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t " . u 0 ' ^ p / ' ' . i m 4L * /^ * A^A - ' a w <TI)c Camden Journal. VOLUME12. CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, JANUARY 10, 1851. .J i\UMBER 3. Darlington Hotel, DARLINGTON COUJtT-HOUSK. THE above (louse having been purchased and tilted up anew by Jena Dotf.n, is again opened for the accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to tlie wants and comforts ol guests will be given, and no effort, calculated to merit the patronage of all who inay favor the establishment with a visit, shall be spared. All that the market and surrounding com.try afford will be found upon the table. Comfnrtah e rooius, for families or individuals, pre prep red. The Stahles will he attended by careful and attentive hostlers. I trovers can be well accommodated, as any number of horses and mules can he ept in the maitles iiiitl lots expressly prepared for them. Nov. 1, 1*M). 86 tf MANSION HOUSE. CAMDEN, S. C. THE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, that he has opened, as a HOTEL, that la roe and couunodio- s house in Ix?tr Town, former ly (lie private residence of B. Perkins, esq. The building is admirably adapted lor that pur- ! pose, being situated in the n ost healthy and pleasant part or ( amoen, comhining all the advanta ges of the town with the bJmy aimosphere of the country, and within a lew minutes' walk of any part of Camden. The ri?oms are large and airy, Ids Servants respectful and attentive, and he pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping tip an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and lo use every exertion to please those who may call upon liitn. llis STABLE"' will he found commodious, and always fully supplied with Provender, CTTle H ouse being conducted on Temperance Principles, he flatters himself thai those who favor him with a call will find the MANSION HOUSE not only the comforts and attention of a well regulated Hotel, but the quiet retirement of a Hume. Charges moderate. < UTAH the Stages arriving in the place, and the 1 Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the House when desired. E. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. 27 if HUNTER'S HOTEL, CAMDEN, S. C. THE subscriber having located in Camden, would tespccifully say to the public that he 1 has opened a Public House two doors ttelow the 1 pA.i nffloo anil Kw altnntinn tri hilci I ne.?* to share a liberal mtronage. My Stables arc go??d. and well supplied wih i "Provender, and my Table shall always be supplied with as good as the market affords. 1 I am certain that those who once favor me with a call will be willing to call again. ; I hase also, a good Wagon Yard, with wood, i water and house convenient, for the accommodation of Wagoners. I will also attend to the Commission Business and all Goods consigned to my care, or left with < ine for sale shall meet with prompt attention. < 0*Cbarges moderate. JAMES M. HUNTER. Nov. 20. 93 tt_ For Sale, A TRACT of Land lying 14 miles east of Lancaster court house, on both sides of Little Lyui bes creek, adjoining Lancfcof Win. Conner, dee'd. Jefferson Morton, N\ asliingtun Ellis and William Robert?. Tlie above tract contain? ab >ut 1,700 Acre*?about .r)00 of which are cut down, and the most cf it in a good state of culti. vat ion. On the place will be found a good Gin House and Screw, together with the necessary .Improvements. Also, a food seat, both for a saw and grist mill. The soil is well adapted to the growth of cotton and grain Persons wishing to purchase, will do well to eall and examine for themselves. WM. T. CASTON. Pleasant Hill, Nov. 23. 93 lit Negroes and other Property FOR SALE. Iu Equity?Lancaster District. BJiddlelon G Carton et al. vs. Susannah Caston r and others?Bill for Partition. BY virtue of the Decree of the Court of Equity in above case, I will sell ?>n the Oth of * annatry, 1^51, at the Plantation of the Estate of Samuel Caston, on Little Lynches creek, about 50 head of Cattle, 13 or 14 Horses and Mules, about 50 head of Hogs, 2 Road Wagons, Plantation and - c r? I ?...| Timlin's 1 OOIS, iquanuiJOl i./l>rii dill! riiimii nmi other articles of pr>peity. Also, the following NEGROES?John, Peter, Alex, Martha Jane, Saw. ney, and Ben, all young ard likely. Terra*?All sums under five dollars, cash; all sums over, a credit until 1st January. 185'<J, purchaser* giving notes, with good security, with interest from the day of sale. ETThe creditors of Samuel Caston. dee'd are notified to present their demands on or before the first dav of January, JAMES H. WITHERSPOON, c.e- l. d. Comm'ra Office, Dec. 13. 1850 [37] Estate Sale. By permission ot J. R. Joy, Esq. Ordinary for Kershaw District, will be offered at Public Sale, at the couit house in Camden, on Monday, the 18tbday of January next, titty or sixty likely ??>ave*, moaiiy Jfruvi mnv una Hundred acres of Land on the liberty Hill road, about fourteen miles from Camden, adjoining Linda of John Brown and others. And on Tuesday, the 14'h of January, at the Stockton Place, six miles below Camden, all the Stock on said Plantation, consisting of Horses, Moles, Cattle and Hogs, Also, the crop of C< rn, fodder. Pess Ac., together with the Plantation k implements, and a sett of Blacksmith's Tools, belonging to the Residuary Estate of Joseph Cunningham, dee'd. Terms will be made known at the time of sale. C. J. SHANNON, % A JOHN BROWN, . pee 3.?td i Kx'ors. sg. PAUL T. VILLEPIGUE, FACTOR, And Gt&or&l Commission Berch&nt, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, OttABLBSTOir, 8. c Liberal fWMM?< made on consignments of Produce, and liwaapi attention given to the forward. ting, of Goods, at the lowest ratea. Aug^r M i House and Lot for Sale. Iu Equity? Lancaster District. Mrs. Margaret I. Stewart, vs. John H. Stewart? Partition estate of Robt. (>. P. Stewart, Esq. BY virtue of the decree of the Court of Equity, in above case, 1 will sell at Lancastervilleon Wednesdav the 15th January, 1851, the dwelling house and lot belonging to the estate of Robert O. P. Siewart. esq, dec'd. in the village of Lancaster, bounded north bv Clarke's lot. east b) white street, south by lot of Dr. R. R.Jones, and west by Main street. The House and Lot is in excellent repair and condition. Also, a Tract of Woodland, lying one mile north of the village, containing 100 acres more or less, adjoining lands of A. Gamble, Allen Cousar, Jane Barr and others Terms a credit of 1 and 2 years purchasers giving bonds with good security, with interest from day of sale, payable annually, and a mortgage?except as much cash from the sale of the House and Lot as will pay costs. JAMES II. WITIJERSPOON,c. E. L. D. . Dec. 14,1850. 9 100 Negroes for Sale. HY order of the Ordinary will be sold on the 15th O January, 1851. at Lancasterville, seven Likely Negroes, as the estate ot Robert O. P. Stewart, esq, dcc'd., among the number is a superior.cook, an excellent young fellow, a mu'attobov and two young girls. Terms on day of sale. MARGARET I. STEW A RT, Adrn'x. Dec. 14, 1850. 100 To Rent. THAT brick dwelling and store, next to the " Mansion House." now occupied by T. Bonnell. Apoly to J. B. KERSHAW, Ex'or. Dec 24 101 tf Notice. ALL Licenses fo- retailing spirituous liquors, billiard tables, ten pin alleys, die., will ex pire on the 31st inst- Therefore, all persons wishing to obtain either of said licenses for the ensuing vea', will hand in their applications addressed to Council, according to law. By order of Council, L W. BALLARD, Recorder, December 26 102 tf Notice. WILL be sold on the first M> nday in February next, the llou.e and Lot formerly belonging to the Rev James Jenkins. Terms, one third cash, the balance in one and two years, purchaser to pay for papers. JOS. G. JENKINS. Dtc. 30?w4t WM. A. AIOORER, __ Window Glass. THE (Hats* inauufaciureu ny the PatapscnCo. of Baltimore, cannot be excelled by that of any other. I have just received a large invoice of the following sizes: 8x10, 10x12,9x11, 11x13. 12x14, 14x18,18x20,18x24, &c., to which 1 would invite the attention of those in want of the article. Also?Lamps, Chimnies, plain and cut solar Globes. Nursing Bottles, Physicians pocket Caseand Vials. Z.J DeIIAY. April 2. 26 tf T Aft T^Aft A w4fn Aft^ juxucu ucyai iiucuv. BROWN and bleached damask Linen Shirt ings, damask Table-cloths and covers, Huck. aback an Diaper Toweling*, Crash, Dowlas, BG. Diaper, Long I awns, French cambric, ladies and gentlemen's linen cambric Handkerchiefs. also a choice stork of IRISH LL\EMS, warranted puie Flax, and remarkably low. newly opened at JAMES WILSON'S. NEW STORE. PFtHE subscriber is now opening a large assortJL ineut of Groceries and Staple Good*, in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. Thote wishing to purchase would do well to call mid examine the stock, consisting in part, ot the following, viz: loaf, Crushed, Ground and Grannlated Sugars S Croix, Porto Itico, and New Orleans do Nw Orleans, Muscovado and Cuba Molasses Java. Lacuira and Kio Coffee Gunpowder. Young Hyson and Black Teas Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candles No. 2 and 3 Markarel, in Barrels, Half and Quarters Wine, Soda and Butter Biscuits and Cheese Soap and Starch, assorted Pepper. Spice. Ginger, Nutmegs, Mace and Cloves Povder. Shot and Lead Hardware. Cutlery, Nails and Costing* Paints, Linseed Oil, Sperm. Oil and VVi? ? Gtw A Bleached and unbleached Shirtings and Sheetings Blankets. Bed Ticks, Apron Checks and Oxnaburgs Together with a large assortment of Bagging, Rope and Twine. J. W. BRADLEY. Camden. S. C. Sent. 23. &CrCosh paid for Cotton and other Produce. Bacon Hams and Pickled Beef Hhds. fine bright W. Sides; choice Hams Fulton market Pickled Beef; Mackarel No. 1. Dec. 13. ROBT. LATTA. Flour, Flour. Bbls. Baltimore Flour " Extra Family do Bags Buckwheat do warranted. A variety of Crackers. Dec. 13. ' ROBT. LATTA. 1W4E subscribers have now completed, and offer , for sale, one of the most extensive and best selected stocks of HARDWARE ever brought to this market, embracing every article which, from a lorur ovoorience. thev have found was wanted here, o ?r ' , . i and also such new inventions ns Ibey think would be likely to be wanted. In ah- ost all instancPH, i hey have XT bought direct from the English and American manufacturers, and can con* sequently sell as low as Goods of the same quaility can be '-ad elsewhere. As they cannot, through the medium of an advertisement, give any idea of the extent ond varie y of their stock, they would solicits call, when purchasers can judge for themselves. When the Hardware for a building, or whole setts of Tools are wanted, a liberal discount will be made. McDOWALL &, COOPER. Dec. 17. 98 If A COMPLETE Ase^rtmont of Ingrain and Venetian Carpetines. for sale low bv H. LEVY & 0QK. PALMETTO Saddles Spanish Saddles Eriglish and American Bridles Curb and Snaffle Bits Military Bridies . " Spurs. Foj sale by Not. 20 McDOWALL & COOPER. ROBERT LATTA, Late af the firm of Dickson & Latta, llfUlJLD Respectfully inform his friends and VV the public generally, that he is now receiving a xariely of Heavy ana Fancy Groceries, which he will sell low for cash?Two doors above the Planters' Hotel, and immediaiely opposite James Dunlap'e, esq. Camden, S. C. Dec. 10,1880. 97 Dry Gooasat Reduced Prices. THE subscribers having determined to change their bu8ine8?, offer their desirble and well assorted stock of Dry Goods* at verp reduced prices. Person* will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Nov. lb. H. LEVY & SON. Notice. ALL persons having any dlaims against the Estate of the late Mrs. Martha E. Wilson deceased, will present them properly attested, anil those indebted will make immediate payment to to Mr. John Ro*ser, who is authorized to act as agent in my ahpence. PAUL T. V1LLEPIGUE, Admr. Nov. 12. 1850. 80 wtf. GUNS. THE subscriber* have received an invoice of (ingle and double barrelled GUNS, assorted, from $5 to $50. Dec. 2. McDUWALL & COOPER. Notice. THIS is to forewarn all persons from trading with my wife Mary, as she has left my bed and board without a cause, and I will not pay any debt she may contract. his ISOM G. X TURNER, mark. Dec. 19, 1850. pd$5 100 Gnns and Pistols. FINE Double-barrelled Guns in cases; Double barrelled Guns without cases; Revolving Pistols in cases. By sept. 17. H. EVY cf- SON. l\ofice. IWII L open the Tax Hooks belonging to the Town of Camden, on the first day of January 1851, for the purpose ?f collecting the taxes, and will keep open the same until ihe first day of March, ensuing, at which time they will be closed and all defauters dealt with according to law. Bv order of Council, L VV. BALLARD. Town Treas'r. December 31 tlm LUMBER. THE subscribers having commenced operations with their Steam Saw Mill, are prepared to furnish Lumber to their friends and the public, at unusually l??w rates fur cash. IT No Lumber will be deliverer! without an or der, except where a bill has been previously given. JNO. LOVE, S'K. Oct. 11?W2wtf JAS. J. LOVE. Head Quarters. COLUM^^Dec. 17,1050. OPItfF.RAT. nRHKR. No 1 W8. Lyles, Maxcy Gregg, James M. Nelson, Robert iMnrman. Thomas P. Butler, R. N. Gourdin, Samuel McGnwan, William II. Evans, L. M. Keitt, and R. S. Redon. Esquires, having been appointed Aids-de-Camp to His Excellency, the Governor, with tlie rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, will |?e obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of the Commander in Chief, J. W CANTEY, Adj'i and Insp'rGen'r) Dec. 20. 1S-M). w4t 100 Head (^rters, COLUMBIA, Her. 17, 1850. GENERAL ORDER, No. 2. RG. MoCaw, Win. A. Owens, E. Alexander, Jr, B. B. Means, F. W. Heriot, J. I). Ashniore, R. F. Reynolds, Thomas Hanckle, L. A, Beckham, Edward Johnson, R Barnwell Rhcti, Jr, VV. II. Campbell, and P. L. Callmun, Enquires, having been appointed Aids-de-Oampa to flip Excellency the Governor, with the rank of Lientenant-Colonel, will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of the ComrnaiideMn- Chief, J. W. CANTEY Adj'l and Insp'r Gen'rl. Dec. 20.1850. \v4t 100. Tohnb. desaussdre, Adger's Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale 1 nf all deuenntinns nf Produce RIltrURted to his care, and to tlie selection and Ailing of orders, sept 13. 72 6m ALL persons having demands against the Estate of William Hai'e, are hereby notified to present them, duly attested, on or before the first day of February next f'OLUMBJS HAILE, ) . . THOS. E. HAILE, \ Am Dec. 13,185a 101 Hardware and Groceries. 4COMPLETE assortment of Hardware and Groceries, for aale by dr. 19. H. LEVY & SON | Fresh Groceries. THE subscribers have just received and for sale the following articles, viz: Dried Beef; smoked Halibut. KisNo. 1 Mackarel Quarter barrels do. Barrels No. 3 do. ' Chemical, Rose and Castile Soaps Potted Yarmouth Herrings Lemon, Prune and Pine Apple Preserves Boxes small size English Dairy Cheese Boxes large size Cheese. Dec. 9. SHAW & AUSTIN. ? Extra FAMILY flour?another lot in IUe* just received and for sale by shaw & AUSTIN. FINE IRISH POTATOES-A few Hbl*. just received by . 8HAW & AUSTIN*. PICKLED SALMON?No. 1 in Kit*, formle l.y SHAW.& AUSTIN "piCKLED BEEF?Prime inew No. 1 for cale bv J. ODAIT <K AU3H.X 5 Keg* Malaga Grapes, for Male bf SHAW & AUSTIN. FRESH Kaisins iii half and qnarter boxes, at SIIAW & AUSTIN'S. OC Boxes imitation Cheese, at ZD SHAW & AUSTIN'S. AFRESH lot sugar cured Hams, received and for sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. Oct. 28. 85 A few boxes Sperm Candles, "extra." Just received by Nov. 4. SHAW & AUSTIN. BEEF TONGUES.?Just received, a cask nf Beef Tongue#, in splendid order, at MOORE'S. SUGAR CURED IIAMS?1 cask in fine order, nf MOORE'S. CHEESE?25 botes prime Goshen, English Dairy'and Pine Apple Cheese. For sale nt , iiu*. ?u. awuri a nuui/fiin. NEW RAISINS?100 boxes Raisin*. in whole, half and quarter boxes, new crop and iine. At Nov. 20. MOORE'S. FRUIT, FRUIT?A few barrels Northern Apples; Havana Oranges and Lemons. At MOORE'S. CRACKERS?Soda, wine, butter, sweet and water Crackers, lust received and fresh at MOOR E'S. ? BUCKWHEAT?A few bags Hull's Buckwheat. At MOORE'S NEW RAISINS?in quarter, half and whole boxes, Ginger Preserves, Sardines, in quarter and whole boxes. At MOORE'S. TTTR SOTTTTTRP V STOPP ALL who wish Bargains, arc invited to call at K. S. MOFFAT'S new Southern Store, third house above the i:ank of Camden, where they will find a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE, consisting in part, as follows: __ ' Taney ana motrrnt?g rrinis 7-8 and 4-4 brown Shirtings Blue Denims and Marlborough StripeB Saitinetts and Kentucky Jeans Cloths and fancy Cassimeres Negro Ketcys; Bed and Negro Blankets Mous. De'aines, Ginghams, Groceries. Brown, Loaf, crashed and clarified Sugar n:.. i i~..? f~tr I\?U rllltl *j fl Vr? \ l/IIC* New Orleans and West India Molasses ' \ Mackarel, Nos. 2 ami 3 in barrels Cheese, [lice, Flour, Bacon and A'alt Raisinp, Pepper, Spice Tobacco, Scgars. &c. &c. Hardware. Pocket Knives and Forks Britannia and Iron Spoons Trace and Ualier Chains Axes, Hammers and Hatchets .Spades, Shovels and Hoes Hand, mill and crosscut srws Vices, anvils and blacksmith's bellows Nails, brads, tacks and sp igs Knob, pad closet and stock locks Iron squares, compasses and plane irons Brushes, blacking, cotton and wool cards Hroadaxes and steelyards; pots and skillets Broad and narrow Iron &c. Ready Hade Clothing of every description. Saddles, Bridles and Martingales ('rockery and Gl. sswarc Gunny and Dundee Ragging Kentucky Rope and Twine Together with every other article usually lound in a well selei ted slock of' Pry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. All of which will be sold exceedingly low for cash. J lie Dl^liCM. IIJrtl KL'l pi ltirw j/rttti lui tuuuu . anil other country produce. Dec. 24, K. S, .WOFFAT. Cosnpn aim ^ioimnrrmniTTr^ j Small and large firkins Mountain Butter, by the firkin or pound Prime Goshen Butter, Dec. 30. ROB'T LATTA. __ . . . _ Estate Sale. BY permission ol the Ordinary for Kershaw District, will he sold on the tenth day ot Jan. ary next, on the Plantation belonging to the Estate of William llaile, deceased, one half of the slock of Hogs, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Corn, Fodder, Provisions, the Farni'i.g Utensils &c. on the said Plantation, Terms?All sums of and under twenty dollars cash?all over that amount, a credit of or.e year, with note and security; interest from date. COLUMHUS IIAlLLii TIJO'S. E HAILE, Dec. 23, 1^50. Adm'rs. Notice. MY Boy, LEWIS, having left my premises without any punishment, on the 25th inst. any information which may be given relative to his whereabouts will be thankfully received, and eatiefactory compensation given. He is about 13 years old, a little tinged with yellow, and might be a tolerable plow hand; slow of speech. He belonged to the estate of Mrs. Marti a C.Wilson, dee'd., and was sold in Camden, on the 14th inst. Address the subscriber at $?vifl Creek, Darlington District, 8. C. JONATHAN WRIGHT. December 20. 102 If Dissolution of Copartnership. THE firm'of L. Elias it Koopman is dissolved. L. ELIAS. December 31,1880 1 3t T. List of Letters REMAINING in ihe Post Olffce at Camden oo thehrst day of January, 1851. !' A?John Albert, Woitby Archon, Jas. H An' derson, U. Arrants, Asbury fi. Arant. I 13?Edward Bradley. VV. E. Boone, (2) John F. * ' Baiiard. Daniel Branford, John Burdell, Mildred Brewer, Daniel Bullard, S. H. Boykin. D. VV. Brown, Narah Buie, D. C. Boggs, Samuel Baker, Dixon Barnes, John Brown, Jamea P. Brown, C. Ai. Breaker. C?Jleirs of Benj. Carter, A. G. Cross well, Sarah Cook (4) James Creigliton, Richard Chesnut, Adam Clieenut, J. H. Culpeper, John M Cloud, J. F, & D. I* Cloud. D?U'm H Dandy, A R Dulin (2) J R Dj?, Simeon Dawk ins, Win M Da visa. E*-James English, R G Edwards, Benj Exam, Rishwood Evans, J J E5arts (2) F?d/icliael Freeze, (2) James W Ford, D S Ferguson Co. S Fair, G?G VV Garden, N Graliatn. L fj T_~ 1*7 U--I t-t.- " ? " ? i >1?.ian it naueu, jonn navis, oaran ri riaiie, D.ivid Hipsher. J?Jemima Jones, Mary Jones, Mias E. Jonee, James Johnson, .Rebecca Jones. K?Henry F.~King, (2) W G Kennedy, John Kelly, P H Keough. L?John D. Lockheart, James Love,- sen. J J Love. w M?R T Myers, Charles McKinnon, Mrs. E Miller, F J Moses, Joseph Murphy, Roderick Me Donald; David H Montgomery, Charles W Mc Kenna, James McGorntick, Miss R Mickle, Rosetta McDowell, Squire McDonald, J H Mc! o?, John A .Voore, John C Marshall. George Mattox, Thomas N Mvrick, Diana M'Moore, Thos Mials, Mary Montgomery. , N ?P H Nelson, Joseph Newsom (8) ()?J 0 K Keefe, Daniel A Ogburn. P?Grace Petty fool, Candy Patton, L / Patterson, (2) R?Harriet Riddle, Wiley Robinson, Dr John Reynolds, J W Reynolds, John M Richardson. S?C A Scott, Thomas Stack, E'ijah Sill^Joel Sweeney, Thomas ScoTt, Robert Shaw (2) John A Sweeney, Savage & Cook, Jas D Stanley T?Joseph L Tiller. Rebecca Thompson, W E Thompson, Alexander Thorn son, James Turner, J T frapp. W?R L Whitaker, Catherine Walden, Join* Williams (2) Sarah Wheat, Jane Wheat. Tbomae Wheat, W L Williams, Alexander Willi&ipt, Jno. Worthinsrlon. Y?John Young, Ann M Young. J. N. GAMEWELL. P. M. Negroes and Land for Sale. In Equity?Lancaster Dhtrtet Ex Parte, Mary Jane Steele and Daniel Steele, infanta, by T. K. Cureton, their next friend. TJNDER the decree of the Court in above case, LJ I will sell t-.t Lancaster C. H*, on Monday the 20th day of January 1851, Two tracts of Lana and three negroes, belonging to the Estate of Dan. iel C. Steele deceased, one Tract known as the Waxhaw tract, containing 150 acres more or less, boundod East, by the North Carolina Line, North hv lands of T. K. Cureton, West bf M. R. Crawford and South by H. R. Maseey. Also the 12 mile Creek tract containing 225 acres more or less, bounded south (jby 12 mile Creek, east by lands of Robert Ntinson, North by lands of Massey Ivey & Co., ai d West by John J. Porter. Also the following Negroes. Jack a 1 ikelv vounar fellow and Torn and Tim valuable and choice liarfds. Terms ?A credit of 1 and 2 vears with interest annually Bond and "'nod security and a mortgage of the Lands ; as much cash as will-pay coat will he required. JAMES II. WITHERSPOON, c. e. l. v. Lancaster, C. II., Dec 30, 1&50. Jan. 3, 1851. [3.50] 1 4t * Annatto Copperas, Indigo, Logwood, Madder, White Lead, .Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Window Glass, Lamp Chimneys,, Solar Wicks, Sperm Oil, Solar Oil,* Castor Oil, Epsom Satys &c. &c. A full and fresh supply of all the above articles ust received, and for sale by sept- 20. Z. J. DeIIAY. Bounty Land. fTMIE subscriber will piosecute claims for Land 1. or Pensions, on reasonable terms. Soldiers and officers, in the Mexican war, in the War of 1812, the Florida war, arid other Indian wars, arc entitled to Bounty Land. J. B. KERSHAW. Dec. 21,11101 Att'y at Law. 11, ILI'!! IN ATIHG Spirit Gnu or RnroingFlaid, Lamps, Wicks &c. ' I Mir; ?uuser.ner lias just rvceivcu num umuX more, an elegant assortment of Glass and Afetilic .Spirit Gas Lamps, Wicks &c. In a few days hp- will ?l*o havo a supply of the Burning Fluid, to alt of which he invites the attention of thoMMn want, and his friends generally. Z. J. DeHAY. ?? v . . Saw Mill Irons. U THOUGHT Cranks, cast Gudgeons, Segments, Rag Wheels and Ways, wrought Pittnans (with hrass boxes) Stirrups, Dogs, Feed Hands, Guide Rods. Also, wide and narrow Mill Saws and six fe>*t cross-cut Saws; SAW GUMMERS, % Files, &c. MoDOWALL Si COOPER. XA1LS. < AA KEGS superior Cut Nails, for sale low J.L/U for cash, by S. E. CAPERS. Fresh Garden Seeds. THE subscriber has just received a fresh and full supply of every variety of GAR DEW SEEDS, which can be depended upon, consisting in part of early Mohawlc, French, speckled, yellow six weeks, early white and cranberry , BEANS, Bishop's early prolific, early charlton, dwarf strawberry and tall marrowfat PEAS; early May, early York, early Dutch, early large York, sugar-loaf, drumhead, Battersea, green glazed and mountain CABBAGES; long blood, white sugar and turnip BEETS; Brocoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Collards, Cucumber, Squash, Egg Plant, Lettuce, Kale, Sugar Corn, Parsley, Parsnip, white and brown Mustard, Okra, Onion Buttons, Bell Pepper, sweet Spanish Pepper, Radish, early spring Turnip, Vegetable Oyster, ?pinage. Tomato, Hemp and Canary Seed?also, 'an assortment ot choice FLOWER SEEDS. For sale by . F, I* ZEMP,