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* ^ %\\tCeimftcn Journal V(")LUMEg i A tl"l:N- SOUTH-CAKOLLVA. JAN'Ii AIJVg ' \, MKVH7. ^SHgg.iiaaaBBwaM???? THE CAMDEN JOURNAL * i?ritr.f*iiKi> nv WARRKX & PRICE. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL If published lit Tlire" Dollars ninl lilty t fill", il in advance, or Knur L?"!i:ijN il |'u\meld is delayed !" ?r lliree months.TUB WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published : ! Two Hollars if paid in ehitiiee. or Two Dollars a ml Fifij teats. if payment i-> <!?l;i y.-?l lor Six mouths, ail i I hrec Dollars. if not )?. id until the > in! oi iInyvar. ADVr.itT.' -li'dEVl'S will !???inserted nt tin- following rates: For iff yitrs .1! lines or less'; jn i lit* senii-weekly. one do!!<:r f?r 'lie first. ami twenty-five cents for cadi tillllSfll'.fllt io-i'lliojl. In tin* we-';!j. seventy-five cents per square for the fir-t. tin 1 thirty-?""* i a a hall cent? forearh subsequent in* s< r:!on Single insertionsone dollar per sipinre. The iiumn-r of insertions desired, and the edition 10 j If published in. must lie noted on the margin of all tuher- j tisfiiients. ur they will he inserted s?*mi-\veekly until ordered to l?e discontinued. nho chnnrcd accordingly. Smiui-inoiithly, ino.-iihir and quarterly advertisetneiits charged tire same as for a sii^le-iiitcriinu. j fCje-All communications by mail must be post-jiaid ot , teenre attention. | Tlie follow in-: gentlemen nre Agents for the Journal: i U m. C. < '\ston. (.enernl Agent. Col. T.W. IIukv. Jaeksonham. Lancaster Diet. S. H. Uosskk. Esq., l.anra?ter\ tile, S. C. C. Mc'-rcmmkn. Carthage. N. \V.(\ Aloo'SK. H<q., (*mii:k-ii. S. Pwlraj't'-iv ar>* requested itiaotsv" ?>ur As?*?ils. I'nim ihf li/vrir.itioiuil. FRIENDSHIP. r?V WILLIAM C. KK'HAKDS. ll->\r of* the burdened heart would sink Iu fathomless ?i> .-j air. But lor an angel on the lirink? In mercy standing there : An angel bright with heavenly light? And born of loftiest skies Who shows her I ice to mortal race, In Friendship's holy guise. I Upon the brink of dark despair, With smiling face she stands; And to the victim shrinking there, Outspreads Iter eager hands* In accents low that sweetly tiow To his awakening ear, She woes him hack?iiis deathward track, j Toward Hope's effulgent sphere. Sweet Friend-hip! let trie daiiy give Thanks ?o my God Ibr thee! i Without thy smiles t'were death to live, And joy to cease to he: Oh, bitterest drop in woe's full cup? To have no friend in need ! To struggle on, with grief alone? Were agony indeed! BLITZ i'N^N OMMSH'S. A night or two since,^ lllit'/, the renowned ! magician ::iu! vehltihupiist, took a seat in an | omnibus containing seven or eight passengers. j The conch had only proceeded a couple of j squares, when the il.ivcr heard some one ex- \ cl.sim? 'Hold no?hold iij), I say!" The horses were stopped ami John looked around smilingly lor Hi- passenger, but none appeared. ith an immodest exclamation, he g;jfcered up his reins android "get up.*' Pretty sooy oueeried out-"Stop. diiver, stop!*' I The tliiver again s opped, and looked down ; into the roach, and inquired what was wanting. The passengers eyed each other, as much as to any, "I <li<l*nt speak." Again the coach rolled on, only to ho ed at next corner In* the heart-rending squeaking of a poor run over pig. I.i>ta;itiy eaeli head was thurst out of tin* uituious I<? behold | the death struggles of the grunter, hut no grant or was seen. In another minute some one ex ! claimed in a gruff voice ? "Keep of1" my toes!" Ixvpry one looked around, hut in vain, for 1 the man with the damaged toes. The passengers were completely hewilde?ed. At hie next crossing tiie coach stopped to take in a lady, i Hardly had she taken her teat, before she exclaimed? *'Jjct me he?keep your hands oil' intd" The gentleman seated next to her, said very innocently. "I did'nt touch you madam." And the driver looking down, shouted ? "Look-a-hero, in there: If you're gentlemen, I'd tlumkyou not to take improper liberties' with the lady passeugers?it won't do!" The lady made an observation, as the-coach , rolled on, hut she was not understood. They had scarcely gone a .square further, when the ! passengers were startled- by the cries of an in- ! Imi?# lnil.iatlv nil M-|ia VVl'PO iivod iiiioii Jl lllill ' die aged gentleman, who had a carpet bag on | his lap. The man Mushed, and stammered out a barely intelljgiMe? "What the mice is all this about?" "Let me out!" aci-earned a Judy. "Murder? shouted a boy on the steps, while | three or four tugged lustily on the strap. "What is the matter in there?" inquired the ' J rivt?r ''Matter enough," replied the gentleman, "take my fare out of this quarter." "Keep your hand out of my pocket," pro ! reeded from some Ohe. "Did you address me, sir?' asked another. "I did'ut speak at all," gravely replied the man with the quarter. "Because, sir, no one shall, with impunity,! accuse?" Again the baby w - heard to cry. "Shttin?!" said some one. "Who vvould have believed it?'' remarked * fknnothcr, while a third (lilitz of course) shook the omnibus with a horse laugh. Thinking he ** had Jun enough, the ventriloquist paid his fare I ami jumped out of Hhe omnibus. Scarcely ' l.jd" ke reached t!.a side-walk, however,' ln-fore the driver heard the word "hold uj!" limn four quarters in as many seconds, but not a passenger could he discern. filled with wonder, he hurried on his way B!itz is a great fellow ?P . it. City Item. I believe there is no vainer sorrow than sorrowing for the dead. Jf the past be unalterable, and the future inexorable, then is lamentation over the I tier vanity irsell; hut in truth we mourn not for the dead, bat after the dead and for ourselves. And this, too, is vain?a weakness of our nature, to he indulged it) only so far as it sanctifies and improves us, to he mastered when it would enfeeble our minds or prostrate our energies. I like not the custom of the Hebrews who honored their dead with waitings. I would prefer to struggle for the composure of feelings that will permit me to roeur with pleasure to all the endearing recollections which restore Jo me my fiieiul, unalloyed with gloom or repining. There are few to whom time does not at length bring this tranquility?he is the wisest who c.iii reach it soonest. 1 snail iel deatli rob me of as little as 1 can. If lie take the body that I loved, I shall not sutler him to mar my sj.irit's intercourse with that of the departed?with that 1 shall hold converse in mv lonely rambles, and in w atches of the night. I will cling to all the eodeaiiug and cnduiing memories that make it oftentimes sweeter to think upon the dead than to commune with the living?Dublin I diversity Magazine. | Err'temrnl at Monroe. B' tier C.mnti/. Chin. I ?Attempt to fiiirn flic OiJrl I'r limes' Hull. Jlofrl. <^v\?We learn from .Mr. Kilolien, baker of this ; city, who was at Monroe at the time, that meat 1 excitement prevailed there on account of an attempt to burn the Odd Fellows' Hall, where Miami Lodge meets, and the Telegraph House ou .Sunday morning January 5th. The lodge room was burnt thronjh tlicfl >or and of course the clothing and other m;.L-iia)y, and we fear, the records nr.* destroyed. Great exiiteu cut prevailed, because if the Telegraph House lad burned, it is presumed, from i its position, other buildings would have taken I fire, and the whole place reduced to ashes; and i what s the excitement still higher,a minor ! prevailed that a person interested in some way I i:i flic insu jiikv of the hotel, (wliir.h bv-tlie-hye | has been c njitv some time,) was knowing of and coimi.ed at tlie destruction of tlie edifice, ia order to get tlie insurance money! The citizens were inncli incensed, and talked of offering one thousand dollars reward for tlie iueeiidiary.? ( i.rinnati Commercial. WoviVtenrri..?The 6 Viiinah Republican, in ic? account of the proceedings of the Co . v ntiou, on'iiti' n? hi a r"iu:iikal?!e f;ct, tic t !?irinir all 'he di?ru?-ion iijion the icsolutiou , a )(l all the P oC'ediegH of tlie ColllUliltee, the 8 U'e o! I*' ul Carolina and the Na?hvi |e < onv ntioii. were rot alio'erl to. Woiniertnl, tr .1 ! We r.g< ire die Rep iblieau ill it Sooth Carolina and ihe niei-b is of the Nadiv lie 1 Convention, are too p oil I, and loo true lo lln* nit ie.?!< of the Sooth, not to consider the oniis-i- ii a compliment. Thr WroflJiicst Man in C'Tf ^'in.--A Jen. Hart well II. Tarver, of Twiggs Co. Heorgia, is the largest slaveholder, it'not the wealthiest man i:i the State. He owns a thousand negroes, and fifty 'iiou-aud aeres of land, divided into ten p!.itii'ilioas, in Twiggs, Pulaski, Houston and Italu-r eonnties, yielding two thousand hales ot cotton annually. At l~ cents per II*.itis cm i will h.-iag ? 10S.I))). lie recently i dded In his e-tafe a tract of*2.'!"*() acres, in ISitike eo. purchased at 'S1 f).*i.*> per acre or for ?31,000. Peter put up a: a hotel one night, which they fold hi.ii, was patronized hv the hig hugs, Peter found it so. and tin* next morning sloped, ami found another hotel, as he said lie preferred to palroni/. a tavern where hugs were not quiet so hig. Wir.i) (' vr.?The famous Indian chief, who j has formed a settlement in .Mexico, has heen i apj.oi.ited, we see, a justice of the Peace hv the | Mexican < overmiieiit. He recently took with 1 ' ' '' * ..1.......... .. t.ittnKni* ill* n/nrcAiic *1111! I 111111 I run J /II IV <111 il IMIIIIi'V I VI in j^i UV.J , imliatts. They arc In have implements ol*litis- j I) andry, mitl a certain portion of land given tiicm i on condition that they cultivate il and oheythe laws. Another oliject is to defend the Mexican frontier from the incursions of the Canianches. '1 his settlement may vet he a matter of some importance to Texas if a larg* body of free negroes and Indians should he settled near our western boundary. They should he well ' watched hy the military stationed in Texas, J and for the lirst'uttcinpt to commit depredations, | in our slates, should lie severely punished. It is intimated that a scheme is <m foot to increase lie settlement hy running slaves from Texas. If W illi Cat should attempt to establish a rendezvous for runaways on the border of Texas, similar to that which existed in the Seminole nation under the renowned Ksl>: hi sir chief, Abraham, previous to the war of 18dt?, lie will find his new home too hut for him. The facilities afforded runaway negroes for incorporutins; themselves with the Indians, and the proti'i-finii iriven to them hv the nation, was a source of much annoyance to the .Slate ot Alabama and (ieorgia as well as I" lorada. A negro who succeeded in making his way to the nation, adapted their dress and language, and in the space of a few months became so thoroughly harhari.inized that it was almost impossible for the owner to identify him. 'l'hey found the indolent habits of the savages much to their taste and soon became the most influential characters and the experlest thieves in the nation. They of course all had nominal owners among the Indians, who had as little regard for the rights of property or the requirements of the Constitution, as t'.lP Abortionists t'>rnse?vf?s NEW STORE. THE subscriber is now opening a large assortment ofWrocerios ai!<l Maple* Goods, in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for rash. Those wishing to purchase would de well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, of the following, viz: Ixmf,Crushed, Ground and Granulated ^'ujcrars S ("mix. I'orto Itico, and New Orleans do N\v Orleans, Muscovado nrid Cuba Molasses Ju\u. Lnguimand Kio Coffee Gunpowder, Young Hyson and ISlnrk Tea* j Sjierm. Adamantine and Tallow Candles No. 2 and 3 Barrels, Half and Quarters Wine, Soda and Butler Biscuit- and Cheese I Snap and Starch, assorted , l'cpiter, Spice, Ginger. Nutmegs. Mace and Clu?es t'ovder. Shut and Farad Hardware. Cutlery. Nails and Casting* I'aints, Linseed Oil, Sperm. Oil and V\ in Oiu. A LSO? Blenched ami unbleached Shirtines nnd Sheeting* Blankets. Bed Ticks. Apron Checks and burg* Tugellter with u large :i**crtment of Cttg^iug, Kept' ittttl Twine. J. W. BRADLEY. Camden. S. C. Sept. 23. ?J? ' - *' ?-?! Atknv Dr/v/1 nno_ 117'laui piUU luru'lldll ttuu viud M. 1VUMW. I 5 ~n^.cv^-r> i fl^HK subscribers have now completed, and offer il fur sale, one of tlie most extensive and Lest I selected stocks of HARDWARE ever brought to I this market, embracing every article which, from a long experience, tliey have found was wanteJ here, . and alto such new inventions as they think | would he likely to he wanted. In al ost all | instances, thej have fij'bought directfrom the ling lish and American inaiiiifacturers,.rw and can conj sequently sell as low as Goods ol the same quajliIV can be *?ad elsewhere. As they cannot, through | the medium of an advertisement, give any idea of i the extent and vane y of their stock, they would j solicit a call, when purchasers can judge lortl.einI selves. | When the Hardware for a building, or whole j setts ol Tools arc wanted, a liberal discount will ! j be made. Mo DOW A LL & COOPER. | Dec 17. 'J3 if Fresh Groceries. i . _. ... :_..J ...j f j r I MlEi suoscriuers nave ju>i rwivru uiu j?#i j J. sale the following articles, viz: 1 Dried Beef; smoked Halibut I KisNo. 1 .Mackarel Quarter barrels do. Barrels No. 3 do. Chemical, Rmso and Castile Soaps Dotted Yarmouth Herrings Lemon, Drum' and l'ine Apple Preserves Boxes small size English Dairy Cheese Boxes lai'-v >i?:e ( h. ese. j Dec.!). >11 AW & AUSTIN. KBCiS" superior Cut Nails tor sale low lV M/ far Cits S. E. CAPERS. Annutto (.'onperus. In I I ?r??, I.OgWOod, ilaifler, White l.ead, Linseed (til. Turpentine, , Window (i..ise, Lamp Chimneys, Solar Oliib'sf, Solar Wicks, S.ior.n Oil, Solar Oil, Castor Oil, Epsom Salts etc. &c. A full ,*iill Iresli supply ol ali the above articles j list received, and lor sale by SC'jit. till. /,. J. UEll.l l DLLr>lI,\.4TIM> ^!>iril 4rii*> or BSnviiiss:? Fisiad, Lamps, Wicks &c. ^1110 subsrrilier lias ju?i received from Haitij JL more, mn elegant assortment ot (JIass ami Mei talic .Spirit (ias I.imps Wicks &c. In a few days lie will also have a supply of tii?- Burning Fluiil, j to all o! which lie mvjtes lite aitcii'.iou of those 111 | want, and his friends generally. v.. J. DI-HAY. ^a'.v Mill Irons. SI'RDL'CjI! I' ("ranks, c.h?i (jielgeons, Segments, ; Ir Rag Wheels and Wrtys, wrought I'ilmans , (with lirass law's) .Stirrups, hogs. Feed Hands, I tiuid Roih. Also, wide and nairow Mill Saws j ' ami six lo I cross-rut Saws; SAW (jUM.MKKS, Files, A c. M ? !>() WALL & ? OOI'ER. Bacon Hams and Pickled Beef. II!,.]-. tin.- Iirit'ht W. Sides; choice Ham* l'\,'ion market l'ickled Beet; Macknrel No. 1. Dec. 13. KUirr. LATTA. Flour, Flour. Ulils. Baltimore Floor i " Extra Family do Hat's Buckwheat do warranted. A variety of < lackers. Dec. 13.' ROBT. I.ATTA. I.^XTin FVMfl.V ri.OCIl?na.itlirr lot in BVjriliK ! j received and for salt* l>y SHAW A: AUSTIN. INF. IllISll I'OTATOKS?A few MiN. just received 1 by _ SIJAU & AUSTIN. PICKI.KD SALMON?No, I in Kits, fur rale by SHAW & AUSTIN r'KI.KI) HI'.KF?Crime inef-s No. I fnr>?lehy SIIAW & AUSTIN 5 lies* Malaga Grapes, Ibrsale by sIIAVV A. ALSTIN. I MIRSIF Raisins in Imll nnd quarter boxes, at V SHAW A AUSTIN'S. Ih^xcs inula!ion CIippnp, nt ZO MI.WV A .M STIN'8. AFRESH lot sugar cured J lams received and ll.r sale by Si J AW & AUSTIN. Oct. 28. " 85 Fresh Garden Seeds, mi IF, subscriber lias just received a fresh and I lull supply of every variety of OAKDEN SEEDS, which can he depended upon, consisting in i,art of earlv .Mohawk. French, sneckled. yellow six weeks, early white ami cranberry MEANS, Bishop's early prolific, early charlton, ilwarl'strawberry ami tall marrowfat PEAS; early May, early York, early Dutch, early large York, sugar-loaf^ drumhead, Battersea, green glazed ami moiiiitaiii CABBAGES; long hlood, white sugar and turnip BEETS; Brocoli, ('arrets, Cauliflower, Celery, Collards, Cucumber, Squash, Egg J'lant, Lettuce, Kale, Sugar (.'orn, Parsley, Parsnip, white and brown Mustard, Okra, Onion Buttons, Bell Pepper, sweet Spanish Pepper, Radish, ?*orly spring Turnip, Vegetable Oyster, Spinage, Tomato, Hemp and Canary Seed?also, an assortment ol choieo i'LOWER SEEDS. For sale by " t\ L. ZEMP. n .c-jvr 9 r, \f Notice. ALL persons having any claims against the ; Estate of the late Mrs. Martha E. Wilsi n deceased, will present them properly .attested, and those indebted will make immediate payment to to Mr. John Bowser, who is authorized to actus agent in my absence. PAUL T. V1LLEPIGUE, Admr. j Nov. 12, 1650. ttO wtf. Notice. IWFI L open the Tax Books belonging to the Town of Camden, on tbe lirst day of January 1*51, lor the purpose"<>f collecting the taxes, and will keep open the same until the first day of" March, ensuing, at which time they will be closed and all defauters dealt yvith according to law. By order of council, 1, W. BALLARD, Town Treas'r. December 31 tlin , Notice. i WILL be sold on the first M< hday in Fobrua- J rv next, tbe House and Lot formerly be longing to llie Kev J.mien Jenkins. Terms, une third cash, the balance in one and two yearn, | ur? chaser to pay lor papers. JOS. G. JENKINS. \ Dec: 30?w-lt VV.M. A. MOOREB- ' Notice. THIS is to forewarn all persons from trading i with my wife Mary, as she has left my bed and hoard without a cause, and I will not pay any j debt she may contract. his ISOM G. X TURNER, mark. Dec. 19, 1850. pdg5 100 j\oticc. MY Bov, LEWIS, having left my premises without any punishment, on the 25th inst. ' any information which may be given relative to his whereabouts will be thankfully received, and sa- | lisfactory compensation given. He is about 13 years old, a little tinged with yellow, and might be | a tolerable plow hand; slow of speech. He belonged to the estate of Mrs. Marti a C. Wilson, dec'd., and was sold in Camden, on the 14th inst. Address tlie subscriber at .S.vil't Creek, Darlington D.strict, S. C. JONATHAN WRIGHT. December 20. 1(>2 if JOHN B, DSSAUSSURE, Adpcr's WBaarf, Charleston, S. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his care, and to the selection and filling ef orders. sept. 13. 72 Gm "paul"TTillepigueT FACTOR, And General Commission merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CI.iberal advances made on consignments of Pro- i | ducc, and prompt attention given to the forward- | i ing of Goods, at the lowest rates. Aojr 20. (>8 j KOBKRT LATTA, Late af the firm cf Dickson & Latta, TlrOULD Respectfully inform his friends and T T the public generally, that he is now receiving n variety of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, which he will sell l<ar for cash?Two doors above the : Planters' Hotel, and imrnediaiely opposite James ihinlap's, esq. Camden. S. C.Dec, in, 1850. 97 To Stent. riat r t 'I' u.:..i. i ... 1 I * 'ij.% I 1*1 i? i\ ia>niiii^ ?> r in niurr* u? i nr- . J. "Maiison House." now occupied l?y 'I'. Bon- 1 neJI. Aptdv to J. Jt KKKSHAW, Hx'or. J)ec 21* 101 If Land for Sale, In Gtsiiiiy-Laurunter JOistrict. I). 1\ IJiisIi vs Wi'liani (i. Karnes?Bill to subro- : gate and sell Ileal Kstnle. LTNDKK lhe Decree o.' tae (,'otirl of lupiitv in j J above case, I wii! sell at Lancaster court ! house on the lirst Monday, 'lie third day o! February H51, the Tract nj'J/iiifi silua'e in said < istru t, originally granted to Jonathan Douglass. 7th .May. 17^7, and sold by the Cornnii-sinner as 'he j ileal Iv-iat' <?f James Douglass, and bought by M. fc>. l'eiry. t.d sold by linn to W illiaiu (i Karnes The Tract, by receir survey, contains 1"'J5 acies, more or less, and adjoins lands of James '1'. Wade | sen . I). \V. Hroun, II. 11. (ioocli, Dixon Barnes I and others. It is all woodland. Term* cash. J. II. \\ JTIIEKSPOUN, C. E L. D. Jail. fi. [8 751 t? 4 1-1. persons Ji;ivitier iliMiiSiids against (lie Esiate .1 of William llai o. arc hereby notified to present inem,duly attested, on or before tlie first day ol February next nl.UMIUS HAILE,) . . THUS. E. HAIL 12, < " r" Dor 18. !Sr)0. 101 LUnBER. ri^UE subscribers h iving1 commerced operations I with their Steam Saw Mill, are prepared to furnish 1.umber to their friends and the public, at unusually low rates lor cash. ID*No Lumber will be delivered without an or der, except where a bill lias been previously given. J NO. LOVE, S'lt. Oct. 11? y2wtf .IAS. J. LOVE. Window Glass. rJ^HIi Glass iiiauiilaciurcii oy ine PatapscnCo. j J_ of Baltimore, cannot be excelled by that o j any other. I have just received a lar?e invoice of | the following sizes: 8x10, 10x12, 0x11, 1I,\13. 12x14, 14xl*t,18x2(1,1S.\24, &c, to winch I would invite the attention of those in want of the article. Also?Lamps, Chimnios, plain and cut solar Globes. Nursing Bottles, Physicians pocket Caseami Vials. Z. J De!I.\Y. April 2. 20 If i GUNS. ~ ~~ ' epiIR subscriber* have receive.! an invoice of single and < I double barrelled UUNS. assorted. from sg5 to g.iJ. Dec. 2. McDDWALL At COUPE It. , Linen Department, ( BIIOWN and bleached damask Linen Shirt . ings, damask Tablc-cleths and covers, Muck. , aback ami Diaper Toweling*. Crash, Duwl.s, BE. Diaper, Isnig I awns, French cambric, ladies and gentlemen's linen cambric Handkerchiefs. also a choice stock of IRISH IjI.\EXS, warranted pure Ftax, and remarkably low. newly, opened at JAMES WILSON'S, j M ANSI ON HOUSE. CAMDE.V, s. c. THE subscriJior respectfully announces to liis tnenJ#W?$ the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, that he has opened, as a HOTEL, that large anil ccnmnodio s house in LogTown, formerly the privalqdMft^ence ol B. Perkins, esq. The huiUtoiti^a&mirably adapted lor tliat purpose, being situated in the n ost healthy and pieas^ ant par: <>i ( amrien, combining all the advanta gcs ol tlietou-41 with the balmy atmosphere of the country, and within a lew minutes' walk of any part ol Camden. The rooms are large and airy, his Sonants respectful and attentive', and he pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping np an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and to uae every exertion to please those who may call upon hitn. * His STABLES will be found commodious,and always fully snpflied with Provender, U"The House being condiwtedtiu TemperaUce l - l: ir.L.i a 1 ?l. r i TUii rj/ica, nr uaueitf uimsrii (rial IJPJIKJ WIIf? lavor hirn with a call wil! find the MANSION HOUSE not on|y tlie comlmts and attention of a well regulated Hotel, but the quiet retirement of a Home. Charges moderate. D"AII the Stages arriving: in the place, and the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the when de-ired. ~ E.G.ROBINSON. Camden, Sepfr-L 27 tf Darlington Hotel, DARLINGTON COURT-HOUSE. THE above House having been purchased and fitted up anew by John Doten, is again open* ed for the accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to the wants and comforts of guests will be given, and no effort, calculated to merit the patronage of all who may favor the establishment with a visit, 6hal] be spared. All that the market and surrounding country afford will be found upon the table. C?'infortab:e rooms, for families or iudividaals, n t pi cpn i cUi Tlie Stables will be attended by careful tti attentive hostlers. Drovers can be well accommodated, as any number of horses and mulen can be ept in toe stables and lots expressly prepared for them. Nov. 1, 1650. 86 tf HUNTER'S HOTEL, CAMDEN, S. C. Til B sulstriber having located in Camden, would lespcctfully say to the public that he lias opened a Public House two doors below the Post Office, and hopes by strict attention to business to share a liberal patronage. My Stables are good, and well supplied with Provender, and my Table shall always be supplied with as good as the market affords. I am certain that those who once favor me with a call will be willing to call again. I have also, a good Wagon Yard, with wood, water and house convenient, for the accommodation of Wagoners. 1 will also attend to the Commission Business, and all Goods consigned to my care, or left with ii.e lor sale shall meet with prompt attentiou. OT.'harges moderate. JAMES M. HUNTER. Nov. 26. m tf Head Quarters 22d Regiments. 0. BL? Tonnarn 1) 1QR1 w U AA UU1 JJ V) AVWAl VN Election is hereby ordered to be held on Saturday the 1st day of February next, for Captain of Beat Company No. 2, to fill the vacancy occa.-ioned by Ihe resignation of Capt. S.J. Young. Lt. Robinscn and Sergeant Austin will act as Managers and report the result of said election to th? Colonel. By order of Col. W. J. Taylor, THO. J. WARREN, Adjutant Jan. 10 -3 Liberty Hill Male Academy. 'a HE Trustees of this Academy would respect1 fully announce to the public that its exercises will commence on Monday the 6th inst., under the direction of r. J. R. Blake, A. M. Mr. Blake is a South Carolinian and conies tons highly recommended both as a gentleman and a scholar, as the annexed certificates will show. The scholastic year will b? divided into two sessions offive months each, and all pupils will be charged from the time of entering until the end of the session. Terms yer Session. For Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. $7,00 The above with English Gtammar, Geography, and Histbry, 10,00 The above with Algebra, Geometry, Philosophy, &c. 16,00 The above with Latin and Greek, 20,00 (Jafcjf* Good boarding can be obtained at $8 per mouth. Certijica'es. University of Georgia, Franklin College. I take much pleasure in adding my individual testimony to the public vouchers which the bearer, Air. John Ronnie Blake, of Abbeville, S. C., will receive from the authorities of this Institution. An intimate connection with him for the past three years has, in thp minds of the Faculty, gained for him a high reputation both for intellectual and moral excellence. As a general scholar, he secured a high honor in his class, and never, during his sojourn among us, did he become amenable to discipline. In my own department, I consider Mr. Blake eminently and decidedly qualified to make a very superior Instructor?and as such I would, with best wishes and in all good faith, recommend him to any community who may wish for a man of good solid acquirements and fine taste. jas. WADDEL, Prof, ot Ancient Literature in the University of Ga, AugustGth, JSlti. ITudprstandintr that Mr. Jno. Ronnie Blake de ugns to sock employment as a Teacher, it gives me sincere pleasure to say, that I consider him em nently qualified to engage in the duties o^thnt irdtious and highly respectable profession. Mr. Blake'?attainments in scholarship, his persevering industry, his correct moral habits, and Gentlemanly deportment will insure him success. I cordially recommend him to tLe patronage of the Trustees of schools and others who may need (lis services. a HULL, Prof. Math. Aug. 1st, 1846. Franklin <'ollege. Other certificates have been obtained, but the ibove are deemed sufficient, J. S. THOMPSON,) WM. DIXON, STrus. H- R. BROWN, S Jin. 4,1851. * S < . ... . Hasr