itlc on the matter, and you will find that th?-ir plan is the wiser of the two, ?iving a woman a longer rt ign and a stronger inftueni-c, both in society aird by the h.nm hearth, the two spheres in which a lines the most. Louisville-f ourier Journal. We notice that twelve hundred Chinese recently landed at Sun Franciseo. The Golden State is oveiflowing with Johnnies who will soon he pushing acio?s the Pacific Railroad to the renter fields of labor in the West and Souih. P Our people may prepare for 'his inundation, for it is coming- Jvpccially may the colored people, who have lelt our fields to the weeds and our work- _ sin ps to the cohwchs, prepare lor it. Their tninsiti ui from lab'-rers to politi'oiatis ?fr< m worki rs to idlers?lists left si "Hp liic-la Jtilm Chinaman, w th his pigtail a ul wooden hrogan*-, will enter as rapidiy as occasion offers. Johnny can make cotton and corn, buihl rail- T ways arid levees, live without meddling jh tin politics, and gr.w fat on a hnod'ul di of rice and a crust of' bread. When fie lie is fairly installed, the gentleman front an Africa will find abundant leisure in in which to indulge in life, lioertv and the at] j'iir-uit of happiness.?Alimjthii An/ianclte. S. TlOW THE J^rANFSK tSE P,\rEH.? The .) ranese use paper for a great variety of purposes. A recent traveler j? States that ho saw it made into unite rial* >o closely resembling Itassian and Morocco leather and piirskin that ir was very diffieult to det? ct tho differ- Tl cncc. \\ i'h the aid of peculiar vor- of find wl-ill til miiiifimr miner made M excellent trunks, tobacco bnr, very plentiful and very cheap. The inner walls of many a Japanese apartment are formed of paper, bein the Rev. W.J Uoodc. Joiin Kkrsuaw .L of Cannlcii,to Mi-s Sl\sa\,eldest daughter of General Wiluiot G. DeSuu-sure, of (Charleston. of OBITUARY. '? Died at Liberty Hi 1 o i Sunday ereni'-p, ' 1 June 13ib, Hknrv l?*. Br iwn. -r , in the ftftili year of bis age. He ??< a ki> d i dn'pc t p< futher. h goodcit"zen und a consistent member *b of the Pre byteii u U'liu cU for inciy roars |pn*t. Ilis h- ..1t!i l*irg for some tunc fecbV. and du'ing ibe last six week* of bis i Ine s. confined to In* bed. and reduced almost to ? <" ske e'o ; eniaci ite I >?? lie *? ? f om bi< f ,,t 1 lice o r ho ne wi'h g eat fo ti tide and sub- )(| miss on, wi'hout a mtpmur perfect I v resign- , fd to the will of God. The last words lie 1 Bpokc. 10 the pis or of his c^ureli wm. "I .tin reed v. wil in>! Htid u xinus 'o fo." The I l a'lior of Ihm feeble eRort in Ht enipting to j(l pir the last tribute of respec' to Irs memory . witnessed the sad and melancholy scene, * erhcn'he l ist b'ea'li was drawn l?v tie* de- ' par ed friend. Whi st standing around his dv- in ing c tuck, his truly kind, affect'on i'e children and many friends, ever reidv at his l?ed- ^ eidc to give aid and comfort, and to administer to Ivs wants in the hour of death His ol many virtues had endeared him to a large as circle of relations and friends who mourn his 8( low. Who can offer consolation to the g-ief (stricken hearts he has left behind him. May God, in whom he trusted, reconcile their sor 2 ; row,to the helii'fthat "their loss is his eter jal gain." He died without a t-truggle. w "How blest the righteous wlteit he dies. j< When sinRs a weary foiiI to rest, ti JIow mildly beam the closing eyes. t< How gently heaves th' expiring brcaat. ft Farcwv!!, c<*itl1icfi:i? lu?j-o-i ami fc r?. Where lights and >1 ndes n'.tei nule dnv'l, j How brig! t th'unchanging morn Appear*, Fnre*i II, inconstant world, 'nrowcll. Life's labor done, a* r inks (lie rlay. Light from it* loud the spirit flic*, While heaven and earth comb'ne to pa.. How blest the righteous when lie dies/' 1 II. i PITTCTIEK'S ; lightning Fly-Killer! ; catli to the Living'! Lon^ live the i Ivil'crs! [ S'tM hy Dealers Eccrj/ichrre. ' July 1. lin UNITED STATES ' IXTERXAL REVEXUE. Camden, S. C.. June 30,1809. NOTICE To TAX-EA YE US. [IE lists fur 1808 and 1869, arc in my >s-essi??n fur Collectiuii. All pcrM?n? ic any taxes thereon are lie r*-l?y noti ' d to rail at my office without delay. ' (1 pay up tluir respective due*; liav- 1 <; hem imructed to enforce payment*, ' I inetatita. FllANK G<>SS, Dep. Col. 2nd Div. l?t Col. Dist. 1 C. ' I July 1. . 2t 1 1 jn r>Ai\ivi(u r i?. i i the matter of II. M. 1II10 ? N Hank rujit. To whom >( nt>'// Con rem. [I G undersigned lier? by ^ive-? nntiee 1 his appointment as Assum e ??f B. t . Brown, in the District of Kit I iv, and Safe ?d' S. ut li Carolina, thin ihe said District, who has been I judged a Bankmpt upon his tiWti pe- ' ion, by W. I. ('liiwsoii, Bi jiistrar ol e said District Court J. W. .VeCWRV, Assignee. July 1. 3t iYIUN laTirra; Ythe matter of SAMUEL SHIVER, Bankrupt. , . I To whom it moij Concern. IE iitidcrsijrnrd "ion by ?rivos notice ' his appointment. as A*ssi??ttee of ' tuuel Shiver, in the County of Kit ' fiw, and State of South Carolina, * thin the said District, who lias been r judged a Bankrupt upon hi< own pc J ion by W. I. ('lawsuit, liojiistrar, ol 1 t said Distiiet CoU't. ' J AS L. BKASINCTOV, Ass'jrneo. ' j-uiv i at. ' i Final Xoticc to Creditors, t 'jKSQ.VS liavile.' .claims on .Johu \V. "rtriiT. diseased, or Mrs. Cornelia Ar ur, Administratrix, will present them ?, once to [ \l*M. M. SHANNON'; J June 24?tf. Alton iy. t. - CIRCULAR. I A 1 I'J Uf Mil; 1 11 UARWI.I.U. ISl'lIKAU OF AOKICTLTIHAI. SfJlT!>TICS. ('( LUMBIA, .1 HflC 'O, 18G9- p THE attention of tlie citizens of tlie ,, irtate is respectfully invited to the p nexed-extracts from :i? Act passed * the recent session of tlx* "General y isembly, and ratified oil tlie iHth day (j .March. 18<>9; and their cordial c<>oration with the officers charged with e execution of the law is earnestly I guested. a The enumeration of the inhabitants ,, to furnish a basis for tlie apportion- f, :ut of pcptcspntafion in the next a moral A-sseuildv, in accordance with ctiun 4 of Article II of the Oonstitun, and die necessity for its coircctss will commend itself to citizens ol n political views. ? In connection with this work the t tinties of the agricultural productions g last j ear will he taken, and it is cmMi'ly desirable that they should he urned as fully and intelligibly as cir- f ni?ianees will t>crmit, as it. i? expect- ; that they will furnish valuable data ,, i... e. : ii* r .1 .. iiiu luiun* ;n_rrM,ii?iui;u inrtion of County, for which 1m* or they j all have been appointed, and obtain jtn Mich load of a family or member j crcof. as aforesaid, the number ? ! pi r ic? Contained in such latiiily, and such j her information as may tie inquired < id directed by the Commissi of , ie Uureau of Agricultural Statistics. S>c. 4. TI at each lieml or member a family shaft when summoned there- , by the persons appoint*d under t! is ! ct to take the census at bis, her or icir residence or place of business, uke oath or affirmation, a cmct reirn of all persons of whom his or Iter jnily is composed; and also report such her inlbi mi lion to said census takers } uiay bo rcqu:red by law; and the perms so oppuiuti d to tako the census re hereby authorized to ndministcr ich oath;-; and upon the failure of any erson to make Rueh returns or reports hen requin d. he or she shall he sublet to a penalty of twenty-five dollars, i bo recovered in any Court of coiupc;rit jurisdiction. June 24. 2t Swifts' Unadulterated Ale AM) LAG1U1 BEER LAGER BEER containing Copperas, nr ALEdoctored with Salt, Lime n?d Alai me the latest adulterations discovered in Ne York. I'roleps'T MAPES, of New Yorl inalyled the BEER Itoin a dozen differei Breweries. and all were found adulterate with noxious substances. It is said that t! talc ol drugs 10 Breweries is a pniti able pa I the trade This is perfectly infamous.L'occulus Indicus (ti>h berry] Nux Vomie jog button, Iroiu which Strychnine is ohtait ..i r,i deleetulih' rubs anct mind in GI-JER. These are potent poison ind the Brewer found using them should I drowned nt nice in one of his own rats. P. S ?I am willing to he drowned in m two RATS; if any impurities shall be four it my GEER. I shall l oniinue to make a IIEALTHFU BEVERAGE, so 'hat it may be drank by tl nost delicate without the least dancer. JOHN C SEEGERS, Jot 04??"i. C'dnnihia S. C. important to 1H'blurs. r! IK Hooks and papers of ''l lie I'raw* if the Hunk oft be Sta'e of Sontb C.n linn al Canoleo," liave been placed i my bands fur immediate settlement t jliitns. Parties nan secure most ndvnntajrcot terms b< Ibre suit is biotigbr, wbielt wi be tlotte against all K'?lv?.*nt parties L return d>y in August. W. M SHANNON, Attorney at Law. June 24. Tax Xothr. niE office of tbe County Trcasun will be opened f">r collection of S'al 1111] Cuiiuty Taxes, on and after tli titst day lie fifill dav of July next, i 'not of the Court IIou< th" pro KMtyof K. 11. Moms, at the suite ik; Town for Taxes, lor the year 1861) koiouut, $50,00. ALSO Ono Lot with Store llmw fhereon a irescut occupied by llunis & Hoswe! i" Itroad Street. Levied iijn>n an iIt iropcrty of William .l??lmsn,n at tli nit ??f iliti Town for Taxes, for ill ara 1867 and 186'J. Amouut, 8-'5, 0. ALSO One House ami Lot on corner o Jroad and York Streets. Levied upoi s tire prn|K!rty of K>tate Richard CIkjs it. at i lie suit of tlm Town for Taxes iir tlie years 1865, I860, 1867, 186' ud 1800. Amount, S-1,50. AI.SO One House ami Lot on Fair Slice ncwu as tlie lliples place. Lcvici pon as tlie property of A. 1>. Onodwyn t the suit of tho Town for Taxes to he years 1SG8 and 1SG9. Amount U0,00. ALSO One Lot and Storehouse, on Brnai Jircet, formerly oeeupied hy Gcor?i Uth'ii. Levied as the p opcrr f U. I*. Homey, nt the suit of th< Town for Taxes, lor I860. Amount 114.00 ALSO One House and Lot on Hroad Street jevied upon as die proper!v ol Williaii Ocas, at the suit of tin* Town furTuXeS dr I860. Aneumt. 86.00. ALSO One ILmse and Four Lots on I)c \alb Street, levied ii|h>ii as the pri erty of Frank Adamsmi, at the suit he Town for Taxes for 18G9 Auiouni >6 00. - * LSI i One Lot wijh Store House and othc inildin?rs thereon in ('anoleii on tli oiner of 11 road ami Rutlod?ro Street? Levi-d upon as the property of Jim. ? Weioncy at the sui* of the tuwn li axes. A I.SO One Lot wiieremi i? tl e old Uric Hotel, in Camden on the corner i Hroud and Kinjr Streets. levied upe is the property of Merotiey cfc lloswe it the suit of the town for taxes. ALSO One small iron sife. Levied upon i the property of D. D. Ilocoiiat tl suit of II. Haum ct. al. Terms?CASH, Purchasers payir for Stamps and Papers. J 1\ HOSWKLTj, S K. C. FOUNIK A SITiVKIl WATCH, which tl owner cun have hy describing tho san and paying for this advertisement. JOSKFH GOODALfJ. ; Photographs, Ambrotj pes, AND FERREOTYPE S. i. m n k "tikdmont 1. LIFE IM11KE ClliJlW, r(| OF KICII.MOND, VA. A CAPITAL INVESTED AND WELL SECURED .... $100,000 i* PREMIUMS EARNED tlRST II 151 .MONTHS. OVER ......C00,0U0 NUMBER OF POLICIES IS3 SUED. OVER ...? 3.100 Ejliiy-S'Vtn a ml n mi him ij' I ui ill tn I'oi'irij Ilofitrrs. Insure lour Life in a southern (ompany. j A Life J'ulicy is llic purest r protection V"U cuti secure lor those dependent upon you. } Advantages of the Piedmont. ,1 It is routine! to Lite Insurance only, and oes not mix with (lie uncertainty ot other iisiness. < The rights oi policy holders are clearly defined ?n its poiiries as PART OK TIIE CONTRACT, nnd not lelt to OUTRIDE PROM ISES ol Agents. It has no useless restrictions on residence or travel: f illy provides lor the lion- lorteittire ol i's policies and places all on lair equality as to occupation. It has duels red a dividend to its policy holdi. ere the first Eighteen months ol 40 per cent. |l The l ite war taught many the heavy penalty ol Iteit gseparated Irom the Home Olfice " by the Companies forfeiting what had Iteen n paid nnd and refusing to reinstate the policies . "The PIEDMONT" provides against this IN HER POLICIES and all who may. by * any mishap or scperated frotn i- the Otfio*. the tight- to reinstate policies within one year alierin'crvening cause is removed, or to I* ENTITLED TO SAME c RIGHTS AS T > NON-FORFEITURE. i, AS THOUGH THE HINDERING CAUSE .. hnd never ex.sted. at the option ot the in, sured, so that no contingency can take from " her POLICY HOLDERS their just rig-.ts. d THIS IS DONE BY NO OTHER COM ? PANY. .r It has paid all its losses promptly, without '* waiting lor the NINETY days grace, and i has never contested a claim. f Parties-contemplating insuring, are requested to examine our policies and compare them with other companies before insuring. The COMPANY tins dttermined to rstabn ltsli n BRANCH OFFICE in SOUTH CA Ri OLINA with President and Directors select. ^ ed Irom Policy Holders of ibis State, which !- will give you all the advantages oi a HOME INSTITUTION as nil the Premiums re.. ceived. will be left here and invested in your own StateThe PIEDMONT" issues Policies en the Ordinary Lite, Ten Annual Payment. Five Annual Payment. Sinule Pay men'. Endowment, Joint Life. Children's Endowment. ' Return Premium, or any Table used by other J Coinpuinics. W. CI.YbURN. Agent. L Camden. S. C. f J. R. STEGER, Gen'l Canvassing Agent. L> Mny 13. 3tn F. J. COLLIER & COS f PRESCRIPTIONSTOKE: 11 PKRSOXS tvisl i. p PRESCRIP 1 ' - TJUAfti t.licci, will oo uccuuuuuuiucu ^ at all hour*. 5 Having just received a fresh supply of ; DRUBS AND MEDICINES. we arc prepared to accommodate all who nny favor us with a call. r May 13. tf. I IN BANKRUPTCYJ In the mailer of J. J. FLJNDERe UUUK, bankrupt. To ichom it m?y (ourrrn \f THK undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of J. J. Flliideli'Urk, in the County of Lancaster. and the Slate of South Carolina. |( within tlie >ai. " itOBT MURE &~CCT COMMISSION MEKlilAXTS, k . CHARLESTON, S '[ AGENTS CHARLESTON AND LIVER? TOOL STEAMSHIP LINK. Advances made on shipment* of Comm. Rice and Naval Stores to Foteign and Domestic Porte. te Oflfl P"ck??cs ,,f JrcWKLL PROS. /yj\j\J Celebrated Self Leave n in ir, or Self-Raising Flour, jui?t received Try g JAMES JUNKS. - Corn and Bacon! :?c WE arc still roccivinp supplies of Corn Je ninl llucon which we will sell ut Cha?lestOQ prices with actual expenses added. HODGSON & DUNLAP. v^4iVfX)EN, DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Ilavc on hand and arc constantly receiving fresh supp'ies of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, AC. KEROSENE OIL AND L IMPS, CIIIMNIES, Paints, Oils, Varnisbcs, M innow Class, Putty, Brashes, &c. AND jVLL OTHER ARTICLES Usually krpt in our line, nil of which arc / UllE AND GENUINE\ and war- * ranted t? he us r? |iiv.?ciiU(J, which we will sell us cheap as they can bo bought uinwhctc iu the Stutc. HODGSON & DUNLAP. M?j 0. NEW ARRIVALS. "V . 4 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. ^ t? We arc now receiving and opening a well-selected 6tocfc of Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting of the Newest Styles of PRINTS. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, LADIES' HATS, And various other articles. Also?a large assortment of Gent's. Spring and Summer Clothing, Cassiaieres and Linens, of all qualities. ' . t BOOTS AND SHOES. : r iV Of these, we have a Hoc assortment. Also, Fashionable ALPINE HATS. WHITE AND COLORED. Our usual assortment of hardware, groceries, AND crockeryware. Tim above Goods having been selected with great care, and bought for CASH, ? -> i..? r.., pasit. we oner mem vrrj iu? iw ..... Call and examine our >t?>ck and you will find it to your interest. We take this occasion to thank our friends and tlic public generally, for tho very liberal patronage bestowed on u?, and it sliall always be our aim to continUC tom^Ht illti H ? - ? 1 ^ LU inn.,, EAUM BROS. March 18. l)T;K\I It ll()Tsi r TOWN TAXI'S J. XV. Rodgcrs?Proprietor. -017 K 1>r 18 6 9* _ _ _ r T o p THE Books for the collection of Town C A M I) h IS , b. C- T. ixes for the fi-cul year, ending tho ? 3l>t of December, I?68, will bo open INSURE YOUR LIFE at the Council Chamber from now until tho loth day of May; and after that time, Executions will be issued against St. Louis Mutual delinquent T ax Payers. .w,,, ,, i, i -.--it- - By older Council, INbUR.\IsC h COM L AjN Y. w. clyburn, ciert. J. W. RODGKUS, Agent. April 1. tf CAMDEX, S. C. NOTICE. OT^fT"P ALL persons haviDg demands against *~" the estate of John Kirkland, deceased, Your Money and Freight will present them duly attested within BY THE the time prescribed by law. This notice will be plead in bar of thoso who SOUTHERN EXPRESS, fail to comply. Theso indebted to the MiAtA TPill mnlrn itiimprlint A r>*v. OFFICE AT TIIK lucut to * * ^ dekalb HOU?e! JESSE A. KIRKLAND,