University of South Carolina Libraries
< o-- ' > 'f *' ft: - VOT miE 11. CAMDEN", SOUTH CAROLINA, NOVEMBER 1830. NUMBER Sft. #/ * JMlfTIT?~r~....? <11-.? ? --n ii I ngiauM^MM^wixa^agcTgrsjEffnriTggari^oiwMKcrsaKranaprc^iiT^ f ' To Rent. THE Store and Dwelling opposite th* Masonic Haii, possession given the lirst (>f January ' next. Also, the Ntrr? and Dwelling. two doors above the Camden Hois*! and eppusiie the store lately occupied by Messrs Melhnvnil & Cooper, possession given itmn< diatelv. T1IO. J. WARREN. Oct 22. S i "VTa-jW iu-. irioilMp.i, q-nror h?\\e.? of; Xl new Raisins. Just received at Oct. 22 bonne A LIKELY NRCRO tt'OM \.\, and five rhil, I tlren. Also, a Oman, a j-oihI cook, wash . er an 1 ironer, and her I'iree clnSdreii?Ail per- J tectlv sound and i<cultoV. Applvto Oct 4. " __ VV; C. MOORE. 1 New Arrivals. .4 FRESH supply of J-ilies, Jams, Bay Rt>m, i i i. . ". r.;.. hermetically etaitii oaiiir.ii>, uiwur, v?.-i ger Wine Jtc. &c. At exceidiv?hj low ones,fur cash, at .l!orre*? Fnjniiy firocry. j t Distinguished A rrivals!! I .take pit i-iiii- :n 4itia>ur)i rji_j ine ?.> ar.iv.i of h -|*len<ii<! variety ??? ; Fell and TV inter Good*. Air>oni>t uhn'li sro, ilte H-.'vvi'fci s v e- >; French i Catlirtieres ?nd Mon-i-elMc#, Woolen ?! * ('limit-. Alpacias, Mtiliairs, Ch i.elcnns. >1 Lyons. oiiange il?:e I'nrrarnaitus, solal cm lor ti iV? rtnots, Htj'l .\ini>s>f|iiiitis. ami a l??i ul s.mIii sir Pre.# (iiiud.-, ?l :JU cents per v r?l ort* i. ja'mf.s\. For >a!o. That h iiko on broad street at prusoi t by John Ingram, ;<8 h nt"?re;io>i>e a n! <hvellin? for particular*, apply to .Vfcl'iWK.N June i^, 4 CarfJ! ?u Fashionable 11 -it;*, also, men and XV huv'a cloth Cap-. Ju?t opened !>v Oct. >J. E W. ISOVXRV In Equity-Ssrslaw District Tliom. ? Starke, et al. ) vu ^ Bill for Partition. C. J. Shannon 1 IN pursuance of the outers of the court in lineage, made at. June Term, 1*50, I ivil! nflb :r public a de I efure the court iiou-e d?.or in Cannlm on Monday, the serV'tnl day of i ei-ember, all thai parcel or tr.ict of iyinj <>n the wa ers ?! Waiefe river and Fox crook in Fairfield l):*tr:r'. containing fifteen hondrod and three acres hound ed by 'and- of Nn h?fe? -\ Pea v. Charie> J. Shan no?i, liavid |{ June. p-tato ol I',] H"*i and Job Harrison, sen. Plata ol the said land may b< semi at my office. Verms?So much cash as will pav costs; l>al ance o i a credit of one, two. ami throe years, bom l w th good sureties and a iiiorttfajje i f the prem j-->r required WM M. MI WN().\, c. n k n Oct. *20 Id Valuable Lauds for Sale. 0\ \??m<Uy* ilie second d iv of Itecemper. im n-ediite'v alter ilie a ove snips 1?v the Com niis.M?ner in Fqnitv, I will o(P>r tor - aie. ji no previous IV disposed of, one tract of about 11'P aoroR ot |.A.\f?f Ivinjr oil Morrison's nee!;, ..p.' extending to the I/nig-Town Hmul, kivwu ; * tit. Graham Place, a d adjoining lands of .V A Pent Also, a >r rt 1 iny on 'he W'n'preo rivor, a.I joining lands of Dr. t'larke, 1/rs. Goodwin at it John Harrison, rmilaintnc OHO acres. Together with a tract lying n Thorn Trot crepi., extending across the ?-ro*? road, (from irintislor^tg'l to Camden, and 'to Hdrr>o{i*s Perry to Columbia,) nmtnini g acr"s, uhi.-ti, togpiher >? itli iI.p ittver trad, t'oru.r A valuable Plantation of over 1*.">(I acres , Also, onp other tract of |*ttid lying in Kershaw Pist. 'on Sawney's creek, com am my I'Oil tc " - - i ?- ? .11 : ... I un If)I.- ir:.ol are m-n rnKi .-ism ti..-. .. | For Itiriher particulars, apply to W'tn A3 S!i > t pon, Esq. t 'Hiiuieii, or to tlie mibscrihr-r nenr S.m neo's creek. Til' i. STARKE. Oct 29 [95 JW] IS. MANSION HOUSE. C.OIDE.V, S. C. THEmihucrilior reaper1 tUi'lv annniwres ?? ! friends ami the TKaVKLI I\(i I tTl:!.!( generally, that li?? ha* nprnpil, as h 11( ?TEI.. m Jaree ami cins. iiiodio* s in I.??js To n, i'orinPt [ Jy the private res dent? 01 I!. IVrkimr, esq. | Th? liUiidii'.'/ is a-irj! ralilv adapted tor i.'iat jmr f pe?e. Iioinjr situated in fie est healthy aid pV-asaril part of < arao? p, rombining ah liie ach n: i ant ill the town with til" I) IfllV a-li|OHih"rC "f ill' e - - ? . . , coun'ry, and within a lew mitui?*?.-?" walk ol am i part of Camden Tb'1 riKimc are large and an\, hit) fcjervants rrvpoot'ul and atJ??ntiv*?. and lie pledges himself to spare no pains in keepino tip an attractive and v. cI! supplied TAIM.E, am) t<> tisi every exertion to please those win- may call upon him. Hi* STABLE"* will he found commodious,and ( always fully supplied with IVovender, CTThe House bents' conducted oti Trwy/raitc Privcplfs, he rfattt'ia himself tlnit those w'.o 'n?oi him Willi a rail w,I'hi,d the MANSION MOllSK no" only the comforts and attention ol a ?eli r*'s1 ulaterl Hotel, hut the quiet retirement of a //own". IChar jps moderate. trAII tlie Stages arriving1 in tlie plarr, and tlm Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call al the House when de-ired. E. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. 27 tl TEMPERANCE HOUSE. The underpinned would respectlolly tnlurui iIn public that he has taken the house uell kno.un a. the "CRifSSKEy*.N,"lorrnerly kept by Mr. Win ti.Lr.i. ?i f'ninden. where he w lire nun in mc pared to ad on.triodate traveller* and bo.r or.- a reasonable price*. Those ulio desire to te?-. tlit Mnif quiel abroad a? at borne, arc invited to {jive hir jy rail Traveller* accommodated for n einplp ni^ht.aiid I bieakUBt in limp for tlie earn in the morning, at j moderate charge*. J. B. F. Fob. 2?9?if] Prnprietw. Executor's Notice. PERSONS indented to Joseph Cunningham dee'd. are requested to make payment, and those having demand* to present them to either 01 the subscribers, a JNO. !l?.OWN, Liberty I Jill, C. J. b:\ANNON, Cauiden, ' July IIS. f] t>x'{e. I i " JOHNB. DiSAUSSUaE, ^ CP CD ?22 3 Ad^et'* V harf, CltarZcsfoo, ?. C. Will rive ]>n nj| t ami cio;-e attention to ih.* sate of all description." of Produce entrust! d to his care, and to ilie selection mid lining of order.?, sept. 13. 72 Cm MAZYCK & SON, Factors and Commission Keichanta, SOUTH CO.MMFHflAL WHARF. CHARLESTON, S. O. WII.1.UM UA2VCK.1 \ W ST J M.MM K ( PAUL T. VILLEPlGUE, FACTOR, And General Ccmmissicn Merchant, Ai CO.M.MODATIO\ WHARF, CHARLESTON", S. CI ihoni advance-* made on ronsii.'i.iiieiils of Pro. iluce, in.I prompt iiHOiitii n ira?;i o, iiitf loru.iid- . nig of (i<>'>d.<, it the lowest rated Otj iiKDOO GT BOOTS AND SHOES. ^T^C) lii't ii ' {) ;I lilt.* .S'.'iX .>!t?sv. and will : Jl I)-m?( i iouer than any t*nr l?t*lmc oiieri'il ! in sit.?* iii ul.ft?having pa.(I :iie <M>limr en? y at"* i ta le, and sclec uil In in tlm best and larop.-t man. t ii to a:ci-.- in iin' Hinted .Sates?, u?; flutter <?uiseivci) ilial iiiiniir.* rail tail to be jdnn-fcii in ijuantiy, qua it,-anil piice. The .mock tutiai*)* in pari, a? tuiim* s?-H-n's finn t'alf atirfhirl Hoot* i 1'iimp Moots ' ' Waterproof Ji.' r-ikwle* :i ' * do *tiii brd an 3 quilfd sulci !; 2 b pain-?. e I'ali ?vwv,l iicoiK. fnau *4 .V to . >6 00 j 20) an i Kip pi-gecd Boo:.*, irom to >3 00 ! . Mm', lint Calf ?c\wd Brotc* s- t<> 21 tU _ (' a id i loili ( Moats $3 to $-1 jO " " Jcwv 'i'ie*. 4.3 to o3 3) '* " " pciKjcd llioici,. gl to S*2 00 , Kij> " '* Too to si 00 V?u '"V Kin jieirtpsd Bootees, S 'ctoTac i ' (aif ' " *5c to $i 00 j , 1 " Bunts assorted ! ' 4 Kip " " j La lies* Doj nrtment. Fire >i!k Oaiters, black and ruored * aiin " " . ' la'tin ; " welts and black " Half (iaimrs. n alts and black ' colored a.i t black Wet " 'l ie*. Foxed. Broad and lin?y " milium: Tn?. t'?i" c>pi* 44 Je my Liad liou'oeit, iiiii and .Morocco > tip " , . 'h i.! Knninel-d Excelsior KiJnn ! ujciim L.j?. Buskins i'suoi* t'n s. Pinup Fin Kid >Jiu|rr>. with Uorettes in co and I iua ' r ii i i?*s uii.I Bushim, W'clib .'in .Hurt cm O) i!o iiti-xi'iU wide > lip an:l 'J us .??c iiii kiii> aim 'J !. >. vVvif i'ua lion's Iisir' Mirk :?n:i colored 'iai.vr* 1 . blue in i ii^ni c olore i inlfGaiturs ' track. Iniii* and iiruuz'.' I! mien. ! " um! cu.i>;c.l iiii-*"j>? . \ 1 mil iivuii'i:'. iv -n Chil r-;iV iiii ? I. out, assorted ] I nr'l.i; unr. a jjrviii t . -ci.tlcnit n'?, Looks' I and hiljruii's .vm . ?a'uuaifi<'u? u< nun uo. Fio T.I ' V!-;r.l.\ . iic^.S.v. I'ARPKT HACS. ' i;?i"J1**. H and t" v. "*. All t'i wMun will hci ht. -ulil lower .I>un i.V Inuesl for ca li. _ tOfad and mis: tor y.?.trs .vu?, at the NEW SHOE . <Ti.?r. ui \VOKi:.ll A X A: OOO \JJ. | Set. .'0. Fall Good 3. . ! "1^ SH)\.\KI.I? vV i O ii" now r"rvtin_r ibm 1 i. i . -i . i> v ii.. 'i iii*\ .ii? i t. I c a.j ... ii. j ii!.>. ?* (, ?> i'lu.X, Sicitii. tlbf I :!, | u'.wjtfi j i ll : !! ! I i.ll dn-ll <i?. ..? .midwi "Ii'* t ? .i. i-i; :i:i : 11. -i'ii i woods The nop of th s uar, wuti / uatms, i will he ahnul ^() hales of cotton and (IPO luislels ) rori), before the storm it was sit posed I "(I hales j would have heen made. Oil ihe premises is a i now ?iu house and screw, a comfortable dwelling ! and all nivessary on' buildings. Persons wish, ir.jr to hue ?nd make cotton would do well to ex. .amine, as I w ill sell. 'IWmt easy and accommodating My reason !or sH iiiir is to engage m other business Some ilikelv Nogrocs will als-i he sold it ih sired. WILLIAM STEVENS. LancofcU): D.t-L S C. Sent. <30, itihP-?0 I 3 I J.? '.*! s 1 ml.a i!itl ,% tt Ol ic i?9 >i. I? I ami .* ?. i> s,\? K.\lc- I.? N.I i ami :? li Jin1-, KvSr.'niji. Mtisl Ir?l. ^i;i*.o r, IVpjier J~i;c?'. i in-aimsa, ( aunt's. S arcli, tic. iianUr. o, lli'tv, \>?*s, Sj.a L s &.? . I XSag%iiS%, K?j c iuul c'\v:s:c. M>.\JKa4 iCi?nit*.it iifii an.I br'itvn iiomi*. S^IIS 'Iii^ciiiit wish a nficral tissnrltnviS oi (ioutl. 'II '.) T Sins tn.i: itCi 1 "i -a e l- w nv Ji.i -St. 'I' B ).WKl.r. & CO Kcady-Mnrte ( lolliing. JCOMI'J.i'" 1'in oiirimc .! of {hrr-ri'ats l^rcss ami I'll ck-ii ai?. L5iisi:ie-> run limnki't ami .'na'l'ta I SVfl'.rn niMtl !? (,fJi's 'i ( i.'iltV, I'alll,iiiii ^ i>'s v- it .ilc Sli.rt . Stocks ami I'ii lai> so | I! i.i.V \ N. Carpeting. tCOMIM.KTfc \.*b ir limn o Ingrain and Ve? I ne t n Cmpi-naus, inr - ..e low nv i II I I:\- V A SON An initio I npimrac. Indigo, l.i!^wtMul, M ilij?*r, W lute l?*'.'ii|, I, n-i'i-il Oil, Turpentine, Window (? ass l/nii|i f'.nmui'vs Solar G!iilit's, Solar W irks, o i . V-hTiii I *11, .">"i:ir s /I ('Mnr Oil, S.'ls Ac. ire. A lull am! Ire<li anpply "l all the'ilune article* iir>? received, mi lor sale l?v sept :>II I OrH \ Y 1 JUS !' received, a larye mmtt >1 HoyV an i !i*? ('lotliivg. w?"?!I and neatly made \ 1st ?Men'* Clothing n! every description and quality. K. W. lit).\,\KV Keal Cottonjand for SalerrTIE mh?rribcr nff-rs ( r rale I is Pl.iM.atirin j 1 situate on llr*ar creek, M nnles southeast of Lincastorviilo, containing *?00acres, "lid ol winch is e'eared, the greater esirt ccenilv. the balance ; i i i \ k Staple andFancy Goods. i.,.!? ic ;. . i i.c a <twi'p'cte JL ' < " t >; ,S-h|'.p i 1 .... v (iootlf, i*.i;r. < H...T.I u.iiin-cc" a < , vvi. ni III'*'. W i!i d.r'j:''*"!; til iii> liipir ona! lutrai iPni.F, Tliiy c? i.s.-.ra |;i.r!? as lul ows: WOOLENS. Heavy lluthl UianKc.s Super *-4 i<? 11-4 I.hiiiIj's H mil CeJ Biar.l.e's Heavy ai 1-w?>oI Clotisg N??r?' LiliM'Vf, very lie ly a <1 M??ut l'i.vd L \\ Mi.l i 'Intii iur women's wear Clul&s aii.?l ta^iuiercs. Superfine blark, uiuo, iiinwn, an.; invisible green I'VeuHi i nails Sujii riii.c !>oo-.-km Mat k Cas.-'iinercif Sa(lo.e:s, hfm>i* eel rtdurg Keiiturkv Jeans, do di Eieaai.t f'.islnri.illlit' Vl T> 9 Tiiuvyi lied while ailJ v?*io.w Flannel? COTTON coons. PRINTS, < ! eifiy.* ( iii.roer, ve.y iihi il.-mi.e lliii?'/iiiiie; Cios">-i ;:i"o ai.d iarcy .-lr;ped .Muslins Kurinliiit; and faoilir.i* H.niity kuriiiiti..; Fringes roiion i.uiubrics Colored and ui iiiihs ami JFuucj' Articles. . i........ i. .." i. n.. la < g'llll |. i rl I i d' U V* ,1 l*| (J l\ MUt.t I j.iin. riuuren awl uaiei'd cnlnred s.lks " Cliena honied dnsa rsiiks ?erv r>cIt Units; c'l'gant lace i Mu-uii l?< il t aiuJ j>'i'evos Vm y li.irtiJ.*<'ii;c* iith**rliiij>s and fcM-jin'js Linen-Cambric li iiidki-K t'l.eib ii.w-e I ?i.rt Si'u'Kjn^?; raw Bill; Siockinj.'s i- rencli menIM. black ami assorted mlms Super uiack ami mccdi-iii black Alj.acli.i9 Sniped and cru.-B-iai'ii ci-iored DO.M EMTIO. 3 -J, 7 Sand 5-5 li eacncd ami bruwu Shirtings l'd-1 Oic-iCiiml and unliii'-ielied &iieeini>;9 W ai.d uiil?ieacl|i-d J>.-I.'s Sniped ami jilani cinoieJ Homespuns Lied Tick-; .ijiitiii c.'i-ci;>; niiitn Omuburys 3.i.\ L.N^< Superau assorted I.i.-ii L.iieiis " Lawn Lau t..?, Uiuv.ub; Damask Table-clotlns '* iia-iiiisa lii.ij;i*i| i'liiiiii .li .N.i^jliiiu " liiiJ-eyc and Russia Unpens A LSO i'lliidei ami (j tinny ii iyyin^ ili.C ll??:and i .vim-; ln-ii; Salt .Sii-ar. l.i.iiw-i.', Mnla-ses il ? ItlarksuiitbV Bcib-ws, Vices, Anvils. II.minors j >r rw i' a;e-, J'riii'f-riiaitir, (. ??i11:.* Axes tJoO?, Senile.-, Ai.iiiiiu; r'ui iis I > i.ji a .c'.i: Hi?jit < Il,iru\v:ire and j < T?it !?fr v" i(Ji inaiiv uji'icr iirtic'pa tm? IkiIi<mih io enumerate. ! II. LBVY <V SON. > n'p'. !? '?m j New Fall Goods. i"WJE ?ul<:i;riy, r respectfully iiijui.n.-, his friends j ami ;lit public gei.rruilv, thai lie is now recti- j .uiisjrs* in j art. i/i :iu? lonoumg articles-, viz:? j Lrov.i, cnit.ifii, loal ami ciaiimL tMigar* New Oin-aiis ami Jiii;co\adu jluia&sta JlioauJ Java Cxllec it.ct, Cheese, liaruii and Lard No. ~ and 3 Mackaiel Corn, Flour, Uai.-,Suit i Cn;eut-s Iron of a i hire? I'owdtr, S:;oi, Li-ad, S uaps, Starch, Candles j Fine and u>::ini.i: i'ohacco '1 U wiiitl * U il?C| Mil, ami j.V-. Win .. Lea l.itiii a. LHolt.4 liiiiiii., Coin, i . 14 anil Waggon Whips | ' : A S.M) i IV I'.I n, Gil.. li il'Jw'iMV Com.;. o.'.~i .t..v.v. a?.'4oi'.eii fizs " 1 !. .i. .. ! irka D.t'.'i!]' .i j;jfi L?r. I!puns in*u,^j u.. j itinii'Ji >il.A.'>kL Tb A few ca-rs of mum u..d it tva M.iis and Cjps v\ till all oilier a rint-s i v i-umi in a won rit|iftik-il Oiruo rv ami Hardware .-'.ore, ail of which vin be s^nl e.u\ cdinjjlv iow i ir cash. 13. \V. CHAMBERS. Cam len. S. 0. Sept. 3. 7J u \bj I'm* .t'lusncr Ui.niv-r and True Suuiltron will <*opy if 'lire. ri"U !.>. t8u jj iiiid l istois. ni.\K ll Hi. e-lnrrt: i<*il ?iuti."? I Ion!* It* l.' . arr?!i|i!ii U*in- witimii rases; Uuvolvii.g .'.Muis in rn.-cs IIV " It. I.EVV 4- SOX. scgars* j'HK sci!.?rril>"i> ii.ivf no.v ii i haul tin; inil>t Jl l ivi.iup lifiin l-?il yffrini'i.? S No;.irs m-|I' 17. H_ I.KVV <y S>)\'. Fresh Groceries &c. I Mir. .?'in?i i.iic:I't.'g ! s.iei tiiinv In mloriti JL tiio r lno:iil> ami ;ho pit.-in: jji'if ralli, lliai i.ev have imw reriwetl ih"n Fall supply o: /rnKifc'5.;2iZi:s. Ilrim ii and rrar-ln'ij ."^u^aro I'.ii and ??!;| J.iVa I 'I'il'-O .\?'u < i, iiMHri and Jliismvado .Vnlasses M ;;\.ai?*!, :\u>. I. L'.#.d 'A Uirr, .S' i|\ . iVrItoiro and Twine. fiiinny * In!ii Zk ins. |n*i yard, lii in? in;s wide Diimlfe ' if. I J .'lis |.er vard \V '.iter's Ik .-; I in .ili-ljiliu linjie Tiiren.|?iy Twiim- \i'. Woolens. I.iiikIhii Dud] l?!ali!;i't.,\i'gici Uinnl,"!.Cninrnil Sad.J.i' Blankets Urev I'lniin,* .Nc^m l.mseys, ic. alsi>-?? A ! ? barrels lino Alerrer Potatoes. All ol wine li u ill he oulil i>i\v tor r:i-n, m (JEU. DUl'GLAS k CO. ropt' 1, JSoO. 7l) It' Shoes, Shoes. PL.W'T.Vi IO.\ i: n?';it.i superior quality, iinil a large sMirtiiiCtil <>l oilier Sli >es, Iroli and new. Just niit'ned ay sept. gfl I-.. W I'ON.NT.V. MlllU'. ILL persons liavin/ .Itiii 'inl.s against the estate fit the I, ie .Mrs. M.rv l?. Gill, d?-cM ol Lamasti rvilk, wilt |.;e present il.em properly attest, ml to the undersigned, hv the tirst ol iWemher hex:. JUNKS CROCKiiTT. iieiit, ?-'kl IKjO, i(i It' mw STORE. ' fjf'IlK Fubecrii)- r i.- vow cpeung a icrgr af->ort | 1 in. i.l o'. tivoieriei aad Map:c Gat<l'. : iii tin- bit-re !gst !v ci ct.'j n-d S?v Wi.iiatn J. O'eraiC i ( t:t)i ct '.he liijr.k o: Crtndei;,) which he wi ' ti.'-jJCfe o{ a: Charit-siou pricc-b lor iat<h. | S i;ot-e whl.ii.g to purchase would do well to ; tail ai d e\smii:e she clock, coisEietiiig i:: pari, oj the fallowing, viz: * Leaf,<"rnrhed Ground rr4 Crnnnlnted Sugars St. t'roix. i crtn iiico. n d N \\ Orhau* do New Orh-nnf, 3Jurrt\nt < a.rj Culrfi Molastes Jaxa. Lncuim and Kin Cotiee Guopowder. Young Hyson arid Black'l eas Sperm. Adamantine and Tallcw Candle* No 2 and 3 Murknrel. in Carrel*. Half and Quarters W ii.e. Soda a;id Busier Hcuit* aud C'neeia Soap and March, atror'ed Pepper. Spice, (.'ing*. Nutmegs, Mace and L'lures I'cvder. Shot and t e?d Hardware. Cutlery. Nail* and Casting* I Hints, l.ius.cJ <?il. Spe m. Oil and V\ indot* Glass a B'eached and m.bleorked >hir:ing*and Sheetings Blanket*. Bed Tick*. ApronCheek* and t-znaliurgs Together with a large ar?ormenl of Eagb'iug, Rope aud Twine. I J. H . i Cam 'en. S. C. Sept. 23. fcrt a>h paid fur Cotton and other Produce. New Fall Goods. A M.&'t iilu now it i ivitig I heir ; I supply o| j.ooc!s hUitiih u tor the m asm I. 1 he slot k wi.l le louid < iiipiete in ail I lie brandies iiHitliy kepi by tin in, liiey have iiemi carefully selected ai unusually ;uu pruts, and will Le sold at a \cry email advance on .Veiv York cost. '1 he above vv on id rojiertiuliy invite tiie attention ol their ir ends a d the Ihe puLl.c generally to an ex. urination at their stock, luelmu *a isried il low prate and o<H'?l styles wni eill cl eJee, they cannot tail to enjoy a l.beial share ol that paliutiage here ofore so iuIIy extended tolhem. They beg to call attention to a lew of the lead* ing articles, viz: Jtich Figured and Chene Milts. Xevvtft styles casiimerenand inouselaiuea < haugeabie poplins andcoburgs I Brocade and piaia lustres l Eaee capes, collars and chemizettes . I'nfP clus. t'wc .V.-Jii.r' ? tfitrbM fu rii^-c 1 Muslin at.d thread edgings and inserting?, &c | Gloves of every description, hosiery do. : Liwn and cambric handkerchiefs | English and auierican prints, unusually low | Eumiliiie chintz, ginghams j Long and equar shawls, &c &c&c .Uouriiiug Goods. Super, alpaccas ami canton cloth,a new article ! Darn give pop.iij, ginghams and English prints East color.-, conars and Inmdkls. ingrained Cotton hose, silk do., cashmere &t cassiuiere sh'wls in JJouintics. Blea. sheetings atid K tig cloths, very low lv-4 to 12-4 b.ea & oro sheet tint,supe rlauiily linens 1 Erown and cut'J h'spuns of all kinds l.iuseys, bed blankets, fruin 1U-4 to 13-4 Wiii te &. red lian'is, sitaker welsh 6l gauze do. die Cenglemcu's Wear. . Sup'r bl'k and coi'd trench cloths " ' doeskins and cas-imere? Tweeds in variety suitable for boys batin, siik and a.-lnin-re Vestingu htljii'tiur olkiess shins Under wo.hmgs oJ every description. i twady 3IaJu Clotaiiig. ( Coats, vests and pants, got up In a very superior stele. lints and Caps ; Iii great variety anil ol ill*- latent tail fashions. >'e.;ro Good . Superior plains, Kei>e)& and satinets, suitable j for house servants, uin. eng. blanket*, woui hats, | OuC. v\l J. 'loguht-r a lull ruj-ply cf hardware, dsc., ail ol v"ii ?'i wi.; ;k* theeitu.iy show.i u any one then; wi.ha cad, N ;> I 77 M" Boots, Shoes and Leather, I I IXMIU i Trdvsiiing 'I'ru.U3, Car Jet Bigs atid i Vailces, ! '5M1B stibscrib r.s h.tic just received the largest ! 1 Olid Jest JSSot'.. d rioCK Ot tt-.d I .iii jcj ovt r cifvivd in .h;s market, to which tiiey j .'ropkctiuh) Inll.e in.* aitridloii el purchaser*.-? ; i licit*aiocn cO..?i*l* i., part, as lotto u>, viz: cciideiaeu's la.-ltionab;c i/.e.-.* i>?u.h, piling bottomi * > tiicn waterproof Jo qniiieJ bottom# J " " doCJiksoies fail pepjed California loots " " waterproof i^oon , Kip * - " 1 " U.. A?b- illWiiuuib jJunifS ruiw ruu u: i-emhcr and Calf Gaitcfs Jcnay i-uiii 'l ies " Hungarian . wu *' iiiJu -kubbjr Siioea Boy's line Calf i uinp i.uoie ??iiicrprnoi' doota " " Kip pegged Lieots " Call" i>oii|cc* " Kip Jo I Ladies > liiic 5>.!k Gaitera " KiJ Slips (Jailer omul-, u>MTted color* u.'sn k Satin (hl.ICa* i " ' """"I " C'o.oreJ Hungarian i'iei " Li.::, k _ " KiJ Slip* aa 1 it? " " .Morocco sj jpa una Ties " India l>ubbcr Shoe* " 15u kin ??ulking Shoea " ooatukin ' ' " Hoot* ' B'ack Lasting Mail" (Jailers ' ' Slip* " " " lin-kiii Ties I 3ii>io* (Jailer Cuo'.a, as-oriui color* It o.ored and Wat k Jenny Lind Ties ' ' I'ootcus * S.ip* i " Call'ami G'?i**kin Hoots I Together ivirh a beau i.ui a?ortment of Children's Shoeoiall i olon? un.1 styles ALSO ?ALARGE STOCK OF .Itiuiitr sjiOniS, of our own manufacture, built pcgorcJ and *ewedI Sole, I ppcr nnd Uanic* leather Calf and Kip>kiw i Linine ami Binding Sliin*-tog 'her with overp article ne ! cessary tor rarrviiig on the manufactory 01 boots an I hhocs. also ? ! Fiji* nii'l mmnvn ' ravelling Trunk*. Carpet Bag! , sc)i<kiI Hatrliels. *ur.> Hags an I Valices.all of whirlt w. I offl-r at very low prices. ALDEN A .UURRAV. 1 Cerjjflon. f*ep?. 27 77 am Ruhliis j A few Boxes new Raisin?, just received hy W. . . 3J0UR .. ' Stone Lime, P.a-ster of Paris, a ad C'Cilll'ilt# The above articles constantly on hand, of pooquality and al low prices. Also, Gypsum or l? d p'aster. C. L, CilATTEN' Feb, 12. U BEY GCODS.' THE rub trbert haw rireiwrj il.eir WINTER SUPI'LY e>.i:M*firsgr in part <f * > ANCY Dhf>5fLS?Hrornded Thibet Cloth, Brocaded Labrador*, f<>r I'venit.g Drives. ( or I mere Merino, at d Mccnelin de Lain, plain and printed; black and fani cy Jfilka, Varii and Englbh Print*, French and Scotch Uiigitauit tiO!. R > !N(? DRESSES?Hoval T<vir Pa tin Royal >'atiiide Chen, ero. de Rhine. French IVplin. Drtnhaiin >l< uv^fliit de I ait, Alpacca, t>irgl.ctas, 1 rend, and Erg itch t , 'I i i:?T >11 N(;s?Of evert verietv. in mit the cbcve. SUNDRIES?Black and fhnryThahit. Car l mere and wi o.'en H aw1*. worked Muslin and Lore 1 ere* and Collar*. !r.far.t> worked Pre*** and Bodie*. Linen Crmbric ll'dk'f* MuWin Trimming*. <n great varietv.) "Thread lace. Cap nihbon*. i?iovw qndMitt* of ull kind*. Iloee, (n large atronmet.t.) long and th.ort rlreve Merino verte, Mar>eille* Fed and Crib Qnihr. '! able. Piar.n an Toilet Cover?. 6-4 and 16-4 DrmarkTable ' over*. Damn-k and ] colored I ovlie*. Netted Tidier. 6-4 to 12-4 Linen *heciinp, 9-3 to 6-4 Pillow Care Linen. 5-4 io 12-4 bleached and brown Cott?n Sheeting. Furnitnre Chhjt* end Dimity, Curtain Pitnitv. Furniture tringe. India Rubber 8he*iinr, French Bed Hhinket*. 6 4 to 14-4 Flow Cloth. Scotch t- a 1 ? li > ? u.j-cuni;. r? iurf.'c nrrvriiiicuini uirarnea ana nrown Good*. I' .eck*. Tirkinar, Lin*et*. d*c. 4r. FI.A.NNElA?Genuine. Ihxbrvra.Re*I We]*h. Saxony. Shaker'* all wool and *ilk warp, all wool and Domet, White, Red and \ ellow. of every dereriptiun. For Men's Wear, Black, brown, blue, rreen. olive and drab Cloth; fancy and Mack CiTimere*'. *ilk and Cnchmei* Voting*, bullalo loth, for chooiine Coat*; GBJW*. of every variety; Cravnn; Pi cket Handkerchiefr; Half H?*e. Csder sfiirts and Drawer*; ready made Shirt* and Collar*; Suspended; Ha:** Cap*. &c- 6lc.. A lam- amorment of Good* for Boy'* and Servant's wear. Georgia Plains, Cordova do. Blankets, &c. dkcMcDOtVALL dc COOPER. Oct. 29. 35 tf NEW FAII GOODS. M. DRUCKEtt <fc CO. 1 RE now jurl ihmr large and new sup.'1 ply <>f seasonable Goods, rongistii g in part of Cloths, cassinieres, faltit eis, veslipge, linens, 1'iain anil tiiiured alpaeni, mouse I in de l-ames Ginohatur, wilii Other gmtls lor Ladies Diectes, ALSO A a splendid variety of, and the very best ai.d cheapest bleached and brown Muslin to lie lotion in the town Tlio above Goods have been selected with I he greatest cm re. and will lie mid a* alw..ya, ai the v#?py hiwp-t prices <rt 29. Hardware, Groceries, Bagging, Hope and Twine, READY Iliad* Clothing, Mate, Cape, Bonnets, Bonis and Shoes Just received and lor s4ie at the lowest prue# |-o?!>i|i!e bv M. DRCCKER # CO_ General Information! THE siiiiMTilier would c.oundeiii ily I' lorm hie Kind pa*runs, and tlio public promiscuously, ihat he is Min town," having returned iront the North with an overwhelming ft ck of choice, cheap and ph-uaiii Goods, embracing every thing new and elegant in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. His ptircharts entirely of Dry G<aids, fplected Ironi ihemo-t ifl< Pill nni- /?.. . 1.?I ^? i*li>IIU'S-? ?i? ; ? !?> |iP 111* a* i?M 6, to pleic assortment in thar line, a'd ai prices low en<*iigli In Mill the closest ecu oiinst. Barnes Iroui the count rv will pease I ear him in muni alien 1 hey visit Camden, as his stock is always open tor jns|>ecti(>ii. New Goo h receded evtrv mouth, at'he "Pa/* menu Cash -Store. JAMES WILSON. Oct.t. 77 tf A Cumpieic mock oi HOSIERY SJVIP GLOVES, /"N Ot ! Ai tl '< ?? lV Kitlil 'II t>| ?<!*>, Lh('0 Wit.*, I.'>?'*? I Ha l Eon.* ilo.; < biautilul i tit*It* t*: t I. tsr-e Silk (}.inv>, ;t i colors, In hi tell irises; mi-sCf'aid ' -in!.Ire 's Gloves ail sizes. Hosiery. S.fc, Meniin uiid .nl-wnol Hose; cotton Ilnsierv; of every coior and quality; misses' d?.t i.ll ,.z V. I.ild *'.? ' M**r *tn ntnl silk Vests .M *n's i me;**rn? and wool Half Ho>e; me? r tt> S.oris a fl 1 >* au"?*r.-; boy's ilo 51 * '.? k I, s ik. buckskin iiiit cashmere Gloves. I i i.?i t. very I lima desirable in iliea tove depart* "'" "WILSON'S PALMETTO STORE. SESARa! >*E3ARi!!-A very choice lot oi I'iilinciioatjtl GoM l.v*t Sejjirs. for salt* by 26 T IIOXNKI.I. & < <> Family Flour. ,4 FEW baes "Extra superfine" Boston Grani:e Mills, from selected wheat, put up in bags of25 and 50 lis. each. Received and for sale by Pvt. 4. 1850. SHAW & AUSTIN. Choice Sc;ars of varion< brands. For sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. La'J, Eairgi-ug, Hope and Twine. For sale low by SHAW & AUSTIN. CONFECTION A HIES. V>PI.BVl)||) assortment of American and IV n* h ('onfertinuaries. Just received at i in -JO. MOORE'S^ New Hnckercl. A few barrels No. 3 Mackare!, l^SO. " hull do N". I ?od 2 tl<> do Just receded at Moore's Family Grocery. NAP-rn Shnfls. *'vg?? ?w?-i We have now "ii Hand, a large supply of Slack and Hwctt Pegged Brogans and Stiich-dowu Shoes ()t our own inamifuc'urr, wliu h we ran reroin* r11*i>11 us liiiiliiuHy made and >: tho best material. Band and Harness leather Ih.ifn 11iii KusReM Upp r keaiher Call SI.ilis, Kip Shins Huffed K'|) hir saddle cover#. &.c. .\ : III lor pall' llV <?ct 4. W. ANDERSON at CO. Domestic Items. l\' ?\VN ami a.?m. lied Mnfftiiijf*, every vvidih, 1 ) Ttc kui'j; Ei.jrlifli Ltiiiir-rlrtthp; unurvcrpant-r; iI.iiii and lijuiiil rnrlaii) Dimity; jf -rui .1.1 D.rniiy; imIkthiI ll(tiiu'-|,uiis anil Denim-; |>Ihi?I lam-eys '' lb .nd B ank'-'s at all |?rirn?. ? \ lso ll'O j 1 pcps ill |i e h I.i'iI a d brown llmneiiptjii*, - in* * f In*v ran be buiijflit anv wlimv in .\iuer* ra. At ' J VMKS WfL^O.WS, ~A liUXEs tiuo CIIBJ23K Fi-rwleby OU aa*w ^ auariM.