tenor fifteen passengers on the train at fc^.^the time, five of them ladies, but no in"pro snstained bv them or any of w jr" tnem. As soon as the news reached the city, President Magrath and Mr. H. T. Peake, the Superintendent of the road, proceeded immediately to the scene of the disaster, and commenced the work of putting out the fire and repairing the [ losses All the force of the road iu that section were called in and put to work, and by to morrow morning it is expected that the trains can pass over the break. Arrival of the Renin its of the Deep s eil.?At ten o'clock on Saturday morn"ing the remains of the unfortunate victims arrived at the depot in "Line-street, where a large number of their frtends *nad assembled, and, by permission of H'oroner Whiting, they were immediate ?ly conveyed to their respective -hotiies. charleston and liverpool?dlibect Trade.?by a cable despatch re*ceived yesterday by the agent* in this * city, Messrs. Kobert Mure& Co.. we learn that the first steamer f the Char leston and Liverpool Steamship Line will leave Liverpool for this port on or about the 9th of October. This is good news, aud as the cotton crop this year, though it may not be a very large one, certainly is coming to market very early, *we may hope that the company's steam-ers will g>> back freighted to their utmost capacity with our much valued fleecy staple.? Charleston News. To The Married.?Tu the first solitary hour after the ceremony, take the bridegroom and deraaud a vow of him, ^andgive him a vow in return. Promise each other, sacredly, never, not even in jest, to wrangle with each other?never to bandy words nor indulge in the least ill humor?never, I say, never! Wrangling in jest, putting on an air of illhumor mersly to tease, becomes earnest hv nractice. .Next. nroruise each other, VI ' i sincerely, never to keep a socret from each other, under whatever pretext, and whatever excuse it might be. Ycm must continually, and every moment,, see clearly into each other's bosom. Eveu when one of you has committed a fault, wait not an inst:.nt to confcss it. And as you keep nothing from caeh other, so, on the contrary, preserve the privacies of your house form farther, mother, brother, sister; aunt, and from the world You two, with God's help, must build your own quiet world. 'Every third or tfouith one you draw with you will form a party to stand between you two. That should neveTbei FFotuT.-e tirfs wetratrother. Remember the vow in each temp:tution. You will find your account in it. Your souls will grow, as it were, to each other, and at last will become as one. Ah ! if many a pair had. on their marriage-day, 'known the secret, how many a marriage were happier than? alas !?I bey are. L An exchange exclaims: "Woman talk & men act." Yes, and some men ai t M very badly, while many woman talk al together too mui h. A compromise between the two would be ot service to H the cause of common humanity. The servant of an army officer one uaj uici a <;iuiijrj %>mu v? iiiui how he got ailing with his fi< ry master. 4i<0h ! excellently !** answered the ser vaot, 'we live ou very friendly terms; -every uioruins we beat each otherVcoats; the only difference is, he takes his off to be beaten, while I keep mine on." COTTON QUOTATIONS. Camden, Sept. 23?24 3 4 Charleston, 21?24 to 2ff 1-2 Special Noti 'e.?To parties in want of Doors, Sashes and Blinds, we refer to the advertisement ot P. P Toale, the large manufacturer of those goods in Charleston. Price list fur Dished on application. ' ? H?gfcsigiiee'.s Hotice. PERSONS INDEBTED TO Thomas J. Workman, Bankrupt, Note or Account, will make imnie,v';< ;^Hate payment to the "Assignee. Thoy, the case V~wil) be put in suit. J- M. GAYLE, Assignee of ' Dr. T. J. Workman. Sept. 23?3t. FOR SAL K, C. KIRK LEY, t)KALEU IN : GROCERIES, IV Iv FX ilf ? li 'J Liquors, Segars, Fruits, Vegetables, &c? CAM I) IN, S. C., ! KnOULI) KKS PEST FULLY INT vitc the attention of his former customers, and the public generally, to his daily increasing Sti ck, all of which he will sell AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST FOR CASII. Sept. 23. NEW GOODS, WE would respectfully inform me citizens of Camden and the surrounding country, that we are receiving and < pening a I ARGEaud WELL SELECTED STOCK, consting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. SHOES A YD HOOTS, Hardware, GROCERIES, &c, All of which have been selected with care, and will be sold at -VERY LOW pi ices. JBS5f'By giving us a call before purchasing. you will save monev. WITKOWSKY & liYAMS. Sept. 1G. tf CHAXGE OF SCHEDULE. Charleston, Sept. 1G, 18G9. ber lGth, the Trains of the S. c' It. It. will run as follows : DAY PASSENGER. Leave Charleston 8 30 A. M. Arrive at Augusta 4 45 P. M. Leave Charleston *8.80 A. M. XnivewtOolunibia 4 40 P .M. Leave Aueusta 8.00 A. M.. Arrive at Charleston 4 00 P M. Leave Columbia 7 45 A. M. Arrive at Charleston 4.00 P M. camden and columhia?passenger. Leave Camden 6.35 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 11.00 A. M. Leave Columbia 1.45 A. M. Arrive at Camden (i.00 P. M. II itcs of freight on Cotton from Camden to New York, Philadelphia aud Baltimore b> Steamers: per halo Prom Cum den to \cw York $ 5.25 " " Philadelphia 4.. 5 " " ' Baltimore 3.50 II T. J'EAKK, Ocn. Supt. Bj Jas. Jones, Agent. Sept 16 if. Still Ahead of all Tompe:itron. THOMAS WYNNE'S IMPROVED 0PEIHHR3AT,CURVED BREAST Premium aud I tiploma COTTON OINS. manufactured and sol.d by THOMAS WYNNE. BeJ-Aair, Richmond f'onnty, (inirym. | Order* may be :iMn'^vd and will rece ve j ronipt atttoHnn. Old G'ms of every maker in Geor-ia repaired, and my Lmpiovemeuts attached. Upland, lone and SliMl Staple Gin. with attachnienfflPrr cuw,-$5 00 Short Staple Gin, with attachment, per saw, 5 00 Sept. 9. 3t Assignee's Notice, In the matter of Joachim lalkcnhcrri/, Bankrupt. IX pursuance of an order from Hon. W.J Clawson, Register in Bankruptcy I will shjH at the Court House in Camden, S. C., on Thursday, September 30th, 1809, the following property, to wit : Oue Tract of Land, situated in the County of Kershaw State of Sou h ('a rolina, on the waters of Hanging Rock ureeK, continuing Une Hundred and Forty Two (142) Acres, more or less, bouuded on the North by lands of Jesse Truesdel, Kast by lands of B. Trucsdel, and West by lands of Jesse Truesdel. Terms, (.'ash, purchaser to pay titles and stamps. J. M. GAYLE, Assignee. Sept. 9. 4t j[ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUE UNITED STATES, DISTRICT OF S. C. Ex.parte JOS. M. 6AYLE, Assignee In Re Win. I] DcLonch, Eankrupf Petition to sell Real Estate. IN pursuance of an order of Court madi in the"-above stated case, August 19th 1869, the Lien Creditors of the sail \V\ E Do Loach, Bankrupt, are rcquiici to establish their liens before W. J Clawson, -Register, within thirty day from the date of this notice, or bi barred from-all benefit of the decree fo distribution to be made in this case. ? It is further ordered, that within thi time aforesaid, they show cause, if an; they have, why the estate of the sail Runkrupt should not he sold free frou incumbrance. J. M. GAYLE, Sept. 2.?tf. Assignee. IN BANK11UPTCY T? I 1 .Tanita TI:inlf JLU U1C LLltJlLUI U1 i^uiiLii cs\si?w; rupt. To ichom it moy concern. IN pursuance of an order from the Hon W. J. Clawson, Register in Rankruptcj for the District of South Carolina,. will sell at the Court House in Camden on the 30th day of September, instant the following property to wit: One Tract of Land containing Tw< Thousand Three Hundred und Thirty Two Acres more or less, situate on th< waters of Little Lynches Creek, in tin County of Kershaw and State of Soutl Carolina, bounded on the North bj lands of Seaborn Jones, South by land; of Roht Kirkley, East by lands of J r Woo U |un()a i.f Snaborr U . II, TT XOD i'J """V. W. ~ Jones and Hilton Jones. Terms GVh purcliitsers to pay for titles and stamps J. M. GAYLE, Sppt. 2.?3 Assignee. in bankruptcyIn the matter of TITUS LANEi Bankrupt. To xchum it may concern. IN pursuance of an order from the lion, W. J. Clawson, Register in Bankruptcy, for the District of South Carolina, I will sell at the Court House in Camden Kershaw County, on the 27th day ol September., iusr.,the following property to-wit: One Tract of Land situate in Lancaster County, containing One Hundred and Fifty Acres, on the waters of Wild Cat CVek. bounded North by lands ol Win. Funderburk, South by lauds ol Erwin Knight, East by lands of R Heglar, West by lands ' of MidJlctoo Knight. Terms Cash, purchasers tc pay for titles and stamps. J. M. GAYLE, Sept. 2.?3t Assignee." ASS1G N 12 i2'S s a l iT~ In the matter of TIIOS. SCANLON Bankrupt. ON Friday, 24th of September, 1869 I will sell at the Court House in Cam den, S. C-7 the following property, to wit: One Tract of Land situated in "Ker sliaw County, containing Five Hundred and Twenty Four Acres, hounded or the North by Brant Creek, and lands ol Hammond, South by lands of Jcsst Kilgore, West by lands of barred from all benefit of the decree lot distribution t-> be made in this ca*e. It is further ordered, that within tin1 time iiforex.fd, they ?h?.w cause, If any they have, why the estate of thu'siid Bankrupt should not be sold free from itiiuiiihraiice. J. M GAYLEJ, Sept. 2?tf. Assignee. Seegers' Unadulterated Ale AND I. A GER BEERs LAOER BEER containing Copperas, and ALE doctored with Salt, Lime and Alum are the latest adulterations discovered in New York. Professor MAPES, of New York, analyzed the BEER bom a dozen different Breweries, and all were found adulterated with noxious suhstnnces. It is said that the snle ol drugs to Breweries is a profitable part of the trade. This is perfectly infftmous.? CoccuJus Indicus [fish-berry] Nux Voruicn, dog button, from which Strychnine is obtained. are some ot the delectable substance! found in BEER. These arc Insure l our Life in a soulhei I Company. A Life Insurance Policy is the e protection you can secure for the dependent upon you. Advantages of the Piedm< It is confined to Life Irsurance on!) oes not mix with the uncertainty ot tistness. The righuLQf policy holders arc clearl fined jii its policies as PART OK CONTRACT, and not left to OUT: ' PROMISES of Agents. It has no useless restrictions on resi or travel: fully provides for the non-lorfi i of its policies and places all on fair eqi as to occupation. . ' It has declared a dividend to its policy ers the first Eighteen months of 40 per The lute war taught many the heavy nitty ot beirg separated from the Home I | by the Companies forfeiting what had paid and nnd refusing to reinstate the pc 1 '"The PIEDMONT" provides against f IN HER POLICIES and all who rr.n > any mishap or revolution.be seperatcd the "Office, the right to reinstate pc ' within one year after infervening cause ' j moved, or to be ENTITLED TO S | RIGHTS AS TO NON-FORFEIT AS THOUGH THE HINDERING CA had never ex.sted. nt the option ol tit sured, so that no contingency can take her POLICY HOLDERS their just ri THIS IS DONE BY NO OTHER C PANY. It has paid all its losses promptly, wi waiting for the NINETY days grace has never contested a claim. Parties contemplating insuring, are req i -.i ... ? H..li?ioo n,i !? sell low and at manufacturers prices. N. B.?Strict attention paid to ship S. ping in good order. j[ ha?? | i Photographs, Ambrotjpes, AND FERREOTYPES. THE undersized Photographie Artist of Charlotte, N. C., baring fitted up a SKY-LIGHT GALLERY in Workman's Buildiog, is now prepared to take all kinds of Pictures. Those wishing to have their beauty counterfeited, will have an opportunity to do so. No pictures allowed to leave the Gallery unless perfectly satisfactory.? Old Dcguerreotypes or Ambrotjpes conied into anv size : laree or small Photographs and Pictures put up nedt* ly, in Lockets, Breastpins and Rings. Call soon as my stay is limited. Call and see specimens at Workman's Building, over Baum Bros. Store. N. LANG, June 10?tf. Photographer. TURNIP SEED. RUTA BAG A, LARGE WHITE GLOBE, LARGE FLAT NORFOLK, RED TOP and WHITE DUTCH TURNIP, warranted fresh. For sale at this Office. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. In theniatterof JAS.L. McDOWALL> of Camden, S. C., Bankrupt. F..J1 /,M J inrt/ rivnc i*ii_ 'I^CLlllUll /Ut J Ml U/tU yuiui> i/MU?v*r^? wrr Bankruptcy. ORDERED, That a hearing be had oil the 18th day of October, A. D., 1869, at Federal Court House in Charleston, S. C.; and that all Creditors, &c., of said Bankrupt appear at said time and place, and shew cause, if any, why the prayer of the Petitioner should not be granted. By order of the Court, the 9th day of August, 1869. DANIEL IIORLBEC&, Clerk of the District Court of the UnK led States for South Carolina. Aug. 19. 2t I.\r EQUITY?Kershaw. J. D. Kirkpatrick, adrn'r. -vs. James ' Chesnut, el ad. Petition to marshal Assets. IN pursuance of an order in above stir* ted cause, the creditors of John Ches*' nut, deceased, are hereby required'tD present and p'rove their claims befor rue, at the office of Leitner & Dunlap, on or before the first day of October nest, or be debarred from all benefit of the decree passed in above cause. J. D. DUNLAP, Special Master. . Feb. 4. t'd Quinine. JUST received a largo lot of QuiuibO, which we will sell cheap for Cash.-* Persons wanting this article had bettel* lay in a supply for the summer, as it is likely to be higher HODGSON & DUNLAP. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TOE UNITED STATES, FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. Id the matter of A. A. McDOWALL, of Camden, S. 0., Bankrupt. Petition for Full and Final Discharge in Bankruptcy. ORDERED, That a bearing be had oh the 18th daj of October, A. D., 1869, at Federal Court House in Charleston, S. C>; and that all Creditors, &c., of said Bankrupt appear at 6&id time and show cause, if aoy they can, why the prayer of the Petitioner should not bb granted. By order of the 'Co\irt, the 9th dag of August, 1869. DANIEL HORLBECK, Clerk of the District Court of the "tJtinted States. Aug. 19. 2t. -1. SHERIFFS SALES. Sheriff's Officb, Camden, S. C., Sept. 12,1869. BY virtue of sundry writs of fi. fa. to me directed and lodged, I will proceed to sell in front of the Court House in Camden, on the first Monday, fourth day of October next, within the legal hours of sale, the following tucutioncd and described property towit: One House and Lot in Kirkwood, runninu North 450 feet, East 264 feet, West 450 feet. Bounded North by lands of W. D. Anderson, East by lands beioncrin!? to heirs of W. A. Ancrum, South by lands of Dr. Deas, West by Lyttlctou Street. Levied upon as the property of Stephen T. Robinson, at the suit of J. J. McCarter. Terms Cash, purchasers paying for stamps and pa? pers. J. P. BOS WELL, S. K. C. Sept. l(j. 3t. DePASS & HAY, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR'S IN EQUITY, CAMDEN, S. C. BUSINESS will be attended to in all i- .f a. _ ci. a. ?_ _n pans 01 me mate, in au 01 me ^uum? of the State, and of the United States for South Carolina. Office, Up Stairs, above Baum, Bros. Store. WILLIAM L DEPA88, I. THORN WELL HAY. Aug- 26. 6m ?%