University of South Carolina Libraries
\ , .. ' /" . ;Wy * *''?>*** VW*v^ . VOLUME 11. CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, DECEMBER 20, 1850. NUMBER 100. THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. WRMSIIKD BY TIIO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, KI>XT'?RS AND J'KOI'KIKTOKS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Three Dollars and Fifty Cent*, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. , THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Tivo Dollars and Fifty Cents, if pnid in tdvanre, or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. Any r?-r-o"i procuring five responsible subscribers shall be entitled to tit" ?<ixih copy (of the edition subscribed for) gratis for ?,?)" t ear. ADVERTISE >| ENTS will be inserted at the following rates: For one ?(;tiure'(l4 lines or less) in the semi-weeklv, "no dollar ( r :!i>? first. sunl tweuty-five cents for each subsequent in-crtion. la the weekly, seventy-five eents per square for the first, a mi thirty-s?-ven and a half eents for each subsequent insertion. Single insertions one dollnr per square. The of insertions desired, and the edition to be published in. must be noted on the margin of all tidver' * *" " ^ cAini.iwchlv until or UC1UCII1*. VI MiUj mil U . <.fTv>.v.. - - ...w ired to he discontinued, aim charged accordingly. Semi-monthly. monthly and quarterly advertisement charged the same as for a single inseriion. Liberal discounts alloweil to those who advertise for three, sit, or twelve months. CyAli communications by mail must he post-paid oj secure attention. The following gentlemen arc Agents for the Journal: Wm. C. Carton. General Agent. Col. T. w. IIukv, Jacks on ham. Lancaster Dist. S. II. Hossgn. Esq., Lcincasterville, S. C. C. C. McCrcmmrn, Carthage, X. C. ( W. t*. Moore. Esq., Camden. S. C. And Pot-Una.", ters are requested to act as our Agents. "MXNZI GOT, VOT A COUNTRY!" My Dear Sjririt?Consider my surprise when I found the following beautiful lines rejected by tlie Congress of Posts?I became dejected?and they were suspected. The lines were written to be sung by one who had nerer seen the country, and was expected of course to kn jw ail about it. The poets were unanimous in my favor, but "Fiddlesticks" carried the day! What can be tnore'beautiful than our country?except it is this poem.? Please scatter it. give it the wings of your paper, and let it go forth, "poised upon the sightless courtiers of the air," until it tinds itself among ail nations. Your friend in the garret, Hezekiaii Squib. Land of the beautiful!!! iand of the free!!! Oft, has my head turned thinking of thee, Oft hast thy mountain lake, torrent and stream, Brought forth the best trout that ever was seen; Now, now thou receivest me from the broad sea, As one of its mermaids?liail land of the free !! Land of the beautiful, in grandeur thou art t Doubly fair, doubly beautiful, doubiy dear to my heart! "Mine got, vot a country!" for rich and for poor, For every thing under broad Heaven, that's sure. * For patriot, politician, ana statesman, thy door Is ever thrown open til! there's room for no more. Millions crowd in and are welcomed by thee, "Mine got, vot a country!'' for you and for me! Land lor the future, the present, the "gone," "Mim* got, vot a country!" to get a nice horn. Land of cakes, ginger bread, hot corn and fruit! Beats England all hollow, and .Sweden to boos! Spreading, too, like a pancake, all over the world, And whence the wind blows thy bunting's uulurl'd Sculpture for thee shall bring out thy line form, Painting illume and poetry warm. In the Congress of Poets, and music divine, Shall sing''O! Susannah!*' at Liberty's shrine! Land of the beautiful! land of the free!! What nnre under Heaven can I say about thee? Hail! hail! then, star banner, shoot out hail, snow, Reign triumphant o'er all wherever you go. Thou hope of the world, pretty Jonathan boy, "Mine got, vot a country you've got for a toy!" Laud of the beautiful, land of the free! Yankee (loob!e-(le-durn, Yankee doodle-dee-dee! -'DODGING" THE GAMBLERS; ? OR THE 31 AX WIIO BOUGHT THE TICKET. O. K. Dodge, the violinist, who paid for the first choice of a seat at Jenny Lind's Boston concert, appears to hp a man of infinite wit ; and the New York Spirit of the Times tells a laughable story '?! bis tatting in ttirpe Mississippi gamblers, souip years ago. Dodge came aboard the* boat, pretending to be a half wilted yankee rustic, whereupon the confederates reiuilved to fleece him ; arid accordingly upon some circumlocution, they induced him to play at a game called '"Changing Jack." I he Spirit of the Times thus gives the story denouement, which is all for which we have room : (,, ' [ say, ycou! look y?*re," says Dodge, moving slowly and sideways up the table, "I say yeou, I don't know nothing about keerds. but I'm willing to rick a heap ufmoney on that'ere game." "Very wel!?I'm with you. stranger." ex. claimed Strong, snapping his fingers; "there's plenty more money where this came from, and I'm willing to risk nil I've got in the world, that I can, by repeating a few short sentences in hog Latin, change the Jack of Spades while under your hand, into the Jack of Child, and | * that youVan't tell by the sense of feeling, when 11 the Spade lakes its departure I" "Look a' here, old flat head!" exclaimed Brown, another ?>f the confederates, swelling out hi* large form to its fullest dimensions, and bristling up to Dodge as if fl>r a fight " Look a' here, Mr. Philgarlic, you are interfering in other people's business! I have set to that I man's pile myself, and I don't want no man to interfere." "I at your pardon, if IJintrude," says Dodge "Very well; you may jest bet onrr.," savs Brown, looking ut Dodge very closely, "for I see you are not a sporting man. You may bet once, il you wish ; mind, only once! a* it's my {rune; but herealier. as a general thing, vou had better not interfere with strangers'gumcs. fur V'ti might get ! *? ? a muss !" "Wal, yeas, it 'pee*-. to he?so now go on with the .v/joir. for i ' out tew ma he some mo tiey allfired had." s-<. - Dodge, taking hold ivith hoth hands of what ;i peured to he the leg of the I ! Jack of Spades. "Very well, then," says Strong, turning the H pack over, "now pull the card, and keep it hot. torn side upward." Dodge pulled the apparent Jack of Spades out on the table, holding his left hand over it. while with the right he took offhis hpll crowned hat, and sweeping the card off between the palm of both hands, had the appearance of placing the drawn card into the top of'the nldhea. vor, but, in fart, only into the folds of old bandana, upon which he placed his doubled fist, remarking at the lime, ' Hv ginger! ef yeou kin git that air Jack o' Spades emit of that air hat by way of yennr Latin. 1 hope I may Ire stuffed to death with bi.'ed nnynris f" While the party were in the highest state of frolic and excitement over I lie verdancy of the victim. Dodge took from his pocket a jack knife, I and opening it with his teeth, held it over his hat. ami taking out the bandana, which held ' the card he had drawn irom the pack, he jabI bed the blade of the knife clear through the oih I 1 ? -I L.i,. lw? <iv/>lniinin?r ' er osim aim nui, nnu nm? nir , r?. I ''Dang my buttons, of I keer fiir tin* lial?I'il : jab her tun how ! cause, if I rimk?? a hull lot of money I kin t>u\ a new hal,can'i I ?" While Dodge was holding on to the knife, and looking a* if he expected ever} minute that 'the hai 'would take xvings. the trio could hard, ly keep in, hut it was loo good to spoil, so they ' only ?inked to one another, as much as to say, "A sure thing ol it! Got him on ihp dead ! M hat nn excellent thing to tell!" The crowd .making something extraordinarily rich, gathered aioond lire parly, and reveal| ed l?v ilieir anxious fane*, that e?ery one ahoard had now deeply interested in the [ result of the professional skinning. ! "Now. then." sitvs Strong, looking the vie. tim sharply in the eyes. and holding up hi* right ' mm. while lie repeated in slow and measured j tones, as solemn a* the High Sheriff at a puh! lie; execution? miw then, im friend. prepare ; fi?r the miracle : 'Now look om for tricks tlmt'* s'.ranpc? Hocus?poces?presio, change!" "I'll lit* kcr-\?*.iIto death xvilh caldifigpc, old feller! if llml air keen! is changed anyI h..w I" "I'll go p. ' id dollars IKat ii did!'* savs ; Strong. "a .1 he raid that vein knif? is ; now Riickii tough, i* the .Jack of (.'lulls!" "Will. I coined colli West line for to Iniy a considerable of a farm, and ef I kin make a thousand dollars in one pile, I s'po*p I uionght as well w it ; hot mind now. | don I can it hettin,' lor that would he wicked, And I only take thin 'ere thousand dollars f>>r a hencverlejit purpose, lint ii< la-atlier used to say, 'in fin a pence. it) for a pound,' so here "ops " Suiting the anion to liis woids, Dodge delih. erotely drew from an inside vest pocket, an old : greasy wallet, and taking therefrom ten one | hundred dollar hills, on a Philadelphia hank, ! add them in his hand, and exclaimed. "Well, neow, yeoti feller! ef* veou're deter[ mined to throw away yeour money where veo't don't stand im chance a winnin, why jest pull I eoui yeour dough!" Dodge had meanwhile Ik'pii gazing intently In the hat, and a person not acquainted xviili the peculiar twinkle of his large eyes, would have sworn that he had seen nothing else for ttie last n%*? ouiiiiips. 4 (.'aii n, I want you to hold 'hese Vrp tlunj. sntid dollars and a? a man of honor, in the j presence ol these 'ere pawiifjers, see that lair play is did tew a stranger." " 1 would rather have nothing to do with the affair,' replied the Captain, "toil, il >ou wi*h tor me to hold I lie slakes. | will do mi, and cull upon my passengers to see ll:ai ever)thing !s honorable." " Well, Captain." exclaimed Strong, in a I voice lou t enough io lie heard hy all present, j "there's a thousand dollar* in current hills and I unlit lii ciiinr the Ynokee's niie." t* V ~ i I ".See that il's geneyvine, Captain, and no j geonging." "All right," reolied the Captain. "and now, J gentlemen, tdea?e infix in me loud enough fir ! all to hear, tie precise <-I::iihc|.t of the liet." While Dodge's attention had heendiawn o(T by the prospective fight, Strong put the jack ol Spades directly thioiigh the centre, with his jack-knife?ha! the legs, and placed the hoad (Mill evenly over the head oil he Jack of Club., crossing his thumb over the cart edge, so, to ail a|>}ieuranees, the |-'gs of tlie Jnek ol Chilis helonged to the head of the Jack of Spades. " Voti see that is the Jack of spade*," said he, turning to Uodge, "Is that air sjiol genewine!" says Dodge, wetting his linger and touching the spade tit tin' head ot lh? J a (dr. " ^ on liar! It so, don't Vo?l ?" preying it close w ih fiis Iliinnli tn in cvrill il< iiiovinir. \VV||, dial air chap there, what's got red whUkers and hig watch chain, ami iv nun self, what don't want in hev it called beitin.' putH up in your hand nne ll)<>u>and dollars each, and ef that, air k?'erd in lliat air hat with that ait knife jaMied through it. is the the Jack of Spades, I In* lew thousand dollars is mine, lint if that air keenl. in that air hat, with tha air kttile jahlied llirough it, i> the Jack ol (Hulls, then thetew thousand dollars is his'n ? ain't that riirllt. veou Mler?" ' Tint i* |??'ifectly i gentlemen,'' replied Strong, drawing a hand aero** hi* mouth In hide a laugh, and ct||ing around sidewav*, |br he could hardly Item' in. es, (.'uptaiu, the \ an. kee's statement is correct." The of a verdant nutmeg Yankee put tine up a tlinijsn nd d? ?IIa is on the rut throat game of"Changing Jack." was so extremely ludicrous that the crowd could only by the greatest exertion, refrain from yelling, Strong and Brown very slyly performed u few mysterious gyration* with the figures, such a<. imitating the rutting of the throat, a rope around the neck, and a dive into the river, thtee very common ways of con mining suicide, and too often adopted by young titlvenitires from the North and Kas1, who blindly stake their all after falling into the hands ol these Western river chaps. Smiling at the earnestness and unboun dec! confidence of* the heartless cut-throats, whose slightest movement had not escaped his eagle eye, Dodge merely remarked?"Letthprn laff that wins; there's Ipw sides to all jokes; tew sides to this kperd, and tew sides tew all your | mouths tew lafFeoiit of, so here she comes.'' Drawing out the knife andtttrningover therard. to the astonishment of the entire crowd, it was the Jack of spades! As the Captain passed the money over to Dodge, the lower jaws of the disappointed sharpers fell about a foot and they almost simultaneously exclaimed? "jewed!" "Yanke'd!" "Bit!" ' The crowd, who were hound to have a gnnd time any way, and more especially now that ih<'j<>kf was so much richer tnan was riiri> led. were ill a col lapsed state?they yelled cheered, and shouted until the cabin fairly shook u*ain. _ Staple and Fancy Goods. THE subscribers are now opening a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, purchased with much care, winch they will dispose of on their usual liberal terms, Tlicy conssisl in part, as follows: WOOLENS. Heavy London Duffii Blankets Superm-4 to 14-4 Limb's Wool Bed Blankets Heavy ail-wool Negro Cloths .Negro Lin.-eys, very heavy and stout 1'laid L.tisoys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear ViOLn* iiaiu </U.viiiiacr(^> Superiine black, biuc, Drown, and invisible green French Cloths Superfine Doe-skin black Cassiineres Satitneis, assorted colors \ Kentucky Jeans, do do Elegant Fashionable Vestings Fancy C< ssnneres Red white and yellow Flannels COTTON GOODS. PRINTS, of every description . Furniture Caiicoe.*, very handsome (jiiigiiuins;'u and fancy striped Muslins Furniture and cambric Dnnitv Furniture Fringes; en!ton cambrics Colored and black cambrics Siliv.s ami Fancy Articles. E'egant piani and ualer'd black nlks " plain, tigured and water'd colored silks " Ciiena figured dress silks, very rich Belts; elegant lace capes Aiu.-iin worked collars and sleeves Very iiaud.-ome Insertlugs and Edgings Luieii-caiiibric llaiuikercliiels Ribbed silk Stockings; raw silk Stockings French meriiiu. black and assorted colors Super black and nieredian black Alparhas ISlriped and cross-bar\l colored Alpachas DOH1ST1CS. 3-4,7-8 and ') '> lib-ached aiiJ brown Shirtings 13-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings W lute and unbieached Drills Striped and piaui colored Homespuns lied Ticks; Apron checks; cotton Oznahurgs I.I\ K\N. : Super an asserted in.-ti Linens " Lawn Lawns, Dewia.-; Table-cloths ' Damask Diaper; Daiuaik Napkins i 44 Bird-eye ami Rus-m Diapeis A L.Sl> 11undei and (iuiiny Baoj-uia l?a:e Rope and Twi: t; Iron; Salt Su^ar, Lollee, MuJa-ses ALso j Blacksmith's Bellows, Vices, Anvils. Hammers j Smew I' ales, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes j'lions. Spades, Shovels, .Manure Forks | V. uli a i:oui|jiete a?M>rUooul < ! Hardware and Cutlery With nianv oilier lirlicles loo tedious to enumerate. . II. LEVY 4- SON. sent. 17* 7.1 iiui I BEY GOODS. I* base reecived their \\ INTER Sl'I'j X I'l.V. enmi?tinc in part, of FA N <' t DUMSSKS?iirni :i(kil Thibet ('lolli. l>n?caj ded [.ahra.lnre. v>r Evening Dn-^s t'uchnvre NIt-rin?*f iund Aln'isselm ib; Lain, plain nrnl printed ; Mack ami fancy Silks, Paris ami Miiir!i>li Prints, French ami Scotch ( ingham*. i MOl UN l.\( I PRESSES?Royal Tour. Satin Koytil. i Saiii! (Jc ('hcnc. sro. do Rhine. French Poplin. Ecinhnzin ! .Motr-'clin de latin. Aijiaoea, ('inghams, French and EtigI hsli Prints. TEI 'I Ni I VJ.s?Of every variety. t? suit the nbove. SI'NDRIES?I'iack ami fait"}'Thehit. Caehnierr and j win den Sj:,iw!-. work-d Mn-iinnnl l.ace ('ape? and Colj iurs. liiiam'* worked Href sen and limltes, l.uien Cambric ll'dk'lV. 31 ii>Iin Triminini:*, 'a great \arietv.) Thread I faice. Cap Sibhnns. t.joves and Mittsof all kinds. Hose, j in Iar?e itssortuieui.j ioiitf mid short sleeve Merino vests, ; .Mai -eiil?> Ik'.l and I ril> (pnlf. Talile. Piano an i 'I??ilet I ?'nvor<.'">-1 ami Ifi-i Pnniasl;Table Covers. Pamisk and ' nlnred I'oylic-. Ni ttvd Tidies, t>-1 n> 1'2-J l.inen i-licelinc, -"* ; ? Pillow > It'a.-e J.inen. j-1 to 12-1 bleached and i!'ntn i si:, i- h it. r immure i mm* mm uroiin Himiiv I nrniwre frinjje. India Rubber Sheeting Pivii.M Si-il Ejnnkets. t;4 I" M-l Floor Cloth, Scoieh Carp-ting. A large assortment of bleached and brown Cood*. i ,cck?, Ticking.>cve. Ac. I' I.A V\ i:i.S?S iinnit', Rodger*. Ili-iil \\ i' >h. Saxnny. Shaker's nil wool and silk warp, nil I and J>oin?jt U bite, led and \ cllow. "fcVi-ry den ..tinn. For Men's Wear. Clack, brown, blue, green. olive and drr.h Clmli: fancy and black ('iiKMincre?. silk and ( aclinic re Vesting*, biifliiI" * lotb. for shooting Coals; Ii loves. of every variety; ( rnvais; Pocket IInmikerelnel'-; Half Mo-.-. I'mler Sliiris and Dntwpis; ready made Hurl* and Collars; Siisjx.-hdenr Mais-Caps. Ac. <fce. A large assorinie.-it of (binds for Coy's and Servants wear (Jcorijia 1'lalns, Cordova do. lMiinkeis, &C. d'C McDOWALl. ?fc COOPER. Oct. '."J. hj if Executor's *?otiee. PERSONS indi'lijt'tl to Joseph Ciiniiingliam tli c'd. art- to make payment, ami i lli'i.*" In v lit**" <jtMuasiiis 10 nruriuni mc-m iuuiuu | this sub.-eribers. J NO. BROWN', Liberty Hill, ,1. SHANNON, Camden, July 15. ffiuiij] Ex'rs. Shoes, Shoes. PLANTATION IS o<r.v's, ut stijierior quality, and a large assoriineul ol other Shoes, Iresh and now. Just opened by sent. E. W. HOX.N'EY. LADIES Received from I'iiiladelpliiii? Ladies Kid Slippers and Ties do Waiking Shoes Misses Roots and Shoes, &c. By Oct. 4. \V. ANDEUftO v & CO. NEW STOKE. THE subscriber is now opening a large assortment of ttrocerie* acul staple Goo?ls in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald j (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, of they following, viz: L af. Crashed, Ground and Granulated Sugara St' Croix, Porto Kico. at d New Orleans do N ,w Orleans, Muscovado and Cuba Molasses Java. Laguira and Kio Coflee Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black Teas Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles No. '2 and 3 Mackarel. in Barrels. Half and Quarters Wine,.Soda and Butter Biscuits audCueese Soap and Starch, assorted ?Pepper, Spice, Ginger. Nutmegs. Maee and Clo>es Povder. Shot and Lend Hardware."Cutlery, Nails and Castiiii;> tl . ?5 1,1.1 c, AM -J I'L. .? , rainis, iL.inseeu vui, cperm. uu unu ?in w wn. * v also Blrarhed and unbleached Shirtings aniLShetsiini!* Blankets. Bed Ticks. Ajiron Checks and Oznaburgs Together with a large assortment of Bagging, Kcpe ?a4 'ftvine. J. VV. BRADLEY, i Cam 'en.S. C. Sept. 23. {?rCa*h paid fur Cotton and>ot!ier Produce. ; "MANSI ON HOUSE. " CAMDEX, S. C. THE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the TRAVELLING fUBLIC generally, that ho has opened, as a HOTEL, lliar. large and coiHtnodio- s house in Log Town, former- | ly the private res donee of IS. J'erkins, esq. The building is adrn.rably adap'od for that purpose, being situated ih the n o.-t healthy and pleasant part of ( am<ien, combining all the advanla ges of the town with the balmy a'niosphere of the country, and within a lew minute*' waiK or any part ol Camden. The rooms are large and airy, his Servants respectful and attentive, and he pledges himseit to spare no pains in keeping up an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and to u^e j every exertion to please tiiuse who may call upon him. His STABLE*5 will he found commodious, and always fully supplied with Provender, G'The House being conducted on Temperance Principle*, he Hatters himself that those who tavor >- -II ...:n Kr.n .1.,. MWvK.V ttrifisr. | ijl<11 wuii (i tail v. n. iiiiu uiw , not only the comforts and attention ??r a well regulated Hotel, butthe quiet retirement of a Home. Charges nmderate. ILTAll the Stages arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses running to the l)epor, will call at the House when de-ired. E. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. I. 27 it A ConijileJe Slock of HOSIER ! GJL O VES. CONTAINING evi ry kind of Ginves, Lice .Mitts, Ijon^aml Half Loiiir do.; a beautiful article of Glassc Silk (Doves, ail colors, to match Dresses; misses' and clnldrei's Gloves aii sizes. Hosiery. Ladies' Silk, Merino mid all-wool Hose; cotton Hosiery; of every coior and quality; misses' do., all s.zes. Ladies' Merino .\wl silk Vests Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Ilose; mcrim nod Ilr:ileers: iniv's do Men's kid, silk, bnckskm and cashmere Gloves. In tact, every thin# desirable in the n.iove depart* iiiciii's, at VV ILjiUN'S. F;ait<*}' /.rJicb'*. CoI.OGN I*. Lavender. Murida. ilniu-y and H;ve Water. Jenny l.ind. Omnibus Portrait. Parisian. Xytnpli. V. i miser ami Palm >iKip; l.iibin'* Mxirucl [genuine,j nf Jesuit I.iij-1. Jorky flub. Hcu-i'.v-t Je < uridine. Iletkn-ium. Misriiioneiie. W r?-f Mud ami Verbena : Jenny l.iild llnir : (ineen of Mowers Hair Oil; Jluncl sand Koiisrel's Mail I.iiMrtiie ; Bear'.* Oil. l'liilocomli", Ox .Marrow PmiiMclir. f-T the growlh and Bcniiy ef the I lair; Pimlons ('hemirnl Hair luvignr.llor <Vc iVr. JllMt received at Z. J. Bell A V'N. New Stsam Boat Robsrt Kartin. TIM new Steamer Robert .Martin, Captain Geor>c.: Manslieid, will commence her regular I trips between Charleston and Camden, about the ) first ol October, stopping at all tin- intermediate I landings oil the rmr, bom coming ami guing. | Shippers may rely upon prompimss,ami at as j j low rates as ran l>n sent by any ot.her conveyance, j j J?'or ir^ight apply to SI JAW & Al >Ti.\, Agents, (.'a union. j (imiis and Pistols. J^MNK DouliiO-b.irru.ieil (jiuis in cases; Rouble barrel let! Gun-" without cases; Ii..*vnJvu.y i i'lstols in cases. i?y sept. 17. II. I.KVV tj'* SOX. | NEW FAIL GOODS. >1. DiiucKiat & co. IRK now just ej oimio their lar-e ami new supply in seasonable 0 -oils, consistmtr in part o! I ? MMI^t I f? nilllilbiri M '....-r, J 1'inin ami toured nlpnva, nion.-ciiii m.* Limes, (J albums, vviili other " i?*r jin.-ses \r..-i> I A a splendid variety ??t Calicoes. ari l the M-rv best and cheapest bleached and brown .Mnslin to he toinni in tiic town Tin' above (iiiods have be?n selected with the i <rnMtest care, and wili lie Mild as aiwnys, at the | very low est prices. Met. iJSb New Goods, New Goods, I \T7"fc< nave leci'iiml mid an: nnvv riceivin^a j ? I iarmi and finely selected assortment 01 now I Iiimds of til! J?iwul?- thn!? ? "T# 3 tijt&ir. Of all descriptions, viz: Coals, Vests, Pantaloons j Shirts, &c. Of every and I lie nest variety. .Ml of which we will sell 011 tin; very best terms. 11 von waul i ne I best kind ill a baro iiii?tin: la-si 0 ??<'> :oriiie least ; iiii" CV, rail opposite ili? I'o.-i i-diro, on Nov. 12. KLIAS ij- KOUPMA.W Notice. 4 1,1. persons liavii:^ any claims amiin-t the J ./V Hsiate of tbe late .\!rs. Martha II. Wilson deceased, will present I Item properly alte-ted, an those indebted will make immediate payment to j to Mr. JoIiii lio-ser, who is authorized to act as a^cnt in inv absence. PAUL T. YILLEPIGUE, Admr. Nov. 12, lS.iO. *0 wtf. For Sale. f51 HAT house on broad she'i at present occupied J. by John Ingram, as a storehouse mid dwelling for j.irlioulara apply to JAMKlS McMW JIN. June l(i, 48 t| Darlington Hotel, DAKL1NGTON COURT-IIOUSE. THE above House having been purchased and fitted up anew by John Doten, is again opened for the accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to the wants and comforts of guests will be given, and no effort, calculated to merit the patronage of all who may favor the establishment with a visit, shall be spared. All that the market and surrounding country afford will he found upon the table. Coiufnrtah e.rooms, for families or individuals^ are prepared. The Stables will be attended by careful and attentive hostlers. Drovers ran be well accommodated, as any number of horses and mules can he ' ept in the stables and lots expressly prepared for them. Nov. 1, 1850. 80 tf Dry Goodsat Reducad Prices. THE subscribers having determined to changetheir business offer their desirole and well assorted stock JDry Goods, at verp reduced prices, l'ersons will do well to give us a call before purchasing e sewhere. Nov. 18. H. LEW & SON, .r In Equity?Lancaster District. Middle ton <J. Caston vs. .Susannah Caston, et. al. FI1HE creditors of the Estate of Samuel Caston, 1 deed., of Lancaster District, are hereby notified and requested to present and establish, before nie, their demands against said Estate, on or before the 1st. January, 1851. By ordet of the Court in above case, June Term, 1850. JAS. H. WITHERSPOON, c. e. l. d. Com. office Nov. 11, 1850. $4 90 14t 012GA51S! &JE<jiARS!!?A very choice lot lO of Palmetto and Gold Leaf Solars, for sale by July 26. T. BONN ELL & CO. . i_ Domestic Items, BROWN ami bleached ftheetings, every width, Ticking; English Long-cloths;Counterpanes, plain and floored curtain Dimity; garnuntDimity; colored Homespuns anil Denims; plaid Linssy. Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. also 1150 pieces of bleached a id brown Homespuns Iavl* fhpv euii Iip hmiirlit antr wlipro in AniAr ( a. At * JAMES WILSON'S. Unrivalled Assortment, TIIE subscriber has just ceceived a new supply of Groceries, t onfecticnarjes, Segars and Tobacco, consisting in part as fallow's: tirocerlc*. ' Sugars?X. O.Porto IIico crashed and loaf, (Stu arts best) New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Mackartl No. 1 in half kits Bacon; lirs: quality leaf Lard . ? Cotfees--ilio and Java: sari: and table Salt Teas?Hyson, Young Ilyson a,nd Green Fancy and common Soaps CouUccfionnrltni. I Candies, sugar plums and kisses: raisins: almond' * Li ( ifiiii ijiiihi.-. pwi i jum r umu juiiw Fiiid in boxes; Prunes in do., large and small &c . Lemon syrup in <juarts and pints; citron Spice*. Nutmegs, cloves, allspice, cinnamon and ginger LH'^trii. "Clemeticia," a splendid article, new brand Ml Duendee, Prinu ra " " M's " (Jonsolacion, Gold Leaf, Castillos &c. 'fobarco. S. S. Myer's best iiyney Dew Nyin's pressed Rough and Ready Superior Honey Dew; Wilson's peach-flavored A's Mrs. Miller's fine cut ' With many other articles too numerous to mention, which will be sold exceedingly low for cash. Country orders promptly attended to. Nov. lit). ' WM. C. MOORE. ~IS EQUITY?KEli sis i w. Ex Parte V? in. Net: es, oarah Netties, iIiram Netties, per pro ami?Pel it ion for sale of land. IN obedience to toe orders of I he Coint I will ofler a: public sale on Monday. t!i" Otii day of January, ensuing, before the court bouse in Cam den. all that piece, parcel or tract of Land, lyingon the iNort.ii side of Granny's Quarter creek, in the District aforesaid, cuutainii g one hundred acres tin ire < r less, being part < i a tract formerly belonging to J. Kiddie, di.c'd. and ouveyed by the SiierilF of Kershaw District to David Harrison, and by li-tii to the Petitioners. Terms?So inncii cash as will pay costs, balance on a cred t of one and two years, interest from sale, purchaser to give bond with good securities, and a mortgage o.' the premises. l\- \T sMItVVflV ? ~ ?) . ?U? t| ?? JV- II. I)-?c.3. [S3 00] is Hardware, Groceries, Ragging, Rope and Twine, C!otl?in?r, flats, Caps. Unnnets, I.i Hunts ati l >Sh*ios&c. Just re eived and lor saie at the lowest prices possible bv .M. DMJClvEll tjr CO. A few Boxes new Raisins, just received by W. .MOORd. hbiia* ?.,???: , i-*4?j*5ov <i>'t J'aris :tsail VVMMMtd. The ab">vear;ieii ?> constantly on hand, of jrocd onainy and at io\, price.-. Al.-o. (ivi'sum or land " C. 1. UlATTKiV I-J 1- il* JTRiaL'JpCEHS^"" *1 T'LKGANTJjV bourn!, at $1 |???r conv. jbr sale i j by W. C. MOORE. EScrk ? I'nr s'llo l?v II- 11KVV <fv SON. Distinguished Arrivals I! JTAIxl! |>.c;.Mr -n^ ti.e .-aie arrival nl ! - v i! 'v i I i 'au at?(f wittier t*ooas. Amongst which arc, the newest siv of French ('asdunores unit Moiw-'Iimp*. Woolen do Clonics, A t iiccas, .MnJmiis. l'.i!ii?'|pors. Cohurffff, Drap do Iwis, chrui^c Me r;irr.iijint!;ig, ml id color <1 Me riiini's, hiii! Aloii.-si'Iiiios. and a lot ul satin striped ])ri'>s lsi>(/(V, at :J0 tents per yi r<!. Oct- I. JAMKS WILSON. Superior 3Instiird, I N quarter and hall' pound boxes: White Mus. E tnrd Seel; (linger; HI nek and Red lVper& Spice: Nutmegs; Mace; loevs; Ciena tore. For sale by Z. J. DfHAY.