University of South Carolina Libraries
I i f V r' V VOLUME 11. CAMDEN, SOUTH-CA'rOLINA, DECEMBER 6, 1850. NUMBER 9(i~ THE CAMDEN JOURNAL runLisuKi) nv TIIO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, emtok* and pkophibtors. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published :it Three Dollars and Fifty Cents, if j?id in advance. or Four Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. TIIE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in tdvooee, or Three Dollars if jnyinent is delayed for three months. Any ivr-on procuring five responsible subscribers shall Y* :< ! ! ! to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed for) rr.:i-- f.?- >'?- war. A D V KliTISi'Al E\TS will 1* inserted at the following Kites: F-.r one squnre-(l4 lines or less) in the semi-weekly, ??;?' de'lar for the first, and twenty-five cents for each .sub-went insertion. In the weekly, seventv-five cents per square *or the first, and thirty-seven and a half cents for each subsequent insertion Single insertions one dollar per square. The nurarier of i:#t rlions desired, and the edition to lie published in, must be tutted on the margin of all adverhieraents. or they will be inserted semi-weeklv until or?evi to he discontinued, ami charged accordingly. -Semi-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertisements charged the same as for a single insertion. Liberal discounts allowed to those who advertise for j three, pi*, or twelve montus. I CyAll communications by mail must lie post-paid oj I ieyiire attention. 1 The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: B Wit. C. C aston, (ieneml Agent. B Col. T. W. HuRTi Jaeksooliam. Lancaster Dist B ' -S. H. Rosskr, Esq., Lancasterville, s. c. B ; C. C. McCrcmmkv, Otftlnge. N. C. ^B I W. C. MoottK, Esq., Camden, S. C. ^B I And Poslnia-tersare requested to acta* our Agents. DRY GOODS. ^B HPHE PubscrUier* liave received llieir WlNTKIt SUPBf JL PI.Y. consisting in part, of FANCY DRESSES?Brocaded Thibet Cloth, BmcnV ded Lahradoru, for Evening Dresses. Caclimere Merino, and Mousseiin do Lain, plain and printed ; black and f:tncy Silks, t'uris and English Prints, French and Scotch B Cinghains. W JfOUKXlNQ DRESSES?Royal Tour. Satin Royal Satiu de Clieue,gro. do Rhine, French Poplin. Bnmhazin I jilousrelin de Lain, Alpacca, Ginghams, French and Eng I lisli Prints. I TRIMMINGS?Of every variety, to suit the above. Sl'NDRiES?Black and fan^y Thehit, Caelnnere end I woolen Shawls, worked Jluslin and Lace Capes and ColI lars. Infant's worked Dress-* and Bodies, Linen Cambric [ H'dk'is., Muslin Trimmings, (a great variety,) Tlireml I Lace, Cap Ribbons, Giovesand Mitts of all bind*. Hose, (a large ass ortment.; long and short sleeve Merino vests, Marseilles Bed ami ('rib Quill?, Table. Piano mi,. Toilet Covers. <5-4 and Jfel Duma^k Table Covers. Daina.-k and colored Doylies. Netted Tidies, 6- J to 1S-1 Linen M tee ting, U-S to Pillow 6?1< Ve Linen, 5-4 to I'i-J bleached, ami orown Cotton Sheciiug, Furniture Chini* ami Dimity, Curtain Dimity. Furniture. triage. India KubberShertiiig Jren.rii !>?d Blanket*. 6-4 to 14-4 rnsor i ioin. .-which Carpeting. A large aKsortmentof bleached and brown Goods, C icch5. Ticking, Janscys, Ac- Ac. FLA NN Ki-S?Genuine. Rodger*, lb.-a! Welsh. Saxony. ShakerV all wool and silk warp, all wool aud Do: net, White, Red and \elio\v, of every description. For Men's WearBlack. brown, bine, green, olive and drah Cloth; fancy and hlack Cassimcfes. silk and Ciu-lnnurc Vesting*. biiflalo Cloth, for shooting C??tts: Glove*, of every variety; Cravats; Pocket Handkerchiefs; Half Hose. Ihider Shirts and Drawers; ready made Shirts and Collars; Snsperidear Hats* Car*- Ac- Arc. I A large assortment of Goods for Boy's antl Servant's wear Georgia i'lalns, Cordova" do- lilunkets, Arc. Arc. McDOWAl.L &. COOPER. ' Oct- 29. 85 tf In Equity-Kershaw District 1 Thumbs Starke, ei al. ) I vs > Bill for Partition. I C. J, Shannon ) ' TN pursuance of the oidfers of the court in this JL case, made at June Term, 1*550, I will ufle al public sale Itefore the court house door in Camden on Monday, the second day of December, all thai parcel or tract of LAND, ivtit; on ihc waters of Wateme river and Fox creek in Fairfield District, conUininrr tifteen hundred and three acres, bounded by lands of Nicholas A Deny, Charles J. Shannon, David It June, estate of Mllison and John Harrison, sen. PhU of the said land may be seen at my office. Terms?So much cash as will pay costs; balorw.? ,,n a /-r.idii nf one two. mid tliree vears. bond with pood sureties and a mortgage of tiic premises I required. WM, M. SHANNON, c. e k. d Oct. 29. [81 *9] Id Valuable Lands for Sale. ON Monday' the second day of December, immediately after the above sales by tlie Commissioner in Equity, i will offer for sale, if not previously disposed nf, oue tract of about 1150 acres of I.AND, lying on Morrison's meek, and [extending to the lamp-Town Road, known ; s ilie Graham Place, a: d adjoining lands of JV. A. Peay. Also, a trict Ping 011 the Wnteree river, adjoining lands of Dr. Clarke, Mrh. Goodwin and John Harrison, containing (>(>0 acres. Together with a tract lying on Thorn Tree creea, extending across the Lnng.Town cross road, (from ll'miishomigfi to CiunJcn, and from Harrison's Ferry to Cidumbia,) containing 1200 acres, which, together with the River trad, forms a valuable Plantation of over la50 acres. Also, one other tract of Land lying in Kershaw I)ist.. on Sawney's creek, containing 1401) acres. Oil this iracl are two good Saw Mills in operation. For further particulars, apply to Wm. Al. Slimnou, Bsq. Camden, or to the sulwcrtbor near Saivnco's creek. T1IO. STARKB. B Oct- 29 [8550] 18. B Executor's Notice. I)KRSO.\S indebted to Joseph Cunningham J. dee'd. are requested to make payment, and those having demands to present them to either ot am the subscribers. H JNO. BROWN, Liberty Hill, C. J. SHANNON, Camden, H July 15. [5btlj] K.v'rs. B Shoes* Shoes. B T)LANTATION Brogaiis, oi superior quality, J and a large assortment of other Shoes, fresh .and new. Just opened by B sept. iff. K. W. MONNBV. Notice. W ALLpersona having demands against the estate W l\ of the late Mary if. Gill, dec'il of Lancaa. I terville, will pie (.resent tliein properly attest ed to the unders.-i.' d, by tho first of December * in IV FN f!lf(M'kV.TT. IIU A I* tjept. 23d ]kVi, 7<i tf I LA?I?8 SHOES. W Received from l'hiladolpbia? I Lldies Kid Slippers and Ties I do Walking Shoes Misses Roots am! Shoes, & <*.. , Bv Oct J W. AN!>KKSO\* <V CO. I NE W STORE. TIIE .subscriber is now opening a large assortment of Groceries and staple Goods I in tlie Store lately occupfcd by William J. Gerald j (south of the Bank of Camden,) which lie will | dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. ! Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, ol the following, viz: Loaf, ( 'rustled, (jronnil and Granulated Sugars Si. Croix. I'orln Ktco. ai d N-w Orleans do New Orleans, .MiiM-ovndo and Culm Molasses Java. Ijiguitn and lti? C'oiiee Gunpowder, Voting Hyson and Mark Teas Sperm, Adamantine nipl Tallow Candles No. stand 3 Macknrel, in Harrrls, Half and Quarters Wine, Soda and Butler Biscuit* and Cneese j So ip and Standi, assorted ; Pepper, Spire, Ginger, Nutmegs. Mace ,uid (loves Povder, Shot and laind Hardware. Cutlery, Nails and Castings I'niitu I.iii.i'dl Oil. Snerm. Oil and \Yiu W Gj<? 1 ALSO? Blenched and unbleached Shirtings and Sheeting* Blanket?,ILd Ticks. Apron Check* aud Uzyaburgs Together with a large assortment of Baling, i&o|>c and Twine. J. W. BRADLEY. Cant !i n, S. C. Sept. 23. iCr cash paid fur Cotton and other Produce. _ YEW Staple and Fancy Goods. THE subscribers are now opening a complete assortment ol Staple and Fancy Goods, purchased will) inucii care, which tney will dispose of on their usual liberal terms, They couseisl in i art, as follows: WOOLENS. , Heavy Loude Duttil Blankets | Super*-4 lo 14-4 L..nib's Wool Bed Blankets ' Heavy a,i.wool Megro Cloths ; N?gr.< Lmseys, very heavy and stout ! Plaid Liuseys; \\ ool.Clolli lor women's wear Ciotii* iiiidCiLSYiuierc^. Supei fine black, biuc, brown, and invisible green French Cloths Superfine Hue-skin black Cassimcrcs j Sattlneis, assorted colors ' Kentucky Jeans, do do i Elegant Fashionable Ves tings i Fancy Cussitneres Rjd white una yeiiow Flannels COTTON COODS. ; PRINTS, of every tiescripliou Furniture Calicoes, very handsome 1 il.t-.r.,......- t'rttiK ..i?l Istn'ir <1 riiwvl Mnulill^ Furniture and cambric Dimity Furniture Fringe.;; cotton cambrics Coloreu ami bluett cambrics siiks ami Fancy Article*. E'egani pJaiu and water'd black silks " jii.iin. iigured ami water'd colured silks " Cneiia figured dross silks, very ricli Dolts; elegant lace capes Musiin Worked collars and sleeves Very handsome Inserting* and Edgiugs Luieii-caiuuric liaiidkei duels Uiuuen snk Stockings; raw silk Stockings Frencii merino, black and assorted colors rsuper black and merediau black Aipaclias Striped and cross-bar'd colored Aipaclias I iO.H 1&ST1CS. 3-4, 7-b and 5-5 bleacned and brown Shirtings i'd-4 meacned and unbleached Shoutings \V in I e and uulneached Drills Striped and plaid colored lioiiiespuns Ded Ticks; .tpron cliecks; cotton Uznaburgs Snnnrnn assort nil Irish I.iiiriis '* Lawn .Lawn*, IJoWia*; Unmask Table-cloth* ' Damask Diaper; Daumik Napkins ' liuU-eye and llussia Dnipoia -A Lsu Dundee and (juiiny lialc ltopc and Twire; Iron; Salt Su^ar, Coffee, Mola-sos A LSO Blacksmith's Bellows, V ice*. Anvils. Ilamiiicrs Se eu 1' ale*, Trace-chain*, Collins' Axe* line*, Spade*, Shovels, Manure Forks Willi a complete assortment of Hardware and Cutlery With uiaiiv other hrticlos too tedious to enumerate. II. LKVY a- SON. sept. 17* *'l Km ffew Fall Goods. mi IK sum-cribcr respectfully into mis his friends X and lim public generally, that he is now recei vmg his if ail supply ol OilOCCMO, I>4>l)l4'sli4"4, &?'. Consisting iii part, ol'the following articles, viz:? Brown, criminal,loafuiiil clarified Sugars i\fi\v Orleans and Muscovado .Molasses Kioaud Java Coffee Kice, Cheese, on and Lard i\o. g and 3 Mackarel Corn, Flour, Oats, Salt Swedes Iron ol' all sizes l'owdulShot, Lead, Soajis, Starch, Candles Fine dpi coiiuiion Tobacco trigging, ll??|>4' anil Tuiuc, Men and boy> Wagon Saddles Hiding and Waggon Uridl'-s llnines, Collars, Hiding and Waggon Whips -ai.SO Crockery, Class and Hardware Collins' best Axes, Nails, assorted size Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks iVe^ro 4 1 o J lis, Bleached and brown Homespuns Bed, Negro and Riding BLAMvKTS A li w rases of men and bovs Hats and Cans Willi all oilier articles usually Ibiinil in a well wipjilit-d (i roc try ami J lard wan.' store, all of which will l)o sold exceedingly low lor cash. 11. W. CHAM I! mis. ('.linden, S. Sept. 3. 7(1 H IfcT'l'lie. Niinitur ll.uinor and True. Southron will ropy for three months. (alius and Pistols. ]7MNK Double-barrelled Guiw m cases; Double . barrelled Uniis without cases; Revolving l'istols in cases. lly sept. 17. II. LEVY tf- SON._ NEW FALL GOODS. M. DltUCKKIl & CO. I UK now just opening I heir large and new supply of seasonable (hinds, consisting in part of j Cloths cast; i me res, salt inets, vestings, linens Plain ami figured alpacca, monselin ile La; ties, Ginghams, with other goials lor Ladies Drosses ,\ A a splendid variety of Calicoes, and the very best [ and cheapest bleached and brown Muslin to he lound in the town The above Goods have been selected with the greatest care, and will he sold as always, at tinvery lowcsl prices. Or.1. j New Steam Boat Robert Martin. THE new Steamer Robert Martin, Captain George Mansfield, will commence her regular trips between Charleston and Camden, about the first of October, stopping at all the intermediate landings on the river, both coming and going. Shippers may rely upon promptness, and at as low rates as can be sent by any other conveyance. For freight apply to SIIAW & AUSTIN, Agents Camden. Fancy Articles. COLOGNE. Lavender. Florida,lloncy and Ro?e Water, Jenny Lind. Omnibus, Portrait, Parisian. Nvmph. Windsor and Pafm Soap; Lnbin's Extract [genuine] of Jenny J.ind. Jocky Clnh, Bouquet tie Caroline. Hedyosmia. Migiiionettr, Wrt End and Verbena ; Jenny Lind Hair Gloss: Queen of Rowers Hair Oil; llauel's nnd Ronssel's Eau I.nstrale; Bear's Oil. Philoconib**,Or Marrow Pomade, for the growth and Beauty of the Hair; Phalons Chemi.-al Hair Invieorator &c Ac. Just'received at Z. J. DeHAY'S. JOHNRDESAUSSDBE,Adder's WJiarf, Charleston, S. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his care, and to the selection and filling of orders. sept 13. 72 Gm jlAZYCK & SON, Factors and Commission merchants, SUUTII COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. O. Wlt.LI.lM MAZTCK. f W. ST. J. MAZVC'K, \ PAUL T. VILLEP1GUE, FACTOR, And General Commission merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal advances made on consignments of Produce, and prompt nttention given to llie forwarduigof Goods, at tl>e lowest rates. Aug. *20. ' 6r< New Goods, New Goods, WK liave received and are now receiving a large and finely selected assortment of new Goods ol all kinds. Read}' Hade Clotliiiig, Of all descriptions, viz: Coats, Vests, Pantaloons Shirts, &c. . Dry Goods Of rverv and the best variety. All of which we I I J ' tf I will sell on the very best terms, if you want the best kimlef a bargain?the best Goods for the le;u?t money, call opposite the PostOtiice, on Nor. 12. ELI AS f KOOPMAN. Notice. A Li, persons having any claims against the xl Estate of the late Mrs. Martha E. Wilson deceased? will present them properly attested, and those indebted will make immediate payment to to Mr. John Ito-ser, who is authorized to act as asrent in my absence. PAUL T. V1LLEPIGUE, Adinr. Nov. 12, 1850. hO wtf. ESTATE SALE. Bv permission ?u John It. J*>y, Em| Ordinary for Kershaw District, J will sell at public outcry, on Monday and Tuesday, the fit It and 10:h d-ysof Dcectiibor next, in tue town of Camden, at the late residence of Mrs. A/art ha K. Wilson, dee'd. Iter PERSONAL ESTATE on the premises, consisting o! Household and Kitchen Purni>nif. I'urri nrn nun I int. Tltf/l tVtlirllllli. liar. "S"? ---(?? p.? ? ness, ?.Vc. And oil Wednesday lullowing, at the court house, all of her NEC!ROES, filty two in number, among wlioiti arc valuable house servants aril fielil bands. Anil on Thursday following, (I'Jlli.) at her plantation in Sumter District, about 14 nub's below Camden, tne stock of Horses, .Mules. Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, &c., with the crop ot Corn, Peas, Potatoes, &.C., and the Plantation \\ agotis, ('arts anil Tools. 'terms?All sums ol anil under fifty dollars, cash, over filly, and not exceeding two hundred dollars, a credit of twelve months, by notes with good security, bearing interest from the day ot sale, and lor all sums over two huiiilrcil dollars, a credit ol one and two years, by bonds with approved personal security, and a mortgage of the property, hearing interest (nun the d.ij of sal", payable annually. Purchasers to pay for ali necessary papers. i\. II.?The sale will commence on each day at 11 o'clock. PAUL T. VILLEPIGUK, Arl.nT. Nov, Ulf. 0:i ui (L? ?Vuiiiter llanner piease copy. HI A NSI ON H0 U S ST" CAMDfiX, S. C. rI"MIK subscriber respectfully announces to his 1 friends and the TltAVKIJJXtf I'URLIC ift'isprallv, that he has opened, as a IIOTKI., thai Ir.rye anil coimuodio-s house in I,o<r Town, formerly the private res.deuce ot li. I'erkins, esij. 'J'iie huiidiny isadin.rahly adapted lor that purpose. beiu;; situated in liie most healthy and pleasant part ot' Camden, combining all the advauta ffos ol the town with the balmy atmosphere of tlir. country, and within a lew minutes' walk of any part of Camden. The rooms are lar^e and airy, his Servants respectful and attentive, and lie pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping up an attractive and well supplied TAIIIJ'I, and to use every exertion to please llioso whu may call upon hint. His STAIH.KS will oe found commodious, and always fully supplied with I'rovender, j O'Tlie IIoiim; conducted on '/cm iterance ! Principles, he Hatters himself'thai those who favor i Jiiin Willi a call will find the MANSION IIOIJSK I not only tlie comforts ami attention of a well rp<r1 ulatcd lintel, hul the i|uiol retirement of a Home. Cliar?es moderate. 1LTAII the Slaves arriving in the jilacc, anil the | Oiiiiiihuscs running to the Depot, will call at the j I Inline when du-ired. I E. C,. ROIUNSO.W j Camden, Sept. 1. '27 tf Valuable Plantation To or lJrn!. [Wll.l. !??:?.-? ??rr?*nt the place Know occupy on l.viiclifH crock, in Kershaw '* str ct, 17i milu.I from Camden, containing 5000 acres of j,and, n ! conili>rtalile dwelling house, with all necossan outbuildings. a saw and grist mill?which may hi had a bargain, on :i|>|ihcalioii to nov, jr.. .1 I, im;ID. HUNTER'S HOTEL, CAMDEN, S. C. THE subscriber having located in Camden, would lespectfully say to the public that he has opened a Public House two doors below the Post Office, and hopes by strict attention to business to share a liberal patronage. My Stables are good, and well supplied with Provender, and my Table shall always be supplied with as good as the market affords. I am certain that those who once favor me with a call will be willing to call again. I have also, a good Wagon Yard, with wood, water and house convenient, for the accommodation of Wagoners. 1 will also attend to the Commission Business, t and all Goods consigned to my care, or left with me for sale shall meet with prompt attention. (LTCharges moderate. JAMES M. HUNTER. _^?ov. 26. 93 tt To Rent. THAT new and commodious Stand with the Fixtures attached, owned and occupied by the late Robert L. Tweed, as a Blacksmith and Wagonmaker's shop. To a skilful and industrious mechanic, this is a very desirable situat:on. Possese'on givon immediately. For particulars apply to J A.VIES McBWEN. E27"The Tools can be had at a fair valuation and on accommodating terms. Camden, Nov. 15. 90 tf The Eveniog News and Hornet's Nest wit! insert once a week for 6ix weeks. PALMETTO Saddles Spanish Saddles English and American Bridles Curb and Snaffle Bits Military Bridies " Spurs. Foj sale by __Nov. 20 McDOWALL & COOPER SUPERIOR Fl.OUK. Just received by Nov. 26 E. W. BONNEY. ENO Walnut Catsup, Tomato do. ('a|>er< and Pepper. Sauce At MOORE'S. FANCY Boxes, Toy*, Figures and Work Backet*. At Novemlter 12. MOORE'S. ITMNK Chewing Tobacco, of the roost approved brands. 1 Ac MOORE'SSUGARS?A fine supply of Brown, I/inf and Crushed Sugars. Jn?t received at MOO UK'S. IPRESII Pickle* of all sizes. Just received at [ X' Novembsr 1^. iUuuiid> J'l'ST RECEIVED?Cooper's best Isinglass, new citron, snfimicll Almonds, wujwr claret Winn, ami Adamantine Candles. hy E. W. BONJiEY. Pie Fruit, just received, aud lor sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. 5 Keg* JInlngn Grape*, lor sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. I.^RESli Raisins in hall'and quarter boxes, at J SHAW A AUSTIN'S. Hoxcs imitation Cheese, at D SIIAW A: AUSTIN'S. ?)/\ Hoxcs chemical Olive Soap, at OU SHAW & AllSTLVS. | FRESH lot sugar cured Hams, received and if lor sale by SIIAYV &. AUSTIN. Oct 28. 85 |/\ llall ItaircK Flour. Just rcrciIU vodbv SHAW &, AUSTIN. View boxes .Sperm Candies, "exlra." Just received by Nov.4. SHAW & AUSTIN BEKF TONGUES^?received, a rack of Beef Toiiyn-s. in splendid order, at HlOOKK'S. OPtiAU CLRKI) 1IAMS-I ciwk in line O ,H PORK'S. CNllKKSK?'i'l Imcu-h prime Outdien, Engliidi Dairy ami J I'iiic Apple Cheese. For sale at \?iv. an. aiooRK's grocery. VfKW RAISIN'S?I(N) boles Raisin*. in whale, half JA and (iiinru-r Imxes, new rmp and fine. At .Nov. 20. _ MOORE'S. I/RI'lT, FRUIT?A fewlatrrels Northern Apple*; Havana Orange* und l.eiitniiM. At AIOOHE'S. tlRACKF.RS?Soda. wine, hotter. sweet ami water / Craeker*. Just received anil fresh at MOUKI'/S. 1>! Civ WHEAT?A few hag* lliill'a Buckwheat At ) MOORE'S, "^"F.W RAISINS?in i|iiarter, half ami whole hove*, i. i (linger I'rtservex, Sn.ilines, in quarter ami whole iKixee. At MOORE'S. JUST Kot t'ivoi.-l'rtMtHi'.s Jlxtraet. ;ol Vanilla, l/v..i>n, Damask Itose, I'cach .N utniocr ami (.linger. A'so, liosc and Oration Flower Water lor llavorim:. Nov. 4. E. W. BONNEY. "VTi-XJUO Blankets, uciiiliiii^fioiii 1 1 i to *j pounds to the pair. Also. Georgia Plains, r.laiil ami ( operas Linseys. For sale hv Nov. 4. K. \V. BONNEY. VPiece of Impoi-ial UmM-ply extra line Carpeting. Just, received M October 'JO. K. W. BONNEY. "VTKW Cnrrnt*, xoft skull .lliuomls i. i Table Salt, in bags, cooking Wine and Yeast Powders. For sale by E. W. BONNEY. I^XTKA tineC'licwin;r Tolntcco, for \ sale by E. W. BONNEY LUMBER. ^pilE subscribers having commenced operations I. with their Steam Saw .Mill, are prepared to furnish Lumber to their Iriends and the public, at unusually low rates lor cash. ti'No Lumber will be delivered without an or der, except where a bill has been previously given. J NO. LOVE, S'K. Oct. 11? 8'Jwtf J AS. J. LOVE. Paint & Varnish Brushes ;?J Sash Tools Feather Dusters &c &c. rpHK siihsrrilKT Im* just rer?ive<l from l'liilaile!|>liia a .1. full anil select assortment of the above articles, to 1 which lie invites the attention ef the I'ainlcrs ami others, i Z. J. DcHAV. For Sale. lie sold Itolbro tin; court house door in i iinidcti on the Jst Monday in Dreotnlx'i next, the l'ali iit right of the Ilotehkiss and Rose Water Wheel, lor Kershaw District. Nov. 15. IIKNRY K. HARKWICIv. i At Cost. ' I 1 ANDSOAl I] I'Venc.'t embroidered Capes and 1 11 Collars, at cost, by Nov. 18. If. liRVY & SON. 1 B^x Smoked Halibut, I'or hale by i.llAW AUSTIN. Darlington Hotel, DARLINGTON COURT-HOUSE. TIIK above House bavin? been purchased and fitted up anew by John Doten, is again opened for the accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to the wants and comforts of guests will be given, and no effort, calculated to merit the patronage of all who may favor the establishment with a visit, shall be spared. All that the market and surrounding country afford will be found upon the table. Comfortable rooms, for families or individuals, are prepared. The Stables will be attended by careful and attentive Itostlers. ' Drovers can be well accommodated, as any number of horses and mules can be ' ept in the stables and lots expressly prepared for them. Nov. 1, 1850. 86 tf_ Assignee's *?ale. I WILL offer for sale at the residence of John H, Truesdell on Friday, tfie 6th day of December next, and the day following, if' necessary, all the interest of said Truesdel' in the property , mentioned in his schedule filed in the Office of the clerk of the court of enmman pleas, for Ker* shaw District, consisting of land, cotton, corn, fbader, mule and horse, cows and calves, hogs, pTantation tools, household.and kitchen furniture, with a great variety of other articles too tedious to mention. Also, his interest in two valuable Negro men, now in possession of ino. Truesdell, serv Terms of Sale?A credit of ninety days, with interest from the day of sale;, note w;ith good security, payeble at the Bank of Camden. Thejudgment creditors are invited to attend the sale. JOHN INGRAM, Assignee. Nov. 20. * 91 ts 1 i Dry Goods at Reduced Prices. ''piJE subscribers having determined to change X their businees, offer their desirble and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, at verp reduced , prices. Persons will do well to give Us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Nov. 16. H. LEVY & SON, In Equity?Lancaster District. ftliddletou G. Canton vs. Susannah Carton, et al. 1WIE creditors of the Estate of Samuel Caston, . deed., of Lancaster District, are hereby notified and requested to present and establish, before' inc, their demands against said Estate, on or before the 1st. January, 1851. By order of the Court in above case, June Term. 1850.- ' J AS. H. WITHE RSPOON] c. b. l. A. Com. office Nov. 11, 1850. (4 90. 14t 1EOAKS! SEGARS!!?A very clinics lot of Palmetto and Gold Leaf Scgars, for sale by Julv 26. T. BONN ELL & CO. Domestic Items, BROWN and bleached ftheetings, every width; Ticking; English Long-cloths; Counterpanes, plain and figured curtain Dimity; garment Dimity; colored Homespuns and Denims; plaid ^Linssj. Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. Also?? 1150 pieces of bleached and brown Home span* as low as thev can be bought, any where in Amer ca. At " JAMES WILSON'S. i t_ Unrivalled Assortment TliK subscriber lias just received a new euptii} of Groceries, Confectionaries, Segars aud Tobacco, consisting in part as follows: Grocer leu. Sugars?N.O.Porto Rico crashed and loaf, (Stu arts best) New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses . Mackarel No. 1 in half kits Bacon; first quality leaf Lard Coffees?Rio and Java: sack and table Salt Teas?llyson, Young Hysoti and Green Fancy and common Soaps C'oul'ectioiinric*. ; Candies, sugar plums aud kisses; raisins; almond ; Currants; lill)erts; preserves, jellies and jams ' Figs in boxes; Prunes in do., large aud small I 1 ? ? ? i^'inuii syrup hi (juaris ana puns; citron <vc. Spire*. Nutmtsjs, cloves, allspice, cinnamon and ginger Scgar*. "CleniKiicia," a splendid article, new brand HI Duel idee, Primora " " M's " Consolation, Gold Leaf, Castillos &c. Tobacco. S. S. Myer's best Iloney Dew jSym's pressed ltongh and Ready Superior Honey Dew; Wilson's peach-flavored A's Mrs. Miller's line cut With many other articles too numerous to mention, which will be sold exceedingly low loresth.. Country orders promptly attended to. Nov. SO. WM. C. MOORE. IN EQUITY?KERSHAW. fix Parte Win. Nettles, Sarah Nettles, Hiram Nettles, |?r pro ami?Petition for sale of land. w !Vf ..I?I .- .1 ? -t " * In uuumuiKi' m wie oroers 01 ine court i will oiler at public sale on Monday, lli?> (>tli day of January, ensuing, before the court house in Cam den. all piece, parcel or tract of Laud, lying on the North side of Granny's Quarter creek, in the District aforesaid, containing one hundred acres more or less, being part of a tract formerly belonging to J. Kiddle, dee'd. and conveyed by the ShcrilV ot Kershaw District to David Harrison, and by him to the I'etitioners. Terms?.So much cash as will pay costs, balance on a cred t of one and two years, interest, frotn sale, purchaser lo give bond Willi good securities, and a. Hinrii'i uib iiicimwD# VV. At. SHANNON, c, e. h, d. Dec. 3. [83 50] ts Hardware, Groceries, Bagging, Rope and Twine, 1)EADY-made Clothing, Hats, Cap?, Bonnets," V Hoots and Shoes &c. J list received and for sale at the lowest prices possible by M. DRUCKER tfr CO. ItuLiius. A few Boxes new Raisins, just received by W._c. MOORE. Mono Lime, Fluster of Pari*, and Cement. The above articles constantly on hand, of pood quality and at low prices. Alt?, Gypsum or land plaster. C. L. ClIATTJbJN* Feb. 12. 12 tf I PRICE'S POEMS, IJM.F.GANTLY bound, at $1 per copy, for sale j by W. C. MOORE. Jtoek Salt. For sale by II. LEVY &. SON.