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\^OTTT>rE 12. ISUMBER^ Pur ttw .Journal, Messrs. Editors: Allow the undersigned n ' space in your respectable paper for the ioser- j tion of a small communication from a Love j Stricken 8 wain, and-oblige the Author. TO ANA ATUC DKKAMS OF VoUTJI. There was a spirit that haunted inv youth, A vision of beauty and light and love, With lips all music and eyes all truth, And a voice as soli as a cooing dove. In each lonely rambie 'ntalli the shadowy trees, By a stream where the waters were kissing its l.iim. That voice would float on the wild evening breeze j As low and as tweet as an angel's hymn. In the Ian.! cfdreanis where fancy was free And row (I like die East Bird through regions ! ofeold; x y That form was the fairest of aH I could seisin,. Thine eye was'the brightest rtii tie could bcliolav Yet never in hours of reve| and mirth. Where beauty was holding her festival reign Mid the brilliant and pure of the daughters of Earth, Could one like thine image mine homage enchain. Oh! long did I yearn for that beautiful form, Through the shadows of grief that darkened life's way, To shine like the bow on the brow of the storm, And to gild with hersmiles the gloom of my day. From the dwellings cf uien like the old Roman King, Ofl would I fly to some desert apart. And seek near the shade by some delicate spring, To lind this Egoria?this nymph of my heart. Cut vain was my yearning, all vain vas my prayer. The Enchantressemkindling my wooing would flee; xr.. ,v?ll nich to despair When I found this sweet spirit incarnate in thee. \ es, iovelv ope, 'twas in thee I beheid. When Hist on my pathway thine image did beam; The spirit that age, my affection had held, 3Jy enthusiast passions my youth's burning dream. Then forgive me if madly I fling at thy feet a heart that prophetic had long h it thy power, That had sighed for a worship from its eariieit beat, And found it and tlice in the same lnppv hour. IWliiAN. Carrtden, 30:h Dec, 1850. ?? ? : " A Platfokm.?S?nne of the Sol.inic sionists ill Georgia depMnled the late :te\s of > .1... I'.. f/OJlg'rCSS, IfjIV !*"?*?Ipr.l I liuVeriHIK'ui nun I I.. Ion generally. by asserting that th? price < f cotton was high, and the had tv to eat. Wo suppose these gentlemen will he on! m float) Willi a new p ftlfiiitri. TheV will he M'ien! about territoral rights, at !iiimj% of slaveiy in the District. of the slave trade between the tS.Btesaod slavery in the Suites, i r about ant of the [uiiitieal rights in the Uiiiati, hut pledge theff?*e!res to resist at all hazards, and : ? t*e last extremity,'tou falls to five renu a pound. u iien haeonnnil hominy heroine o'iiic, and when their coals are out a; the elh.iw i'hey will resist no hrcaehps eflhe < 'ut.stitn'ikt hrearhes o| faith. n<o breaches of'any himl but 6 breaches into their breeches junkets. f .. Si.ulhmi Press. Early Rising.?Rising early is a habit oi high importance to fix in children; ami in forming it-there, is far greater facility than in other ? cases. There is a natural inclination in children generally to early rising, which needs only to-be gratified and encouraged. They usually retire toiied some time before their parents, .1 . - : II,. and at dayiignt, or at least suumm- .;;i- .. awake and anxious to rise. Many of tat in ate , actually bred up wit!) didiculty to the habit of takitf^a morning nap, which, when once formed, generally prevails through lite. Let the father deny himself so far as to retire early and become and earlv riser also, ilis health, enjoyment, and usefulness, he may depend upon it, will be perceptibly benefitted. And this may f>c connected with another preventive of disease?active employment. The morning is | is the season of activity; the frame, invigorated ^ by repose, is prepared for exertion, and motion gives pleasure. The pure atmosphere, so much more brnci.ig than att other hours, so much sweeter and more exhilirnting than the air of a confined chamber, has been prepared to be breathed, and like all nature's medicines, it is superior to any which science can produce. Earlr risinir and early exercise may more prop oily be called food than medicine, as they are designed for daily use, and to protect us from disease, rather than to remove it. Kverthiitg except mere sloth invites ns?nay, requires ns ? to tram op our children to use them. The ' morning is the most favorable season for exercising (ho frame, ns well as for making useful impressions on the mind and heart; and whoever tiies to conduct the education of lii< child independently of this practice w ill lose some of the most favorable opportunities. i ?.> "Hkrb's Till yr, Jrmmy.? An Irishman bad been sick for a long time, and, while in this state, would occasionally cease breathing, and bis life would be apparently extinct, for porno tirpe, when he would again come to.? On one of these occasions, iviien he had just ? awakened from his sleep, his friend Patrick |;tsked hhn:? ' "An' sure, an' how'Jl we Know .tommy, when you are dead: You're afther wakin' up jMB|erv time. P'^jBnng me a g! o' grog, Pat, ami thin t"Ait&ifl don'C'raise up and tiiyjnk, thin bury * . l Hol^arrcl. Flonfr. .Im| recei* IT'ltfVj kHA\V & Avsm mkm? Darlington Hotel, DARLINGTON COURT-HOUSE. . flpIIE above House 1i:ivii??r been purchased and I fitted up anew hy John Potex, is again opened for the accommodation of the Public. Strict attention t?i tfie wants and comforts ol guests wi'l be given, and i:n.effort, calculated to merit the patronage of all who may favor the establishrent with a visi', shall be spared. All that 11n* market find surrounding country afford will be found upon the table. Comfcrtab e rooms, for families or individuals, are prepared. .. The StalJes will be attended by careful and attentive hostlers. Drovers can be well accommodated, as any t . 1 |,Q on| in i||t. numuer %>i iiorM's* ciuu muii-c can ??w ?j?- slahies and lots expressly prepared for themNov. 1, 1*50. 86 tf MiSJfS10 N H 0 U S E. CAJiDE.V, S. C. THE subscriber respectfully announces to bis friends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC jrenerally, that he has opened, as a HOTEL, that la rye andeproniodio: s hquaein Log Town, formerly the private res deuce o? B. Perkins, esq. The building is admirably adapted for that pnrI pose, being situated in the nost healthy and pleasj ant part ol ( aunieu, combiniug all the advanta. j ges ol the town with the b?itny atmosphere of the. country, ami within a tew tnitiures* walk of any ! part of Camden. The rooms are large and airv, | his Servants respectful and attentive, and ho ; pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping tip ! an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and to use I every exertion to please those who may call upon | him. j liis STABLE-"5 will be found commodious, and ] always fully supplied with Provender, O'The House being conducted on Temperance Principles, he Batters himself that those who favor linn with a call will lied the JlAiNfilON HOUSE not only the comforts and attention of a well regulated Hotel, hit: the quiet retirement of a Home. [ Ciiar^ef moderate. (Lf All !iie Stamps arriving in the |)lace, and the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will eall at the House when de-'ired. E. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. *.27 l? HUIn TER'S EOTELT" camden, s. c. fl^IJE subscriber having located in Camden, | i would inspect fuiiv say to ihe public that he j lias opened a 1'nblio House two doors below the Post Office, and hopes by strict attention to busi J ne.-s to share a libera! ptronagc. , .My oiiiintr* *?*; <iiKi (i nil pii|i|iir u ? ! I'mvcrulcr, ami my Table shall always he supplied vvilii as j/nod as' tlie market affords. 1 nm i crtniri tint those who c.uce favor me with a culi h i ) be wiilinjr to call ajiain. I have also. a ? <1 \\ aoun Yard, with wood, water ami house convenient, for the accofiiimxj.)tioa ot Wagoners. i wiil ai.-o attend t?? the Commission IJusiness, Hud aii <.ouii-i v oiisieni'tl to my f are, or left with i e iorsiio sni 1 iii, - t Witii prompt attention, lift h ir_es moderate J\Mi:S M. HUNTKR. Nov. 20 tM tt For Sale. \T" A<' " "l 1,'ind iyin.' 1 1 miles e,.j ' of I,anr.i.-'er court Ictt^e. nn both sides of !,:tt|e |,vis h ? crook, adi'dni'ij I, ml.-: ?il \\ m. ' *? :inr?r. ! iliirM , JHi'tsoii ilorlon, askingtmi K lis and ! \Vi hi |i he:ts. 'I tie aiim e tract fin,'ai'is ahoul i,<t>0 Avro?atiuiit j'HIO of whirl: arp rut Hows. anf|i!.e iM-st i ! i' in a {rood state of colli, va'io't. On lit" place wdl he louml a good (Jm ' ' ' ."-I Iflfrilt llll, ,f ! !l ill/, I > I 11* ,1 a. / r, I* I* I i |?l Ill< ?" * I U ? iwjir ? ii. . .......... ... v. . ... f I llil|>r<nI tfJCM'K. a trinjii Beat, Imlll |i?r a SHW j anil j?r:.-: taiii. TIw ?-.??! is well ailapicJ !o l!it* l crow :!i < ! ci.ri.m . nd^iaiii j JYts'o;s wisiiisijr l<i (nrrliasr, will do well to I call iiinf examine for themselves. \VM. T. CASTON. I I'lrasMit Hill. Nov. 33. n:t 111 ! Negroes and other Property FO!t SALfj. 5sx iUqiJi*;!?>:*{: *< ?. I .Mi(](ile!n*i (I On. ten f. :J. vs. Surnnnali Caston an! o?l*o".-? I. II for Partition. J j >V viritie >! trie Decree of the Court of Equity I 1 J in aiiove case, I v. ill soil n trio Otliof amiaI rv, ;?! tie* 1*1 -tri*.-i?j??n ol th" Estate of SamuI e! Cns'oii, ?n'.e J.viiclies creek, alioti: ")lf of Cat lie, I:: ?ir i i Horses and Mules, annul "?(1 head '! 'J Road Wagons, Plantation and Smith's T<a?!s, a quantity of Corn ntul Builder and j other articles ot pr >}>etry. Also. 11n* following NBI (fllOBS?J.ilin, Peter, Alex, Martha Jane, ! new and life, all voting aid likely, i Terms?M! sno.* uii lor five dollars, rash; all j sums over, a rred.t until 1st January. le.j'J, pur; chasers rrivin-j notes, with jtihu! security, with in* j terest l|ntii the ilav of sale. j 0*Tho creditors of Samuel Caston. ilec'd are j notified Id |ire-ent their demands on or be In re the j first dav el Januarw 1I. JAMBS II. WiTliBUSPOON, C.E.I..1). ' ConnnVrt. OtKee, Dec. 1-5, lsf>0. [$?J Estate Sale. permission >! J. 11. J.?\, iv-q. Ordinary for ' f Kershaw District, will I e offered at Public Sale, ai the rtiml house in Camden, on .Monthw - ' f > . t iL. .. ..4 I ..i.ia.iun f'lt it rtt ( iff If lib.tltf . II1C lOlflWV "i Jrtiiii.ur iic.m, iiiiv m i-i.mj ! .Slaves, mostly groe u Negroos. A'so one loin! died acres of Land on liie Liberty JIill roml. ahout , fourteen miles' from Camden, adjoining Lands of j John Brown and others. And on Tuesday, the 1 J li of January, at the i Stockton Plate, six miles hciow Camden, ail the Stock on said Limitation, consisting ol 1 torsos, i Mules, Cattle and Hogs, Also, tlio crop ?>f C< rn, | Fodder, Leas Ac, In/got Iter with the Plantation | Implements, and a sett of Blacksmith's Tools, bclonging to the Residuary Estate of Joseph Cunningham, dee'd. Terms will bg made known at the time of sale. C. J. SHANNON, JOHN. BROWN, J)ee 3.?t?l Ex'ors. FAU-L T. VJLLEPiGlIE, FACTOR, And General Commission Merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, ITIARLESTON, S. O I.iheral advances made on consignments nl Produce, and prompt attention given to the forwarding of Goods, at the lowest ratci. At'jff-30. 0^ c E 4V Staple and Fancy Goods. ] rpHK subscribers are now opening a complete JL assortment ol Staple and Fancy Goods, purj chased with much rfirc, which they will dispose of I on their usual liberal terms, They cotiBtist in I part, as follows: WOOLENS. Heavy I/indon DntliJ Blankets I Super H-4 to 14-4 Lamb's V\ ool Bed Blankets j Heavy all-whoi i\e?ro Cloths j Negro ljinspys,"very heavy and stout j 1'laid Linsoys; W ool Cloth lor women's wear C'totlpi and i'nasiinwcs. j Superfine black, "blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths Superfine Doe-skin black Cassimeres J Satiinets. assorted coiors j Kentucky Jeans. do do . Elegant Fashionable Vesting* Fancy Cassimercs Red white and yellow Flannels COTTON GOODS. PRINTS, of every description Furniture Calicoes, very handsome Ginghams; Cross.har'd and fancy Blriped Muslins Furniture and cambric Dimity Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored and black cambrics Stilts aiid Fancy Articles. E'egant plain and watcr'd black silks " plain, figured and water'd colored silks " Cliena hgiirt'd dress silks, very rich Bolts; elegant lace capes 1 Muslin worked collars and sleeves j Very handsome Insert nigs and Edgings j Liiicn*cainbric Handkerchiefs , Ribbed siik Stockings; raw silk Stockings ! French merino, black and assorted colors ttiipor black and mctedian black Alpachas Striped and cross-barM colored Alpachas DOMCSTJCS. 3-4,7-8 and 5 o bleached and brown Shirtings 1*3-4 bleached and unidcachcd Sheetings W hue and unbleached Drills Siriped and plaid colored llomespuns Bed Ticks; Apron checks; cotton Oznaburgs LI X HNS. Super an assorted Irish Linens M Lawn Lawns, Don las; Unmask Table-cloths * Damask Diaper; Damn >k Napkins " Bird-eye and Russia Diapers also i > 1_. i r> i; ii'uuut't aim uukiiv liale ltope and Twirc; Iron; Salt I <Suyar, Oolfee, Ztluia-ses ! ALSO I liiacksinitk's Eellmvs, Vices, Anvils. Hammers &C'cw I' ales, i'race-cliams, Collins' Axes lines, Spades, tSimvcis, .Manure Forks \\ iili a complete assortment tT Hardware and ('ill !ery Witli manv (initios too tedious to enumerate. II. LKVV m* SON. sept. !? 71 Hin BEY GOOBSr ! ry Hi: ?nl??crihors iwvc received ilisir WINTER SL'P' _L I'l.V. I'oin-iHiiii" in |iari of ( FANCY liltF.SSllS?tlrooii.Ii"! Thibet Cloth, BroraI i!i*<l I^ibradorc. for livi-nit.r Ura-sos. < acinncre Merinos j and Mouf sclin <i? l/iin. plain and printed ; black and fanI i v >ilks. Pari* and English Print1, French and Scotch | t?!!t^hatn<. | .MOl'KN'IN I tiRE-Sr'.-?Royal Tonr. Satin Royal, 1 .... ,.. l- 1. i?.?.i:_ | NiillJI ?Jt! I Ihmio. m* rvniiic. rrciirn ? ??jwu. 'nii'a/.iu i ,M< !j M-iiri ilc Lain, Aljiarca.tdnghanif, French and ling!<;-:? Prims. Tkl >1 >J INUS?Of .-Very varietv. to suit tin; above. S'MiUIilS ? 15i;ir!. and fiin?*y 'Phebit, Caelunere and ; w tlcii >i a *\ I-. w-ir!:"d .M'i'liii and leicc Capt* mid Collars. ini.tni'* worked l>rc?.""s and Bodies, Linen Cambric ! ii'.ik'i-.. .Muslin Trimmings. (a trreat varietv.) Thread I l.aec. Cap bihhnne. I<i-tvcs arid Mills of ail kinds. I Jose. n liirj*. tissorlmenl.) Immk and short sleeve .Merino vests. ! .Marseilles ileil and Crili Quilts. Table. Piano ana Toilet | Covers. !> I and KM ICnt.isk Table t 'overs. Damask and .n|.T"l I i-iylies. Netted Tidie*, 6-4 I" I--I Linen Sheeting, J-S to Pillow H-!<'a-e Linen. .ri-l to 12-4 bleached ami nrovvn Cotton Sheeting. Furniture Chinls and Dimity, Curtain Ilimit v. Furniture; Iringe. India Rubber Sheeting Red Blanket*. ti 4 In 11-1 Floor Cloth. Ncotph Carpeting. A la rye n esorlinrntof blenched and brown 1 (.toods. < ieeks, Ticking. Lilevys, At. Ac. PL \ N.N P.I.S?( eiimrie. Lodgers. Real We'sh. Saxony. ] Shaker's all wool and silk warp, all wool and Domet I White, Red ami \ ellow. of every description. For Lien's "Wear. Bla.-k. brown, blue, greett, olive ami drab Cloth; fancy ; and black Csifsiinere-. silk and Cttcinnere Vesiiifgs, hnffitI In lot'i. fir shooting Coals; Cinve?. of every variety: 1 -- * II ir II i . I _ ..I 1 I'rav.Mty; niiuiiKprciiiri: j iimi mw, i iiuit oiuriv j nml DniuvN: rr:r!y nmde Shirt* and Collar*; So* penJ ?!? : r llniir ivy*. A'i*. ?V?\ A laiw :i?Mirlineiit of (awd* fur Boy's anil Servant's I wear (ieur^iH Plains Cordova'do. Blankets, Jkc. Arc. MeDO'.VALL A COOPER. Oct. 2.1. 83 if A t'ompScto Slot k of HOSIERY .wn GLOVES* : / 1l>.\TAIovi-rv kind ut (iloves, J .am ; V. Mills, Ismeainl lla!t Loiio do.; a beautiful i nriicieo! (Jiasse Sdk (Loves. all colors, in match ' Drcrscs; misses' and ciuldrei's (i loves all sizes. Bo<itir}'. ' Ladies' Silk, .Merino and all-wool Hose; cotton i Hosiery; of every coior and quality; misses'do., ! all s zcs. | Ladies'Merino and silk Vests Men's rotton, merino and wool Half IIosc; merlin Slur's and Drawers; hoy's do. Men's kid, silk, buckskin and cashmere (Loves, j In tact, every thine desirable in t he a >ove depart* j moiii V. ni J A .WES \YIL>U.\>. k'ntif ji Ariii'hvi. CIllLOUN K, Ijivi'inlrr, i loriiln. llonry awl Kiw^iiler, ) Jriiiiv Liml. OmitiS'i*.. I'nrtrnit. PariMsin. Nymph, j U imlsor .mil 1'iilni :'.< Kxtnirt [i"'iuiin?*) of | Jonnv l.iiul. Jot-ky flub. I'liiirpi.-t >!? siroiiin.'. IIt*?ly??sn?ia. ! W < ?.i IvhI iin-i \ erliena.; l.ind llnir (?1o>h ; Queen of Flowers IliirOil; jlanelVsiml Itoiiswil'ii l.usimli'; Hoar's Oil. IMii|oeniii!?-'. Alirrow Pom. sitlf.for I hi* liiuvvili ninl ISumiiy of llos I t:*ir ; 1'hu.lonn Cbooiifiil lluir Jutii'onMor&f Ar. .1 u-1 m-rived m z.j i>-n v > KEW FALL GOODS. M. DJlliCKIilt & CO. A HE now just .opening their largo ami new Fiipply nf Miiiroiiiiiiiij limnly, consisting in part of lollis, cnssifneres, f a It i licit-", vrsnng.-, mien* 1' I a i 11 and figured alparra, niousclin dc Laiuee, (iiiiglianip, with oilier ponds for Ladies Drosses a A a splendid variety of Calicoes, and the very best and-cheapcst blenched and brown Muslin to bo found in ll>e town The above (tends have been seleclod with (lie preaiest care, ami will be sold as always, at the very lowest prices. < 'vt. 29. Superior .tl iislard, IN fjiiarter and half pound boxes; White Mustard Seel; (iinpi-Cj lilack and Ited Peperfc Spice; Nutmegs; Mace; loecs; Cinnamon, For sale by Z. J. DkFIAY. Fresh Groceries.' .... rrtHE subscribers have just "n*ceived an<T. for JL sale the following articles, viz: Dried Beef; s'mbked Halibut KisXo. 1 Mackarel ' . Quarter barrels do. . . ' . *?' Barrels No. 3 do. Chemical, Rose and Castile Soaps -v Potted Yarmouth Herrings Lemon, Prune and Pine Apple Preserves | Boxes small size English Dairy CheeSe' ' I Boxes large size Cheese. Dec. 9. SHAW & AUSTIN. IpXTRA FAMILY JFLOUR?Another lot in Figr iuRt J received and for enle by SHAW & AUSTIN! I7M.NE IR1SII I'OTATOhlS-?A few Bbls. ju?t received 1 by SHAW & AUSTIN. -r-wir-fcri r.'n ? m t wit- !.* f ' " SH A w' & ACSiriN PICKLED BEEF?Prime foe*# No. 1 for sale br SB AW & AUSTIN A LOT ol Fine Bacon sides?superior Lard? old and new Corn?northern Potatoes for planting?alum, salt, cheese, new rice, &c., just received bv E. VV. BONNEY. Dec. 10.' 97 SUPERIOR FLOUR. Just received by Nov. 26 , E. W. BONNEY. ENG Walnut Catsup, Tojpato do. Capers and Pepper Sauoe. At MOORE'S. FANCY Boies, Tot's, Figure# and Work Basket#. At November 12. MOORE'S. FINE Chewing Tobacco, of the inoet approved brands At MOORE'S. OUGARS?A fine supply of Brown, Loaf and Crushed O Sugars, Just received at MOORE'S. 1NRES1I Pickles of all sizes. Just received at . November 12. MOORE'S. JUST RECEIVED?Cooper'# beet Isinglass, new citron. soft sticll Almonds, snper claret VV ine, and AdaI uiantiue Candles, by E. W. BONNEY. ICnse Pie Fruit, just received, and for sale by I SHAW & AUSTIN. iX Kegs Malaga liranes, torraie 07 O S11AW & AUSTIN. 1 TRj^lfSaisilu ii? linlf and quarter boxen, at : SHAW & AUSTIN'S. Iloxes imitittion Cheese, at Z*J SIIAW <fc AUSTIN'S. OA Boxes chemical Olive Soap, at OU %-yr SIIAW & AUSTIN'S. AFRESH lot sugar cured Ilains, received and for .-ale by SIIAW & AUSTIN. Oct. 28. 85 View hoxt'sSperiH CautSlcs, "extra." Ju.-t received by Nov.4. SHAW & AUSTIN. BKF/F TONUI'ES.?-hwt received, a of Beef Tongue*, in rplciidld order, at MOORE'S. CJUUAR CLUED iI.VAIS?1 in fine O MUUKE'S. CliKKSE?25 boxes prime Goshen, English Dairy and Pine Apple Cheese. For sale at N?v. 2C. MOOKB'S GROCERY. "VfFAV RAISINS'?!tK> boxes Raisins. in xvhole, half jLx and quarter boxes, new crop and line. At Nov. 20. MoORK'S. J^UL'IT, Fill'i'l"?A few barrel* Northern Apples; Ha. vaua Orange* an.I Lentous. At MUUUE'S. tlKAC'KKRS?Soda. wine, butter, sweet and water J Cracker*. Just received and tVesli at AIOuKK'S. BUCkWIlEAT'?A Hull's Ibiekwhcaf. At AIUOK K'S "VTEW H \ ISINS?in quarter, half ami wltoie boxes, it (JiwpT i'reserves. Sardines, in quarter and whole boxes. At JlOORI/S. i?.?sln>a arid huilttr. ? rirkiii i'riine GosIk ii Mutter. ? do. do. Virginia do.^ Dt'C.13. MS KUlfT L.A11A. New Fall Goods. TEIIIF. subscriber respectfully informs his friends 1 ami tin- public generally, that lit* is now ivceiving iiis l-'ailsupply of bioifiks tie. Consisting in pail, of the following articles, viz:? JSrowu,crushed.loafaud clarified fnig.iis i\ew Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Kio and Java Coffee Rice, Cheese, Raeon and Lard .No. 'J and 3 Mncknrel Corn, Flour, Oats,Sail Swedes Iron of ail sizes Powder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles Fine and common Tobacco iSnvrgiuK. Kope and Twine, Men and boy's Wagon Saddles Riding and VVaggon Jh idles llames. Collars. Riding ami Waggon Whips Ai.SO Crockery, Class and Hardware Coilin:' best Axes. Nails, assojh d size l'ockct Knives, Knives and Forks .'Vo^ro C'loJlls, Bleached and brown Huuo-puns Bed. Xejrro and Kidinir BLANKETS A A Jew cases of men and boys I la's and Caps Willi all other articles usually lound in a well supplied Orocery and Hardware store, all of which will In sold exceeding!; low for cash. ' B. W. CHAMBERS. Cam '.-a. S. ('. Si'pl. n. 7(1 tt la. Ntiiuicr Itaiunr ami True Southron will ropy for iliror mouth*. Kork Salt. For sale by -H. I.EVY & SOX. ^Distinguished Arrivals! \ jp TAKE p.o.isore in uiinnuuriiio the sale arrival Fall ami Whiter Goods. Amongst w Inch aro, tin; novesi stvo- of French Cashmeres and Mous.-clines. Woolen do (.'liinies, A'pacras, .Mohairs, Camelcons. Coburgs, I)rap de l,v?ins, changeable Parr.iinattas, solid color (I Me rinoes, and Mousseimes, and a iol of satin striped Dress Goods, at -'() cents per y.Yd. Oct- 1. JAMES WILSON. ?.\ Kopccr of tli o Poor Hous9 WAXTBD. APPLICATIONS will be received for a Keeper lor the Poor House until the first Saturday in i January next, on which day an election will be held for that office. Applications must be left with the Secretary. fcjgCW Negro Alnn, of good character is also wanted for the Poor House, for whom good wages will be paid. W. E. HUGHgO.N, Sec'y. Dec. in. 98 6t . Valuable Plantation . - - . .. fo Lease or Rent. TWILL lease or rent the ;plaoe I now occtipy_iw LynclUifl crjjek. in Kerenavtc J>i?trqt, i7? mile > . iVoin CanidmV containing '?000 acres of Lwik comfortable dwelling house,, with all- neceeaefft*" outbuildings, a eaw and gristmill?tfhichamy iiad a bargain, on" "' 'jj- * Nov. J/*, J. L. REID. House and Lot for Sale. lii Eguiti~Laucaster District* Mrs. Margaret L Stewart, vs. John H. SteyyarW Partition estate of Robt. 0. P. Stewart, BY virtue of the decree of tbe Court of JSQQityi in above case, I will sell at LancastervilWoQ Wednesday the 15th January, 1851, the dwelliwhouse and lot belonging to the estate of Robert > 1>. Siospfrt. osq^ dee'd fin-the yilltige of Lanpaftf^ bounded northbv Clarke*#loteaetoj white street, south by lot of Dr. R.*R. Jones, nod west by Ham ./.?( Tl.o Itniiip snil J At in in Avrollpnt ronair "? ? 1?i and condition. * * . Also, a Tract of Woodland, lying one mile nartk of the village, containing 100 acres, more or lea* adjoining landa of A. Gamble, Allen Cpijaar, jagf Barr and others. Terms a crediVof 1 and2 yeara purchasers giving bonds with good security, writfc interest from day of sale, payable a'nnually>Jjgd * mortgage?except as mncjicaah from tbeijB*^ the House and Lot as will pay ensfe. J A M ES H. WITHERSPOON, c. *. i-* Dec. 14,1850. ? 100 Negroes for Sale, BY order of tne Ordinary will be sold on January, 1851. at Lancasterville, seveo Like* ly Negroes, as the estate ot Robert O. P. Stewart, esq, dee'd., among the number is a superior cook, an excellent young fellow, a mu'atto boy apd IfQ young girls. Ternm on day of sale. * '%54 MARGARET LSTEWART, Adnrtc &T Dec. 14, 1850. 300 Tn Rent. TIIAT brick dwelling- and store, next totbt "Mansion House." now occu pied ny T.ltoa* nell. Apolvto J. B, RBRSHAW, Ex'oe, Dec 24* 101 tf -' ? Hotel for Sale or to HeirtT THAT well known stand on the comer ofBrOtti :\J and DeKnlb streets, at present occopied b* Mr. Boone,and known as the Temperance Hola The stand is surpassed by none in the place, bet ingiu the centre of the business part of the town am! convenient to the Railroad Depot. It will be sold or rented with the furniture attached to it^*? Possession given on the 1st of February .next, or sooner if desired. For particulars or terifts apply to the subscriber. WM. McKAlN, Camden, Dec. 3d, 1850. 96 i The Sumter Banner and Hornets' Bfeet j will please copy the above until the 1st of Jan. tad i send bills to this office. A FRLSH supply of Jellies, Jams and Prcoereet JLJL Catsup'spickles and Sauces, jOs! received^ MOORE'S Adamantine Candles. J SPLENDID supply of the above in 30 A "49 Lib. Boxes at MOORED . -j, , ? Notice. A LL Licenses for retailing spirituous liquors, billiard tables, ten pin alleys, &.C., will ex* i>ire n:i "be 31hI inst. Therefore, all persons | wishing to obtain either of said licenses for theeo* , suing yea', will hand in their applications ad* | dressed to Council, according to law. By order of Council, L. W. BALLARD, Recorder, I ^ i nn IHO tf i I 'Rcormer sii. m? r Notice. j TT7ILL '-e sold on the first M ndny in Febrqt* I IT ry next, tlie llou-e and Lot formerly b6? Ii;njfir?jr io the Rev James Jenkins. Terms, one third cash, the balance in one and two years, pur[ i baser to pay lor papers. JOS. G. JENKINS. One. :}0?wit WM. A. AIQORER, ANNUALS FOR 1851. T' e Ir.?, a splendidly illuminated Annua) Leaflets ?f Memory; Gems of Ppapty Kmm-nib' r me; Gift of Friendship Krioui slup'i Offering; The Amaranth Huils and B'ossotns; Cabinet of modern Art Keepsake of Friendship, A, YOUNG, faiii!*, Oils, dec. dec. Q UPEKJOfl English Linseed Oil. White Lead, v > Spis. Turpentine, &c. &c., a large invoice just rive vi*d and for sale low at Dec. 1H. McKAlN'S Drug Stora. notice. nAVIXG determined on removing from Cam. den after the close of the present business season, I take this opportunity of informing my friends and customers that I will decline opening any new accounts from and after the 1st of Jauf* a rv, 1851. Those indebted to me will please make payment at the earliest practicable period. 1 will continue tc keep on hand during the season an extensive nrid*wellse)ected stock of Groceries and other articles which will be sold low for cash. H. HOLLEYMAN. Dec. 24. 101 Window Glass. fjPill'i Glass manufactured by the I'atapsco Co. X oi Ualiitnore, cannot be excelled by that of any other. I have just rect >d a larire invoice of the following sizes: 8x10, 10x12,9x11, 11x13. 12x14, 14x18, 18x20, 18x24, &c.,to which 1 would invito tho attention of those in want of tbo artjr.lo. .Also?Liiiids, Chimnies, plain and cut solar ttrfiia. Phvuioinnu nor.ket Cases UIUDC*, llUIOIHg . :j~.~ - , anil Vials. z.j DeHAY. April 2. 20 If NKiv Cm-rats, soft shell Almouds^ ,i Table Sail, in bags, cooking Wine and Yeast Powders. For salg by B. W. BONNEY. ' ' Linen Department. BROWN ami bleached damask Linen Shirtings, damask Table-cloths and covers. HimJu X al>,irk and Diaper Towelings, Crash, Dowlas, R-. E. Diapor, Long l awns, French cambric, ladj^e. and gentlemen's linen cambric Handkerchief#.' ^ a choiro stork of IRISff LINEjNS, warrtn*. toil pure Flax, and remarkably low. newly npenet at JfrMES W11 .SON'S; ANNUALS and Almanars, for 1851, ifor sale he. 4.