~ POETRY. s I \ THE NIGHT OUR DARLING DIED. Heavily creaked (he groaning willow, As we watched the lone'y pillow, Listening to the far-off billow? The night our darling died 1 And though wc prav'd God to relieve her, Tn bis heaven of love receive her; Still we sorely grudged to give her? The night our darling died! The murky clouds were sweeping o'er us, And the winds took up a chorus, Like a mourner wailing for us? ' The night our darling died ! And we sadly bent above her, And we prayed, so we did love her: "Spare her till the storm is over!" The night our darling died! Then I turned my eyes to Heaven, And the rolling clouds were riven, And a bright new st *r was given, The night our darling died! And I heard unearthly noises, Like a band of spirit voices, When a clay-freed soul rejoices? The night our darling died! When her fitful sleep was broken, And, though not a word was spoken, Still I knew it was a token, The night our darling died ! ? ? - 1 1 r- ...no iflnlAr f or 1 lurneu ; jier iuv? >. 0. Quinlit late of the District aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonis ?1 tlio trinrlrnd nnd rrfiditors C Oil OUU DIU[U.?. ? the deceased, to be and appear before me a our next Ordinary's Court, to be holden n Kershaw Court House on the 24th dayc March to show cause, if any, why th said administration should not be granted Given under my hand and seal this 18th da of February, in the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and sixty-eighl and of the ninety-second year of America! Independence. A. L. McDONALD, Feb. 13. ' . td THE NONPAREIL WASHING MACHINE Strong, Simple and Practical. It is a Squeezing Machine; warranto not to iiyure clothing; geared to give si strokes of the plungers for one turn of th handle, and 150 turns of which will was thoroughly the bulk of six to twelve shirt' according to the size of Machine used A GIRL OR BOY CAN OPERATE IT. an Six Year's experience proves that the No> pareil tobethewnly Washing Machine mnd which stands the test of Time and Use. It i ? unapproachable for Speed, Power and Effectiveness. AGENTS WANTED.?Send for free D< ecriptive Circulars to OAKLEY & KEATING, 184 Water Street, New York. Dec 26 Cm. 'In equity. KERSHAW. Mary M. Kirkland, Ad'mx ") vs. Sarah J. Johnson, Adm'x, Bill for Relief William E. Johnson, E. E. Sill, Sheriff. IT appearing to thc'satisfaction of the Com that Sarah J. Johnson, Adm'x, one of th above named defendants is beyond and r< sides without the limit* of this Stntc, it i ordered on motion of Kershaw, Complain ants Solicitor, mat sae ao picau, answer o demur to the said Bill within forty daysfroi the date of the publication of this order. I default whereof, an order pro confcsso wi be taken against her. J. D. DUNLAP, March 1 2.?tf. C. E. S. D ($10.50) ^ON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSEN] L ^ OIL. This has been tested, and is frc from danger. For sale by HODGSON & DUNLAP. CARRIAGE FOR SALE A SECOND hand Carriage will be sold v< ry cheap for cn?h. Apply at this Oi v?t. 7. 4 S. A. BENJAMIN, ' Auctioneer and Commission MERCHANT, CAMDEN, S. C. Will attend to all business entrusted to his care, in selling Heal Estate or property of all descriptions. lie has large rooms for storing Goods, and Rooms to let. lie will receive Goods on consignment. l&if*Auction Sales attended to in any part of the District. Jan. 2. JOHN H. HOLMES, Commission Merchant, BOYCE & CP'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. 9 I REFER TO Ron. Geo.'A. Trcnholm. Andrew Sitnonds, President 1st National Bank of Charleston. F. S. Holmes. President S. C. Mining & Manufacturing Company. Dec. 12 3m*. DR. T. J." WORKMAN OFFERS his professional services to th? citizens of Camden and vicinity. Office immediately above BAUM'S store entrance on Rutledge street. >i c 13 tf. Medical Notice. DR. D. L. DkSAUSSURE hns resumed the practice of Medicine. Office in the rear part of Dr. Zemp's Drug Store. January 9( tf SCHOOL BOOK SJ! The Undersigned, Dealers in BOOKS AND STATIONERY, ? Are prepared to furnish Teachers and Me? chan's with i School Books and Stationery, i on the very best terms. 1 Send for catalogues of School Bookj and i Miscellaneous Books, Writing Paper and En3 velopes; which will be sent free to parties def siring them. Address, DUFFIE & CHAPMAN, f BOOK SELLERS, [ COLUMBIA, s. a f January 9, 18C8. 3m I GUANO. . e 1 r)ERUYIAN Guano, direct from agents at - JL market rates. Soluble Pacific Guano, $0.5 cash, $70 1st November, with seven percent, interest, apt proved city acceptance. Baugh's Phosphate of Lime, $00 cash, $65 ict vmnmiint with seven tier cent, interest. approved city ncccptance. Phoenix Guano, $00 cash, $G5 1st Novemy her, with seven percent, interest, approved city ncccptance. y Flour of Hone, unadulterated and unburnt. 9 Farmer's Plaster or Gypsum, warranted pure. t- In offering the above manures to planters, I do so with every confidence, not only having testimonials from planters who have used - them the past year, but the further guarantee that every cargo, as it arrives, is analyzed by Professor Shepard, of the South Carolina Medical College, and the high reputntion of '' these manures fully kept up. J. N. ROBSON, 1 and-2 Atlantic Wharf. ? Jan. 23 2m it . THE WANDO COMPANY, OF CHARLESTON, S. C., IS PREPARED TO FURNISH k FARMERS AND PLANTERS 5 A ATlVTOTsTTATED h SOLUBLE PH OSIIATE, /COMBINING in the highest degree the reV_V qaisiteB for the largest yield of Cotton lt and Corn. Our friends who have tried this FERTILIZER give their unqualified tcstie mony of its complete success in largely in^' creasing the yield of their crops. Where the y application was doubled, the increase of yield e was fully as great, and we are assured that ' it hns proved for cotton "THE MANURE." PLANTERS will find it advantageous to work less ground, to cultivate more thoroughly, and to apply liberally a preparation such i as the above. Our FERTILIZERS J ARE MADE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF e Dr. St. Julieii Ravenel, Chemist, h WHOSE REPUTATION* and SKILL ensure i, a reliable article. We have no hesitation in stnting that in our standard manure the pubd lie have a FERTILIZER which will give the : most satisfactory results. We claim that, at e the same cost per acre, this article will do is better than PERUVIAN GUANO, our friends writing that Guano loses its effect upon the plant generally about the beginning of Sepfember, and this sustaining the plant in a green and healthy condition until killed by frost. Directions for use sent with shipments. Trice $05 per ton of 2,000 pounds. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF PURE BONE FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND, AT r $65 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. WM. C. DUKES k CO., Agents, t March 5, lm. c A SUPPLY OF FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. ir rt From Thorborn's, New York, n TCST received and for sale by 11 d HODGSON k DUNLAP. Feb. 6. tf TIIOIiBURN'S E GARDEN SEEDS. e A FRESH SUPPLY, EMBRACING !. EVERY l\1 RIETJ*, JUST RECEIVED AT THE ^OVRNAL OFFIGE. I IMPORTANT. I Purchasers of t. FAMILY AND FANCY 1 GROCERIES, M, are invited to pn' CALL AND EXAMINE uHp the m Extensive Stock S NOW OFFERED by Ho C. J. McDOWALL, T* CONSISTING OF Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee J.oaf, lump, crushed and brown Sugar Green and Black Teas Superior Syrup and Molasses ( Bacon, Lard and Flour Breakfast Strips and canvassed Hams Fulton Market Beef Irish Potatoes and Onions. Salt, by the sack and at retail Mackarcl, in barrels, kits, or at retail Superior Cider Vinegar Fine and common Chewing Tobacco Soda, Butter, and Boston Crackers, Sugar Biscuit, Butter and Cheese, Soda, Soap, Starch and Candles Pepper, Allspice, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamon and Ginger Matches, Coperas, indigo, Epsom Salts, &c. &c. &c. French and American Candies ] Canned Fruits and Vegetables Worcestershire and Pepper Sauces ? Oysters, Lobsters and Sardines Raisins, Almonds and Nnts Cc French and English Mustard Piokl ps. hv the iar and dozen. I - ' -J ?/? m ALSO Powder, Shot, Lead, ^ast Steel, Plow and Bar Iron, Nails, Iron Cotton Tics, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks, Rakes, Trace Chains, J Wagon Boxes, Gridirons, Smoothing re Irons, Tea Kettles, Sauce Pans, Fry- 811 ing Pans, Collin's Axes, Hammers, Hatchets, Augers, Gimblets, Screws, tli Plane Bits and Stocks, Pad and Stock Sj Locks; with many other articles in the Hardware line. Buckets, Tubs, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Dishes, Wash Bowls and Basins, Tumblers, Cotton and Wool Cards, Hearth, Counter, Shoe and Horse Brushes, Curry Combs, &c. * The above Goods are offered, and will be sold at fhe lowest prices for CASH, or they be bartered for CO UNTR Y rROI)UCE. ]icing compelled to sell for cash or its equivalent, I hope my friends will spare me the disagreeable duty of denying, by re framing f'roni asking for credit. C. J. McDOWALL. Nor. 28* tf. Drugs & Medicines. We are constantly receiving fresh supplies of pu re DRUGS, MEDICINES, 0 Chemicals, '< FANCY ARTICLES, AND PERFUMERY. &c. &c. &c. &c. PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, 3 WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES. ALSO. PURE WINE AND BRANDY, FOR MEDICaL PURPOSES. ? J KEROSENE LAMPS, Alwnva <,n linml in irront vnrictv. CIIDIMES, 1VICKS, BCKNEKS AND SHADES, Of nil sorts, sizes and qualities. b Superior Kerosene Oil, That will not explode. Patent ?TIctticincs. All of the most popular Pntcnt Mcdines, sold at the lowest prices. SHALLENBERGER'S PILLS, ^ Worm Candy and Vermifuge. tr Perfumeries & Toilet Articles. Summer and IJcllc Cologne, Lubin's Ex- tracts. English, French and American Soaps, j Hair Dressings and Restorers. Hair Brushes, J Tooth llrushes, Dressing Combs, &c. &c. French ConfectionaryWe have just received another supply of T genuine French Chrystnlizcd Fruits. Physician's Prescriptions 1 r> e..u.. -.1 -.1 1 ?11 \t,?i;?;?nu J .irt'I Uliy iruill J'UlltlU i*?4, illlll at I < < VM.V...VU that we ?ell mny he relied upon ns being ?' FRESH AND GENUINE, and will he sold at (lie lowest possible prices for CASI/. ( HODGSON & DUNLAP. v E'cc. 19. tf Commissioner's Notice. u CI UAKD1ANS, Trustees and Committees u 1 must make their ANNUAL RETURNS _ to this office on or befoie the first of April ? next. Rules will he issued against all who " nialte defnult in this matter. J. 1). DUNLAP. I Commissioner in Equity. Feb. C tf | CORN! CORN!! ~AA BUSIIELS ofPRIME WHITE CORN 7 OUvfSa e, low for CASH. V i HODOPON k DUNLAr. k 1 Martb 19- ? ' " / D??I???Wjl all and Winter Stock, AM now receiving n-y FALL and WINTEI utfipk x ' IN DRY GOODS. laines, Empress Clo h, Poplins and Pckii Stripes, nts, Ginghams, Optra Flannels, dwd and bleached Shirtings and Sheeting iseys, colored Domestics, d and white Flannels mkets, common ant! fine Bed inctts and Jeans, inks nnd Shawls siery nnd Gloves ble Cloths, Towelling, Doylies and Napkins iVith a variety cf Notions. Ready-Mad e Clothing, nts, Pants nnd Vests, and in Suits. Mad irts, Linnen nnd Pt per Collars, good |uality. b:ats. Common and Fine. For Men and Boys. SI3COJE3SFor Men, Women and Children. Hard Ware A general assortment. SadcLlery. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Whips, &c. Croc Itery. Of diffccnt kinds. GROCERIES. Crushed and br iwh Sugars Java. Laguira and ltio Coffees Fine Syrup and Molasses Cheese, Cracker i and Mnckarel Cans, Fruits, &e. Bagging, Rope and Iron Ties ' All of which will be sold low for cash. Small Profits and Quick Sales. I will, also, purchnse, receive and forwai itton and other Produce. A cnll from my ole customers is respcctfu solicited. I will take pleasure in showir y stock, A. M. KENNEDY. Oct. 10. tf Notice. find it necessary for the current year, confine myself to the CASH system, ar spectfully request those indebted to me, < ort time credit, to make the promised a ngements prompt .y, as I will be under tl icessity of placing my unpaid accounts e hands of a LntvyerMor collection th jring. BOB'T. M. KENNEDY, Jan 9?tf Agent. N?W DRY GOODS/ FALL, 18 67. ress Goods, Cloaks, Hosiery, Flannels.. Blankets, omestics, Cloths, ^aaaiwei tsa, KJEADY-MDE CLOTHING, HATS, Boots. Shoes. In fact, a full and complete stoc f DRY GOODS and SHOES attl jwest market prices for Cash. R. M. KENNEDY, Ag't. VEH miLLIKERY AND DRESS GOODS. OSS D. II. MeEWEJf & C( Have just received from ?T?"\7i7-Y oris., A handsome assortment of VEILEHSTERY Dress Goods, Cloaks, AND Trimmi rigs. All of which have been carefully select y Miss McEwr.v, and will be sold at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES Oct. 24. tf J. A. SCHROCK, MAGISTRATE. f\J ILL attend promptly *o the collecti t T of all clai ns, ami other duties nppt lininp to the oflicc. Office at his reisdence, on DcKnlb St re May 16, tf. DURE FRENCH BRANDY at WINE, for medicinal purposes. For sale by HODGSON & DUNLAP. ro YS1 TOYS ["TODGSON & DUNLAP have just reci L JL ved a lareo supply of TOY-4, cmbrnei rery thing calculated to " PLEASE TJ, II1LDREX." mountain: 3ABBAGE SEEE AND .llammc th Sugar Corn. 'ith a general > lock of desirable GARDE EEDS. For siile at tlieJourual Office. lPLES, ORANGE^ LEMON! VSUl'Ell.101' QUALITY JUST ARRIVE D. C. K1EKLEY. JEPPER, SPICE, NUTMEG, GI - GEll unil l/'INNAMON, for snle by 1). ('. KIRKLEY. ^UGAR, COFFEE, BACON, LARI v FLOUll and MOLASSES, just rec6iv< ^ for *aU by ? #. KIRK.LKY. CASK?CASH. * ] i ] Highest market prices 1 PAID CASH FOR ' ( Hides, Old Iron, Brass, Copper and Lead, Beeswax, Tallow and Country , TANNED LEATHER, ; FEATHERS & WOOL, ; e I I BOUGIIT IN ALL QUANTITIES BY P. GOSS, Provision # Grocery Store broad street, camden, s. C., Taimas T ' n*?A/?At?Tr onrl l/ppudibc uauit'c* WUIIUO \JIUWIJ y ail*4 Dr. Youngs' Book Store. CONSTANTLY ON HAND FRESH SUPPLIES OF Provisions, Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. Imported PURE FRENCH BEANDY. For Medical Purposes. ' WINES OP AI IKINES << BRONSON'S TIN SHOP. TINWARECHEAPER THAN EVER! 'X'lIE subcribcr respectfully informs the (0 1 citizens of Camden and vicinity, tbat be HAS ON HAND, r" A full and complete assortment of TIN ?e WAKE, and is constantly i" MANUFACTURING. He will sell either at - WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, as low as the same articles can be bought in Charleston or elsewhere. Roofing, Guttering, # AND JOB WORK, of every description, promptly attended to. Grateful for past patronage, he respectfully solicits its continuance. Don't mistake theplnce. bronson'3 tin rh0p. B. D. BRONSON. Oct. 9. tf. jtw.rodgers. commission AND forwarding merchant. :k CAMDEN, S. C. TTRrP AT. oilcnnnnu mn/ln nn onnflitmmpnt sl. ? i ii J. K. WITHERSPOOfC AUCTIONEER Respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he continue* f he sale of all kinds of property at Auction. Ie will attend sales any where in Kershaw district, and his charges shall be as low as it s possible. His services shall be satisfactoty 1 >r no charge will be made. Dec. 21 ^ J. S. MEHONEY, Auctioneer,. WILL attend in person to the selling of a? species of property at public sale, eith? ;r in Camden or surrounding country. Pensions having property of any description to* lisposc of, and wish my services, will be wait- ' :d on by giving me timely notice. My ohargetJ K for services rendered will be in keeping with* n the times. Oct. 26.?tf. % WM. M. SAHNNON,. ATTOKNKYAT LAW * SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, Office at Branch Bank. J Sept. 1, 3m. j J. B. KERSHAW, 1 ATTORJfKV AID SOUCITOR, 1 N. B.?Cases_in Bankruptcy and other" I business in the Federal Courts, will receive* } prompt attention. j Office, Broad Street, immediately opposite" ' the JOURNAL Office, Camden, 8. C. > Aug. 25?tf. IM. DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. J XBQb. Office, That formerly occupied by Wml.. M. Shartnon. * August 4?tf. ' J.D.DUNLAP, j ATTORN ET AT LA Office at the Court House, Camden, 8. C. 22 - ' *7- rT W. L. DEPASS, Attorney at Law ANI!|3CLICITOR IN RUIQTY. 4 Office, Broad Street, one door above the Markctin the building formerly occupied by J. M. Gnyle, Camden, o. C., Will practice in all the United States Courts. ! - ' *4 ?o * ui viuuior sucnuoD glTcn in SU OMM> Of Bankruptcy. ;, * . CHESNUT & WORKMAN* (JAS. CHESNUT, W. H. R. WORKMAN^) ^ Attorneys at Law, And Solicitors in Equity. WILL practice in the Courts of Kershaw and adjoining Distriots. Business entrusted to them will meet with prompt and careftil attention. Office, at present, above the store ofBsum,. ' Bro. & Co. Mareh 28. State of South Carolina. | Kershaw District. j IN THE COMMON PLEAS. J Bank of Camden, S. C., V in M r E-t VS' f Attachment. % Jesse Rilgore, ) \\IHEREAS, the plaintiff did on the 9th M T 1 of August filo hie declaration against S the defendant, who (f?s it is said) is absent ^ from and withont the limits of this State* and has neither wife nor attorney known wuuin ine same, upon wuom a copy oitne said declaration might be served. It i?therefore ordered, that the sftid defendant do ap- , pear and plead to the said declaration,- on ?r before the 10th day of August, which will be J in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight J hundred and sixty-eight, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then given and S awarded against him. . W. CLYBURN, c. c. A a. a. Clerks Office, K. P. Sept. 5. - ]ym. State of South Carolina, KERSHA W DISTRICT. i m THE COMMON PLEA& J The Bank of Camden, S. C. vs. Thos. P. Balard, A Declaration in Foreign Attachment. M WHEREAS, The Plaintiff did on the $7t* ^ day of July, 18C7, tile bis declaration a? gainst the defendant, who (as it is said) if absent from and without the limita of thlft State, and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy , of the suid declaration might he served; it ta therefore ordered, that the said defendant JfA do appear, and plead to the said deslsratien, - j on or before the 28th day of July next, ^ which will he in the year of our Lord ona A thousand eight hundred and sixty eight, oth crwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. Wi CLYBURN, c. c. r. & o. s. Clerks Office, Kershaw District. Ang.r?e31y, j SOUTH CAROLINA, I KERSHA W DISTRICT. A txt mrt*n rta^firAir nr *n a rt Ii\ inn, LUMMUJM jrLJJiAs. ^ Bank ofCamdei. S. C., "1 and WilliumS. Ellcrbfc, ( Declaration in? vs. f Attachment. Adkingon & Sheppcrson, j 117HERl? AS, the plaintiff did on i^e 2nd TT day of September, file his ( against the defendant who (as i( if saup)' ii/ absent from and without (he U?aits of this J Stale, has neither wife nor attorney known' M within the same, uppn whom & copy of the said declaration might he served: It is there* wH fore ordered, that the said defendant do ap- ^ pear and plead to the said declaration, on oa beforothe 3d day of September, Which will be in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight, otherwise fit nal and absolute judgment will then be awarded against them. W. CLYBURN, , I Sept. 5,?lym. C. C. P. & G. S- ^ I Notice. N \LL persons indebted to me for work don* since the war, will please come forward * and settle, as I am very much in need or money, 1 also take this opportvnity of in-" M forming the pubiic, that no more work will ? > nvrtonnt fnw /?nnK iji DC UCimitu vAvw^iiw. Nov. il? tf, F. J. OAKS, Notice. 1 THE underaigped having been appointed, *] Agent, of the Washington, Jefferiion^ V | Fire Insurance Company, (Scottsville, Va'.'jp and Union Fire Insurance Company, (Baltiy fij more, Md.) Informs the public that he i> r:: prepared to take risks against losses by tire V on the fnost reasonable terms. ' J?*. 18ff W, J,. T*PAfJ|f. 1 \ " \ Sept. 26, tf. SOUTH CAROLINA, KERSIIA TT DISTRICT IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Joseph R. Kershaw, vs. John T. Mathcson, Christian Matheson, Kenneth .Mathcson. Declaration in Foreign Attachment. w WHEREAS, The Plaintiff did on the 4th / day of May, 1807, file his declaration against the defendant, who (as it is said) is absent from and without tjie limits of this State and hath neither wife or attorney known within the same, upon whom n copy of the said declaration might be served : It is therefore ordered, that the said defendant do ap3 pear and plead to the said declaration, on or before the fifth (5th) day of May, next, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given, and awarded against him. , W. CLYBURN, c. c. v. & o. s. Cl May 9, , lyq. ' KERSHAW-In Equity. _ Theodore Lang, Gdn, J Bn] for diHf0Tcry T. J. Workman Ex. et al. J and rchel &cI.N* pursuance of a decretal order passed by Chancellor Johnson in above stated caseIt is ordered that the creditors of John Workman. deceased, be enjoined nnd restrained j from pursuing their actions al law against the defendant Thos. J. Workman, in this behalf. The said creditors are hereby notified to produce and establish their demands 1(] against the estate of the said John IVorktnan deceased, before the Commissioner in Equity, at his office, on or before the first duy of May ? navt /??. l,n .lnhnrfml frnm nil hnnpfif nf said ordcl\" J. 57 DUN LAP," T Juno 27,?lit?m. C. E. K. D. ? KERSHAW?In Equity. IE John Thompson. C. L. Dye, Executors, Bill to sell lands _ vs }- to pay debts, D. D. Usscry, & I fcp. J. It. Magill, Trustees, J ^ > IN pursuance of n ilccretul order passed by ' h ancellor Juhnsun, in above slated case; It is ordcre'd that the creditors pf John P. Kirkland, deceased, be enjoined npd restrained front pursuing their actions at law against the complainants C. L. Dye aqd John Thompson, in this behalf. The snid creditors are I 5 hereby notified tq produce and establish their demands against the estate pf the said John ID : P. Kirkland, depenscd, before the ContniisI sioner in Equity, at. his office, on or before I the first day of June next, or be debarred N" front all benefit of said order. J. D. DUNLAP, C. F. K. 1). June 27, lynt. 7!t?NGLISII MUSTARD, Essence | - X-> Ginger and Clicrrv Pectoral. ia I For sale hr HODGSON & DUNLAP