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MM????Bgj THE ENGLISH FACTORY GIRL. . 'Twas on a winter morning, The weather wet and mild, * Three hours before the dawning, The father roused his child; Her daily morsel bringing, The darksome room he paced, , And cried, "the bell is ringing, Aly hapless darling haste! "Father, Fm up, but weary; I scarce can reach the door, And long the way and dreary, O carry nie once more! - - i , * To help us, we've no mother, You t e no employment nigh; * Thev killed my little brother, Like him, I'll work?and die f Her wasted form seemed -Till The overlooker he met her, As to her frame she crept, And with his throng he beat her, And cursed her as she wept Alas! what hours ofsorrow Made up her latest day; Those hours that brought no morrow, Too slowly passed away; It seem'd as she grew weaker, The threads the oftenef broke, * The rapid wheels ran quicker, And heavier fell the stroke. The sun had long descended, But night brought no repose; Her day began ana enaea, t.s cruel tyrants chose. At length to a little neighbor, A halfpenny she paid, To take her last hour's labor, While by her irafne ebe laid. At last; theengme ceasing. The ea pfiv?^i?on?isard nsh'd Site thought h?r *trength increasing^? Sh^lSat d' "^Hte^regph^rf herfather's"door. 'iiiifroVww'ngs verHtoMj? '' ' the whit? ?lave vas dying Who gain'd tbeir father's gold! -I ktwVo? ptttmn row impropriate to d?. viisl^ rtto"pift*i<te* tnP*gi?M ml?rrpr?ra?nt?. tioo and tihol."-/>. Webster. ft?Hjrfoa tvli&e tHo firmament; th? mot? one IMfeb^it^ Morf ilui ar? wr?, it i? like th? liltlSr- n~< WviAtfi it the mow boundlew k MfWlfl. to learn is to practice, to think is the deed kooiriedgefsfbe mean*, ami wisdom the end Ifajetrel be genuine, care mil who *ay* it i / iketi. Rather choose toebsrtwo thy desires thai fe br-dHMised on acceuot ofthe<n. A ship should not he made to depend em em ar Bfr on ene hope, ---Jr. Never condenm ? friend unheard, or witbnu lei ring him know hU accuser, or Hi* crime. - fcct thy dfreourte about God he renew? each day rather than thy meats. . TW wrath of an ape nnd ihe threat ot a ftal hw afcmfct be regarded alike. - ; IVeehMaid stretch neither ottrlegn nor bop* Tbe more a man knovr*. the fewt hi* i* apf i rdMntMitn) aWxys bis beat, and make* bii coofiy deliberate what and where it is fit I Am*'-*''<**> * - *"" * mtm*;<. sA A Washington letter in (be* New York C<x ?* A concerted movement will probaly t made for a mndttcatfon ?,f the Tariff a? an ear day. h i* manifest, from the completion lit Mil GoBgren, and especially from tl nveru&eiinjnjt majority of the opposition in tl Senate, that no change cart he effected oal* a trills should occur in commercial f several years. Now is the appointe?l time i any demonstration that may tie intended, a for an immediate concentration of ail the infl eoeas which can be enlisted. If tfaia sessi tketld be allowed In close without extendi) relief to the coffering manufacturing ioteres it will'be difficult to predict, or even to anti< pale, wbeaa ^Ster opportunity can he exp? (fli There ere merry considerations of poli connected with the approachL President epwvtito* which will operate judiciously at ti time, awdwhich cannot be readily enlisted be after. Aedth is policy of prompt-action appl with equal fofUl *o other subjects of larger n meat. The cfaitn* for French spoliations pr to 1800, are in at had a fix as the Tariff, lor I ame description nl obstinate, and gangrer predjudteee exists in tfieane case as the nth krinit churns are nor indemnified now onl the unappropriated pert of the public doma which ? rapidly diminishing, Ihej will be U! ly to aflbrd aootd future Democratic PresiH (be opportunity of furnishing a veto on J P,.HrV orn?*d?nf tt-ifb nrrnmtilafpd VPRf^n gckttknptired (b<- iiabiljtjr of tie f nmfl|U) redeem ii? r,\ igaiioun." /mmu / Darlington Hotel, DARLINGTON COURT-HOUSE. THtl above House having been purchased and fitted up anew by Johw Doten, is again opened for the' accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to the wants and comforts pi guests will be given, and hp effort, calculated to merit the patronage of>ll wfio. may favor the establisbr~ent" with a visit, shall be spared. All that the 'market and surrounding country afford will be found upon the table. * Comfortable rooms, for families or individuals, pre prepared. The "Stables will be attended by careful and attentive hostlers. Drovers ran be well accommodated, as any number of horses and'mfiles can be lept in the, stables and lots expressly prepared for them. Nov. 1. 1850. 86 tf j MANSION HOUSE, j L CAMDEN, 8. C. subscriber respectfully announces tn hip X %>ends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC Eiiera^v, ibmtiiMtr hRdroupd, a*--a HOTEL, .that g^an flroiBtnodio' a b??e ii^Lr>|Town, formerpose, being situated in the nto?t healthy and pleasant part of I aniden, combining aJi the advanta gea of the town with the bhJmjr atmosphere of the country, and within a lew mintfftle' walk of any perl of Camden. The "rooms are large and airy, bis Servants respectful and; attentive, and he pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping up an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and to uee every exertion to please those who may call upon him. ^ ? V' His STABLE* will be found commodious, and always fully supplied with Provender, >. fcTThe House being conducted on Temperance Prinnples, he flatters himself that those who favor him with a call will find the MANSION HOUSE not only the comforts and attention of a well reg. -i?_j u??i k.u tU m?i?r retirement of a Home. Charges moderate. ", { CrAll the Ruj?ee arriving in the place, arid the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the House when desired. t ; 7 4 ; fi G.ROBINSON. Camden, SepUX t- > . 27 if HUNTER'S HOTEL, CAMDEN, 8 C. .subscriber having located in. Camden, X would t aspect fully say to the publie that be has opened a Public House two dooes. below the Post Office, and hopes by strict attention tobosi nesa to share a liberal patronage. ; sHy Stables aWgond. and well supplied with Pruveoder, a?d roy Table shall always be supplied with Osgood as the market affords. I are certain that those who once favor me with a call will be willing 10 call again. Tba*e also, a g**?d Wagon Yard, with wood, " foe Ifje jccomtnoda* ttpfi 01: Waflpntoryr -?=. 1 will also ittcnd to {he Commission Business, and all Goods consigned to my care, or left with n e for sale chall meet with prompt attention. * SirCharges moderate '. ) 5: JAMES M. HUNTER. Nov. 93 It j' ' V For Sale. A TRACT of Land lying 14 miles east of Lancaster cotirt house, on both sides of Little 1 Lynches creek, adjoining Lands of Wm. Conner, dec'd., Jefferson Morton, Washington Ellis and . William Robe its. The above tract contains about I,TOO Acre*?about 500 of which are cut a down, and the most of it in a good state of colli, ration. Ou the place will be fonnd a good Gin Mua*e. and Screw, together with the ireceasary Improvements. Also, a good a?at, both for a saw and ?rrisl mi*). The soil is well adapted to the growth t?f cotton arid grain * Persona wishing to purchase, wilJ do well to Mil and examine for themselves. d WM. T. CASTON. Pleasant Hill, Nov. 23. 93 lit 1 Negroes and other Property * FOR SALE. ' 7 In Eqelty-Lancaster District. / *i Middleloo G Carton et ?1. vs. Susannah Ca/ id and others?Bill for Partition. 1 to TJ ^ *irtoe of the Decree of the Court of Ir J" J3 io above caee, I will sell on the 9tbof /*8" 17,1851, at the Plantation of the Estate oKjnUj ei Caston, on Little Lyncitee creek, abou/, of Cattle, 13 or 14 Horses and Mules, / . head of Hogs, 2 Road Wagons, a,1*J * Smith's Tools, a quantity of Corn and ly other articles of prjpbtty. Also, the fojrnsfu of GR0E8?John, Peter, Alex, Martly*'*' 8a*'i? oey. and Beii, all yoong ard likely./ ? , .. Terras?All sums iindcr five df ' soma over, a credit until 1st * ? ?^tApr*tyt with tn CQ&SOnt giving mill (WM"/ "I t?rertfromlHi dty of sale. Zfon. decM are ** tTThe creditor* of Samuejg; 0f beforQ the d nodded to presenttherr demy it. first Hav of January, 1851. P . ? ^ Commrs. Office, PxVlX <?. Estat/^J0, r\ a r siv , *?fw&,Soy? tel4- Ordinary for offered aft Public ^T7 Kershaw District^ canfJljent on Monday, cy Sale, at the eomt h^ex(t fitty or six,y likdy ial the 18th day of Jan,yejrroeB. Also one hunlis Shees, roostle gw? fjberty H|? ^ about re- dred acres of l^oa^jn4jen) adjouiing Lands of fourteen roues irw Johd Brown andyf,'je 14:j, of January, at the . Ana on Wue^|nilog below Camden, all the Stockton P'^/tation, consisting of Horace, lh*j 8tock ory ^JJyiloge, Also, the crop of Corn, led Mules, C&*{ U>gether with the Plantation er. Fodder^ L Bett of Blacksmith's Tools, beI of ('^Residuary Estate of Joseph Cundn, j?Bfam, de/ ke- /Term* Wvbe made known at the tune of sale, J C.J.SHANNON, \ ' [ JOHN BROWN, _?ee 3 Bx'ore. 1 nlirr m iTTTTummTr 1 1, VXkJUJfrf CTOR, >r ' Acco^?0mmliBl0n Merchant, ri. cajtPA'npN WHARF, ?. Libera! advances ESTON, 8. cill dqee, and -prompt atto on consignments of PiPIH in*of Goods, at t!?e Jtrtm given to the foiVard-I r Aof.20. ', ^rate^. ' - *?.* * I# \ n > * - \BW. Staple and Fancy Goods* i THE subscribers are now opening a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy Goodv purchased with moch rare, which they will dispose of1 oq their uspal liberal term's, They, conasllt in part, as follows: , . WOOLEN*. I Heavy London Duffil Blankets Super 8-4 to 14-4 Lamb's Wool Bed Blapkets Heavy all-wool Negro Cloths Negro Linseys, very heavy and stout Plaid Linsoys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear Cloths and Cassi meres. Superfine black, blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths ' Suncrfiue Doe-skin black Cassimeres Sattinets, assorted colors Kentucky Jeans, do do > Elegant Fashionable .Vestings Fancy Cassirneres Red white and yellow Flannels COTTON GOODS#PRINTS, of every description * . w.-Furniture Calicoes, very handsome Ginghams; Cross-bar'd and fancy striped Muslins Furniture and cambFjc J^unity - _ Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics, Colored and blaek cambric# Y > 8iLkx and Fancy Articles. . E'egant plain and wateFd blidt stlkif ; 44 plain. hguiW and-wamr'dcolored 44 Chena figured drees silk* '4?2 Belts; elegant lace capes "J AJ ualiu wttfMcoUari. and #1**.* ' Very bandsoiwjrissrtmgs apd Edgings Emeu-cambric Handkerchiefs Ribbed silk StockiflM; raw -silk Stockings ' i Fr?n?JvfnMiiia. black and aaeofted colors - ft &aper black and n^sdian Wack Alpachas // Striped ao3 croas-bhrd colored Alpachail Z JJ I>OMESTiCS. // 3-4,7-8 and 5-5 bleached and brawn Shirting ' 12-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings j > Ued Ticks; Apron ^eck^^coUoT^inabu^' Super an assorted Trifb Linens Y/ v - Lawn Dbwhw: Damasfc - Damask Diaper; Duma ;k.Nepk/ ft Bird-eye and Husaia Diapels /' ... ! r-rr-Atea ,"V yir. ; . .* . Pttadee and Gonny. / kl*Btoand1VVe;^Ba/ Sj Sugar^e. ! - 4CjpWr/f#"?{ 1 *" /, Hamnurn Sc?ew Pates, Trace-chains, jWSVfTW- *? j H'^si Spades, SJiovei* Magfj Hardware and With a complete* assorinff Wit^'lTote hrticH^^T^*r \ \rV t '{/L^^-r^ro'/ad^d" t Ctoth^Nfcl FA^CY DK^ESfcy T)r>HMiM cuihaen, Marinos dtsd and printed'} tock and hfta jfsu?T& ??dM*Vci?*' frcn^ ^ Sco,oh "ffi&friNr. nJS&^ipi T^.M* W. s,Hnirri?M cr/? RWV? trench fopUn, Bomhazm WNg t* m-\nuiRS/Ir,ck an(I ,an^y 'nemt, UMmere *M 3-sfesSSSI Lwa, c^/^.,^ve. BuaMiit of^Jiajk, Ha*,. ,~T. ' JXpneiit.) Jong and short sleeve Men no vests, SSS? wrf Otib Quilts, Table, Piano uu Trfl* 3at?d H>-4 Damask Table Coven, Damask arid Netlpd'ndies.'W to 13-4 Linen Sheeting. T.? F 6-Jt n>e Linen. 5-4 to Mrtefaed Md 'LLjottnii Sheeting, Fumimre CWstts.und Dimity, J!YvTOimity, Furniture fringe, India Robber Sheeting Jbed Blanket*. ?4 to 14-4 Floor Cloth. Scotch 5. Jron. A large sssortmcntof bleached and brown rTj. c leeks, Ticking, Linseys, Ac. Ac'. "V'WsriK llnUM Am! W,u j(er'? all wool and. riik warp, tJTwod and Dumet,' livo, Hod and \ellow. of every drxcripdon. / For Men's Wear. /Hack, brawn, bine, rrren^olive nnd drab Cloth; fancy And block Cnwimere*. silk ani> Caelnnero Voting*, bufftla < loth, for shooting C.?*tltMtemv?, of every variety; ! Cravat*; Pocket Handkerchiefs; Half Huso. Under Shirts and Drawer*; ready made Whirls and Collars; Suspendear ilatr Caps. <tc dee. A large assortment of Gocd^br Boy's and Servant's j wear Georgia Plain*,' Cordova do. Blankets, Ac, Ao< Mo DOW ALL & COOPER.:; Oct. 2ft , S5 tf , A Complete Stock pi HOSIER V !? GEO VES. /^UNTAINING every kind of Gloves, Lace \J Mills, Long and Half Long do,; a beautiful article of Glaeeo Silk Gloves, aII colors, to match Dresses; misses' and children's Gloves all sites. Hosiery. LadiesVSilk, Merino ami all-wool Hose; cotton Hosiery; of every coioraad quality; misses' de., an Di&un* Indies' Merino and silk Vests Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Hose; merino Sbiris and Drawers; boy's da . Men's kid, silk, buckskin arid cashmere Gloves. In fact, every thing desirable in the above dopart* mentis, at JAMES WILSON'S. Fancy Articles, COLOGNE, lavender. Florida, Honey and Rose WaJer, Jenny Lind. Omnibus, Portrait, Parisian. Nymph, Yt indsor anil PaJtn donp: Lubin's Extract [genuine] of Jennv Lind, Joeky Clnb, Bouquet do Caroline, Hedyasmia, Mignionette, West End and Verbena ; Jenny Lind Hair Gloss; Queen of Flowers Hair Oil; Hand's and Koassd'a Eau LustraJe ; Bear's Oil, Pliilocomlv. Ox Marrow Pomade, ibr the growth and Beauty ?f the Hair; Pbalofis Chemical Hair Invigoraior&c &<;. Just received at 7,. J. DcffAV'g. NEW FALLGOOM M. DRUCKER 4 CO. a PR nna inut nnoninrr their laree and new SOD* I A ply of seasonable Good*, constating in part of Cloths, casiimeres, satliuets, vesting?, linens Plain and figured alpacce, mouselin de Lainee, Ginghams, with other goods for Ladies Dressee ?ALSO A a splendid variety of CalicoM, and the very beat and clieapest bleached ana brown Muslin i to be found in the town . >> The above Goods have been selected with (be greatest care, and will be sold as always, at the very lowest prices. <>cL29. rf quarter and half pounTboxe?; White Mun? terd^ffee1; Gf^er^Black and Red Pepertfc ^ *-1 *' *>?' . m rt!?u imwwH 11 ^HE subscribers have jufti/?pcelv?^ ind fox X sale the. following articlesfoml / Dried Beef; smoked Halib?> " ^ KisNo. 1 Mackarel I{ J*.!/ Quarter barrels do. /S& 7'Barrels No. 3 do/ / * // Chemical, Rose and Cartile Soaps tv>- ~ Potted Yarmouth Herrings Lemon, Prune and Pus Apple'Presenwif^t/ Boxes small size Enpfah Dairy Cheesei . Boxes large size Clyofo * /r Dec. 9. SHAW & AUSTIN, EXTRA FAMILY /LOUR--another lot in B*n jost' received and for/"? by SHAW & AUSTIN. * ?ii i ' XpINE IRISH POTATOES-A few hbl?. jam awwived jStew a u cm JPntorm X" by . piCKLED.SA^jr"^' ICkLED BlEP?Prime roess No. 1 for wile bv 8IIAW & AUSTIN A LOT wF'ne Bacon sides?superior Lard? J\_ <jld a? new Cora?northern Potatoes for ptantuuprf^znt salt, cbeeae, new rice, &c.,just receivedV E. W. BONNEV. FLOUR, Jfct received by eT , E. w. BONNEY. TXff' Wsloft CtUnp, Tomato do. Capers and Pepper MOOKgg. "" w"rM^iS8A' tpproved brands Pieklesof all sizes. Just rceeivedat r ' i - ' ... ? ^ ,, ... > ? s -t A tVnlff Bureh floarl lost recel* : 1U vedby SHAW & AUSTBt A few Doxe^Sperni Candles, "extra." \,'T "tJ-EEF TONGt'ES.?Jost npoivad, a auk a( Beef JOTangwo*, to yplcndld owler, at MOOKE'8. QUflfKJT CDR?D^0AMb?^4**k in fineonler. at ST - - " " "228EL. Wo?. 80. . MOORE'8 GROCERY. l^EW .R^l6fnf8~100 bores Rnnrins. In whole, half 11 end onrter bow, new er?p and fine. At Hv.&T . MOOSE'S, F^ss s^r " vr^ /ISACSgftMM?> wine, butler, eweet- and water V CrecW Jtyt revived and freeh at MOOSE'S. BEfcKWUEAT'A fe*b- HoU'" %ko*o*sA' '.? : *? V. "VfgW RAISINS?in qnertdr, half .and whole hoses, 11 Olneer Preserves, Sardine*, in quarter and whole hoses. At .MOORE'8, / GoiheRMd Tlf|UU? Jhlttor. . , - Krku^Priine QoAen Butter. -A -vf HwrFafl floods, T^md the Jtuldic generrfty/tiiat he ie now rocetving his Pall supply, of ' i Groceries, DwraesUes, Ac. k Consisting in, part, of the following rtic|es, vixfr^ Brown, crushed, loaf and c larked Sugar*New. Orleans and ImiscovadolfolasBes Itio'and Java Coffee Rice, Cheese, Btuion and Lard No* 3 and 3 Mackare} ~ Corn, Flour, Oats, Salt . Swedes Iron of all slzfcs Powder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles Fine and common Tobacco iBaggfiifr, Rope audi Twine, Men and boy's Wagon Sad^fes Ridimrand Wersroti Bridles' Hamea, Collars, Riding and Waggdti Whtpa , . . ? *1 aiio < ' Crockery, Glass and Hardware Colliiit-' beat Axes, Nails, assorted size Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks 1. .. Negro Clothe Bleached and brown Homespuns -< Bed, Negro and Riding BMJtfKETS ??ALSOJ^ ' yi A few cases ofqnen and boys Hats and Caps With all other articles usually found Ln a well supplied Grocery and Hardware store, all of which will be sold exceedingly, low for cash. B. W. CHAMBERS. Camden, 8. C. Sept. S. 70 it MrThe Somter Banner and This Soathroo will ropy for three modth*. *,V- ? ~ Rock Salt. "r>*" . For mle by Hi LEVY fe SON, Distinguished Aniyalall ^ 1TAKE pleasure ia ?iii)OUnc:tig Uuj safe arriv*! f'ftif01ii'l <?"'ffllllfri' C?OOltlAmongat wbicli Rio, the nawest Htvloffif French uasnroeres anu nioiiitsiinen no vmniw, Alpaccas, Mohairs, CaroeleoOs, Coburgs,' Brap tfe Lyons, changeable Parramattas, solid color d Mo rraoes, ami Moueselmes, and a let of satin striped l)re*a Goods, at 20 cents per <&. Oct-J. . jambs, wiwon, Valuable Plantation WednesdaVthe 15th January, 1851, the dwelling' house and lot belonging to the estate- of Robert 0? P. Stewart. esq, dec'd ,in the village of Lancaster^ bounded-north bv Clarke's lot. eastbj white street, sooth by lot of DrT'l^. R. Jones, and west by Main * street. Tj.e House and Lot is in excellent repair and condition. Also, a Tract of Woodland, lying one mile oortlr of the village, containing 100 acres, more or lessr adjoining lands of A. Gamble, Allen Cousar, Jane Barr ana others. Terms < credit of 1 and 2 fears I ? LvLJ !*L J ' !.L ' (.urciiaeers giving uonua wuo guwu necuriiy, wiu? . interest from day of sale, payable annually, and a mortgage?except"a#wuch-ca?h from the sale of the House and Lot an wilt pay costs. J A M ES II. WTTHERSPOON, c. e. l. d. * Dec. 14,1850. 9 - 100 Valuable Property for Sale. ' | 111 Equity-?Lancaster District, Geoige W. Gill, et. al. vs. Wm. E. GiU, et al. Partition Real Estate Mrs. Mary Gill. BY virtue of the decree of the Codrt in above' case, I wilt sell at Lancaster the 1st Monday, the 6th day of January, l&fl^Hfcllov-ing property, belonging to the ^ag^HPRCjfarv Gil), deed., viz: that valuable^PBeIlopse.ia * the village of Lancaster, known asrne "Globe Hotel," and store house adjoining, fronting the Court House, bounded north by lots of Minor Clinton, esq., east by White street, and south by Dunlap street, for this year occupied a? a public house by Col. Price at a rent of $300 per annum. Also, one square of lots in rear- of the Hotel, bounded west by White street, south by Dunlap^, east by mark^^ee^jLgj^gptfh by meet mg Street - . Also about 135 acres of two nines east of the village, bounded bydHWs of W. McKenna, J. H. VVithenspoon, Anna Mc^ow, Harpers and others. *' Terms?A credit of 1 aot} 3 yeara with interest from daV of sale, purchaser give bond with two good securities and a mortgage of the premises. . Also?At the same time I vuU sa&fc'Wadfrut young fellow, and- Molly, a youn^ with her two first children, to effeet.'|uMfe. chaser tojgiv* bood with ^ The Exr'x and Ex ors- I^ry. J e- ai several Plantations or Tracts of Lanl^ dftSSfe ,,Lynches creek, being all the Laiute of fjpttlfct* cepting the Goldmine and 1 r/v''; These lands comprise sonw ei^t'or tea tftwsand acres, and will be sold in separate nitftAmmrutofa ni?roK*i?<?4 * The surveys are now being made, and the plate when completed, may be seen at the office of J M. DeSaussure, Eeq. Terms?A credit of one, twoAwf three yeutf, with interest from the day of sale. Parchaaert t<^ | cents {jer ehare, hav iiigbeen D^ilil850. r kVfe Ht&mMktol&W&t. JPI J ? ^ Dec. 17. - 90 ; *3? _ ITegmsforSale. Ml QY of(ter6f twewJTnsrv will be fold on the 15th, 0" January,1891. at Lancsntervill*, seven Lihe^ If Negroos, m the estate at Robert O. P. Stewart*. 'Sal e?q, 4ec'd., among the number if a superior qook. an excellent young ibiiow, a mu'uuu uo\ ana wo. Mgfe J?