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1 . A~ f""r* ' "T "r""~~~ '" ,jr**v*Tr^*s^<*X-*w- v "~ - - -A- rmnr nm n?i hhmiii|j tlie Cmnftcn Journal. VAT ITMIII. . "" ^MnRN.SOirTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 13, 1850. NUMBER 98. THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. ; JTHMSHKD RVT TIIO. J. M ARREN & C. A. PRICE, editors and proprietors. THE SEM[-WEEKLY JOURNAL I? published a; Three Dollars and Fifty Cent*, if paid in advance, or F?mr Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. i THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in tdvanoe, or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three mouths. Any person procuring five responsible subscriber* shall be entitled to tiie siuhcopy (of the edition subscribed for) gratis for ww year. ADVEI{T!>h\lF. VTS will be inserted at the following rates: For one square (14 lines or less) in ihp semi-weekly, one dollar for the first, at.d twenty-five cents for each . subsequentinsertion. , In the we l.iv. -eventf-five eent* per square for the first, * - ' ? l."lf fc...;. r.., i?. 4II1H UUfl) f'-.rn .* "ttj* VVU?# 1**4 vai n scrtion Single insertions one dollar per square. 'Hie nnmner of irtscmooR desired, anil the edition to he published in. must be noted on the margin of all adverticnieuui. or they will be inserted Remi-vyiekty until orired to he discontinned. ami charged accordingly. Serai-monthly. monthly and quarterly advertisement charged the same as for a single insertion. Liberal discounts allowed to those who advertise for three, six. or twjlve months. K3P-AI1 communications by mail must be post-paid o} secure attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: Wit. C. C'aston, General Agent. Col. T. W. Hitky, Jacksordtara. Lancaster Dist. P. H. HossKa. Esq., Lanctisterville, S. C. ('.. C. IMoCrummkiv, Carthage. N. C. W. C. .Moore. Esq., Camden, S. C. And Postma'ters tire requested to actus our Agents. THE OLD FAMILIAR STRAIN. Sing me that old familiar etrain Which touched my heart in boyhood's years, Before its chords were jarred by pain, Before its hopes were dimmed by tears. Time has fled since first I heard Its music from those iipsof thine; "Dut n?r?ll eumamkny.i/1 if Ohftli wnrrl fc>o sing once more, oh! -Mary mine, The oid familiar strain. Thine eyes have their soft radiance kept, That won my heart in life's young spring, And o'er thy beauty Time hath swept, Gently, with light and charmed wing. Unaltered is thy graceful form, The trusting heart is still the same, Keeping those true affections warm As when before I dreamt of fame, You sang me that old strain. Yes s-ing ! as in those golden hours ? When life, and love, and hope were young, When fancy strewed our path with flowers? Oh! sing that strain that then you sung! You made sweet musip .in that time, Ere grief or trial we had known, When first you siing in youthful prime, In melody'sbewitching tone, ' The old familiar strain. ilethinks that on your placid brow? So lightly touched by furrowing years, Since we first plighted love's young vow? Thought's graver shadow now appears; But if within thy very mirth Remembrance of our dead will crime. Strong ties yet bind thee to the earth? So breath once friofe within our home? The old familiar strain, .4 Garland of. Arit/iciti] Flowers.-? Among the articles at the industrial exhibition at London in 1851, will be a garland of artificial flowers, which will not he less than 1851 feet in circumference, anil will contain 1851 varieties of flowers and fruits. This monstrous garland will be composed of materials from all the manufacturers of flowers in the English metropolis and the counties. It will be dedicated to Prince Albert, to the Dutchess of Sutherland, the counties of Carlisle, the royal Commissioners; and the subscribers who have contributed to this project. 1 will be enclosed in a glass case, on the sides of which will be the inscriptions to commemorate the txliihition. TInrr Stnnrt. Wp h.*lV?? hi'Pli behind tnmo nf our neighbors in "hunting" stories, but the following from the Texas Monument, fs even with any that has appeared in print recently. A planter says that he was, some years ago coming through the Brazos swamp with his ri- ( fle in his hand, when hu met a very large bear, i The bear seemed disposed to engage in u fight with bitn, which he Could oot well avoid. The ' bear closed with him before he could get ready 1 to shoot; so they had the contest hand to hand. In the struggle the bear took the gun from him, and as if couscious that he had disarmed him, fell back, levelled the gun at him. cocked it, and with his paw polled th? tngger. The man thinks that the bear would have shot him, hut for the fact that the gun had double triggers, and the bear did not know how to spring them, so as to make it go off. A r* r* A 1? 1* L A winning x<wr.~rtB.JC/Hga?n paper relates the following: A former bud discovered that a fox came along a beaiu in the night to seize bis poultry. He accordingly sawed the end of the beam nearly through and in the night the fox fell into a place whence he could not escape. On going to him in the morning, he found him stiff, and as he thought, Jif'efoss. Taking him ont of the building, he threw him on the dung- i hill, hut in a short time Reynard opened hiB eyes, and seeing all was safe and clear, gallop * ed away to the mountains, shdwing more cunning than the man who ensnared him. The New Jersey railroad has been mulcted a . A/>A f '* r /1 il in aw,Uliu damages, in consequence 01 tauiarine Murray a girl of 10 years, in 1848, having Jiarl her ancle crushed by the iteamboatat the r Jersey City fefry Mihffy from the chain having been taken down I. Kiic the boat was properly secured in the doe* Recovered.?The two sons of the man Ros- | seau, who was mu. tiered by Henry Carnal, a \ short time ago, in Dey street, New York, have J entirely recovered. -The recovery of one of [ them was entirely unexpected. Of course they I will be used as witnesses against Carnal, who " is a dogged, stohbaro.ttiid fcniti! fellow. < V :cv \y.jr' ACCOUN' Of the Commissioners of F Oct. 31. Ta balance in x>r. uank Uamnen tins day credit D. L DeiSaussure.Treajurer, 1S50 May 2. Cash received of Mr. Doby, tax collector Kershaw District, . , May 11. Cash received of Mr. Doby, tax colleo tor Kershaw District, Sept. 18. Cash received of Mr. Doby, tax colleo* tor Kershaw District, Oct. 18. Cash received of Col. Jas. Chesnut, jr. Noy, 2. Cash received of Mr. Doby, tax collector Kershaw District, . \ 1 .V i. , . . . j j ** '!?! 4 ' . j DRY GOODS. THE Ktibscriher* liave received their WINTER SUPPLY. moisting in part, of FANCY DRESSES?Brocaded Thibet Cloth. Brocaded Labrador!*, for Evening Dresses. Cachmere Merinos and Monwelin do Lain, plain and printed; bluck and fancy Silk*. Pari* und English Prints, French und Scotch Gingham*. MOURNING DRESSES?Royal Tour. Satin Royal Satin de Chenc, gro. de Rhine. French Poplin. Bombnzin Mousselin de Lain, Alpacca, Ginghams, French and Ejig lish Print*. TRIMMINGS?Of even* varietv, to suit the above. SUNDRIES?Black a:nf fan'*y Thebit, Cachmere and woolen Shawls, worked Muslin and Imce Cape* and Collar*, Infant'* worked Dresses and Bodies, Linen Cambric liMk'fc.. Muslin Trimming*, (n great variety.) Thread Lace. Cup Ribbons, Gioves and Mitt* of nil kind*. !lo*e. (a large assortment.) long and short sleeve Merino vest*. Marseilles Bed and Crib Qnilts. Table, Piano and Toilet Covers. 6-4 and 16-4 Dninask Table Cover*. Damask and ittnp/./t linvliM \,.?iArl Tidies fi-4 to ]!L4 Linen Sheeting. i-8 ro Pillow Mt'iw Liimi, M tp 12-4 bleached and .irown Cotton Sheeting. Furniture Chintx and Dimilv. Curtain Dimitv. Furniture Fringe. India Rubber Sheeting Porn.: it Bed Blanket*. (V4 to 14-4 Floor Clotli, Scotch Cnrpetinz. A large nxsortincntof bleached and brown Goods. ( ieck?, Ticking, Linseys, Ac. &c. F'L.t NN ELS?Genuine. Rodger*, Real Welsh. Stuony Shaker's all wool and silk warp, all wool and Dotnel White, Red and \ elloty. of even- description. For Men'a Wear. Black, brown, blue, green, dive and drab Cloth; fancy and black Cnssimere*. silk ataPCaehmen: Vesting*. htiflhlo > loth, for shootiuir Coat*: Gloves, ??f every variety; Cravats; Pocket Handkerchiefs: Half Hose. Under Shirts and Drawers: ready made Shirts nnd Collars; Snspetidenr Hat*- Caps. Ac. Ac. A larirc assortment of Goods for Boy's and Servant's wear Georgia Flatus, Cordova" do. Blankets, -Vr p X n . McDOWALL & COOPER. Oct. 29. 83 tf Executor's Notice. ~I)ERSONS indebted to Joseph Cunningham L dec'd. are requested to make payment, and those having demands to present tbem to either ot the subscribers. J NO. BROWN, Libertv Ilill, C. J. SHANNON, Camden, July J5. [ofitlj] E\'rs. Shocs^Shoes. PLANTATION Ihogatis, of superior quality, and a large assortment of other Shoes, fresh and new. Just opened by sept. '23. K. W. ItONNEV. LADIES SHOES. Received from Philadelphia? Lad;es Kid Slippers and Ties do Walking Shoos Mipses Boots and Shoes, &c. Bv Oct. 4. W. A NI >E RMf>' ] f CO. _ NEW STORE. f g UlCi Hliohcriucr in nun upuiiiug u migc anoui l 1 meiit of Groceries and Maple Goodx. in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will jigpose of at Charleston prices for cash. i Those wishing to purchase would do well to :a!l and examine ihe stock, consisting in part, ot :he following,viz: L af. Crushed, Ground and Granulated Sugar* Sl* Croix, Porto Kico, at d N,-w Orleans do New Orleans, Muscovado and Cuba Molasses Java, Jjurnira arid Itio Coffee Gunpowder, Young Hyson and 15lack Teas 8|>erin. Adamantine and Tallow Candle* No. 2 anil 3_ Mackarel. in Barrel*. Half and Quarters Wine, S?da and Butter Biscuits and Clieese Swap and Starch, assorted Pepper, Spire. Ginger, Nutmeg*. .Mace and Clo,e? Powder. Shot nnd Lend Hardware. Cutlery, Nail* and Casting* Paints, Linseed Oil, Sperm- Oil und W n, w Gt?, a Bleached and unbleached Shirting* nnd Sheeting* Blankets, Bed Ticks, Apron Checks and Oznaburga Together with a large ne?nr!ment of Jticm? 'ftvltie. J. W. BRADLEY. Cum 'en. 8. C. Sept. 23. itrCash paid for Cotton nnd other Produce. A complete niwh vi HOSIERY* *1JYD GLOVES CONTAINING every kind of Glove*, Lace Mitts, Long and Half Long do.; a beautiful itficle of GlasseSilk (ifloves.'all colors, to match Drecses; misses' and children's Gloves all sizes. Hosiery. Ladies' Silk, Merino and all-wool Hose; cotton Hosiery; of every coior and quality; misses' do,, ill sizes. Ladies' Merino and silk Vests Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Hose; meinc Shirts and Drawers; boy's do. Men's kid, silk, buckskin and cashmere Gloves, n fact, every thing desirable in the aoove depart' pentV, at Pancv Articles. COLOGNE,Lavender, Florida. Honey and Ro*? Water, Jenny Lind. Omnibus, Portrait, Parisian. Nymph, * indtor and Palm Jioap; LubinV Extract [genuine] of enti? Llnd, Jorky Club, Bououet de Caroline, Hedyoeroia, dignioneite, W est End and Verbeua ; Jenny Lind Hair ?lo?? ; Queen.of Flower* Hair Oil ; llauelV and Ronrtel'a 2au Lustrale ; Bear** Oil. J'hiloeomb?, Ox Marrow Pomde, for the growth and*Beauty of the Hair;Phalon? ] Identical Hair luvigor&ior Ax <Lc. Ju?t received at i ) HKUVr V? Its. . ,t., .... :-iv T r OF RECEIPTS AM J EXPEND! 'ablic Buildings far Kershaw Distri 416 17 1849. Nov. 13. By H. Levy's account for wl 200 00 i860 Charleston. Feb. 20. R. L. Tweed's ac't for has 520 42 man hire, April 30. M C. L. Chatten's ac't for wc 60 00 May 2. ? do do for pa: March 12 " McDoweall & Cooper, foi a 50 May 2. M J, R. McRain, for paints 336 06 " 4. " M. Naudin, indexing book - '7. "J. Wienges' ac't for masor " 10. w E. W. Bonney, for pad loi "13. " T. W. Bqrchinore for bar i " 13. " B. P. Boyd for hauling 6a< "17. " G. A. Deen, for white wash July 2. " C. L. Chatten, work doing June 25. " J. C. McKentia, chairs for Nov. 2. " H. Levy & Son, bagging fo " 2. " C. L. Chatten, balance for1 1849. Sept. 17 " J. S.Netties,for lead pipe, Jail Expenses, Current Expenses, By balance to Treasurer i i; ' I: 111535 15 D. L. DE5AUSSURE, New Steam Boat Robert Kartin. THE new Steamer Robert Martin, Captain George Mansfield, will commence her regular trips between Charleston and Camden, about the first of October, stopping at all the intermediate landings on the river, both coming and going. Shippers may rely upon promptness, and at as low rates as can be sent by any otner conveyance. For freight apply to SHAW & AUSTIN, Agents, Camden, \EVV Staple and Fancy Goods. ???? V THE subscribe are now opening a complete assortment ol Slapje and Fancy Goods, pur. chased with much care, which tliey will dispose of on their usual liberal terms, They conssist in part, as follows: WOOLE1V8. Heavy London Duftil Blankets Super H.4 to 14-4 Lamb's Wool ?ed Blankets Heavy all.wool Negro Clothe Negro Linseys, very heavy and stout Plaid Lillys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear Clothn and Camiiuere*. Superfine black, bluo, brown, and invisible green French Clothe Superfine Doe-skin black Caseinterea Salt met g, assorted colors Kentucky Jeans, do do Elegant Fashionable Vesting* Fancy Cassimeres Red white and yellow Flannels COTTON GOODS. PRINTS, of every description Furniture Calicoes, very handsome Ginghams; Cross-bar'd and fancy alripcd Muslins Furniture and cambric Dimity Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored and black cambrics Silk* and Fancy Articles. E'egant plain and wafer'd black silks " plain, figured and water'd colored silks " Cliena hgured dress silks, very rich Belts; elegant lace capes Muslin worked collars and sleeves Very handsome Inserting* ami Edgings Liiieii-caiubric ii.imlM'icii.eis Ribbed siik Stockings; raw sol; .S'ockinL'S French merino, black anu assorted c<.iurs Super black ami nieiedian black Alpacbas Striped and cross-har'd colored A'p&chas DOMESTICS. 3-4- 7-8 and 5-5 bleitcncd and Drown Shirtings 12-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings W liile and unbleached Drills Striped and plaid colored Homespuns tied Ticks; Apron checks; cotton Oznaburgs LINENS* Super an assorted Irish Linens u Lawn Lawns, Dowlas; Damask Table-cloths '* Damask Diaper; DamaikNapkins " tiird-eye and, Russia Diapers ?also Dundee and Gunny Bagging tiale Hope and Twine; Iron; Salt Sugar, Coffee, Molasses Blacksmith's Bollows, Vices, Anvils. Hammers Smew l'.aie*, Trace-chains, Collms' Axes Hues, Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks With a cuinpleto assortment ot Hardware and Cutlery With manv other hrticles too tedious to enumerate. H. LEVY SON. scpL 17* fim Guns and Pistols. FINE Double-barrelled Guns in cases;. Double barrellorl Guns without cases: Revolving Pistols 111 cases. By sept. 17. II. LEVY 4- SON. NEW FALLGOODS. M. DRUCKER & CO. ARE now just opomiisr thfir larireand new supply of seasonable Goods, consisting in part of Cloths, cassimeres, sattiuets, vesliugs, linens Plain and (toured alpacca, mouselm tie Lames, Ginghams, with other goods lor Ladies Dresses A Lso A a splendid variety of Calicoes, and the very best and cheapest bleached ttnd brown Muslin to lie luiin<l in tin; lown Tlic above Goods have been selected with llie greatest care, and will be sold as always, at the very lowest prices. t ??:L 29. ~~ JOHN B JDESAUSSURE, Adger'i Wharf, Charleston, ?. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to hio care, and to toe selection and filling of orders. sept. 13. 72 6m For Sale. THAT house on broad street at present occupied by John Ingram, as a storehouse and dwelling for particulars apply to JAMES AlpEWEN, June 16, 49 if ....?.? . . .. , ??v C*. i * 1 ITU RES ct, for the year 1850, iCurrentj . I '-oort lEipenx! l< Hoime . i lite lead, and freight from 28 50 ps and staples and work-, - 4 00 >rk for Jail and C. House, 123 00 inting Court House, - 37 25 latches and bolts, ? 2 68 ' and glass, C. H, and Jail. 44 57 .8 in Ordinary's Office, - , 25 00 i work, - - . j 8 00 eks and Blankets, - 23 25 for Court House. ? 5 50 w dust, - j 2 00 ungJail, - - - 114 00 a a r? tt I oaa nn ; ana aone on nouse, | oov uo Court House, - . , 21 00 ir do 16 77 ... ivork on Court House, , 335 75 - 6 00 25 00|41 25 931 02 41 25 25 00 997 27 's credit in Bank, - 537 88 $1635 15 Treat'r, Comm'r. Pub. Buildings K. D. MAZYCK & 80S, Factors and Commission Merchants, SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHAHUEJ8TON, S. O. WILLIAM MAZYCK. I W. ST. J. MAZYCK, } PAUL T, VILLEPIGUE, FACTOR* And General Commission merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. CLiberal adtances made on consignments of Pro. duce, and prompt attention given to the forward' ingof Goods, at the lowest rate*. Aug. 20. 68 New Goods, New Goods, WE have received and are now receiving a large and finely selected assortment of new Goods of all kinds. Ready IHade Clothing, Of all descriptions, viz: Coats, Vests, Pantaloons Shirts, &c. Dry Goods, Of every and the best variety. All of which we will sell on the very best terms. If vou want the best kind of a bargain?the best Goods for the least money, call opposite the Post Office, on Nov. 18. ELI AS % KOOPMAN. Notice. ALL persons having any claims against the Estate of the late Mrs. Martha E. Wilson deceased, will present them properly attested, and those indebted will make immediate payment to to Mr. John Ro^ser, who is authorized to act as agent in toy absence. PAUL T. VILLEPIGUE, Adiiir. Nov. 12,1850. d0 wtf. MANST ON HOUSE. CA..1UEX, S. C. rr\HE subscriber respectfullv announces to his JL friends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, that he has opened, as a HOTEL, that large and coimnodio- s house in Log Town, former* I)' tiie private res donee of U. Perkins. esq. Tfie building is admirably adapted tor that pur. pose, being situated in the n.ost healthy and pleasant part of C atnucn, combining all tiie advanta ges of the town with the balmy a'mospherc of the country, and within a lew minutes' walk of any part of Camden. The rooms ure large and airy, his Servants respectful and attentive, and he pledges himself to spare nn pains in keeping up an attractive and well supplied TA3LE, and to use every exertion to please those who may call upon him. His STABEES will be found commodious, and always fully supplied with Provender, O'The House being conducted on Temperance Principles, he flatters himself that those who favor him with a call will find ihe MANSION HOUSE not only the comforts and attention ol a well regulated Hotel, but the quiet retirement of a Home. Charges moderate. CTAII li e Stages arriving in the place, and tJj*^ Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the House when desired. E. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. 27 tf HUNTER'S HOTEL; " CAMDEN, S C. THE subscriber having located m Camden, yvould lespecl fully 6sy to the public that he has opened a Public House two doors tielow the Post Office, and hopes liy strict attention to busi ness to share a liberal patronage. My Stables are good, and well supplied wi'h Provender, and niv Table shall always be supplied with as good as the market affords. I rim certain that those who once favor me with a call will be willing to call again. I have also, a good Wagon Yard, with wood, water and house convenient, for tno accommodation of Wagoners. I will also attend to the Commission Business. aiid all (iontls consigned to my earn, or left \yjth me for sale shall meet with prompt attention. (Urdiarget; moderate JAMES M. HUNTER. Noy. 26. 96 tl To Bent. THAT new and commodious Sland with the Fixtures attached, owned and occupied by the late Robert L. Tweed, as a li|arkn/nith and Wagonmaker's shop. To a skilful and industrious mechanic, this is a very desirable situat on. J'ossns.von given intmeI di it'elv. For narticulars aonlv to 'j'.UlES McBWEN. JgT'The Tools can be had at a lair valuation and oil acromuiodat in# terios. # Camden, No*1. 1"). 90 tf Tlic Evening >ie?v?aiul Hornet's Nest wit' insert once a week lor six weeks. Darlington Hotel, DARLINGTON COURT-HOUSE. 'l'" ' THE above House having been purchased and ! tilted up anew by John Doten, is again operL ] ed for the accommodation of the Public1. Strict * attention to the want? slid comforts of guests will be given, and no effort, calculated to merit ' the patronage of all who may favor the establisbn , nent with a visit, shall be spared. All that the market and surrounding country afford will be found upon the table. Comfortable rooms, for families or individuals, are prepared. ' The Stables will be attended by careful and attentive hostlers. Drovers can be well accommodated, as any niimkA* /?f 1%A* **"!?? - iiuiiiuci UI Iivigco auu muice 11111 ue i>C|JV'll| MW/ stables and lota expressly prepared for them. ; Nov. 1,1850. Dry Goodaat Rednced Prices. THE subscribers having determined to chaago their business, offer their desirble and well/ assorted stock of Dry Goods, at verp reduced prices. Persons will do well to give us a call' before purchasing elsewhere. ' ' N?v. Id. H. 'LEVY & SON. In Equity?Lancaster District. .< Middleton G. Caston vs. .Susannah Caston, et-aL THE creditors of the Estate of Samuel Caston,. deed., of Lancaster District, are hereby notify ed and requested to present and establish, before, me, their demands against said Estate, on or be-. , fore the 1st. January, 18$1. By order of the Court in above case, June Term, 1850. . ? JAS. H. WITHERSPOON, c. e. l. d. Com. office Nov. 11, 1860. $4 90 14t SCGAIIS,' SEGARS f!?A very choice lot of Palmelto and Gold Leaf Segars, for sale by July 26. T. BONNELL & CO. Domestic Items. BROWN and bleached ."Sheetings, every width^ Ticking; English Long-cloths; Counterpane*;, plain and figured curtain Uiinitr; garfnontliimityi colored Homespuns and Donims; plaid Li ussy. Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. ' ,;*i ; X ; ALSO ' c. > 1150 pieces of bleached aid brown Home spuna as low as they can be bought any where in Atuec a ? " ftirnki iirrr turvlrifi >1' ta. o<- jnjioo MlJWUlVi). ! ! Unrivalled Assortment : THE subscriber has just Received a uew supdjt of Groceries, Confectionaries, Segars and Tobacco, consisting in part as follows: Groceries. Sugars?N. O. Porto Rico crashed and loaf, (Stu arts best) New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Mackarel No. 1 in half kits >. Bacon; lirst quality leaf Lard . . ,, ,( Coffees?Rio and Java; sack and table Salt , Teas?Hyson, Young Hyson and Green Faticy and common Soaps Confectioanriew.1 ;':K Candies, sugar plums and kisses; raisins; almond Currants; filberts; preserves, jellies and jams ' Figs in boxes; Prunes in do., large and email ' Lemon syrup in quarts and pints; citron &c. . . Spice*. Nutmegs, cloves, allspice, cinnamon and ginger-' Sejgars. "Clemencia," a splend'd article, new brand P.l Htiiiit/liiw Prlnmro W V C Consolacion, Gold Leaf, Castillos &c. Tobacco. ?'i S. S. Myer's best Honey Dew Sym's pressed Rough and Ready ,;. Superior Honey Dew; Wilson's peach-llavored A's Mrs. Miller's fine cut With many other articles too numerous to rnen^ tion, which will be sold exceedingly low for auk. Country orders promptly attended'to. ? Nov. 20. WM. C. MOORE.. ~ IN EQUITY?KEIiSHAW. Ex Parte Win. Nettles, Sarah Nettles, Iliraur Nettles, per pro ami?Petition for sale of laud. IN obedience to the orders of the Court I will otf'er at public sale on Monday, the 6th day Of January, ensuing, before the court honpe in Cam don. all that piece, parcel or tract of Land, lying on the North side of Granny's Quarter creek, in the District aforesaid, containing one hundred acres nmre or less, being part of a tract formerly belonging to J. Riddle, dec'd. and conveyed by the Sheriff of Kershaw District to David Harrison, and bv him to the Petitioners. Terms?So much cash as will pay costs, balance on a crcd t of one and two years, interest from sale, purchaser to give bond with good securities, and a mortgage of lite premises. i .. W. M. SHANNON, c, e. k- d. Dec. 3. [$.'3 00J ts ; Hardware, Groceries, Bagging, Rope and Twine, RKADV-madn Clothing, Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Roots and Shoes &e. Just ro eived and for sale at the lowest prices possible bv M. DRUCKKR CO. Rahinn. * A few Boxes new Raisins, just received bv \V. C. JlOOR'ri. Stone Unie, Piaster of Paris and Ceinent. The above article? constantly on hand, of good quality and at low prices. Also. Gvpsum or land plaster. C. L. CHATTENFeb. 12. 12 tf PRICE'S POEDIS, I ELEGANTLY hound, at $1 per copv. for sale J by \V. C. MOORE. Hook Salt. For sale by II. LEVY & SON. Distinguished Arrivals!! IT A K K pleasure in announcing tins safe arrival of n splendid variety of Fall and Winter Goods. Amongst wljicli are, 'lie newest style* of French Cashmeres and Alouaselmes. Woolea de Clnnies, Alpaceas, Mohair.*, Caineleons, Coliurgs, l)ra|? tie Lyons, changeable Parrainattas, solid color ii Me rinoos, and Mousselinos, and a lot of satin striped. Dross Goods, at 20 cents per ys id. Oct- 1. JAM EH WILSON'.' Superior Iflmfard, IN quarter and half pound boxes; NVhite tard Seel; Ginger; Black and Red Pepper Snipe; Nut megs; M ace; lavs; Cir.r.f ircn, arc.; > or sale by * Z. J. DlHAY?