The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, February 04, 1869, Image 3

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^ THE JOURNAL. Camden, February 4,18G9 *' ' " "T"r> A- OO.U ..f (.nit. I>1 AliK1 Eii;.?un me iom m v unwary, 1869, by the Rev. J- K. Rodders, M.. C. D. Gardiner, of Marion County, to Miss Jon ana, daughter of the late Joseph Lock hart, ot Kershaw. <????????i COTTON QUOTATIONS. Cam h n, Feb. 4.?2G a 28. Charleston, 3.?27 a 28 1 4. New York, 3 ?30 Liverpool, 3.?12 l-4d. VALE.vmm .' blAIUES AND ALMANACS, for 1869. "SCHOOL BOOKS. y*or beginners and advanced classes. vv ? I T> . T.l 1 i Uay J300K8, raper, xjiiveiupw, i v-uo, Pencils, Ink. Knhes, Scissors, Razors, Straps, AND FANCY GCODS, J. A. YOUNG. Feb. 4. 2t. TOWN TAXESTHE Books for receiving Returns, and for the collection of TOWN TAXES for the year 18G0, are now open at the Council Chamber, and will remain open until the 6rst of April All those who do not make their rctarus by that tiiue will be double taxed. By order Council*, W OLYBLTRN. Clerk. Feb. 4. "" ' tf UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. SOUTH CAROLINA DISTRICT, IN BANKRUPTCY. In the mailer of John L. Joues, BankB-iukrupt. 7x whom it m-ij/ Concern: IN pursuance of orders by lion. YiT. J CIaw.?on. R-bister, made in the above case, I wil' sell at pub ic uUtery. tit Camden, S. 0., belbro the Cmui House, on Wednesday, tlie 2!th Febluaty, A D 18U9, the following property, to wit: One Tract of LAND, at Liberty Hill, in Kershaw District, coutninitig twenty-eight acres umre or less, bound ed north by lands ot R. B. Cunningham, south by John Brown, east by Sarah Hudson and petitioner, west by \Vylio Patterson. AT.SO?=:?ik c ilis interest in >ix norcs of L\ND ^ ""lit*Liberty Hill, ih "Kershaw County. B bounded North and cast by \Vylic PatW tdw<?n South by Johu Browu, west by " petitioner. Terms, Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. - J. M. GAYLE, Assignee for J. L. Jones. Feb. 4. ~ 3t mediate vi dutiiiivattiiiiiii* ^ KERSHAW COUNTY. 7>y J. f. Sutherland, Jwiye of Pet* b ttc. WtlHllKAS, James M. Davis made suit to me, to grant liinj Letters of Administration da bonis non bf the Estate ind effects or William L Mc^aa: i the ^E are therefore to cite and adf monish all and singular the kindr d and Creditors of the said \V. L. McCaa ^ deceased, that tliey be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate to be held at Catud? h on the 12th of February next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon,#io shew cause if anjr they have, why the said Admini&tratioa should not be granted. Given under my hand, this twentyninth day of Jauuary, Anno Doming ? 1809. . . r j. f. Sutherland, j p. Published on the twentyninth day of January 1889, in the 93 year of the Independence of the United States of A merica. Feb. 4: 2t. The State of Souih-CartiHna, ^ KERSHAW COUNTY. B Jin J. F. sutilknt.ant>. .Tuth'P. nf P.-o \ ba'e. WHEREAS, D. P. Bush made suit to me, to grant liira Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of John Brown. T11ES12 are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred und Creditors of the said John Brown deW ceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held pF at Cauiden on the 12th of February, next, after publication hereof, at 11 V o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said AdminI ? tration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this twentyeighth day of January Anno Domini, I18G9. J. F.' SUTHERLAND, J. P. Published on the twenty-eighth day of January 18G9, in the ninety-third year of the independence of the United States of America. * Feb. 4. 2t. ! SARDINES, OYSTERS. LOBSTERS and CRACKERS, For sale by D. C- KIRKLEY. ii in i ? i mm rarmri w i i Ti-rniJTiiTPN'ft I CAtMSBKK. , EARLY next week we shall open at 1 the Journal Office, our usual supply of STRING GARDEN SEEDS, consisting of? BEANS?Early Valentine, Early Ycl- Jlow Six Weeks, Early Mohawk, large and small white Lima. BEETS?Extra Early Turnip, Early ^ Blood Turnip, Long Blood, Long Smooth Blood. Swiss Chard. y, C 0 11 N?Mammoth Sugar, Adams' in Early. sa CABBAGE?Early York, Large Ear- nu ly York, Early Ox Heart, Early Bal- ^ tcrsea, Early Dutch, Early Drum- 3;< licau, H. iriy \\ mningstaui. Large Late Dhluihcad, Late Flat ^ Dutch, Green Glazed. j j CRESS?Broad Leaved. j* C UC U M BEIt?1'arlj K'dssian, White an Spined. Early Frame, Long Green. fa' CARROT? Long Orange: EGG PLANT?Improved New York. ^ IIERBS?Sage, Siimnicf Savory. ex KOHLRABI?Vienna. LETTUCE?Ice Drumhead. 1,1 MELONS?Kutnicjg, Cauteldpo, Ice IlC on Cream. fr( MUSTARD?Brown, Rape. bo 0 N I 0 N SETS?Silver Skin, Large "h Red, White Onion Seed. r?' < HvIlA-?Improved Dwarf; PA RSNl P?Guernsey. PEPPER?Sweet Mountain, (fine for ? Pickles ) PEAS?Extra Early Daniel O'Rourke, -|Bis'mp's Long Pod, Blue Dwarf Im perial Champion of England. yo RADISH?Long Scarlet Slmrt Top. v'' Scarlet Turnip. ,llf SALSIFY 3UI SQUASH?Early White Bu-h. TOMATOES?LaigcSmooth Bed, Fcjce Island. SPRING TURNIPS?Early Red Top, Tf tl't *. 111 ^ nmtci-iat. 0f l-\b 1 tf in SHKKIFFS SALKS. 2 Sueim ff's Office, At Camdkn, S. 0., Feb 3, 18J!). BV virtue of Sundry Writs of fi. f!/. to mc directed and Indeed, I will proceed to .? 'I on tho fir<t Monday. if being the- Gr*t day of March next, in front of the t'ourt Ibmse in Oamd- ii, within the legal lows of sdc, the fob \\* lowing mentioned and do.-criUd property, to-wit: One tract of Land in Kershaw Coun- t? ty, lying on both sides of Hi?r Lynches ?il: t'reck, adjoining lands of Hnrrel l!al<>c, to William Ad.tins, I} cone S'Wcll and pn| 01Hem SoW'dl, containing four hundred pu and sis (40C) acres moreorl-ss. Levied pr, upon as ilie property of Michael Mun- on( go, deed , at t he suit of J no It. Welsh. t|1( also _ th( The interest of John 15 Pony in a ^ . tract of Land situated in KcrshaW Cl)1 County. upon the waters of the Wa- },,, teree Itivor, bounded On the South by so lands of Emaniiel Parker, on the west as by lands of HiggerS Mobley, on the ,.8t not tli by lands of the estate of Wm L. tec Pickett, dee d., and on the east by the bet said Waterce river, containing three tin t (w .ii.n i.<1 / 'J MfWl\ nnr/io iitAph mp lrt_-d IIIWU-UMU j uvito iiiuiv iu^g. llis interest consisting of an c.-tate in tin remainder, after the expiration of seven years fioni the 7th of December last. cri Levied upon as the property f Jdhri E Ja Deny, at the suit of John 31. DeSaus- ? sum, Trti.-tcc. ALSO One tract of Lund, situated in the County of Kershaw, lying ou both sides o! Little Lynches Creek, and one mile below Ilouuh's Bridge, botirldcd by by lands of Mrs. Luviua Hough, estate of of Thomas J. Olybnrn, estate of John Col- att clcugh, Matthew Wist, estate of James scr Turner, Freeman, et al. Levied upon wi: as tin1 property of Thomas P. Ballard C.' at the suit of the Bank of Camden, S. C. ALSO ? Ja^ob L. Ilcgnn's interest in one tract of Land sit Unfed in Ivor-haw county, on Flat Branch, waters of Twenty five Mile Croekj bounded by lands of T! C ayt' n Wiilianis; Jas. Grig-by, lltinry Smith, and east and north by lands of T 10111:18 Sessi >09. Levied upon as the property of Jacob L. Ilogan,at the Suit of James Motley. ALSO _ One Tract of Land lying on the waters of Big Lynches Creek, bounded by O land? of Geo. P. King, J. E. King and Dr. B. S. Lucas, containing Eight V 111 1 t ?1 11 ur urea Acres, inure or less, jjcviea | upon ns the property of Daniel Gardner, ^ at the suit of A A. MrKain, Adm'x . of W.J. MeKain, deceased. Terms GASH, j urchasers paying for stamps and papers. J. P. BOSWKLL, Sheriff, K. 0. Feb 4. 4t probate; notice. EX ECUTORS, Administrators, Trus | tecs and Guardians who have neglected to make their Annual It (turns to this office, according to law, will heal- an lowed to d'?so during the present month. 1> All who fail to comply will be tli ruled to show cause. J. F. SUTHERLAND, J. P. Probate Office, Feb. 2. 4t SA LB OF iTaluable Real Estate, Under Decree in Equity, D. Kirkpatrick, Aduci'r. vs. James Chcsnut, et.?!. Petition to sell Lund, ?fec. IN obedience to an order directed to D. Dunl?p Receiver in above 6iated use, wo will sell bef'oro the Court onso in Camden, on the first Monday March next within the legal hours of Ic, all the Real Estate of John Chcsit, deceased, lying on Sanders Creek d Camp Branch, on cast side of Waree River in Kershaw County, cod sting of six thousand acres uiore or > *, bounded by and adjoining lands of . H. Canley, 11. 0. Snhnond, J. II. augh'n and others Tins said tract of id, with a valuable mill scat thereon, irtly cleaned and uhdrr cultivation, d partly heavily timbered, suitable r Agricultural and turpentine farms, II be t?oH in small and convenient parIs. Plats of said lands in the possesMi Of J. J). Dunlap, Receiver, can be . ainincJ by all persons desiring. TERMS.?So much cash as ftill pay c costs and exnscs of sale, balance on u credit of <?, two and three years, tfith interest tin date, payable annually, secured by ttd, g"od sureties and a mortgage of c premises sold. j'Uriihnscrs to pay r stamps, papers and recording. J. I>. DUNLAP, Kecetvcr. J. P. JIGS WELL, Sheriff. Feb. 4: . . 4t mm Iff m "f* n __ iVJLUiSo, MlUes. WILL be in Camden on Monday nest, 8th inst., with a drove of fine, ttng,'broke MULLS, to which I in.e the attention of all parties who iy he in want of good stock at reaiuble prices. J. A. ARM STII0X0. Feb 4. It ~]'.KSI'0NST BLK AGENTS WANTED ) dispose of guirantcos fur the sale Landed and other valuable property different paits of the United Slates. 1 i fits very liberal, ?nle8 easily effected, | d no loss of time from other business. Idrc-s J T. MI LI,Ell & CO. , liox 4, V. 0. J'ort Dep sit, Mil. Jiniiiuiy _8. 8t KATIOXAL FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. AUK AD OF ALI7 COMPETITION A11 u vXTKD ro:t FLY K Y LA IIS. ! i AT the pr-sent time :t is nnnecessary ' set lotili the practical utility of the ' wing Machine, and the advantages ? fi-i. de Uoriveu inun lis use. jii? prw l age lias been prolilic o!'inventions, < t that of the Sowing Machine stands i ; eniiiuMii. Every family should have ] j, and the only question is, which is I best, cheapest, and bfest. ad; J)tC(I tO ' j wants of the community." The 1 vtionaIj sewing machine ; nbines tlie ?0od qualities of all Scwr Machines heretofore made, and is Simplified in mechanical construction to be manufactured utthc very lowprice: By discarding all toniplica1 machinery, a perfect machine has 2u produced, so simple i!i its opcran aS to be readily understood by all. The above Machines are for sale at j 2 store of J. S. Cloud, in Camden, I trrc one of theni may be seen in op- ] ition. , n. 28 - tf. REMOVAL, M. BISSEL, Dentist. HAS removed to the dwelling owned Mrs. Francis Lcc; oue door North his former residence, where he will . end to all requiring his professional 1 vices at prices that will meet the | dies of his patients. His tenus arc < LSII jn all cases. Broad Street, Camden, S 0. Jan. 28 tf. i PIEDMONT LIFE wrnm COMPAXY. tc most Popular Company in (he tinted Slates. H. S. GRAY, Agent. Office at the Court House. January 20. lm TOY IiSj_STOYESr The cheapest and best OOKIfli# S'l'OVF.S RE kept constantly on hand by J. GOODALE, dealer in rOVES, TIN WARE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, &C. ?A i ...? i ii i r .. rronipt attention to an oracrs tor 1*1 N , HOOKING, GUTTERING, STOVE PIPES, SHEET I HON, and TIN WARE, id all work pertaining to tlie TIN USINESS, promptly attended to on o most reasonable TERMS. J. H. GOO DALE, 3d door north II. M. Kcunedy's. Dec. 24. 2u?. ??b?? ?? sgygg " ClIESNUT'S MILL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Camden, that he is run ningaCAllT to and from the above MILL, and will take Con free of charge. The best meal and grits guaranteed1. JOS. GOODALE. Jan. 23" tf. UNITED STATES OF * "? *" -T-1 T-? T XN 4 A. 1VI Hj Li, J_ VJ . SOUTH-CAROLINA DISTRICT. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of Silas Ingram , BankIrdpL IN pursuance of orders made in the above cause, I will sell at public outcry, before the Court House in Camden, on Friday the 2'Dth day of February, prox., to the highest bidder, the following property, to-wit: One TRACT of Land, in Ohc8tcr6cld County, fcontaining one hundred acres, more or lcs3, bound on the East by lands <*f Estate of John Leach, on the Went, by (he Brewer Gold mine and Jaui& Catledge's lands and South, by Big Lynches Creek, and on the North by P. Ogburne's land. One TRACT of Land in Lancaster County, containing fifty acres, more or less, bound on tie North by Dr) Creek, on the East by lands of George Phillip's land. also ... bne TRACT of Land in Lancaster County, containing twenty-fire acres more or loss, bound by lands of Jonl Chillips, on the East, South by hinds of Robert Gardner, West by Miles Gnrdner, North by William Gardner's lands. TERMS CASIT, purchaser to pay fur stamps and papers. J. M. GAYT/E, Jan. 28?3t. Assignee. ~1.\ EftUITY?RershaWi W. 7i Leitner, Adtn'r., vs. Lula War- i reu, T. W. PegucS, bi at. ! BILL. IN yursuance of an ord<r made, in the i ibove case, JnHuary 15 186D, the | creditors of Thomas J. Warren, decased, arc required to prove their cluims | bcfoie me on or before the first day of ' May next, or be debarred lh)n) all bunc- t lit of any decree to be made in this case. , J. T. HAY, l Jan. 28.?td Receiver. SEW PICTORIAL READERS, i ELL sui'cd os useful and apreeuhle V f companions to children at home or in lie school-room; prepared under the supervision of Pred.. J. L. REYNOLDS. D. D . of he S. C. UnJVcrsity, who is acknowledged as 'tninen'ly fit'Tor such a ?nsk s licynnld ' Npw Pictorial 1st Render* 40 , 2d ' CO , ' " 3d " 90 . " 4 b " 1.35 t Also in preparation, School llis'ories ol ( ?ouih Carolinn, Norih Citr-dinn Georgia, n separate volmncft, rtbout 75c. or SI cacli, ' vr nei in familiar style by Prof. J. VV. DA- ] vipsoN. A. M. Also, a scries of handsomely Lithographed Writing Bboks, in five numbers, 25c. each or 32 per dozen* Fxr half the retail price, copies . if any ol the above pent to teachers .vho may desire to examine them. DUFF IE &. CHAPMAN. I Booksellers, Columbia, '5. C. i Jan 21. tf. ( MANSION HOUSE, ' CAMDEN, S. C. nEPOI'TS have been circulated, that ntv , 11 ( J USE was closed up, and thai 1 hail eti Camden. I beg leave to in'orm the pubic, that they arc untrue. Travellers will find CLEAN nnd COMFORTABLE ROOMS, n HOOD TABLE, and every altehiion requisite io their comfort. ' Try me and see for yourselves. STABLES in good order. Charges Reasonable. 1 E. G. ROBINSON, Proprietor. ' Jan 21. Itn mo REWARD. ; SCAPED from Jail on Thursday the 14th !i inst.. DAVID WHITE, alias DAVID CuOPER, convicted of Bigamy. Said \\ bite, ulioij Cboper. is about 5 feet, 7inches high, light hair, fair fcotHplcxion arid blue eyes. Is an Irishman bv birth, but speaks i he English Lnngitnge well. The above Reward will be paid for his np- , prehension, or lodged in any jnil where I can get him. , J. P. BOSWELL, Jah 21?4t S. K. C. /^t TPi A T?T7tO THE subscriber lias a few vines of the Madeira, Catawba and Black Hamburg (Jrape, which he will sell cheap. For further particulars, apply at the Journal office. CEORGE DIETZ. January Cattle, Cattle. Or A HE-D of CATTLE wanted /vOU Apply to BAUM BRO. December 1. tf, CANE SEATED CHAIRS. PERSONS having Cane Chaii.? that require re-bottoming, can have it done in a neat and substantial manner, at a low price for cash, by applying to M. BUTTON. Dec, 31. tf WHISKIES, HRANDIE8, WINES AND GIN, AS CHEAP A2 THE CHEAPE2T, AND AS GOOD AS THE BEST; Sold in quantities to suit customers, FOIl THE CASII, by Dee.?. D.O.KIRKLEY, ItEMOVAI, GBOCEBIESTPMIHONS! HE subscriber havi-lp removed liis Store to tb.* stand next above the Market, nnd added lirgcly to his stock, is n^w offering to tbcpuliea CHOICE SELECTION OF , FAMILY A.YD FAXCY fROCEBIES, To which he respectfully'invites the attention of purchasers, < Thankful for the liberal patronage hcre(o j fore extended to him, be promises to "use every effort to sec ire its continuance, assuin<r the public that every thing he offers 1 shall be of the best quality, mill bis prices as I reasonable as possible. Terms Cash, ,. < C. NOELKIN. January 21. if Shoes! Shoes! THE subscriber has on band a good J stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's SHOES, i which he is selling at very low prices lie is gratified to know that his Shoes have given satisfaction to all who have r purchased of hiin. Terms, Cash. C. NOELKIN. ] January 21. tf <j ANNUAL MKETING -J op the s STOCKHOLDERS s f# of the 1: South Carolina R R. Co,, F and op the q Southwestern R, R. Bank <i HE Annual Meeting of the STOCK- <] HOLDERS of the above Institution^ will be held in the City of Charleston on the necond Tuesday in February next, the 9th of ll that month. Place of meeting. Hall of thb q Southwestern Rail Road Bank; in Broad-st. , Honrof convening, 11 o'clock, A. M. \ On the day following, Wednesday, tlie 10th t here will be an election held at the same a place, between the hours ol 9 A. M., and 3 I'. M.. for FIFTEEN DIRECTORS of i,ie , Rail Road Company and THIRTEEN DI- b RECTORS of the Bunk. A Committee to h verify Proxies will ntierid. Stockholders will he passed as usual, over . he Roud, to and from the Meeting, free of b hnrgc, in accordance with the resolution of si 1854. J. R. EMERY, Jan 21,-31. Secretary. b South-Carolina R. R. Co. h AND ? SOUTH WESTERN R. R. BANK- 3 'uir- 0 rIIK attention of the Stockholders of e: he above Institutions is respectfully :allci to the following lltwolufion adop- ft e l at the Auuual Meeting, February Loth 1S()7: ri "Rrsrjlveil, That hereafter, new pros- b cs shall be required at each Annual .Meeting, ri And notice is hereby given, that h proxies will not be available at the noxt Meeting, (Oth and 10th prox.,) unless h ;ach signature is stamped with a ten C ;euts Internal Ecvcnye Stamp.. o JOHN \T. STOCK, a L. C. HENDRICKS, ' A. W. BURNETT. e; Committee to verify Proxiep. 1 Jun. 28. 2t 31 WAN DO FERTILIZER. ? r|^lIEWando Mining and manufacturing s JL Company offers to the Planters and Farmers of the South their FERTILIZER, mown as the WANDO FERTILIZER, t nrliich the experience of the past season has ? proved to be one of the most valuable in our 11 market. It has fbr ito bits* the hiaterials t Iroin the I'hosphnte Beds of the Company on j Ashl y River, and is prepared at their works at. the EAST END OF HASEL STREET, 11 in this city In order to guarantee its uniformity and maintain its high standard, the Company has* made arrangements with the V distinguished Chemist, Dr. C. U.SHEPARD, Jr., who carefully analyzes all the nmmonirical and other material purchased by the Company, and the prepared I FERTILIZER, \ before being offered for sale. The Company ^ is resolved to make an article which will prove to he a complete manure, and give entire satisfaction. ] For terms, circulars and other information. ^ apply to WM. C. DUKES & CO., Agents, 1 No. 1, South Atlantic Wnarf, 1 CHARLESTON, S. C. I Jan. 14, 3nt. ( Hill. I. Ill It US & iu., ; COTTON FACTORS AND c General Commission Merchants, South Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. Consignments of Cotton, Rice, &.c? re- ( spcctfttlly solicited, and liberal advances made .Hereon* Jan. 14?3tn ( COTTON GINS. * T CONTINUE to ninke Cotton Gins, and ' repair them and all kinds of Machinery, Also, Taming in Wood and Iron. R. J. McCREIGIIT. Dec. 24. tf. UNDERTAKING. JAM prepared to make plain, stained and varnished 6r covered COFFINS. By promptness and dispatch, I hope to receive a part of the patronage in that line. R. J. McCREIGIIT. Dec it. tf ' TO. i FARMERS IPUIHH. Improve your soil permanently! ? BY using ZELL'S AMM0NIATED BONE SUPER PHOSPHA1E, for Cotton, Tobacco, Corn, Oats, Wheat) Rjc, Potatoes, Turnips, Grass &c. This is f s quick and active, as Porilviau Guano, and coiumchds.Usolf ubove - A 1- - - !??/. mmn Mm . Cn ? ??-, f\y rtn/i jwiur Huuiut;ia; iw w?v ituuiu , <MJU planter. For certificates of its efficiency, call it our store, and you will find such 'rora parties at home, as well as abroad. We will sell tliiB fertilizor fit nianiiacturers prices. BAUMBROS, Jan. 14?2m. Agtrs. llOBT. MURE & GOOM MISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON; S. C: 3X.GENTS CHARLESTON AND LIVERPOOL STEAMSHIP ^INE., . . Advances made on shipmertti of Cotton, lice and Nnval Stores to Fortiffch And Dt>neatic.Portss ._ f , ,, / AN ORDINANCE ro RAISE SUPPLIES FOR THE YEAR 1869.' "iU; J':J 3E IT ORDAINED, by -the Intehiant and Wardens of the Town of 3amden, South Carolina', in Cbnncil Assembled, and by authority of thp amo, that the following Taxes be, and rc hereby assessed for the current year, ["hat is to say i ''77 Fifty Cents per One Hundred Dolurs on the assessed valuo of all lm roved Town Lots, and one half, of one ler cent, additional on the value tjieref for a Well Tax, not to exceed two lollars on any ono Lot.' Twenty-five cents per One Hundred )ollars on all Sale& of goods, wares and iierehandizc within the said Town, dating the year one thousand bight hiin!red and sixty eight. / Fifty cents per Ode iHbndFed DoH err on the net income ou factorage; mployments, faculties abd professions* including Dentistry) exercised witbtQ he said Town withib the year last foresaid. Ten Dollars on each wngon ' drawrt y four or uiore horses and let out for ire. . .( Five Dollars on each wagon drawd. y four or more horses, and used excliiivcly by the owner! ' Five Dollars on each wason drawny two Or threo horses, and let otit.for ire. : aw Two Dollars and Fifty Cents pn each agon drawn by two or three horses; nd used exclusively by the owner.Two dollars on each one hdree wagod r cart let out for hire. . - One Dollar and Twcnfy-Fivo Cents n each one-hohso wagon or cart* used, xclusivcly bv the owner. Eight Dollars on each Omnibus; add iur dollars' on each Hack; ' Two Dollars on each pleasure Car- . age or Buggy or other vehicle drawn y one horse. . r , Four Dollars on each pleasure Carnage or Buggy drawn by more than one orsei | ? Said Tax to bo levied on all VgHicJefl^ uhiltiallv emnloved in the Town of lamden, whether owned by a resident, r hon-residenf, and whether draWU horse or horses of other animals/ T A Capitation Tux of Five Dollar* ach on all male residents of the said ; 'own, between the ages of eighteen and. ixty years. Twenty-five Dullars per annum ;on 11 transient dealers in produce, purchtfing for other markets. . One Dollar for every dog owned or ept. within the said Town. . A Tax of not less than five or more han ten dollars per week, payable in dvanec, on all non-residents engaged n selling goods bysampleor otherwise/ he actual Amount to be paid by each/ o be assessed by the Tax (jrollector. Fifty Dollars for a License for keeping a liilliard Tabic. A Tax of Five Dollars on all honesidents engagpd in retailing TobaCed ' rithin the corporate limits. ,, :i , _ 7 One Hundred and Sixty Dollars per nnum for a License to retail Spirituous .liquors within the said Town;to be >aid quarterly in advance, and said Li-! icnsc not to be granted for a. less? term ban twelve months. _ r Fifteen Dollars for an auctioneer^ license; and in each and every case vhcro a Liocnso is requirctPKy thf3 ' Act, an additional charge of five dol* 4 ars for the Clerk of Council shall be jaid by the party applying for sueh Li:cn.?e. .. From Ten tc/ Twcnty-fi-fc Dollars on ill public Shows and entertainment^ ' or hire, except those for a charitable jurpose, for each (lay, daring- which he same may be exhibited or kept' >PCI1. A Fine of uot less than Ten Dollars or each offence for forging any Dills of Orders on the Corporation. All Returns fur Taxes to be made ori >ath without distinction of persons. That all Ordinances and parts of Orlinauces repugnant thereto, be, and the , ianic are hereby renealed. RATIFIED In Council, this thirty* first da"y of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and in,, the ninety-*.; third year of the Sovereignty and , dependence of the United. States of America. *"' A. A. MOORE,- ' In tend ant. W. Clyburn, Clerk. Jau 7. -4.