The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, February 25, 1869, Image 4

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POETRY., "DON'T LKAV6 Tflfi FARM." f Come ofl boys, t have something to tell you, ft Come m*ir, I w-tmld whisper it low; You are thinking of leaving the homcstrad? Don't be in- a hurry to gx>. j J ne Cliy nas many miraciiuiro, But t! ink ot the vices and sins> When once in the vortex of fashion, * How soon the course downward begins. i Vott talk of the mines of Australia? r Thc^Ve tfealth in gold without doubt; j But ah, there fw gold in the farm, boys, If onfy you'll shovel it out: The mercantile lite is a hazard, ? The goods are first high and then low ; o Better riek the old farm a while longer? v Don't be in a hurry to go. ^ The great busy West has inducements, And'so has the busiest mart, But wealth is not made in a day. boys, 8 Don't be in a hurry to start. i The bankers and brokers are wealthy, p Thev take in their thousands or so. Ah, think of the frauds and dsceplions? Don't bb in a hurry tcgo. 3 The farm is the safest and surest, The orchards ere loaded to-day; ii You're free as the air of the noutnin, ^ And monarch of all you survey. (( Better stay on the farm a while longer: Though profit comes in rataer slow, Remember you've nothing to risk, boys,? e Don't be in a hurry to go. z AGRICULTURE. C= 0 NEXT YEAR. n There are signs on the wharves and ja the streets and at the railroad depots tj that there is to be this year a large crop tl of cotton. The warehouses and store- t] rooms aro piled up high with guanos, superphosphates and fertilizers of every 8| description, and the railroads are fairly f( staggering: under the load of their un- ^ savory fertilizer business. Every farmer and planter has been eneouraged by 0 the results of the operations of the year. jt Wherever the caterpillar did ^not make its nnnparnn/v thft nlnnforn hnvn mndo i_ rr? i q money, and the net profit on the cotton p wop of South Carolina, now in the |( pockets of the producers, would be more " fban enough to pay off our whole State debt of fire million of dollars. This is u making a good beginning?the better * because our people had'almost made up- h our minds that they were undone to all h eternity, and the Micawbcrs of the A State bad well nigh ceased to hope that u something would turn up. What we ti Have made will be taken care of, not wasted. There is abundant proof of h this in the way that the farmers are si going te wort. fi Free negro labor is-not yet reliable. ^ ft is the best that we hare?all that we ei have; but the aim of the planter now is h to economize labor by limiting the area 11 in cultivation and" to give the freedmcn n such money wages or share in the profits al Oi tne crop as will enable nun to reject P all but the best hands. There w no dc- ,,r sire to rush headlong from one extreme to the other, and cultivate fifty acres instead of five thousand. $or is there any idea of doubling the area in cultivation because cotton has sold for twenty-eight and thirty oents. The plan F is to till the land thoroughly and to in- * crease the crop by the free use of fertilizers, not by adding to the number of seres to be handled during the season. The wisdom cf this policy is very c evident. It costs no more to cultivate C five hundred acres, which will. produce D two bales to the acre, than the same / area which will produce one bale or half a bale to the acre. The only additional cost of any conscqucnoe is that of the D fertilizers that maj be used} and this is f as nothing in comparison with the in- C crease of the crop. Last year the quan- ^ tity of fertilizers used in this State was very small; but this year it promises to be larger than in any year since or be- D fore the war. The people have the money. They know how well it pays to rj invest that money in fertilizing material : and we mav look forward to nro ?' ? - r , ducing in this State, with average sea- z bom, at least 250,000 or 300,000 bales of oottOD, to be sent to market in the ^ spring of 1870. And there will be no oommensarate increase in the cost of ^ production. If, as we believe, tho increase in the crop should be entirely u due to improved cultivation and a plen- a tcous use of fertilizers, the net profits ^ will be enormously large. With cot- ^ ton at twenty cents, an increase of fifty n il 1 1 iv tf . mousana Da:es ODtamea in this manner o WjuM be an addition of at Joist three o. and a half millions of dollars to the net 1E income of the State. This is what we ^ are driving at. We are workiog, not fcr an increased acreage, not for a breaking np of new ground, not for a head- 0 long plunge into huge farming opera- 1 tion>rbut to cultivate thoroughly every rood of land, and to encourage, strength- _ en and quicken the soil, so as to obtain from one acre the ordinary productof two. This can be done, and if there be any irtue in industry and economy, coupled rith s libera! use of the whole brood of ertilizere, the crop of thia year Will asuredly tell the tale.-? Charkston Netct. IIow a Farmer mat tosfe Moret. 3y not taking one of more good papers. Keeping no account of farm operaions; paying no attention to the ma*m : "A stitch in time saves nine," in egftrd to the sowing of grain and plant ng of seed at the proper time. Leaving reapers, ploughs, cultivators tc., unsheltered from the rain and heat f the sun. More money is lost in this ray annually than most persons would >e wil ing to believe. Permitting broken implements to be cattcred over the farm until they are rreparable. By repairing broken imilemcnts at the proper time many dolirs may be saved?a proof of the asertion that time is- money. Attending auction sales and purchasng all kinds of trumpery, becauso in he words of the vender, the articles are 'very cheap." A1 owing fences to remain tmfepaird until "strange" cattle are found gra ing in the meadow, grain field, or rowsing on the fruit trees. n:.u.i:?:? .1 i/I2UUIICVni^ itxc fii ruuij/ixx ui n xuvaviuu f crops, before making a single experilcnt. Planting fruit trees with the expectaon of having fruit without giving the recs half the attention required to make hem profitable. Practicing economy by depriving Lock of shelter during the winter, and ceding them nnsouud food, such as alf rotten and mouldy hay or fodder. Keeping an innumerable tribe of rats n the premises, and two or three big izy dogs who never molest the vermin. Spending rainy days in groeeriesand ar-rooms, instead of being at home utting things to rights when you have jistrre.?Rural Jfor&f. Stop His Kicking.?It is not an ncommon thing to meet with horses 'ho will kick while in harness. Such oracs are dangerous to drive, and the abit diminishes their value very much. l subcribcr gives the following simple tethod of preventing the perbicioos icl;: Take a forked stick, about two feet >ng, varying a little, according to the >ze of the horse; tie the end of the fork rmly to each end of the bridle bit, and ic other end of the stick to the lower nd of the collar, so as to keep the ead up, and tbis will prevent his kickig. A few days working in this maner will commonly effect a cure. HorseH re more apt to kick when tarninfi in loughing, orhawowing than when do ig any other work. Am. Stork Journal. ROSADAL1S, Purifies the Blood. or Sale bjr Druggists Every wfiere. NAIL ARRANGEMENTS. Fur the Rail Road. lose on Tueadhy, Thursday and Friday, at 9.00 P. M. lose on Sunda1-, at 8 00 P. M. ue Wednesday, Friday. Saturday and Monday, at .700 P. M. or Lancaster Cf- Z/., via Flat Rock and Pleasant Ilill. lose Monday and Friday ? 7 00 P. M ue same days, by 6.00 P. M ?or Lancaster C. //., via Dry Creek. lo en Thursday, at 7.C0 P. M. >ue Saturday, by 6.00 p. M. or Jefferson, via Tiller's ferry and Lynch wood. lose on Friday at 12 30 P. M. lue aamo day at 12 00 J. M*. GAYLE, P. M. he State of South Carolina. KERSHAW COUNTY. ?y J. F. Sutherland, Judge of Probale. [XTHERE AS, J. J. Rash made suit Jf to me, to grant him Letters of id ministration of the Estate and effects f S. It. Rash, deceased*. THESE are therefore to cite and adlonish all and singular the kindred nd Creditors of the said S. H. Rush, eceasecf, that they be and appear, bejre me, in the Court of Probate to be eld at Camden on the 1st day March, eit, after publication hereof, at 1'1: 'clock in tho forenoon, to shew cauRe f any they have, why the said Admin stration should not be granted. Given under my hand\ this twelfth ay of February, Anno Domini, 1869. J.F.SUTHERLAND, J P. rumisneu oil me rjipiiccnui \r>j f February 1869, in the 93 year of he Independenoe of the United States f America. Feb. 18. 2t. SARDINES, OYSTEKS. LOBSTERS and CRACKERS, For sale by D. C. KIRKLEY TOWN TAXESTHE Books for receiving Returns, an for tho collection of TOWN TAXE for the year 1869,- are now opeo at th Council Chamber, and will remain ope until the first of April All those wb do oot make their retaros by that litfi will be double taxed. By order Council, W. CLYBUHN, Clerk. Feb 4. tf TO FARMERS iPUVHS Improve your soil perms nentiy! BY using ZELL'S AMMONIATE BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, fc Cotton, Tobacco, Corn, Oats, Whea Rye, Potatoes, Turnips, Grass &c. This is j s quick and active, as Pen viao Guano, and commends itself obov other fertilisers, to the farmer an planter. For certificates of its efficiency, ea at oar store, and you will find sUc from parties at home, as weH as throat We trill sell this f'crtiliifer at ?an< facturers prices. BAU31 BROS, Jun.14 ?2 in. Agt>. 2ELL'S FERTILIZER Camdf.n, S. C., Feb. 8,1869. Messrs. Baum Bros.? Gmtlrmcn In reply to your inquiry as to Zell' * * * ? ? T I fhosptiate, i snail say tnai i navcuew used it, but a gentleman in Balliwot in whose opinion I have the utmo; confidence, told me when in Baltimoi so?o two w-.*eks ago, that he knew Zkli and hail every confidence in his nmnij ulating a pure article. I was so muc prepossessed by this statement, that intend to true tour tons of it this scasoi Yours Respect fully, J. D KENNEDY. Feb 11. ) It WAN DO FERTILIZER PIMHE Wando Mining and mnnufacturiit JL Company offers ro the Planters and Fai mors ot the South their FERTILIZE! known as the WANDO FERTILIZER which the experience ot the past season hi proved to be one ot the most valuable in 01 market. It hns tor its bns? the materia Irom tfie Phosphate feeds Ot"the Company u Ashl y River, and is prepared at their worli at the EAST END OF HASBL STREET, in thin city In order to gimrflntcif its-tm fortuity and maintain its high standard, tl Company has mnde arrangements with tl disiinzuhhcir Chemist, Dr. C. U.tfHEPARI Jr , wno caretufly analyses all the sintnon acal rnd other mnterlfff purchased by tl Company, and the prepared FERTILIZER, before being offered for snle. ompan is reeolvcdto make an article wnirb will pro\ lobe tycomplete meinrec, and gi?? isfaction. . For terms, circulars and other inlorthatio apply to WM. C. DUKES & CO.. Agents, No. 1. South Atluntic Wnart, CHARLESTON, S. C. Jan. 1<I, 3ni. WM. C. IUKRS & ?l~ COTTON FACTC1S AND General Commission Merchants, Fourth Atlantic Wiiarf, CHARLESTON, S. C. Cofiwr?nmpnts of Cotton; ffice, Ac., ri spectl'ully solicited, and liberal advances mac ? rcon* .Ian^l4~3m CANE SEATEDCIJ AIRS. PERSONS having Cane Cfinii* th require re bottoming, can have done in a neat and substantial maunc [vet % loVf price fur eash, by applying i M. DfJTTON. Dec, 3i. tf KOBT. MURE& COCMMISSMM MKCBAXTS, CHARLESTON, S V AGENTS CHARLESTON ANOH'ifVBP POOL STEAMSHIP LINE. Advances ! ?? ?> ??n -liipments of Cottoi Rice nud Xava! Storcsto Foreign and D< mesiic Ports. COTTON GINS. 1 CONTINUE to make Coiton Gins, an r ihcm'nml all kinds of Machinery Also, Turning in Wood antMHn. it. J. McCftEIGf/T. Dec. 24. tl*. BNDEBTAKIN& IA.M prepared to make plain, stained on varnished or covered COFFINS. By promptness and dispatch, 1 hope to n ceive a part of tl e patronage in that line. R. J. McCREIGHT. Dec 24. if STATIONERY. T7UN Writinsr Ink, Lead Pencil 11 11 Tl T7?t T.n B.' rCHH, r^ll liuiucig( *. uwir-vHp, ajv ter and Note Papers, Sealing Wax, Mi cilage, &c. For sale by HODGSON & DUNLAP. Dee, at. tf tT7!II8KIES, BRANDIES, W WINES AND GTI2 AS CHEAP A2 THE CHEAPEST, AND AS GOOD AS Tf?E BEST; Sold in quantities to suit customeri FOR THE CASH, by Dec. ?. D 0 KIRKLEY. Cattle, Cattle. Of A HE'D of CATTLE wante /Ct)\J Apply to BAUM BRO. December f. tf, vrnnaaatrriiirv n iv " ~f BROOKLYN LIFE i IN20BAUCE COMPANY. No. 141 Broadway, N. Y , aud No. 159 | M out ague St., Brooklyn; ? l0. assets, i )e AMONG the advantages offered by * the BROOKLYN, are tho following: | 1. Tola! removal of all restriction on * travel and residence. No permit or 1 extra premium is required, and the as_ Hured are not compelled to impose anGcographicil Limit upon their Engage I raents. 21 All policies are nonforieitable 1 after two lull annual premiums hate ^ been paid. Dividends divided among policj hold- 1 ere, heretofore averaging over Fortj D per cent, in CASH. >r JOHN KERSHAW, Ageht [ t, L. M. DESAU^uftE, Examining Physician, Camden^ S U% i t* Sept. 24. 3in j e ?1 d " Sate ynur f aftily from want by n Insuring year Life," J1 THE LOUISIANA EQUITABLE life mn\m com, OF NEW ORLEANS, HAVING A CASH CAPITAL OF 500.000 DOiyLARS. : ff"VFFERS to it? Southern patrons a reliable g " f Home Company, in iebfefr c#rt be effected every species of Life Insurance at the !r at the tnost reasonable rate C AH policies non forfeitable, and the earn- ,, jt ings of thvCttOpany annually divided on the 1 strictly intrttMff'ptett. OFFICERS. JOSEF H ELLISON. President. J" ~ ' W. S. DIKE. Vice President. h W. P. HARPER. Secretory* I S. C. DKARING, Gonernl Agent, j G. A. BREAUX. Attorney. J Directobs?John Pemberton. J8. A. Tyler, , C. H. Slocimtb-. F. Dtelhtjftlis. George A. Fosdick, W. S. Pike, J. W. Stone, A Thompson. I). B. Penn, Edward Rigney W. B. m. Schmidt, Alexander Marks, C. E, Rigney, A M. KEN1 EDY, Agent lor Kershaw Distf.tit. _ Dr. A A. MOOK&, Medical Examkief ( * Dec- 24. rf" !' STOVES, STOVES. - I The cheapest and best : COOKING STOVES ARK kept constantly on band by J. It. GOODALE> dealer in . STOVES, ,'e TIN WARE, &I1EKT IRON, c >; WIRE, kO. frotnpt attention to all orders for TIN , HOOKING. GUTTERING, STOVE- KfPtfS, Z ' S'?KJ5T IROSTf d ani_TIN WARE, * und nil work pertaining to TTie TIJi 1 " BUSINESS, promptly attended toon the mo>t reasonable TERJW.J. R. GOO DALE, 3d d<?nr north It. M. Kennedy's. Dec. 24. 2ni. 1.1 EftllTY?Rersbaw. W. Z Leitncr. Adtn'r., vs. Lula War* ren, T. W. Pegucs, el al. BILL. IN iittrsuance of an ord-r nnuTe' In the above case, January 15 186'.f, the creditors of Tliotirtw J. Warren, den cased, are ferjrtired to prove their elainis ,c before me on or before the first dvy of - May next, orbe debarred from all bene- ' tit of any decree to be made in this caser i J T. HAY, Jan. 28.?td Receiver. I LUitlltElt. THE undersigned having leased, removed, fitted up and put in running order, the Steam Saw Mill fur- ?' merly owned by Sutherland & Lcnimond. are prepared to furnish PINE LUMBER of every description in any rjiuar.tity at short notice, on moderate L" terms for cosh or any dsccription of ^ country produce. ^ The Mill is Incited on Little Pine Tree Creek, foor miles flfoM' Camden, i in the midst of fine timber, with a good j road leading to it. ' Orders left with Messrs. Burns and Bos well, or at the Journal office in \ Camden, will receive prompt attention, f SHEORN & CKOVfELL. 0 December 31. t* d NEW PICTORIAL 8EAMRSr \\J ELL suited ns tscful nnd agreeable If cotn|ianions to children at home or in the school-room; prcpard tinder the super_ vision of Prof. J. L. REVNOLDS, D. D , ol 1 the S. C.Uriversity. who is acknowledged as J eminenjly fit tor siic'h'a nsk ^ ^ Ucynoia ivew ricionai isi rceaaer, so 2d GO d H> ' ' 3d " 90 ft t- ? " 4?h . J>.35 1- Also in preparation, School Histories of P South Cnrolinn, North Carolina Georgia, C in separate volumes, abiut 75c. or $1 each, J written in familiar Prof. J. W. DAVIDSON. A. 1H. _ Also, a scries of handsimely Li'hcrgfaphed Writing Books, in five ntmbersr25~c. eaefi of #2 per dozen. Fjrhnlfth? retail price, copies f of any of the atiove will le sent to teachers ' who may desire to examine them. DUFFIE &. CHAPMAN, Booksellers, Columbia, S. C. Jan 21. tf. 8, CIIESNUT'S MILL. THK subscriber respectfully infonns C the citizens of Cawdcn, that he is running a (JAIbT to ind from (he above d MILL, and will take Cor? free of charge. The best meal' atod grits guaranteed. /OS. GOODALE. Jan. 28" 1IKE! FIRE!? INSURANCE. tIAVING been appointed Agents oare of the bent FIRE lNSfcriANC X^MlPANIES in the United Stat< re are prepared to take rinks on i )roperty against fire; and #e are Wi Anted in Buying, that all lotses will ftomptly paid. HODGSON & DtJNLAP, Dec 17, Agents. DRUGS, MhDICIiMtS &o. bo. bo. 117E HAVE just opened odr stock TT DRUGS, MEDICINES, ?cc., fecei )urcha8ed in New York, and takfc thrfs ( tortunltyof irrttiinf w friends to cell a nsfecL We haVfe a I'afge VaHtty Of P4NCV ARTICLK Consisting, in p'tflt; bf FINE TOIIiET SETS, PERFUME BOTTLES, VASES, FLOWER POTS, COLOGNE BOTTLE And a variety of other articles, SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS. ALSO A large assortment ol English ond Ame an TOILET SOAPS. FRENCH PE UMERY, AND HANDKERCHIEF E rRACTS, LU BIN'S f'OtLET POVVDE tlEBN FUN and LILY WHITE. Tooth, Hair and \ai! Brashes, In great iaricfv. >AINT AM VAHRIM 1HU5HE PAISTS, OILS, VABMSHES kerosene ole, )fthe best quality, either by the barrel or retail. A VSried assort men! iff jimps, Burners, Chlmnies, & Wiel BHANDLES AND WINES POR MEMCAL PURPOSES. wine, fir Cooking purposes and Sacramental < naions. HODGSON & DUNLAP. December 17. tf French Confectionary. UJ E have ftceiVed the largest stock oK.vtijrfe French Confectionary e* troughf to this market, to which we inv jspccial attention. ihjv&sox & dunlap DetJ. 17. If tots! toys!i WE are now opening some nrW ^CY for Christ itirs. HODGSON & DUNLAP. Love among the Koses. A NBW nnd deligliliul Perfume. Try it rV Par "rtrfp by hodgson & dun la p. 1MPKOVEI) Condition Powders, FOR HOUSES. rHS Powder lias been found by e*p? enCVtO be tHe best medicine ever ui er Horses. Prepared h? HODGSON k DUNLAP. Fresh Arrivals I HAVE JUST RECEIVED 4 new stock of'Wootli Suitaole fur tin- season, DRY GOODS (iRIKEKILS, HARDWARE, CROCK EC HT, IATS, SHOES SADBLER1 &c. ?&e. &c.- &c. Vhich will bt; Folft at the lowest pric of (JAMB. I solicit a cull from n Id (fQstomerb A. M. KENNEDY. Dec 17. tf NOTMv, To whom it may concern. iLL persons retailing SPIHiTUOl JQUORS, in the Cotmlj of f(er*ha fft of the limits of the ToWfr of Cat ec, are required to trtlt e Liffefl mm the County Com rois." ttanei'tf. A ersons retailing without fhe 8t?rd 1 eise, will bo dealt with according /flW. By order of the Board, J A. BOSWElX, Chairman. C'oLfN McCrA?. Cleric. County Connnissioner'B Office, Dec. 24,- tf. _W. , COtRTXEf, A CO., FACTORS AND ?M9HZSI0K9E11CHANT: No. 0, Boycr'k Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. C. COURTNEY. rob't murdoch. ja8, 8. murdoch. 4 NEW STORE, The undersigned having formed * t&of 1 !js3 partnership for carrying on a Hi General Business J| ir* in CiMWhn-, rw^yectfally inform the eitb- vB be zens of the to#n aftd surroun'ing coan- 9 try that they hitr* taken the stand for- B merly occupied by Messrs. 0. MjtTflit* i K son & Co., where they are ho# receive / ii ~ ing a WELL SELECTED 8TOCR, || , consisting of #B Dry Goods, Clothing.. J of BOATS. SHOES/ 1 'ii Groceries, Crockery,, H &t. &Q. I SThe flonio!1 partner having done trif? .tineas in Caniden fofr a ntuuoer of JjreaVf niid having rrtfoiVi'd a fair share tffpi tronajjc, will endeavor to uiferit the fig fiiUieJ'i/r the new firm. fiw W n KOWfcKY & H YAMS. viet: 16. H Groceries, W ines, Liquors, a MilS Flit ITS & VEGETABLES W FOH SALE CHEAP FOR CASH; W ?' by D. C. KIRK LEY. fig X QUGAR, COFFEE, BACON, ' X R- O FLOUR, LARD, AND MOLASSES, jgg For sale LOW FOR CASH, by V D. C. KIRKLEY. || Steel Brush 11 'CULLETGIN, I THE Steel Brunh GULLET GBf M id conceded to be tlie greatest iinprover Aj ment tot the cotton planter. By its 1 V t peculiar action, the fibre iff. draWn 0 oat in such a manner on to IffiproVe the staple ai df bring into A highfif ji grade of classification, thas increasing p% Its the price from- hfflf a Cetrt pet pound fm upwardff. ^ i This Gib may fee St>t?H at the planta' ration of il. Baam, affd fto'ton ginn*^ ' at that plnde by the above Gin, may bd seefl at store of the undersigned. \ BAUM BRCS., Agents for Kershaw md Lancaster >| jc- Districts. Dec. 2m- ! I . : y Hotice^ jjj T RESPECTFULLY write the at-- % tention of the public to nry stock ol "r GrOoferies, 4,1 Ueok'ag -yg btovos, | which I nftbr the Lowest Cash Pricesr f GEORGE ALDEN, Agent.- /I Dec. 12 tf 11 rS, _ r \\ TflE U I ARROW TIK AND ^ PAINTED IfiON BAffltf, FOB BALNO COTTON, Combine the utmost simplicity with the greatest security. Tlicy are made of the' best Wronghf Iron, and hure been thoroughly tested ri- and approved by the "d COTTON PRESSES io all fhe principal Sea Ports and b/ ? Planters throughout the Cotton Grotf* 3 g Stated For Sale by BURNS & BOSWELL,- I Agents, Camden S. C. tr- ^ Sa ; KKKSHAW?III Equifj. ! John Tho-up^ou, "j C. L. ityo, Executors, 1 BiH to sett 9 vs rlt?rt& to pay D. D. U"scry, & j debts, &c. J. 11. Mugill, Trustees, } IN pur.-unnce of 4 <JcC?cfal order' f- passed hy Chancellor Johnson, in above I j stated car-e, It iirordered, that the c?editors of John P. Kirkland, deceased, i be enjoined restrained from par- * es suiny their actions at law against the >J coiuplaiuauts 0. L. Dye and Joliu Thompson, in tliis behalf. The said creditors ore hereby notified to product and estjrbHsh their demands- ajfainfr ~ the estate of the said John P. Kirk land, dteeosed, before the Commission' er in Eqaity, at His office, on of befofe ' the first day of Juue next, or be debat* * IS red frout all benefit of Huid order. ?r, J. D. DUNLAP, C. K. K. D. | ? June 27. lym. se ' T - -vr :!! MANSION HOtJSE, to CAMDEN, S. C. \ REPORTS have be?n circulated, that n if HOtJSE was clotted up, And ifttn t hat* ten Camden. I beg leave to inform the pub' lie, that they are untrue. Travellers will fine? CLEAN and COMFORTABLE ROOMS, tf ^ GOOD TABLE, and every attention requisite to their comfort. ? f-- ? CT A Try me ana see iur yuurwireo. u i < "* BLES in good order. Charges Reasonable.E. G. ROBINSON, Proprietor.Jan 21. ltn , DR. 0. J. SHANNON y ^ /^\FFERS his professional services-to* Vy the citizens of Cauiden and its vi^ 1 cioity. * OFFICE at the Branch Batiky \ Camden, S. C. i Feb 4, if/ J ' <4