for militia to invade Mississippi would hp made, not a man would folunfeer' nrMihmil to he drafted; and no army of federal mercenaries rouid net a fixit on their territories without find ing an enemy on every mile of their march.' Louuianio Courier. Salk ot Stocks,?The following list of Stocks, belonging to the estate of Henry Muller, deceased, were sold at auction in our town yesterday, by Messrs. Allen in Phillips: 100 shares Charleston Ins. and Trust Co., $52.25. I 100 shares Bank of Charleston, (new issue,) $55.50. 64 shares Commercial Bank of Columbia. $29. 75; 40 shares S. C. It and W R. R. Bank, $110. 75 shares Broad River Bridge, 17.75. The negroes sold yestercay also brought Sood prices. One man?a valuable servaht, ? r. ,,?rtit. Was bid OtfJllfbllW.?OO. uurwtn(un,i(?u?? Mdrdek.?Mr. John A. Chester, the City ~ Recorder of Memphis, Tenn., was shot and instantly killed, hy a negro, on the 1st inst. -The negro exhibited a paper, purporting to be a certificate of his freedom, which he wished " teonntersigned by the Mayor and Recorder, but on examination, it was discovered to be a forgery. Mr. C. being satisfied that the negro was a runaway, was in the act of conveying hiiu into his office for safe keeping, when be turned, and with a double barrel pistol inflicted the mortal wound, which resulted in his death in the course of a few minntes. The negro, after committing the deed, acknowledged that lie was a slave. He was taken out by the exasperated crowd, and immediately hung. Mr. Chester's son, a young man 18 years of age, was rendered a raving maniac, on viewing the lifeless body of his father. Heartrending Case.?During the tremendous storm on Monday aliernoon, a poor woman, who resides about two inilen from this rity on the Shaker Road, started fi?r l?wu for ihe pur. none <>f bu vim/ a small bill of groceries. Having I V flirted her ptichnsc* she left fir home; the storm still raging m??si violently. She contin tied her progress ?t ill within a few rod* of home ?nd her little children, when she became so embedded in a snow iliift that she froze to death. Her husband who is a laboier connected with the Troy Turnpike, went home about night fall, when he found hi* children half perished and crying (or their mother* absence. The night passed lung and weary, and such a one ha* not been recollected fur a number of years. A^dav light he alarmed the neighbor* and gen. era! search was made for her, ami found as we have described.?A more heartrending occurence ha* never taken place in our vicinity i>hr fenres a family of nine children, who arc left tii hout a mother's protect ton ano gnaruiance. Knickerbocker. Takrthr Pafkbs.?Too Good lo h* Lost. ? Daring th? Gubernatorial canvas* of 1943 our ffow retired and mont excelenl Governor, his competitor and othersf were travelling up the country. Driving up lo the d??or of a larmer within t?n in i leu of a town, on the public road, Gov* M.-Jiajled, and in the usual bland manner ot a gentleman, and particularly of a candidate, aid?"Good morning. Sir." "Mornin'," anawe red the farmer, when the following confab look place: "Fine morning. Sir." "Yes, rite pice." "Coqld I get a drink of water?" "Wy yes, I reckon'?Billy, run to the spring and bring thp gentleman ?om' good cool wnter, *on?run. .Bil(y jumped the fenee, and while ^one, another eon come o;?l and began to eye the horse* and a barouche.-Kite fine critter*." "Yes." "You don't live 'bout here?" "No." "Thi* is a wrffchty nice carryall." "Tolerable." "Spoce you're from Virginny!** No. 4,| live in Raleigh." *On, hoof" "Spose you would'nf swap one of them nags." "Noair ' The water at this junc ture arrived, (the old man all the time ceiling in hit porch with hi* spectacle* renting above hi* eyebrows ) wbiUt a half dozen luile fla\ mnane and tail urchins had mounted the fence like roosters after a rnin.) when Gov. M. ad. dressing the uld nan, said: "Well, old gentle man, ain't you going out to the speaking to deen ported up. and notice pnf in the papers (hat there would be a public discussion at L?l?r would bp through these part* aome time the comin fall," and brightening up with a alight deration in, be exclaimed?'"What inout your nam be, stranger?" "Manlv?I am the whig can'li date for Governor of North Carolina." ^ At thia, the old man alared at Gov. M. xvi'h perfect astonish uent, and leaving his chair. hx. Madison Co. N. Y.. Oct. 18. 1848 Messrs. J. L. Warner & Co., Uticu, N Y.. [Agents for S^th W. Fnwie.j?Gentlemen. I have seen notices of cures derfnrmcd "by ". Dr. Wist&r's Balsam of Wiid Cherry." 1 have been troubled with soreness in my throat, attended with severe and painful cough. I am nnw confined to my house in stormy and foggy weather, cold winds &c. illy bodily health is fo-ble, aua i am now about fifty-five years of age. This tendi mess of my throat came on about the year 1806. and bos troubled me in my private and professional busines so that I tmve never been frre from it since. 1 think rnv oa*e is a hard one for a trial of your medicine, butl inc'aw to vou one dollar, wlticb 1 understand is the price. Please send me a bottle. If tine has a good effect I shall seed to send to you again, Your* respectfully, J. S. PALMER. Lenox, Nov. 12, 1848. J. E. Warner l to 7jUice. bushel 3 to 4 Fodder. cwt 11 to IfiSugnr, lb 7 to 10 Hides, dry lb 8 to 9 |8alt, sack 11 Iron, lb 5 to 61 shot. baft 11 Lime, bbl 2 to 21 (Tobacco, lb 10 to 50 Leather, sole, lb 18 u>21 |Wheat, bush ~ JEST RECEIVED, A supply of J. Durand & Co's. CELEBRATED PRBNOH BITTER 3. Warranted a certain cure lor Dyspepsia. Weakness of the Slomaeh and Want of AppeUte, Weakness of the Chest, and " Fever and Ague. It ia also a pleasant Beverage, in iu pure state, and may be drank with Wine or Spirits without at all impairing its medicinal qualities. May be had by tlie case or single botile, of S. BK.V-ON. Familv Orocer. J. HAKR1S, Di-Kaln Strtet. W. C. MOORE, Family Grocer" Camden, Sept. 24" 77 nwtirn ENGLISH Pickles, from Grouse & Blackwcll, received and for sale by Jan. 8 SHAW fe AUSTIN. 1CASE Potted Yarmouth Herring, received and for sale by SHAW_L AUSTIN. 2r Boxes Chemical Olive Son p. received and 0 for sale by ' SHAW & AUSTIN. OA Kitts No 1 Mackarel, "selected for family r use," received and for ale by Jan. 10. SHAW & AUSTIN. I CASE 'Spiced Oysters, received and for sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. I CASE Pie Fruit assorted, received and or sale by _ SHAW & AUSTIN. ' ^ / * a or .1..:- ... I* rvoij r runs in muir own juiut-, u^unru, ri> ci'ivoil and for sale by SHAW &. AUSTIN. Camden* Jaunury 1, 1851. The copartnership heretofore existing between Paul F. VilleDijfU'' & Son in this day dissolved by mutual coiisei t. All persons indebted to tlie said concern, will make payment to Paul F. Villepigue and all demands agamst the concern, will be presented to hitn lor payment. PA 11!, F VILLEPIGUE. JAMES I."VILLEPIGUE Jan. 14. 4 t4t Cu:nt!en, January 1, 1851. THE subscriber continues business at Ids old stand, and returns his thanks for lite liberal patronage bestowed on the concern, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. PAUL F. VILLEP1GUE. Jan, 14. 4 t4t Dissolution. TFIE CopartnereliipofT. BONNELL & Co., i? thU day desolved by mutual consent1 T. BON N ELL E W.BONNEY. Jan, 13,185 L N ? Kef roes for Male. A FAMILY o? tour Negroes, coii?i?tinjr of a woman if;pd .iiiout 511 years, a gii! about 15, a bo? nho?i| II, an>l a jjirl ahout 7? - old as lbs property u''the neos of John Riddle, dcr.'d. Terms of {.ale. one and two years, interest from day of tale, payable annually, with approved personal security." J. w. CANTEY, Trustee. ,To be sold at ths caurt house in Camden on the first Monday in February. Jan. 14 4 tf HAS8 Fenders, pierced Iron do.; fuldin Nursery dp,; Fir? Dogs and'Firc Irons, of every description.' McDO WALL & COOl'LR. POST OFFICE, CAMDEN", 8, 0. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. SOUTHERN MAIL, VIA AUGUSTA Due Daily, at 7 P. M. Closes Daily, at - . - - 9 P. M. SOUTHERN MAIL, VIA CHARLESTON. Doe Daily, at - - - 7 P." M. Closes Daily, at - 9 P. M. NORTHERN MAIL, VIA CHERAW. Due Daily, a' - - 4 A. M. Closes Daily, at - 5 P. 11. CHARLESTON MAIL. Due Daily, at - - - 7 P. M. Closes - - - 9 P. M. CT"A Way Bag will be kept open for the reception of letters until the mail leaves. WESTERN MAIL, VIA COLUMBIA. Due Daily, at -7 P.M. Close* Daily, at - - 5 P. M. DT-Way Mails for Offices on the South Carolina Hail D I -1- / il__ _. r n U iwau, noFc puny , ui - a r. ? CHARLOTTE MAIL, VIA LANCASTER C. H. Due Snnday, Tuesday and Thursday, at 3 P. M. Clowe Saturday, Monday and Wednesday, at 6 A- M. YOKKVILLE MAIL, VIA RED HILLf &r. Due Thnredav. at ' - II A.M. Closes same day, at - 12 M. NRWflKRRY MAIL, VTA LONGTOWN, &C." Due Tneseay. nt - - 7 P. M. Close* Wednesday, at * - 7 A.M. LYNCH WOOD MAIL. VIA TILLER's FFKRY. Due Tuesday and Friday, at - 4 A. M. Closes Tuesday and Friday, at - 5 P. M. OFFICE HOUR8. Open at 8 a. m.?close at Ip. ra. Open at 3 p. m.? rinse a1 5 p m.. and open half an hour aiter the arrival of the mail* in the evening. On the Sabbath, open frutp 9io 10 a. m., and half an hour after the Southern mail* in tke evening. &" All credit for postage is stopped. No mail matter delivered until it is p*id for. E7" Postage Slant is for sale. Jan. 1,1851. J. N. GAMEWELL; P. M. AS CHEAP AS ANY NEW CASH STOJtE. TUG subscriber has jusi received ar.d openod a fre-h and clioice assortment of desirable GOODS, at the store 'wo doors south of H. Levy & Hon, formerly orcupteel by Mr. Jaines Wilson, where he will be happy to see his friends and th^ public generally, and particularly all persons who want to buy Goods for cash,.at great bargains.? His stock consiets, in part of Figured Brocade Silks; assorted colored Merinos Fancy and plain Alpachas; plaid Ginghams Heavy Manchester and Earleston do Super English and American Prints I have them from all prices, from 5c to 3le. Also?Super Chintz, for bordering Fancy printed Cashmere Silk and cotton Pappins 4 4 black Gro dp Rhine Swiss and mull Muslins Colored and white cambrics Dimity, Aprun Checks Handkerchiefs, long lawn, linen cambric Gloves and Hosiery A beautiful assortment of Ribbons Shawl*, black lace Veil* Green and blue Bprage, spool thread, buttons, tape*, needles, pins, hooks and eyes, and every article usually found in that lineIn addition to the above, I have alto. Choice Goods for Gcutlemeu. Super Cloths and Caseiineres Fancy ard heavy Tweeds Black Ribbed Doeskin Plain and fancy Vestings S uper block Satin, all kinds of Gloves and Hosiery, Hats, Caps,- merino and cotton Shirts and Drawers, silk and cotton Handkerchiefs, &c. ?? ALSO?? In the line of Domestic Goods?Brown Homespuns, from 4 cents with an upward tenrency, as high as'20 cents; bleached Homespuns at all prices, and of any quality desired; red and white Flannel*; Blankets and Negro Cloths: plaid LinBod Ticl/inir Annm PKsrL'd. hlllH Deil. OVJ-, " , ? ....ji, ? , ims, a variety of Gonks in this deportment. Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Soap, Candles, &lc. All of which have been purchased at the lowest rates, with the determination to sell at a small advance, as my motto ii "quick sales and 6(ttall profits." Be sure to call before you b.ty, as I have the Goods and must sell them for the Cash. S. D. HALFORD. Jan. 14. 4 swlf. Land for Sale. In Equity?Lancaster District. n:_i?J i'-.i i \\i r>_~i. ?i n;11 JVIlslIcf I li V/rtllil rtll *0 ?! ?T vuuftf Ci ni. vm ivi foreclosure of mortgage and relief. BV virtue of the decree of the Court of Equity in above cane, I will sell at Lancaster (ourt house on the first Monday, the 3d day of February 1851, thai valuable Plantation containing 643 acres more or less, situate in Lancaster District, on Cane. Bear and Camp Creeks, hounded by lands of Eli H. Crockett, Win. McMullan, estate of Mrs. McKenna, Dr. Wytje and othors, the sao.e being the Tract of Land recently owned bv John Shedd, and purchased by him from JamesH. j i Witherspoon. It contains some choice bottom j I lands, and also good uplands. Terms?A credit of one and two years, the I purchaser giving bond, with good security, with ! interest from day of sale, payable annually, and a -r ,u.'. , ?aMi, IJOrtg'fgt; Wl (lie |IIVIIIJ9V?t ou iuvmi vimn as will pav costs. JAMES U WITHERSPOON, c. k l d. Cnmni'rs Office, Jan. 3, 1851. [93 37] 1700 Acres of Land FOR Sule to the highest bidder, without any reserve We will sell to the highest bidder on Wednea day, the 22dof January, 1851, at the House of N?. i sannah Capton, a Trnrt nt Land, containing 1700 ' acrep lying fourteen miles east of l.ancaster court I house, on bo'h sidps ol Little Lynches creek. I bounded by lands of the estate of VVm. Connors, Jefferson Horton, W. W. Ellis, VV. H. Roberts and others. About 50(1 acres cleaned, and the mostof it in a good state of cultivation. On the place is a good Gin House and Screw and other improvements, also, a good soat for a saw and grist mill. The soil is well adapted to the growth of corn and cotton. The sale will be positive and without reserve, as wo are about moving, having made arrangements to go. Torms?A-credit of one, two and three years, with interest >rom day of sale, note ond good sc VUI IIT ? WM. T. CASTON. MIDDLETON G. CASTON. SAMUEL C. CASTON. January 14. 4 3t. Head Quarters 22d Regiment fe, 0. M.? January- 8*1861. AN Election is hereby ordered to be held on Saturday the 1st day of February next, for Captain of Heat Company No. 2, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Capt. S.J. Young. Sergeants Austin nnd Wo/^man will act as Managers and report the' result of said election to the Colonel. By order of Cql. W. J. Taylor, THO. J. WARREN, Adjutant. Jan. 1Q 3 Wanted Immediately. A CHILD'S Niirle, to ?go into toe country, | jljL about len miles from Camden. For one ' with suitable qua!ideations, liberal wao-en will be paid. An aged woman.preferred. For further particulars, apply at this office. ' Jan. 14. 4 2t CAROLINA FEMALE COLLEGE. THG first session of this Institution commenced on Monday, the Gth of January, 1851. FACULTY. Rev. A. B. Smith, Frssn|ent, and Professor ot Mentaldtid Moral Scien^cCv" C. H. Judsov, Professor of Ancient and Modem Languages. Educated at the University of Virginia. Wm, K. Blake, Profossorof Mathematics and Natural Science. Educated at the University of North Carolina. Miss M. Warren and Miss B. Goti, Musical and Assistant Teachers. * Col. Geo. Buogan, Steward. The College is located in Anson county, N. C. on the road leading from Cheraw, S C. to Salisbury, N. C? 10 miles above Wadesboro', near Tyson's mineral spring. The place is unsurpassed for its healthy atmosphere, pure water, and for a literary Institution is decidedly one of the must eligible situations in the State. The Trustees have spared no expense in procuring an able and experienced Faculty, and they are determined to make the College in every respect. worthy of the patronage of the Southern community. The prescribed course of studies is eminently thorough, embracing those solid branch es best calculated to exercise the faculties of thought and reflection, whilst every facility will be afforded for the prosecution of the ornamental branches of a finished education. TZXBM8. Tuition in the Primary Department, r?or spcutnn nf mAittke - AQ Atn KA J'V. ? v?v.v.. VI V IMVIIUM] - 9VaiiU|UUV Tuition and Board in the Collegiate Dppartmpnt, - $62 60 Young Ladies to furnish theirown towels. Extras. French or German, - - - - $6 00 Music on Piano, - - . - 20 00 do with Harp or Guitar, - - 26 00 Drawing and Fam ing, - - - 6 00 For further information, see circular, which may be obtained on application to Rev. A. B. Smith. President of the Carolina Female College, Anscn county, N. C. JOSEPH MEDLEY, President of the Board of Trustees. Bknj. I. Dunlap, secretary. January 14. 4 6t Sheriff's Sales. I WILL Fell on Monday, the 3d day of February next, Lefore the court house do- r within the legal hour* of sale, the following property, viz: 200 acres ol Land, whereon the defendant Hardy Thorn nuw resides, all his right, title and interest therein. Also, all Ins right, title and interest in and to 400 acres of Land, more or less, belonging to the estate of William Thorn, dcc'd. adjoining lands J no M. SImw, Alex Johnson and(otliers. Also, all his interest in SO acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of Johnson and Sharf Also, one horse, one cart, one saddle &c. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Haidy Thorn, at auit of S. P. Murchieon, Adm'r., for another, vs Hardy Thorn. (I 50) also One Negro man named Gzekiel, a shoe-maker Levied upon and to be so d as the proi erty of J. D. Johnson, at the suit of James H. Witherspoon, Ordinary, for J. P. CiocAett, a creditor, va J. D. Johnson and Bellhamia Reeves. (1) also 50 huseels of Corn, more or less, levied on and to be sold as the property of John Holly, at the suit of John J. Schroier To be sold at the residence of inc defendant on Lynches creek. [1] Terms cash. *THO. J. WARREN, 8. K. D. January 14 14 ts PUBLIC NOTICE. "1TESSRS. JSDGERTON &l RICHARDS, and 1V1 \VM. MATTHIBSSEN, of Charleston, hiving purchased from the subscriber a right to use ?nd to vend, and to assign the right te use and make the Patent Sewiig Mediae, known as Bradshaw's Patent, duly patented Nov.- CP, 1848, notice is hereby given that said patent is the only original patent, and that, all infringemcuts of the same will be promptly prosecuted. JOSEPH P. MARTIN, Assignee of John A. Bradshaw, by his Aitornies. J. W. MARTIN, and J. R. BREWSTER. Jan. 8. 4 3t Orates and Coal, THE subscribers have received an elegant as. sortmcnt of Drawing Rooin and I'arlor Grates, with and witbou summer fronts. They have also a supply of Red ash Coal, which they will sell at cost and charges for cash < nly. Mc.'vtcDOWAI.L & COOPER. Jan. 14 4 l3t I XEQ,U IT Y?K E R SH A W. Herbert L. Tiller, et al?vs. Reese Holland, et al. n II < _? it :*..... ivii ior rnruin'ii. In pursuance of the order of the court in this cause made, I will uifer at pubHc rale before tbe Court House in Camden, on the first Monday in February, all that tract of land lying- near Turkey creek, water* of Lynches creek, in Kershaw district, containing five hundred acres, more or less, beinir the tract whereon T.omas Holland resided at lime of his death. Terms. So much cash as will pay al' costs, balance on a credit of one and two years, with'in. terest from the day of sale, payable annually, to be secured by bond and g<>od personal security, and a mortgage of the preui'sp* W. M. SHANNON, C.K. K.D. Jan. 10 8.175 7t Land ibr Sale, In Equity?Lancaster District. r? D Rmik ua William fi Rninoa?-Bill to SUbfO* pate and sell Real Estate. UNDER the Decree of the Court of Equity in above case, I will sell at Lancaster court I house on the first Monday, the third day of February H51, ine Tract of Lan>. situu'e .;i said risfrict, originally granted t? Jonathan Douglass, 7th May. 17*7, and sold bv the CoinmLsianer at> the Real Estate of James bougia*s,.*nd bought by M. 8. Ferry, nd sold by him to William G Raines The Tract, by recent survey, contains <235 acres, more or lens, and adjoins lands of James T. Wade sen., I). W. Brown, H. H. Gooch, Dixon Barnes I and others. It is all woodland. Terms cash. J. H. WITHERSPQON, C. E. I? D. Jan. fl. [8.76] ts ' SAIHTEL CANAL. THE late rains have given the Snnfc Canal an an pie supply of water, so .hat Boats can pa as without delay. . j It. PRESS SMITH, Riipcri'itont! id. Jan. 6. if lOt . \ 1 . > ' 'libef^aqi Mftle Academy. rl'HE TrolteesoftmksAcajjemy would Respect-1 fully announce to th3"?^kiic that its exercises -. f will commence on Mcmd^y rh? 6th in6t., under ' thp direction of R. Blake;-A^^KNMr. Blake is a S Tru~. H. R. BROWN, S Jan. 4, 1851. ' 2_ The South Carolina Normal School. TN accordance with the views presented to the JL public, in the "Journal of December 20th, the subscriber will open a Normal School near Russell Place, Kershaw District, on the 20th of January m\. The School will be one of high ordet, in which all the branches of thorough Engrah and Classical educations shall be taught. The Institution is designed, primarily for the training of teachers, and to furnish a liberal education to those desirous of becoming teachers, whose means are limited. Nevertheless, its advantages, at a place of instruction, will be open to all; and the wealthy and benevolent wjil render it import tant aid, by sending their sons to the school The boarding department will be so managed, as merely to^over expenses. And both board and tuition will be furnished ftee, to as many indigent pupils, as can be supported by the funds of the Institution. In the higher, or tfocher's class, every one shall be entitled to free tuition who shall sign an obligation to devote, at least two years after leaving the Institution, to the business of teaching, within the State,?the preference being given to the district from which the pupil comes. Testimonials of good moral character willbe roonira^ in oirorv inatanno Those friendly to the enterprize, are desired to pledge themselves for a definite sum, to be paid over by instalments as they may be needed; forward their pledges to the subscriber; and, as soon as convenient, organize themselves into a Society for the management of the funds. The necessary expenses of the Institution will be the erection of suitable plain buildings; the board of indigent pupils, and the salary of a competent superintendent teacher, as soon as the school shall be firmly established. No salary having as yet been fixed, arrangements will be made, for the present, with the friends of the cause; with the aid derived frotn a few paying pupils, to com| mence the exercises at time specified. I The orice of navinsr dudiIs will varv from fil7 to 816 per session of five months, invariably in ad. vanes. S. DONNELLY. Per. 30,1850. tf__ HANQINQ ROCK f rPHE undersigned respectfully^nnounce to the X public, that they have associated themselves ii the business of teaching for the ensuing year. Their Academy is aituaiedin Kershaw District, 20 miles north of Camden, near the stage foad troin Camden to Charlotte. It is located tn a healthy, moral and religious community, remote Irnm vice or immorality of any kind, ?"| /"II ? i t\ . ...ill U- ..r.Jn. Ikn J ne V^ihsmcbi JSKpai lUiCUk m ill in uiiuvi vi? c?re of Mr. Cauthen, who is a South Carolinian by birth ami education?born in York District, and a Graduate of the South Carolina College. T^c English Department wiH be tinder the care