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I I - . m " \ :>* * '-; ,. ^. . * , j. - * v-"- - tTljc (Tumftctt journal f ' i I ' ? ? , ' ii1 ? - ?' xrr.r ttmt?.11 CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, DECEMBERg NUMBER 102.; n? * V UIJUHIU in " 'tse^camden'jomnal PUBLISHED BV TIIO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, EDITOR* AND PROPRIETORS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Three Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is pithiislMi) at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in idvance, or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. Any person procnrintr five responsibly subscribers shall be entitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed for) gratis for on- year. ADVRRTJSK.ME^TS will be inserted at the following mt-s: For one square (11 lines or less) in the semi-weekly, *?tie dollar for the first, and twenty-five cents for each ' snbwqoent ii-??tii>n. In the weekly, .-eventv-five cents per square for the first, end thirty-seven and a half cents for each subsequent insertion Single insertions one dollar per square. The nnmoer of insertions desired, and the edition to - :--folt?.U?r. he published in. must be noted on ine mir^m <> .... ticments. or they will be inserted semi-weekly until orired to be discontinued, and charged accordingly. Semi-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertiscmen charged the same as for a single insertion. Liberal discounts allowed to those who advertise for three, six, or twelve months. C2TAI1 communications by mail must be post-paid oj eecnre attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: Wb. C. Gaston, General Agent. | Cot? T. W. Hukv, Jacksonhara. Lancaster Dist. s. II. Rosskr. Esq., Lancnst< rville, S.C. C. C. McCrummk.x, Carthaee. N. C. W.C. JIoork, Esq., Camden. S. C. And Postmasters are requested to act as our Agents. Darlington Hotel, DARLINGTON COURT-HOUSE. fTUIE above House having been purchased and 1 tilted up anew by John IHiten, is again opened for the accommodation of the Public. Strict " -?I ??...fnrfe <it aUOStS attention to tne warns ?uu & will bo jriven, and no effort, calculated to merit tiie patronage of all who ma)' favor the establishirent with a visit, shall be spared. All that the market and surrounding country afford will be found upon the table. Comlortab e rooms, lor families or individuals, pre prepared. The Stables will be attended by careful and attentive hostlers. Drovers can be well accommodated, as any number of horses and mules can be ept in the stables and lots expressly prepared for them. Nov. 1,1850. 86 tf__ MANSION HOUSE. C A JUDEX', S. C. THE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends aud the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, that he has opened, as a HOTEL, that large aud commodio' e house in I/?g Town, formerly the private res denre ol II. Perkins, esq. The building is admirably adapted for that purpose, being situated in the n.ost healthy and pleasant part of Camden, combining alt the advanta ges of the town with the b-.liny aunnspherc of the country, and within a iew minutes' walk of any Dart of Camden. The rooms are large and airy, his Servants respectful and attentive, ana lie pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping up an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and to use every exertion to please those who may call upon him. His STABLE** will be found commodious, and always fuliv supplied with Provender, CThe House being conducted on Temperance Principles, he flatters himself that those who favor him with a call \v?II find the MANSION HOUSE not only the comforts and attention of a well regulated Ilotel, but the quiet retirement of a Home. Charges moderate. . ID" All the Stages arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the House when desired. E. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. 27 tf HUNTER'S HOTEL. CAMDEN, S C. THE subscriber having located in Camden, would leepectfullv say to the public that ht has opened a Public House two doors Delow the Post Utticc, anu Dopes Dy stricr auenuuii io uuai ness to share^a liberal patronage. My Stable# are good, and well supplied wi'l Provender, and iny Table shall always be supplici with as good as the market affords. I arn certain that those who once favor me will a call will be willing to call again. I have also, a good Wagon Yard, with wood water and house convenient, for the acccnnmoda tion of Wagoners. I will also attend to the Commission Business and all Goods consigned to my care, or left will tne for sale shall meet with prompt attention. ETCharges moderate JAMES M. HUXTER. Nov. 26. 93 ti lTEaUITY-KERSHAW. Ex Parte Win. Nettles, Sarah Netties, llirar Nettles, per pro ami?Petition for sale of land TN obedience to the orders of the Court I wi nfTpr at nuhlic sale on Monday, the 6th day < January, ensuing, before the court house in Cam den. all that piece, parcel or tract of Land, lyin on the North aide of Granny's Quarter creek, i the District aforesaid, containing one hundrc acres more or less, being part of a tract formerl belonging to J. Riddle, dee'd. and conveyed by th Sheriff of Kershaw District to David Harrisoi and by him to the Petitioners. Terms?So much cash as will pay costs, ha lamon a cred-t of one and two years, interest from sab purchaser to give bond with good securities, and mortgage of the premises. VV. M. SHANNON, c, E. E DDec. 3. [83 50] ts_ To Reiit. THAT new and commodious Stand with the Fi: lures attached, owned and occupied by the lai Robert L. Tweed, as a Blacksmith and Wagoi maker's shop. To a skilful and industries mechanic, this is -very desirable situatmi. Possens'on given imro di iteiy. For particulars apply to JAMES McEVVEN. pyThe Tools can he had at a fair valuatii and on accommodating terms. Camden, Nov. 15- 90 tf New Goods. A general assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, <Stc. \ Received by W. ANDERSON <k C< \E\V Staple and Fancy Goods. | THE subscribers are now opening a complete | assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, pur- : chased with much care, which they will dispose of on their usual liberal terms, They coussist in 1 part, as follows: WOOLENS. Heavy London Outfit Blankets Super 8-4 to 14-4 Lamb's Wool Bed Blankets Heavy all-woo! Negro Cloths Negro Linseys, very heavy and stout Plaid Linseys; W?h>I Cloth lor women's wear Cloths and Cassintcrc*. Superfine black, blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths Superfine Doe-skin black Cassimeres Satlinets, assorted colors Kentucky Jeans, do do Elegant Fashionable Vestings Red white and veliow Flannels COTTON GOODS. PRINTS, of every description Furniture Calicoes, very handsome Ginghams; Cross-bar'd and fancy striped Muslins Furniture and cambric Dimity I Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics j Colored and black cambrics Silks and Fancy Articles. E'egant plain and water'd black silks " plain, figured and water'd colored silks " Chetia figured dress silks, very rich Belts; elegant lace capes Musliu worked collars and sleeves Very handsome lnserlings and Edgings Linen-cambrie Handkerchiefs Ribbed silk Stockings; raw silk Stockings French merino, black and assorted colors Super black and meredian black Alpachas Striped and cross-bar'd colored Alpachas DOMESTICS. ? * 8-4, 7-b and 5-5 bleached ano nrown 12-4 bleached and unbleached iiheeiinjft? Wlnle and unbleached Drills 6'laiped and plaid colored Homespuns lied Ticks; .Apron checks; cotton Oznaburgs LINGNS. Super an' assorted lush Linens " Lawn ]?iu'ii.s Dowlas; Damask Table-cloths * Damask Diaper; Damask Napkins 44 Bird-eye and Russia Diapers a lso Dundee and Gunny Bagging Bale Rope and Twice; Iron; Salt Sugar, Coffee, Molasses also ? Blacksmith's Bellows, Vices, Anvils. Hammers Sciew 1* aies, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes Hoes, Spades, .Shovels, Manure Forks '* ' r J?An/1 With a complete assortment 01 naruw* rc uuu Cutlery With manv other hrticles too tedious to enumerate H. LEVY SUN. sept. 17* K"i DRY GOODS." TIIE subscriber* have received their WINTER SUP PLY. consisting in pnrt. of FANCY DRESSES?Brocaded Thibet Cloth, Brora ded Lahradore. for Evening Droses. Cat-hmeru Merino; and Mousselin do Lain, plaiti and printed; black and fan cy Silk*, Paris and English Prints, French and Scotcl Gingham*. MOURNING DRESSES?Royal Tour. Satin Royal Satin de Chene, ero. de Rhine, French Poplin. Bomhazin Mousselin de I.ain, Alpacca, Ginghams, French and Kng lith Prints. TRIM MINGS?Of every varietv. to suit the above. SUNDRIES?Elack and fancy Thehit, Coohmere ant woolen Shawls, worked .Muslin and Lace ("apes and Col lam, Infant's worked Dresses and Bodies, Linen Cnmbrii -- - "" ?\ H'dk'fs.. Muslin Trimming*, ta preui mnrn,/ > ??<. Lane, Cap ttihbon*. Gjove* and Mitt* of all kind*. Hwe (a large assortment.) long and short sleeve .Merino ve?t* Marseille* Bed and Crib Quilt*. Table. Piano and Toile Covens, 6-4 and 16-4 Dutnnsk Table Cover*. J>ama>k am udored l>ovlie*. Netted Tidie*, 6-4 to 1*2-4 Linen Sheeting 9-8 to Pillow 6-H'ase Linen, 5-4 to 12-1 blearhed am brown (Cotton Sheeting. Furniture Chint* and Dimity Curtain Dimitv, Furniture Fringe, India Rubber Sheetine French Bed Blanket*. 84 to 14-4 Floor Cloth. Seotcl Carpeting. A large a**ori merit of bleached and browi Good*, Cicrks, Ticking, Litiseys, Ac. &c. FLANNELS'?Genuine. Kodpers,Ileal We]*h. Saxony Shaker'* all wool and silk warp, all wool apd Doinet White, Red and \ ellotv, of every description. ' For Men's Wear. ' Black, brown, blue, green, olive and drab Cloth: fane ! ami black Cnwumere*. *ilk and Cacbmerv Vesting*. bufiii lo i loth, for shooting Coats; Glove*, of every variety Cravats; Pocket Handkerchiefs; Half Hose. Under Shin I .nit Dmivpr*; readv made Shirt* and Collars; Suspct ' dear Ham* Caps. &c- &c. V A larirc assortment of Goods for Boy's and Servant wear Georgia Plulns, Cordova" do. Blanket; i &c. (Sic* MrDOWALL <fc COOPER. Oct. 29. 85 tf A Complete Stork of HOSIER Y .1JYD GEO YES. UNTAI\IN(i every kind of Gloves, Lac 1 V>* Mitts, Long and Half Long do.; a bcautili article ii.*' GlasseSilk Gloves. ail colore, to mate Dresses; misses' and children's Gloves all sizes. Hosiery. Ladies' Silk, Merino and ail.wool flose; rottn Hosiery; of every coior and quality; misses' do n all szes. Ladies' Merino and silk Vests II Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Hose; mi }f rinr. Shirts and Drawers; boy's do ( Men's kid, silk, buckskin and cashmere Glove ? In fact, every thing desirable in the a iovodepat " mem's. at JAMES WILSON'S. n u Faucy Article. y pOLOGNE. Lavender, Horida. Honey and Ro?c Wat< ie KJ Jenny Lind. Omnibu.% Portrait. Parisian, Nymp )t Windsor and Palm Soap; Lubin'o Extract [genuine] ' Jennv Lind, Jorkv Club. Bonauet de Caroline, fledyosmi Mignionette, Went End and Verbena ; Jenny Lind Hr (Boss; Queen of Rowers IL-iir Oil; Hand's and Ronene P, Eftu I.ustrale ; Bear's Oil, Pbilocotnb", Ox Marrow Poi a ade.for the growth and Beauty of the Hair;Phalo Chemical Hair Jnvigorator&c dec. Just received at Z. J. neHAV'S. NEW FALLGOODS; c_ M. DRUCKER & CO. te 4 RE now just opening their large and new ru [). il ply of seasonable Goods, consisting in part Cloths. nassimeres, sattinetR, vestings, linens a Plain and figured alpacca, mouselin de i>aine e- Ginghams, with other goods for Ladies Dressi ALSO A a splendid variety of Calicoes, nnd the very b? in and cheapest bleached and brown Muslin to be found in the town The above Goods have been selected with l ~ greatest care, and will be sold as always, at t very lowest prices. Oct. 29. ~ superior illustard, IN quarter and half pound boxes; Whitu Mi tard Seei; Ginger; Black and Red Pepei Spice; Nutmegs; Mace; loeva; Cinnamon, 5. Foreale by 2. J. DtHAY. NEW STORK THE subscriber is now opening a large assortment of iiroceries and staple Goods in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices lor cash. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, ol theQ following, viz: L af. Crushed, Ground ard Granulated Sugars S C roix, Porm Kico, and New Orleans do N w Orleans, .Muscovado and Cuba Molasses Java. Laguira and Jtio Coffee Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black Tcaa Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles No. 'J and 3 Mnckarel. in Barrels, Half and Quarters Wine, Soda and Butter Biscuits and Cneese Soap and Starch, assorted Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Nutmegs, Mace and Cloves Powder, Shot and Lend Hardware, Cutlery, Nails and Casting* Paints, Linseed Oil, Sperm. Oil and VYi? w Gu. ALSO Blenched and unbleached Shirtings ami Sheetings Blanket*. BedTicK*. Apmn i-net-K* >im ^ Tojjether with a large aenortment of Bagging, Rope and Twine. J. XV. BRADLEY. Cnnr'en. S. C. Sept. 23. &3~Ca*h paid for Cotton and other Prodnce. Domestic Items, BROWN and bleached Meeting*, every width, Ticking; English Long-cloths; Counterpanes, plain and figured curtain Dimity; garmontDimity; colored Homespuns and Denims; plaid Linssy. Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. a lso?: 1150 pieces of bleached and brown Homespuns I as low as tlicv can be bought any where in Atuer ca. At J AMES WILSON'S. Unrivalled Assortment, THE subscriber has just received a new supply of Groceries, Conlectionaries, Segars and Tobacco, consisting in part as follows: Groceries. Sugars?N. O. Porto Ilico crashed and loat, (Btq i arts best) , New Orleans and JIusrorado Molasses ? Muckarel No. 1 in halt'kits e Bacon; first quality leaf Lard ^ Coffees?Rio and Java: sack and table Salt T Teas?Hyson, Young Hyson and Green 1 Fancy and common Soaps q C'oalii'cUonapif!*. Candies, sugar pluins and kisses; raisins; almon r Currants; filberts; preserves, jellies and jams t Figs in boxes; Prunes in do., large and small / Lemon syrup in juarts and pints; citron 1 i Spires. Nutmegs, cloves,allspice, cinnamon and ging Segur*. 1 I "Clemencia,*' a splendid article, new brand J El Duende*, Priinera " " M't, " . Consolacion, Gold Leaf, Castillos&c. Tobacco. S. S. .Mver's best Honey Dew A'ym's pressed Rough and Ready l .Superior Honey Dew: Wil son's peach-flavored A's rj .Mrs. .Miller's fine cut )G With many other articles too numerouso men] tion, which will be s>ld exceedingly lowfor cash. ^ Country orders promptly attended u. Nov. 20. " WM. C. lOORE. j Hardware, Groceries, Baggiig Rope _ and Twine, t T~>E ADY-mnde Clothing, Hats, Gp*, Bon*"* X i ri Hoots ami Shnes &c. Just re iu'ea an**" i * sale at the lowest prices possible \f I \ I M. DfrPClpt ?f|v | : JOHN B, DESAUSSURE, | i i j Aiger'n Wharf, Cliartaiou, f?' ^ Will give prompt and close attention t<^e s,'l|e ' of all descriptions of Produce entrust**0 (t care, and to the selection and tiling of o*rs" ggpt 13. 72 6m " PAI L T. VILLEl'IGU FACTOR, . . r v And General Commission m^ant, i- ACCOMMODATION WHA'r V [' CHARLESTON, S. C Liberal advances niade on cotisipien,g?' ' ro* * duce, and prompt attention given t'ie forward's ing of Goods, at the lowest ratei. '' Aug. 26. 68 Nonr jflnnHs. NfiwOOdS. *,v" ^ivwuwj .,v? ~ W/ hrtVe r,?ceiv'-'d ?r? w rec?-,|vinff a 1 T Iar?re ami finely selected jJr'n?ein oi new Goodfl of all kinds, e Beady .Bade il Of all descriptions, viz: Coatsesll}? Pantaloons ii Shirts, &.c. Dry Cioo? Oi every and the best vane All of which we m W,H sell on the very best ior- It you want the i., IwHt kind oi a bargain?the K Goods lor the least money, call opposite the P<Office, on Nov. 12. KU< KOOPMAN. Shoes y *oes, h. pUKTATIO.\ li nir't ol superior quality, f C flnd a lar^e assort in'' other Mb oes, 1 rtrslj and new. Jusi opened 1 ? ??' o/WVPV ? Kept. ^3. Tj. ?v i>vv.,,,w.. ?r. LAIPif WOES. |J- Received from Rhitflp'1'*""" ja Ladies Kid Slipj^ :,"d Tics lir do VValkiiiff,UCs Misses Bonis and *'Crt? &c- Rv JJj Oct. 4. V. /UNDERGO ' CO. Juisin*. _ A few Boxes n? Raisins, just received by W. C. MOORri. Stone Limc/'51*^1* of Paris and ' Cement. I ' ?? "/.nciantlv on hand, of good p- I 1'He a Dove an*-" p -j of quality and at li prices. Also, Gypsum or land plaster. C. L. ClfATTEN* s, Feb. 12. 12 tf gg ? " " "" G<is and Pistols. l?t TTMNE Uoul'-barrelled Guns in cases; Double Jj barrello Guns without cases; Revolving Pistols in ca.J- Ry he sept. 17. EVY <jr SON. he Diy ioodsat Reduced Prices. THE supribcrs having determined to change their isiness, offer their dosirble and well is- assorted st^ ?fy food's at verp reduced r& prices, jrflons will do well to give us a call before pu basing elsewhere. Nov. 1/ H. LEVY &, SON. , -* . > Tfrj Groceries. HE sub$ri\Jiave just received and for sale tie fo/'S articles, viz: Dried Beif; /ed Halibut KitsNo. t Jfrel Quarterns r?0. Barrels JC o^P0, Cbemicil, Castile Soaps Potted Tar/"Herrings Lemon, Pi?nd ^'ne Apple Preserves Boxes <m/e English Dairy Cheese Borpflisrr^ Cheese. Dec. a ^HAVV & AUSTIN. EXTRA /CY FLOUR?another lot in Bag. just retrivf f?r SHAW & AUSTIN. T7INE IRfOTATOE$-A few Hhls. jim received hy I SHAW <fc AUSTTPC. ICKL^LMON? ?o. 1 in Kit*, for sale l.v 7_ 8HAW <fe AUSTIN PICKL^EEF?Prise mess No. I for xale bv / SHAW & AUSTIN * ?-J AL(t Fine Ba<on sides?superior i^ara? | 0]7d. new Dm?northern Potatoes for plantirp'um? sah? cheese, new rice, &c., just receive E- vv- BONNET. Dee ^ Sr-pOR FLOUt. Jqst received by V26 E. W. BONXEY. EWalnut Capip, Tomato do. Caper* and Pepper ,jbt At MOORE'S. Fi/Y Boxes, 'oys, Figures and Work Baskets. At pvember VJ MOORE'S. T-fi CliewinpTobacco, of the most approved brands MOORE'S. riARS?A .ne supply of Brown, Loaf and Crushed ^ugnr*- Jtu received at MOOUE'S. jtESH Pidcs of ail sizes. Just rereivedat Novemb* 12. MOORE'S. I'STRF.C'l^^P?Cooper's best Isinglass, new cit/ ron. soft Almonds, super claret Wine, end Attain tine Canrcs. by _. E. W. BONNEY. _ raw P> Froit, Jastrecei^|^$? AUSTIN** crapes, for troT,S. ??Sf?555OTbalffiwSA^^ jgB^imila.ioa ttggftf* AWWW* jjV""^miMrolivoS.mP, a?|sTm,s Iw6US" (?23. 85 , , jiaif Barrels Flour. Just rrccl< |< '" by SHAW & /IPSTIN. few boxen Sperm Candles, "extra.' JiiHt received by Nrv.4. SHAW fc AUSTIN 5EF.F TONGl'ES.?Just received, a cask of Bet Tongues, in splendid order, at MOORE'S. UGAR CURED HAMS?1 cask in line > MOORE'SIll EESE?25 boxes prime Goshen, English Dairy an J I'ine Apple Cheese. For sale at Nov. go. MOORE'S GROCERY. TEW RAISINS?100 boxes Raisins, in whole, hn 1 and quarter boxes, new croo and line. At Nov. 20. | MOORE'S. TWtClT. FRUIT?A few barrels Northern Apples; Hi x r .mnn, At MOORE'S. vana vruu^ mum ... CRACKERS?Sodft, wine, butter, sweet and wat J Cracker*. Jlist received and fresh at MOORE'S 3l'CKWHEAT?A few hags Hull's Buckwheat, j MOORE'S NTW RAISINS?in quarter, half and whole box. Ginger Preserves, Sardines, in quarter and whi ?es. At MOORE'S. Goshen and Virginia Butter. -Firkin Prime Goshen Butter. - do. do. Virginia do. Doc. 13. Aft ' ROBT LATTA. New Fall Goods. rllE subscriber respectfully informs his frien and the Dublic generally, that he is now rec ing his Falfsupply of Crot'crit'*, Domestic*, Ac. Consisting in part, of the following articles, viz: Brown, crushed, loaf and clarified Sugars New Orleans and Muscovado Molaasus Rio and Java Coffee Rice, Cheese, Ilanon and Lard No. 2 and 3 Mackarel Corn, Flour, Oats, Salt Swedes Iron of all sizes Powder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles Fine arid common Tobacco llasuiiitt. Rope and Twine, Men and bov's Wagon Saddles Riding and Waggon Bridles Hames, Collars, Riding ..nd Waggon Whips A I.SO Crockery, Glass and Hardware ci?r4 Collim* l?es-t Axes, j>aus, uo^ui? Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks IVesfro Cloths, Blenched and brown Homespuns Pod, Negro and Riding BLANKETS A few cases of men and boys Hats and Cap With all other articles usually found in a well f plied Grocery and Hardware store, all of wl will be sold exceedingly low for cash. '' B. \V. CHAMBER! Cnm'lcn. S. C. Sept. 3. 70 tl itt-Tl.o A'umter Bannsr and True Southron will fnr iliree nv>nlli?. Rock Mailt. For sale l?y II. LEVY & SO Distinguished Arrivals!! TTAKE pleasure in announcing tho safo ar of a splendid variety of Fall and If 'inter uooas. Amongst which are, the newest stv'?-<ot Kn Cashmere* and Mousse lines. Woolen do Clii Alpaceas, Mohairs, Cauieleons, Coburgs, Dra Lyons, changeable Parramattas, solid color ? rinoes, and .Mousselines, and a lot of satin sti Dress Goods, at 20 cents per yard. ' JAMES VVfLSO VCl" X. Valuable Plantation To Leaw or Rent. I WILL lease or rent the place I now occuj Lynches creek, in Kershaw <? str'ct, 17? from Cainden, containing 5000 acres of La comfortablo dwelling house, with all nece outbuildings, a saw and grist mill?which m had a bargain, on application to tyqv. K?. J. L. R? rur oaici 4 TRACT of Land lying 14 miles east of Lan- ^ xi raster court house, on both sidbs of Little ' Lvi)? hes creek, adjoining Lands of Wm. Conner, -' dec'd., Jeffbrson Horton, '< asliington Ellis and : William Roberts. The above tract containsabout 1,700 Acres?about f)00 of which are cut down, and the must cf it in a good state of cplti. . ration. On the place will be found a good Gin . House and Screw, together with the necessary Improvements. Also, a good sear, both for a saw and grist mil). The soil in well adapted to the growth of cotton and grain ' , Persons wishing to purchase, will do well to eall and exnmine for themselves. WM. T. CASTON. Pleasant Hill, Nov. 23. 93 lit Negroes and other Property FOR SALE. i ;; ,i 1 In Equity?Lancaster District. ? Middleton G Caston ct al. vs. Susannah Caston and others?Bill for Partition. " . . C BY virtue of the Decree of the Court of Equity "i in above case, I will sell on the 9th of Janua- * ry, 1?51, at the Plantation of the Estate of Samuel Caston, on Little Lynches creek, about50he*d of Cattie, LI or 14 Horses and Mules, about 50 ' head of Hogs, 2 Road Wagons, Plantation and Smith's Tools, a quantity of Corn and Fodder and'*! other articles of pnperty. AIpo. the following NEtGROES?John, Peter, Alex, Martha Jane,Saw-i'ney, and Ben, all young ard likely. .. . ; t Terms-?All sums under-Jive dollars., y^^ll supis over, a credit -until 1st Janujyy, 18u2, pur-., ?!.t_ ?,.,i with in- ' chasers giving notes, wun JJ A?U ocvuti*;; ...... terest from the day of sale. ' ETTlie creditors of Samuel Caston, dec'd are'? notified to present their demands on or before the ' first dav of Janiiarv. 1851. ' JAMES H. WJTHERSBOQ&r;r?;E..E.D. Conun'rs. Office, Dec. 13,1850. [$?] ? Estate Sale. BY permission of J. H. Joy, Esq. Ordinary for j Kershaw District, will be offered at Public t Sale, at the couit house in Camden, on Monday, , the 13th day of January next, filty or sixty likely1';' Slaves, mostly grown Negroes. Also one hundred acres of Land on the Liberty Hill roed, about 1 fourteen miles from Camden, adjoining Land* ofri , John Brown and others. .3 And on Tuesday, I he 11th nt January, at tiHV; Stockton l'hice, six miles below Camden, all thp?, I Stock on said Plantation, consisting of Horses,, Mules, Cattle and Hogs, Alws the crop of C? mi Fodder, Peas Ac., together with the Plantation' IinplemontR, and a sett of Plarksmith'H Tools, longing to the Residuary Estate of Joseph Cunningham, der.'d. ' * Terms will be made known at the time of sale.'t C J. SHANNON,, JOHN BRONVN, / Dee 3.?td Kx'ors. i f ??' Kxecntor'g Notice. * "OERSONS indebted to Joseph Cunningham-' | tT dec'd. are requited to make payment, aim, - ; those having demands to present them to either oli the subscriber?. ? ^ ,, tv,(,j . 5 f July 15. ' [56tlj] * Et'rs. " Notice. l" A LI. persons having any claims against the - Estate of the late Mrs. Martha "E. WHson* er deceased, will present them properly attested, and 1 those indebted will make immediate payment to \t to Mr. John Ro?ser, who is authorized to act as. _ agent in tny absence. / ? ! , wn. 'V vir r.F.pffMJE. Adrari .d r.lUlJ ?lJ Nov. 12. 1850. 80 t, Wtf. - Annatto Copperas, Indigo, logwood, Madder, White Lead, , C? Linseed Oil, Turpentine, ; . . :& Window Glass, .j Lamp Chimneys, ^ ~ Solar Globes, Solar Wicks, , Sperm Oil, Solar Oil, d8 Castor Oil, Epsom Salts &c. &c. ej. A toll and fresh Ptipplynfall the above article*' ust received, and for sale by ' J sept. 20. Z.J. DeHAY.^ 4 COMPLETE Assortment of Ingrain and if neti;iri Carpeting lor sale low !?v Spi.I 215. ' ' H LEVY & SON ; 1. >o Fresh Garden Seeds, THE subscriber has just received a fresh amL full supply of every variety of GARDEN; which can b, ponded upon, consis^ tins in l,art of early Mohawk, French, speckled, yellow six weeks, ear'y white and cranberry, BEAN'S, Bishop's early prolific, earlv charltoo, dwarf strawberry and tall marrowfat Ft!AS? wirty* May, early York, early Dutch, early large York, ' sugar-loafi drumhead. Bnttersea. green glazed" and mountain CABBAGES: long blood, white ?i HERTS: Brocoli. Carrots, Cau Micar ami mnn|? lillowcr, Celery, Collards. Cucumber, Squash, Egg, Plant. Lettuce, Kale, Sugar Corn, Parsley, P{ip>: tiip, white and brown Mustard, OI<ra, Onion Button?, Beil Pepper, sweet Spanish Pepper, Radish; early spring Turnip, Vegetable Oyster, Spin^ge. Tomato, Hemp and Canary Seed?also, an 3 sortnient ol choice FLOWER SEEDS. For sale <l,P- bv ' . F. L. ZEXiP. 1,(111 'Dec. 10 9G tf, rd f- ; '.'"J, rvpy Spirit Usui or SuraiMit Fhii^ Lamps, Wicks &c. -rtf subscriber has just received from Bnlt? 1 more, an elegant assortment of Giasa and ,lfp? taliC .S'piril Gas Lamps Winks &c. In a few dayp lie will also have a supply of tiy^llurninp: Fillip r'va' to all of which he invites the attention of those jn want, and his friends generally. Z. J. DeHAYt^ ench ? - V nies Saw 3iill Irons* |> de flTROUGHT Cranks, cast Gudgeons Segment* n " v4-'-?ni<. o,?i IV'.Bt wrmurht lhlinaua I jVie |f JUlg H IIC:m an. ....j.-, riped (with brans boxes) Stirrups, Dojjs, Feed llaq^sj Uuid*' Rods. Also, wide and narrow Mill Saws N. and six loot cross-cut Saws; SAW CUMMERS, Files,&c. McDOWALL & COOPER^ "Tails. . ^ jy on A/A KEGS superior Cut Nails, for sale low "liles 1UU for cash, by S. E. CAPERS. ?d,a -M stary Notice. ay be INURING my nbsencu from the State, Tho*JL \J Warren, esq., will act as mv ngenL A| IE. JJjec 10?97 _ .J- A. S&HRCfcKj* x