The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1866-1891, February 28, 1867, Image 3

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mimammarmmi weaaci im gttasBacCTBKCT^Brcsge la, member of the convention to frame * 'a constitution for any of said rebel States, nor shall anvsnch person vote for members of said convention. Sec. G. And be it further enacted, That until the people of said rebel States shall be by lav.- admitted to rep-, resentation in the Congress of the i United States any civil governments "which may^-cxist therein shall be 1 deemed provisional only, and in all j respects subject to the paramount1 authority of the United States at any ( time to abolish, modify, control, or ; Supercede the, same ; and in ail eiec- 1 Wns to any office under such provi- | sional governments all persons shall ' be entitled t? vote, and none other, ! "who are entitled to vote under the 1 provisions of the fifth section of this j act; and no person shall be e ligibio: to any office under any such pvovi- : sional governments who would be j disqualified from holding office under j the provisions of the third article of said constitutional amendment. TIIE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The following is the ''constitutional amendment" referred to in the preceding bill: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of both Houses concurring), That the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by threefourths of said Legislatures, shall be valid as a part of the Constitution, namely: Article?. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject ?to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall . -make or enforce any law which shall abridge the nrivileffes or immunities of citizens of the United States. Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the liUvs. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to the respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed; but whenever the right to vote at any election for -electors of President and Vice-President or for United States Representatives in Congress, executive and judicial officers, or the members of the Leg is! a- ; ture thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years c? age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in ; rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be rcduc od in tlic proportion wiucl^ trie nuni-1 bcr of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number male citizens twenty-one years of age in that State. Sec. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, elector of President arid Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oatli as a member of -Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any "State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States shall have engaged in insurrec o c tion or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof; but Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each llouse, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for service in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned, bnt neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt ; or obligation incurred in.aid of infiurrectioft or rebellion against the United States; or claim for the loss i or emancipation of any slave, but all ! such debts, obligations, and claims ' shall be held illegal and void. Sec. 5. The Congress .shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. , Issue-of Rations to the Desti- < tute.?Capt. Samuel Place, LT. S. A., ! began the issue of rations to the destitute of this District, on Monday, 11th inst. During the six days sue- < ceding that date, and ending Saturday last, he rationed fourteen white i bales, 10U white females and children, twenty-six colored males and 155 colored females and children, . making 301 persons issued to. To th'csc, in the aggregate, (the rations being for ten days,) 1,515 pounds of pork, 1,200 pounds of corn meal and 1 twenty bushels of corn were issued. Papt. Place has now made requisition 'for jackets, pants, frock and overcoats, brogans, blankets and dress find underskirts, for issue, sparingly, to the destitute. #S'imitcf V,'t(chiuan. .. V?Lll't MIL I. AHUM. ??-P.... m m. ? B^~Wo call attention to the advei*tisement of Messrs. Lathuop, Ludixqtox & Co., in another column, who are among the largest of the Importing and Jobbing Dry Goods Houses in New York. The Memphis Avalanche notices the case of Col. Harbut formerly of the Confederate army, who is nowdying in the City Hospital, in Memphis, from the effects of having swam the Mississippi in escaping from a baud of jayhawkers. After the war, he returned to his home, at Waverly, Missouri, contrary to the advice of his friends, as he had been outlawed by the radical Legislature. He reached the spot to find his dwelling, a smouldering ruin, it having been set oil f.rc, and his children having been uurnci aiive iu it. nmic gathering their remains, lie was set upon by a party of over 100 men, from whom he barely escaped in the. manner stated. Has it come to this, in free America, that the Congress of the United States are debating upon the propriety of a law that shall prevent a supreme judge of the United States from holding court in one-half of the Union, save bj the permit of a wearer of shoulder straps. Is the Chief Justice of the United States to get the gracious authority of a military office to hold his sitting in the Capitol of Virginia? Well inav men ask, "Are we living in v ' ^ O a free republic in the midst of the nineteenth century: or have we been transported back to the violence and intolerance and armed tyranny of the dark ages ??National Intelligencer. .? ? The Scientjic American says that the centre rail, successfully used for heavy grades on the Mount Cenis Haihvav, is an American invention, patented some fifteen years since by Mr. Oeorgv- E. Sellers, of Cincinnati, and practically applied by (lie Coal Iliver Improvement and Coal Company, for overcoming a grade of one hundred and fifty feet to the mile in crossing the eastern barrier of the Shamokin Coal Basin, The following is from the Zanesvillc (Ohio) Times: "Among the marriages occurring in this city last week was one of a highly respectable young woman to an individual who was a Southerner, and at the beginning of the war a slave, notwithstanding the fact of his having, to all appearances, no negro blood in his veins." Camden Price3 Current REV SEO AM CORRECTED WEEKLY, COUNTRY PRODUCE. BACOX, ~i>. ]"> ? So BEEF, 10 ? 12 llLTT KB. a: (o) -iO BEESWAX, 20 (<(, ~i> COTTON. - V (>' ) 2-5 CO'slN, y b;uhd, 1 75 ? 2 00 BOOS, y <<o/.on, 20 ? 23 FODDER, y. 100 lb ? 2 00 FLOUR. suck, 7-00 (,. 10 00 BAY. y 100 lb . ' ? 73 JIIDES, (Orcpii) ~J! Ib 4 ? ? I>0. . (Dry 7 ?, S J. ADD. 13 ? 20 OATS, y bajliul, \>Q ?, 1 23 I'KAS, 1 50 ? 1 75 POTATOES, (Sweet) ? 1 00 *" " V ft AA y' J nil I?w JIV'.ph) o vj (/?; i vw roiuc. (Frcsli) V lb 12 ? 15 MERCHANDIZE. RAGGING, ? yard, 83 ? 40 COFFEE, lb 20 ? 85 CANDLES. 30 ? 45 HERRINGS, 11 box, 1 00 ? 1 25 IRON, ?> S "? 12 MACKAREL 1> barrel, 25 00 ?80 00 DO. kit 3 75 ? 4 25 MOLASSES. %1 gallon, 1 00 ? ? NAILS, ft lb 11 ? 12 POWDER, 75. 1% 1 25 ROPE, . 25 ? 80 SHOT. IS ? 20 TWINE, 40 ? 50 SALT. Ib pack, 4 25 ? 4 50 SUGAR, 11 lb 15 ?. 25 Charleston, February 25.?Cotton.?The market was irregular, tho advantage sometimes being with the buyer, and at others with the seller, the firmness in some transactions being mainly due to the extremely small amount of Cotton offering. The sales were 440 bales. We quote the mar-, kct somewhat unsettled and nominal, 28 to 31. Baltimore, February 25.?Cotton dull; Middling Upland, SO A a 32c. Flour steady. Wheat scarce and" unchanged. Corn, White, 95 a 97; Yellow, 95 a 9oc. New York, Feb. 25. Cotton closed heavy; the sales to1.,-,, onnn vot ri ... sue Hivj )i t/iv; w u(11u-; n v v* ?? ?? j the closing nriee was 31e. Flour O A closed firmer. A\ hoat dull. Corn closed advancing. Pork heavy. Bombay shipments of Cotton for the week ending February 1st. amounted to 20,000 bales. The stock of Cotton in Liverpool on the 9th instant, amounted tooTO,000 bales, of which 23"),000 were American. Liverpool, February 2">.?livening. Cotton dull and declining; Middling Uplands 31 ?d., a decline of ? since the opening sales this morning; sales of the day 3,000 bales. 1 South-Carolina Bureau of Emigration. Chaiu.eston, 21 tla February, 1867. rpHE undersiged, having been appointed t. Commissioner, has been instructed by Ilis Excellency Governor Orrto organize the Bureau at the earliest possible moment. In a few days Agents will bo appointed by the Governor to proceed to Europe, whose duty it will be to induce immigration to our State, to disseminate such information as may be furnished them of lands for sale or lease, and to engage such laborers, mechanics, servants and other help as may be desired by the inhabitants of the State. An Agent for the same object will, perhaps, be sent to Now York. It would be desirable that nil people furnish this Bureau, without delay, with information how they desire to be served, indicating the kind of help they require and the wages which they arc willing to pay; or a description ol'the lands they have for sale or lease, and their terms and conditions. If combinations can be formed in the several districts of the State for joint action, it would, perhaps, facilitate mutual operations; and where arrangements can be made to advance part of the passage money of the laboring immigrants, by accepted orders to that effect on any of the factors or merchants of Charleston, it would no doubt greatly advance the result. If the people that favor this measure would meet at their respective Court-houses to consult, and indicate their wants, this Bureau would take great pleasure in serving their interest to the best of its ability. A pamphlet will bo printedln several European languages for distribution, describing the capacities end advantages of our soil, climate, productions, etc., in which many particulars, that are promptly furnished, may be advertised. The means at the disposal of this Bureau being strictly limited, the kind assistance of the conductors of our public journals is respectfully requested. JOHN A. WAGENER, Commissioner of Immigration. Sg^"All the papers in the State will publish twice and send their bills to the Commissioner. feb 28?2. DRYGTXJDS" SPRING- 1867. LATHPvOP, LUDItfGTON & 00. J?. 326, 328 and330 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Invite the particular uttention of CASH BUYERS, (Jobbers and Retailers) to their stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. All departments arc complete in every respect, particularly that of DRESS GOODS, in which we aref. rom day to dsy, adding the newest and choicest styles. Our stock consists of DRESS GOODS. HUNTS, BLEACHED SHEETINGS, BROWN SHEETINGS. WOOLEN GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. Ufc.i\iS tUK.MSJli.iw UUtJU.S. HOSIERY, MILLINERY GOODS, (.'ARRETS, &c. All which wc offer at the lowest market prices by tiie package or piece. ' Fob. 28. I in KERSHAW-~In Equity. William Z. Lcitner, ct al.) vs. I Bill for Relief. Herman Bautn, ct al. J IN pursuance of an order of Chancellor Lesscsno, made in above stated ease, the creditors of the co-partnership firm of Sutherland & Lemmond arc hereby notified to produce an l prove their claims before me, at my oifice, on or before the first day of May next, or be debarred from receiving the benefit of the said order. J. D. DUXLAP, c. t:. k. n. Comm'rs. Office, Feb, 28* [9 88] 9t. Comm'rs. Office, Feb. 21, 18G7. 3in. KERSHAW-In Equity. Jesse Kilgore, vs. J. IV. Ford. Samuel IJ. Hammond and Mary Adeline his wife, J. Lois McKain, Mary Kilgore, and Jesse J. J. Kilgore. 77/7/ to confirm rule of Land, IT appearing to the satisfaction of the lourt, that Samuel B. Hammond, Mary Adcine, liis wife. J. Lois MoKain, Mary Kilgore Fosse J. J. Kilgore, parties defendant to the ibove stated bill, are beyond and reside with>ut the limits of this State. It is ordered, on notion of Shannon, Compl'ts. Solr., that hey do plead, anwer. or demur to the said )ill within three months from the date of tlie jublication of this order, in default whereof, in order pro confesso, will be taken aganst hem. J- D. DUXLAP. C. E. K. IK Comm'rs. Office, Feb. 21, 18G7. 3in. HARK| HIIS thorough-bred Stallion will staud the 1 ensuing Season (1st March to 1st June,) it. Hobkirk Hill, at twonlv-five dollars in ad nnce. JOHN CANTEY. Feb 21. tf Notice. VD. JONES, Jr., will act as my agent during my absence from the State. . \Y. F. JONES. Feb. P. . -it* KE&SHA W?In Equity. Robert B. Cunningham, ") 'J homns MeDow, Adwrs. Vi'ui. . . Cunningliam, V3. \ Wll'iutn F. .Tones, Rebecca Cunningham, Bill for InjuncCunninghniu B. i.urutcn tioa, to Account, and Mary his wife, et Marshall Assets, a'. Administer InsolWilEam E. Johnson, vent Estate, &c. Tie Bank of .Camden, S. C. Planter's and Mechanic's Bank S. C. ' Thomas et ul. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that Gcr, W. Means ami Thomas, parties defendant to the above stated bill, are beyond and reside without the limits of this State. It is ordered, on motion of Shannon, Compl'ts. Solr., that they do plead, anwer or demur to the said bill within throe months front the date of the publication of this order, in default, whereof, an order pro confcsso, will be tnken against thcin. J. D. DCNLAP, C. E. K. D. Comm'rs. Offioe, Feb. 28, 13G7. 3m, ESTATE SALE. BY permission of A. L. McDonald-Ordinary for Kershaw District, I will otfor for ( sale at the late residence of Angus McLcod, deceased, on Saturday the 23d day of February, inst., the TRACT OF LAND, belonging , to the estate of said deceased, and known as j the McCaskill Place, situated on the waters of Black River, in Kershaw District, con- ( taining 218 acres, more or less, bounded ou ( the south by lands of Jesse Adkinson and J. E. Rodgcrs, west by lands of W. P. Price and Mcrritt Perritt, and north by lands of S. M. Boykin and others. Terms made known on the <lnv of sale. J, E. ltODGEUS, Ex'or. Feb. 1. 3t Estate Sale. r">Y permission of A. L. McDonald, Ordi) nary for Kershaw District, I will sell on Saturday, the second day of March next, at the late residence of Daniel Ileron, of Kershaw District, dee'd., the residue of the stock of Cattle, one Cart, plantation Tools, House holil and Kitchen Furniture. Terms made known on the day of sale. J. 15. RODGEltS, JSx'or, Feb. M. ' 8t 1 I WILL exchange Lumber for Merchandise, t Grain or Provisions suitable to carry 011 1 my business, nt market price. I Nov..23?Cm. rJ E. PARKER. : FERTILIZER. rAPES' NITROGKNIZED SUl'URr NOS- . 1*1 l'HATH OF LI.ME, lor Cotton, Coral Wheat, Vegetable Crops, &c. All of its Phosphates urc in a condition to become quickly soluble in the soil, and available to the crop. The animal matters, bipod n and flesh, yielding ammonia, produce an ear- ^ ly start and vigorous growth, enabling the plant to appropriate phosphates and other valuable ingredients ol' the Fertilizer for the complete developcmcnt of the lint of Cotton, grain of Wheat, and crops generally. Sold-by KINSMAN & HOWELL. Sole Ag;:.; -, Jul East Gey, Charleston, 3. C. MOOT ZION INSTITUTE, WINNSBORO', S CCORPS OF TEACHERS. 0. A. WOODWARD, Principal. Rev. W. P. DCBOSE, I Vssi9tants W. 51. DWIGHT, | Assistants. THE exercises of this School will be resumed the first Monday in February^ TERMS PER SESSION : Board with tuition in all the branches, except Philosophy, Chemistry & French, Si 30 00 " " " each 15 00 Students required to furnish bed linen, covering and towels. For further information apply to the Principal. . Jan. 11?3m. Notice. I WILD sell before the Court House, in C'amdcu, on the first Monday in 'lurch next, between the hours of 11 A. M., and 3 P. M.. to he highest bidder, for cash, one Turpentine Still, put up near W. E. Hughes' Mill. Levied on and to be sold to foreclose a mortgage executed by Win. R. Sykes to D. , D. Hocott and George Aldon. E. E. SILL, Agvnt for G. Alden. Feb. 11. [3*25] 3t Notice IS hereby given, that at the expiration of three months, I will make application for the renewal of Rail Road Script (which has been mislaid or destroyed,) No. 189; for seven shares Camden Branch, old stock, dated January 25, 1857. ' -v JESSE TRUEijDELL. T!W 91. mflni* Notice. HAVING placed a portion of my Notes and Accounts in the hands of Wm. M. Shannon, Esq., for settlement, persons interested, arc referred to him. It is desirable to avoid suits as much as possible, ami I am confident that arrangements satisfactory to all, can be made by consulting with Mr. S., if done before Return Day. 12. W. BONNEY. ' Feb. 21. 3t Notice. I do hereby l'orbid'all persons from trading with or purchasing any thing whatever, from my wife, Gillie Outlaw*. WILEY OUTLAW. Feb. 21. St MILLS HOUSE, Corner of Meeting and Queen Sts. CHARLESTON, S. C. rPIIIS well known first class Hotel, has just 1 been thoroughly repaired, refitted and re-furnished, and is now ready for the accommodation of the travelling public, whose patronage is respectfully solicited. Merchants visiting the city, arc respectfully invited. Every accommodation will be afforded them. Coaches always in readiness to convey passengers to and from I lie Hotel. The Proprietor promises to do all in his power for the comfort of his guests. JOSEPH PUUCJ2LL, Proprietor. January 1st, 1807, om Notice to Guardians, Trustees, and Receivers. ALL Guardians, Trustees, Receivers and others persons who arc required to account to my otfico, are hereby warned to make their returns on or before the day of April next. Rules will be issued against ull who fail. J. D. DUNLAP, C. E. K. D. Conim'rs. Oificc, Feb. 11. IN EQUITY-KersHaw. Ex Parte: Simeon Faih, Solicitor. lit11 to J'crpefuate Testimony. T \MIEJ1EAS, G. V. Axckeh has applied H to me to perpetuate testimony in regard to the Deed of Release hereinafter described. Title from Thomas Mason to G. V. Ancker, for lot situated in the town of Camden, bounded on the north l?y premises of Wm. E. Hughson, on the cast by Lyttlcton street, and on the west by lands of Miss H. H. DeLeon. All parties having a like or opposite interest, awl desiring to come forward and cross-examine the evidence which mny be prodnccd, fire warned to appear before the Commissioner in liquify at his ofiice on Wednesday, the 27th day of March next, when such evidence, if not rebutted, shall be recorded. J. D. LTXLAP, C. E. K. D. Feb. 14. Gt* KERSHAW-In Equity. William E. Johnson and Anna .', his W fe. vs. Robert J. Cunningham, Samuel Hood and Amanda his wife, Brown and Amelia his wife, Israel McD. Hood nnil Henrietta his wife, Israel Hjo I an 1 T'.li W. Bonney. Bill to marahul assets, administer insolvent estate, for injunction, v, IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Robert J. Cunningham, Samuel Hood and Amnnda, his wife, Brown and Amelia, his wife, and Israel Hood, parties defendant to the above stated bill, arc beyond, and reside without the limits of this State: It is Ordered, on motion of Shannon, Comp. Sol. that they, do plead, answer or demur to the said bill within three months from the date of the publication of this order, in default whereof, an order pro confcsso, will be entered nganst them. J. D. DUNI.AP, C. E. K. J). *' Kershaw--In Equity. W. Z. Leitner, et el.") vs. > Bill for Relief. Herman Eaum, et til. J IN pursuance of a decretal order in the above case made, I will offer for sale on the first Monday in March next, at public outcry, before tho Court House door in Camden, the following property belonging to the co-partnership firm of Sutherland & Lemmond, viz: One tract of Tine Land, containing three thousand acres, with a Steam Saw and Grist Mill attached, situated on the waters of Pine tree Creek, about three miles north-cast of Camden: bounded west by Lancaster Road, cast by Hughes' and Culburn's land, north by Cantey's and Kershaw's land, and south by the village ^f Kirk wood. ALSO, About two thousand feet of sawed lumber, . one Log Cart und oue old Wagon, one Turpentine Still, about six bales of Cotton in the Seed, and a lot of Corn. ' TERMS.?One sixth cash, the balance on a credit of one year with seven per cent, interest from the day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser, mortgage of tlic property and personal security. Purchasers to pay for papers. J. 1). DUNLAP, Feb. 8,?td. ? E. K. D. Sheriff's Sales. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, \ fitMORV. Fob. fith. 18H7. . f BY virtue it sundry writs of fi. fa. to ine direc/ed, I will sell before the Court House in Cumleji on the first Monday in March, next witlun the legal hours of sale the following property, to wit: One Lot with two otore Houses, and Outbuildings thereon, situated in the Town of Camden, on the west side of Broad-street, known and distinguished in the plan of 9aid town as Lot number eleven hundred and seventy-seven (1177) fronting on Broad-street sixty-six (G6) feet, and running back two hundred (200) feet. Levied upou and to be sold (subject to a mortgage,) at the suit of the Bank of Camden, S. C. vs. W. F, Perry, Indorser, and for taxes for the year 1805. Thirteen (13) Vacant Lots situated in the Town of Camden, and known and distinguished in the plan of said town ai hereinafter described, lo-wit: Three (8) Lots, Nos. 28, 20, and 80, fronting on Broad-street (east side,) one hundred and ninety-eight (108) feet, and running back two hundred and sixty-six (2GG) feet?three (3) Lots,' Nos. 44, 45 and 40, fronting on Market-street, (west side,) one hundred and ninety-eight (108) feet, and running back two hundred and sixty-six (2GG) feet?six Lots, Nos. 231. 232, 233, 234, 285 and 23G, fronting on Church-street, (west side,) three hundred and ninety six (390) feet?Ihreo (3) of sstid Lots, Nos. 281,232, anil 233, run back two hundred and sixty-six (200) feet, and three (3) of said Lots, Nos. 234, 235 and 130, run buck one hundred and ninety-eight (108) feet, undone Lot, No. 237, fronting on Bull-street, sixty-six (00) feet, and running back two hundred (200) feet. Levied upon as the property of'Jcsse >S. Nettles, dccuasd, at the. suit of John M? DcSsiussurc, ct al. and for taxes for the year 1805. One House and Lot in the Town of Camden on the cast side of main street in Log-Town, in which the defendant now resides, known niid distinguished ill the plan of said Town, us Lot No. seven hunnred and sixty-nine, (709) fronting on main street, one hundred (100) feet, and running back three hundred nnd twenty-two (322) feet, bounded north by Mrs. F. Lee's premises, and south by Maj. John Rower's premises. Levied upon as the property of Janics V. Sutherland, at- the suit of Herman Baum, ct. al. One vacant Lot the Town of Camden, bounded west by Lyttleton street, north by King street, cast by Fair street, ami south by vacant jlois, Known or aesignaieu as Chosmit's Lot. Levied upon as James F. Sutherland's property, at the suit of Herman Baum et. al. AT.Sf), One vacant Lot in the Town of Camden, on the west side of Main street in the extreme southern portion of the Town, near the old Grave Yard, bounded cast by Main street, south by Wat croc street, west by Church street, and north by Meeting street, known the Brick Yard. Levied upon as James F. Sutherland's property, at the suit of Herman Baum, et. al. E. E. SILL, Feb. S?td. Sheriff, K. D. For Sale or to Lease. ACTvES nf Laml, on Twenty t/Uv Five Mile Creek, half way between Camden and Columbia, on the Itice Creek Springs road, adjoining lands of Gen. J. D. Kennedy, one hnndred acres cleared, and well adontc l to the culture of cotton an I provisions. Mr. H. Nettles, on Gen. Kennedy's plantation, will show the land to persons desirous of examining it. For further particulars, apply as the Jour, nal Office, Camden. Feb. 8. 3t JGSJ"* South Carolinian insert 3 times and . send bill to this office." Dickson's Improved COTTON SEED. VN Agency for the sale of the aborc Seed having been established at the Journal Office, parties desiring to purehase oan have their orders filled at Mr. Dickson's prices, with the expenses of transportation added. J We can exhibit numerous certificates as to tlieir superiority over other seed. Maj. Beair, of this place, permits us to say that he has \ been planting Dickson's Improved Seed for * * - -- 1 J e ,1 1 i lie nisi seven or eigm. years, mm u?u iuuuu them superior to Boyd's Prolific, or any other variety used by him. Persons desirous of obtaining them would ' do well to hand in their orders early, as Mr. Dickson's supply is limited, and the demand for them very great. Feb. 1. THE MOST CONCENTRATED ' FERTILIZER, For Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Vegetable \ Crops, fro. 1 MAPES' Nitrogenizcd Super Phosphate of * Lime, stood the drouth better than Pe- * ruvian, American or any of the various Gua- * nns used in the vicinity. The cotton held its bolls better. KINSMAN & HOWELL. Sole Agents. ' ]~Sj Hast Bay, Charleston, S. C. ^ J AS. 0. 3I0FKKTT. Wit. A. EOTLE. ^ MOFFETT & BOYLE, \ F* ^ 01? o ITS. ?, AND 'J Oommi^sion Meroliants, " BOYCE & CO'S. WHARF, ClfA RLESTOX, S. C. Liberal advances on till consignments. Feb. 1. - m. [1 T^RESlfGARDEN SEEDS and i Onion fteits, nf all kinds. For sale by JLfjDGSON A h i. A LAP. Photograph Gallery, . SPECIAL NOTICE I have this day associated with me'-in the' Photograph and Amhrotype business, Mr. .. W. S.' LEE, of this Town. Mr. L. has had long experience in the art, in the principal cities of Germany, and haying recently returned from that country, brings with him all tue late European improvements. Feeling thnfidont of pleasing, we respectfully ask the patronage ol'our friends and the public gen. crully. H. C. BURR. Jan 2o,?if, An Ordinance To'rnise supplies for the year 1867. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Intendant and Wardens of the Town of Camden. South Carolina, in Council Assembled, and by the authority of the same: That the ;following taxes be, and are hereby assessed for the current year. That is to say. On the value of all improved town Lots, one dollar per one hundred dollars of the assessed value of the same,-and one per cent additional on the value thereof for a Well tax not to exceed four dollars on any one lot; on all sales of goods, wares and merchandise within the said town dui'ing the year one thousand eight hundredv, and sixty six, one dollar per one hundred dollars of the amount thereof; on the nH income on factorage, employments, faculties and professions (including dentistry) .exer- cised within the said town within the year last aforesaid, one dollar per one hundred dollars. On each wagon drawn by four or more horses, and let our for hire, ten dollars; on pfich wairnn drawn hv fmir mhuim Iiamm ? ? ~ ?jr vv* uiWtV. WVUOVO and used exclusively by the owner, five dollars ; on each wagon drawn by two or three horses,.andjct out for hire, five dollara; -on each wagon drawn by two or three horses, and used exclusively by the owner, three dollars; on each one horse wagon or cart lct/mt for hire, two dollars and fifty cents ; on each one-horse wagon or cart used exclusively by the owner, one dollar; on each pleasure carriage or buggy or other vehicle drawri by one horse, two dollars and'fifty cents; on each pleasure carriage or buggy drawn1 by more than one horse, five dollars; said ta* tobe levied on all vehicles habitually employed in the Town of Camden, whether owned by a * resident or-non-rcsident, a^id whether drawn by a horse or horses or other animals; on all male residents of the said Town bctwpepfbe ages of sixteen and eighteen, .and forty-Ivo and sixty years, a capitation tax offive dollars each ; on all male residents between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, a capitation tax of ten dollars each; anil on all such residents over sixty years.of. age, being owners of real estate in the said town, five dollars each; on all non-residents engaged in selling goods by sample >. or |othcnvisc, a tax of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars per, wecb, payable in advance, the actual amount to bo paid by each to be assessed by the Tax Col; lector; on all transient dealers'in prbduco purchasing for other warhfts, twenty-^vo dollars each; for every dog of any description owned or kept within the said town, one dollar each; for keeping a billiard table, fifty dollars for a license; for a license'to retail snirituous Honors wi'Hiin flir? ooirT hundred dollars, to he paid quarterly in advance; for an auctioneer's license, twenty dollars, and in each and every case where a license is required by this act, an additional charge of five dollars for the Clerk of Council shall be paid by the party applying ;for bucIi licenseon all sales made within the town, one per cent of the amount thereof to be returned and paid quarterly to * the Cerk of Council by the Auctioneer; on all itinerant Venders within the said town, one dollar each, to be paid quarterly in advance; on all public shows and cntcrtamnient3 for hire, except those for a charitable purpose, twenty dollars for each day during which the same may bo exhibited or kept open ; for forging any bills or orders on the Corporation, a fine of not less than ten dollars for each otfence; all fines or forfeitures not paid, to be included in the annual taxation ; all returns of taxes to be made on oath without distinction of persons. RATIFIED in Council this twenty-ninth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven, and in the ninety-first year oftho sovereignty and independence of the United States of America. J. A. YOUNG, , Intendant. J. A. SCIIROCIC, Clerk of Council Feb. 1, 4t. Town Taxes. ~^j"OTICE is hereby th:it tlie Books for the _l.1 collection of Town Taxes will be opened at the Council Chamber on Monday, the 11th day of February, inst., and will be kept open until the loth of March next.. Office Hours?from 9 o'clock, a. m. until 2 o'clock, p. m. By order of Couneil, J. A. SCIIHOCK, T. C. K Feb. 1, 4t Imported Grarden Seeds. A large supply for sale at The Camden Journal Officey Embracing the following varieties: ~~ ^ be.vx.s Kohlrabbi, (or. Turnip Earl;/ Mohawk Rooted Cabbage Early Valentine Cabbage Leltnce Dutch Cote Knife beefy White Fat hone Pint Apple Musk Melon. Large Lima Green Citron Do Small Lima Mountain Water Melon, beets ice Cream Da. . ' Extra Early Turnip Drown Mustard Early Blood Turnjp Curled Paxsleif. r.<Mi/i 131 r\o/I """""J ' "?7' Smooth Blood Improved Okra . corn Large Mountain Pepper Mammoth Sugar peas King Philip McLane's Advancer cabbage Daniel 0'Rourke Karig York Tom Thumb Large Earlg York Jilue Dwarf ImperialEarly Jlaltersea Champion of England Early French Ox heart Harrison's Perfected* Early Savoy Blue Pnissian Early Winningstadt White Marrowfat Large Late Drumhead bad is ft Late Drumhead Savoy Long Scarlet Short Top Large Late Flat Dutch Scarlet Turnip 7rem Glaze Salsify 7ol/ard Pound Leaved Spinach cvct-mtver Early Bush Squash White Spilled Boston Marrow Do Long Green Large Smooth Tomato Edrlg Frame Feejee. Tzland Do carrot Red Top Spring Turnip Long Orange. White Flat Do Early Horn Yellow Do Egg Plant Rata Baga The above Seeds arc from the well-known stabli.'Siment of .). M. Thorburn & Co.. and re warranted fresh. Feb. 1. T. W. PEGGES. "" NOTICE, \LL persons having claims against John P. Kirkland, dce'd will present them uly attested, and those indebted will make inmediate payment. C. L. DYE. J. THOMPSON. Jan. Uj It lix'ors;