University of South Carolina Libraries
* rotrraJ1=^j=j=:n:nMCTao[C3M-n???a ' 1 wwwww mi mm imiwimi.miujm wmt. i. i lm tuimimmrmammaauBju'iMiiMmgw?W?^^??p?*? VOLUME ll CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, NOVEMBER 26, 1850. - NUMBER ? ?rwmmmmarm ?rn? ??m ??? JME CAMPES JOURNAL prnM?m:b nv ' TIIO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, editors and proprietors. THE SEMMVEEKLY JOURNAL Is pubiUh.- i at Three Dollars and Fifty Cent*. if paid in advance, or Four Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in tdvauee. or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three mot;! Its. Any *tcrson procuring five responsible stthseribers shall he eniitl:"! to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed fur) gratis fir on- year. ADv'i'jTJNKM 1' VTS will bo inserted at the following rales: "-r one square (14 lines or less) in the semi-weekly, one do'htr for tin* ilrst. and twenty-five cents for each sohseq-ent insertion. In tii "oWv. seventy-five cents per square ror the first. r><? s-ven ami a half rents foreaeh subsequent in'* rtipn. Single insertions one ilollnr per sqnn re. seThe numoer of insertions desired, ami the edition to ? published in. must be noted on the margin of all advcr'l>io'metiL<. or they will be inserted semi-weekly until ?.r esred to be discontinued, anil charged accordingly. Senii-mnnlltiy. inontlilv and quarterly advertisements .olmrged the same as for a single insertion. * " - ~t... f?r t.ioerni nisr-oniiis inHnvcn iu mv.-c ............ . . three. six. or twelve months. OCT" AH communications by mail must If post-paid oi | secure at'entinu. The following gentlemen are A cents for the Journal: Wm. C. (/'.vstox. General Agent. Co/.. T. \V. Jackson ham. T.anraster Hist. S. IT. Uosskr. Kvj.. Laneasterville, S.C. C. C. 31 c; 'rummrv, CartliAge. X. ('. \V. C. 3Iooas. K*j., Camden. S. C. And Pnnuiwter*are re<j tested to actus our Agents. HCT.TE AND FRIENDS. , Oil there's a power to make ttach hour As sweet .as heaven desien'd it! Nor need ye roam to bring it home. Though few there be that find i:! We seek loo high for things near hy, And lose what nature found ud For life hath here no charm so deal As homo and friends around us! "We oft destroy the present joy For future hopes?and praise them: Whilst flowers as sweet bloom at our Ihct, If we hutsttop to raise them; For things afar, still sweetest are When youth's bright spell hath hound us: But soon we're taught, that earth lia'h naught Like home and friends around us! The friends that speed in time of net d, When hope's !?st reed is shaken, .1 ... ~.;n I U fill/ V* Uf f mi; MiUl tl IIU? ???.. We are not ypybrsaken; Tlioujrh nil we re Kpht. if hut the light From friendship's altar crtnvii'd us, Twould prove the bliss of earth was this? Our homes ana friends around us! TtHE GRANARY. A TALE THAT EVERY PERSON WILL REAL). nV A. <\ THOMAS. [We clip the follow ing with tlu* above headia?r. from the Ronton Olive Ernneli. When- it originated, we know not, liul if is too good to withhold from rjiiite r. number of our patron*.] Jonathan Hotnespnn, having purchased an . r. t t,.,j l,;;?Guiru.;ii, iilllli) (iilVi iiii.u-v ?. < MM V IV I I thins; requisite to prosperous husbandry, proposes to furnish subscribers with one quart of wheat weekly, for one year, at the low prici of two dollars and fifty cents if paid after six weeks. The facilities afforded by (lovermneiil, for the transportation of wheat to evety section of the Union and the adjacent province*;, are such as must prove satisfactory to every sub.-eriber; ami the proprietor of the (Jrauarv assures all who may patronise him,that he will exert liini* se f to supply an article of the best quality. N. 1>.?Agents will he allowed a generous per ventage. Address (post paid) Proprietor of the (Icanary, Hopewell. nt.ic tin. tirnctiPi-his isviii-il In- mv fri.-nil t.'llfe.J. ??" ? ~ '1 I Mr. IJornespmi. Feeling a lively interi st in his welfare, I visited Lis farm, although it \\M a long journey from niy liome, and was pleased to find every thing in a nice order, lie informed me that he contracted a large del?t in the purchase of the premises, stock and implements of husbandry, hut he had no doubt ofliis ability to discharge every obligation in a few years.? lie also stated that lie had received many hundred subscribers, and that in four or live weeks lie would commence the delivery of the wheat according to his proposals, i The scheme appeared plausible?and my [ friend "'as so confident of success, that I had \ not the slightest doubt of his prosperity. I enI tered my name as a subscriber, and when 1 left I him he was preparing many quart sacks. IK very week, for the space of two years, I received my quart of wheat, and concluded from its excellent quality and prompt delivery, that every tiling was prosperous with Jonathan Homespun and his farm. ?So I gave myself no concern about my indebtedflbss to him?for, said 1^ "to a farmer ho extensively patronized as be is. the small pittance of two years* arrery' ages would be lint a drop in the bucket." It is true, there was occasionally printed on the sacks a general notice to delinquents; but I never susjKJCted that this was intended for his friends. The notice, however, became more frequent, and having leisure, I concluded 1 would visit i:jv friend, the proprietor of the Granary, lie greeted me cordially, hut I saw there had been trouble. He evidently worn with toil and anxiety; and in the conversation of the evening, he entered into particulars. Here 1 have been laboring day and night almost two years, and am more in debt now than when I beg a. .My creditors are pressing tor payment?) m conscious of my inability to meet their th . is, and 1 can perceive no results but haul; y and ruin." "Hut you havi large list of subscribers," said I. "Yes, a very huge list," was the reply, "buL too many ef them are like you," [ ' "Pardon me," Slid my friend, iu a meiaii' cholvtone?"par on me, oppression will make | even a wise o an mad. You have had a quart j of wheat weekly for two years?-I luive n large | list of the same kind of patrons scattered here j j and there over thousands of miles. If they j i would pay me trifles they severally owe me, I j ! should he directly freed from ombarrassnu-i t, j ' and go on my way rejoicing. But they rea- : soned as yon reasoned?ami among you I am brought to the door of poverty and ruin." i I felt the whole force of the rehukc, and promptly paying arrearages at the increased price named in the prospectus, and also a year ! in advance, I shortly bade adieu to the worthy j and wronged farmer, resolving to do every i thing in my power to repair the injury which j had heen occasioned hy my delinquency. Oh, ye patrons of Jonathan Homespun!? wherever ye are?ye who have received and i i eaten the wheat from his Uranary without itm- j : kinqr payment?ye are guilty of a grievous sin ! 1 of omisMon! Therefore repent-and pay liimi ' what you owe him. Uncle Sam's teamsters ; Wing tiie sacks of grain every w eek, and Uni cle Sam's teamsters wii! carry the money safe* j ly to Jonathan Homespun. The PhUoxnih-r and the prrrvman.?A phil- ! osopiier stepped 011 hoard a ferryboat to cross a rt ream. On the passage, he enquired of the ferryman if lie understood arithmetic. The man looked astonished. "Arithmetic! no sir." "I am very sorry, for one quarter of your ife is gone." A few minutes after, he asked? "Do you understand mathematics?" Th" hoatmau smiled and replied "No!" "Well then." said the philosopher, "another quarter of your life is gone." Just then the Imat run on a snag, and was j sinking, when the ferryman jumped up pulled ! oiThis coat, and asked the philosopher with | great earnestness of manner? "Sir, can you swim?" "No sir." ' Well then," saiil tlio ferryman," "your whole life is lost, for the boat's goini; to the bottom." Pkrttv floou.?'M oilier, why does I'a call you iiouoyf ' l?oc::u-e, my dear, lie loves me !' 'No, .Ma, llijil isn't it.' 'VVIial is ii 1I1011'* 'i know.' 'Well, what is if?* 'Why, it's because you have so much comb ! in your head ? that's why.' i jwr.r. r^ mm ^z.vsrAitzf.-z L muT r w -mmjm JOHN B, DSSAUSSURE, V" r'-iC.Q"'j Adjror's Wfiwrf, t'harh^uu. S. C. Will give prompt ami dose attention lr? the sale of ali cii-seriptbiis <>!" l'ruhice entrusted to his : cart1, ami in ;11? selection and oiling oi orders. j sept. 13. 72 Otn | MAZYCK & ri()i\, Factors and Commission Nerchenls, SOUTH t'OMMI'ltf'I M. WIIAIM'. CHARLESTON, S. C. WII.I.MM MAZYt'K.) w. sr. i. M.tzvc?. V i'AUL T. YJJJiEPKiUE, FACTOR, And General Commission r.l:rcliant, AL't '<).M .M?11) ATl<?N Wl! A KI', < IIAItLlJSTOJV. N. <> I ilieral alliances made on f??!iHiy..iiiou!*? o| Produce, a:i.i prompt attention given t<> lite lorwarding of (Jowls, at the lowest raits All;;, yy. i)s 20,000 PAfKS OB' BOOTS AND SHOES. rp() JJB IlADat liif Nun1 Mmi: Mure, ami will JL lie stiiii lower liiiin any ever Itriore ? ;]<t?*?I in tiiis market?Imviiio paii! llie f.i.-ii I?t ex#* y artirlc, and eciec'eil Iruin llm host ami largest mannlanurers hi lii- IH.ited Siaifk, wis Duller ourpelves ilia! 110 one ran lail to lie plea-eil in qnau* lily, (jiiaUty ami piicc. Yiio slock consists in j>ari, as loliov s? .Mi'iiV (iiaK Cj|!f hiitr-l.i"? !>ki|s Pllllf). " Waterproof ?|*? r<<rj; ?i !, ? ' , " " ilo Miirlied ami folrs 2lf pi ire fine Calf wivw) Houm. ferni sJ > n> ><" -'it " " " anil l\i:n? "'M il Doom. lean .y: m ft.'i C) Mt'llV Jilii; t'alf seWt d I'm ml is |u 1 lit " H il] t Inlll (IIoh'iS !vS to $1 .10 44 " " .'crv--v Tii-*. ,<t {?' s" ."HI 4 |>ej.^i-ii linfiifo. si in 'at ' ICiji " " ?.'n- in JjI 'it Youth's Kifi |v-j:*,'il JWti- in ?.*< CM if ?;? to oi W ' Fonts assorted ? ]vi|> 44 I,nilies' Dcjint Imnil. Fincsiiis Gaiters, hiaelt iiiul rnliired " satin ' " ' latins " " 44 " ' " wells am! lilark * " Half (iiiiii-o, weliM ami liiaeli * * " " colored ami Iiinek Wi-lt " Ties. I'n.M il, Hniin! ami I'asy 44 " wiilimit Tijn. lor corns 44 Jenny Kind lUioi-es, Kid ami Morocco 1'umji 4" ** hid ami Knamtled l'\r?-lsiors Knl ami Morocco.lei,ny Kind F>u*kins Taylor Ties. I'tini|i Fine Kid >ii|i|iers. uilli Ilnselti-s Fine Mnrrocco HipiHsrs and ' ins Fine Ties and Hnskins, Wells If:.... \l .1.. ,1.. HID .....nil.-" Kid extra wide S|j|>? and Tie* Oual Hiekins and Tics. WhIh float n-.oi-: .Mis*!?*' black nnd colored Unit*!* ' liliic and liijlil <;o|(>reil li:tlf ( ' tilnrk, iliil?* mid hrouxe Itootees liliirk mid colored Nlipjs'rss " 'ii?t BooUt". sewed nml |**?i;i'd, for School Shoes s Cliil'lrcn's Mutes and Jiuuis, usvoricd Tigetlier wiili :i ?re;it variety ??f iitliMii'-nV, Ladies' i and ('liildreu's Shoes. loo niimcrniM to mention. a Fins TKAVKf.l.Mi TKl NKS. CAIM'KT HACS. VAI.Il'KS. || \TS iindCAl'S. All of which will |sisitiveiv Ix- sold lower limn the lowest for cn-di. 0 r<'nil and see for yourselves, at llie NKW ttllOK ! STORK of WOR K M \ X A- HOOXE. s'fpi.'JO. I UST received, a large assortment. of Hoy's ' fj and Youth's Clothing, well and neatly made. ' Aiso?Men's ('lotlnnir ?,i everv description and J quality. " K. VV. J50NNF.Y | NEW STORE. TIIE subscriber is now opening a large assortment of'Givoccries ami Staple 4*o?kLs in tlie Store iately occupied bv William J. Gerald (.south of the Hank of Camden.) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. These wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, of the following, viz: Loaf, Crushed, (?ro?n-' .1 Granulated Sugars St. Cn>ix, i'urto Hicw. > d New Orleans do New (Mentis, Mtwoviidt. and Culia Molasses Java. ljigoimnnd Rio Coffee Gunpowder. Young Jfyppn and Black Teas .Sperm. Atlnntnntine and Tallow Candles No. il and 3 Mat knrel, in Barrels, Half and Quarters Wine, Sot.'a and Butler Biscuits and Cneese Snap ant! Standi. ttSMirted f'e|>j?T. Spit Ginger. Nutmegs, Mace and (loves Rovder. Shot and J .end Hardware. Cutlery, Nails and Casting Ratal*, Linseed Oil. Spcmi Oil and Win wU)? A I CO Bleached and unbleached whirling*' anil Sheetings Blanket*. Bed Tick*. Apmn Checks and OxnahurgR Together wiih a iurge assortment of Bagging, ICope itis'J Tviiuc. J. W. BRADLEY. Vn. S. ('. Sept. -3. JCrCaNh paid ibr Cotton and other Frodncc. New Fall Goods. AM.&R KENNEDY, are nmv receiving their supply of goods BUtiab'e for the season. The slock will be lound complete in all the branchep, usually kept by them, they have been carefully pelecied at unusually low prices, and will be sold at a very small advance on Aew York cost. The above would respectfully invite the altention of their friends ami the Ihe public generally toan examination of their slock, feeling satisried if low prices ami good si vies vviilcllcct sales, they cannot fail to enjoy a liberal share ol that patronage heretofore so Itilly extended to them. They beg to cad attention to a lew of the leading articles, viz: Jtlich Figured am! Client? Silks. Newest styles oa.-hnu-res and mouseiaincs Changeable poplins and coburgs Brocade and plain lustres Eaee cape.-, collars and cheniizfittos l'uti" sleeves, eiiVchilur work'd bodies jluslin and thread edgings and in.-erlings, <Lc Glove.- of every description, hosiery do. Lawn and cambric handkerchiefs English and american prints, unusually low Furniture chintz, ginghams Long and square .-hau ls, ?fcc ?fcc &c .lZouriiiuu Goods. Super, nlpaccas and canton cloth,a new article Dark grey poplin, ginghams and English print* Fast colors, collars and itandkls. ingrained Cotton hose,silt; do., cashmere & cassiiuere sb'wls In Domestics. Bleu. sheetings :ilid long cloths, very low 10-4 to ld-1 !>k-n&.l?ro shteling,siipe'rlaiiiily linens IS row 11 and roC<! h'spuns of ail kinds Liosevs. b( d blankets, from 10-4 In 13-4 tViiiic- 0_ red lian'ls. shaker welsh ?!k gauze; do. &c (iengleinen's Wear. JSiij/r hi'k and cold hunch cloths " 4i * doeskins and cas.-in teres Tweeds in variety lor bins Satin, sdk and cashmere ves'.ings cravat;, giovesand hall hose .Superior i,iiaisty oi dress shirts Lndnr eioinings n! every description. lo ad) .tta'tlc CUniiiiig. (.'oats, vests smi pants, got nj? in ;i verv superior style. Hats and Cups In great variety and of the latest fail fashions. .Wero (looJ?. Superins plains, kerseys and satinets, suitable ibr it ;ti:,e si i i an.s, aiu. vV. eng. hiankets, woni hats, (Vs. .Vr. '1 ogether wiili a hill supply of haidware, all ol nlii. ii win lie cheerfully shown to any one tanning ;hc:u with a call. S.-,,: J ' 77 If I Boots. Shoes and Leather, tm.hi iii:i< with Travailing Trunks, Carpet Sags and Valices. mill". miIi-ciiI?-.ts Irivu jii-t tin-Inrjri'ct i *. iind I .-.-.I :!:nt'v i?I JSoui-* :?.:?! j Mim** i-v.-r oil; ii i! in litis i.iiirl.i'!, lo which lli? \ ' ri>|>iK'iliil:y invite the ;iili iilioiim purchasers.? j 'I'lu.-ir s:oi;k consists in | art. r..- folimvs. vi/: < ciilii-im :. s ia>!iioi,ui)iu l'i?v? linois, pinup !wll"iie MVi li \\nii-r|iriH>ril-< nuilli-tl Itotimii.-. ijiM' If I. Will** Cnlf Caliiiiriiiii IS?m i< " " ua;< r|>;>H.i' liixi'H IM|. " faMimMalilc pump-mlr Slua-s _ _ " J';i1*'lu I<r;ii|w*r:ii|<l ( aifk?illt,.,rn .IriliiV Lux! '1 lv*< 11 ?!?;*ri.?II ! Jii'lia iii|lil?iT ft'ioi'S H'ty'.-i lieu ( ail i'l.nip \\ iiicrprix i IJ'M'U " " Iv " < "a If litmlrrs Kit. iin Kulik-n H liiic <i;<ii.-rs * Kill Slip* Ii'ailiT iiooi!.. itx?r|i-'! n?|ii|? l?lin ii Siiiiu I Iiiitcr* MMiiisr " ''(linriil linn-aiidii Ties - Nark " Kill S|i|i<. M'fl Ti " ' iMiirfir iii Slip* nri<l 'IV* liniia KnMi.-r Slim-' IoisUii ?\ ii Ik flit! Sim-f " lion. Hl.i<*k lasting Hiiif (iiiiti-M - SIlJBi " l*ii-kiu 'IV? M i-ms (..iri-r Boom. ncsnri-''! color* * ' !>r? <i iiiid black Jenny l.iml Ti?*a liootres ' S|i|n ' ill! !i:iJ ( oiitfliiu I but?5 wiili a liciiiiiiiul iiM>iirlii?enl of I'lnl iron .? Mines "I all colors ami slyles A i,so?Al.AnnK stoi'k ok of our own iiianul ii'iiiM', bo'.li pcggi'il anil sewed. Sole, I'ppor nttil Harness I a-:i I In-r. ('nlf suid Kip H.ins Killing anil Hiinlin^ Miins. li uelliT uiih e\erp article incossary fur carrying on I ho manufactory of lioou ami Film ami ' miiiitiii *|*rit\clliiic Trunks, <':ir|w' School Sjitrh,.|s. Nui>f> Ua^iaiiil V:ilii'cx,:ill ofwhirli olli-rui \cry low prices. AM>i:.V A .lKJKKAY* Comil??. SrpL. 'J7. 77 -m Ifiaihiii!** A fo\v Ho-vurf new Rainins, just received t>v w. <:. Mooittt. Sloku; liiiuc, Clihtri' of t'iivis, and OllK'Ilt. above articles constantly on haml, of good riMiilit\ ami at lir.v Ah t?v p. uni or land plaster. C, l?. illlA'TTKN* Feb. I J. 12 if SRW Staple and Fancy Goods. THE subscribers are now opening a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, purchased with much care, which they will dispose of on tiicir usual liberal terms, They conssist in part, as follows: WOOLENA Heavy London Duttil Blankew Super 8-4 to 14-4 Lamb's Wool Bed Blankets Heavy all-wool Negro Cloths Negro Linseys, very heavy and stout Plaid Liitsoys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear tloths and Ciuviiiteics. Superfine black, blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths Superfine Doe-skin black Cassimeres j Sattinets, assorted colors Kentucky Jeans, do do Elegant Fashionable Vcsttngs Fancy Cassimeres Red white and yellow Flannels COTTON GOODS# lJRIi\ 1S, of every description Furniture Calicoes, very handsome Ginghams; Cross-bar'd and lancy striped Muslins Furniture and cambric Dimity Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored and black cambrics Silks :md Fancy Article*. E'egarit plain and watcr'd black silks " plain, ligured and wnter'd colored silks 44 Clietia figured drees silks, very ricli Belts; elegant lace capes Muslin worked collars and sleeves Very handsome Inserting* and EdgingB Linen-cambric Handkerchief* Ribbed silk Stockings; raw silk Stockings French merino, black and assorted colors Super black and incredian black Alpachas Striped and cross-bar'd colored Alpachas DOMESTICS. 3-4,7-8 and ~)~i bleached and brown Shirtings 12-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings White and unbleached Drills Striped and plaid colored Homespuns Bed Ticks; Aprou checks; cotton Oznaburga LINENS. Super an assorted Irish Lmeus 44 Lawn Lawns-, Dowlas; Damask Table-cloths ' Damask Diaper; Dainaik Napkins * Kiru-cye and Kussia Diapers a lso Dundee and Gunny Hanging Kale Hope and Twine; Iron; Salt Sugar, Loliee, Mola-ses also Blacksmith's Bellows, Vices, Anvils. Hammers Sciow F ales, Truce-chains, Collins' Axes lines, Spades, Mioveis, Manure Forks Willi a cou.plote assortment ??l Hardware and Cutlery I With tiiauv oilier hrticles too tedious to enumerate. J I. LEVY c\- SDN. sept. !? T'l fim New Fall Goods. rpiIK siib.-rriUr respectfully informs his friends Jl and the puMic generally, that he is now recei\ mg his Fail suppl) of Gi'ocei'its Bi?isic*ifi??s AiC. Consisting in part, of the following articles, viz:? Brown, crushed, loaf and ciaritied Sugars New Oilcans and Muscovado Molasses Bio and Java Coffee Bice, Cheese, Bacon and Lard No. 2 and 3 .Mnckarcl Corn, Flour. Jals, Salt Swedes iron of all size* 1'owder, Siiot, j>;ad, Soaps, Starch, Candles Fine and common Tobacco Slugging, : ti<l Twitit1, Men and boy's Wagon Saddles Ui.Iingand Waggon Bridles J lames, Collars, Biding and Waggon Whips A LSO Crockery, Cities and Hardware Coiiiio' l? st A.\ee. Nails, assorted size i'ocket Knives, Knives and Forlis Ncfiro Clulits Bleached and brown Homespuns J Jed, Negro and Riding BLANKETS A i? w cases pf men and hoys Hats and Caps Willi all oth*r articles usually tumid in a weil .supplied Grocery and Hardware store, ail of which will In: sold exceedingly low tor cash. jj. VV. (.'1JA.MHJuRS. ' lllll li'tl, S. C. r>. Til II WTi.i' >'tiiiii<T Maim-r and True Snuilifin will copy for tlir.f imtnllis am! Pistols. I "MNE Dniiliie-liarroil'-d (iuii.s ill cases; Double ( 5^ barrelled Guns without cases; Revolving 1'isinls :u eases, JJy sept. 17. II. LEVY ?f- SON. X'jrars. ratllE subscribers have now on hand the milst 5. favorite brands of genuine Si?amsli Meuars. sepi. i /. ii i,i.v ) ?p NEW FALLG00D3. M. DltrC'IiF.R & CO. A KK now ujfl oj/'cmn'j; their lar^Oiind now snpll ply of season aide Goods, consisting in par! of Cloths, cassitneres, sat ti nets, testings, linens, I'lain and (inured nlpacrn, mnusolin do Gaines Glaghains, wills nUior cr< <>?]?> lor Ladies Dresses. ALSO A a splendid variety "I Calicoes, and tlio very best and cheapo! bleached and brow n Musi in to iic tound in the town Tim above (londs have been selected with tlie greatest. caret and will lie sold as always, at the very lowest prices. Oct. 20. Hardware, Groceries, Bagging, Rope and Twine, I>K ADY-masle Clothing, Hats, Caps, Hounds, II Hoots ami Sines etc. .mj.-i received and tor sale at llie lowest prices possible bv .M. l)ili:CKK!t ?f- CO. Shoes, Shoes. Pi.\NTATI<).\ H'ojiau*, ol superior quality, ami a largo assortment ot other Shoes, Iresli and new. Just opened by sop?.K. W. BONNEV. Notice. 41,1, persons h iving demands against the estate oi the Lie Mrs. Mary 1?. (sill, dee'd of Lancastprville, will picas* present llicm properly attested to tin! undersigned, bv the first of December lic.vl. jo.NHS CROCKETT. Sept. 23d ISTiO, ?t? tf Choiro ol various hr;?v.l>. For -de by SHAW & AUSTIN dry goods. THE Mibsrribera have received their WINTER SUPPLY. consisting in part, of FANCY DRESSES?Brocaded Thibet Cloth, Brocaded lahrudore, for Evening Dresses, Cacjtmere itmino, and .llniwelin de Lain, plain and printed; black and ikiv( V Silks. Paris and English Prints, French and Scotch Gingham*. I MOURNING DRESSES?Royal Tour. Satin Royal Satin ile Chcr.e. gro. de Rhine, French Poplin, Bomhazin, Mciiestdin do loin, Alpaeca, Ginghams, French and Eng* lit!' PrintH. H 7 TRIM.YINGS?iOf every variety, to suit the above. ,. S EN DRIES? Black arm fan^y Tbebit, Cachmere apd woolen Shawl*. worked Muslin OBd I-ace Capes and -Cbflars. Infant's worked Dresses and Bodies, Linen Cambric H'dk'fe.. Muslin Trimmings, (a great varietv,) Tbnpayl Lace. Cap Ribbons, (iioves and Mitts of all kinds. Hose, (a large assortment.) long and short sleeve Merino vests, Marseilles Bed and Crib Quilts. Table, Piano and Toikal Covers, C-4 and lfi-4 Damnsk Table Coven), Damask am) * colored Doylies. Netted Tidies, C-4 to 12-4 Linen Sheetfiip. U-8 to C-4 Pillow Case Linen, 5-4 to 12-4 bjencbad aod Orown Cotton Sheeting, Furniture Chhtt* and Dinpty, Curiam r re noil Bed Blanket*, 6-4 to 14-4 Floor Ckw^lCitrh Car|x:ting. A large assortment of blwudied abd bfpvvu Comix. Clicrks, Ticking, Linwya, Arc. &c. FLANNELS?Genuine. Rodger*.Real W?]<di, Sanson^. Shaker's all wool and silk warp, all wool and :JDpraet, White, Red and Yellow, of every description. _ For Men's Wear. , # ' '.I . 1. ' Jl'} ? i Black, brown. blue, green, olive and drab Cloth; fancy and Mock Caesimeres. silk and Cnrhmerc Vcs'trAgs, buffalo Cloth. for shooting Coats: Gloves, of evury variety; Cravats; Pocket Handkerchiefs; Half Hose; Under Shirts and Drawers: ready made Shirts and5Collars; Suspenders; Hats- Caps. iic. Ac. :'r ' ' ' A large assortment of Goods for Boy's and Servant'* wear. Georgia Plains, Cordova do. Blankets. Ac. dc. McDOWALL & COOPER. >* Oct. 20. 85 . tl,lf . . In Equity-Kershaw DistHipt Titoriins Starke, et al. J , vs > Bill for Partition. ' , C. J, Sliannon j * v' IN pursuance of tlteoidersof the court irrWirf case, made al. June Term, 1650, I will ofl&* at ,; public sale before the court house door in Camden on Monday, the second day ot December, all that parcel or tract of LAND, lying on, the watprg of Waterce river and Fox Fairfield Disific.t* containing fifteen hundred and three acres, bound-, ed by lands of Nicholas A Peay, C^arfes J. Shaiif non, David R. June, estate of Rllikon'and1 J/An Harrison, son. 1'iats of the said land'may fee1 seen at iiiv office. r. - ' <' vi. .'J'/ Terms^-Sn much cash as will .pajr eosts; linl* ancc on a credit of one, twp, and three years, ;bood with good sureties and a mortgage of the preniivee: required. . / . WJI M. SHANNON, C. E.' K.'D. Oct. 29. [$4 83] .df;?" 1 ! :?_? 3 ,: - tl._ Valuable Lauds for Sale. :m;? ON Monday' the second day of December,1 tin'-1* mediately after the above safes t|>e Cfynmissiouer in Equity, 1 will offer for sale, if W previously, disposed of, one tract of aboutacres of LAND, lying on Morrison's croek,audi extending to the Long-Town I$oad, known ss tlw Graham Place, and adjoining lands of jV, A. Peay.. Atsn. a tract lvimr nn tlip Watpron rivor. nri.. joining lands ??f Dr. Olarke, A/rs. (joodtvin anil ? John Harrison, containing669" acres!' Together tvith a tract lying on TliwrtkTlw creek, extending across tile Lnnp-Town wtwi' road, (from IV'inusboraugb to CatuJun, and froth Harrison's Ferry to Columhi&j) containing 120U* acres, which, together with tlte River tract, foruua vftluahle i'lanialion of over ISM acros. Also, one other tract oC, Land lying in Kerslfaw, D'st.. on Sawney's creek, containing 1400 acres.1' On this iract are two good Saw iM ills in operation:1 For further particulars, apply to Win. Af. Shannon. Ksq. ('auuleti, or to the subscriber near Saw. tieo's Creek. . , -.n.: .1 nm. TIJO. STARKE.,, ,t Oct.29 [?550] , ts. MANSION H O U |E.~ ' CAMDEN, S. C. i i- ! vl rjnilKsubscriber respectfully announces to (tip JL friends and the TRAVELLING PUBLICS generally, that ho has opened, an a HOTEL, ibati large and commodious house in Low Town, former*, ly the private res douce of 15. Perkins, esrj. The building is admirably adapted for that pur-' pose, lining situated in the most healthy and pleas- . ant part of ( umrien, combining alt' the advanta pes of the town with the balmy a'mosphere of thocountry, and within a lew minutes' walk of anyt part of Camden. The rooms arc large aud airy,-? Iris Servants respectful and attentive, aud l.e pled<res himself to spare no pains in keeping up , an attractive and well supplied TA2LE, and to use every exertion to plcaso those who may call upm , him. His STABI.ES will ho Ion nd commodious, and11 always fully supplied with Provender, ILi'The House boinjr conducted on Temperrhice Principles, lie (hitters himself thai those who favor-, liiin witli a call will iiioi .the MANSION MOUSE} not only l lie comforts and attention of a well rejr-. ulaletl i loielt hut ilio quiet retirement of a Home, Charges in "do rale. ETAIl the .Slaves arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses running to llio Depot, will call at the House when dc?ircd. E. 0. ROBINSON, i; Camden, Sept. 1. 117 : ; tf ,, . ~TEMPEMNCE HOUSE. The iiudersisned would respectluliy intonn the public thai lie has takon the house well kuoaiiia., the "f '/.'t t.S'.v Kil YS,"formerly kept by Mr. VVm McKniu in the own of Camden, where he is pre pared to accommodate travellers ami hom.'ers a reasonable prices. Those who Wcsire loled tkt sauie (piiet abroad as at borne, htc invited to {jive hit. a call Travellers accommodated for a single night, and breakfast in time for the cars in the morning, at, moderate charges. J. B. P. BOONE, Feb. 2?9?t.f] Proprietor. Execuloi^s Notice. IJERSONS indebted to Joseph Cunningham (!? ?. '(!. aro requested to make payment, and those having demands to present them to either of the subscribers. J NO. MOWN, Liberty Hill, (.'. J. SHANNON, Canidpn, July 15. [5l>tlj] Ex'rs. SriiAtiS: NFUARS!!?A very choice lot _ of Palmetto and Gold Leaf Segars, for sale by July 28. T. BUNNELL & CO. PRICE'S POEnsr 1 ELEGANTLY bound, at ?1 per copy, for rale Vhv W. C. MOORE. Rock Salt. For sale bv H. LEVY & SON.