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; xTm riAfR 19 CAMDEN, SGUTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 21,1851. ^U-MBErI * THE CAMD'EM JOURNAL. .PI BMSHKD BY WARtiEy & PRICE. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL p'lhludit*;! at Thre?* Dollar* and Fifty Cent*, if paid in ad vaiu-e, or Four Doliurs if payment is delayed for three months. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL , .1* onhlishel at Two Dollars if paid in tdvanrc. or Two Dollars ai:d Fifty Cents, if payment is delayed for three months. ADVERTJSF.AIE.NTP will he inserted at the following rates: For one square ! 1 I lines or less) in the semi-weekly, one dollar for the first, and twenty-five cents for each S'ihf>e<;:..iit insertion. hi the weekly. Wenlv-fite rent" per square for the first, ami thirty-s'-v.-r, wnd a lialf cent* for each subsequent insert.on Si- -.-' insertions one dollar per square. Tim nuut- i r of insertions desiied. ami the edition to f?- published in. must be noted on the margin of all advertisements. or they will tie inserted semi-weekly until ordered to he discontinued, arm charged accordingly. -S-uii-roonthly, monthly and quarterly advertisements charged the same as for a single insertion. - * " -? - = -*? L u COT All COmniliniCh.UUUP uy dhii utum uc yrum ! ?... ? wow attention. The following gentlemen are Agent* for the Journal: Wm. C. ('aston. General Agent. Voj- T. VV. HcETi Jacksonliam. Lancaster L?i-<t. S. II. Rosser. Esq., Laneaafcrville, S.C. C. <\ McCrcmmen, Carthage. N. C. JV. C. Moo HE. Esq., Camden. S. C. And Postmasters are requested to act as our Agents. Oh! Come to the South! Oh! com* to the South,sweet, beautiful one ! 'Tis the clime of the heart, 'tis the t-hrine of the sun; Where the sky evershineF with a passionate glow, And the flower* .spread their treasures of crimson and snow; IVhere the breeze, o'er bright waters, wafts incense j along, j And gay birds are glanc;ng in beauty and song; Where summer smiles ever o'er mountain at.d plain. And the best gifts of Eden, unshadowed, remain! Oh, come to the South,the shrine of the sun, And dwell in its bowers, sweet beautiful one! Oh come to the South, and Ml Dimn uiee a norms i Where winter shall never intrusively come; The queen-like catalpa, the myrtle and pine, The gold fruited orange, the ruby-gemmed vine, Shall bloom round thy dwelling, and;-hade theeat noon, While birds of all music keep amorous tune; By the gush of glad fountains we'll rest us at eve, No troubles to vex u?, no sorrows to grieve! Oh! come to the South, the shrine of the sun, And dwell in its bowers, sweet, beautiful one! Oh! come to the South.'tis the home of the heart, ^ No~sky like its own can det-p passion impart; The glow of its summer is felt in the soul, And love heepetli ever its fervent control! Oli, litre would thv beauty most brilliantly beam. And thy life pass away like some delicate dream! Each wish of thy heart should realized be, And this beautiful land seem an Eden to th-e! Then, ctme to the South, the shrine Dl* the sun, i...?n l . ;r,,i ?, i Illu UW I'll 111 lie UUHTI r9 uvutiuuii vrno A particularly Marrow Escape.? A hackwoods man finding the population was trotting too dense for him, determined- to cross the Mis sissippi and squat somewhere. In course of his journey, lie got on boaid of a steamer, and commenced a series of questions at the engineer. The latter smoked him at once, and with that spirit of mischief so prevalent amongst old boat men, he determined to have some fun at the Green-horn's expense. So, leading him on under a pretense of unveiling to hiui the mysteries of his craft, he placed him at last just under the salety valve. Suddenly giving it a pull he let oft' a tremendous jet of steam. The countryman, hearing the terrific noise- and seeing the gush of steam, very naturally concluded that this was one of the ''blow ups" of which lie had heard so much; rushing at the top of his speed to the 6tern of the boat, overbooid he went with one brave bound, and he came up from his dive, after shaking his head like a huge Newfoundland dog, and spurting the water from his mouth, lie struck out boldly for the ? shore, at the same time singing out to hisfiieud: *'Abe, she's burst to thunder, but I ain't hurt, old feller!" Homiculf.'? A man crrttrog himself Singleton. I.m reHily nninpfl Rasherry. was killed u lew 'd?v* ago in Dallas county, Ark., under ilie fidlowing circumstances. Thp man came to a stuie near ('amd'Mi wiih a negro, who wassuxpprted to he a woman in disguise, and therefore thought to he stolen. To user tain the ti nth, when he left he was followed hy lliree genlie men, Messrs. Atkinson, Munna, and Iligginhntti.m. Having overtaken him and di?clm>ed their motive f??r accosting him, they very polite*ly invited him to return to the house, at the same time assuring him that he should remain safe ami he protected. At first he protested, Waving that he was honest, had done nothing. &c., hut finally turned hack a-:d walked leluc tanllv a few paces, when they caught him in an effort to draw a pistol; from hi? saddle bags, then on his arm. living remind?d about ihi* ? time that such resistance would be unsafe, he (thinking, perhaps, thnt his only chaoee of vs. rape was liv running,) dropped his baggage and started. One of the company called to him to _ stop, and upon his rcftisiug io do art discharged a gun. causing twelve shot to lake effect just be* low the scapula, killing him instantly. The editor of the ? incinnati Enquirer says Ihnt lie saw three lac1 - going through the blreel the other day, eaci having a segar in their ipouth. They were doubtless delegates to the ^Woman's Rights Congregation. ^ . . If men wand follow the advice they so gratuitously bestow upon others! What reformation vuuld be effected in the world. f I j .-1 Beautiful Floirrr.?A friend presented us ; a day or two since with a curiosity in the shape | of a flower, which we think, is one of the greatj est wonders of the floral kiirgdom we have ever I seen. It is about the size of a walnut, perfectly white, with fine leaves resembles very much i indeed the wax plant. Upon the blooming of the flower in the cup fo.rfied by the leaves, is I the exaVt image of a dove lying on its backwith I its wings extended. The peak of the bill and i the eyes are plainly to be seen, and a small leaf i before the flower arrives at matuiity forms the | outspread tail. This leaf can be raised or shut I down with the fingers, without breaking or upj parently injuring it, until the flower reaches its I lull bloom, when it drops ofl". We regret our inability to give a technical desciiption of this J curiosity at this time, but hope to do so shortly i as one has been promised us by a person every i way qualified to wailo it.?Panama Slur. j A VttoA!fi>M.?One of the most popular j vulgarisms of the day is embodied in the word | ' patronage." We have always been i.t a loss | to understand this term as incorporated with the language of the times. If a man buys a pair [ of boots, getting the full value of his money, he , calls himself the "patron" of the manufacturer. ; 'l'he purchaser of six cents' worth of tobacco I or n penny-worth of taj o is a 'patron,'and j looks upon those on whom he lavishes this "pa tronage" with a condescending eye, as if he j had fed, clothed, and sheltered them. One's j patron, regarding the term in its true light, is a | persons who gives one alms. Patronage in ; short is ehaiitable protection, it is no patronage to give money for its full value. The term, us notv most generally employed, is one of a most senile sycophantic character, and it should be expunged from the modern vocabulary. Noah's Sunday Twits. llereyl'uin of Chaplin.?We Iparn from the N?*w \ urk Journal ul Commerce that Chaplin, who In chum*. m> notorious an '.he i-hi**!' actor in the utieuijiieiJ abduction of two alaves. belong, ing to the ('bit. Mis-r*. Toontbs aid Me|iheio>, last spiing, met with an enthusiastic; i erej.iion at f*\:acuse on Monday last. The Congiega i >nul chtneh in that city, in which the jiotr-irotr was held, is lepieM-nted as having liren crowded in evoiy pait, u h-le seVeiul lion died wi re nnali'e to gain udmnlance. .Mi. C. addressed the audience for more than an hour, li-v.iig a sketch o| his recent adventures in the District ot Columbia and Maryland unci alienor t--d a jii-tilicatioii ol his roiiise; which he <>id we sU|i|-osc, to their enttie satisfaction. finch J s the tewa-dol tie*It and lohheiy in practise. | It is not the first tiuio that u church has heen I desi Crated b) making it a den ol thieve# and ; ...hi...,-: iVu*/7ic.i for Wires.-?Shoemakers' sponge* | should In* iVggie.?; "amldcr*' ladies, !$ !?; ami i Sin* wonii| 1 ?? just iii?* wile lor an aiiiniii')'.? cj .jiliia- should la* ot a sedative disposition, and cniiifctioiifiV wi\i'h hliotiiil always lie Patties. Some l ime? a name will excite a remark; aii I lit' papers copied the marriage of Henry Apple and ?>aiah Apple, l?ut we could oee no iiupio pnety ia lue making of I wo apples iato a pair. I he Phiiade Ipaia Evening Bulletin ha? pre. petta>cd the uhove. We do not Hen why la* > has left out jn inters'* wives, who are always notes ol'atluiiratioii!?Wilmington (Jonnneteial. Don't.?Don't get tipsy, don't sinoke immoderately, or in the ladies faces; don't quarrel with your friends; don't fancy yourself the nie.ix-t iii:in in ( 'In istt'lidnm: dnii'f ilesiiix* tin* I pour; don't condemn any body unheard; don't j strike a man beyond your reach; and don't pay particular attention to uioru than one lady. Aolicc. 4 LL perr avni<j any claims against the J.X. Estiil l la'.e .Mrs. Martha 11. Wilson deceased, esent tliein properly attested, and those indebic.i will make immediate payment to to "Mr. John Kosser, who is authorized lo act as ' a^ent in my absence. I PAUL T. V1LLEPIGUE, ( Nov. 1"J, 1830. 80 wtl". v s~r. gy t fSUlL subscribers have now completed, and otrer ( JL for fair, one of the most extensive and lest selected stocks of UaKDWaRK ever brought to this market^ embracing every article which, irom a 1 lonjj experience, they liavc found w as vvanleJ here, 1 and also such new inventions as they ih.jik would be likely to be wanted. I t almost all irslatio s, thej have O bought direct from the English and American manufacturers.J~0 and can couserjuently sell as low as Goods of the same quaihh' can ha i.:nl piMPwIicre. As thev cannot, tlirolir'li tlie medium of ail adverticoineiit, give any idea ol the extent and variey of their stock, lliey would solicit a cull, when purchasers can Judge lor themselves. When the Hardware for a building, or whole setts ot Tools are wanted, a liberal discount wiil be tnade. mcDOWALL & COOPER. Dec 17. 9S tf I7<XTHA FAMILY FLOUR?another lot in B<e* just j received and for sale by SHAW & AL'S'ilN. 1-SlXE IKISIi POTATOES?A few Hbl*. ju?t received : by SHAW & AUSTIN. J3'^KLED SALMON?-No. 1 in Kit*, for sale liv A_ SltAW oz AUB 1ir* PICKLED BEEF?Prime mew No. 1 for Hale bV SHAW & AUSTIN 5 Keg* Malaga Grapes, for nale by . SHAW & AUSTIN. FRESH Raisins in half and quarter boxes, at SHAW & AUSTIN'S. OiC lloxei imitation Cheese, at ZD - SHAW <fc AUSTIN'S. 4 FRESH lot sbgar cured Hams, received and ft for sale by SIIAW & AUSTIN. Oct. 25. 8 j NEW STORE. TIIE subscriber is now opening a large assortment of Groceries asid Maple Goods, in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (souill of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. Those wishing to purchase would do well fo call and examine the stock, consisting in part, ot the following, viz: j I.oaf, Crushed, Ground and Granulated Sugars S Croix, 1'orio Kico, and New Orleans do N'w Orleans, -Muscovado and Cuba Molasses Java, 1-aguira and Jtio Coflie ( unpowiler. Young Uvson and Black Teas Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candles .N<>. 2 and 3 Macknrel. in Barrels, Half and Qua.ters Wine, Soda and Butler Biscuits and C'neeso Soap and Starch, assorted i'epper, Spice, Ginger. Nutmegs. Mace and Cloes i i'ov der, STiot and l.end Hardware. Cutlery, Nails and CnstiugK Paints, Linseed Oil, Sperm. Oil and V\ h, ,j Gt ALSO Bleached and unbleached Shirtings anil Shertinga Biuukets, Bed Ticks. Apron Checks and Oznaburga Together with a large assortment of ' nqff.rimr. 9lli] Ttl illC. J. w. BRADLEY. Cnmlen.S. C. Sept. 23. Krta*h paid for Cotton and other Produce. Fresh Groceries. THE subscribers have just received and for bale the following articles, viz: Dried Beef; smoked Halibut KisNo. 1 Mackerel Quarter barrels do. Barrels No. 3 do. Chemical,Rose and Castile Soaps Potted Yarmouth Herrings Linton, Prune and Pine Apple Preserves Boxes small size English Dairy Cheese Boxes large size Cheese. Dec. y. SIIAW & AUSTIN. ROBERT LATTA, . Late af the firin of Dickson & Latta, Vl/tlULD Respectfully inform his friends and ) YV the public generally, that he is now receiving ^ variety of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, which he will sell tow for cash?Two doors above the Planters' Hotel, ami immedialely opposite James Dun lap's, esq. Camden,S. C.Dec. 10, 1?50. 97 Bacon Hams ana 1'icKiea tseeiHhds. line bright W. Sides; choice ilams Fulton market Pickled Beet; Maekarel No. 1. Dec. 13. ROBT. LATTA. Flour, Flour. Bids. Baltimore Flour " Extra Family do Bags Buckwheat do warranted. *. A variety of Crackers. Dec. 13. ROUT. LATTA. Linen Department. I)KOVVN and bleached damask Linen Shirt y ingv, damask Table-cloths and covers, liuck. aoark an. Diaper T??weling5, Crash, Dotvl.-?, BE. Diaper, Long-I awns, French cambric, ladies and's illicit cambric Handkerchief*. also a choice stock of Hi IS II LIMESS, warranted ijuie Flax, and remarkably tow. newly opened ill ' J.niKS WILSON'S. Annatto (,'opperaF, indigc, Logwood, Madder, Wliite Lead, LiiinCeii Oil. Turpentine, Window Giass, Lamp Chimneys, Solar Globes, Solar WicKh, 5;ie'rni Oii, Solar Oil", Cj.-tor Oil, Kpuoin Si lis die. &.c. A lull and ircsli supply o| ail the above articles usl received, and lor pale by sept. 'dU. Z. J. DeIIAY. II,Lini\AU\G Spirit Gus or liuruiuj; Fluid, Lamps, V71cks kc, TI1L subscriber has just received from Balti- i more, an elegant uKsnriinciil ol Glass and ;l/etalic .Spirit Gas Lumps, W'wks <Sic. In a few days he will also have a hudu!v ol' llie Itnrninrr Fluid, lu all ul which he invites the attention of those in waul, and his friends generally. z. j. deiiay. Notice. WILL be sold on (he first M< nday in February next, the llou>e and Lot formerly belonging to the Rev James Jenkins. Terms, one third cash, liie balance in one and two years, purchaser to pay lor papers. JOS. G. JENKINS. Dec. 30?wit VVM- A. XIOORKR, Notice. THIS id to forewarn all persons from trading with my wife Alary, aa she has lefl my bed and board without a cause, and I will not pay any debt she may contract. his 1soai g. x turner. mark. Dec 19, 1850. pd$5 100 Notice. IWJl L open the Tax Hooks belonging to the Town of Camden, on the first day of January lt)51, lor tho purpose of collecting tlie taxes, and Will keep open the same until tho first day of March, ensuing, at which time they will bo closed and all dcfaulere dealt with according to law. by order of council, L \V. BALLARD, Town Treas'r. ocam Imr 'i 1 t I rrt l^Cl/OUIUCI U( v Hi LUMBER. THE subscribers having commenced operations with their &tean> Saw Mill, are prepared to furnish Lumber to their friends and the public, at unusually low rales for cash. U"No Lumber will be delivered wltHbut art order, except where a bill has been previously given. J NO. LOVE. S'K. Oct. 11??2wt? J AS. J. LOVE. Window Glass. THE Glass manutactured uy tlie i'atnpfico Co. of Baltimore, cannot be excelled by that of any other. I have just received a large invoice of the following sizes: 8x10, 10x12,0x11,11x13. 12x14, 14x18, 18x20,18x24, &.C., to whieh I would invite the attention of those in want of the article. Also^-Lanaps, Chitnnies, plain and cut solar Globes. Nursing Bottles, Physicians pocket Case.* and Vials. Z. J. DeHAV, April 2. SO tf JOHN B, DESAUSSORE, <3^5" CD 522.0 Adger's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Will give pjompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entfusted to his care, and to the selection and filling of orders, sept. 13. 72 * 6m PAUL T, YILLEPIGUE, FACTOR, And General Commission Herchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal advances made on consignments of Produce, and prompt attention given to the forwarding of Goods, at the lowest rates. A tic- 20. 6d i\oti'ce. \n Boy. LEWIS, having left my premises j jltx. without any punishment, on tne -?tn inat. any information winch may be given relative to his whereabout will be thankfully received, and satisfactory compensation given. He is about 13 years old, a little- tinged with yellow, and might be a tolerable plow hand; slow of speech. He belonged to the estate of Mrs. Marti a C.Wilson, dec'd., and was sold in Camden; on! the 14th inst. Address the subscriber at Swift Creek, Darlington District, S. C. JONATHAN WRIGHT. TWemher *20. 102 . if Bounty Land. THE subscriber will prosecute claims for Land or Pensions, on reasonable terms. Soldiers and officers, in tl e Mexican war, in. the War of lb 12, the Florida war, and other Indian^wars, are entitled to Bounty Laud. J. B. KERSHAW. Dec, 24, tflOl Att'yatLaw. ALL persons having demands against Iho Estate ot William Hat e, are hereby notified to present them, dulv attested, on or belore the first dav i of February next COLUMB JS HAILH?,) ? , * THOS. E. HAILE, } Am Dec. 13, 1650. 101 Fresh Garden Seeds. rf\HE subscriber has just received a lresh and X full supply of every variety of GARDEN which can be depended upon, consisting in part of early Alohawk, French, speckled, yellow six Weeks, early white and cranberry BEANS, Bishop's early prolific, early charlton, dwarf strawberry and tall marrowfat PEAS; early May, early York, early Dutch, early large York, sugar-loai, drumhead, Batterer, green glazed j and mountain CABBAGES; long blood, white sugar and turnip BEETS; Brocoli, Carrots, Cau- 1 liflower, Celery, Collards, Cucumber, Squash, Egg 1 Plant, Lettuce, Kale, Sugar Corn, Parsley, Pars- 1 nip, white and brown Mustard, Okra, Onion Buttons, Bell Pepper, sweet Spanish Pepper, Radish, early spring Turnip, Vegetable Oyster, Spinage, Tomato, Hemp and Canary Seed?also, an as- ] horliiipnt of choice FLO\VER SEEDS. For sale by F. L. ZEHP. Dec. 10 96 tf Saw 31 ill Irons. < U'ROUGllT Cranks, cast Gudgeons, Segments, [ Rag Wheels and Ways, wrought Pitman* ' (Willi brass boxes) Stirrups, Dogs, Feed Hands, Guide Rods. AIbu, wide and narrow Mill Saws and six feet cross-cut Saws; SAW GUMMEKS, Files, dec. , McDOWALL & rpQPER. Darlington Hotel, DARLINGTON COURT-HOUSE. 1 f|*HC above House having been purchased and ft lined up anew hy John Doten, >s again opened for lite accommodation of the Public. Strict r attention to the want* and comforts oi guests will bo given, and no ctlurl, calculated to merit the patronage ut all who may favor the establish- . isent with a visit, shall be spared. J All that the market and surrounding country t afford will be found upon ihe table. C' lnfortah.e roniiit, lor families or individuals, v are prepared. t The Stable* will be attended by careful and i attentive hostlers. c Drovers can be weli accommodated, as any a number of hoises and mules can be ept in ibe I ntahles and lots expiessly prepared for them. r Nov. I, looO. 6(i tf t HUNTER'S HOTEL, i CAMDEN, S. C. 1 fTHJR subscriber having located in Camden, X would lespcrtfully nay to the public that he (i?h opened a Public House two doors helow the Poht UlTicc, and hopes by strict attention to busi- ness to share a liberal p tronage. My Stables are good, and well supplied with r Provender, and my Table shall always be suppliod with as good as the market affords. 1 am certain that those who once favor uto with a call will be willirtyto call again. I have also, a g"dd-Wagon Yard, with wood, ( water and house convenient, for the accointhoda- 1 Wo ...k" -att 1 will alou attend to the Commission and all Goods consigned to my care, ot^IflfTtAvith ' it,e tor sale eliali meet with prompt JtttBmiou. ? ' 0"Charge6 moderate. ' " 1 JAMES M. HUNTER. > Nov. 26. !? tt 1 Tb Kent. i THAT brick dwelling and store, next to the i "Maintain House," now occupied ly T. Don- I "hell. Apnlyto J. B. KERSHAW, Ex'or. I Dec n 1M If | Notice. THE following person* have made application for Licenses to retail Spirituous Liquors in the Town of Camden for the present year, viz: S. Benson, for License No. 2 (quart license.? i Recommended by E. w. Bonney, J. Wessmger, J. i P. Murray, E. A Salmond, G. VV. Shaw, L. A i Austin, and G. Alden. Securities?C. Matheson : and James Punlap. Jarnes M. Hunter, for Licence.No. i,'(tavern license.) Recommended by C. Wienges, Zach. Cantey, J. Weasinger, H. Pate, and W. M. Wat. son. Securities?P. F. Villepigue, H. Holleyman and Wm. Johnson. H. Holleyman, for License No. (Quart license.) Recommended 6v J. S. Nettles, C. Matheson and E. W. Bonney. Securities?B. R. Salmond and George Alden. # Ordered to be published in the Camden Joiirnal L. W. BALLARD, Recorder. January 8, 1851 " n MANSION HOUSE. CAMDEN, S. C. THE subscriber respectfully announces to bis friends and the TRAVELLING. .PUBLIC generally, that he haswpened, as ailOTEL, that large and commodious house in Log Town, formerly the private res.dence of B. Perkins, esq. The building is admirably adapted for that parpose, being situated in the n ost healthy apdpleaj. , ant part of Camderr, combining all tire advahta. ges of the town w.ith the balmy atmosphere of th# country, and within a lew minutes' walk of toy part of Camden. The rooms are large and airy, his IServants respectful and attentive, and be pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping ? an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and to use every exertion to please tnose who may call upon him. llis STABLES will be found commodious}and always fully supplied with Provender, 0*The House being coadopted on Temperance n j l _ i_: i/-L_a ?t l a. rrrvcipieMi ne naaerv nimseir iu?i inwc wm? iavor him with a call will find the MANSION H0l[$i2 not only the comforts snd attention of a Well regulated hotel, but the quiet retirement of a Home. * Charges moderate. . * U"All the Stages arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses the Depot* will'tail at the House when desired. * , . E. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. 27 tf Notice. t , ALL Licenses for retailing spiritodtfi liqoforir, billiard tables, ten pin alleys, &cn will ex. pire on the 31st inst. Therefore, all persons w ishiner to obtain either of said licenies for the en suing yea', will band in their application# Addressed to Council, according to law. * By order of Council, L. VV. BALLARD, Recorder, . ; December 26. 109 tf If AILS. " 1Afj KEGS superior Cut Nafl%for sate. Joftr f v ly for cas S* ?? CAPERS. Land for Sale. . In Equitjr?Laucaeter District. D. P. Sueh vs William G. Rainee?Bill to subrogate and sell Real Estate. , Tj NDER the Decree of the Coori of Equity iii U above case, I will sell at Lanrtq&r court house on the first Monday, the third day of February lti51, the Tract of Land situs's m said disirict, originally granted to Jonathan Douglass, 7th May. .1787, and sold by the -Commissioner ss the Real Estate of James Douglass, aod bought bjr M. S. Perry. ?nd sold by him to Williaut G Raines. The Tract, by recent survey, containa 1225acres, more or leeB, and adjoins lands of James T.Wade tv u7 n ..... u u ti v n: d..... pvn?? u, if . i|iuwu| ii* ii? vuvu D?iuw and others. It in ail woodland; Terms ca%h. . .. . ,, . J. H. WITHERSPOON, C. E, L. &. Jan. ft. [3 75] t? - , Bead Quartern 22d Regiment 8. 0. H.? January 8. 1851, ^ AN Election is hereby ordered to be held ort 8irturday the 1st day of February neOt; for Captain of Beat Company No. 2, to fill the vacancy oc* :asioned by the resignation of Capt 8.3. Yoaitg. Sergeants "Austin and Workman will act u Matw igera and report the result of aaid election to the Uolonei. By order of Col. W; J. Tiykx). * THO. J. WARREN, Adjutant Jan. 10 3 ? * Blias's Compound Cod Lirei Oil viuiaj* ^ For concha, colds, &c. A supply of this- poplar article just received st McKAlN'a Drug Store. Jan. 7 a 3t GUN8. . 7" ! * rHE subscriber* have received an invoice of (hurls ami double barrelled GUNS, escorted, from $5 to $50. Dec. 2. McDOWALL ^COOPER. Liberty Hill Hale Academy. |>HE Trueteee of this Academy would reeppet1 fully announce to the public that iieexercises vill commence on Monday the 6th inst, under he direction of vr. J.R. Blake, A. M. Mr. Blake s a South Carolinian and comes to us highly re:ommended both as a gentleman and a scholar, is the annexed certificates will show. The acta# aBtic year will be divided into two eHstortS of five nonths each, end all pupils will be charged ifroxtt he time of entering until the end of the seeeion. Terms per Session. ?or Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. f7,08 Hie above with English Grammar, Geography, and Histhry, . 10,00 riie above with Algebra, Geo hie try, Philosophy, &c. 16,00 rhe above with Latin and Greek, 80,00 fQV" finod hnardinir can Km nhtninad st Aft t?*?r rionth. Certificate*.* University or Georgia, Franklin Coll*o?.. I take much pleasure in adding my individual estimony to the public vouch** which the bearsr, Mr. John Ronnie Blake,*ofAbbeville,S. Cn wUt -eceive from the authoritieaof this Institution; An intimate connection with him for the past hree yeare has, in the minds of the Faculty, ftinsd for him a high reputation both for intellectual ind moral excellence.. As a general scholar, he secured a high honor in his class, and never, during his sojourn among us, did he become amenaale to discipline. In my own department, I consider Mr. Blake aroinently and decidedly qualified to make a very superior Instructor?and as such 1 woiild, with sest wishes and in all good faith, recommend him to any community who may wish for a man of rrcm/t an!i<t arnn ircmpnt* Jind Am laato JAS. WADDEL,Pto? of Ancient Literature in the University of G?f August 6th, 1846. Understanding that Mr. Jno. Rennie Slake designs to seek employment as a Teacher, it ghras me sincere pleasure to say, that! consider him em. inently qualified to engage in the duties of thai arduous and higher respectable.profession. Mr. Blake' i attainments in scholarship, hie per* severing industry, bis correct moral habits, end Gentlemanly deportment will insure him success. 1 cordially recommend him to the patronage of the Trustees 01 schools and,other* who war Med his services. H. HULL, Prof. Math. Aug. 1st, 1840. Franklin College. Other certificates have been obtained, out the aboVe arte deemed sufficient, ? < . J. 8. THOMPSON,) \m DIXON, > True.' , . . H. R. BROWN; 1 Jan. 4. 1051 -