The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, December 10, 1850, Image 4

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l.ivr.ii co.wpi.aixt, rinadire, D^pep?ia, Chronic or iVer* vou)JdebiiU;', Diseases of the FiHuivrs d\n all disease* arising front a disordered liver or Stomach such as Constipation, inward Piles, fulness or Wood to the Head, aridity af tit? Stomach Nausea. Heartburn, disgust for Food, fulltie>s or weight in the Stomach. sour rue'ations. sinking or fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, swimming of the Head, hurried and difficult Breathing, fluttering at*he Heart, choking or suflbcaintg seitsatmns when in a Lying Posture, dimite** of vision, dot* nr web* before tlie Sight. Fever and dull pain in the head, deficiency of Perspiration, yellowness of ihe skiu and eyes, pain in the. side, back chest and litubs. sudden flushes of the Heart, burning in e flgsdi, imagining of evil and great depression of spirits. CAW at KFFECTCAIILY CORED BY DR. HOOFLANDS CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY OR. C. 31. jacksox, IT THE (iBRMAX MEDICINE STORE, I 129 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Thei power over the nltove disease* is no' excelled. i( equalled, by any other preparation in the Cniled St'ires as the cures attest, in many ruses after skilful phyiciuus' had tailed. These Hitters are worthy the attention of invalid*. Possessing ureal virtues in the rectification of disease* of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and affections?f the digestive organs, they are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant. READ AND BR CONVINCED. Cha*. Robinson, Esq , Ka?ton, Md., in a letter to I r. Jackson, Jan. 9, 1350. said? " 31y wife and myself have received more Iionefit from your medicine than auv other we have ever taken fur the Dyspepsia and Liver disease." "Ttte Tenth legion," published at Woodstock, Va., Jan. 10, 1850, said? "A GREAT MEDICINE " "We liave uniformly refrained from recommending jo the public any of the various Patent Medicine* of the day. unless thoroughly convinced of their value. Among those we consider worthy of notice is the tiernian Hitlers, invented by Dr. Ilooftand.nnd prepared by Dr. Jackson, in Philadelphia. One instance in particular, in which t|?e siipcrior virtjiee of this medicine have b-en tested, has fallen under our observation. During the last summer, a son of Mr. Abraham Hrahill, of tliiscuuiitrv, was very seriously afHictml with Liver Complaint, nnd aficr trying in vain various remedies, lie purchased a botih- of the Hitlers and after nsing it, was so much relieved of his distressing malady that he procured another bottle, and is restored entirely to health. READ FURTHER A FEW FACTa, Tiww Philadelphia Democrat," the leadm: German journal of Philadelphia. The editor said, Nov <J4tb? ..t*r : ii removal .if the German "?Te jSJJBlii run Mewliciae store, ihe principal depot fur the Kale of Dr. H<iofland'i Grnnui Bittere, fnm ilTS to JM) Arcli street, one door below Sixth. Owing to the increased demand for this medicine, and for the accommodation of hi* numerous patient*, Dr. Jackson has been compelled to occupy a larger store. We wish him success in lit* new quarters; he is deserving of it. The Hitters Mixture ta without doubt the greatest medicine extant for disease* of the Ijivcraml Bowel*. A *tubboni eve of Chronic Diarrhoea has come underour notice, wherein the patient had exhausted the Materia Medicvof the different school* of medicine with no apparent benefit. He tvtt* induced to ??* the*e hitter*, and a few bottle* of theoj have entirely cureil him: Many such cases we could refer to. We hope our reader* wi.'l recollect this great restorative, should they be so unfortunate a* to reqnire it* use. Dr. Jackson possesses th* original nnpublisned receipt of Dr. Hoofland. ar.d he prepare* Ihi* medicine with this care. Those purchasing should j call at hit store, or see that hi* name is written upon the I wrapper outside, and hlnwn in the bottle, a* imitations of all good article* are common." Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman with gre^r scientific and literary attainments,said in bis "New York Weekly Men,, Scncrr, Jan. 6. 1850, ."Da HoopLiNo's Outmax Rittkrs.?Hero i* ap"paration which the leading presses in lite rnioii appear tie unanimous in recrnnmetiding, and the reason is obvious. Jt U made after a prescription furnished by one ?.f the most relebrated phvsfcian* of modem times, the lute Dr. Christopher Wilhehu Hoofland, Professor to the University of Jena, Private Physician to the Kin^ of Prussia, and otje of the greatest medical writet* (rernany has ever produced. Jfc was emphatically the euemy of humbug. and there,bre I ? medicine of which lie warthe inventor and endorser itiav be confidently relied on. lie specially recotnincnueu ? in liver complaint, dyspepsia. debility, vertigo, acidity of the stomach, constipation, and all complaint* arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and the intescines. Nino Philadelphia pa|>en express their con vielion of it* excellence, and several of the editors speak o' its effects from their own individual experience. Under these ciicmnstaures we feel warranted not only in railing tho attention of oar reader* to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jackson's) preparation, hut in recommending the article to all afflicted." *f>RB KVIPEVCE. The " Philatlelplna Saturday Gazette,'" the Is-st family - newspaper published in the United States, the editor says of DU. HOOFUND's (IKKMAN IlITTKKt. -*It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Pat ?nt Medicines to the confidence nnd |tatronat;e fottrread(w. and therefore, when we recommend IJr. Hooflaud's . German Bitters, we wish it to Is* distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day. that are jtoised about for a brief period and then forgotten after tliev Itave done their guilty race of mischief, hot of a medicine longeltaclishad, titiiWn?ally prized, and which ha* met the hearty approval of the Faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has lieen received (iik<- the foregoing) from all sections td the Union, the last three vears, and the strongest tediinoay in its favo-, is, that there m more of it usepln the practice of the regular Physicians ?f Philadelphia than all other lustrums combined. a fact iliat can racily be established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet witlt tlic.jr quiet approval when presented even in this fortn. That this medicine wid cure liver complaint and dvspepta. no one can donht, after using it as directed. Jt acts tux-iflcnilv nmin the s-otnach atid lirer-a-it is preferable calomel in all Ititinus diseases?ibe t i* immediate.? Th*y can be administered I" female ?r infant with safety i arid reliable Item.-fe. at any time itrtvAi'.v: ok ( ?rvr?:f>r?:rr-. Tins i-is ;>t>-i ' : i?ii ? !. t ; whirl, is nore.-aary f"r all m-'diHi;,-* ;?n'taii t-. ?n?I-i" counter feiters to p?il forth a spurious article at the ri.-k of I lie live* of those who are innocently deceived. LOOK WELL TO THK XAIIKS OF TIIP. GENUINE. They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSO.N upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without wliich they are spurious. For sale, wholesale aud retail, at the MERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 120 Atch street, one door below Sixth, (late nf J7S Hare atreet.) Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers generally throughout the country. For sale in Camdc.v, Uy Jamks R. M'Kain--Columbia by Boatwriglit & Mint?Chester C. H. bv Reedy <fe i-wfl", aud by respectable l>ruggi*U generally tliroughout the United Statec. Aug. 13. 64 A Rarftarouo Opfratien. IF Chloroform and Ether will render persson* in?ens.hl* to tain, it i? clearly 'he duty of'those who sell man ofa the article" cur ,.,r:ing o b -having Niap. to present elivt :pur.-l??,. r W'. ; "m fi f ientqunn'itvofiheabove article r? relievt 'i - ? i f - ,i * w it'.- ii i!,. - r.|.-i? ?lie op-radniisof shaving. ?!! ';< hah. > i'i.v -},; m: \y;\?. crrim.. I e'f air a.(iiii:,.-d !>, ..hi is- nrirl-i >-jr so-.,-. i. ... , ...... ; the we Mf?? .Mam .-I-.,-f. , v;.,-r.. ally a luxury Themgr-dicni* of -vinch n - < ?n --?.s' ar. ' ! .-:i"i* * t. illlr f,- f r;--|.-i !; >r . >. made than with any oilier irta-lc . ?v... ; r.| >o: ',-in ! ilje t II, |- . . - -. .' . i- liijr,,,..; ;,i(. ?'j .1, ' > "i-M ?i other having nor j as.:i inluritV n'tcr Usi Ing ?*reu:?t!j "A", fit!' I !v | Mf. in J??r ' ;c-ji;c ? it. ' i :> i n|<n' irBita'roiii'n-I V"k ?"*>r IS San .dug ?' sun. and you will livn gel ai ariirle tvhich ren lew ntuiving a>v and plcaaanl. JULES il U!EL. IsSOi'hesntt.fci hnr ?:il? in t.'-amdeu by J. R. McJ\oui, Z. J. DelUy anil F- L. Zerap. Oct 1. Snlph. QoiiUne. THE Subscriber banquet received a few nuecso of Rosengarten & Derm's Superior Quinine which lie offers at prices ;astlow as it can be possibly afforded in tfcis market, for cash or short ciediL 55. J. JDEHAY, Upward of Ten Thousand ures, Consumption can be Cured!: DR. ROGERS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF IJVKIiWORT AIV TAL5, For the curo? of Consumption nnd nil Diseases of lhe Luntrs and Breast. FROM DR. HIRAM COX. Late Professor in Cincinnati ^clcctic Medical College. Mr. A. R Scovill; However reluctant I have been to penriic uiy name l<> be attached to patent medicine, I consider it a duty to the community to ptrle tliat in three cases of incipient consumption, viz: Miss Bell, Miss Marger, ami Mr. R U- Cox. one ofi.ur City ? noun!, that i)r. Rogers' Liver wort and Tar operated more like a specific than like any remedy, that 1 ever used. One ot the cases, \ z: Miss Bell, pronounced by several Physicians'o be laboring under the last stage ot .Scrofulous Consumption. She is now in jnmil he.:lrh, trom the use of a few bottles ot the above syrup. IIIRaM COX, M D. Cincinnati. Jan. 25, 1847. I FROM THIS 110N. JUDGE HENRY MORSE. Mr. A. iScovill: I am well acquainted with Dr. Hiram (lux and his practice, he laving heen my physician for many year?, and can cheerfully say that I have as much confluence in his skill as any man living. JiENRV ML USE. ('inciuniit/, Nov. 8th, 1847. Despair not though yoyir Physicians and Friends give you up to die!!! Your condition cannot te more helpless than that nt Mrs. Umve. Tliis is to certify that I was taken with a pain in my side and breast, attended with a distressing cough, and lor the space of one year grew rapidly worse. Although 1 had in attendance three physicians, one of whom was considered very skilliu!, all of their efforts piovcd alike unavailing. At la-t one of the physicians came ir, anil decided thai i could not live more than one day longer! All of my friends believed that a few days at most would end my earthly career. My brother at tl is crisis, hearing of the astonishing cures made I'V Dr. Rodgers' Liverwort and Tar, went to Chillicothe, distant thirty miles, to procure the above medicine; and, strange to tell, belorc I had used half a hoi tie nty cough was entire y cured, and when I had used two bottles 1 was able to attend to my familv vocations as usual. Harriet kowk. Mr. Merrjweather writes as Follows: Mr. A. L. Scovili, Dear .Sir?Dr. Rogers' Liver I wort and Tar caiue sale to. hand. I have sold a number ?>l bottlea. I has met with great encms*. A ycuncr man (it this place, supposed to have ihu, has lieeu entirely cured. U AlfcRIUWEATilER. Denmark. Tenn, June 30, l*b4d. fcCf-Tlte following certificate from one of the nmst distin. gtiisl.rd physicians jn entitled to great credit: I feel constrained from a sense of duty to make toe lollowingstatement conscious that it mar ap;*-ar unprofessional. .Mr. Charles Wade, of tni< city, was quite low with Pulmonary Consumption, for which I had Iteeti treating with less titan usual success. At his request, and that of his friends. I permitted him to try iJr Rogers's Liverwort and Tar; and I must confess that its effect* were really surprising. After wing the second laittl- my visits were discontinued, and he was soon restored to pealth. 1 do conscientiously recommend my brother praetiioner* to prescribe this remedy in nil pulmonary cont ilaint? whicn baffle the orJitinrv nt'ide of treatment. WILLIAM J. UIOJIAIIDS.M. I). Cincinnati, Ort. 1st 1614 Kiiract from a letter dated Jackson, Tenn. Oct. 23,1813. JVIr. a. L. .S'coeUl, Cincinnati : l>e?r .Sir?1 want you to send me one gr-ws of Dr. RnKt*' Liverwort and Tar. 1 am entirely out of it, and ive constant call* for it. The remarkable cures that it ho* made here, has made ag.vut demand for it. Yours ?i*c., II. W. IIi'PTINt?TC)N, l)rugzi.?t. ItyBewnre yf Counterfeits and l*i<e Imitation*.,?3 IV 11.?The genuine article* it signed. "Andrew Rogers,'' on tlie engraved w rapper around each buttle. SCTl'rice?$1 per bottle, or siv Hollies for ?t. .Sold wholesale unci retail by SCOVII. d MEM), 13 Charte**L, .New Orleans, .Vile General Agent* for the Southern State*. Sold by J. R. M<Kai:t, Camden ; hitch, Columbia : Iiawlatui. Hurrall Ai Co., and I'. Jlf I'ukea, Citarieeion : | MantiHcl Hall,\yinn*boro. lD*('nil or. tbe Agent for a punphtct. tin! *vn the above crtitiratcs in lull, anu a vam ttuiubcr t f other*. March 23, 21 wGm A KUsCiE I\> THfrl AFFLICTED. PMR CFTKHIi VIM.II A certain renrrdVgfor nil fixed pains in the Aide, Clic?t loins, Bar!;, Bowels, JIu cles, illit-iimatism in all its varied forms, Nervous Affections, Lunc and Liver Complaint*. Sjtinai Affection*. Female Weaknemes. etc. etc. For ilie alrivr complaint* tins planter liu* tin KQr.vt The great celebrity which it lias already Required, not oniv in tiie old. hot in the new world?ll;e extraordinary cures it litis p.M-f"tni.ed in tie- most extreme ca-cs of*uif-iin;!, have acquired lor it nicii a repti'nlioii, that the prn_ pr.elorhas not?mnil recently?been able to supply iial incdelitaud. 'I'lie sales throughout every city, town and village in the United States, are without a parallel! A eireiimMuiico not surprising, when the vosl amount of j human suffering relieved by its use is considered. In spi[ iml defect*. lie- hen-fit Usually i*of lite n.o-tderides) cbaI meter. In N'crvriis Complaints. nineteen ca*e* out of Mveo.y read ly yield o tin* priiciniiiiig >t1111<11;v combined | in ilii? valuable preparation. I In Kh--uituiti*m. either acute or chronic, tb- claims of tite lb-brew Plaster have, long since la-en universally neknow lodged. Those who nre laboring urid .-r weak hacks, no mailer from what can*c the weakness may have oiiginated?even if such persons have been misguided in prvvhin* applieutious?io the Use of the Hebrew I'hi-ter they will find the affected part suddenly restored to iis origiHottndiiess. As h supporter in eases of constitutional weaknes it will lie found ol great advuuhuc. It is particularly rurnmmeaded to females who are suffering front sudde weakness, or general debility. In short, it embraces all the \irtncs which t'ue ui??st scientific iniiul was capable oflcompounding from valuable siihMniicis found in the old world anu will be louiiii entirety Jive irom tiiose onjci-tioris vvliicli :tre a source. of complaint with the numerousspreadplaster* now be.lure the public. Where (hit 1'bister is applied, pain cannot exist. These Plasters possess the advantage of b-ing pin lip in air-tight boxes, hence limy return their full virtues in all climate*. We have jam rec eived the following testimouial from C O .Sellers. an eminent lawyer in suere>*fiil practice in Wilcox county. Alabama. He is a gentleman in high standing, and one whose influence has greal weight; Camden, Ala., Nov. 21,1918. Messrs. Srnvil Mead: (I'litleineu?Having been requested to* .lie what has been the result of my evjierience by the use of your Hebrew Plaster, 1 cheerfully comply, b h?av in* that ! have found it tube as heretofore recointn. i|e . ,t,\ thiabh' uteclicine. In diflerent cases nf my I i'tiied the Plaster tu chronicmrw, tumors, j ; i i , < i- tii i . i>s- never faded to afford iosluiil relief. 5 i "d n wnb g'titil efleet upon my own person. t .. i..- > n'e er- wnli wiii. h 1 have been severely j Mft It. t-peetfufly. etc. C. C. SF.M.KRS, li er fjv of ('.uniierfeils rtutl Hasp Imitations. ' U TJt 'N?The subscribers are the igdy llencral 1 ti-i.'s in the .Southern .S'lales lor the sale of tin* truly valuable Plaster; am) ii? order In prevent purelnwrs Iwing j tot;*?sed o|tii? by a c iiui.terleit article, sold in this city ami j elsewhere lor the genuine, they inviie. particular aiteution , to the following marks of the genuine: 1. The genuine n* l?n nj? in smooth, engine-turned hot- ! twued boxes, riot soldered in. 2. Tlif genuine ha? the engraved head of Jew David on the direction* around the box, *?ith accompanying Record of Court, to E- Taylor. Roelicmer. SCOVIL & .MEAD, 113 Cltarlrwi nt., Mew Orlean*. Sole fieneral Agent* lor the Souiliern State*. Sold by J. R. McKain Canidun: A. Fitch. Columbia; Jtfavilaod JHarrall ? Co. and I '.if. Cohen Charleston; I il&uael flail, Winn?bor?:jglt. fr'glfcwell it James, Mewberry; Koe<ly <t RtifT, Ch*tervilift. Mothers, Head This Attentively, DK. K?ELER'S CORDIAL AltD CARnOATlVE. For thespeedy nnd permanent cure of Diarrlnra, Dysentery. Cholera, Infantum, Cholera Morhuj. Cholic, Summer Complaints. Flatulency l'aius in the Stomach, &c. ami from all derangement of stomach and bowels from Teething. 0y 1 ?e time 1ms again arrived when diseases of trie stomach and buWels carries it* thousand* to a prenuuure grave. is there no remedy to stay the inarch of death? We answer, VMS?the Cordial will cure apttl prevent line-tenths of a'l ruse* of disease alleenng th se organ** .Mure than live tltoti-iiud case* of disease were cured by it during the past year. All families consulting the welfare of their children a lose Ives, will act wisely to lia\e .ins article hy ilu-m. all cases of failure the monej will cheerfully returned.aud to ill those w.marc noable to purchase,it will be cheerfullv bestowedTHAT I T U ILL. A.ND11 AS Cl'Ul-.D.TIlK WOUST FO;t.M> OF DiSEASfcl OF 'I HE s?TOAJ At H A.N'H liOVVKLS KKADTHi; FOi.LHWI.NC hViUCNClvs: From the Spirit ol^iie Times. Dr. ICeeler's Cordial and Carminative, is certainly a valuable desideratum in every l'amiiy, to the young a,id to adult, but particularly whense there are children. We speak advisedly, because we have thoroughly tried it. and proved its healing and efficacious properties in our lannty. We would ino?l cordially recommend the puhlie lo give it a fair trial, which is only wanting to appreciate its vauw From the Mofth American anil United States (Gazette, Sept. 4th 1347. in these days, abounding in fruit, it behoves every one to be prepared with ji remedy lor die evil sriects which it sometimes produces?we have been told by those that kneiy and w ho have tried it?that KeelerV Cordial I.-au article which has been used in some of ibe se Veres I cases nl Summer Complaint. both in uihuitsutid eruwii persons. The Cordial can he procured at the corner of Third and Nun h {streets. From Meal's Saturday Gazette August23th 1317. Dr. Ivoelcr's Cordial.?We would call the. attention of our readers to tins invaluable medicine, which will be found advertised at length in our columns. As a >rreetwe in cases ol Diarrhoea, a disease very pre\:t!c: . ; i!.t-...resent lime, it is highly spoken of by al| who i.a ve o : i >i ? It is jierfeclly >ai'e in its nature, and we speak evp.uiiueutallv, wlieii we say that it atlurds inuueduiw relief. Frotn the Pennsylvania Inquirer, Sep. 1st. 1817. Dr. J\eeler s Cordial ami Carminative?J Ills article is I advertised in another part or our paper, it is waunlyreI commended by families xyjio'liave lieu it. It is especially I useful among rliililreii, and has clirrted Itnndreds of cures. The doctor is abundantly supplied with testimony upon the J subject some ot w Inch is very strong. Tlie Cordial is not | a ijuni'K nostrum, but a carefully prepared medicine, ami jieritjclly tree from any tiling injurious. i'roni ih? Daily Ponnsylvauian, .Sept. IGtli 1817. We are constrained m say that the *'< arminutive''/>f Dr. j Heeler's now extensively used in this City, is rapidly j making its way to public laxor. its ingredients are o course unknown, but it is mild in its operation, pleasant'."* I the tide, and a remedy quite as good as any now teed for the same complaints. From the Daily News, July 15t!i, 1850. Summer Complaint.?The season wlien this complaint exists is now here. If persons having it in their families I would only purchase a bottle of Dr. Heeler's Carminative. I Cordail, they would save much expense and trouble. e peuk of the virtues of tbis luedieiiie knowingly' j From the Spirit ol the Times, Knlziowji, July 18,1813. We wish to direet the attention of the reader* of tliis ! paper to Dr. iveeler'scordipl ami Carminative. advernised in another column, it is a medicine highly esteemed hy everyjoiie that has u?ed itni Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Cholera infantum, ect, which at tlijs season is so frequent. It is a ' perfect innocent medicine and gives immediate relief. 1'repared and sold -ill {Market street Philadelphia? Where may also be luul Dr. Heeler's Cough Syrup, Vermifuge Svrup, Rheumatic Lotion, Liver and Sanative Pills, Medicines of unsurpassed efficacy. fey Also Dr. Heeler's NAK.VAPARILl.A, a celebrated remedy in all Scrofula uriil 1 jtnklifiiiimiul hi?orili?rc If la ivifli/iiif dnnh? fit** I cheapest ami hot remedy fur Chronic Disease of tin- Chest -Strmach, I deer, and skin known?and admirably adapted J torall derangement* ttrrb-iiij* from Impurities nfthe binnd. [ i'emftir* sullering (roin the J/i*s of Appetite, Nervous Dcj hilily, Irregularities, Pains, Pimples. Bloleh*. Sallow ('uni| plexion. Oaiivenexs, etc., Will lind the Sareajwirillii dcI cnlcdiy the Itext remedy in use fur their removal- No one ! should lie without Dr. Keeler's Fammil7 Medicine*, so I beneficial ill many diseases. Prion 81 per bottu?6 bottles I lor $3* I l'or rale by Z. J. DkII AV, Camden S. C.. and by DruirI jrist* and Store* throughout the eonnfiy. Price 'ib centi. per bottle?smc circulars &c., in hands of the agents, j .Inly'J, l.-tdO- 31 j Philadelphia Mad?? ('alf umJ (mat Waikiiii! Shot's Kill Tips and Sli|ifi??rs.jii*l recivetl l?v j w andkrson ?v co. " South CarolinaI En rquity?ihaiicastri' District. i TJi'wihh i?.tllanl vs, William McKuum, J'ttc saiif M.Xilass and wile .Marjj-ircf, or al. Bill for I'dr! tition |{?mI Estate anil account. (T appearing '<> the satisfaction of tho Commit, sionorthat 1' Cisant M (ilass and^ne.; Ins ! wife, l>r. Win, Foster and Anna E- bis wib?, Kliz! al?oil'(lawlev, John \V, Johnson and Letiy A wan. i il-i hi>- w ife, I lonry Strm^lellow and Mary uis \v i:o John .V.IJer, (if alive, and if dead, the children and heirs at law of the three last named) do plead, aiicwer or demur to the hill in above case on or before the 16th December, 1850, otherwise judg. uietil pro ctuilewso will he ordered against all and I each of them. i J. H V\ ITHBRSPOOiV, C K. I. D. Com. office Sept 9, lo50. #10 ytri7."l jhxecutor'N Notice. | I 1,L those who were indebted to the late James if K. .VlcKuin, at the time of Ins deafli, are hereby calied upon to come forward and maJ?e settlement. And those having claims against Ins estate will please hand thetu in properly attested, JOHN ROSSBR, Exc'r. __SeptO, 1850, 71 Salt, iiatfKtutf, Eopc and Xwiue. For sale low by SJIAW & AUSTIN. Choice Segaps of varioa? brand*. For^ale by SHAW & AUSTIN. j Henry t.'l;t::tp:on aiki ni.itinia nis wiip, ami mso ! Monroe Miller, James Mtlle and John Mtlior, (il | the three last named are alive and if i o*. their rid! ! liren and heirs at law) defendants in ahnte mated ! ri se, are absent iroin ?inl reside without 'he hiniv* j of the Ih'Jle, It is Oidereil (III |fi?>ti?>:i III I Uani'tHMiJ and {Joyce, Snlrs. fur I'onip!?., tint ti ' said detieedniits, Pleasant M. tlia-H at'd >1 ' his wife. Dr. Win. Foster and Anna il Ins win , j Klizahelli (Jawley, J dm W Johnson and l,etly j Amanda his wile, Henry .String irliow ami Mary ins wite, Henry Champion and Maliais his wile, i and also Monroe .Miller, James Miller and John ! Miller; (if alive, and if dead, the rhildren and heirs j at law ot the three last named) do answer, plead I or demur to the (Jill in above rase on or before the 10th December, 1*30, otherwise judgment em nmfesso will lie ordered against each and all of tlmm. J II. WITilBUSl'OON. C.K L D. Com. office, Sej t. 'Mi, lHoO. 810 UtiiTU State of South CaroUna, <k L /.iillr laiiarnvtPl' IttNtl'le.L I IU I JIJUIIJ uoaav"" ? | Thomas Ballard, Admr., vs. William McKonna, j Pleasant M* Glass and Margaret, iiis wife. Bill i " Knft rce Decree and Partition. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Plel*?ant ?>!. Gli ss and Margaret, Iiis wile, Dr. William s ter and Anna K.,hia wile, John W. Joln.-> , . Lotty Amanda, Ins wife, Elizabeth (Ja '< , .1 ry Stringfellow and .Vn*y lijs wile, i:.*un <' .1. pion and Malialalns wife, and also .Won.. '.I James sillier and John .l/ilfer, (tl 1 lie In;o? named are alive, and if not their children and heirs at law,) defendants in the above case, reside without and beyond the limits ot the State, it is ordered on motion of Hammond and Boyce, Sol'rs. for oinpl't. that the saidjdefendants, Pleasant M. Glass and Margaret his wife, Dr. Win. Foster and Anna K liis?\ife, John W. Johnson and Letly A. tns wde, Elizabeih GawJev, Jlenry Striupfollow and .Vary ins wife, Henry Champion aod Alaliala I i.;? u.;i? ule.i Mnnrnp M>ller. Jaines Wilier and Q1AHT BOTTLES. FOR PURIFYING THE PLO )i), AND FOR THE CURE OF Tor the Removal and Re manent Cure of $11 Di*eu?e* arising from nu Impure state of the l>loud or habit of the system* viz : I** t n rr'a l'.il If l.^nmnfi^m nii.tinoto f??n? on* Eruptions,Chronic Sore Eyes, King Worm orTelter, Scald 1 load, Enlargement ami Pain of the. /nines and Joints,Stubborn Ulcer*, Syphilitic Symptoms. Sciatica or Lumbago ; and Diseases arising from an injudicious Use of Mercery, Acidities or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in l.ife; also.Cbroeic Constitittimal Disorders, &c The value of this preparation is now widely ituowu, and every day the held ot its usefulness is extending. It is approved and highly rccoiiimeii ded bv Physicians, and is admitted to be the most powerful and searching preparation from the root ihat lias ever been employed in medical practice The unfortunate victim id hereditary d.scase, with swollen glands, contracted sinews and bones hall" carious has been restored to health and vigor.? The scrofulous patieul, covered with ulcers, loathsome to himself and his attendants, has been made whole. |lufitireds of persons, who had groaned hopelessly for years, tinder cutaneous and aiatitiular disorders, rheumatism, and many other coiu\ plaints springing from a derangement of the secretive nrjaits anil the circulation, have beer, raised as it were Iroin the rack of disease, apd now, with regenerated constitutions, gladly testily to the elticacy of tins in*stunable population. The lo| jortitjeate trom ?ol. Samuel G. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extensive acquaintance through the southern slates, and lately appointed consul to i\ew Gienada.commeuils itscil to the attention ot all. i\ew Vrrk, January 7,1848. Messrs. i\. 15. <?. D. ?anas?ued ietue-i: Huviorr u?ed and witnessed tiie effect* ot y<?ur va liable preparation of Sarsaparnid ou different persons in d.tferent parts ot ilie southern country, viz?Vignna, Lonisiau, Texas and Mexico, 1 lee! much pleasure in staling the opinion entertained ot its inedictnoi value. Ju in)' own lase. it acted almost like a charm, removing speedily, the enervated stale of tire system, and exciting m the most agreeable manner, a tonic and invigorating influence. Your tSarsaparilla is highly appfovee and extensively used by the army in Mexico, and my cops in, (ietj. Zachary Taylor, lias lor the past hve years oeen in the habit ot' using it, and recommends the same; lie and myself adopted tpe article at the same time, ami it is now considered an utmost in dispensable article in the army. In conclusion, I would say that tne better it is known, the more mghly it will be priced, and trust that its health restoring virtues wi|{ make it generally known liuoughout the length and breadth of our widely extended country, t on a very resuertlullv, S. G. TAi'I.OJi, U. js. Consul to N. Granada KEM^RKAltLK OlIlB OF ItKOSOtilTIP. New York, Feb. 17, Id48.?Messrs Sau l.-: Having snff'tKpil many veprs with a d.sease of my throat, affecting The laryrx, during v/ltic i time I was treated l>v the Must eminent phys ciuns in fchirppc and tlio United Stales, without receiving any permanent benefit, hut ali the time my gener. j ai health and strength declining, an*' til disease ! making tearful progress; eau.-ticapplcati >n- were used, and what1 ver e^se was thought nsf effi tent lor producing a cifre: l ut ! am confident the deplorable situ-inm J was in. tn? laryngitis Ifiugav. c.iinpatiied w.lh phthisis and great ditiicuity in . re itie g, w.iuitl soon h ue terminated n.y nlo, had I no* < .i: a re c! 'i.nui.-h you: iiivaiuuMe Sar* i >:, ij.?. i mil.;t jmy. to .: ejnen, wii?? | comemend lie t-:?r?'ipir !!a. I did place i : ( a i leu e n lis vihi:is: ail i tin* will not surpr,.-e \i?u when i inlorm toil t ! i had tried, more thanli: v ditloreut rene-diee diring the pa* I tour years without any success; but alter taking i your Sarsapanila alow weeks, I was obii ed In j yield .it last to evidence. This nnrvellous spe hie \ lias not only relii vd. hut cured me; and I therefore j | think i' my duty gentlemen, for ihe henerit of suf-1 j lering humanity, in give you this attestation of my . cure. Yonrs very truly. i* r.iiiwr, i Crutiilalc of France in the U. Stales. ; The above statement and signature were uc. know lodged in our presence by Air. I). J'arent, as 'true. For lye Consul (Jen ral ol France, L. 1JORG, Vice-consul. ! The following interesting case is presented, and j { the reader invited to its rrrefill o<Tu?al?coniiucnt! mi such evidence is unne -pssary. New York, April '26, 1847. Messrs Sands: CJentienien?Having long been I liiicied with general debilty, weakness, loss of np- ! ft-, vtc., receiving no bunetit fr- m the various | iips prescribed, I concluded, about three | nci.tlis since. Uunake use i? your Sarsaparilla. I | i now l ave tli? pleasure of infor :ing you that its | ofleets have been attended with the happiest re- J suit.' in restoring tuy health, and I am induced to ! add my testimony to the many others you already i possess, anil those desiring further information, I pcrsanaliy give the particulars of inv case, and the effects of this invaluab e medicine, by calling Jb'3 Bowerv, New Vork. Yours respectfully. JANET MclNTOSIha This certifies that M:s? Janet il/clntosh is known to ine a member of the church jo good standing, and worthy of confidence. J. S. SPEXCRR, Pastor Second Presbyterian Gliurcli, Brooklyn. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. & I). SANDt\ Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fulton r-t, comer of William, New York. So'd also bv Druggists generally throughout the United 1 States and Canada?. Price $1 per bottle; 6i.\ j hollies lor 85. Sold at James R. MrKaiuV, Camden, by Dr. A. Ma Hoy, ("neraw, A Fitch, Colombia, and ll.viland, Harral if* Co. t harleslon. Oct. 8. 8*2?w3in Sefars and liquors. OEOARS. of favorite brands; Brandy, (1805) I nerond quality Brandy; ClMtnp'gnc and othr er Wines' Porter and alo; clioice o'd Pnrt Wine, Millar'* old Hye Whiskey; old Moug. Whiskey; New England Jluro. For sale by Nov, J?. ii. LEW $. SOX I * epBMBgegi m jLj-jLa&Mmam*1?!, MASONIC MAIL CLOTHING STOBE, 268 King-street, corner ol \\ entwortL, CHARLESTON, S. C. WA. KRNT & MITCHELL are now re ceiving their usual supply ol .Spring and, Suiymer Chilling, to which they would iovile the attention of pu.rrh sort, They kpep constantly on, hand, a full and complete c.iock of Clothing and Gent lemon's Outfitting articles! Purchasers will at all times find a lull stock of English and French Cloth Dress and Frock Coats Medium and low priced Cloth do I'arits, of ail descriptions, And a lull st<* k ol Vests. They would invite attention tp their stock of Outfitting articles, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats, ' Under Garments, Hosiery, Hpues, Suspenders,. Dressing Gowns, &c. df-c. ^ All of the above Goods will be sold at the low. est prices. ' W. A. KRNT <f- MITCHELK 2(5H King-st cor. Went worth. Aprjl zi) tf Q. V. ANTWERP, MERCHANT TAILOR, Columbia, S. C. t T - i .1 _ j ' i _ e _ weeps nn nana ana is constantly inaouiaciuringan extensive assortment of plain and lasliionabl"^ garments, which will be sold at reasonable prices, The goods are got up expressly lyr a fashionable.. cus'oiii trade, and will be found Ssupermf m work-, i mansliipand quality. I have alsco.i hand and am daily receiving an extensive assortimmt of shirts and furnishing articles, choice and cheap. I shall sell ho article but what iw good and substantial. A ISO A fine assortment nt Nilk and Pur Hats, of the very latest styles,f-otn jjje house of Lieebe <f- Cos er. Jan. 2. 1 tf MOHEY WAITED! THE subscriber earnestly requests those indebted to him to come forward and settle without , delay. FOR THE FUTURE * He will work for cash, and expects the money or; other satisfaction when the work js delivered. For f those to whom he is indebted, he will do work at the lowest cash prices. N. It. ARRANTS. June 14,1*1.50. 47 tfw Leidy's Blood P{lls, AI.AROE and tresh supply of the genuine article, just received at Z. J. DEHAY'S. j Aug. JO 66 THOMAS BONNELI^ & GO. j Receiving & Forwarding Merchants, CAMDEN, S._C. B. VV. CHAMBERS, Receiving and Forwarding merchant, AND | Buyer of Cotton and other Country Produce, 1 CAMDEN, 8. C. i CORN Sltelltrs. Pnteni Straw t'ntter*. Plough*, Potent Clinni" of tlip most approved kind?Rooking and *it? I tine > hair*. Pail.. Tubs, Ax-., just received liv | Sep:. 1?, [7faf] E. W. BONNEY. Carpeting!!! J (1ST opened nnd formic, common, extra fine. *uperfine, and imperial three ply Carpe'*, of new pattern*. ? Al?o. Printed Floor Cloth*, kite*, and cotton Carpeting. Sept. .7, [74 tf J E. W. BONNEY. WILLIAM C. MOORE, , BANK ACJENT, : And Receiving and Forwarding Merchant CAMDEN, Sf C. Rfiffrences?VV. E- Johnson, Esq. Maj. J. M DeSanssuiv, T. J. Warren, Esq. | ' & "True Southron insert 3 months. | Mill Opdgeonsi, Ac. Mill Gudgeons, |(l? to *^0 mcb I $lili Cranks, assorted sizes N??rtii Carolina, Eaglish and Tt'orthsr Holloa Ware, assorted, from ? to 55 gallons Patent Iron Axles, I to inch. I Alii) Irons of any kind furnished to order. WALL & COOPER. i July 8 54 ** Copal Varnish. Leather Varnish, S, anisl) Brpwn, Veuetiau Red, Japan Varnjsli, Red Lead, &c. &.r. Kept constantly ou hand at Z. J. UeHAY'S .Sept. 20. Jew DuvidN or Hebrew Planter, fiiHE most successful Pain Extractor of the ores 1 ent day? Leidy's Sarsapariila Pills; Jayue's Ague Pills; Braudreth's, Peters, Spencer's Motfat's, Gordon's, Keeler's, Robert's, Lee's and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills; clove anodyne Tooth Ache DroprcEgyptian'Champoo: Pastiles do Paris; English Tooth Brushes; Hair Brushes; Buffalo, Horn and Ivory Combs; Perfumery; Gilt Toilet Bottles; China Inkstands, Paper, Pens, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, Wafe*, Mottos, &c., &c., may altvays be had at JuIyJJ. Z, J. Df.I1 AY'S. The subscriber has just finished otf a lot of Mahogany Rocking Chairs in plush. Also Sewing Chairs in plush and hair; very neat articles and at unusually low prices. C. L, CHATTEN. Paatllloa ?la PaHfl * ?ovjiMug uv * iufm FOR the alleviation and cure of Bronchitis. | and other diseases of the throat now fo preva- , lent in the United .States, among Ministers and j other public speaker*. For Bale by I cppt? ijt) Z J. DkHAY. J Freucii tfraudy. I SnpeHor French Brandy, for Medicinal porpo.. ses. For sale at V McKAIK'S DRUG-STORK. I Bogardus' Planetary ~3o^so Power. I Till" subscriber* have received one of the above mnchines from the manufactory of Ceo. Vail & Co., to H which tltey would call the nttenuon of those who want powHrv for (tinning. Sawing or tirinding. Order* for any fl| kind of MILL J HONS or CASTINGS will he prumutly ^B attended t?. McDOWr-LL?kCOOFKlt. V A few .Mill Cranks on h&nd. Sept. 20,185i?. 75 tf M General information! V THK euuHcnber ml contideuiuiiy inlonn Ins B kind patrons, and the public promiscuously, B that he is 44 in town," having returned from the North with an overwhelming etock of choice, 1 cheap and elegant Goods, embracing every thing 1 nAtu unil ^Urront in Staple and Fjyuoy pry Goods. Ilia purchises consist entirely of Qry Goods, so. Iccted from the most recent importations with the closest attontion to every branch of the Dry Good.-: business, so aa to present to the public at owy, a complete assortment in that line, and at pricey low enough 10 suit the closest economist. Parties from the country will please, bear hint in mind wliep they visit Camden, pa bjs stuck is always open lor inspection. New Goods received every month, at the "Pol* metlq Cask Store. JAtyES WILSON. Oct L 77 tf T7P5NCH. fJerman apd Enzlish 1'lain Cf?hui-re*. for J I-adier Owes. Ato?Telret and other Trimraiper. opasei thjp day, ft ^QNNEY'f*