The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, February 13, 1868, Image 3

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^ f "trials by theMillTary.?The r:: iuiiumug \ji uu vtus is.jucu un xnuia? Charleston, S. C., Feb.. 6,1SG8. General Orders No. 18. | I. In trials of offences at common ^ law or under State statutes, and in I- trials of civil actions, provost courts, i :? military commissions and military triI burials,;* organized by virtue of au.. tboritv. under the Reconstruction Acts of Congress, will be governed by the \ * ?..1.? ~ f }i\r liiAU tj u:uj> ui cuuv;iiwu? j/iv.-vuwu . of tho State i:i which the case is tried. ' ll.JJNo provost court wiil entertain jurisdiction of any case, norhvill any ; eost connnander it fi r any ease nor 1 trial by any such court, unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of the post- j k commander and shall be certified by | him,'either? riVst. That the ease involves mat i ters of difference between employer and employed respecting rights under ^ provisions ofmility orders; or, s Sesphd. That the proper State authorities have refused or unreasonably failed, or are unable to take action needful for the protection of per sons or property ; or, Third. ..That there is good ground ( for believing, upon facts shown, which must be preserved of record, that impartial justice 'mnnot bo secured in the State courts, by reason of prejudice on account of race, color or former condition. Gex. 'Gustavus W. Smith.? General Smith, late of the Confederate army, and well remembered for his distinguished character as a soldier and engineer, recently received his pardon from President Johnson. He Js. at present in charge of the t w?..h . ...,.1 t>,.1i:? atm!., liuiiv m 01 i\9 aim huujh^ iuius ov Chattanooga, and lias fitted up (says an exchange) a beautiful home on the hill overlooking the town of Chatta < o # # noogaV where, with his charming, accomplished wife, who was so much admired in elegant circles at the Confederate capital during the General s command there, he is striving to for. get the griefs of defeat irs bright hopes of the future.?Savannah Herald. Onio?The Reconstruction Acts. Columbus, February T.?The House of Representatives has adopted, by a strict party vote, resolutions in favor of the congressional reconstruction acts, which are declared to be subversive of the rights of the State, the liberty and prosperity of the people, k and of the constitutional powers of the executive and judicial depart merits of the Federal Government.? They also denounce in umneasurod terqis the pending supplemental reconstruction and Supreme Court bills. The resolutions go to the Senate for concurrence. Bills Signed in* the President. The President hus approved and signed the bill providing that all cotton grown in the United States after the year 1867 shall be exempt from internal tax, and that cotton imported . from Foreign countries after Noveml her 1st of this year shall he exempt front duty, lie has also signed the A joint resolution to provide for a comW mission to examine and report on inc' ters for distilled spirits, and the hill authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to sell all the iron-olads excepting those of the Dictator, Kalamazoo, Monadnock, and Passaic classes. .Chronicle. ' The Supreme Court Bill,?It j is reported?on how good authority ' ?Tcponoiit saith not?that the Senate I Judiciary Committee are not favor-| ably disposed toward the Supreme | Court bill. Mr. Trumbull is quoted I as against it; arid if this be true, its j chances of becoming a law arc boauti-1 fuUy and encouragingly small. Washington Letter in N. Y. Times. MARRIED?On the Oth inst., by i the Rev. XV. Ross. Mr. M. I). Wood,; to MissSALLiE G. Hammond, all of' this District. ! Cotton Quotations. CasioRv, Feb. 13?17 to 17 1-4, Charleston, Feb.11?10 to 19 1-2. New Yoke, Foci. 13?21 ft 21 1-4 Liveupool, Feb. 12?83-84 a 81-24. TAX NOTIOET ^I^HE BOOKS for the collection of tlie Tuxes I for the year 1807, itrc now open atthc ptore of .McDONALl) & McCUltltV The whole of the income tux nnd half the pcncral Taxes are due an l payable on the ?l?t day of March, the balance on the 80th day of June next. .(}fEee Hour??from 9 A. M. till 21'. M. * II. TATE, T. C. K. I). Feb. 13. tf TOWN TAXES, flMIE Citizens of Camden are hereby noti1 tied, that the Tax Office will be opened pt the Council Chatphcr for the return of Taxable property and payment oftaxes for 1808, IVnm 1*-? to *2 P M \7onilnrn Wftilnnc/litva and Snturdnys, until the lOtli of March next. * ' JOHN.T-NETTLES, Feb. 13?3t. Tax Collector. E" NGLISII MUSTARD, Essence Ginger nnd Cherrv Pectoral. ' F^r sal? by HODGSON & DUNLA Sheriffs Sales. Sheriff's Office, "> Cyu;>en\ S. 'J., Feb. 0 1808. J BY virtue of Sundry writs of fi. fa. to me directed I will sell before the Court House in Camden, on Monday the second day of March next, within the legal hours of sale the following property, to-vil: All defendant's right, title and interest in ami to four (-1) separate tracts or parcels ol Land lying ill Kershaw District, viz: One tract on which defendant resides, on tlie waters of Flat llock Creek, containing six hundred (000) acres more or less, bounded by lands of J. U. Dye, Shannon Watts, Mrs. J. J. Knox, Kilgore, ct nl. a One tract?called the lien. WiHi-tin* (met? containing three hundred (1500) acres, more or less, on the waters of Flat Rock Creek, I l_.l ?... 1 f 1 Tri.nlliiiln. J. It. ul/uuuitu iJj iililm.? %?a v. - , Dye, Thompson, Patterson, ct al. also One tract?known as I he Gt trdncr tract? contairiining tliri'e hundred acres more or less, lying on the waters of Heaver Creek, bounded east hy tlie Graham Koa-1, nnd adoiuing lands of C. L. Dye, Qiiinlin, the Frnser Place, tt al. The Dcnson tract, containing one hundred and twenty-five (l-'?) acres more or less, on the waters of Flat Itoek Creek, hounded by lands of .Mrs. Jane J. Knox, L. It. Gray, estate of Shields, ?t al. Levied upon as J. W. Ford's property, at the suit of Gic Hank of Cniiid n. S. C. One Copper (ISOgallon) Still nnd Fixtures. Levied upon as J. \V. Ford's properly, at tlie suit of the Hank of Camden. S. C. [12.25] One Lot with two Store houses and outbuildings thereon, in the Town of Camden, known and distinguished in plan of said Town as Lot No eleven hundred and seventy seven, (1177) fronting east on Broad Street, sixty-six (OG) feet, and running back \vcs| two hundred (200) feet, bounded south by the Market, niul north by Wjn Dansch,; Also, Lot No eleven hundred and eighty (1180) fronting on Butledge Street, sixty-six (CO) feet and running back north, two hundred (2U0) feet, bounded .east by the Bank of Camden, the Market and Lot No eleven hundred and seventy-seven, (1177) west by vacant Lot--. Levied upon as property of the Estate of IVin F Perry, at the suit of the Bunkjof Caiudcn. S. C* ?0.75] Defendant's right, title and interest in and to a tract of Land, containing nineteen hunhundred (1'JOO) acres, uiore or less, situated in Kershaw and Fairfield District, on the waters of Sawney's Creek, adjoining lands of the estate of Crosby, John IVarren, John Robertson it al. Levied upon at the suit of M. Bauui, Eru. & Co. vs. Abram D. Jones, jr. [3.25.] Two Wagons, IIarn ?ss and seven Mules, levied upon as property of Win. E. Uugho", at tiie suit of Charles Perkins. ($3.25) Terms Cash?purchasers to pay for the nceessTV papers. E. E. FILL, S. X. I). February 13. tf IN EQUITY?KERSIIAW. IJ I .I...*,. .{'v A ts. " " [Bill1 II. C. Patterson, et ?I. j The tu rn* of renting not having boon complied with, on the first .Monday in MARCH next, I will again oiler lor rent, for the ensuing year, at public outcry, before the Court House door in Camden, the following Real Estate of the late Wyatt Patterson, deceased, to-wit : A tract of Laud, containing some six hundred acres, situated on the waters of Beaver Creek, and bounded on the north by lands of Wylie Patterson, on the west by lands of Lewis J. Patterson, and on the south and west by lands of Joseph C. McWillie. TERMS.?So much cash, as will pay the costs of these proceedings, and balance on a credit until the tlrst day of January next, to bo secured by note with personal surety, and a lien upon the crop. J. D. DUN LAP, C. E. K. 1). Comm'rs. Office, Feb. 13. southoarolina" K?R*HAW by a. l. Mcdonald, ordinary,. "IT/'HEKEAS, J. D. Dunlup, C. K. K. D. npYt plied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Dr. A. A. Johnson, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the deceased, to be and appear before me at next Ordinary's Court, to be holdrn at Kershaw Court House on the 23d day of March. 180S. to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 12th day of - < .i < ?.,? i ?,.,i ??? iNOYCinncr. m iiiu_yi.ii uu. thousand eight humlrcfrv.<1 sixty-eight flttd in the nii:tty-.vtoml year of American Independence. A. L. M-. DONALD, 0. K. D. February 18. if SOUTH-O AROIJN A, KRUSES VW DI^TKICT. by a. l. Mcdonald, ordinary. 117HKRBAS, J. i). Dun lap, C. K..K. D. H applied to mc for Letters of Adtnlnistatiou on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of W. R. Taylor, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the deceased, to he and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court, to he hold on at Kershaw Court on the 17th day of j March to show cngse, if any, why the I said administration should not he granted. I Given utidcr my hand and seal this Utli day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ami sixty-eight, and of the ninety-second year of American Independence. A. L. McDONALD, Feb.. 18. td To those Interested. t^FHSGXS who have left articles in pawn ! A with the subscriber n re* hereby notified that unless the same be redeemed witliin thre< | weeks from this date tlicy will be sold. Feb. 13. " H'M. DA AS II. Hogs for Sale. \PAIH of I|oj3, of the best stork in the District. The saw now it\ pig. Thej will be sold very low for cash or con.. Ap ply at the DcKalb Mills, to W. M ALONE. j Feb. ft tf A SUPPLY OF FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. From W/'.orborii 8, New York, TUST received and for sale by HODGSON & DUN LAP. Feb. C. tf OYSTERS, SARDINES, ENGLISI MUSTAllD and TOMATO KETCHUI jfer'wlehj D. C. K1RKLBY. I Commissioner's Notice. ri GUARDIANS, Trustees and Committees must nuikc their ANNUAL RETURNS , to this office on or before the f.rst of April next. Rules will be issued against nil who ' imtkc default iu this matter. ; J. D. DUN LAP, Commissioner in Equity. Je Feb. 0 . tf ^ it iN EQUITY. M KERSHAW. * Sarah Mickle, Ex'r'x. 1 Dili to enjoin and as. } call iu creditors Joel Davis, et al. J &c, / I In obedience to the order of Chancellor aj i Johnson, passed July, 14.18(57, I will sell at Jj Public Outcry, on TUESDAY AFTER THE FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH next, nt JJ the late residence of John R. Mickle, dee'd. w in Kershaw District, certain frnnrrtu. dr * T ( j consisting of Household and Kitchen Furni- JV I turc. Plantation Tools, Wagons, a Mule, a j Horse, &c. TERMS.?So mite!) cash as will pay the l costs of these proceedings, and the balance ir I on a credit of one and two years, with, inter- JL est payable annually, to be secured by bond 0r ! or note with at least two good sureties. vn Purchasers to pay for papers. th J. D. DUNLAP, C. IC. K. D. he . February 0. (8.75) j,d U. S. MARSHAL'S SALES. United States of America. District of South Carolina. B\~ virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias tome' Fc directed, issuing out of the Honorable the I United States Circuit Court for the District, of South Carolina, I will expose for sale to j0 the highest, bidder, at Public Auction, at ,n Camden Court House on the Fourth day of (j," March,v 18(5(1. being the first Wednesday of hr the month, all the light, title and interest of j., the defendants in and to the following prop- pu erty, to wit:? thi 1. Camden Dank Building, situated on the Il(j north-west corner of Broad ami But ledge sei Streets, lot No. 1170. being CO feet front, by 198 feet deep, according to pi it of the town wj( of Camden, bounded north by Town Hall, j,ei south by Rutlodgc street, cast by llrond-st., j,tt; ami west, b y the estate of W. F. Pm-y.? ,|J( I Levied upon na the proper!}' of the Bank of (0 Camden, defendant, at the suit of James j,r( Baukliead, plaintiff. f,.j( a f.s o 2. A tract of Land, situated on the waters of Persimmon Brencli, containing 800 acres more or less, bounded on the north and east j by lands of .Mrs. Hammond, south by lands J of >.'rs. Hammond and Thomas Bell, on the | the west by lands of John Ilrown and T. Bell. J[. I known as the P.usse! Tract, together with rc? the two Dwelling Houses situated thereon.? Levied upon its the property of Wylic Put- ? tcrson, at the suit of the United States, plaintitf One tract containing 07acres at Liberty Hill, on which the residence of defendant is located, bounded north by John Brown, east by Cureton'sand Henry It Brown's, south by I W ni. C. Cunningham and west by John It. | j Dixon's land, all in Kershaw District.? alio 4. One tract of Land, coutaining 1000 acres, ? mora or less, bounded north by J. B. Cureton, and estate Wm. C. Cunningham, east by J. B. Cureton's lands, south by the Wnteree f River, northwest by the "Dixon Tract." also 5. One tract of land.on the west side of the Su Wat on e ltiver. containing 700 acres more or loss, hounded no.itli by Wateree River, east by S. Dixon : soute and west by lands of estate of Perry in Fairfield District. Levied upon as the property of William Dixon, ut the suit of Sarah J. Johnson, Administra- ko trix. f-11 Terms, Cash?purchasers to pay the i{nrslinl for necessary papers and stamps. Te Sales to be conducted by Josuril M. ^ ', Deputy Marshal, as auctioneer. Vii JOS. M. GAYLE, Na l7. S. Spccinl Deputy Marshal. Ca Feb. 0. Jt Lo ""lost. gj t GOLD Masonic WATCH KEY, with the pi] initials "J. W. II." The finder will pr be liberally rewarded on leaving it at this ) ollic'\ Re Feb. 0. tf Sa Twenty Dollars Reward. 0,1 IOST on the morning of the 23d of Jpriu_j nry between Broad street and the Depot a yellow TRUNK containing Music Books.? L0 The person who found it will be paid ?hc above reward by leaving it at the DsKALB < HOUSE, and no questions asked. cs Feb. (J j ' . It* tio For Sale, is ? GOOD six liorsc STEAM ENGINE nnd ^ - > , 1 :? 1 Si . * IHJI leu, complete nnu in guu'i j-uuumg - order. Trice $500. Apply to Jan 23?It W.M, TARVER. Igj GUANO. ? PERUVIAN Ouano, direct from agents at market rates. . Soluble Pacific Guano, $75 cash, $80 1st , n November, with seven per cent, interest, up- ' u j proved city acceptance. Hough's Phosphate of Lime, $00 cash, $05 | 1st November, with seven per cent, interest, ? j approved city acceptance. Pluvnix Guano, $55 cash, $05 ls{ Novem| ber, with seven per cent, interest, approved ; city acceptance. . Flour of Hone, unadulterated and unburn!. ~ ! Fanner's Plaster or Gypsum, warranted j pure. 1. In offering the above manures to planters. I do so with every confidence, not only hnv- ' t ing testimonials from planters who have used thorn the past year, but the further guarantee ,UI , that every cargo, us it arrives, is analyzed I*. I ! l\y Professor Shepurd, of the South Carolina , ! Medical College, anil the high reputation of ! these manures fully kept up. J. N. ROBSON, . J 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. | Jan. 23 2m v :j Planters and Gardeners ?? 1 ; Will find ELLERBE'S PLANT TRANS- a* PLANTER (patented liith October, 18150.) ' at Mr. A. M. Kennedy's. With this Implement surplus plants of Corn. Cotton or any . i other plant may be trasplantod in the same -s. I lime that the soil can he re-planted, without | disturbing the fibrous roots. ? Price. $10,09. tr Jan. It*. 4 in Reduction in Prices. * MRS. J. W. RODGERS, with the riew of reducing her present stock in time for ai I the Spring Trade, is offering her stock of tl I H'l&'TElt GOODS nt reduced prices for j CASH. Jan. 28?tf. t TO CONSUMPTIVES. rHE Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, ie prescription with the difcctions for nmng and using the simple remedy by which. > was cured of a lung affection and that ead disease Consumption. His only obct is ft) benefit the afflicted and he hopes ery sufferer will try this prescription, as will cost thorn nothing, and may prove a casing. Please addrcrs Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 0 105 Secoud South st., Williamsburg, N. Y. ERRORS OF YOUTIl1 Gentleman who suffered for years from V Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and 1 the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, r the s ike of suffering humanity, send free all who need it, the recipt and directions r making the simple remedy by which lie A.x-orl Sufferer* wishinir to urofit bv e Advitiscr's experience citn do no by ad essing in perfect confidence, )HN B. OUDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York. May 2. ly INFORMATION. ^FORMATION gun rant cc<I to produce a ."luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head beardless face, also a recipe lor the remo1 of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on e skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and autifu"; can be obtained without chnrgc by dressing' Til OS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 823 Broadway, New York. Sept. 20. ' 8m. [aiwermisemext.] VALUABLE RECEIPT, ir baking fine Light Bread, Biscuit, Rolls I or Wnfllcs. Sisters of the South . Now that we have ( do all our house and kitchen work, let us Mo do it to perfection. I flatter myself tit L{ have discovered the true system of ( cad baking, and as such, would I inform uiy female friends that I am prcred to furnish them with the receipt on ; following liberal terms. Enclose to my dress, the amount of one dollar, and I will id to any address, by return mail or soon er, the receipt, neatly printed, post paid, ' ill all necessary instructions. I would re stu.e that no minerals or lard is used in < king, and that the articles used are at ' ! command of every farme r. If you wish please your husbands by 'placing on his . akfast table a plate of fine light biscuits or , ed rolls, send for one of my receipts. Address, Mrs. ANNIE STOP AN E, Ian. CO,?2t* Aiken, S. C. 8 Medical Notice. >R. I). L. Dr.SA I'SSURE has resumed / the practice of Medicine. Office in the ir pnrt of Dr.'Hemp's IJnig Store, lanuary 9( tf ALE ON DRAUGHT. T. BEVEIITDGE k CO'S. 'EWE UEGH ALE. ? HE Best now made, kept constantly on ' . draught by I D. C. KIRK LEA*. STATEMENT : t \F the HOME INSURANCE CO. of New 1 f Haven, January 1, 1808, pitnl Stuck, $1,000,000 00 rplus, 0l'J,070 31 j ASSr.TS: Market Value. 1 al Estate owned by Company, $205,500 00 ans on Mortgages. . 37,374 98 itcd States Bonds, 5-20, 325,875 00 ' ssouri State Bonds, TO,950 00 ' nnessec State Bonds, 1G.OOO 00 ^ o._._ i??i.. rmn nn ' MCUjiMn nuiif uuiit?st9 1m?, uv vv rginin State boud.-i, 17,408 CO lionul Bank Stocks, 301,180 00 natln Bank Stocks, 34.373 70 ans on Collateral ind on Call, 28,814 50 sh oil Land and in Banks, 00,014 50 * nil in hands of Ag.cuts, 230,1.08 30 1 crest Accrued, 37,403 25 1 Is Receivable, ^ 41,870 75 * Miliums unpaid at hotijc and 1 jranili offices, 109,041 80 t nts iiccrucd. 2,JI02 00 ' Ivages on Fire and Inland Loss- I >s Undetermined, . 51,451 44 Iter property owuod by the Co. 25,071 88 $1,019,070 34 1 LIABILITIES, sscs in process of adjustment, $85,850 44 Statement of Premiums received and Losspaid during each year since the organiza-, n of the Company:? Premiums Rcc'd Losses Paid 80, $ 37,887 30 $ 20,780 20 1 ill,^ 81,230 00 40,100 03 ' f'?2, 108.28'.) 40 92,130 80 1)8, 250,973 55 100,434 30 ' 154, 470.473 78 278,488 04 1 05, 773.81/1 08 451,292 90 1 00, 1,477,281 28 1,122,908 80 1 07, 1,850,023 01 1,187,935 44 Stock owned by the Directors: nunry 1, 1807, $233,700 AAA nuary 1, ]8f>8, zj2,uuu D. R. SATTERLEE, Prcs'dt. WSL S. GOODEI.L, Secy. :VV. 3301STNEY* Agent. AT CAMDEN, S. C. January 80. St. Souther n Express. ) ARTIES forwarding freight by the Express, are requested to hand them in by i. m. on Monday, Wednesday ami Saturday. Freight is also s ?nt on Tuesday, Thursday id Friday, which must be bunded in by 9 M. the evening boforc. AH freight is required to bo paid in Grcentcks. J. W. RODGEUS, Agent. January 23, tf Notice. HAVE taken possession of ZEMP'S Mill, and will do all in my power to give tisfaction. A continuance of the patron;e of the Mill is respectfully solicited. W. F. MOEKELL. January 23, 8t Ldministratrix's Notice. VLL persons indebted to the estate of William E, Hughes, late of Kershaw Disict, deceased, will make immediate pay??ii .1 Ti. Kersliaw or myself. All persons having claims against the said itate will present them duly utteated, nc>rding to law. J?0* Mr. D. II. SEaMENS is my lawful gent for the transaction of oil buaiuess of ic said estate. M. E. HUGHES, Admr'x. Tjiuuary }G* Gt c mTbissell, DENTIST, J HAVING procured the nccessniy apparatus, rl is prepared to insert Artificial Teeth on VUL- ? CANITE (india rubber,) from one Tooth, to a full Set, at Low 1'ricet, and has reduced his charges for all operations to suit the times, for CASH. dec 19,?tf S. A. BENJAMIN, Auctioneer and Commission, a MERCHANT, CAMDEN, S. C. lo "Will attend to all business entrusted to bis m care, in selling Ileal Estate or property of nil descriptions. He has hu ge rooms for storing . Goods, and Rooms to let. He will receive Goods on consignment. *ll 8^"Auction Sales attended to in any part of of the District. * Jan. cq JOHN II. HOLMES, ' ] Commission' Merchant, oj BOYCE & CO'S WHARF, bj CHARLESTON, S. C. to: KKFKIl TO Hon. Geo."A. Tronliolm. fo Andrew Simonds, President 1st National Bank of Charleston. F. S. Holmes, President S. C. Mining & Se Manufacturing Company, cei Dec. 12 3m*. DR. T. J. WORKMAN asi OFFERS his professional services to tin citizens of Cunulen and vicinity. I Office immediately above BAUM'S store A: Jilt ranee on Rutlcdgc street. D( Juno 13 - tf; is); SCHOOL BOO K^Tl Be mt yfho Undersigned, Dealers in m? BOOKS AND STATIONERY, *vc prepared to furnish Teachers and Merchants with School Books and'Stationery, 8U on the very best terms. B( Rend for catalogues of School Books nnd . Miscellaneous Books, Writing Paper and Enrelopes; which will be sent free to parties de- j lirinir them. Address, r DUFFIE k CITAFMAN, rcn BOOK SELLERS, ^ COLUMBIA, & C. wit January 1), 18G8. 3m DICKSON'S j SELECT COTTON SEED. ~ VFEW sacks of sccilof this Improved Cot- g ton may he had by cnrly application at he Journal Office or at the store of C. JdcDotrail, where planters may see a spcci- 1 ncn of its growth. Of this cotton, Mr. of] Dickson says?. 1 have selected and improved this cotton infil I have succeeded in raising a stalk villi 523 bolls, roulv four feet high, and mother tvith 2ll, ouly twenty-six inches ligh. CERTIFICATES, Mr Dickson : Sir.?I purchased from you ast Spring ten bushel." Improved Cotton Iced, a part of them for my neighbors. I inly planted two bushels myself. Mr. 1'earce, ny neighbor, who took two bushels, planted hem on fresh land, and he tells me that it J? d ir.s yielded about four thousand pounds to lie acre. I planted mine on my oldest land, m<l i* consequence of the drought it did not field so well, but they arc the best seed hat'l as ever been in the country. Respect fully yours AMOS FISIIER. Ev green. I4n,,*Xov. 23 1859. IVr jave raised some of Dickson's Improved .'otto i which has proved to be decidedly the nost prouuetive cotton wo ever planted.? sum Weaver. Newton Co., Gn., Col. J J. irifii , Oxford, Gn., Casper W. Jones, Bar?our Co.. Ala., L. L. Lineectim, Washington .'o., T jxiis, Cupt. James S. Lauderdale, Washngiot co., Texas, W. Patterson, Libert.}' I ill, S C., W. F. Atkinson, Wayne co., N't C. ?|] THE NONPAREIL WASHING MACHINE. f Strong, Simple and Practical. It is a Squkezixo Machine; warranted lot to injure clothing; geared to give six All drokes of the plungers lor one turn of the landle, nnd 150 turns of which will wash c_ horoughly the hulk of six to twelve shirts, OJ iccording to the size of Machine used A GIRL OH BOY CAN OPERATE IT, nnd 9/z Year'* experience proves that the Non- p? i'aueil to be the only Washing Machine made ' ivhich stands the test of Time and Use. It is i inapproachable for tra Speed, Power' and Pffcctivencss. 'fu AGENTS WANTED.?Send for free Dc- T?( icriptivo Circulars to OAKLEY & KEATING, \ 184 Water Street, New York. Dec 20 Oin. K Notice. * I find it necessary for the current year, to thu confine myself to the CASH system, and respectfully request those indebted to me, on short time credit, to make the promised ar- an( rangeWnts promptly, as I will be under the for necessity of placing my unpaid accounts m the hands of a Lawyer for collection this i Spring. BOB'T. M. KENNEDY, Jan 9?tf Agent. Agents Wanted, 4 For the Campaigns of 1 ' Fj est an 1 liis Cavalry. tl BEAUTIFULLY illustrated. This fiistori- 'u?! cal record of the most brilliant exploits and daring adventures of the war, among its m-? ny valuable and interesting contributions to historical truth, clears up, on unquestionable authority, all misrepresentations in regard j to the taking of Fort Pillow by Gen. ForrestAddress, J P. MILLER & CO, Jan 'J?2m Philadelphia, Pa. Slioos 2 T Shoos* * SllOOE. wli JUST received from the manufacturers a 13 LARGE ADDITION to my stock of BOOTS ANI) SHOES, ! of superior make, in Men's, Women's and pa Aouth s, which will be sold at the very low. est prices. _0 R. M. KENNEDY, Agent. Dccepjbcr 11. . i . ii i 111 ewt???yemtmmr NEW GOODS, Lt th.? Old Stand i piIE subscriber Laving resumed businrf on his own account at his old Stand n ^mden, offers his friends and the pubiio, c. neral assortment of MERCHANDIZE, consisting in Part of Plain and Opera Flannels; Shawls, general assortment, Worsteds, in u eat variety of styles and qualities; ittinetts; Kentucky Jeans, of all curs and qualities, and at all prices; Oxihurgs, white and colored; Ginghams id Plaids, for dresses; bleached and own Homespuns, of all widths and talities and at all prices; Factory Yarn all numbers; a grent variety of ('-alios, from 11 to 25 cts. per yard; Blanks, grey and tvliite, of all sizes. Ready-Made Clothing, ? ?11 .1 i:J . an Aiuus uuu quuuues, m suns, or ' the single piece. Hats and Caps, c men and boys, all qualities. Boots and Shoes, r ladies, gentlemen, boys and chilen; Congress Gaiters, for-ladies and ntlemen; Travelling Bags and Va}is; Umbrellas, &c. hina, Glass and Crockery. There will also be found a general sortmcnt of HARDWARE, consLtl in part of Trace Chains; Collins' ces; Augers; Brace and Bits; Pad and >or Locks; Screws, of all sizes; Finding Nails, of all Nos.; Pocket and ble Cutlery; Cow, Calf and Sheep lis, Pots, Ovens and Skillets, with my other articles too numerous to ration. Bagging, Rope and Twine, A well selected Stock of Groceries. ited to the market of Camden. 1 do not believe in musng my Goods, I will sell them at the verv lowest Dricea cash?and cash only?or for jountry prose. will be found at my plaoe of businesss m early morning till 9 o'clock at night, fly to serve all who may give mo a call, riinnkftil for past favors, I will endeavor give satisfaction to all who may favor mo h their custom. 'all at the Old Stand on BroadStrcet, (east c,) of 0. ELIAS, Camden, S. C. )cc. 12. tf >rugs & Medicines. Vc are constantly receiving fresh supplies [jure DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, FANCY ARTICLES, AND PERFUMERYv &c. &c. &c. &c. AJNTS, * 013 , V A T3 "MTaXTt^a - W IXAI.A1 AU* * * I K.', WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES. ^-ALSC. DEE WINE AND BRANDY. FOR MEDICAL PURFOSES. KEROSENE LAMPS, Always on hand, in great variety. DIMES, HICKS, BIKINEllS MO SHADES, Of all sorts, sizes and qualities., Superior Kerosene Oil, That will not explode. Patent IScdicincs. of the most popular Patent Mcdines, sold at the lowest prices. IALLENBERGER'S PILLS. Worn* Candy and Vcrmlfnffc. irfumeries & Toilet Articles, Summer and Belle Cologne, Labia's Excts, English, French and American Soap?, ir Dressings and R;storers, Hair Brushes. 9th Brushes, Dressing Combs, &c. &c. French ConfectionaryYe liave iust received anotlier supply of mine French Clirystalized Fruits. 'hysician's Prescriptions Jarefully compounded, and all Medicines it we sell may be relied upon as being FRESH AND GENUINE, 1 will bo sold at the lowest possible prices CASH. IIODGSOX & DUNLAr. Dec. 10. tf Important Notice. LL persons are hereby warned not to L conic upon, or trespass upon our, or any our lauds without special permission.? c law will be enforced to its fullest extent linst offenders. T. J. ANC'RUM, W.A ANTRUM, T. J. ANCRUM, jr A. II. BOYKIN, ,, SAM'L BOYKIN. itlA-NK UUlIUa. auary, 0. 6t. DEKALB HOUSE. HIE Subscriber fakes pleasure in informing his friends and the public generally, it he has re-opened the DEKALB HOUSE rich has been thoroughly renovated, and now ready for the accommodation of tho ivelling public, whose patronage is rcspectlly^soliciteil. Coaches always in readiness to conrey Mongers to and from the Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do all in hia iver for tho comfort of his guests. J. W. HODGERo, Proprietor uj. 22, tr..