University of South Carolina Libraries
1 f . . ; ' ' ' v ' % ' vot ttmf, 11. ~ ~ camden, 8()uth<l\k0ijya, notlslber 22, 1&50. number & CLING TO THOSE WHO CLING TO YOU. j Cling to those who cling to you; More than half our sorrow's made When we are ourselves untrue 'l'o the lights of friendship's aid. But iiow sweet it is to own j ( Some kind heart to thine beat true, I , Alter many years have down ?? Cling to those who cling to you. Cling to those who cling to you! Think how those who live apart, Tiiat sweet solace never knew Friendship sheds around the heart. Who is there that hath not longed Oor.e to find sume friend prove true? That your friendships he prolonged? ? Cling to those who cling to you. Cling to those who cling to you: Every link of friendship's cha It the heart be only true, W ill forever bright remain. Never be the first to break, ^ In the chain the link that's true; Never trust and truth forsake? < Cling to those weo cling to you. i STATE OF EUROPE. The aspect, of affairs in Europe is apparently tiow more threatening than at any period since the general peace. There is hope against lios- ' tilities, however, from the exhausted condition . of the finances of the great Continental powers. ' The Austrian Exchequer i3 next to bankrupt. Russia would have to negotiate loans to supply , the sinews of war. France is oppressed with \ the weight of her pecuniary obligations. The , great capitalists of Europe, notwithstanding the abuudance of money, must be chary of lending amidst the revolutionary tendencies by which the present period is characterised. No- ; thing, it appears to us, can unfold the bloody standard of war, under these circumstances, but the urgency of a crisis that might threaten Europe with another inundation of ultra democrat (' rtrin?init>a ,v r "?v,rvv There may be 6igns of a renewal of a revolutionary crisis, which may be visible to those in the vicinity of the danger that cannot be interpreted to signify peril at this distance from the theatre of European affairs. A war of ambition, we feel assured, is not about to take place, when the indications are so evident and the materials so abundant for a war of opinions. If a coalition is on foot tatween Russia, France, and Austria, against Prussia, it is not to despoil the latter power and to dismember her; but there is involved in the quarrel between the Houses of Hapsburg and Brandenburg the p'inciples that would place Prussia at the head of a popular movement in Germany, of which constitutional reform would be the guiding prin- j ciple and ultimate end. Such reform, both 1 Russia and Austria would oppose, and the government even of Louis Napoleon, as the representative of order. The monarchy of Prussia lias, of course, monarchical sympathies, hut i there are also decided tendencies to political progress and social amelioration in the Prussian 1 jteople. This is counteractive of the desires of the Court to reimpose the ancient rule of arhitrarv government The government of Prussia, therefore, inclines from necessity to the support of the small States of Germany which are aiming at co istitutional government If Prussia takes the lead in this movement, as the patron of constitutional reform, she may hope to shape 1 and dirict it to safe and salutary ends. The other great Continental Powers do not fear so ' J- ^ ~r ii : . u.. t. much ttie ;iggranaizemeiu 01 rrussiu uv vicu ?i i movement, as the success of the reformers under her auspices, and the-uudefinod aims which may be hidden from observation and shun avowal. We however do not think that Europe is quite ready for this war of opinions. Her governments will try the efficacy of repressive measures in a still greater degree before putting matters to tho hazard of war. The movement of large forces is not always significant of hostilities. Armies are frequently the instruments of diplomacy?of the arrangements that arc entered npon at general congresses. A meeting of the sovereigns was to have taken place at Warsaw. The marching of armies to the frontiers of the conferring powers may be the means of averting war?the suspended sword may he , the real peace-preserver, during negotiations by which conflicting pretensions are to be adjusted.?Char. Eve. New*. I Pmnrps* nf Mesmerism.?In the 15th centu - * ? -/ rv, a cock was burnt alive by order of the magistrates of Basle, in Switzerland, for having hud an egg, the said chanticleer having been convicted of sorcery. And, we read, in the London papers, a recent letter of Miss Martin* eau, on Mesmerism, and the core of her sick cow, thereby. All will admit now that we must not laagh at the Medical superstitions. A subscriber, to whom the publishers had sent a weekly paper on credit, was at last dropped from the list, all measures of collecting having failed. Afterwards the agent was encountered by the delinquent's wife, who wrathfully insisted that "she knew what newspapaper law was ?that she did, the printer was bound to send the paper until all arrearages were paid." There should be no party there but the friends of the country; anfl lei tnem say to the abolitionists and their negro confederates, Pro. ml, procul, r.t4>\ prnfitni' For once let the voice of Boston ' [ironounced by her respectable, worthy ri;iv.'!is, without being counterfeited by the di-cmtiant howl of fanaticism. Union. Well, we reckon that if the negroes of Boston are spoken to in Latin they will give up. Writs warrants, Commissioners, Marshals, Proclamations, Armies and Navies have been called for, and have failed. Let us now try j Lftio?and sive the Union.?Southern Press, | JOHN B DESAUSSORE, Adger'a Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Will five prompt and close attention to the sale j nf all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his :are, and to the selection and filling of orders, sept. 13. 72 Gm J1AZYCK & SON, Factors and Commission Merchants, SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF. CHARLESTON, S. C. WILLIAM MAZYCK,) W. ST. J. MAZVcK, > PAUL T. YILLEl'llil'E, FACTOR, And General Commission Merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, . CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal advances made on consignments of Pro. luce, and prompt attention given to the torvvard- I ii:g 01 llOUUSy ?i L LUC JUHt'M i(UC4. Aiij?. 2' >. 6d 20,090 PAIRS"OF BOOTS AND SHOES. ! rO iffi HAD at the i\ew Snue btore. and will ! be sold lower Mian any ever be lore ori'ered ; i this market?having paid the cash lor everv ar- i tide, and seiec'ed from the best and largest man- j aficturers in the United States, wo liaiter our- , selves tiiat no one can tail to be pleaded in quan* ; tity, quality and price. The stock consists in part, 1 is follows? | Men's fine Calf stitched Boots Pump Boots " " Waterproof do cork soles " u " do stitched and quilted soles I 200 pairs fine Calf sewed Boots, from - ?4 50 to !}6 00 200 and Kip pegged Boots. from &2 to $3 00 ' Men's fine Calf sewed Bootes ;j2 to SI 00 a id < lot h Congress Boots $3 to SI 50 4' 44 44 Jersev Ties. ?3 to ?3 50 ' ' " " fagged Bootees. Sjl to &2 00 " Kip ' " 75c to SI 00 VoutliV Kip pecired Hooters. 50c to75c Calf " " 75c to ?1 00 " " Boots assorted " Kip " " Ladies' Department. Fine silk Gaiters, black and colored satin " " 4 lasting " " " ' ' " welts and Jjlark ' Half Gaiters, welts and black " " *' " colored and black Welt " 'l ies, Fot' d, Broad and Easy ' " without Tip. for corns ' Jenny Kind Bootees, Kid and .Morocco Hump " " Kid and Enameled Excelsiors Kid and .Morocco Jeuny Lind Buskins Taylor Ties. Hump Fiuic Kid :>lijipers. with Rosettes < Fine Morrocco Hipper? uud J ics Fine Ties and Buskins, Welts Fine .Morocco do do Kid extra wide Hips and Ties Goat Buskins and Ties. Welts Goat Boots Misses' black and colored (toilers blue and light colored iiaifGnitcrs " black, bine and uroiize Bootees " black and colored Slipprs* " ' .oat Bislices, sewed and pegged, for School Shoes j Children's >b<?-s and Bt ots, assorled Together with a great >aiieiy oi' Gentiemeu b, Ladies find Children's Sho>*s, toonntnerous to meittiun. Fine T.lAVELl.V. no?.NKS. CARi'ET RAOS, YALliT>, H ATS and C.Ai's. All of which will positively lu* soiil lower than tlie lowest for cash. iO"('n!l and see for yourselves, at the NEW SIIOE STORE of 1VOHK.1IAM & BOONE. Sept. 20. Fall Goods. rp B iNXfiLL \ t.O. are now receiving their JL Cm! supplies, to winch they invite lite attention of purchasers. S('(?A US?SL. Croix. Delta. crushed, powder ed and clarified COFFEE?liio and Java TEA?Green and 11 y^on MOLASSES?Vv'osi India and New Orleans SALT?Table and sac k MACKAKEL?No. I and 2 Pic kit's, ketchup. Mustard, (linger, Pepper Spice, Cinnamon, Soap, Candles, Starch, 6lc. Hardware, I l?>es, A.xes, Spades, &c. Bitggiu;', (lope siiid I'winc. DOMES 1ICS?Bleached and brown Homespuns Tom-tlier with a general assortment ol Gouds suited to this market Fur sale low by July 20. T. BUNNELL & CO. KeadjOJnrtc Clolhiug. i COMPLETE assortmentot Over-cuats, Dress il and Frock-coaie, Business-coats, Blanket and i coating Over-coats,gentlemen's line Cloaks, Hants ari'l Vests, Ready-made Shirts, Stocks and Collars 6ej?t. 10 II. LEW . ? SUN. Annatto Copperas, Indtgo, IjOgwuod, Madder, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Window Glass, Lamp Chimneys, Solar Globes, Solar Wicks, ?S'i;erin Oil, Solar Oil, Castor Oil, Epsom Salts die.. &c. A full and tresli supply o| all the above articles usi received, and lor sale by rapt 20. Z.J. Df.I1.AY. TUST received, a large assortment ol Boy's I PJ ana louths t.loMuiig. wen and neatly made. | Also?Men's Clothing ol' every description and quality, K. "\V. BO.N'N'KY New Mackerel. A few barrels No. 3 Mackare!, 1^50. ' half do No. 1 and 2 do do Just received at Moore's Family (iroccry. Negro Shoes, We have now on hand, a large supply of Black and Kuweit Pegged lSrogan? and Mlitcli'douu Shoes Of our own manufacture, which we can rccom- j mend as faithfully made and ot the best material. : ALSO Band and Harness Leather Blacs and Russeit Upper Leather Calf Skins, Kip Skins Buffed Kip for saddle covers, &c. And lor sale by Oct. 4. W. ANDERSON fc CO. Carpeting. A COMPLETE Assortment or Ingrain and Venetian Carpetmgs, for sale low by Sept 2d. , H- LEVY & SON. SEW Staple and Fancy Goods. THE subscribers are now opening a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, purchased with much care, which they will dispose of on their usual liberal terms, They conssist in part, as follows: WOOLENS. Heavy London Duffil Blankets Super H.4 to 14-4 Lamb's Wool Bed Blankets Heavy all-wool Negro Cloths Negro Linseys, very heavy and stout Plaid Linseye; Wool Cloth lor women's wear Cloths ami Cassimere*. Superfine black, blue, brown, and invisible green French L'ioths Super.ine Doe-skin black Cassimeres Satliiiels, assorted colors 1 Kentucky Jeans, do do i im_ iv_k;..,..wi_ ar-..: i Dir^diii i aDiJ.uiiduic * csiiu^a | Fancy C.issimeres ' Red white and yeliow Flannels COTTON GOODS. PRINTS, of every description Furniture Calicoee, very handsome Ginghams; Cross-bar'd and lancy striped MuBlins Furniture and cambric Dimity Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored and black cambrics Silks and Fancy Articles. E'egant plain and uater'd black siiks " . plain, figured and water* d colored silks M Cliena figured dross silks, very rich Bolts; elegant lace capes Muslin worked collars and sleeves Very handsome Jnsertiiigs and Edgings Linen-cambric Handkerchiefs Ribiied silk Stockings; raw silk S'ockings French merino, black and assorted colors Super black and meredian black Alpaehas Striped and cross-bar'd colored Alpachas DOMESTICS. 3-4, 7-8 and 5-5 bleached and brown Shirtings 12-4 blearned and unbleached Sheetings White and uiibieachcd Drills Striped and plaid colored Homespuns lied Ticks; .lpron checks; cotton Oznaburgs LINENS. Super an assorted Irish Linens M Lawn Lawns, Dowias; Damask Table-cloths ' Dauiask Diaper; Datna.k Napkins " Bird-eye and Russia Diapers also Dundee and Gunny Bagging Bale Hope and Twit e; Iron; Salt Sugar, Coffee, Mola-ses also Blacksmith's Bellows, Vices, Anvils. Hammers Sc>ew H aies, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks With a complete assortment of Hardware and Cutlery With maiiv other hrticles too tedious to enumerate. H. LEVY dr SON. pept. 17* W Gin New Fall Goods. TIIE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that lie is now recei\ iug his Fail supply of Gr<ieis-i;><t. ikunevtieti. &r. Consisting in part, of the following articles, viz;? Brown, crushed, loaf and clariiiei Sugars New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Rio and Java Coliee Rice, Cheese, Bacon and Lard No. 2 and 3 Mackarel Corn, Flour, Oats, Salt Swedes Iron of all sizes J'owder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles Fine and common Tobacco Stupe and Twine, Men and bov's Wagon Saddles Riding and Waggon .Bridles llames, Collars, Riding and Waggon Whips AI.SO ('rockery, Glass and Hardware Coliint' best A.\ee, Nails, assorted eize Bucket Knives, Knives and Forks ,\e?io Cloths, Bleached and brown Homespuns Bed, Negro and Riding BLANKETS A few cases of men and boys Hats and Caps With all other articles usually found in a we'll supplied Grocery and Hardware store, all of which will be sold edindv low tor cash. B. W. CHAMBERS. Camden. S. C. S< pt. 3. 70 tl 10*The S'liniter Banner and True ?outhmn will ropy for iliree month*. (illits and Pistols. niSB Double-barroilnl Guns in cases; Double I barrelled Guns without cases; Revolving Pistols in cases. By sept. 17. H. LEVY cfr SON. Scsars. fS'NE subscribers have now on hand the rndst' JL favorite brands of genuine Spanish .Segars. *epi 17. H LEVY dj- SON. NEW FALIG00DS. M. DR17CKER A- CO. 4 RK now jusi opening their large and now pupil ply of seasonable Goods, consisting in part of * iuuih? rnsHi)t<*n?.s p;immcits vt*Mmg>, im^nrs J Main and figured alpacca, inou.-elin de Lamps Ginghams, with other goods for Ladies Dresses. \T.SO A a splendid variety t?f Calicoes, and the very best and cheapest bleached and brown Muslin lo be Inuiid hi the town The above Goods have been selected with the greatest, carp, and will be eoid a.- always, at the very lowest prices. 'et. 29. Hardware, Groceries, Bagging, Rope and Twine, RBADY-made G'Joiliing, I late, Caps, Bonnets, Boots and Shoes &c. Just received and lor sale at the lowest prices possible by M. DHUCKBR CO. Shoes, Shoes. PLANTATION IJ ogans, of superior quality, and a lar"C assor'iiierit ol oilier Shoes, Iresh and new. Just opened by scpi. 'JM K. W I3<)NiNKV. Notice. A Mi persons having demands against the estate of the lue Mrs. Mary 13. Ciiil, ilccM of Lancaslerville, will please present tlicm properly aites*. etl to the undersigned, bv the first of December hext. JONES CROCKETT. _SepL 2:3-1lMO, 7(5 tf ( lioicCSt'KHr i of vnrions brand*. Forwie hy f OH AW & AUSTIN.' NEW STORE. ~ THE subscriber is now opening a large assortment of Groceries and Staple Goods, in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part,ot the following, viz: Loaf, Crushed, Ground and Granulated Sugars St. Croix, Porto ltico, at d New Orleans do New Orleans, 3Ium>vnd? and Cuba Molasses Java. Laguiraand Kio Coffee Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black Tea* Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candle* No. 2 and 3 Mackarel, in Barrels, Half and Quarters Wine, Soda and Butter Biscuita and Cneese Soap and Starch, assorted Pepper, Spice. Ginger. Nutmegs. Mace and Clu*es Povder, Shot and Lead Hardware. Cutlery, Nails apd Castings Paints, Linseed Oil, Sperm. Oil and Wi* w Gi?. ALSO Bleached and unbleached Shirtings and Sheettnw Blankets. Bed Ticks, Apron Checks and Oznaburga Together with a large assortment of Easing, Rope ami Tuiue. J. W. BRADLEY. Camden. S. C. Sept. 23. &3~C'ash paid for Cotton and other Produce. New Fall Goods. AM, &. R KENNEDY, are now receiving their supply of goods suitab.e for the season. The stock will be found complete in all the branches, usually kept by them, they have been carefully selected at unusually low prices, and will be sold at a very small advance on iYew York cost. The above would respectfully invite the attention of their friends and the the public generally to an examination of their slock, feeling satisfied if low prices and good styles will effect sales, they cannot fail to enjoy a liberal share of that patronage heretofore so fully extended to them. They beg to call attention to a Jew of the leading articles, viz: Rich Pictured and Chene Silks, i Newest styles cashmeres and moueelaines | Changeable poplins and ccburgs Brocade and piain lustres I Ptnzj on.'li re oi.rl < !> >rni9Li( t?iC Puff sleeves, en'schildr work'd bodies Muslin and thread edgings and inecrtings, &c Gloves of every description, hosiery do. I Lawn and cambric handkerchiefs Engiish and ainerican prints, unusually low Furniture chintz, ginghams Long and squar- shawls, &c die &c Mourning Goods. Super, alpaccas and canton cloth,a new article Dark grey poplin, ginghams and Em.; n pr: ; Fast colors, collars and liandkf!-. ingrain u Cotton hose, silk do., cashmere & nmsuKiv sli'w. i In Dcmestics. Blea. sheetings and long cloths, very low | l'J-4 to 12-4 Lnea &. bro sheetings uper family linens Brown and coi'd h'spuns of ail kinds Linseys, bed blankets, from 10-4 to 13-1 White &. red flan'ls, shaker welsh &. gauze do. &c Gentlemen's Wertr. Sup'r bi'k and col'd french cloths J ^ i.: i UUC&&UIP dliu tdOMUlCiro Tweeds in variety suitable lor boys Satin, silk and cashmere veetings cravats, giovesand half hose Superior quality of dress shirts Under clothings ol every description. Ready Made Clothing. Coats, vests and pants, got up iu a very superior style. Hats and Caps In great variety and of the latest fail fashions. Negro Goodi. Superior plains, kerseys and satinets, suitable for house servants, am. & eng. blankets, wool hats, &c. etc. Together with a full supply of hardware, &c., all of which will be cheerfully shown to any one favoring them with a call, Sept. 2 77 tf Boots, Shoes and Leather, TOUKTHKK WITH Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valices. THE subscribers have just received the largest and best assorted stock of liools Uittl Slioc* ever offered in this market, to which they resphctfuliy invite the attention of purchasers.? Their stock consists in part, as follows, viz: Geullemen's fa*>hionabie Dies* Boots, pump bottoms " smcli waterproof do quilled bottoms " do cork soles Culf pegged California Boots waterproof Boots " Kip " ' " " fa. hionable ptimp-sole Shoes I'atenl l-eather ami Calf Gaiters " " Jenny Land Ties itiinparlaii Hoots " India. ituhber Shoes 1 Joy's fine Cull' I'titnp Boot* I Pegged Hoot* " " ' Waterproof Boots " " Kip pegged Boots " Calf Bootees ' Kin do ladies White iSilk Gaiters " Kul Blips " Gaiter Boots, n.-?orted color* Blnek Satin Gaiters i listing " " Colored Hungarian Tics ' Black Kid Slip* and i ie* 4 " Morocco S!i|w and Ties ' India Bublvr Shoes ' Buskin W ulking Shoes " Goatskin 1 44 " Boots J " Black Lasting Haif Gaiters snips ' " " buskin Tics .Misses Gaiter Hoots, assorted color* Colored and black Jenny Lind 'I'iea " " I>001 CCS , ' " " SiijW ' Calf and Goatskin hoots Together with :? heautiiitl assortment of Children's Shoes ot all colors ami styles ALSO?ALARGC STOCK OF A *:<? < o giaous, of our own ninnnfucturc. b>>tli peiraed and sewed. also Sole. Cpper and Harness leather Calf and Kip " kins Lining and iiindiisg Skins, log ther with evcrparticle necessary for currying on the manufactory of boots ami Shoe*. ? File and common Travelling Trunks. Carpet bags. School Satchels. ."s ursti Hugs and Valtccs, ail of which we offer at very low prices. ALDILV A* JIUKUAY. Cemden. Sept. 27 77 ?m Kaisias. A low Boxes new Raisins, just received by \V. C. 31QOR.,. S'onc Lttiic. Pfnsl^r of i'ariN, RtHl" t'Ciiil'llt. The above articles constantly on hand, of trood ntialitv and at low prices. Also, Gypsum or i,\t d plaster. k. CHATfENFeb. 12. 12 tf ' DRY GOODS. THE subscriber! have received their WHITER, SUPPLY. consisting in pert, of FANCY DRESSES?Brocaded Thibet Cloth, ferocadeil Lahmdore, for Evening Dmw, Cachnmre Merino, and Moussalin de Lain, plain and printed j .black and fancy Silke, Paris and English Prints, French end Scotch Gingham*. >' ' .MOURNING DRESSES?Royal Tour. Satin Royal Satin de Chene, gro. de Rhine, French Poplin, Boipbazin WouKselin de Lain, Alpacca, Ginghams, French and Eng lish Prints. TRIMMINGS?Of every varietv, to suit the above. SUNDRIES?Black ana fan^y Thebit, Cachmere and woolen Shawls, worked Muslin and Lace Capes end-Collars, Infant's worked Drears and. Bodies, Linen Cambric H'dk'f/.. Muslin Trimmings, (a great variety,) Thread Lace, Cop Ribbons, Gioves and Mitts of all kinds, Hose, (a large assortment.) long and short sleeve Merino Verts, Marseilles Bed and Crib Quilts, Tabje, Piano anJ Toilet Covers. 6-4 and 16-4 Damask Table Covers. Damask and ) colored Dovlies, Netted Tidies, 6-4 to 12-4 Linen Sheeting. 9-8 to 6-4 Pillow Care Linen, 5-4 to 12-4 bleached and orown Cotton Sheeting, Furniture Cliints and Dimitv, Curtain Dimity, Furniture Fringe, India Rubber Sheeting Bed Blankets, 6-4 to 14-4 Floor Cloth, Scotch Carpeting. A large assortment of bleached and brown Goods. Checks, Ticking, Linseys, &o.. &c. FLANNELS?Genuine. Rodger*, Real Welsh, Stnony. Shaker's all wool arid silk Warp, all wool and Docaet, Wliite, Rod and Yellow, of every description. For Man's Wear. Black, brown, blue, preen, olive and dmb Cloth; fancy and black Cawimeres. silk and Caehmere Vesting*, buflalo Cloth, for shooting Coats: Gloves, of every variety; Cravats; Pocket Handkerchief"; Half Hose, Under Shirts and Drawers; ready made Shirts and Collars; Suspenders; Hats- Caps. &c. 1 A large assortment of Goods for Boy's and Servant's wear. Georgia Plains, Cordova' do. Blankets, He DOW ALL & COOPER. Oct. 20. S5 , , tf In Equity-Kershaw District Thomas Starke, ct al. 1 rs S Bill for Partition. C.J.Shannon ) 'V IN pursuance of thenidersof the court lif this case, made at June Term, lh50. I will off* at | public sale before the court hou*e door in Camden on Mni.dav. the second day ot December, all that parcei or tract of LAND, iyiricr on the. waters of Wareree river and Fox creek in Fairfield District, containing til'tecn hundred and three acres, bounded hy lands of Nicholas A Peav, Charles J. Shannon, David 11 June, estate of Ellison and John Harrison, sen. Pints of the said land may be seen at my office. Terns?So much cash as will pay cost?; balance on a credit of one, two, and three years, bond w in j sureties ana a mortgage oi tnepretniscs required. Wli M. SHANNON, c. e k. d Ort. 29. [84 8S] td Valuable Lands for Sale. , ON Monday'the second day of December, immediately after tlio above sales by the Commissioner in Equity, I will offer for sale, if not previous!v disposed of, one tract of about 1150 acres of LAND, lying on Morrison's creek, and extending to the Long-Town Road, known as the Graham Place, and adjoining laDds of N A. Peay. Also, a tract King on the Wateree river, ad joining lands of Dr. Clarke,. Mrs. Goodwin and John Harrison, containing GG9 acres." . Together with a tract lying1 on Thnrfl 'free creek, extending across tiie Long-Town cross road, (from H'innsborDUgh to Canoden, and from Harrison's Ferry to Columbia,) containing 11JU0 acres, which, together with the River tract, forms a valuable Plantation of over 1850 acres. , Also, one other tract of i^tnd lying in Kershaw Dist. on Sawney's creek, containing 1400 acres. On this iract are two good Saw M ills in operation. For further particulars, npply to YVm. M. Shannon, Esq. Cauiden, or to the subscriber near Saw. neo's creek. THO. STARKE. Oct 'J9 [$5 50] ta. MANSION HOUSE. CAMDEN, 8. Ci THE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, that he has opened, as a HOTEL, that large and commodious house in Log Town, former ly the private res.denr.e of 3. Perkins, esq. The building in admirably adapted lor that purpose, being situated in the most healthy and pleas- ant part of C amden, combining all the advanta gos of the town with the bilmy atmosphere of the country, and within a lew minutes' walk of any part of Camden. The rooms are large and airy, his Servants respectful and attentive, and he pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping up an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and to use every exertion to please those who may call upon him. His STABLES will be found commodious, and always fullv supplied with Provender, U*The House being conducted on Temperance Principles, hit flatters himself that those who favor him with a call will find the MANSION HOUSE not only the comforts and attention of a well regulated Hotel, but the quiet retirement of a Home. Charges moderate. CTAll tlie Stages arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the House when desired. E. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. 27 tt TEMPERANCE HOUSE. The undersisned would reupecl/ully inlorin tlit public that lie lias taken the house well know a. the "CROSS KEYS "formerly kepi by .Mr. Win McKaiu in the own of Camden. where he ts prepared t<> aeon innda'n travellers anil bo.r.ers a reasonable prices. Those who desire ft > fee'. tlit same i|tii>*l abroad as at home, are invited to give li < a cull Travellers accomtnodated for a single oightpmtd bieakfast in tum* lor the cars in tlio, at moderate charges. J. 13 F. iiOOix'U, Feb. 2?!)?tf] Propriety?. IKxcculor's Notice. "S ii:c> l.>h i! to Joseph Cuuriinsrhani i lio-M. an: to tested to make payment, md li.a i:-',' demands to present them toeithor ru ttic sultecriirers. JXO. BROWX, LibertV Hill, /" I OlIiviYiv r> i .. Ju!v 15. [56tlj] Ex'rs. O !"-?J?*ARs?! !?A very.crioic? lot Cj of I'iiaowo aiiil Gol'.l Lent ? ?< , tr>r sale by July'Ji 'I* BONi\i'l.jj & (!(). Family Flour. \FEW hat's? "Extra .superliue" Boston Gfan. in* Mills 'com selected wheat, put up in baira of25 and 50 lbs. each. Received.and lorsalfl by Oct. 4, 1850. fc'HAW tf AlMfft.