... . r *- , , .-j*' ^ ^ ! AUE.4D OF ALL OTHERS. The enyy o? all Pill Sfomx!fejtsrers, ! Ijecptipp ther ar." - a . ! o ::!. : r" ?t "' >. '? .hnn .) any other? : fn?! 'v - il.*- ;i. ;..-i v..!* .! .. ;ju tilers if they can ohirin i-ient. 500*000 IJoyps have hen soM annao'lt* for tin* In?'(a \ YOUNG ANJ> 01.0. M\i.U -VO .nAI.K. can always take them u ; " ! <: .-ar. IF PILLS HP. \ PC V'i Y I for purging and cleansing the Svwh id i'nvi-. arid j purifying the Blood and fluid? of the other? ?forno other pi!!? produce those combined eri :?, or contains Sarsaparilla in th-m JSat, Drink and lire a? nsna', and pnr?ne your usual occupation whilst tufting them without fear of taking cold, during all kind? of weather. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are wagered that more genuine certificates (from physician?, Clergymen, Members of Congress ami re?i ci table ciiii?ns) can beprocuced of their efficacy that) any "titer. Forty Pills in a Box !! and ?oh! at twenty-five cents a box. with direction? and mucfi wholesome advice accompanying euch box. They no taste or unpleasant smell. Free from du?t or powder of a:iv ki t1 ^ Do not gripe the Stoma < h ' r . . Produce nosicknes?, votnilin : >r i:i Tuet are good at ali. t:m' And adapted to moRt disease ?m non to mankind. No one having once taken them will be willing afterward? to take any others, because thev always do good, and if they do not then no other? will. - ? ?ir?' ror I?r. N. J3. JbJKlUl t-roj?ri?Tij . u\A .. , in a regular Druggist. Chen-i P"v years experience in Phi?'' . : r. Ten-ity of Penn?vlva?iw : ti -r . . :l .- | atitiltiou* of I'liilrdeiph . >e\\ 1 . r;. i i &c.. and associate svtd .* u!i ? ',' j Medical Institoti n*o;'!. 11 n- , outh ern cars, via Wilmington an i Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, to Washington, Baltimore, l'iiiladelphia, and to New York. The public is respectfully informed tin! the Steamers of this line, troui r < mington, are in first rate conditio:.. . i .; navigated by well known and experienced command' ers, and the Railroads are in line ?>rrl*?r. thereby securing both safety and despatch. A THROUGH TICKET having already been in operation will be continued on and after the first of Oc t. 1-49, as a permanent arrangement from Charleston to New York. Passengers availing themselves there of, will have the option to continue without delay through the route or otherwise, tostop at any immediate points, renewing their seats on the line to iu,../,niro?1? It, f'., . i , p r -V" er tuil tllCII may reach New Ym. nesa hours. Bagga^. I he steamer to Weidon, > of cars at the intermedia:*! ... New York. Through Ticket* can lone be ii >R preventing BALDNESS, and to retore the Hair that has fallen off or become thin, and to cure effectually, Scurf or Dandruff. For gale by Z. J. DeHAY. July 2. 52 tf C. IflATHESON, BANK AGENT. At hisoip btandoppo 3itb L>avlf'| hotel Memphis Institute. ttERICAE DEPARTItTEXT. THE regular course of Lectures in thj* Invti- j tuta wiP commence on the First ci)-ogt'and Mineralogy, R. S. NEWTON. 31 D.jVfe'sor of Surgcrv I H.J. ill L. ! :. 31 ;>, i'r f of Theory and Practice of .'iediidm.*. J. A. iLSON.SI. ' or of Obstetrics and lbs usof '.Vom.-n and Children. J. KING. M. D.. Professor of Materia Mediria, and " herapeutir /. FREEMAN. M. I).. Professor of Anatomy. J MJL'ION SANDERS, A. M? Si, 1)., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. CLiNWE LKOTI'RERS. MEDICINE?PROF. It J. lll'LCE MRCKKY? I'KOF R.'S. NEWTON. Z. FREEMAN, M-1>.. Anatomical Demonstrator. The lees lor a lull course ol lectures amount to $105. 4 Eeaclt Professor's T;rkrt, $15. .tfatrieiil.ttor'* $5. Deinon.-tra.or's F ?1U. Gradu.i'.ou, $.'ti. : Toose (Jesiriiii; further information vvil please address tlieir letters (post paid) lo the Peat ; ar.d students arrtviuffiu ihectty will please call on hint : :i the Coiuuiprriai lintel. It. S XRVVT:. ;M. P., Pean of the Faculty | JL \W Ji-a 12V-ft'ME5T. HON. E. W. M. lvl.Nti, J'roiessor of Theory an Prac"ice of Law A OH* V D BARRY, Professor of Commercial Jurisprudence. Terms?$50 per Session. \ c-itti itr rat'iitis pertaining to this depnrtE W. ?.( Kt'MG Esq. ! r t ^ ? I t fracui tcs, intp! ectual ao:h t moral ; .ri i . ! pr< less . ": *" tnrs, *.... compare ; .V" ra.'le'u i i -..ml lit ultr Colin i ?-. T.'n i ! i , ; tmes an anomaly i ?:,(s i r .u;. ' ; n ?til of them are abb* i . ; .i .rhers. Xiio-o in will couii . iplate our geographical position, and the extento? our population, rati have t o doubi as to the eligibdti v of out situation for an enterprise of the kind. As to health, including all seasons of the vear, we deny that any other CITV HAS MOKEA c< tniO'in error exists in the minds of many students relative to tlie place of studying medicine; those who intend practicing aiming tiie diseases ol the West and South should certainly educate 'hemselves ata school whose faculty are practically acquainted with those diseases. Tiiat the public may be satisfied of the permanency of this 6ch ol, we feel it our dp'y to state, that the Trustees arid Faculty form a unit in action which augurs well for its luture success; and that the peculiar internal organization which < onnects | them, cannot be interrupted. K. W. M. KING. l).A...M,.n? Afomtiliic IiiKfjflltf?. I I rMiir ui ui inv ?*vn.|'...v July 17,1850. 18 ly Iron Iron and Steel. Swned'e Iron from lx3-& to 10x1-2 in. flat. " " " -8 to 1-4 in. square. " " "338 to 1-4 in. round CastSteel " 12 to 1-4 iu square. German and Blister Steel. For sale by i ?ec 12. T. BONNELL & Co Rew Mackerel and Salmon. Barrels and balf barrels No. 1 Mackarel, do do do do Salmon. For sale low, by Dec. 29. ' T. BON NELL ft CO. DaKalb Factory. 31 and 33 inch Cotton Osnsburgs, 4-4 30 " Osnaburgs, made expressly to order fur Cotton Picking Sheets. SPUN YARN, of all numbers, and warrant ed of excellent quality. For sale wholesale and roiail by \V ANDERSON <$ CO. vtepieinoei 5 3'? tf Chain Pumps, T "* 1 1 *' h.i'P l-l'f.MVPfl a I'rosli sur.ulv _L of Chnm and Fix'ures. .\ pump of this kind may be seen in operation on their premises. W,L & COOPER. March 12 20 tf Bacon! iacoiil! Bacon!!! TIIE subscriber has on hand ] 21MHM) lbs, superior BACON and a <*o?r<-S|?oiiriiii?r quanii. tv of LARD, in the lot there i- nearly fine Ilams, any person wishing to purchase might linn | it to their advantage to call and exaniine, before j purchasing elsewhere; terms will be ma-s ac-| mminodating. A' extensive and well assorted stock of other articles iti the grocery 'me. compr s :ng a!, i!ie necessaries of subsistence, together v>. i . : thouaand best Cuba tiled Florida Seg.nv. II. IIOLLKY t!A\. April 'J. ISOU. vo Miscellaneous Hooks, &c. The Angel World, by the authornl Festus Watson's Dictionary ofl'oetical Quotations Cosmos; by Wunibolt, 2 vols. Southern Harmony; hincoii's Botany Traveler's (Joule through the (r. S. with a .Map ! villi i Hi' I' I ill) I'lllllo i.,i. 'ii tien.'ia.'hy a: <1 ?tias, revised Ml Mui.i.I on die llorse F.iioti's History o> Roman Li ur;v, etc. I JulyMi. " A VOU.N'U. T WHO WANTS BRICK*! JL HF Subscriber has u splendid lot of HARD BIUKS for sale?ready for delivery. " n r a Mr\ J. r. cu Mi?iit.L.mxu May 28, 1650. 42 tf_ Window Glass. rpilli Glass inaiiuiaciured ->y the Patapsco Co. -L ot Baltimore, cannot be excelled by that of any other. I have just received a laree invoice of the following sizes: 8x10, 10x12,9x11, 11x13. 12x14. 14x18, 18x2(1,18x24, itc.,to which 1 would invite theattention of those in want of the article. Also?Lamos, Chiuinies, plain and cut solar Globes. Nursing Bottles, Physicians pocket CaBe and Vials. Z.J DeHAY. < April 2. 26 tf i\'ew Goods. A gpnernl assoriment of DRY GOODS, hardware, j GROCERIES, &c. < Received by W. ANDERSON & CO. 1 Elastic Doll Heads. i A NEW and beautiful article, superior to any thing of the kind over before manufactured. Being elastic they will not break by falling. Painted in Oil, when soiled, mav bp washed with soap I j and water, lor salebv ^ I.. ^EMP. I . April lt? 31 I f The Great Cough Remedy. For the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION Jn ottering to the community this justly celebrated remedy for diseases 01 the throat and lungs, ** ? ? ?"fln ili<. I it* a a nr hniilth Jl IS mil ?#UI ?VIPll I*/ tl 1116 nai.il mil Ii.vv of ihe afHic'ed, bur frank I v to lay before them the opinions of distinguis ied men and some of the evidences of its success, from which they can judge Jor themselves. We sincerely pledge our selves to jn ike no wild assertions or false state inents ol its efficacy, inn will v. e hold out any nope to suffering humanity which facts w ill not warrant. .vlanv proofs are .'j regi'o::. and we solicit an imjuu\r irom ilie public in o ail we publish, Icel- j wig assured 'hey uwi tied them ported ly reliable and the medicine worthy their best, confidence and pal rouage ill/ PKOR CLEVELAND, of Bowdin College, Maine, Writes?"I havc witnessed the effects oi' your 'Cherry Pectoral' in uiy own lamify and that oj my friends, and it gives me sarisliction to state in its favor that no medicine I have ever known lias proved so eminently successful in curing diseases of the throat and lungs." (Ur REV. DR. OSGOOD, Writes?"That he consul: is Cherry Pe.ctr. al' the best moilicine tor Pu'li.onary .Ui'eetmns ever given, to the public," i..., ii... . .I?....l.i... Imiiur nilliaed :. u > i ii*ii iiis* unu^iitci niici ww-.j.? > ;> i in lour niotitlis with severe settled v 1.1.. . . i .... :iu(d by r.iisui^ oi blood, night . . . . i. o attendant symptoms "l cotisuuif) 1 , <. > oil the use oi l ue Cherry Pectoral and has ... ii,jiletely recovered." U EX- Cti.i.N * El LOU KING, of No York savs : I have ueen a great su tie re r with Bro. ciiitis, and but ior the use of the Cherry i'ectural might have continued to be so for many years to come, but that has cured me and lam happy to bear testimany to its efficacy " From such l< stimony we ask the public to judge for themselves. Hear the Patient. Or. Aver?Dear SStr: For two years I was afflicted with a verv severe cotijl:, accompanied by Fpilting of blood and profuse night sweats.? By the advice ot iny attending physician I was induced to use your Cherry Pectoral, and continued to do so tilJ I considered myself cured, and ascribe the effect to your preparation. JAMES RANDALL. Hampden ss. Springfield, Nov. 27. 1843. This day appeared tfie above named lames Randall, and pronounced the above statement true in every respect. LORENZO NORTON, Justice. The Remedy That Curw. Portland, Me., Jan. 10, 1347. Dr. Ayer : I have been ion* afflicted with Asth vakpiu iinrs? iiiiiil 'lari autumn. uia wiiiwii ? **** ?? it brought on a cough which confined me in my ciiamber, and began to assume the alarmuig symptoms of consumpt on. I iiad tried the bust advice and the best medicine to no purpose; until 1 used your Cherry Pectoral, which h.is cured me, and vou mav well believe me Grutehillv vours J L). PUB LPS. If there is any value in the judgment m the \v ise who speak from experience, here is a medicine wo1 illv of tiie public coiu'idence Prepared by J. C. AYBK, Chemist, Lowell. Mass., and sold in Camden by J. U, .1/- KAIN, anil by Druggists and dealers generally throughout the State. Aug. 2, 1850. _G1 ihn Victims of Dyspepsia. Lock Here DR. ALLEN'S COMPOUND. This Medicine is offered to the public generally from a full conviction limt it issu|ierior n. any other now in use, for the cure of DvspepMtt, Liver Coinplnim, Nervous Debility. Bodily weak net"1. Arc. I'~.........I ?T,t\- hv tl,.. nn.nrirtorc. (). W. M.I.KN.M 1).. Philadelphia.find J. A. 4: W. I.. CLKVKLA.ND, No. -Ai7 Kinir Street. Charleston, S. f None Cennine unless signed by Dr. vspKPtIC kdicink Pliila.. blown on the trlass Sole agent for Camden, Z.J. DeIIaY, Sept tit). 1S5D. 75 ly Acliiiii&itriraloi * ? fi LIj persons having claims ngain-i the estate: of /ft the late Mrs. Ilarric' I!. Sizar will hand them in properly attested; and timse indebted will please ili.ike payment in my indent, J*-lui l{"S*or, who is ' tully authorized to ntici" llm In: ' ?> 'or mi>. RKI..\ M/,:K. \ i: "- j So;. r, 1-nO, 7 i ?1. ii 5. . ? sTlXwT at Law 'dnd Solicitor in Equity. < VilID2.\, r. VVili attend the our!.- ; i\ -imw, Sumter, | Fairlieid, Darlington ami i/.wu :< v districts. W. n R WORKMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Camden, S. C. (Office immedittfelt/ in > fur of thr Cnurt House.) WILL ATTKXI) TIIK COCRTS OF Darlington and Sumter Districts. Business entrusted to liitn wit. meet with prompt ami careful attention. July 26. Morale of Cotton. THE subscribers are now building a new Cotton House, ami will be prepared to store cotion on accommodating terms. They offer their services for the sale or Forwarding of cotton, and the receivihg and Forwarding of Merchandise. Sept "JO 75tf McDOWAI.L & COOl'ER. 1 Box Smoked Halibut, For sale bv SHAW &. AUSTIN". Ladies' Dress Goods, &c! np.iE subscriber has just opnieo an elegant assortment of rich and colored Silks, in pri cs from ofvjc, to per yard, and embracing all the new stvies. Also?All-wool French Cashmere Delaines! super black Bombazines, and very fine real AI pacha, for mourning Dresses; silk and linen Poplins, anew article: French and Scotch Ginghams: English ana American Prints &c. Also?handsome belt and neck Ribbons, silk and velvet Trimmings; fancy Buttons; very fine pink and blue Flannels; worsted collars, capes and cutis; thread, linen and cotton Edgings and IneerLings; Cruels, in great variety of colore; Merino andepun silk vests &c. Now ready for sale at ihe lowest, prices, sept.aa E. W. BONNEY. Bagging and Rope. O'Z hand Gunny and Dundee Banging. Kentucky Rope, arul three ply Twine?also. 100 pieces negro l.inseys, Carseys, nud all tohur wool plains. E. W. DON NEW Sept. IT, 74 tf 1 FAIL GOODS. THE subscriber bus received and now < ffers fo sale, a large and well-selected stock ot Fail Goods, consisting of a full and complete assortra nit of PI lin and colored M. oe Lainos and cashmeres filar.k and colored merinos and aipaccas . Sup English and French bombazines Aionau and wort-led lusire^/fltr. English and French mourning and fancy calicoes French, Scotch and Lancaster mourning and fancy j Ginghams Sup plain and watered black dress silks Black satin loure and national, lor lacl.es dresses do and mourning spun silk. do do Sun Iri-h and French poplins P irli KsAi'-ifiu in/I a mill.2 i Plain and fancy chameleon Filks A varied and bf-autifu assortment of silk and velvet trimmings Plain and black water'd silk vissettes French mantelllas and black sacks, latest style Black and colored wool shawls; ladies cravats Meek and belt ribbons Bonnet, cap and trimming do -French corsets, all sizes Ladies merino vests and union under dresses, long and short sleeves \v liitc ami biack lose; cashmere and lama wool do do do and colored cotton do. all sizes Misses white and mixed col'd do from 1 to 12 jrs. A great variety of Napoleon ami other new styles Lace capes trimmed embroidered muslin c liars do standing no do mourning do do breantast do Embroidered muslin collars and cuffs Puff muslin sleeves; infant's waists, all sizes Black and white lace veils Embroidered and scollopped linen lawn h'd'kfs Ladies, gent's and children's linen cambric do Superior French kid gloves, all sizes and colors Ladies and misses black and colored sdk do A large assortment oi thread edging and iusertings Swiss and cambric muslin trimmings Plait, and tig'd swiss and organdi muslins Itii/iL- uml mull en Plain, figured anil chec ed cabric do ALtO Superior black and colored Lro idcloths do do French Doeskin Plai" ai d mixed double miiled satit.ets Black and colored cashmereits, for boy's wear (font's lig'd cashmere and silk vest logs, very rich Black barathea and smn do Boy's and youth's toiict do Drab moleskin, lor hunting coats Black silk and beaver hats, latest fashions An entirely new style oI plain and lancy cravats IiOndon and Paris neck ties A large assortment of ready made shirts Merino and shaker flannel shirts and drawers Shaker knit shirts and diawer Super buck and dogskin gloves; driving do Fine kid gloves all size w.so A large assortmout < I English and Welch flannel? "warranted not ti> shrink" Fine reil, blue and yellow flannel? Fine colored do lor sacks and ch'idren's wear Cheap red do for servant's wear London dntfll bankets, "tall qualities Fine whitney and rose bod do Flam and twilled nesrro blankets White and colored saddle do DOMESTICS. Irish and Scotch fronting linens and lawns Fiilowraso nd sheeting linens Bleached ami brown table damask and diaper, all widths Bleached and unbleached table cloths, all widths iticii ilaniasl; doylies ..ml table napkins, <>11 sizes Rus.-la and bird pyc diaper; Huckaback and scotch do Russia sheeting; dowlas? Bleached and brown Imilands Colored worsted taoie covers, an sizes Kmbroidcred piano do; centre table and toilet do VLsu Bleached and borwn sheetings, of" varioiiK widths do do homespuns of ail qualities, from GJ to ii 1;^ cents per yard besides A large stock of XEGKO CLOTHS, Consisting of Southern Twill:.; Georgia Plains; Linsrys; Kerseys; Blankets; course .Satinets, &c. All ol which will be sold on the most liberal terms. lH/'Iulso continue to purchase cotton, corn and other country produce, tor which the highest market prices will be given. C. MATHESON. Get. 8. 80 8t St'Kur*. AA those very line brands; nuchas Mm U^UUIJ Coinsulaceon," "Gold Lea'/'.^ud Char slot). (See, A.*ii? KMK'O medium qualitv. &r. (-J.'i. AT .MO!)UK'S. **" i I iuecucai jbooks- VVouu'sf Practice ot Medicine United States Dispensatory, Wood and Bache Uhritison's and Griffith's Dispensatory Griffith's Universal Formulary Dunglinsou's Medical Dictionary Hooper's do do Ketse's Pocket Lexicon of Medical Terms Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence Wilson's Human Anatomy; Horner's Anatomy | Smith and Horner's Anatomical Plates Carpenter's Elements of Physioiogy Do Principles of Human Physiology Churchill r? infants and children Condie on diseases of children Eberlie's practice of Medicine, new edition in on volume Dewees on children Do. on Females Churchill's Midwifery Clymer's William's Principles of Medicine Churchill on the Diseases oi reimues SimonV Family .Medical Guide Griffith's Medical Botany Druitt's modern Surgery Fly trier's Treatise on Fever Dickson's Practice ol Medicine Miller's Principle* and Practice ol Surgery Morton's Human Anatomy Moiler's Elements ol Physiology Wilson on the Diseases of the Skin > Pilcher on the Ear, ifcc, July 2. A. YOUNG. Linen uepanmeiu, BROWN and bleached damask Linen Shirt ings, damask Table-cloths and covers, Iluck. aback ana Diaper To we lings. Crash, Dowlas, BE. Diaper, Long Lawns, French cambric, ladies and gentlemen's linen cambric Handkerchiefs. also a choice 6tock of IRISH LINENS, warranted pure Flax, and remarkably low, newly opened at JAMES WILSON'S. Ladies Gloves. NOW receiving Ladies Gloves, of every description and quality. E. W. 1IONNEY* Sept. It, 74 tf I7n. ?h. D.innvrot an/4 Darmnnnnt f!nrt nf nil 1'Ul kiic miiiuini auu i vi uiuiiuiiv vo.v v. .... NERVOUS DISEASES, And Of those Complaints which are canted by an impaiied, weakened or unhealthy conJition of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. Tliia beautiful andconveuient application ?>t the my.teriouopowers of GALVANISM arul MAGNETISM, li*? been pv?>-nmmced by distinguished physicians, both in Europe and tho? United States, to he the must valuaJilt medicinal ii inn-try tf' |A? Jigt. Dr. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC* BELT and MAGNETIC FLUID, is used with the most perfect and certain success in ntfc' cases of GENERAL. DEBILITY, Strengtnening the weakened body, giving tone to the,varioua organs, and invigorating the entire system. Also in FITS, CHAMP, PARALV8JS and PALSV, DYSPEPSIA or INDIfis'.KTiON. RHEUMATISM. ACUTE and CHP.ONIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO. DEAFNESS, NERVOUS THE MORS, PALPITATION OK THE HEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS in the SIDE end CHEST, LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, and CURVATURE of the SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEFICIENCY OK NERVOUS and PHYSICAL KNERG Y, and (01 NERVOUS DISEASES, which complainia aria* from one simple cause?namely, A Derangement of the Nervous System. 0(7- In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Dniga and Medidaea ivereatt the iterate, for they weaken the wital energies of the already proitrated ayatem ; while under the strengthening, lifegiring. vitalizing influence of Galvanism, aa applied by thin beautiful and wonderful discovery, the exhausted petjent and weakened auflerer ia restored to kirmer health, strength, elasticity and vigor. The great peculiarity and excellence of Dr. Christie's Galvanic Carat!res, eonaiata, in the fact that they arreat and cure diaeeae by tut ward application, iu place of the uaual mode of dragging and phyiirking the patient, till exbauited Nature finka hopelessly under the inllictiuu. They tiren'then the whole eyelew. equalize Ike circulation of the hlooi, promote the tecrclient, and never da the tlifhletl ityury under any cir curat lancet. Since their introduction In the United State*, only three yean aince. more than 60,Q00 Persons inclnding all ages, claaaea and condition!, among which ware a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly eubject to Nerr oua Complaints, have been ENTIRELY AND FEKM/.nElfTLX uuDjnv, when all hope of relief had been given Np, and avary thing elie been tried in vain ! To illmtrate the n?e of the GAI.VANIC BELT, aappoee the ce?e of a perann afflicted with that bane of ctrilhaUoa, DYSPEPSIA, or any other Chronic or Nervooi Dworder. I* ordinnry caie*, Hinwlinti ere taken, which, by their action na the uerve* and muaclet of the itomach, afford Inaperary relief but which leave the patient in a lower (tate, end with beared faculties alter the action thai excited bu ceeied. Now Compare thia with the efleet malting from the application of the GALVANIC BELT. Take a Dyipeptjc eufferer, area lathe worie lympiorni of en attack, and umply tie the Belt around the body, unng the .Magnetic Fluid e* directed. In a abort period the inaemilile penpiration will act on the poeitire element of the Belt, thereby cauiing a Galvanic circulation which will pan on to the negative, and thence beck again to the pciitive. thui keeping up a continnone Galvanic circulation throughout the ayitem. Thai the moit eevere ceaee of DYSPEPSIA are PERMANENTLY CURED. A PEW DAYS IS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE OF YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Or the moot Undoubted Character, From all parti of the Conntry could he given, influent to BU every column in thil paper! AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, Which conclusively provee that 11 Truth la ntrflnrar than Flfitlftn." CURE OP RHEUMATISM, BRONCHITIS AND DTSPEP8IA. Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman of New Jersey, tl distinguished attainment! and exalted reputation Sinxrr, New Jersey, July 12,1948. Da. A. H. Chsii ir?Dear Sir: You wish to know of me what lias been the . Mult in my own case, of the application of THE GALVANIC toELT AND NECKLACE. My reply baa follows: For about twenty years I had been suffering from Dyspepsia. Every year the symptoms became worse, nor could I | obtain permanent relief from any course of medical treatment wnatever. About fohrtttn years since, in consequence of frequent exposure to the weather, in the discharge of my pantoial duties, I became subject to a severe Chronic RheumaI tism, which for year alter year, caused me indescribable anguish. Farther": inthe winter of '44 and '46, inconsequence of preaching a great deal in my own and various other churches in this region, I was attacked by the Bronchitis, which soon became so severe as to require an immediate sua|>cu*ion of my pastoral labors. Afy ncrrsus system aai now % thoroughly jo nitrated, and as my Bronchitis became worse, so also did my Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection?thus evincing that these disorders were connected with each other through the medium of the Nervous System. In the whole pharmacopoeia there seemed to be no remedial agent which could reach and recuperate my Nervous System ; every thing that I had tried for tnb purpose had completely failed. At last 1 was led by my friends to examine your inventions, and (though with no very sanguine hopes of their efficiency,) I determined Jo trr the effect of the application of the GALVANIC BELT ANli NECKLACE, with" the MAGNETIC FLUID. This wai in June, 1646. To mt orkat iitokiihmi'kt, in two data mt DrsrspiiA hid none; in eioht otn I ?ii tum.rd to AKSUME MT rtlTORtL LABORS ; no* HAT* i SinCE OMITTED Rheumatic irEEcrton has entirely ckaakd to t*oi'?le me. Such if the wonderful and happy results of the experiment I have recommended the BELT and FLUID to many who hare been likewiie suffering from Neuralgic affections. They bare tried them, with Harrr results, I belietk, in etert case. I am, dear air, very respectfully your*. ROBERT W. LANDIS. Tic Dolorenx and Neuralgia. These dreadful and agrmliing complaints are immtiUtthf rtlitved by the application of the Qalyahic Belt, Nkcelace and Fluid. The Belt diflUies the F.lectricity through the system; the Necklace ha* a local effect and the Flaid act* directly npon the affected nerrea. In these dktresaing afflictions the application NEVER FAILS. FITS AND (;ONVUL8lUNa. These alarming and terrible comnlainti are always cause! Dy a Arrangement of the Nerrei. The Bklt, Bsacklkts amd Fli ib will cure nearly every cate, no matter how young or aid the patient, or how confirmed the complaint Numerous and astonishing proofs ar< in poaseation of the proprietor. 0^- Many hundred Vtiflcates from all parta of the country > ef the most'extraordinary character can be given, if required. 09- No trouble or inconvenience attenda the nse of DR. CHRISTIES GALVANIC ARTICLES, and they may be worn t.y the most feeble and delicate with perfect ease and safety. In many cases the sensation attending their nse is highly fleatani end afrteaiU. They can be sent to any part of the country. Prices: The Galvanic Bait, Three Dollars, The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollars, The Galvanic Bracelet*, One Dollar Each. The Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar. 09- The articles are accompanied by fall and plain directions. Pamphlets with full particular* may be had of theauthorized Agent nsoTiAiil an rillTlfthL r?n i iwwiami wr-.w . 0(7" Btwut af Counter/tin and Warthltu Imita/iant. D. C. MORE HEAD, M. D., GENERAL AGENT FOR THE UNITED 8TATK8. 133 Brondwny, New York. For sale in Camdeu bv the aujtohized Agenr JAMES R. McKAIN. In Charleston by Dr. P. M. COHEN. In Columbia by BOATRIGHT dt MIOT. In Equity?Lancaster District. Middleton G. Caston vs. Susannah Caston. et. al. THE creditors of the Estato of Samuel uaeton, deed., of Lancaster District, are hereby notified and requested to present and establish, hcfoio me, their demands against said Estate, oti or h?. fore the let. January, 1851. By ordet of the Court in above caw, June Term, 1850. JAS. H. WITHERSPOON, c. e. l. d. Com. office Nor. 11, 1850. $4 90 14t