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# r I? 1 - b " agg gg . ' l il j VOLUME 11. ^ CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, DECEMBER 1Q, 1&50... . NHMlSEK 97 aaa^^?? ii?iwi miihiii mi , ,, _i ? THE CAMDEN'JOl:L\AL _ FrRMftllKD KV TnO. J. WARREN & f. A. PRICE, KDITORS AM) PKOPRIKTORS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL ! ? published nt Three Dollars and Fifty Cents, if pgid in pdranee. ?>r Four Dollars if payment i? delayed for three months. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is pi'ltli?lieil at Two fMlars and Fifty Cents, if paid in idvawe. or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three fnoiuhs. Any |<er?nn prornrinc live responsible subscribers shall fie entitl-d to the sixth ropy (of the edition subserihed for) gratis for n?s year. ADVFRTIM-AIP.NTS will lie inserted nt the following fat-*: F? irorte square (14 lines or less) in tlie semi-weekly, - fine dollar for the first, and twenty-five eellts for each ?nbse(jin*::i insertion. , |n the we-.kly. seventy-five rents per square for the first. jmd thirty-s?veti and uhalteents f(,reaeh subsequent insertion Single insertionspne dollar per square. The number of insertions desired, ami the edition to he published in, tpust he noted on the margin i?I all actverElements, or they will be itreerie-.l semi-weekly until orired to he discontinued. sun charged accordingly. Senii-monthly, inonlhiy and quarterly advertisement* charged the satnp (is for a single inanition. liberal derotimr allowed to those who advertise for three, six. of twelve months. C^-All communication* by maijjpiust be post-paid o? eeeure attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Jpitrnpl: Win. C. Casto.n, General Agent. (lot.. T. \y. ljcey. Jacksonliain. Lancaster DM. S. H.Kestti.Frq.. Lancttsterville, S.C. C. C. McCrtimmk*', Carthage. N. C. W. C. Mookk. Esq., Camden, S. C. And PoetmaMervare requested to actas our Agents. DRY GOODS, THE subscriber* have received tlierr WINTER SUPPLY. consisting in part, of FANCY DRESDEN?brocaded Thibet Cloth, Brocaded Isibradore, for Evening Dresses. Cachmere Merino, and Mousselin de I-ain. plain and printed : black and fancy *>ilks, Paris and English Prints, French and Scotch Ginghams. MOURNING PRESSES?Royal Tpiir Satin Royal Satin de Client, grp. ile Ijtbine. Erencty J'oplin. Bomlmzin Mousselin de Lain, Alpatva, Ging!.aiq?, French auil hi:g lish Prints. TRIMMINGS?Qf every variety, to suit tlte above. SUNDRIES?Biack and fan?y Tliehit, Caclnnere and i woolen Shawls, worked Muslin and Ijice Capes and Collars. infant's worked Proses and Bodies, Linen Cambric | H'dk'fs-, Muslin Trinjm?ngs. (a great variety.) Thread i J*ce, Cap Kih^nns, Ginve* and Milts of all kinds, Hose. I (a large assortment.) long ?od short sleeve Merino vests. | ?' "I? ...A C.W. n.iiliu 't al.U Pin.uM.ii i Toiler i iUltrriHC* inrxt aim viw ? . ?... ( Coven. 6-4 and 16-4 l>aqut*k 'Cable t 'oven. Dtuntvk and colored Dovlie*. Netted Tidiee, 6-4 ti? 12-4 Linen cheering. If-d to Pillow 64('ve IJnitn. 5-4 to 12-4 bleached and brown Cotton Sljeeiiiie. Furniture Chint* mid Dimity. Curtain Dirnitv. Furniture l-rinsje.India Rubber Sheeting Pren.tii Bed Blanket*. 6 4 to 14-4 Floor Cloth. Scotch Carpeting. A la rite nreortmcntof bleached ay] brown Good*. C icck*, Ticking,*vv*. Ac. Ac. FLANNELS?Geno&te. Rodger*. Real WrUh, Saxony Shaker'* all wool and ?!k warp, all wool and Dome'.. White, Red and \ ellow. of ever)- description. For Men's We jr. Black. hrojR-n. bfne, preen, olive and drab Cloth; fancy nnd black Cavauneree.?ilk and Cw-htperv Vesting. httfEilo t loth, for idinotinv ('oat*; Glove*. of every variety: Cravat*; Pnrket Handkerchief*; Half Hose. Coder Hiirts and Drawer*; ready rtcule 5-hirt* and Collar*; Suepcndear Hot** Cap*. Ac- &r. A larpe a**ortment of Good? fur Roy'* and Servant'.* wear Georgt* PiaUua, Cordova do. Blanketa, Ac. Ac. McDQWALL A COOPER. Oct. 29. to _ tf _ (]^e?Utoi?8 Notice. PERSONS indebted to Joseph Cunningham dec'd. are requested to make payment, ana those having demands to present them to either oi the ttubscribers. JNO. BROWN, Li heft v Hill, C. J. SHANNON, Camden, July 15. [56'Jj] Ex-rs. Shotsj Shoes. PLANTATION H ogaus, ol Miperior quality, | and a lanre aeForttneut ol other Shoe*, lresii and new. Just opened by ' sept. 23. E. XV BONNE}'. LAUi^ SHOES. Received from Plnladelphia-iJ^adies Kid Slippers and Ties lo Walking Shoos Misses Boots and Sheep, &c. By 0cL 4 _ W. AKPKR.vQV CO. Valuable Property for Sale. jln Eqtjitj?f Lancaster District. Ooige W. Gill, et. al. vs. Win, E. Gill, et. al. Partition Ileal Estate Mrs. Mary Gill. BY virtue of"the decree of the Court in above . case, I will sell at Lancaster C. II. on the 1st Monday, the 6th <Jay of January, 1851, the following property, belonging to the J2.?tate of Mrs. Mary Gi.'l, deed., viz: that valuable public House in the village of Lancaster, known as the ".Globe Hotel," and store house adjoining, touting the Court Jiouse, bounded tiorH; by Jots at AJmor union, j esq., east by White street, and south by Duulap street, for this year occupied as a public house by Col. 1'riceat a rent oft$300 per annum. Also, one square of lots in rear of the Hotel, bounded west by White street, south by Duulap street, cast by market street, and north by meeting struct. Also about 12$ acres of v;ood land about two miles east of the village, bounded by lauds of W. McKenna, J. H. Witherspoon, Anna McDow, Harpers and others. Terms?A credit of J and 2 years with interest from day of sale, purchaser to give bond with two good securities aiid a mortgage of the premises. Also?At the same time J will sell Jack, a stout young fellow, and Molly, a young negro woman with her two first children, to clfect partition.? Terms tor the negroid, a credit of 12 months, purchaser to give ho;id with two good secuyilies with interest from the dav of pale. JAS. JL WITHER SPOON, c. k. l. t>. Com, office, Nor. 11,1860. $10 00 A Complete Stork of HOSIERY AJYD GLOVES. CONTAINING every kind of Cloven, Lure Milts, Long and Half Lonirdo.; a beautiful article of Clause Silk Cloves, all colors, to match Drerses; misses' and children's Gloves all siaes. Hosiery. Ladies' Silk, ^lerinn ami all-wool Mope; rotton Hosiery; of every ropr and quality; iiiisnes' do., all sires. Ladies' Merino : ml; ilk Vests Men's cotton, j, > .?> and wooj Half Hope; meriiu Shirts and Umwrs; boy's d,o Men's kid, silk, n i kskin ami .cashmere Gloves. In fact, every tiling desirable in jibe a Jove depart* ^eni's. at Fq r Sate. THAT house oil brpad street af presont occupied by John jnprani, ap a storehouse and dwelling ^>r particulars apply to JAME3 AJcEWEN June 16, 4s 11 | NEW STORE. miJK subscriber is now opening a large assort! J. inent o| <ir?reries and Staple Goods j in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald ' (sputh of the Hank of Camden,) which he will , dispose of at Charleston prices for cash, j Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, ot the following, viz: l<naf. <.rushed, Ground and Orauulated Sugars ! fit. Croix, l'orto Itieo. at d H -\v Orleans do New Orleans, jllwrvvailu and Cuba .Molasses Java. taguira and Hir? Coflee (tunpowiler. Young Hyson and BlnrkTeas Sperm. Aiiamunline and Tallow Candles No. i and 3Markarel. in Barrels, Half and Quarters Wine. Soda ntid Butter Hjscuits and Ciieewj Snap and Starph, assorted l'epju-r, Spiru, Ginger. Nutmegs, Maty and Clot us 1'oVder. Shot and Lead Hardware. Cutlery, Nails and Castings 1'qaJils, Linseed Oil, Sperm. Oil an.I \\ n, w Gu ALSO ?? ni?nf>l ml nnrl imhleneheil Sliirlinrrs am? Slieetinr* lilaiikets, lied Tiekp, A >ron Cher|? and Oznabufga I Together wit i a large affuriraent of IIaji;;inu', itopt; and 'I'v. iuc. J. YV. BRADLEY. Cam'on.fci. C. Sept. 23. &5-tja.?<ii paid ^br Cotton nnd other Prod ace. Staple and Fancy Goods. THE subscribers are now opening a complete assortment. ol Staple and Fancy Goods, purchased with much care, which tuey will dispose of on (heir usual liberal terms, They conssist in part, as ioliows: WOOLENS. Heavy London Dutnl Blankeus Super n-4 to 14-4 L?mbV vv ool Bed Blankets Heavy all-wool i\egro Cloths i\egr?> j.itiseys, ypry heavy and stout Plaid Liiiseys; \V ool Cioih lor women's wpar iiolhi* and Ca^imereii. Superfine black, blue, brow n, and invisil}lp green French Glottis Supernne Doe-skin black Cassiri)pre6 tSatuneis, assorted cplprs Rentuckv Jeans, do do Flegaiil Fashionable Vestiiigs Fancy Cassnneree Red white and veliow Flannels cq'jnroN coops. PRINTS, of every description Fumilure (Calicoes, very handsome Gingiiauis; C'ross-uar'd and laucy slripec] ^luslins Furniture and cambric Dimity Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored and btacK cambrics siiK* aud Faiiry Article*. F'egaut plain aud water'd black silks ' plain, iigurcd and water'd colored silks W I 'liaim hirnruil flr*icu litre voru ru?li vhviiu ii^hj tu ui'.do ounoi i vi j i ivu Belts; elegant lace capes lUUrtiui worked coijars and sleeves Very handsome li|sertings and Edgings Luieii-cainOnc llandkertineis ttibne.t snk Stockings; raw silk Stockings i'rencp merino, bnjck and assorted colors cSuper biatk and i|?erediau Inack Aipaclias Striped and cross-har'd colored Aipaclias 3-4, 7 8 and 5 5 bicaciieii and brown Shirtings 15?-4 btOdcneo and unbleached Sheetings t\ tine ai d uubieaclicd Dulls Striped and plaid colored Homespuns lied i icksj .rprou checks: cuttpn Uznaburgs f.IN ENS. Super an assorted Irish Linens " Lawn Lawns, Down-s; liamask Tnble.-cloths ' Damask Diaper; Dainaik Napkins 44 Bird-eve and Russia Dmhhis j r A Lso Pundeo and Gunny Bagging Bait Ifopt and 1 wire; iron; Salt iuyar, jLoiice, Molasses A Lsu Blacksmith's Bellows, Wee*, Anvils. Hammers Sc.ew 1' aies, i'race-chains, Collins' Axes Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks Willi a complete assortment ?l Hardware and Cutlery Willi uianv oilier lirticles loo tedioijs lo enuuieraie. n. usyy <\- son. sept. 17* 74 Km New FaUGood?. THK subscriber respectfully inlouns his friends and tlm public generally, that lie is now receiving his Fan supply of <urm-4'vtcx, juoiucmics ?(' Consisting in part,ol'thu following articles, viz:? Drown, crushed, Ion l and clarified Sugars Now Chilians and -Muscovado Molasses Rio and Java Cotton Rico, Cheese, Bacon and Lard 9 No. and 3 Mackarcl Corn, Flour, Oat.*, Salt Swedes Iron of ail sizes lJowder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Caudles Fine and common Tobacco Hope and Twine, Men and boy's Wagon Saddles Riding and Waggon Bridles Haines, Collars, Riding and Waggon Whips a lso Crockery, Class and Hardware Collin.*' best Axes, Nails, assorted sizo J'ockot Knives, Knives and Forks -Kttjfro Ciotho, Bleached and brown Hoiuesnuns Bed, Negro and Riding BLANKETS A few cases of men and boys I^ats $nd Cap? JVitli all other articles usually Ibund in a well supniied Grocery and Hardware store, all of which ^vill be sold exceedingly low for cash. B. W. CHAMBERS. Camden, S. C. Sept. 3. 70 tl IWTlie A'liiuter Banner and True feoiiihron will copy for ilirce nyontlis. iluu8 find Pistols. I7MNE Double-barreded (iuns in cases; Double . barrelled Guns without cases; Revolving j'jstols in cases. By sept. J 7. II. LEVY 8pN._ NEW FALLGQQDS. M. DRtJCKtiK CO. ARK new jukI opening ilimr large ami neiv sup- j ply of seasonable GoothL consisting in pari of j Cloths. cassinieres, sattirwis, veiling?, liueiiH l'lain and figured alpacca, luouscliii de Lames, i Ginghams, willi oilier goods lor Ladies I)iosbce -ALSO ^ a splendid variety ot Calicoes, and the very beBt and cheapest bleached and brown Muslin to be Ionnd in the io.vvn The above Uuods haye been oplected with llifl greatest care, and wilj be sold au always, at the very Jowtwt pricey. % L'cL 20. [ New Steam Boat Robert Martin. THE new Steamer Robert Martin, Captain George Mansfield, will commence her regular trips between Charleston and Cainden, about the first of October, stopping at all the intermediate landings on the river, both coming and going. Shippers may rely upon promptness, and at as low rates as can be sent by any other conveyance. For freight apply to SHAW {(, AUSTIN, Agents, Camden. Fancy Articles. COI.OGNE, lavender. Horida.Honey npd Ro?e Water, Jenny Lind. Omnibus. Portrait, Pari*ian. Nymph. Windsor and Palm Soap* l.nhip's Extract [genninel of Jennv I.ind. Jorfcy Club, Bouquet de t'aroline.Iledyosmla, M'gnionette. We*t End and Verbena ; Jenny I.ind Hair Gloee; Queen of Flowers Hair Oil; Hauel'-s and RonawFs Eau Luatmle ; Bear's Oil. Philocmub*. Ox Marrow Pomlade, for tlie growth and Beauty of the Hair ; Phalons Clieinical llnir Invigorator&c &c. Ju*t received at Z. J. DellAY'S. ~TnWl\IH TipSATTSSTTRP~ V VM4I Ml A/Mk/MWMW Adgcr'n Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. Will pive prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produpe his care, and to the selection and filling of orders, sept. 13. 72 6m FAZYTK & SON, Factors and Commission Merchants, SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Wipi.lAM MAZYCK. f W. ST. J- JIAZYCK. $ JPAUL T. yiLLEPIGUE, FACTOR, And General Commission Merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal advances made on consignment* of Produce, and prompt attention given to the forwardmg of Goods, at the lowest rates. Aug. 20. 68 New Goods, New Go?ds, WE have received and are now receiving a large and finely selected assortment of new Goods of all kinds. Ready .Hade Clothing, Of all descriptions, viz: Coats, Vests, Pantaloons Shirts, &.c. Dry Goods, Of every an?) flip best variety. All of which we will sell ontha Very best terms, if you want the best kind of a bargain?the best Goods lor Wie least money, call opposite the Post Office, on Nov. 12. EI J 4- KOOPMAN. NoticpALL persons having any claims against the Kstute of the late Mrs. Martha E. Wilson deceased, will present them properly attested, and thofo indebted will make ipjipedmte payment to to Mr. John Kn'ser, who is authorized to act as agent in my absence. }?AULT. VILLEPIGUE, Admr. Ngv. 12, lSiM). 8U wtf. ESTATE SALE. By permission ol John R. Joy, Esq Ordinary for Kershaw District, 1 will sell at public out* cry, on Monday and Tuesday, the 9th and 10 h days of December next, in tne town of t'ainder, at tbe late residence ?f Mrs. Martha E. Wil?c>n? dec'd. her PERSONAL ESTATE on the pren ir ses, consisting of Household and Kitchen Eurni lure, <1110 carriage, one tug, i vvo wagons. Harness, &c And (in Wednesday lolloping, a: the court house, all of her NISGKOE.S, fitly iwo in number, among whom are valuable house servants aid fiqld liamls. And on Thursday following, (12th,j at her plantation in Sumter District, about 14 mil**s below Camden. t:.e piock of Hqpses, Mules, flogs, Cattle. Sheep, ?!iir., with the crop of Corn, Pea*, Potatoes, &c, and the Plantation Wagonp, Carta and Tools. 'Itrms?All sums ol and under fifty dollars, cash, over tiny, anc) not exceeding two hundred dollars, a credo ol twelve mouths, t>y notes with good security, hearing interest from the day ot sale, and lor all sur,is over two hundred dollars, a credit of one and two years, by bonds with appro- j ved personal security, and a mortgage of the pro- ; perry, bearing interest Irnm the da) of sale, paya- | ble annually. Purchasers to pay for all necessary papers. N. 11.?The sale will commence on each day at 11 o'clock. Paul t. villepiguis, Adm'r. Nov. *26. 9-t 5t ID* Sumter Banner please copy. MANS lONH 6 U SET UAMDFJN, S. C. THE {tiihsrribcr renj>ert fu11 v aq/tounces to Imf trends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, that lie has opened, as a VlOTEl* that large and roiKiiiodio-e house in I/rgTown, formerly the private res denre of B. Perkins, esq. The building is admirably adapted lor that pur. pose, being situated in tiro u ost healthy and pleas, aiit part of ( amuen, combining alt the advanta ges of the town with the biliiiv atmosphere of the country, and within a lew minutes' walk of any part of Camden. The rooms are lar^c and airy, iris Servants respectful and attentive, and he pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping np an attractive ami well supplied I A!5LE, and 10 iim every exertion t<? hn.-e v li may rail iijmui liiiu. His STABLE" w?.. ' i"' < ? ii-,:nitJ always fully supplied urii ? ??-. i 0*The Ilniise b'tiit:; < < ? ;" /?/ ranee I'rinciple;s, he llatlets tnirsi ii t: at :r.<; a i.. ,h?oi hnn Willi a < all uil'lii.ii l? JI i.S.Mm.N uOUSfc not only the minimis an > cnimim! a well rrir. ulaled Hotel, hui the ou.e: leureinent of a Jiume. Chary et; ninderatc. (LTAII the Stains* arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will c^ll at the House when desired. K. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. ~7 tf Valuable Plantation To Lcrm; or Rent. IWJJjL leaEPorrnit the place I-now occupy on Lynches creek, in Kerr.haw '* strut, 17^ miles from Camden, containing 60(^0 a cres of Land, a coirifoj'tablc dwelling house, jvith all necessary outbuildings, a rtgw ai>(d grist r^Jl?wh)c|> may Jje Jiad a t'argai/h o j applj^catiijn to Nov. J.\ J.I. F.EID. I HOOTER'S HOI EI,, CAMDEN, S. C. THE subscriber having located in Camd9.11, would lespectfully Bay to the public that he lias opened a Public House two doors oelow the l^ost Office, and hopes by strict attention to busi nese to share a liberal patronage. My Stables are good, and well supplied with Provender, and my Table shall always be supplied with as good as the market affords. I am certain that those who pnee favor ine with a rail will be willing to call again. 1 have also, a goqd Wagon Yard, with wpod, water and house convenient, for the accomn^pdation of Wagoners. J tyill also attend to the Commission Business, and a|| Goods consigned to my care, or left with me for ?ale shall meet with prompt attention. ETCWges moderate JAMES M. HUNTER. Ofl no ? i^uf. 11 To Rent. fpHAT new and commodions frtand with the Fiv4 tures attached, owned and occupied by the late Robert L. Tweed, as a Blacksmith and Wagonmaker's shnp. To a skijfpl and induslriDUs mechanic, this is a very desirable sitnat on. Poseefs'on given immediately. For particulars apply to JA.VES McEWEN. ?j7~Tbe Tools can be had at a tair valuation and on accommodating terms. Camden, Nov. 15. QP tf The Evening News and Hofjt?t's Nest y/ii* insert once a week for six weeks. PALMETTO Saddles SDauii'h Saddles English and American Bridles Curb and Snaftis b;ta Military Bridies " Spurs. Foa sale by Nov. 20 McDOWaLL fc COOPER SUPERIOR FLOUR. Ju?t received by Npv.26 E. W. BONNEY, ENG Walnut Catsup, Tomato do. Caper* and Pepper , Satire At MOORE'S- j FANCY Boves, Toy*, Figures and Work Baskets. At November 12. MOORE'S. FN B Chewing Tobacco, of the most approved brands. At' i?OORirS. i SUGARS?A fine supply of Brown, Loaf ami Crushed Sugars. .JlM received at MOGUL'S. FRESH Pickle* of all si je*- Just received at November 12. MOORE'S. Tl'ST RECEIVED?Cooptsr* lie*t Iringlaw, new cittj run. soft siiell Almond*, super claret Wine, and Adamantine Candle*, by E. w. HONNEY. }i bw rre j1 ruiif jusi receiveu, miu iui n?ic u; SHAW& AUSTIN. 5 Keg* Malaga Grape*, for vale by ' 8HAW & AUSTIN. __ FRESH Raisins In half and quarter boxes, at < ^ SI1AW A AlVi'lA'S. - ! OK Boxes imitation tbeene, at ZD SHAW& AUSTIN'S. OA Boxes chemical Olive Soap, at OU SHAW'& AUSTIN'S. AFRESH lot BUgar cured Harps, received and for sale by SHAW &. A0STIN. Oct. 28. * 85 1A Half Barrels Flour. Just rrrei 1U veHhv S?A\V &, AUSTIN. A few boxes S per in Caudles, 4<eilra.'* Just received by Ni-v. 4. SHAW &. AUSTIN ITEKF TONGUES.?Just received, a rosk ?if Reel' y Tongues, in splendid order, at MOORE'S. SUGAR CURED 1IAMS?1 cask in fine MOORE'S. CM KKNE?*23 botes prime Goehnu, Engii.-h Dairy anil fine Apple Cheese.' For sale at Nov. 2D. MOORE'S ORpCKRV. "Vf"EW R4ISINS?UK) boxes Raisin*, in ;vho!e, half JL i and iiuurter boles, new crop and line. At Nnv.Jo M UP RE'S. 17MUTT, FRUIT?A few barrel* Northern Apple*: fla. vattft Oranges and Lemon*. At MOORE'S. /"TRACKERS?Soda, wine, butter, sweet and wnter V/ ''raster*. Just jtuvived and fresh nt MOOKE^S. BICKWIICAT? A few bap. Hull * lim-kuhrat. At ' Mi >Q UK'S. "VJ"I2W HA1SIXS?iji i|jmrtnr. ball' and whale I voir*. 11 liiiiffur Preserves, Sardines, in quarter nnti whole buies. At MOORK'S. Tl'ST Rettuvt'ij.-PrwloiiVi ilxiract, jil Vanilla, Lemon, Damask Rose, Peach Nutmeg and Dinger. AW, Ruse and Orange Flower Water lor flavoring. N?r. 4. _ E. W. DOWNEY. NEGRO Blankets, Aveigliiujf from 4 lo S pounds lo ihe pair. Also, (ienrgia I'lains, plaid and copcras Linsevs. Forsal? bv Nov. 4. ' K. W. BONNEY. \iU?cp of Imperial tl>re<-|?Jy extra tine Carpeting. Just reoeivpd bv October ytf. K W. BONNEY. NEW Curruts, noft slicll Almonds, Table t^ bags, cooking Wine and Yeast Powders. For sale by K. W. BONNEY. E XT It A flu<> CiieiviiiK Tobacro, for sale by ? W. IK)NNEV_ LUMBER, rpiIE pubFCtibere having commenced operations .1. with their Steam .Saw Mill, are prepared to < furnish litimlier to their Iriends and the public, at | iiiuiHiially low rates lor cash. 0*No Lumber will be delivered without an or der, except where a bill has been previously given. J NO. LoVfc.S'K. Oct. 11?y2wtf J AS. J. LOyE ?aint & Vami3h Bruahas Sash Tools IPnatbflr Dnntfirs for ftr. v.^.. ? npHK fubRcriher ha* ju*t received fmm Philmlelpllin a X full nivl .elect KMorlment of the nliuve article*. u. which he invite* the attention cf the Fainter* and "tiler--. /. J. Dell A V. For Sale. WILL lie ppltl before the court house door in ( i amden on the ' ,t Monday in freoomhor next, the Patent r;pht of tjje ilotehkiss and Ruse Wnler Wheel, for Kershaw District. Nov. 15. HENRV k. HARK WICK. It Cost. HANDSOME P'ench embroidered 'Japes and Collars, at cgst, by Nov. 1Q. _ ft LEW SON ~ 1 Box Booked Halibut, for lalfl bv f?H$W $ ^TJSTiq. 1 Darlington, Hotel, DARLINGTON COURT-HOUSE; THE above House having been purchased and titled np anew by John Doten, is again open* ed for the accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to the wants and comforts of guesti} will be given, and no effort, calculated to merit the patronage of all who may favor the establislirent with a visit, shall be spared. All that the market and surrounding eoiintry. aff-rd wjll be found upon the table. 1 (J mfortahie rooms, for families or individuals^ are prepared. The Stables will be attended by careful and., attentive hostlers. ' ; Drovers can be well accommodated, as any number of horses and mules can be lept io the, stables and lots exDre$?ly prepared for tliern. Nov. 1, 1850. ' 86 " tf tlvtf haa^ii a4 uvuua a* uouukcn riivvfi THE subscribers having, determined to change their ^usioews offer their d??irbl?. and well assorted st^ck of Dry Goodl, at very reduced prices. Persons will do wplj to give qs a call before purchasing elsewhere. Nov. Id. H. LEVY & SON. In Equity?Lancaster District. Middletou G. Caston vs. Susannah Caston, etal. THE creditors of the Estate of Samuel Caston, ' deed., of Lancaster District, are hereby notified t$nd requested to prpsent apd establish; before me, their demands against said Estate, on or before the 1st. January, 1851. By ordet of the Court in above case, June Term, 1850. J AS. H. WITHERSPOON, C.E.,i~ D. Com. office Nov. 11, 1850. 04 90 14t SEGARS! SEGARS J!?A very choice lot of Palmetto and Gold Leaf Segars, for sale by July 26. T. BONftffcLL & (X). Domestic Items, BRO\VN and bleached Sheetings, every vyidth; Ticking; English Long-cloths; Counterpanes, plain and figured curtain Dimity; garmantDiuiity; colored Homespuns and Denims; plaid J^inesy. Flannels and Blankets, at all pricey. a lso 1150pieces of bleached and brown Homespuns p.e low as thev c$n be bought anv where in Arner ca. At " JAMES WILSON'S. TT ! 11- 3 m uunvauea /issonmeni, rIE subscriber has just received a new supply of Groceries, (Jonfectionarics, Segars and Tobacco, consisting in part as follows: Groceries. ir Sugars?N. 0. Porto Rjco crashed and loaf, (Stu arts best) New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses' Mackarel No. 1 in half kits Bacon; first quality leaf Lard Coffees?Rio and Java; sack and table Salt ^ Teas?Hyson, Young Hyson and Green . > Fancy and common Soaps CoufcctinnnriM. Candies, sugar plums apd kisses; raisins; almond Currants; lilf^erts; preserves, jellies and jams Figs in boxes; Prunes in do., large and small Lemon syrup in quarts and pints; citron &c. Spices. Nutmegs, cloves, allspice, cinnamon end ginger Segars. "Clemencia," a splendid artiple, new brand El Duendee, Primera " " M's " Consolacion, Gold Leaf, Captillos &c. Tobacco. S. S. M vpr's best Honey Dew Syrn's pressed Rough and Ready Superior Honey Dew; Wilson's peach-Havored A's Mrs. Miller's fine cut . ( With many other articles toq numerous to mention, which will be sold exceedingly low for cash. Country orders promptly attended to. Nov. 20. WM. C. MOORE. IN ?<aUITY-KEIiSHAW. Ex Parte Win. Nettles, Sarah Nettles, llrram nnr nrtt :???i ? P"til?"?? IN obedience to the orders of' ilie Court I wilj offer at public sale cn Monday, tlie 6th day of January, ensuing, before the court house in Cam ilnn. all that piece, parcel or tract of j^and, lying nn ih? North side of Granny's Quarter creek, in the District aforesaid, containing one hundred acres more or less, being part of a tract formerly belonging to J. Kiddle, dee'd. and conveyed by the Sheriff of Kershaw District to David Harrison, a,id bv him to the Petitioners. Terms?So much cash as will pay costs, balance on a cred t of one and two years, interest Iron) sale, purchaser to give bond wfih good securities, and a mortgage of the premises. W. M. SHANNON, c, e. k-D. 1)ec-3'__ _ [*a50] i? _ Hardware, Groceries, Bagging, Rope and Twine, RKADY'inarift Clothing, lints. Caps, Bonnets, Boots nnd Shoes &c. .1 u<t re-eivcd and lor salo at the lowest prices possible bv ' M. DRUCKKR CO. Rnixlns. A few Coxes new Raisins, just received l>v W. C. .MOORrl. Moitc lame, Flakier of Pari*, an<l Cement. The above articles constantly on hand, of good gitalin- and at low prices. Al.^o, Gypsum or land C. L. Cl'ATTRX- ' Feb. 12. 12 if PRICE'S POEMS, 1 ELEGANTLY bound, at $1 per copy, for sale _j by W. C, MOOR E. Kock Salt. ~ For sale by H. LEVY &. SON. Distinguished Arrivals!! I TAKE piei.pure in Hiiiinuuc:i)g the sale arrival of a splendid varip'v or Fall and Winter Goods. Amongst which are, the newest stye-of French Cnjdimeres arid Mpuseelinee, Woolen de Chinies, Alpaccas, Mohairs, Cameleons, Coburgw, Drag de Lyons, changeable l'arramattae, solid color d Me riaoes, and Mousselines, and a lot of satin striped Dress Goods, at 20 cents per v?rd. Oct- J. JAMES WILSOX. Superior -TIu>tar?I, quartpr apd half ]jpun4 boxes;. White Jfustard 9ee 1; Ginrer; "Black and Red Pepper Sjice; N^tmega; jface; loevs; Ciunarrpn, &c.; Fgr ca[o by * ' Z. J. ]?eHA? *