The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, June 10, 1869, Image 3

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I Are We Coming to Imperialism ? <?The New York Round Table disacusues the question?u Are we driftiug into Imperialism V'?in this strain : ' In plain sooth, the age of sensuality, of unchecked corruption, of dense, gross ignorance is coining down on u* likA ni/ww Kliould llUVC *li\*e' 6...- r ? ? _ more notes of warning than it has; out the press dislikes, in a free country, t.? print unpalatable tru'h, even when it discerns such truth, sud the journals that profess "fearless devotion to principle" are notoriously the ones whose articles betray the uiost laborious solicitude to catch the applause and flatter the prejudice of the greatest number. Meanwhile, at what are culled our "great centres," coarse brutes, who ouglu to bo digging railways or drawing hand carts, lay down the liw for the ivh hCommunity, and by dint of va*t wealth amassed under circumstances impossible in any other civilized country, deg'soie the social tone and spread in every d: rection an unbridled rage for pleasures of the senses. Intellectual elevation or ambition is scoff d at, and those who strive to dictate a taste for better thing* are either hated or despised. Nothing a? thmioht of hut the delights of the t.i n b!e, of fino clothes, of showy <1 wcllin^s and equipages?in a word, of physical i raptures of every description. If there is at preseut anything else?whether in the pulpit, in theatre, or in literature ? the pill must de gilded so as to appear ""sensational." All this is so widey admitted, so shamefully notorious, that its recital is trite enough; we repeat it mereiy in elucidation of the subject under discussion. It is impossibc. when {people think all things of their bodies and nothing of their minds, that either a Democratic or any other pure form of government can long be maintained ? Unless a great change comes over Anier ican people, it will not be maintaim d by themselves." They arc uslting towaril ! the p ecipice at railway speed, and the universal co:tuptiuti that good men de plore, is the prelude of a dceoiuposi'ion "which is certain fate." Tfic Fall of thk Female HlondIN.?The London Shipping and Mer cantile Gazelle sj>ys: On Tuesday evening an intensely exciting aceue wis wituessed at Bolton. Ij? connection with Mr. Pablo Fariquc's m circus, with the "Female Blondin" hud j b-icn uiinounoed for an ou'-door per j fbrmance. She was to walk alom: a rope fixed from the third story of the Old Coronation Mills to the top of t'm ; eircus, the height of the rope being : about s;xty feet, and the distance s .uic i eighty feet. About half-pist seven the "Female Blondin" cnt"red the Corona j tion Miih, which arc being pulled down, *nd ascended the rope. She sauntered niong it for a few feet with a Iiirlit and m . ' easy step, but at about fifteen f'e- t from where she starred ihere w .s a large ugly knot on the rope several inches long.? .She essayed to cross it and then turned 'back. In a moment, however resumed her peril'iu* journey, amid the breathless anxiety of thousands who stood sixty feet beneath her. She approached the ; knot cautiously, crossed it, but just as her last foot was leaving it she stumbled. At once she threw her pole to the crowd ibelow, and wiih a desperate effort she; grasped the rope. She is *.strong muscular wouian, and exerted herself greatly I L *o regain a position on trie rope, out i hung suspended by tiie hands. Tiie J wildest excitement prevailed amongst | the spectators. There were loud cries , of ''lower the rope," which was done, bat only for a very few feet.. With more *poed than can be told, a g-rcat number of men massed themselves together at the place over which she liung by the Tope, and begged her to let go and fall. .She Jid so aud was caught by them, and although the distance she fell was almost fifty feet, she sustained no inju ry beyond the fright and a shake. The Pit ess and tiie Public.?One | of the most common, but most absutd ! mistakes which people make now-a-duys, is in imagining that a community con I fers upon a newspaper which it supports an obligation, which can only be can cello 1 by tho most obsequious compliance with the whims and differcu -c to j the opinions of any individual among ' the mass of its readers, who may take the trouble to favor it with his views, Modern journalism, like its sister insti. ; . tutions?the postal system and the telegraph?gives to the public advantages out of all proportion to the money value at which they are rated; and the man who buys a good newspaper, avai Is ' himself of a privilege, the exfrao dina i ry cheapness of which he can har lly ! .appreciate beeiu^e of its habitual enjoy- j ment. Tlio advertiser, likewi-e, who | lr r? c r? Kic Itii^iunca flte.n r 1. rl.?? ' columns of a journal circulating widely among all classes, tuglit to tiii.l?*r-tu?nJ tliat he thereby secures the richest p s-' bible return for the trifling su u lie may j invested. In b>th cases, the cus ; touier gets his full money's worth tuniy 1 times multiplied ; ami the assumption that there is any obligation whatever iu either is simply preposterous. 'I ho terras "patron" and "patronage" as applied to the readers and business of u newspaper, are still used by some court- j try editors ; but havo long since been I repudiated by all journalists who are mindful of the true position auil dignity of their calling.? Charleston Ntuu. . ??r?r-?? The largest elephant in the world arrived at New York by the steamship Helvetia. She is called the ''Empress,*' is about twenty years old and stauds twelve feet and a half high. At an early h ur the Hamburg s1 earner dock at Hobokeu was crowded with an eager throng, who waited patiently for tlie enormous animal to come forth. At last c.unc the Kmprees. slowly and deli belately ; turning shart at the gang-plank she .Midd'-nly gave a suoit and a ro r that som.led like <1 i taut tliund -r, and seemed disposed to make tro'b e The keen- r sprang ahead, and in the in >st endearing in inner persuaded her Ugh ness to descend Th-s<ip almost careened as ?h?- advancd a Intle tno'e to the side, and one Itu^e foot, like a pil lar of tlie Customhouse, rested on tinging I'lank. There was something absolutely touching in the way the gigantic beast would reach forth hertmtiK and put it around the keeper, who Would I ti t It and a^ain invite the I'.mpios o cone on an < it >t in; i r >1 i >c lni.4' ,mi.ii i slowly le?oe ded. tli i*." > ?(J |? rli g silent yiy as sh :?d c*d. Win she rva* licai ihed.ek the people t wr?d i-udly, and ine k :epe- pu hisarus round lior irank and kissed it with d light. As for tier itiijesry, sin? ir-iiup eted out tier pleasures in a series of whist.cs and Si'ienins. 1 lit-n a?i\ancii?jr >iutcly up tlie wharf. and reaching termfinnu once she expie>8cd lor sat .-taction hy taking dirt in h< r trunk and tossing it upon her b ick. 'i own Surveyor. Mil. CUIjIN 31 A' RAhnuving heen noted To\vn Purveyor, persons cue.using their Lots or building oil them, aic reijU'iel io hive liiem Surveyed at their own expense. Hy Older of the (Jo un-il. W. CRYRURN, Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALES. Sheriff's Office, Camden, S. 0., June 8, 18(30. BY virtue of Sundry Wr ts i.f fi. /it. to uie dinccdand lodged, I will proceed to vll on tlic first Monday, it biting the fit ill day ol July next, in froi.t of the t???uft ilou*c in C linden, within the legal hours of sde, the following mentioned and described prop er: y, to wit: One ilotsuawd l ot, situated in the To a n of Cain Jen. on Broad She*'*, whereon is s.tinted the Two Story Hrj.-k Residence, at present oecnpied by Frank Goss, measuring one hundred feet on Broad Street, and extending Ku-tward five hundred and seventy* three Icet. Levied upon as the prop city of L-slie MeCmdless at the suit of Wiiiueford 13. Young. a t,so One large Brick Hotel, in the Town of Cunt leu. known as (he L) K lb House, on the c< rner of Broad and l)eKalb Streets. L-vied upon as th? propetty of K. R Morris, at the suit of the Town for Taxes, lor the year 1 SOD A mount, 8^0,00. at.s't One House and Lot on Fair Street. Levied upon us the property of \V. H. It. Workman, at the suit of the Town for Taxes, for the v ars 1 > 67, 1838 and lSii'J Atuouut 871,27 \LsSO One Lot with Store Ilott-e th'Wroti at'* present occupied hy Burns & Bosivell in is road Mri-pf iieviru upon a? iiic properly of Willia'ii .f<din*o,n at tlie suit of the Town for Taxi s, for the years 18G7 and 180U. Amount, S-5.00. ALSO One House and Lot on comer of Broad and York Streets. Levied upon as the property of Estate Richard ('liesnut, at the suit of tin Town for Taxes, for the years 1865. 1860,1867, 1868 and 1869. Amount, S-1,50. \ l-s > One House and Lot on Fair Street, known as the Ciples place. Levied upon as the property of A. I>. Ooodwjn, at the suit of the Town for Taxes for the years 18G8 and 1809. Aiuouut, S20,00. ALSO One House and Lot on Mill Street. Levied upon as the property of C Nelson, at the suit of the Town for Taxes, for the years 1868 and 1869. Amount, SI 9,56. \LSO One Brick Office in rear of the Ciurt II his". I.i vied upon a< the p npcrty t?i U If I'o iti y. at the suit of the Town for Taxes, lor 18G9. Amount, Si4 U0 also One Gin House and Lot on Market Street. Levied upon as tlie property of Mrs. It Workman, at tlie suit of tlie Town tor Taxes, for 18G8 and l^tiO. Amount. $1M,00 One House ami Lot on It road Street. Levied upon as iln- nropeif ol William Dnas. at the suit of tin* Town for Taxes, for I8G!>. A-it not. Sit.(10. A I.So One II -use an I Kour Lots on HeKalb Street. Levied upon as the property of Frank A'lainsoii, at tlie suit of tin* Town lor Taxes for 18(50 Amount, $0,00. \f>?i One vucant Lot on Broad Street.? Levied upon as the property of T. J. Workman & Co., at the suit of the Town for Taxes for 1967, 1868 uud 1869. Amount, 85 00 ,\ 0,-e House and Lot on DeKalb St. Levied upon n> the property of Estate J. J Workman, at the Mlit o| the Town for Taxes for 1*67, 1868 a d i860 ? Amount, $2,1)0 Terms?(5AMI. I'urchasirs purine I for Stamps una Papers. J P. BOS WELL, ; June 10?td. S. K. C. DIED?In Cumdi'ti on tliu -Iili iiist., a'lcr an illms of 1 our du)s, Artiikr ! Johannes, youngest child-of W.J. and .M E. Arrants. Photographs, Ambrolj pes AND j FERR O TYPES. rp ii k nnli'r^itrt el Photographic Ar1 list nl t'liarluttc. X. 0 . having (ittcl up a SKY LIGHT GALLEBY in Woikman's Building, is now prepared to take all kinds of Pictures. Those wisliintr '0 liuve their beauty eouutcr i-iied. will have an opportunity to do so No pictures allowed to leave the Gallery unless perfectly satisfactory ? Old I t.ejuei reotyp's or Atnbrotypes copied into any MB.*; large or nnall I lioioffvapli* and Pictures put up neat!v, in Locket*, Breast pilis Mid Rings. I'all soon as my rfay is limited. Gall and S'-e speeiim-n at Workuian's Building. over Bautn Bros. Store. N. LANG, June 10?St. Photographer. j IN BANKRUPTCYIii the matter of II. AURANTS, Bankrupt. To whom it- mnj/ Con rem. TIIE undersigned lier< by gives notice ??t his appointment ag Assignee of Har- J noil A: i aids, in lliu i list rift of Kor?lnw, and Sate of South Carolina, within the said District, who lias been adjudged a Bankiupt upon his own pc- I lition, by W. I. Clawson, Registrar oI of the said District Court ISAAC F. LIOLLAND. Assignee. May 27. r 3t. [ IN BANKRUPTCY. I In the matter of J. J. FUNDER? BURK. Bankrupt. To whom it >!)">/ ( onccrn THE undersign, d hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of J. J. I'underiiiirk, in the County of Lancaster, and the Stale of South Carolina, within the said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt u;on his own petiiioo, by W. I Clawson Registrar of the said District Court. ( JOS. M. OA VLB, k June 3?3f. Assieneo. M. IIISSELL, D KjSTTIST. rfZsBBSb WOULD call the attention ot those rciiiiiriug ilio;r l'ev<li tilled to a CO . I'OSiTluN, MLLLNG t>al he prepares arid has Used lor tliu past ten scais, as it can be recommended in all cases where the tc< tli arcsn li<r decayed as to prevent their being tilled wiili any filling requiring pre-sure. A* it approuelu s ueaier the color of ihe iccth than Foils, it will be found a tisfuctory in filling the ba lly decayed I rout tei'tli. avoiding the unsightly upp-iirai ee ?.l" the iuil snowing lliiougfi i lie thin plate of enamel. Jkiii.' nearly as hard as Lite bono oi the teeth it will prove serviceable in the musticutiog surfaces of many teotli. Teeth tilled several scar- since have been luuud within a few weeks in nearly as good a condition as when first filled. Charges for filling with gold, tin, or artificial Dentine front 50 cents to $2, and teeth inserted on GOLD, SILVEli or VULCANITE, from 82 to S8. OFFICE on Hront street, opposite .Mr J as. Duulap'a residence. May 20. tf. F. J. COLLIER & CD'S PR ESf.'RI I'TION" S'l'l) 1! E; PERSONS wisii.g PRESCRIPTION'S filled, will be accommodated at nil hours. Having just received a fresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. we are prepared to accommodute all who uiiy favor us with a call. %y 13. tf. PURE French Bra:.dy and Wines, F'>r Mctlici'nil Purposes. W This is a pure article of Brandy as it was bought out of the Custom House and can be relied on as being pure and v genuine. u HODGSON & DUNLAP. NOTICE. . . I hereby fun-warn all persons not to let any person, (no matter who.) have anything on my nwn aCeoUnt as I will 1 not pay ai y debt- except C infracted by myself D C K1UKLEY. may -7.? tf, lioBT MU11K& CO (MULSSIOX MERC'IUSTS, CHARLESTON\ S- V AGENTS CHARLESTON AND LIVER- 1 POOL STEAMSHIP LINK. Advances mnue on smpmews 01 Louon. Rico and Naval Stores to Foieign and Domestic Port? Noti \ ALL pcr-onx iii'lcLti*<) to or huvinjj c Lt * it is tiff.iinsf the estate of'Joliu Brown, deo< iiseii, np' her by requested to present tin* suite properly attested, on or before the 'JOtli day of December, A. D. 1869 P, V. BUS1I, Adtn'r. April 1,. 8m 1 .il - - ^ f : DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Have on Land and arc constantly receiving fresh supp'ies of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, i FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, AC. ' KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, CHIMNIES, 'I J ' Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Winnow Glass, Puity, Brushes, &c. ? AND j .ALTj OTHER -A. s Jsually kept in our line, all of which arc I URE AND CENGINE, and war- c anted to be as represented, which we will sell as cheap us they can bo bought nywhere iu the State. . ( HODGSON & DUNLAP. May 6. NEW ARRIVALS^ ( _ ' j SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS.' I We are now receiving and opening a wcll-sclcelcd stock of Spring and Summer Goods, i Consisting of the Newest Styles of PRINTS. j LADIES' DRESS GOODS, 1 LADIES' HATS. 1 e And various other articles. Also?a large assortment of ? a t Gent's. Spring and Summer Clothing, Cassimeres and Linens, of all qualities. ? V r I / h BOOTS AND SHOES. i V h Of these, we have a tine assortment. Also, Fashionablo v A -T Tr?T-xTTn TT A nnC! I J AN UN JQj XJL-Ci. JL. kJ. i e WHITE AND COLORED. \ C Our usual assortment of o HARDWARE, GROCERIES, I F AND C CROCKERY WARE. The above Goods having been selected with great care, and bought for CASH, re offer them very low fui the CASH. ? Cull and examine our stuck and you will find it to your interest. 3 Wo take this occasion to thank our friends and the public generally, for the cry liberal patronauc bestowed on us, and it shall always je our aim to continc to merit the same by selling at the lowest possible prices. ' BAUM BftOS. March 18. I)EK.4IJMIOtSfcTT" TOWN taxes J r ?r i) i n DUE 11ST 18 6 9. ?a f. W. Rodgers?Proprietor. i i u f A Af T1 P \T Q n THE Books for the collection of Town s A iH 1/ ti IN , O. \j' Taxes for the fiscal year, ending the ]j 31st of Dccenibor, it$68, will bo open u INSURE YOUR LIFE I at llio Council Chamber from now until t IN TIU, the 15th day of May; and ufter that ? time, Executions will bo issued against 0 St, Louis Mutual all delinquent Tax Payers. e NSURANCK CO31 CANY. 0 ^w^clyburn, cierk. F J. W. RODGEKS, Agent. April 1, tf ? CAMDEN, S. C. ~ 1 : NOTICE. CTJTTp ALL persons having demands against the estate of John Kirkland, deceased, Your Money and Frciglii wi II present them duly attested within ' t the time prescribed by law. This no- ' Jllt : 11 ,.i i i c .1 ,_i.? IIKU Will UK JIIVUU IU Uiir Ul IllUSt: Will) SOUTHERN EXPRESS, fail to comply. Thrsc indebted to the ^ - said estate will niako immediate pay. a OFFICE AT THE locut to It t)EJbCALB HOUbE! JESSE A. KIRKLAND, rhc State of Sojith Carolina. KERSHAW COUNTY. By James F. Sutherland, J. P. m YTTHERKAS, Mra. Sarah A. C. Lee Vy made suit to me, to grant her ' Letters of Administration of the Estate ind effects of Barnwell Stuart, dee'd. THESE arc therefore to cite and adnonish all and singular the kindred f d Creditors of the said B. Stuart, Iccoased, th;>t they be and appear, be. ore mc, in tbe Court of Probate to be icld at Camden on the 12th day June icxt, after publication hereof, at 11 'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause f any they have, why the said Admin _ stration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 28th lay of May, Anno Domini, 1869. J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. [lie State of South Carolina, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT. KERiH.lW?In Equity. iVilltutu E. Johnson and others, President and Directors of the Bank of Camden S. C-, vs. the Bank of CamS. C. and others. Bill for Directions, Injunction and Relief. [N pursuance of a decretal order enter:d in this cause, creditors of the Bank >f Camden, S. C., are required to present statements of their claims, desiglating the number of the bills or lotcs of each denomination, forming iny part thereof, at the Banking House n Camden, S. U., on or before the 1st September next, and arc enjoined from :ommcncing or further prosecuting any ,uits against the said corporation with >ut the special leave of said Court. C. SHIVER, Clerk of the Circuit ]ourt for Kershaw County, S. C. May 20. 3m PIEDMONT . LIFE JNSURAXCE COMPANY, OF RICHMOND, VA. .' : ' CAPITAL INVESTED AND WELL SECURED $100,000 'RE.MIUMS EARNED FIRST 19 MONTHS. OVER 600,000 DUMBER OF POLICIES ISSUED. OVER 3,100 Ejhty-Seven and a IIalt' per centum of Profit paid to Policy Holders. Insure Your Life in a southern Company. Life Insurance Policy is the surest protection you can secure for those dependent upon you. Ldvautages of the Piedmont. It id confined to Life Insurance only, and oas not mix with the uncertainty of other usiness. The rights of policy holders' are clearly deined on its poiicies as PART OF THE CONTRACT, and not left to OUTSIDE 'ROMISES of Agents. It has no useless restrictions on residence ir travel; fully provides tor the non-forfeiture if its policies and places all on fair equality ,s to occupation. It has declared a dividend to its policy holdrs the first Eighteen months of 40 per cent. The lute war taught many the heavy peniltyof beirg separated from the Home Office ?y the Companies forfeiting what had been mid and and relusing to reinstate the policies 'The PIEDMONT" provides against this N MF.R POLICIES, and all who may. by my mishap or revolution, be seperated from he Olfice, the right to reinstate policies vilhin one year after intervening cause is renoved, or to be ENTITLED TO SAME UGHTS AS TO NON-FORFEITURE. ^S THOUGH THE HINDERING CAUSE lad never existed, at the option of the !inurcd, so that no contingency can take from icr POLICY HOLDERS their just rights. THIS IS DONE BY NO OTHER COM'ANY. It has paid all its losses promptly, without raiting for th% NINETY days grace, and ins never contested a claim. Parties contemplating insuring, are requestd to examine our policies and compare them riih other companies before insuring. The COMPANY has determined toestabsh a BRANCH OFFICE in SOUTH CAR)LINA with President and Directors selectd from Policy Holders of this State, which rill give you all the advantages of a HOME NST1TUTION as all the Premiums recived, will bo left here and invested in your \vn State. The "PIEDMONT" issues Policies en the )rtlinnry Life, Ten Annual Payment, Five innualPayment, Single Payment, Endowlent, Joint Life. Children's Endowment, Icturn Premium, or any Table used by other /Ompainies. W. CLYEURN, Agent, Camden, S. C. . R. STEGER, Gen'l Canvassing Agent. May 13. * . 3m SOUTH CAROLINA nine Agricultural uuu mcclinnieal Magazine. Official Orrjan of the South Carolina State Agricultural and Mechanical Society.) At an curly date, the subscribers will mblish the first number of a Monthly iJngnzine, devoted to the development f the material interests of this State,, nd the whole South; and will distribte live thousand copies gratuitously,. o that every one may see what it iscfore subscribing. They intend to iakc it the best and handsomest indnsrial magazine ever published at the South, and they ask the cordial copcration of every good citizen in this uterprisc, which must redound to the iublic warfare. Persons wishing copies of the first lumber, will please scud their address, o ... . # f.nn * VC? C. PAr'OtirrT T YV Abt\t?U, Ij \ ilino ?- v/uuan fuu. Charleston, S. C. May 13. tf. Horn and Bacon! VE arc still receiving supplies of Corn nd Bacon which we will sell atCharlcson prices with actual expenses added. HODGSON & DUNLAP.