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VOLUME 11. CAMDEN, SOOTR-CAROLINA, DECEMBER 24, 1&50. - MUMBERIS" ^ THE CAMDEN JOURNAL PUBLISHFD BY THO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, kihtors and proprietors. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL . I* pnblielied at Three Dollar* and Fifty Cent*, if paid in ad van re, or Four Dollar* if payment is delayed fur three month*. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL < I* published at Two Dalian and Fifty Cents, if paid in advance, or Time Dollars if payment is delayed for three month*. Any person pmcnrin? five responsible subscriber* shall he entitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed for) gratis for our vear. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at the foRmving rate*: For mv? square (14 line* or less) in the semi-weekly, *>ne dollar for the first, and twenty-five cents for each ' snbsequen' insertion. In the weekly, seventy-five rem* per square for the first, \ end thirty-s?ven and a half cent* for each subsequent in-j eertion. Single insertions one dollar per sqnare. The nntnoer of insertions desired, and the edition to l<e published in, mast be noted on the margin of all adrerTlawents. or they will be inserted semi-weekly nntfl or; ired to 1* discontinued, and charged accordingly. Semi-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertisement charged the same as for a single insertion. liberal discounts allowed to those who advertise for three, six, or twelve months. * " :?J U? nail mint ha nnsl-naid 01 rnniioiiiiicMiviip u; nu>.. ?? ? j r? eenire attention. The following gentlemen are Agent* for the Journal: Wj. C. Gaston, General Agent. Cot. T. W. Hear, Jack?onham. Lancaster Dirt. 8. H. Rosskr. Esq.. Lancaaterville, s.c. C. c. McCrommkn, Carthage. N. C. W. C. Moor*, Esq., Camden. 8. C. i And Poatma-tere are requeued to act as our Agent*. SPRING?By J. A. Stuart They call the Spring-time gay and glad, But sad to me is Spring: I dread the tender memories Its flowers and wild-birds bring; Of la ughing hearts and lustrous forms That in my childhood played; A never-tiring jubilee, ,i In lone Bequest a red glade. And thinking on that kindness, . That instinct used to be, I wonder how that greenwood now Is desolate to me. How each cherish'd school boy play ground spot Has a churchyard atmosphere, And the very names are now lorgot That used to make them dear. * *. * t) My father's iti his honored grave: In the old Spring 'twas his pride To train his son to manliness, As I sported by his side. . i .i i My mother, now bowed low with years, w as uien a matron lair, And often blessed her naughty boy, ^ As she smoothed my truant hair. And she that was tb* Star-light Of my boyhood's early dream; Whose eye-beam shot a diamond bridge Of Moonlight o'er life's stream. ] little thought, when trembling, ( She bid me wreath her brow, That her chosen one should be doom'd by hor, To the death, in Life, of how. Spring!?Twas a bright Spring morning When my little daughter died; Her sister hung upon my neck, And in agony we sighed. When a flock of birds dropp'd glittering On the lawn before the door, And wanton, wild mirth music To listeuing Heaven did pour. We could have daily greeted them. In hours of joy or ease; But, then*they seemed to come in spite, % To mock our miseries. Our crush'd hearts deemed ifecruel, wrong, That any thing was gay, When our sorrow was so mighty: Our Emma gone away. Oli! May dew in the rose'e cup Is memorj's froze ntear? Our hopes ever blighted?bosom frozen, By the night frost of despair. And the breathing of the fresh turned earth, On which my footsteps tread, Is a whisper from the early lost? The lost, the loved, the dead. Covrsk of Virginia.?Tbo editors of that sterling paper, the Lynchburg Republican, in referring to the future course of Virginia, thus strikes the'nail on the head: We are opposed, however, to any more resolutions on this subject, unless bond and security be given that they will be executed when adonted. The legislature has sworn enough in Flanders, and should now act, or forever afterwards hold its peace. The miserable policy of adopting "patriotic" resolutions, just to bacfc out from them when the emergency which they are designed to meet arises, is as disgraceful to a State as a similar blustering policy would be in an individual, and has done more to prostrate the cause of the South, than all other causes combined. Pass strong non-intercourse resolves if you please?do anything to arrest if possible the tido of Northern aggression now threatening us with ruin?but fot mercy sake do not make Virginia say the fourth tiiue that if so and so be done, she will do so and so at all hazards! No more platforms, gentlemen, to be broken through, when pressure comes. D Pmnraco is nniu on ov. HUDJQU B r U^i tin o a va > ?? nv ?r vn valnbition in New York, in the form of a Panorama, and is attracting much attention. It is described as a work of decided merit, on which .the pencils of several artists of distinguished abilities have been long and diligently engaged; and is descriptive of Bjunyan's beautiful allegory, in which hideous monsters, angelic forms, yawaing abyssess, with' bottoms strewed with human bones, enchanting scenery, palaces and craggJ rockB, all pci.??rm their part in marking the ever changing pi egress of the pilgrim. A Voice from North Carolina.?The Raleigh (N. C.) Standard defines its position on the slavery question in the following eloquent and emphatic language: i "Wecannot approve the recent 'compromise/ u s Trtwle.' WVbdfawTf bat inflicted I a great wrong npon the South and upon the principles which hold this Union together, but as it is a law of the land, and as we love and cherish the Union in its true spirit ana desire its continuance, we are prepared to acquiesce ! in this compromise,' provided the fugitive slave ' law be enforced. All we now ask of the free States is, to eease the agitation of the Slavery ; question in Congress and to carry out the fu- | gitive 6lave law in its letter and spirit Let them do this, and we march on together; let' them refuse, and we Dissolve! This is strong language; but we have weighed it, and we have given utterance to it with deliberation and solemnity. Here we stand. If tills Confetieration of States must perish?if their common flag, radiant with achievements as immortal as the stars that cluster on it, must be torn and trampled in the conflict?and if brothers must be converted into deadly foes over the very1 graves of their fathers, who won- these liber- j ties?the Ruler df Natfonl, who judges justly, and all posterity opo.i mis V/oniinem, win uum the slaveholding States guiltless of the awful and inexpiable crime." The Fugitive Slave Laic.?It is confidently asserted that the general sentiment in both houses of Congress is against any disturbance of the Fugitive Slave Law. It is confidently asserted that there are thirty-five members of the House, who voted against that law, who will not countenance any modification of the bill, much less its repeal. We shall see. For our own part we think it the duty of the South to "give and take" in regard to the seotiments of our own people, and come to some united preparation that shall look well to the future. Let it be remembered that Vermont has nullified. Wilmington Commercial. Darlington Hotel, DARLINGTON COURT-HOUSE. rLL above House having tieen purchaser) anu titled up anew hy John Dotes, is agnin open, ed for the accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to the wanls and comforts ol guests will be given, and no effort, calculated to merit the patronage of all who may favor the establishrcent with a visit, shall be spared. All that the market and surrounding country afford will be found upon the table, Comfortgh.e rooms, lor families or individuals, are prepared. The Stables will be attended by careful and attentive hostlers. Drovers can be well accommodated, a* any number of horses and mules can be ept in tlie stables and tors expressly prepared for them. Nov. I, 1850. 85 if !~ MANSION HOUSE. CAiWDEX, S. C. THE subscriber rcspertluilv announces to hi? friends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, ibat lie has opened, an a HOTEL, that large and cniamodio s bouse in, formerly ihe.privale res dence of IL Perkins, esq. The building is admirably adapted for ihaf purpose, being situated in the most healthy and pleas, ant pari of < amnen, combining all the advanfa ges of the town witli the bnlmy a'moephere of thf country, and within a lew minutes' walk of auy part of Camden. The rooms are large and airy, his Servants respectful and attentive, and lie pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping op an attractive and well supplied TASLE, ami to use every exertion to please those who may call upon hitn. , His STABLE* will be found commodious, and always fully supplied with Provender, tTTl'e House being conducted on Temperance Principles, he flatters himself that those who fa*or him with a call will find the MANSION HOUSE not only the comforts and attention of a well regulated Hotel, hut the quiet retirement of a Home. Charges moderate. CTAII ll?e Stages arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the Douse when desired. E. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. 27 tf In Equity?Lancaster District. Middle tun G. (laston re. .Susannah Caston, et. at. nrUIB creditors of the Estate of Samuel Caeton, X. deed., of Lancaster District, are hereby notified and requested to present and establish, before qie, their demands against said Estate, on or before the 1st. January, 1851, By order of the Court in above case, June Term, 1850. JAS. H. WITHER8POON, c. e. l. d. Com. office Nov. 11, 1850. $4 90 14t IN ECfcUlTY?KERSHAW. Ex Parte Wm. Nettles, Sarah Nettles, lliram Nettles, per pro ami?Petition for sale of land. IN obedience to the orders of the Court I will offer at public sale on Mondiy. the 6th day of January, ensuing, before the court house in (lam den, all that piece, parcel or tract of Land, lying on the North side of Granny's Quarter creek, in the District aforesaid, containing' one hundred acres more or less, being part of a tract formerly belonging to J. Riddle, dtc'd. and Conveyed by the Sheriff otJKershaw District to David flarrison, and by him to tt - Petitioners. Terms?So much cash as will pay costs, balance on a crcd t of one and two years, interest frojn sale, purchaser to give bond with good securities, and a mortgage of the premises. W. M. SHANNON, c, e. k d Dec. 3 [fi ts [Estate Sale. BY permission ol J. K. Joy, lisq. Ordinary for Kershaw District, will be offered at Public Sale, at the coint house in Cainden, on Monday, the 13th day of January next, filty or sixty likely Slaves, mostly grov n Negroes. Also one hun" - C 1 _ J .L. 1 ! I ITIl - 1 ..I area acres o< juana on ine i.mercy urn r<iau, huuui fourteen tniles rronri Catijden, adjoining Lands of John Brown and others. And on Tuesday, ihe 14 h of January, at the Stockton Place, six miles below Camden, ail the Stock on said Plantation, consisting of Horses, Mules, Cattle and Hogs, Also, the crop of G rn. Fodder. Peas Ac, together with the Plantation Implements, and a sett of Blacksmith's Tools, belonging to the Residuary Estate of Joseph Cunfiingha4n?dec'd. 1 ercus will be made known at the time of sale. C J SHANNON, JOHN BROWN, 3?td Kx'orp. 7< JEW . . Staple and Fancy Goods, THE subscribers are now opening a complete assortment or Staple and Fancy Goods; pur. i chased with much-care, which tb?*y .will dispose of on their usual liberal terms, They consgiat in parr, as follows: -< I r WOOLENS. | Heavy London Dbffll Blankets i Super H-4 10 14-4 Lamb's Wool Bed Blankets ' Heavy all-wool Negro Cloths Negp> Linseys, very heavy and stont Plaid Linsoys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear Clothi and Casslmeres.' Superfine black, blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths ..1. Supcrhue Doe-skin black Cassimeres 1 Sattinets, assorted colors ' Kentucky Jeans. do do , Elegant Fashiohable Vesting* i Fancy Cassimeres ; u 1 Red white snd yellow Flannels . | COTTON GOODS. | PRINTS, of every description I Furniture Calicoes, very handsome Ginghams; Cross-bar'd and fancy striped Muslins Furniture and cambric Dimity Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored and black cambrics Silks and Fancy Articles. E'egant plain and water'd black silks " plain, figured and water'd colored silks u Chena figured dress silks, very rich Belts; elegant lace capes Muslin worked collars and sleeves ( Very handsome Inserting? and Edgings Linen-cambric Handkerchiefs Ribbed silk Stockings; raw silk Stockings French merino, black and assorted colors Super black and meredmn black Alpachas Striped and cross-bar'd colored Alpachas DOMESTICS. 3-4,7-8 and 5-5 bleached and brown Shirtings 12-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings White and unbleached Drills j Striped and plaid colored Homespuns i lied Ticks; Apron checks; cotton Oznaburgs LIKTEN1. ' Super an assorted Irish Linens | " Lawn Lawn?, Dowlas; Damask Table-cloths i ? IDianpr. Mania ik Nankins M Bird-eye and Russia Dinpeis Dundee and Gunny Bagging t Bale Rope and Twice; Iron; Salt Sugar, Coffee, Molassea . ALSO Blacksmith's Bellows, Vices, Anvils, Hammers Sciew Piates, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks With a complete assortment of Hardware and I Cutlery With inanv other hrticles too tedious to enumerate. H. LEVY <* SON. sept. 17" 7S fim DRY GOODS. THE subscribers have received their WINTER SUPPLY. consisting id part, of FANCY DRESSES-Brocaded Thibet Cloth, Brocaded Labrador^, (br Evening Dresses. Gachmero Merinos and Mouhselin do Lain, plain and printed; black ind fancy Eilks, Paris and English Prints, French and Scotch Ginghams. MUUKNINK DRESSES?Royal Tour. Satic Ro)*al, Satin de Chene, pro. de Rhine. French Poplin, Bonhazin j Mousndin de Lain, AJpacca, Ginghams, trench cud Eugj libb Prints. TRIMMINGS?Of every variety, to suit the above. | SUNDRIES? Black and fnn^y Thebit, Cachncre and woolen Shawls, worked .Muslin and Laca Capes uid Collars. Infant's worked Dresses and Bodies, Linen Cnmbric H'dk'fi.. Muslin Trimmings, (n great variety,) Thread Lace, Cap Kihhais, Gioves and Mitts of all kinls, lloso, (a large assortmen.) Jong and short, sleeve Aleriio vests, Marseilles Bed and Crib Quilts, Table, Piano as i Toilet Covers. 6-4 and 14-4 Damask Table Covert, Dan oik and colored Doylies. Nutted Tidies, 6-4 to lli-4 Linen Sheeting. U-8 to Pillow 6-fCase Linen, 5-4 to 12-4 bleached nod orown Cotton Wheeling, Furniture Chinta and Dimity, Curtain Dimity, Furniture Fringe. India Rubber Sheeting rrendi Bfd Hlat&ris, f> 4 to 14-4 Floor Cloth, Ncoten Carpeting. A large nwortroentof bleached and brown Goods. (' ieck?. Ticking, Linwvr, &r. &c. FLANNELS?Genuine, Rodger*, Real W?]?h. Saxony. Shaker's all wool and ailk warp, all wool and Domet j Wliite, Red and \ellow, of even- description. For Men's Wear. Black, brown. Woe, green, olive and drab Cloth; fancy and black Cnwumetrx. ailk and Cadi me re Vextir.p, buflh|o ? lotli. for shooting Coats; Gloves, of every variety; Cravat*; Pocket Handkerchiefs; Half Hose, Ur.der Sliirta and Drawers; ready made Shirts and Collars; Suspettdear Hats* Cap*. &c- dec. A large assortment of Goods for Boy's nod Sen'ant's wear Georgia Plains, Cordova do* Blankets, dec. dec* McDOWALL <fc COOPER. Oct. 29. " 85 if A Complete Stock of HOSIER r J1JYR GEOVES. CONTAINING every kind of Gloves, Lace Milts, Long and Half Long do.; a beautiful article of Glaese Silk Gloves, all colorp, to match Dresses; misses' and children's Gloves all sizes. Hosiery. Ladies' Silk, Merino and all-wool Hose; cotton Hosiery; of every coior and quality; misses' do., all s.zes. Ladies' Merino and silk Vests Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Hose; me rim fkinrlK and urawers; uoy e uu. Men's kid, silk, buckskin and cashmere Gloves. In Tact, every thing desirable in the anove depart' ment's, at JAMES WILSON'S. Fancy Article*. COLOGNE,I.nvender. PlnriHa. Honey and Ro* Water, Jenny Linil. Omnibus. Portrait. Parisian. Nymph, Windsor and Palm Soap: Lubin'p Extract [genuine] of Jonnv Lind, Jocky Club, Mournier He < nroh'nfi. rtrdvosmia. Mignioncttc. Wc?t End and Verbena ; Jenny Lind Hair Gloss; Queen of Flowers Hair Oil; Hauel'sand Koussel's Eau I.ustRiIe ; Boar's Oil. Philoromb?, Ox .Marrow Pomade, for the growth and Beauty of the Hair; Phalorw Chemical Hair Invigorator &c &c. Just mceived at _ _ Z. J. DCHAV'S. new failgoods. M. DRUCKER & CO. 1 RE now just opening their large and new pupil ply of pensouitble Goods, consisting in part of Cloths, caasimeres, sattiueip, veetingp, linens I I'lain and ti<riired alpacca, tnouselin de Lames, Ginghams, with other goods for Ladies Dresses .-also .\ a splendid variety of Calicoes, and the very best and cheapest bleached and brown Muslin to be iuund in the town The above Goods have been selected with the greatest care, and will he sold as always, at the very lowest prices. t ?ct. 29. snpci ior ]Ku4urd, IN quarter and half pound boxes; White Mub. tard Seel; Ginger; Black and. Red Peper& Spice; Nutmegs; Mace; loovs; Cinnamon, For sale by Z J. DttfAY. J , j . : SEW STORE. mHE subscriber is now opening a large assort1 ment of Groceries aud Staple Goods* in the Store lately occupied by William J., Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices lor cash. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, of the0 following, viz: L af,'Crushed, Ground and Granulated Sugars St Croix, Porto Rico, and New Orleans do N -w Orleans, Muscovado and Cuba Molasses Java, Lacuira and Rio Cofiee < Gunpowder* Young Hygon and Black Teas Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles No. 2 and 8 Mackerel, in Barrels, Half end'Quarters Wine, Soda and Bauer Riseniu and Cneeae Soap and Starch, assorted , . - . Pegper, Spice, Ginger, Nutmegs, Mace and Cloves Porder, Shot and Lead Hardware, Cutlery, Nails and Casting* Paints, Linseed Oil, 8perm. Oil and VV i? w Gi? - ALSO Bleached and unbleached Shifting* and Sheetings Blankets, Bed Ticks, Apron Cheek* and Oznaburgs Together with a lurgp assortment of Bagnnx. Rene and Tvrine. T.W.BRADLEY. Camfen.S. C*Sept.28. fcyCaeh paid <or Cotton and other Produce. Domestic Items. BROWN and bleached ftheetings, every width, Ticking; English Long-cloths; Counterpanes, plain and figured curtain Dimity; garmontDimiiy; colored Homespuns and Denims; plaid Linssy. Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. ??also 1190pieces of bleached and brown Homespuns as low as tbev can be bought anv where in Amer ca. At " JAMES WILSON'S. Unrivalled Assortment. mHE subscriber has just received a new supply JL of Groceries, Confectionaries, Segars and Tobacco, consisting in part as follows: Groceries. Sugars?N. O.Porto Rico crashed and loaf, (Stu art? best) New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Mackarel No. 1 in half kits Bacon; first quality leaf Lard Coffees?Rio and Java; sack and table Salt Teas?Hyson, Young Hysou and Green Fanr.o and common Snans Confectfonaries. Candies, sugar plums and kisses; raisins; almond Currants; filberts; preserves, jellies and jams Figs in boxes; Prunes in do., targe and email &c Lemon syrup in quarts and pints; citron Spices. Nutmegs, cloves, allspice, cinnamon and ginger Segaro. "Cleraencia," a splendid article, new brand El Duendee, Primera" " 3I's " Consolacion, Gold Leaf, Castillos dtc. Tobacco. S. S. Myer's best Honey Dew .Sym's pressed Rough and Ready Superior Honey Dew; . > Wilson's peach-flavored A's Mrs. Miller's.fine cut .. With many other articles too numerous to mention, which wiH be sold exceedingly low for cash. Country orders promptly attended to. Nov. 20. WM. C. MOORE. hardware, Groceries, Bagging, Hope and Twine, T> EADY-made Clothing, llats, Caps, Runnets, it Boots and Shoos &c. Just re eived and lor sale at the lowest prices possible by M DRITCKER 4- CO. MAZYCK & SON, Factors and Commission Merchants, SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, S.O. WILLIAM MAZTCK. } W. IT. J. MAZVCK. i JOHN B, DESAUSSURE, Adger'i Wharf, Cbarlestou, S, . Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to liis care, and to tne selection and filling of orders. sept 13. 72 6m PAUL T. YU^VmjT FACTOR* And General Commission Merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, s. C Liberal advances made on consignments of Produce, and prompt atleiition given to the forwarding of Goods, at the lowest rates Aug. 20. 06 New Goods, New Goods. WE have received and are now receiving a large and finely selected assortment of new Goods of all kinds. Beady Mode Clothing, Of all descriptions, viz: Goats, Vests, Pantaloons Shirts, &c. Dry Goods Of every and the best variety. All of which we will sell on the very best terms. If you want the best kind of a bargain?the best Goods tor the least tnorev, call opposite thB Post Ollice, on Nov. 12. ELiAS <f- KO0PMAN. Shoes, Shoes, PLANTATION IJ oga-e, of superior quality, and a large assortment o! oilier Shoes, fresh Oil.I tiAlll f Hut Anon O/l Ki' Kept. 23'. E. W HONNEY. LADIES SHOES. Received from Philadelphia? Ladies Kid Slippers and Ties do Walking Shoes Misses Boots and Shoos, &c. By Oct. 4. ' W. aNDER.nO l f' CO. Raisins. A few Boxes new Raisins, just received by W. 0. MOORE. Stone Lime, Plaster of Paris, and Cement. The above articles constantly on hand, of good quality and at low prices. Also, Gypsum or land plaster. C. L. CHATTEL Feb. 12 12 tf ' . nlatAln UUIIS nuu M. IBUIUi FINE Double-barrelled Guiih in case*: Double barrelled Guns without cases; Revolving Pistols in cases. By , r ; sept. J7, ,n li. EVY SCift. HUNTER'S HOTEL,,, ' CAMDEN, S. C.c:? ?c '.ti U) THE subscriber laying located in Camden, would i"i?pectfnlly say to the public .that ha (J has opened a Public-.House two doors. Delo,w the. Post Officcrand hopesby strict attention to huiju sh.areia liberal pxtronage. 'V' My Stables are good, and well supplied wi'h" Provender, nndmv Table shall always be bupplkldJ* with as good as tlieiiraHtel MJurds. >' . <* I am certain that'lfhoseivho once faror me with-, a call will be willing to call again.-. |,}1J1 I have also, a good Wagon Yard, with wood, water and house convenient,, for the accommod^-lfi tion of Wagoners. , ' . f, I will also attend to the Commission'fiusiliessj* and all Goods consigned to my care, or lift wfth! ii.e for sale shall meet with prompt attentioni'''11 4 HTCharges moderate ? ( Iftw JAMES M. HUNTER- Mr? Nov. 26. 93 ., > . .. / To Rent. " rrtu ati -?j J i?t_ nn i new miiu cuiiuiiuuiuus onuu w mi ior jt ia1 tures attached owned anil occupied by the late Robert L. Tweed, aa a Blacksmith and Wagon- > maker's shop, *vrrmO To a skilful and induslrnus mechanic, this.hs a very desirable situat on. Possess'on given imme-. di itr ly. Fur particulars apply to \ JAMES'McEWEtf.;" B3F"The Tools can be had at a fair valualibn; anion accommodating terras. '1 ?' ^ Camden, No*. 15. 90 ' it>"> ?*' 1 - "" 1 Bock Salt- r , ,-j For sale l?y fl,; LEVY. & SOJTi i i 1. " ? < ' Distinguished Arrivals,! ! -*'1"1 I TAKE pleasure iii announcing the sfcfe arrival of? splendidVaripfv oft ' . w oiuel Fall and Winter Gooda** * Amongst which Are, the newest stv'e-of Fretjcfe Cashmeres and Mousaeline*. Wnolerv do Cfriojefl; Alpaccas, Mohairs, Cameiouns. Coburgs, Drap tfe Lyons, changeable Parramattas, splid color, d rtnoes, and Mousse lines, and a'Jot'oif satin striped Dress Goods, at 20 cents per ydrdl","' ' ' * Oct-1. " . JA?ES'VnLSON.,M? . ?' "#? DryGoodsat Reduced Prlctt.? THE subscribers having determined to change their business, offer their desijrble .^ndLiye^ assorted stock of Dry Goods, at yerp reduced Drices. Persons will do well to sive'tis a cAll before purchasing e.sewherfe: r 4 t? Nov. lb. ' *' H. LEYY fc Hew Fall Goods. r-Z THE subscriber respectfully informs bis friends and the public generally, that he is now Jecei* ving his Fail supply of j Groceries, Bomatiei, 4c. ,t<?' Consisting in part, of the following articles, viz:;-Brown, crushed, loaf and-clarified Sugars New Orleans ana Muscovado Molasses Rioand Java'Coffee ' ' 1 ' "> ' ? V" Rice, Cheese, Bacon and Lard " tT. n a 1 W . , no. A ana a inaiasarci [. Corn, Flour,?Oatev Salt , v; . Swedes Iron of all- sizes ,. .,? Powder, Shot, Iiead, Soaps, Starch, Candles. . Fine and common Tobacco t ,,,, . Bagging, Rope and 1Srine,v Men and gov's WagOn Saddles "" . Riding dnd Waggon Bridles 1 w.w-#<b w i Harney Collars, Riding and' Waggon Whips*"* ' 1 : ALSO? ? 'V Crockery, Glass and Hardware .ww Collint' best Axes Nai|s, assorted .size Pocket Knives. Knives and Forks , . Kegro Cloths, Bleached and broWn Homespuns Bed, Negi"o and Riding BLANKETS ' ALSO1'* 'iH ' ' ** ' * A few cases of men and boys-Hats and Gaps With all other articles usually found in a well, supplied Grocery and Hardware store, all of w^iok will be sold exceedingly low fpr cash. ) B. W. CHAMBERS. Cnraden. S. C. Sept.! 70 ' ' ti * 0 jarThc Sututer Banner and TVae Boathrtta WlB' +off ' for tliren month*. ' . ) n>. . ' . . , New Goods. V{ A genernl assortment tof 'i}o f DRY GOODS, ' '}* HARDWARE. GROCERIES. &r. Received hy WI ANDERSON fc CO. . 1 . ? > ? 1 r i Anuatto A Copperas, . Indigo, . Logvyood, M.idder, W&ite Lend, ' Linseed Oil, ' Turpentine, " ' Window-Glass, Lamp Chimneys, ' Solar Globes, Solar WicKs, ' "'"b ifperm tin, Notnr uu, c >!* Castor Oil, .' Epsom Salts &c. &c..f, A fulfand fresh,supply of ?ili tlic above articles ust received, apd fur. sale by . sept. 20. Z J.lfe^AY, A COMPLETE Assortment of Ingrain and; Venetian Carpeting*, for sale low bv> , -t Sept 20. H LEVY fc SON. t To Bent. THE Store and Dwelling, two doors above the Camden Hotel and opposite the store lately occupied by Messrs McDowaH &. Cooper, po,hSeSsion given immediately. THO. J. WARRIJN^' Oct 22. 84 '! \ Valuable Plantation V. To Lttase or Kent. I WILL lease or rent the place I now occupy on Lynches creek, in Kershaw * strct,T7$ miles frotn Camden, containing 5000 a ores of Lani, a comfortable dwelling house, with all necessary outbuildings, a saw and grist mill?which had a bargain, on application to , Nov h* J. I* ItEID. ' i Executor's Notice, -h? PERSONS indebted to Joseph Cunningham dec'd. are requested to m^ke payment* |pd those having demand^ to present them the subscribers. . JNO. BROWN. Liberty Hill, C. J. SHANNON, Camden. July 15. [56!lj] ' ' Ex'mV Notice. ALL persons having any. claims against $ie Estate of the late jllrg. Mtmha E. Wilson deceased, will present tliehi properly attested, those indebted wfll irnike immediate payment to ta Mr. John Rcser. who is authorized io" act-as agent in my absence. . PAUL T. VILLEPlGUfi, Ad?V* Nor. l&itioO. '90