. tf. . Saner Kraut and PICKLED CUCUMBER8. Nice and FEESH. at KIEKLET '8. . i' i. i TO PHYSICIANS. ; - , ;"v, , v - 1 > ' '' '1 7 : '] Xp.w Tor*., August 15th, 186d. Allow no to tali your attention to my Preparation of Compound Extract Buchu. Tbe component parti are BUCHU, LONG LEAF, CTBEBS. JUNIPER BERRIED. Mouc or Pkepauatio*.?Burba, ii vacuo. Juniper Berries, by diitillatiou, ti'urui a fine gin. (Jubebs extracted by din placement with spirits obtained from Junipe Berries; very little sugar ii used, and a suiai proportion ot spirits. It if more palatabii than any now in use. Bucbu, aa prepared by Druggists, if of ? dark color. It is a plant that emits ita fra grance; tbe action of a flame destroys this ita active principle, leaving a dark and glut! uous decoction. Mine is tbe color of ingredient*. Tbe Bucbu in my preparaliot predominates; tbe auiallest quantity of th other ingredients are added, to prevent fer mentation; upon iu?pection. it will he fount not to be a Tincture, as made in I'harmaco pan. nor ia it a Syrup?and therefore can huaed in caaea where fever or inflaminatio exist. In thia, you have the know ledge ut tb ingredients and the mode ot preparation. Hoping that you will favor it with n trial and that upon imped ion it will meet wilt your approbation. With a feeling of confidence, I aui, very restied fully, H. T. HELMBOLD. ( htmitl ami Lruggitt, of 16 year* Experitn t. / From the Largest ffannfkcfi riug Chemists in the World. NoVEMBKK 4, IK)1. "I nru cquainted with Mr. H. T. llEU bih.d ; be occupied the Drug Store oppori my retideuce. and was successful in conducing the business where others hid not b<-. equally so b dole him. I have been tavoral. impressed with his character and enterprise WILLIAM WEIUHTMAN. Firm ot Powers & Weigbtman, Mauufscturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown atreeta, Philadelphia. Helmbold's Fluid Extract Bncln i Is the great specific for Universal Lntitud Prostrations, Are. The constitution, once affectetl with O ganic Weakness, requires the aid of Medici to strengthen and invigorate the systei: which HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT MUCH invariably does. If no treatment is submit!: to, Consumption or insanity eusuea. *T * t-.1.H.*ll_IJ 1)??1 lieiniWUIU'SXiiuu xjauacu duu. In affections peculiar to Femalci, i? uneqn led by any other preparation, iu in CliUmw or Retention. P*. or Supureaaion Cuitouinry Evacuation*. Ulcerated or Sen. rtt* State of the Uteru*. and all cmnplnii incident to the aex, or the decline or chanj of life. Helm hold's Fluid Extract Bach i and Improved Rose Wash Will radically exterminate from the ayitri iliacnset nrining Irom habit* ot dirtipntinn, little cxpeune, little or no change in diet, i inconvenience or exposure; c o iu p I e t e I uperceding tboac unpleacant and daugeroi reiiiediea, Uopuiva and Mercury, in all thee diiaaae*. i T - Use Helmbold's Fluid Extract c Buchu I In nil diaenaca of tbrae orgni*. whether ex iattuu in male or female, from'whatever cult* orixiuatinit, and no mutter of how long ntmn: ing It l? pleasant m fante nud iad?*r. "in mediate" in action. and more arrengtheliii.; than any of the preparation* ol link or Inn Thoae Kiifferine front broken down ?n delicate cnimtituiioii* procure the remedy n once. The reader nnut be aware that, howei> distil maj he the attack ol the alone uif it in certain to nfTect the b'Miiiy health nm uieiital power*. All the nbove ditenae* require the hid of Diuretic. HKLMDOLD'S EXTRACTDI CiiU it the great Diuretic. Sold by Pmifgiata everywhere. PntrE? $1.^5 per bottle, or ii bottlen for SK.bO. Delivered to any nddreaa. Describe ) uiptoim in all coimniiiiicatiuiit. Add reu H. T. EELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 BROADWAY, New York. , - *" IfM%ii * / None are Genuine ITnlean done up in tteel engraved wrapper, with fac ainiile of my Chemical Warebouae, and tigned H. T. HELMBOLD. litflly ?Mgsa i 'i i PIEDMONT & ? ' v 4 ' " v "' ? ' ** Life Iisurant RICHMOND, ASSETS, over NET SURPLUS, over POLICIES ISSUED, over W. c. CARKIM J. E. EDWARD D. J. HARTMR J. J. HOPKINS J. E. WOLF, Si SOUTH CAROLINA IBAMI //? South Carolina Na J. P. THOMAS, P S L. LEAPHART Dh. ISAAC DRAM Board or Directors.?John McK er, W. B Culick, Johu T. Sloan, Sr, ] on Eurle. S.atk at Large.?Ex-flovernnr M Jcneral J. D. Kennedy, Colonel T. C. ;<>uk. WE OFFER IN THE PIEDMONT AN! IFE INSURANCE COMPANY. thorough I integrity, with ttbtiuHnnr assets. recent lodged to retain within the Stat >erciu, and, indeed, presenting every niivnntn We confidently apiwal to every i?ne intercut itereat, by sustaining their own iiiKtitulion ithout which thervt can In* no |n*rinanent pi >:o,Oue,Ouu are annually sent North 1 nr strength. and thereby giving additional pn Right* of party to iniii-forfeiturv in nil it* p< : policy, nnd *urrender value where "intern nireil off from home office Thin feature, o ie Southern people very heavily in the late v >iiy that provide against *ueh contingency in From an official exhibit, it is shown that ea?e of business in l"i.y over IeifjH than am ere were wily three companion in the Unite 9 than it did. and only nine companion tin cumulated tisk* of fifteen or twenty year* md* twentieth in amount of risk* in force, rhi* exhibit, among over a hundred compr ading Li> Immratice Company, at least of 1 utiou and economy?its louses being light, i r L A N M Dividend paid on whole life policies, forty Dividends given at end of first year, when s All policies nou-forfcitable. iEAPHART, JEFF: GENERAI Will. OLiTBT For Kershaw and ! May Itl, 1H70 IMLAJSTIIOOID. OW LOST, HOW RESTORED. ust pniili.-hed, second edition, bv Dr. WJ.S, 2.S3 pages. The Medical Compaii* nod Guide'o Heabh on ifac radical cure neruiHtorrhocr. 01 Seminal Weak tit sa. lift, aiicy. Menial ami thysicul Iinapuiiiv, pediments in Mariinge. etc., and tin- Veeal and Syphilitic Maladies.' wi ll plain I clear directions lor ihe speedy cure of c.indary Syinpioms. Gonorrliuea Gleets, 'iciures anil ail diseases ol the skill, such irvv, Sceohtla, Ulcers. Buils, Blotches, and iples on the Ince and body. Cm sumption, ilepsy and Fits, induced by sell-indulgence sexual extravagance. The celebrated author, in thi admirable leaiise, clearly demonstrates, from a loriy ara. successful practice that the alarming :i*eqnences oi self abuse may be radically >ed; pointing oui a mod : ot cure at once nple. certain and effectual, by means if nich every sufferer, no matter what his ? l- .a-.,_....n? ui11ion mar up, can iv uk inmngu our ageiu m v mnucn, C. Sept 15 tf. Notice. This ia to notify nil |ier?ons tliiit Ihe nn rsigncd widow of John W Arthur, deceas I. gives notice that Laud Warrant Number i.'Jsf' fur One Hundred and Twenty (I'.'O) ere* of Bounty Laud. under Aft of Con. r*. approved .'d of Mireh. 11*5. which h i toned til her liu?b md for services n? ivafe io Captain Join Che?ini'V Coitipnoi. nil ( umliiui Volunteers?Florida Wnr .ik lout or destroyed on or nbotit the v5th ij of February. A. I)., I?15. nf the Town l Camden. Souih Carolinn. The undersign* * 1 ulao gives notice that she intend* to n|iply o the Commiaaiouer of the Land office for a e. i*sue of said bounty land warrant issued * aforesaid to her said husband CORNELIA ARTHCR. 1 Widow of J. XV. Arthur Nor. II Jin DISSOLDTIOC" The copartnership in 'he Lumber nu*ineHR heretofore existing between the suhseriheia was dissolved on the lloh inst., by inulua eonsent. The husuessot the concern w II be settled by either of u*. D. 8HEOKN. J M. CHOWELL. Nut. 17. J'* The subscriber having taken entire charge of the Steam Mill formerly run by binno-ir and .) M Croivell. ia prepare! to furni.'h PINE Ll.'MBER t nil deacr'plim.s on short notice, Grateful for past f&voia, he . olicits a continuance of patronage. D. SHEORN. Nor. 17. tf Notice. AI L person* indebted to or< baring claims I Against the estate of UENNI8 .Mcl.ENDON, deceased, ?re hereby requested to present the same properlr Attested, on or before the lit i of December. A D.. 1*70 EBEN YARBOROrGH. Adm'r, MARY YARBOROUGH, Adtu'i. i j Aug. I. 5mpd *' ' > V, fo: ' . ARLINGTON" *3 Companj # & : . "> r v / " " ? ? r. VIRGINIA $2,000, coo i 700,00a / " ^lljOUO ' ?g STON,'PRESIDENT8, VlCK-PBFJ>1DEN'?\ * )K, Secretary. , Assistant Secretary. LPKRl.NTENDENT OF AGENCIES. )Si,AT COLDHBIA tivnul 2Ian? Building. ~ntm\ RESIDENT . SECRETARY. CU, Superintendent or Aoebcju/ * enzie, John S. Prtsion, F. W. MpMmk Dr. R. W.Oibben, R. C. Shiver, Tbouijx I. L., Rnhani, Groin] M. C. Butler, Perriu, Br. Isaac Branch. Df/ii. H A* r> AW.INGTON. A FOLID, RELIABf*# 4 ly Southern, in the hands of men of (be highrisk#, the most secure of nil yuresfnieftta, 9 of South Carolina all fund* accruing gf flint con he desired ed in Southern prosperity to took to their own #, mid thereby establish that self-confidence osperily. Bear in mind thnty already .'orer 'or Lire lusiirance, taking en much from wer tiMinr fninpetitors. " diciea. Higlit* of party to reinstatement piid' ' nlinn of arniiea" or any other cause cut# th* mit ted In policies of Northern companies, cost car, and should make tliein leek the only cotulufore. the Piedtftont and Arlington had a greater inr company on this continent. It ahirwa that. d State# thai issued.larger amount of'ruhs ia. it issued more policies; also, that, with their all iniiihiiied, thia company, though young, . * mill, mal^e# the Piedmont and Arlipston tk? . his country. It shows, nut only ptvfreaay bvt ts expensed small. U T U A L. RV per cent, ill caah is paid. ERSON ?& RANSOM, j AGE1JTS, ' < * \ * , v:;<\ JBX, Agent, r i. tn 'iM LHI OISllT LUUUUVSi : ' Th? Great Hctflcal Dlscorcrjf Dr WALKB3'3 CALITOimA , /INEGAR BITTERS, ! ;j>2 Hundred* of ThonMBdv|4$ " J| Bear tM'Jmony to their ti ooderful^ M 1 &f| Curaiir* E3oeU. c?g *3 WHAT .*-2 TNEY? !i? # Eli & / \ ih iii / ft hi/ ci \|fj Shi JBsttJM mi #2J tUXt All NOT A Y1LB C|| "J; F AHOY ORINKJII. lad .Wa.MIU^ tj dCMdllfult*, M lwt"TMJa^ * Appetisers," Bmiorwe, Ac., that|m 1 the tippler oa to drsnbewnem end ruin, but are >tew Mwiiclnah Bad* from the Natire Kooto sad Herts of California, froo from *11 Alooholio I GIPLX,a pMrfeet*eaor?lor a*d Invigorate* , oi in* Hyrteia, earrvinff off aUpoiwMious matter, and rottorinf the blood to a healthy ooBdJUo*. No penon ma take them Bittern, aesocdiag ft* tlireetlons, and remain long nmreO. #100 will be given for an incurable earn, previ J?f the bones are not destroyed by mi a?I noienne or other means, and the vital aafaM enstrd bevoad t he point of repair. For Tnfl amm ofeary and Ohronlo Bbmfe matiam, and Gout. Dyspepsia, or IndiSalttent Ferers,' Dis aaea^f to# Bloat Liver, Jtidneya, and Bladder.! hme Bit. tars have been inoK eieoemful. Such Diseases are oaosed by Vitiatad Blood. vrUkh U u -willy produced by derangement of the wnfc the torpid liver and boweb, vrhich reederthem ; of nneqocllcd efflcney ia deenelnr the h>?* of a'l impudMsa, and imparting as# lift and dr* to i he erhole system. * Dyspepsia or Indigestion, P-sdnms. Fain in t ie BhouhWs, teafhi, lyhtneas ef tha C imU Dinineea, Sour Btoiaaeh,Bad Taste ia ^ ? thn'Mouth.Bi liona Attacks, Pahrftatiea of tha i/*! Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, Paimia piimiu 7w|iww~ -; __ ? Srtpepela, are cured by then Bitten. Clcaaeothe VitiatedB ootwheneverynflnd iu ire port tie* bunting through the aVin i i Pin*. plM, Eruptioni, or Boree: c'wweit when it U foul, and your feelimrt will t*fl yon when. Krej the blood pure and the health of the. ayetaawil 'ollow. riN, TArE, and other WOIiHS, lurking Hi the eyetem of eo many tboojanda, an edhetaally ; lextrored and removed. For roll directions, read eamfally the droular amnnd each bottle, printed in four languages? | E'irliih, Oermsn, French, and tipanieh. J. WAT.KElt,? A 34 Carreer* Street, 5. T. Proprietor. B. TL MoOONALD * CO, % Drurrlete awUfeaerml Aim*V I Ban Trend***, California, ud If aadU One*. me-eettrot, K. T. BY ALL DOTOOIfn A5XK DEALEB8. - . _ Ladies, Call and See Them I ??? a atrrir TlftJEj The greatest Improvent of the Age I for the Laundry. I I If d?w? it* work well. ?? in acknowledged hv iho thou*nnd? who have them in u?e. For ?.ilo by GEO. ALDEN. Agent. Sept. I If. 4 .j ? V *? Noti^ I hereby giro notice lb?t from and aflei^. tliii* date.1 will not p,\v any deb'a continued, by other p^raoni", ?without my, aigmitury)' uuleM compelled by law. S. H. 10UNG. No?. 3. 1?.