The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, April 15, 1869, Image 3

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A F&Aiifc Building Twenty-twc Miles in lfenotn.?Persous who pas? hastily over the Union Pacific railroad hardly give a thought to the immense amount of work which has been performed by the company. From the Sacramento to the present terminus of the road, at Elko, the trainsare once more running r? gularly. The immense amount of money and labor expended in cutting through mountains, opening tunnel**, grading the road, and lading the track, can with difficulty be realized by those not fiuniliar with the business. Not the least of the prob'cuis to be solved was that of protecting the t- ck from the heavy falls at snoW which were au.tieiI bated during the winter mouths. To ot viatedhi* difficulty as far as possible, the Company determined to erect a series of sheds, or rather ouc building, talitch should protect the road over the enow linei \ecordingly, they have erected a building which isduubths-* .c- i ir/irli) Tt, is twentv file laigcai iu n.v v..-.. (wo miles it* length, sixteen in width, and sixteen IVet in height, not including the pitch of the roof. It is put up in the tunst substantial manner, all the timbers us-d being of the best quality to be obtained. The sides are enclosed, and were it nut for the fact that daylight penetrates through the intcf slices between the boards the whole affair Would be v?ryAlikc a bure tunnel. The building is braced together iu n most peculiar manner^ and is, iu addition, firmly bobed to the rocks wherever the to d ncars the face of a cliff. Where ?n w slides are to be feared, an extern sio i of the roof has heen carried to the cliffs, so that the falling masses sh^JI pass over the building and lo -ge on the other side. In many places where side tracks are located, the building i? wider than the fimt'es given above. More than .rt nnn nmi . C I llftr t...v.. HVj'JUV.WU leCC U1 lumuii ....... useJ in its- construction. It covers an area of more than 1,800,000 square feet or nearly forty-four acres. One of the best proofs of the stability of the structure i-- in the fact that, with lie exception of a few miles which had not been really completed. it thoroughly answer el the purpose forwhi h it was designed during the recent sev re storm, in wliieh it was-subjected to the most _ severe tests. San Francisco Attn Ctf., Feb. 2b'/i> From an editorial in the Episcopal Methodist of the 3d instant we lake ti e following. x>nly wi-hing we o? u.d give the whole editorial: "Errors arc never made sublime by the nature of their doctrine nor the quality of the ni<*n who adopt them ; but are always logically ridiculous. At the present time there is no being so Utterly ab-tud as S .tan." "Recently a largo metropolitan church was dedicated, really to General Grant, i though ostensibly to God. 'Rishop ! Simpson, in ihe dedicatory an num. as wo credibly told, spoke of the soul by the R-.crifices of war." ? . . i Whatever may toe tiie conumons in the creed, a military uni versa lism, with j political app)icatien<, is the religion <>f the masses in the North?preachers and the people."?Richnt'tHti Dispatch * A neprnin Macon. Ga , recently *hot and killed another because he would not po to church. Other neprots in tlic o-eighborhotid arc in pursuit of the murderer, foi the purpose of givipg him a foretaste of the next world by roastiop htm alire in this. 1 CONCBIT.?Hardly anything is more C)Utcni|rttMe tliato the conceit which rests tnof^ly upon social position?the conceit ol those who imagine that thus they arc divorced 'rotu the elay of common men, of thise who shrink With horror from t lie plea of work, as som<-thing which degrades hy its very contact, and yet, who very like\y, owe their present position to soa.e not remote ancestor, who, rccognieinp his call to work, lived j more honestly in the world than they do, and was not aslumcd of s oled l t. r ?i._ _ . . vi : tnuin08. xi is one u? me inea>e-t wwig* for people to be ashutnod of the Work from which they draw t}u ir inromo, and, which glorified thrir ancestors mure with their soiled apron* and black gowns, than themselves with their ribbons and fl;i>h j- welry. It wight be a fine thing to be lite the lilies, more glo rionsly clothed than Solomon, and doing nothing, if we were.only lilies. Advantageous position is only a more enpl.ntic call to woik; and while those wh? hold the advantage may not be l?c cbmjfcllcd to manual drudgery, they sin uld re?ng. nizc the fact that manual drudeery Uav b perfumed in iliesaui spirit that whith characterizes their own work, and there fore that it is equally honorable. Rco. Dr. Chopin. N? w Irish potatoes were sold in the Augusta market on Saturday last. M??' j The Thoruugh Bred Stailion BREAKSPEAR WILL bo let to Mors until the first of June next, at the MULBERRY plantation, three miles boI"W (Jamden. BBEAKSPEAR is out of Kffio Dean hv the celebrated thorough bred hor-t Charley 13ald. Effie Dean was put by imported Monarch out of Kate Sraton. two of the favorite horses of the late Col. Hampton. TERMS?Ten Dollars in advance in all cases. One Dollar to the Groom, and no insurauce in any case. 31. NELSON. April 1.5, ' 7t. ) *? ; i EMPLOYMENT i | At Your Own Homes EIT1IKR SEX?Suitable lor steady hands l'a>s large profits?Ad Iress (or particulars a I once, ! ? rv.'P V If ' V.. In , CI X V i "i v.-.ia n, ? ? I ' | LATEST \:\V YORK .YEWS, UDlKS* LOOK OUI'!I LOOK OUT!! i OOK OUT!! LOOKOUT!! "Beautifies the Complexion. ' "Gives a Rosy Glow to the Cheeks." "RoAnoves all Blotches and FreckJes." "The Best in the World." "lUSTAR'S" i BEAUTIFIRII! TIIE BITTER SWEET and orange elossoms DSrOne Bottie. SI 00?Three for S'2 00. j 1000 Bot'les sold in one day in N. Y. City All Druugists in Camden sell it. "COSTA R'S" I Cf Aiiilnnil Dnnnd I'tifl.iTK l} 1 it II U (11 U I I l {* U l u i ft vr ma k ARE C<'Star's Rat, Roach. &c , Exterminators Cos tar's Red Rug hxtermin tors Costards (only pure) Insect Powder. "Only in'nlliMe Rcmedips known, "lis roars established iu Now York." "2.000 Boxesnhd Flasks mnnufnetureddaify, "Beware ot spurious imitations "All Drusuisi* in Cnmden sell, thetn." Address "CrlSTAR. 10 Croshy Sr.. N V., Or. JOHN F. HENRY. Successor to DEM AS BARNES &. Co., 21 PurU Row, N. Y. J 1 April 1. ly ASSIGNEE'S SALE In the MtItO r of (. (' It 'He. I PIT HSU A NT to orders from W. J. j Clawson, Register in Rutikniptcy, I will mil before the Court .House, in , Carndeii >iti Thursday the 22d day of April, 1SC.0. ,11 thill ' TRACT ()F LAND belonging tu C. (j. II \IIjK, bounded by la lids^if A ''iiujhuri. J E. Truesdel, George Whit'n y hmi others, contailing Six Hundred Acre- more or less. Suhj ct to Moltgage fn in t . C. (IiiIt* to \\\ Slianiioti, 0. E. f\. D. Said Mortgage reeor ed in Regis tor's Office for K< r.-l.uw l>istriet in Rook * page 111 To tit is?I 'ASII Jft. R. STEPHENSON. April 1?3?. Assignee. THE LIST VOTICE. [ \LIj persons iinlchtft) ti? McPonai.D 1 it McCurky by N<>to or Account tire respectfully reqnot (J to call :it once [ aii'i make p.ium iit or -atisfatton nrratigrintM.ts <>p ll?cj Mill he compell. il to 11ut tlicir el iins in ti e InilT'J- of olli ( TS fur Collection. MohONALn it McCI It::V. ' March.2 . ... . . _.> tf. SOU I II 10A\ & TRUST iOUPtW. AL'TII(tUIZKl) CAPITAL, S">.00'),tMM?. | PRESENT LIMIT, $500,000. c*^IIE Office of his. Company ia-op** opened 0 ai No 111 iiro.iii Siree' (South- Western Railroad Bank) lor the receipt or Deposits. j Diseoiint of Paper. Purehnse mill Mile ol K* change. iiml ;!i?; iraiisac.ion ol a General Banking Business. 1 merest nlloM'ed on Deposits upon terms established liy i' c Board ol Directors. The Company is also a legal depository for moneys paid into the Court, will receive Registry and tianslipr Books, net as to pay Conpous and Dividends and us Trustee in Rutlroud'JMoiHj!>gvs.* blRKCTDRS. W. C. B >e. of Win. Pee. & Co.; A. is. Johnston, of Johnston. Cyews & Co : Robert iMurewf.Rjberi Murect Co ; W. B. Williams ol W. B. Williams &. Son ; E. H. Frost, of Ernst iV. A igcr; J E. Adgt r, of J. E. A tiger and CoT HenEy Gourdin. ol Gourdin. Mat ... .1 f'/t . t !?.,iSno I kill It! (if nilitt I llll'prcil m U v?'.. WVWI ?r v.. . and Uuifti: C. (?. Meniininger. ol .Mcniminger. Jervey and Pinckney : T.J. Kerr, ol T. J. | Kerr and Co.?.) . D Aikijn ol J. D. Aiken and Co.: John Cutnppen, ol ( nnipsCn and Co.: A. P. Cdld-.veil.ol It and A. P. Caldwell: W. K. IIvan, J. T? VV'eUinan. 13. O'Neill, J. J. CrOirg, Griini tfville, S. C. For 'unlier information address GEO. S CA-V1RHON, Prcsidrni. Til OS. R. WAKING, Cashier. Charleston, S. C., March 12, Ifcf.y, March 25, 3m. The Slate of South Carolina KEI'.SIIAW COUNTY. Ill/ J. F Nt'TuKl LAND, Jnrlp->f I'mbate Will' IlKAS. Knit* / lies made suit to :ne. In grant lit r Gutters nt A<lliiittl>'tntion of tlie K?t.ite ami effectof Will, F Jones. Tlll-iSK : n- therefore to eife ami admonish all and yiiijjahir the kindled and Creditors oi tin-said \\ m. I'. Jot es, tieleased. Mat the) be and ij'par b. tore iu?, in tlie Court-of l't'obute, to In- In Id at 4'unified on the ninth o* Aprd, insl, at'er jitih'Cation hereof at 11 o'ch -k in the forenoon tu-how eau?r. if anj the}- have, wli}- lliC ?iid Adiuio. t rat ion .should not he gran fed. (jiv*ij under it.v hand, f I is Gist d j of April, Aim i Domini. IKIjl) J.F. SUTIIKKLAND .1 !'. April,,\ ; 2t. rr vKi.\ I;I? !j /\V or about t'T fir.-t oi M rc'i ult. I Vy <"? tIn- rUi.t;iii-.i. of \V IJi! AM I J ON hS. dci-ciiih'.l, it K IIOKSK ! : uhnui 15 hands biyh uml ab<>ui 15 yean j old. 'I lie owner can lime the sate i hor."C by eoiiitti^if'i.iwa?<l. provinjr pro ; ! perty arid payinulor this advuriiseiiicn! and other necessary expenses incurred PEMl'SY JONES, (colored) April 1.. ' \ ltu BUY YOUK i Family Supplies AT TliE CHEAP GROCERY AND Provision Store OF JAMES JONES. / ? ; > \ 4 /* : i miOAtVSTUEET, , CAMDEN, S. O.. I At..-,.!, Oft Choice WHISKEY, BtiANDY, ' W.T.N-ES, &G. MAGNUM BONUM. CABINET, VIRG1NIA GLADES, HENNESSEE AND DUPUY BRANDIES. MADEIRA, SHERRY, PORT, MALAGA, CHAMPAGNE. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. 0. K. brand. W. C. GERALD k CO. March 25. 3t. Vim BltASDY. A FEW jrullqn, FINE OLD IIENA NE8SY BRANDY, for medicinal purposes Fur salt* By , JAMES JONES. March 25 ; If. + ALK AND PUKTKll. Younger a India Pule AJjE, u S.out IVicr, Fur sale by JAMES JONES. March 25. tf. In the Probate Court SOUTHil AKOLINA. KERSHAW COUNTY. i c, T Mi,.Lie v*. D (IenrrSmith. John J. Nelson. Executor., Mary A. Lyle*, ct u!.-?Petition to par'it inn /a nils &r. IT appearing <o the satisfaction of the Court tlmt Rice L)ulin. und Martha, his wife, defendants to the above petition. are hry .nd and reside v.ithout the limits of tins Slate: It is order- d. on n otion of Shannon Sol'r lor petitiohcr, that ihe said ilc Icndants do plead, answer r tli mm, to .-aid petit on within l.-fiy dajs fr-nn tin* ptiblicatioh of this older, in di falllt win not an order pro r-'llfi <sn ?vi 1 l e cut' T d llj.ruillst tlieth J. F SU'l III ULAND, J. I'. Match 24. i iO oUj In the? Probate Court. A.. KERSHAW COUNTV. James I>. Matheson, Adtn'r., and Jas 1). Kirk pat rick, cf. Alexander Mathesi.n. et al.?Petition tv ntft fiod Ai rirf/C. IT appearim; to the satisfaction of the Uouit that Kr.isuius M. Roach, J homas W. McCna atid Mar)' liis wife. David MeOuen and EllfifVth liis wife. Kdwatd E. Adumsuti) und Sarah his wife. Caroline'M.'Matheson, Catharine K. Mntliefon and William (\ Mat hi son, defendants M> tin* -above panted petition are without and r? Rule beyond the limits of tnif? State It is ntdeA'd,' on il)0tiu? of Shannon, Solicitor for jPetluonor.H that the above nattu'd defendants .do plead answer or demur to the ubove petition within fmiy day- from the publication of this order, in detail It thereof, ail ofd, r pro. eoMfesto will bo entered ugnitist them / J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. Mat el. 1'5. (10 50) re m m i l. . .M. BlaSEL., Dentist, : H AS removed fr> the ?Uv?4liiij? owned by .Mrs. Frato'ts Lee, one door ^ ??rt li oi hi.* f< liner residence, where lie will att< nd to a'l ri'quiripj* his profetsiotial sea vices at prices that will meet the | wishes uf his patients, liis term, are CASH in all ca-cs. , liroad Street, Camden, S f!. Jan '1H tf. Id Hie I)fstricf f our! of the I. S. IN H \NK.'tUI TOY. In tliR Mutter nt Jonmnan rage. Dnnitrupr. j TIIK in'rii-r-isimd hereby p-neR notice iif Iii8 pi? iiitii>ciit ;ih A.-hiu.nre of Jo* 11; 1 t11111 Iin tin-Count.; "t KerJinw. ; ui d State of Soutli Carolina, wirliin the | Kinl District who linn been adjudge a 1 ]> 11Ctu|.1 upoii li s own petitii ti by the I Distrie' Court f the sniil Ptstlict J. M. GAYLIC, As-tufiec. * Apiil 1, 3t 1 , Foutz's Cattle Poudcr. FOR SALE by HODGSON DUN LA P. December 31. : NEW;ARRIVALS. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. We arc novr receiving and opening o wcll-selcctcd stock of Spring and Summer Goods, flnhfcUlinir of the Newest Rtvles of PRINTS. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, LADIES' ITATS. And various other articles. Also?a large assortment of * ' >1Gent's. Spring and Summer Clothing, ? ? ? 1 ? 1Jif? M .V Cassirneres ana .Linens, or an quaimea. j v -- ' - 1 * ' * BOOTS AND SHOES. I. * r*v, ' . . ;! * Of these, we have a tine assortment. Also, Fashionable , ' ALPINE HATS. WfllTE AND COLORED. Our usual assortment of nmnwinv dttnr.F.BiFfi. J. A \ JLIJ^ ! T V* JL?<\_r -KS JL*M M.m/ m -?-? AND CROCKERY WARE. The above Goods having been selected with gfcat care, and bougTit for CASH, We offet' thein very low foi the CASII. , Call and examine our stock and you will find it to your interest. 1 We fake this occasion to thank our friends and the public generally, for the very libcrul palronaue bestowed on u*. and it shall always be our aim to continue to merit the same by selling at the lowest possible prices. . - BAUM BROS. March 18. J, U9ggt ' 2D. ?-. iROBIILTSOUi : f . camden, s.c. Corn andEacon! south carolixa rail road. WE have rmived u lot of CORN BA?'ON, which we will cheiip'b) iijj-V W* . ll>c quantity. Gen'l. Sun's. Office, ;.. I10PC30N & DUNLAP. CnAnr.Es^, Feb. 13,18*69. ! Jt'ri!: _ fANand after SUNDA^February ! T ?ri(i Sa.lp<3 v-^ Trains of the Camden ,, , .1._ cj?... i. n? P # , , J^rancn Ul IIIU nuuiu vaiunuu miiiuau ART IKS desiring n.c to negotiate wi|) ruf) !|fows. Sales of llioir hand*. w. I pl?.sc Un iMoudaja Wednesdays and Satur- ' furnish me, at once, with WR111KN J ? # ^ T ' descriptions, and, where convenient, Lfavc Kingvillc !>0 p. m. . pluts of the lands. QfT1K,vnv Arrive at Camden 7.00 p. m. \V. M. SHANNON. Lmve Camden ....635 a.m. March 1K . . :l__ Arrive at Kingvillc...^.......9.20 a. m. REKALK HOUSE, General Superintendent. j Feb 18 J. W. Rodgers?Proprietor. ? - 1 'camdksvs. e: REMOVAL. . ; INSURE Your LIFE GROCERIES! PROVISIONS,! I ,4N THE ? j < ' THE subscriber having removed- bis S'ore , St. I.OtllS mutual to t!) stand n.'xt above' the Market, and nd- ( c del I irgelv tu his stuck, is now offering to tt i Tv*n i: ^t I? \ TV'V the nu -Iie A Iiv Uit:U^lpT. wduimm. CI10ICE SELECTI0N OF J. \\\ HODGKltS. Agent. . . CAMPBX s. a Mill AMFAXCY GROCERIES, S T "T T IJ o which lie respectfully invtes the attention *- -L -L -L nf puri liiisers. V 111* '111(1 (Voio-lif Thankful lor the liberal patronage hereto l./UI .llUIIl J <11111 ft fi >i-e cxt tided to him. lie pr-miscs to use by the every effort <o sec J re iw continuance. nssuimr the puhlie th it every tiling he offers q/^vftrt^ti ftyvr l1V'f)l) rcc *Iim" be ol the hest quality, and hid prices us i oUU llUilili 'I^A.1 IVr>uO. reasonable ns possible. . . ' s ? Terms Cash. OFFICE AT THK C. NOELKIN. DEKALB 1IOUKK- Jnnnry 21. if \ OMN IBUS. i? PRKSOXS.winhin. <l>c OMNIBUS fellOeS! OI106S. sent to their residences will i leave their orders at the DeKALH IlOl SK. TIIR sub^riber has on hand a good 1 1 stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Notice. ' ;. v. ALU poisons indebted to or having SHO KS, claims jigiin?t tlic Estate of S H. which he is selling at very low prices 1 HUSH, deceased, are hereby requested He in ratified to know that his Shoes to present the same properly attested, have given satisfaction to all who have 1 on or beh re the 20th day of Noveiu- purchased of hitu. A I)., 18G0. Terms, Cash. ? J. J. RUSII, Aum'r. C. NOELKIN. March 4. tf. January 21. tf J 18 G 9. SNUM^OOM M'DONALD OrCURRY Offer to the l'ublic a Ulioice Variety of Spring'and Summer Goods, jj'iiuiaviug WC. JFbUlllgt ACJJL III a 1CUXI1 Store, which will be sold at the lowest figures for Cash. They invite particular attention to the following specialities: LADIES' DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AND GLASSWARE, READY MADE CLOTOtNU Also Gents' HATS of every dcscrip* tlon and at prices t) suit all. Feeling satisfied that our Stock' of Goods is erju-il to any other house, in prices and styles, we respectfully invite old customers and friends to exatpiqe the same, and to bring along with them all their neighbors and friends Mcdonald & McCUrHy. April 8.. f Vi'Kft P. P. TOALfi;: , ^ Charleston, .S.J C'.,' iWanufacterer of DOORS, SASfl, BLUDL Not*..?We wo\ll(l cull the particular attcnfion of our fpmnda to the above caid. P. P Toale ha-> a large Factory, and such. f>tcil? itios as enable liiin to supply the beat work of his own make at low prices. A very large and complete assortment always on band at his Factory, HORLBECK'S "W HARF, near the North Eastern Rail Road Depot, CHARLESTON', S. C. $ B ?Order* from the country solicited, fin 1 strict attention paid to shipping in good tridi*r. April 8?ly. Walker, Evans & Cogswell. STATIONERS, PRINTERS AND blank book manufacturers. No 3 IIKOAD-STREET,' ., AND No. 109 East Bay-Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Li the bhtrici Court oi the Unit d States. IN BANKRUPTCY. [n the Mairer of A. A. McDowall, Bankrupt. fllE undersigned hereby gives notice ;>f hie appointment ais Assignee of A. A. MeDowull,in the County of Kershaw nid State of South Candina, within said District, who has been adjudged 4 Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of the Raid District. L. B. STEPHENSON, April 1.?3t. , Assignee, Charleston Nncs will copy three timet ind send bill to Assignee. ' KERSHAW?In Equity. \\. E. Johnson, President, W D. Mo* Duwull, et. al. Directors of the Bank of Camden, S. C. v*. i. Hie Bapk of Camden* S. C , John Frascr Si Co., J. II. Carson, et. al. [T appearing to my satisfaction that J, rijirsnn. Robert Wilson. Marv Hanks, Ex'ix of L- B. Hanks, J. <& T. [irccn, Amelia Hailc, Ex'ir., Edward [Jailc, T. E. Hailc, CJuinbua Haile, Ex'oln of R. Hailc, sr., deceased, defendants io the above stated case, rejide without the limits of this State, ofl notion of J. B. Kershaw, complainants Solicitor, it is ordered that they do f>lead, answer or demur to tbo said Bill jf Complaint within forty days, or decree pro coufesso will be entered against them Of SHIVER,' Clerk. Clerk's Office, April 7, 1809 SHOES, SHOES. LADIES' and gentlemen'Shoes, of ull stales. For sale by DOBVT & BALLARD. Feb. 11. " tf - ""nniei IJIVPCPLI T A A fM WC 1'A ItlVCiH. O u a rjqux* uvrt i/iii v? DOLBLE BAKRELED SliOT 61KB. The latest, best and cheapest made. Usoa tny amnitinition. Prices, complete, f?0 td $'J5. Address VV. H. GIBBES, Columbia, or BISSEL & CO., Charleston. Feb. 25. , 3m DENTISTRYT I. H. ALEXANDER, DENTIST. TEETH Cleaned, Filled, Extracted, lrd Artificial Teeth, inserted io the LATEST IMPROVED STYLE, for he LOWEST CASH PRICES. Patients waited upon at their reaii :? JGII3U II i ci| '*1 fcvwi Office, on Broad Street, above J. M. Legraud's Jewelry shop.