The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, November 25, 1869, Image 4

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POETRY.From the New Orleans Sunday Times. TOWARD HOME. How shall you and 1 appear When our souls and bodies sever; Shall we live as we do here In the house of the Forever? Shall our spirits feel no tread, And our lives meet no disaster, When at last we come to tread On the floors of the What high art shall serve to cheer When life's earthen bowl is broken; What hath-Sense to conquer fear; What hath Hope for sign or token ? Shall our love grow faint or fail, Or our friendship die ol fasting, When we cross the shadowy vale To the halls of Everlasting? Shall we clasp the friends we love, tfarborfond delights we cherish ? El Are dear hearts in want above For the hour when we shall perish) Shall rejoicing shouts arise, lei Echoed with a joy supernal, wi v? manil n ml nn.^nla/t f L' !??T }] P Ill lilt' glUIIU aiiu pvwjuvu 0mvW| _-r Through the corridors Eternal. do Shall we meet and shall we share Joys with dear ones here beside us? ^ Shall there be no parting there Whatsoever fate betide us; ' U*j Will our beings overflow, ' Soon as we shall touch its shore, With delights we can but know In the land of Evermore. an ye All I ask brings forth as guests 'J'] Angels without mental tasking; In what our desire suggests Q] The thought answers to the asking, You and I from care and care, ])( When we reach the golden portal, ]>j Shall each other's glory share Ih the groves of the Immortal. y j Sc Father loves us all-below? Each as if an only ohild; Well the happy shore I know Where lov* liveth undefilcd - ------ toi Well I know the happy snoreFlecked its waves with snowy laughter? We shall dwell to mourn no more In the homes of the Hereafter. P' THE * ~ LANCASTER LEDGER. The attention of the business men of Camden> is invited to this popular weekly, as a most desirable advertising medium. Is circulated in EVERY SECTION C of the County, and has a largo subscription list in upper Kershaw. Contract advertising solicited. Terms easy. Address. D. J CARTER, Cc Editor and Proprietor. an ? - ?. oct.m * tf. PI Estate Notice. & All persons having demands against the Estate of the late Mrs. Arabella E. Peay, are hereby notified to present the same to me duly attested for payment, and all persons in any way indebted to n said Estate arc required to make im- " mediate payment. W. It. NELSON, Qualified Ex'r. Nov. 4. 4t. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIE For Composting witn uotxon oeea. This article is manufactured at the COMPANY'S WORKS, under the direction and1 "superintendence of Dr- y Ravencl. r It contains the same elements of fortility as SOLUBLE PACIFIC GU- ^ A NO, except that it is not furnished with AMMONIA. It is prepared expressly for composting with cotton seed, which furnishes the element of AM- " MONIA; the object being to render sel that side product of the plantation available to the highest degree as an P11 element of fertility. For further and pwticular information apply to the undersigned. J. K. ROB-ON, of Agent for South Carolina, 1 & 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston. ? Jt?n.n S. Rkese Jr., General Aucut. Bultimorc. Oct. 28. 3m. BBODIE A CO., lo FACTORS AND' ~ Commission Merchants, north Atlantic wharf. , Charleston. S- C. | Liberal Advances made on Consignments. TO REFERENCES. in) Andrew Simonds, Esq., President First S National Bank. Charleston, S. C. Messrs. Cameron. Barkley & Co., Charleston, S, C* H. T. Peak, Esq., General Superintendent S. I C. R. It. Charleston, S. C. Messrs. Gower, Cox, Marklcy &. Co,, Greenville, S. C. Hon. lames Farrow, Spartanburg. S. C. Hon. BK. Cr.iyton. Anderson, S. C. &7*.\laj. E. E, SILL is our agent at 'Jamden. and will make liberal ndvances on Con- Q aigmnents to our house. ? Sept. 53. 6m. VINEGAR. WHITE WINE and CIDER VINE ( GAU, for sale by HODGSON & DUNLAP. A1 "" cai DEKALB HOUSE, p J. W. fioilgcrs?Proprietor i chi CAMDEN, S C. I i CAROLINA E INSURANCE COMPANY, OF e MEMPHIS, TENN. ' t: OFFICE: ^ 0 291, MAIN STREET, ti! st: APITAL, $200,000 3SETS, $800,000 wj All Invested at the South. ar icourage Southern Institutions. br This is a Southern Company, char- sc ed by the Legislature of Tennessee, th a CAPITAL sufficient ta make vc r roliublo. beyond a question and ar ing a strictly LIFE INSURANCE b! isiocss and none other. Profiting bv cc e experience of older Companies and h< ' ? - * 1*1 1 _ I' ving adopted tne mosi jmcrai pians ether with rigid economy in our inagemcnt, our success has cxcccdour greatest expectations and has iced the COMPANY in a permanent d reliable position. In its first two i ars we have issued between THREE aOUSAN'D and1 THREE TFIOUVND FIVE HUNDRED POLI- r iES, and our accumulations amount L EIG HT HUNDRED THOUSAND 3LLARS. es'dt, M. J. Wicks, President Memphis & Charleston R. R. ice-Presd't, J. T. Pettit. c'y, W. F. Royle. references: Hon. G. A. Trenholm, James H. A ilson and W. J. Magrath, of Charles- p a; Hon. J. P. King, of Augusta. It. J. MAG ILL, n G-cn'l Agent for S. C. I \ C J. Shannon, Med Examiner. 'J Oct. 14. i; ih JOHN IZARD MIDDLETON, P1 JOHN W. WILLIAMS, is J. J. MIDDLETON, T Cotton Factors AND ommission Merchants, a. 7 SOUTH STREET, BALTIMORE, \RTICULAK altcntion to sale of of itton, Rice and Southern Produce. d to purchase of Grain, Guano, and q< antation Supplies. al Liberal advances against Bills La? ;oi DS- of Oct. 7. Cm. at toale, ? pl Charleston, S. C., Manufacturer of OORS, SASHES, BUMS. S ^ 1 1 A TING the Largest and most com- ^ plcte Factory in the Southern w atcs, and keeping always on haud a gc and most complete stock of ^ DOORS, SASIJES, BLINDS, od sh Doors, Store Doors, Shutters, }\ onldings &c., &c., I ain enabled to cc II low and at manufacturers prices. N. B.?Strict attention paid to ship- i? ng in good ordtr. - A Sweet Oil, c fARCII, PEPPER and SrtCES, 01 all Eorts. For Sale by HODGSON & DUNLAP. ? BOjTS and shoes. ADIES, and Gentlemen's BOOTS J. and SHOES, of all qualities, and superior make and finish. For sale j w, by JAMES JONES. c' Feb. 11. tf 1 ^tl NEW GOODS, p .. at VE would respectfully inform the . citizen.? of Camden and the sur- f1 unding country, that we are receiv2 and ( pening a LARGE and WELL ? ELECTE STOCK, cons' ing of )III GOODS, i c to teeing. ? 9Q HOES AID BOOTS, & CO Hardware, rROCERIES, &c, I of which have been selected with to: e, and will be sold at VE11Y LOW C; ccs. ed B&- Ey pivi p us a call before pur- cl< isiri", you wni save money. WiTKOWSKY & 11 YAMS. Sept. 16. tf THE CHESTER. REPORTER, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBBLISIIED BY O. McLURE&J. A. BADLEY, Jr., AT j CHESTER," S. C. ERMS-In Advance 83#0 Lt Private Sale. That elegant and opacious Residence the late C. J. Shannon, situated on e corner of Broad and Boundary reels, Camden, adjoining Kirkwood. The House contains Ten Rooms, with ide Halls, on a finished brick basement id is most substantially and handsomebuilt. The premises arc very complete, cmacing entensive accommodations for rvants, horses &c. The Lot contains Sixteen Acres, coninicntly divided into yards, garden id farm.- The location is very dcs;rae, soil very productive, health perfect, mvenient to Town and the neighbored most agreeable. Terms?Accommodating. For immediate purchase, apply to J. B. KERSHAW. Nov. 4. tf. M1ANT) COMBINATION OF THE TWO sail Life Insnrance Companies THE PIEDMONT ANDARLINGTON, Of Richmond, Va. .sseta, $1,500,000 olicies issued in two years, over 8,000: rHE-Officers of the shove Companies beg lesve to return thanks to the public for leir very liberal support, having enabled icm to make such* rapid strides?meet with ich solid success, and would inform them lat for many reasons deemed politic and udent, these two Companies have combined i one by the name above, ond will in future sue policies as a new Company. Tie Advantages of the Piedmont and Arlington. It is confined to LIFE INSURANCE.only, id does not mix with the uncertainly of ner uuuincan. The rights of-Policy Holders will not be innged, but in e*?ry pcgwd\ if main ns lOugb tRn old Companies existed. Renewals old Policies will be on the name of new ompony ns authorised bv respective Dirccrs oi "Tift, PIEDMONT AND ARLINGON" and the rates and loans and rights of I remain intact as in old policies. It has no useless restrictions on residenre travel; fully provides for the ncm-ferfeiture its policies and places alt on fait- equality i to occupation. It has declared n dividend1 to its Policy olders, the first Eiehteen months of 40 per nt and will pay dividend on ALL CASH OLICIES at the end of the first year. The late war taught many the heavy pentyof bcirg separated" from the Home Office r the Companies forfeiting what had been lid and and refusing to reinstate the policies he PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON pro. des against this IN HER POLICIES, and I who may, by any mishap or revolution, i sepcrated from the Office, the right to restate policies within one year after interveng cause is removed, or to be ENTITLED 0 SAME RIGHTS AS TO NON-FOREITURE, AS THOUGH THE HINDERIG CAUSE had never existed, nt the option the insured, so that no contingency can ko from her POLICY HOLDERS their st riehrs, THIS Id DONE BY NO'OTH K. COMPANY. It huspnid all its losses promptly, without siting for the NINETY days grace, and is never contested a claim. Parties contemplating insuring; are requestI to examine our policies and compare them ith other companies before insuring. The COMPANY tins determined tocstnhih a BRANCH OFFICE in SOUTHCARLINA with President and Directors selectI from Policy Holders of this State, which ill give you nil the advantages of a HOME iSTITUTION ns all ihe Premiums reived, will be left here and invested in your vn State. The "PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON" sues Policies on the Ordinary Lite, Ten nnual Payment, Five Annual Pnyments. ingle Payment, Endowment, Joint Life. Itildren's Endowment. Return Premium, any Table used by other Compainies. W. CLYbURN, Agent, Camden. S. C. R. STEGER, Gen'l Canvassing Agent, r. A. A. MOOREj Examining Physician. Oct. 7. l'2tn FINAL NOTICE. lex. l. Mcdonald, the old cxudge of Probate, is very desirous to dlect bis out standing fees- of office. 1 is not altogether that he truly wants tern, hot that lie actually needs them [o has- bccn< waiting patiently with jople year after year, crop after crop, id with some on broken promisesuntil 2 has ultimately conic to the concltion that long continued and protracted idulgence ceases to bear the appellatioin 'being termed a virtue. Personally, will bo on DcKolb Street until tho st of November next. All or any in rears with me for fees can call and ttlc their respective du^s by cash, or /.net. Kn nrtt imr>lv nt cnnitniind j giving a negotiable note for a short ason. All my accounts not settled j the last of November, f will place em in- the hands of legal official* for Uection. Get. 7. 7. DISSOLUTION, The Mercantile Copartnership herefore existing under the name of uiter & Ciiesnut, hab Been dissolvby mutual consent. Mr. Carter will )se the business of the concern. E. J. CARTER, J. A. CHESNCT, I Oct. 23. 44 ft > f I I South Carolina, KERSHAW COUNTY. IN THE PR OB A TE CO UR T. Hall T. McQce, twr. Amanda Whecltf, Sarah Warren, ct. ah Petition fbr Partition. It appearing to my satisfaction, that Mrs. Amanda Wheeler, Martha Angle Safah Warren, Margaret Warren, S. S. Prentiss Warreo, Anna Wirfren, Peter Warren, Joseph Wanen nrttf 5fnt?an Warren, Joseph Wheeler and Anna Wheeler his wife, defendants to above Petition, are beyond and reside without the limits of this State. It is o"'iL-ed on motion of Shannon, Solicitor lor Petitioner that the said defendants do plead, answer or demur to the above Petition within forty days from the publication of this order, in default thereof, an order pro confesso will be entered against them. J\ F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. Nov. 4. 6t CHAXGE OF SCHEDULE. Charleston, Sept. 1G, 18G9. ON and after THURSDAY, September 16*th, the Trains of the S. C. It It. will run as follows: day passenger. Leave Charleston 8 30 A. M. Arrive at Augusta 4.45 P. M. Leave Charleston 8.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 4 40 P M. Leave Augusta 8\00 A. M. Arrive nf Charleston 4 OOP M. Leave Colombia 745 A. M. Arrive at Charleston 4.00 P M. camden and columbia?passenger. Leave Camden CT.35 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 11.00 A. M. Leave Columbia" 4.45 A. M. Arrive at Camden G.00 P. M. Rates of freight on Cotton front Cam den to New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore by Steamers : per halt From- Catttdfen Co New York $ 5.2? " " " Philadelphia 4.-5 " " Baltimore 3.50 R T. PEAKK, Gen. Supt. By Jas. Jones, Agent. Sept 16. tf. NON-EX PLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL, THIS is the best Oil made, and by the 5 or 10 Gallons, or by the Barrel we will sell as- cheap as it can he l - _ 1 I coug nx lnv^nancsion niau a rargc sup ply of LAM PS, kC. HODGSON & DUN LAP. PURE French Brar.dy and Wines, For Medic in ii I Purposes. This is a pure article of Rrnndy as if was bought out of thtj Custom House and can be relied on as bciug pure and genuine. HODGSON & DUNLAP. Quinine. JUST received a large lot of Quinine, which we will sell cheap for Cash.? Persons wanting this article had bcttei lay in a supply for the summer, as it is likely to be hiehcr HODGSON &DUNUP. Notice. ALL persons indebted to or having oI.m mo iimnnof Ko Aatntn a f* Ta1? n Ur<in>ti vjiiuijjo n^uiKoi iiiv cmaiu ui e/i'nu wiun 11. deceased,ure hereby requested to present the same properly attested, on or before the 20fh day of December, A. D. 18G9 D. V. BUSH, Adui'r. April-1, 8m Perfumery, COLOGNES, Extracts, Fine Toilet Soaps and Brushes in large variety and Styles. For Sale by HODGSON & DUNLAP. I10STETTERS And Plantation Bitters AND all of the most popular PATENT MEDICINES. For Sale by HODGSON & DUNLAP. Condition Powders, THESE Pc-Were- will cure me<-t of the diseases to which Horses ant! Cattle artliable, also improve the appetite and spirits. They arc much superior to any other in use. No Planter or Farmer -I 1J I ! ^.1 ^1 oiiouHi dc vreniin cnenr. Prepared and sold by HODGSON A Dim A P. Country Produce. The highest market prices paid for Cotton and- other Country Produce, by JAMES JONES. Nov. 4. tf. MAIL NOTICE. UNTIL further notice the MAIL for the Rail Road will cLse at 5 o'clock, A Af nnnk JriKT T?..? T n n /in n? a i A. 1*1.) V4IUU UUjr. 1 Ul JjillJlNldttT) ut 7 o'clock, P. M., on Mondays and Fri^ days. For J-cfferson, at 12 o'clock, M., on Friday V.OFFICE HOURS?from 9 A. M., until 1 P. M. From 3J P. M., to 5 P. M. Sunday's?from 9J A. M., to 10 A. M., and from 5 P. M. to 6 P. M. Also, half an hour after the mail opens night. JOHN A. BOSWELL, P. M, Hides, Hides. &c. &c. HIGHEST market price paid CASH for GREEN and DRY HIDES; for FURS, CLEAN RAGS, OLD PAPER, ROOKS, WOOL, WAX, TALLOW, IRON, METALS, Ac., At F1, GOSS' DEALER IN PROVISIONS, HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES. SHOES, BOOTS, Hardware, &c., &c. mm,l'qcors ale of aK kinds and best qualities, IN ANY QUANTITY. Workmen's Building, Broad-Street, CAMDEN, S. C. April 29:. tf NOTICE. ~ ALL persons having demands against the estate of John Kirkland, deceased, will present them duly uttested within ' the time prescribed by law. This notice will' be plead- in bar of those who fail to comply. Tin so indebt-d to the said estate will mafce immediate pay. tnent toJESSE A. KlKKLAIfD, FARMER'S Fill END, POCKET C0R.iV SUELLEKS. ' WEIGHT ONLY ONE POUND. MalcaMe trm Coppered. THEY will shell from FOUR, to SIX Bushels per hour. They should be on every Plantation. They are the Chmptxf, most Durable and most Simple of Machines. Will take every kernel off the Cob. Will leave tile Corn clean and ready for the Mill. Are adapted to the smallest or largest ear of Com. Will shell more Corn in a day than any other Machine in Proportion to its size. . Any Man Woman or Child can nsc them. Having purchased the right for Ivor >haw and Lancaster for the $?le of the above, I am now prrprred' to furnish ihnm in nnt* nnnntiln In. till twKrt li'H'O UIVUI 111 ? II Y IjUUUHl^ IV (HI II UV Utt* V corn to shell. Call and see them.ROBT. M. KENNEDY. Sept 2. tf. Valuable Plantation for Sale. PART of RED RANK, on Waterec River and Camden Branch of the S. C. R. R., containing nine hundred and fifty eight acres, several hundred cleared, of which a part is prime upland ? ' The wooded lands are finely timbered The plaoo may he treated for at private sale until 1st of January, when, if not sold, it will be rented to- rho1 highest bidder. Terms, to suit purchasers. J. B. KERSHAW, L, H. I>KAS, T. J. AN C RUM, Scpf. 3*0?3?i Executors. notice" The undersigned siives notice of his readmcw to-receive all jobs of repairing and refttfing- edd n? tosses, as-Well as making the same. Order? left at the Journal office will be promptly attended' to. ARC FT Y DESAUSSURE. SHIP Yoirr Money and Freight BY THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS. OFFICE AT THE DF.XALB HOUSEfor sale. THOSE Town Lots, situated on the west of Broad Street, bet ween the premises of the lute E. W. BottffEY and 0. L. CirATTfcr*, having a front on Broad Street of two hundred feet, and extending west Sve houdred and twcniy-eicht. X. M. DKSAUSSURE, J. B. KERSHAW, J. A. YOUNG, J M. DAVIS, Oct. 7.?tf Com?ittee. I -f s \ j f. H. 4LEXANDEB, .DENTIST. CAMDEN, 8,C WOULD respectfully inform the eitt^ sens of Kershaw District, that he willaf' tend promptly to all business in his lintf entrusted tor bis care, at the tery lo*eaf Cash pries. All work Warranted. OFFICE?On Broad street, ?bor# J. M. LeGrand's Jewelry Store. July 29. it ., ^ JOHN DOM, dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHOES, ~ WINES,' , LIQUORS, AC, WodJ respectfully invite his friend# and customers to call and see him. LIQUORS Consisting of CORN, RYE, old family NEOlAK and fcoUBON WHISKIES, OLD HOLLAND GIN, BLACKBERRY BRANDYV (very fine) CHOICE WINES, AC Call and try it. a n rr Fi if -fV " ? Shoes! Shoes.' THE subscriber has on hand a gooif stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's ' SHOES, which he is selling at very low prices: He is '.'ratified to know that his Shoe* have given satisfaction to all who bavtr purchased1 of him. Terms Cash. C. NOELKIN. January 21. tf Fresh Arrivals. ? fT 1? ' I HAVE JUST RECEIVE? .4 new stock of Goods? Suilaole bribe season DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HATS, SHOES SAHBLEBY, &c\ &o. Sic. - Sic. Which will be fold at the lowest price* for CASH. I solicit a call from my old customers. A. ST. KENNEDY. Dec IT. tf '* Sa?e y wr Family frem wait fcjr InsvriDg your Life," THE LOUISIANA EQlJrrABL& LIFE IXSIRAXCE COMPAXf, OF NEW ORLEANS, HAVING A CASn CAPITAL Ot 500.000 DOLLARS. OFFERS 10 it? Southern patftna a reliable Home Company, in x*hitH cdt?' be efiTee-' led every species ot Life Insurance at th?* ut the moat reasonable rate Alt policies non torleliable, and the earn-inga ot the Company annually divided on the" strictly mutual plan. ^ OFFICERS.JOSEPH ELLISON. President.W. H. Dlk'Fn Tite Pre?ideut. W. P. HARPER. Secretary. S. C. I^ARING. Goneral Agent1. G>. A. BRKAUX> Attorney. DiRBvTORS^John Pemberton. E. AV Tyier> C. H. Slocumb. F. Delbordia. George . A P odick, W. S. Pike, J. W. Stone. A Thompe son. I) 8^ Penn. Edward Eigne* *V. BiSchmidt, Alexander Marks, C. E. Kigney, A. M. KENNEDY. A'cent for Kershaw District. Dr. A A. MOORE, Medical Examiner. Dec- 24. tl1' LEITNER & DUNLAP, ATTIVRNEYS' Af LAW ANDSOLICITOR'S ttf ffQCfTfr WILL practice iD tho Courts of Kershaw, Sumter, Lancaster and Richland utsiriccs. Office?Firoad-st., Camden, S. C. W. Z. LEITNEB, J. D. DUNLAT Feb. 11 Notice to Creditors. PERSONS having claims o? Jatat W,Arthur, deceased, or Mrs. Cornelia Arthur, Administratrix, will present then* at ouce to M. SHANNON; J owe Attorney. Notice ALL persons indebted to or having claims against the Estate of S. H. RUSH, deceased, are hereby requested to present the same properly attested, on or before the 20th day of Novev A. D., *860. J.J. RUSH, Adtn'r. .