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. , , . *. ULT.v .Jr?-x k ' * ' :* '? - f, ?l)c Cmn&ctt Journal. n A MDEN SOUTH-CA ROLINA, NOVEMBER 15, 1850. N1IMBER 80. T ?? -? Fivm the Fairfield Herald. Mr. Editor: Looking upon disunion ns a "fixed fact"?that this rotten and corrupt con1 cern cannot much longer hold together, I veil- ! ture to predict that the following blessings will i result to the South therefrom: A more extended, purer :.nd rational liberty, with greater harmony and good will among the members of the Southern Confederacy, than I has evor existed between them under the pre- j sent Union. Free trade, with greater prosperity to all the j various interests, agricultural, mechanical, com- j mercial asid manufacturing?cotton never less 1 .r.r Of) than JU cents per pouuu, Greater strength and greater secuiitv to our j domestic institutions, with an entire stoppage ?? harder thieving and kidnapping, on the part . of ihe North. Greater extension of education, religion and morality. $ More railroads, and internal improvements j generally. Negroes and land increased in value from j 50 to 100 per cent. Pauperism unknown in the land, and If these predictions do not prove true, it is useless to attempt to reason from cause to effect. PROftiEi'. HmT axd Cold. - - Wc find the bodv capable of resisting a temperature sufficient to drcompose dead matter. Animals, as well as man, have been exposed to a degree of heat exceeding that of boiling water, and without injury ; when at. the same time a thermometer , placed under the tongue has indicated ail elevation of a few degrees only above the natural standard. The power of resistance is of short duration : for the nervous intim-nce is exhausted by so extraordinary a demand. Chemical j ? "' ? ra^nliriul l agents come into pmy> a?u maiKi ? into lifeless form. As regards cold, the same law prevails, the limits are the same. However great the power may he of resisting it, as soon as the nervous energy is exhausted, the system 9 subject to injury. I have witnessed the effect of cold too long endured upon the little postillions, who are barbarously exposed to it in the Winter season, at St. Petersburg. The lads hear it for a time, as they sit on their horses, clapping their hands, and singing to keep up their courage ; but this fails theni by degrees, and finally benumbed, they full from their saddles in a state of torpor, which nothing hut rolling them in snow wi.l overcome. There is seldom a fete given at St. 1 Petersburg, in the extreme cold weather, that occurrences of this sort are not recorded in very cold nights the sentries are frequently frozen to death, if not relieved at short intervals As long as nervous excitement can be kept u" the resistance of cold is very great lien. l'iroffsky informed me that in t:ie expedition to Khiva, notwithstanding the iuteuseuesj of the cold, the soldiers inarched along singing, with the breasts of their coats open, but only as lung 1 as they were flushed with tie hope of succcs.-. j Where there is nothing to excite, and where exposure to the colu takes place only under th.* common routine of parade, its depressing effects are lamentably felt by those long exposed to it. In the time of the Grand Duke Constantino, a regiment of horse was marched from Stelna to St. Petersburg, a distance of twelve mile anil upward. He marched at their head at a footpace all the way. He had well wadded himt self, and smeared his face over with oil. It was the gratification of a whim to expose the soldiers to a great degree of cold. They nrijv<d at the square before the palace, and were di missed to their barracks. The following dav one-third of the regiment was in hospital, at tacked bv a nervous fever, of winch many died. Tiiere was no stimulus of necessity in this case bat the moral feeling a pg raved by the physical suffering.?Sir U. Left ire's Apology for ihe Aeries. Hail Storm in Mixsiss'ppi - By n g ntlemnn who reached the city yesterday, we e .rn t int there was a severe hail storm at N <r<-h"z on Thursday night last, which fell in such qu ntities as to whiten the ground. T ese hail storm* are generally not of great extent, hut still the present o.,e has probably done more or less iniiiru <-> t)ip f rnrt. and nnrticnini Iv as the weatli J~v v " T? ; f y -- er was severe immediately after it.?N.OJtull-. WUhmit Bibles. ? It is said that of 32,000 families in New York, recently visited by tl e New York Bible Soeiety, more than 6,000 were ? found to be destitute of the Bible. rr> _ d IT. I 1 IIK DLKCinuii ur inc. ?in cvci ) encroachment upon the rights of the Southern States, it has been the practice of our Northern brethren to soothe us into submission with lullabies all about the "blessings of tl.e Union.' The time for such foolery is now past; the people of the South are getting &irk of the ?1J song ; they aro waking up to u just appreciation of their condition, and are determined to maintain their rights at every hazard. "The glorious Union must he preserved!" These words may continue to charm t ie ear of the craven subrnissionists; but upon the true hearted patriots of the South they have lost their power. 'J he Union as it was intended to be, tire South would have made any sacrifice to maintain ; but a Union without liberty, without equality aud fraternity, they will not hesitate to s!tecnl Vt*. Lincoln/on (X. C.) Uepublican. Uiw^v. ?- ^ Thk Girls in Min.vk??ta.?'The St. Puu] Chronicle, noticing the statement of a Western editor, that the girls of this distric occasionally ride a tame wolf to meeting, says : "That's nothing. Many of our bells of Northern Minnesota drive four of tjie 'varmints,' in hand, attached to a train, making winter journeys of i ?ve hundred miles across tho plains." [ I JOHN B, DESAUSSURE," Adger's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. 'f Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to hie c care, and to the selection and filling of orders. ! c sept. 13. 72 6in ! ! MAZYCK & SON, ;i Factors and commission uiercnanis, ;, SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF. ; j CHARLESTON, S. C. j wii.liam mazyck. ) ! w st j. mazyck. { i s "PAUrT.VILLEPIGUE, \\ FACTOR. U And General Commission Merchant, ! f 11 ACCOMMODATION WHARF, if CHARLESTON, S. C | J libera I n<!?ances made on consignments of Pro. ; duce, mil i>r??inpt attention given to the forward. ) * mgof (Joods, at tbe lowest rates i' mij 30 6-$ I < 20,000 PAIRS OF^ t HOOTS A WO STTOES. |c TO BK HAD iit the Mew Stum Store, and will ! j b" pol l lower than any over Itelore offered i.i lits market?having paid the cash tor eve v ar* t ice, a d seiec'cd Irorn the host and largest man. j iihrturera in the United States, we flatter our- ^ se!.vs that tni one can fail to he plea-ed in quail- ^ td\, qua iti'and pi ice. The stock consists in part, j a> oliowy? ^ Mel'* fine i nlf stitched Boots ' Pump Bonis 1 " ** Waterproof do cork roles fc " ' ' do stitched and qui!t?d soles >1 200pair.? fire Coif sewed Bums. from ?-1 5.' to 06 00 200 and Kip pegged Boots. Irom ?2 to & 00 y Mei's fine Calf sewed Bootes ?2 to $4 00 . ' n >d l?cli Con cress Hons $3 to $4 53 ' " " Jcrsee Ties. $3 l? S3 5'J ^ t . .? ?? pegged Bootees. ?1 to ?2 00 i 4 41 Kip " " 75o to SI 00 i Yptfh's Kip pegged Bootees, 50c to 75c Calf " " 75c to $1 00 ^ 44 44 Boots assorted k 44 Kip " Ladies' Department. f intMiK t .alters, Diarn anu coioreu " satin " " " lasting " " " ' ' " wclt? nnd black " " Half Gaiters, welts and black " ' " colored n:n! black Wei " Ties, Foxed, Broad and Easy '* " " without Tit*, for corn* (| ' Jenny Lind Bootees, Kid and .Morocco I'urin " " " ' fc; t id lttd Enameled Excelsiors [ Kid and Morocco Jenny Lind Buskins ^ Taynr Ties. 1'amp Hut Kid Hipper*, with Rosettes FincMorroeco Hipper* and 'l ies \ FmtTies and Buskins, Wells Fine Morocco Jo do Kid xtra wide Flips and Ties Goal Bu kins and Ties? Welts Goat Boots Alness' blaek and colored Gaiters f bine and light colored I ml f Gaiters " black, blue and orouze Bootees ' black and colored Slipprss v ' 1 <out Bootees, sewed and peaged, for School Shoes Chillren's Hio-s und Boots. assorted C 'Itgetlier with a great variety of Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, too numerous to mention. File TilAVKLI.Nt* '1 Ki?NK>. CARPET RAGS, VAllt'F.S. HATS and C'Al'S. Allot" which will posttit eij be sold lower than the lowest lor cash. and see for yourselves, at the NEW SHOE STOKE of WORKMAN" & BOONE. Fall Goods. _________ rT^ HOXNRLIj &. t U. are now reriivinrr tbeir 1_ Fail tsii|)j?lic*>"v lu which they invite tne alien* .tin "I purchasers. Sf'OAhS?S . ('mix, Delta, crusaed, powdered an I clarified COFFEE?Kio and Java TK/l?uicen ami Ihsini MoLASSES?Ur8: India and New Orleans S \LT?Table and sack .MAI KAKhl.?No 1 and 2 I'ixL'l.*^ kpirmi 11. \histarii. (iinirr r. Penner Spice, t jiwHinoii, Soap, (audio.-, Sair!i,&c. \ Hardwire, lines, Ax^s, Spades, &c. }j fiaKgiu),', Rvpe uad 'twine. v DOMIN I JC6?bleached and br-jwn Homespuns Toaeilier with a general assortment ol Goods ^ suited lotliis market I'W -a e I- w l>y July 20. T. Bo.WKI.I. & CO. Itcady-Made Clothing. J ICO .vj i' I .K J K a*.s? .1-1 iiieul ol Over-mats, Dress t .' ml Krm'k.irials. Business coals. Blanket and ?;iiin<r i ?, gentlemen's line Cloaks, Pants Hi: \ ests, iifa.iiv-iii.icle Shirts, Slocks and Collars se.-t. I'i 11 LKVV SUN ' Carpeting. | COMPLETE (-s'Ihiicii u Ingrain and Ve.1 nettan C irpeiiii^s, tor -ale low l>v r hejit 2ti. ' H LEVY &. SON. Anna! to Copperas, 1 Ind g?. Logwood, 31 d<ior, . VViiite Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Window Glass, Lamp Cliiinneye, Sohr Globes, Solar WicKs, , Oil, Solar Oil, Castor Oil, Epsom Salts <fcr. &c. A lull and iresh supply o| all the above articles isi received, and tor sale by sept 211 Z.J. DeHAY. JUST ipreived, a large apsortment of Boy's an! Vourli'd ("lolling. well ami neatly made \l>.?Men's (Jloilting ot every description and qii.l IV K. w. BoNiNKY Real Cotton land for SaleT.1E subscriber ofF-trs f-?r sale his Plantation ?? 1- li :i \ JL situate on Dear crecK, n nines n"?'ucfl?i ui i Lnirfiptervillp, coutainiiiy -iOOacres2(K)ol winch | i8 cleared, the greater nart ecenlly, llie balance j i woods. The cop of this y?ar, with 7 liands, I will be about. 60 bales of cotton and (5(H) bushels co n, before the Rtorrn it was fu posed 1"0 hales wool I have been made. On the promises is a ' new ijin house and screw, a comfortable dwelling and all necessary out buildings. Persons wish- . ing to buy and make cotton would do well to examine, as I will sell. Terms easy and accommodating. My reason . lor ifirr js to engage in othnr business 6'ome I f.kelv j^iegroes will also he sold it desired- j< WILLIAM 1ST EVENS. |1 La-icm Utr D'it S.C- t'cpL o(J, j \EW Staple and Fancy Goods. rllR subscribers ore now oneninp a complete assortment hi Staple and Fancy Coods, ourhosed wiili much ram, which they will dispose in hi iiieir usual liberal terms, They consist in ?art, as fol.ows: WOOLENS. Icavy London Dufiil Jiliiiikets Jnper H-4 in I-4 Limb's \\ uul Ded DianketB leavy all-wool Aepro Cloths soprii Litispys. very lie.vy and stout 'laid Linsoye; Wool Cloth for women's wear Cloths and C^tssimcres. super/in^ black, blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths >up(*riiiie uoe-sKin mart* ^assimereo ^tuneis, assorted colors Kentucky Jeans. do do Elegant Fashionable Vesting* \mcy 1-. ssirneres ted white and yellow Flannels COTTON GOODS. HINTS, of fiery dtx ription 'uroiture Calicoes, very handsome riogiiams;'d and lancy striped iJuslins 'urmlure and cambric Dimity 'urmtuie Fringes; cotton cambrics adored and black cambrics Silk?. and Fancy Articles. J'eganl piam and uater'd black silks " plain, figured and water'd colored silks 44 Ciiena hgured dress silks, very rich lelts; elegant lace capes Justin worked collars and sleeves fery handsome Insertjugs and Edgings alien-cambric Hatidkerclnels tibbed silk Stockings; raw silk Stockings 'ranch merino, black and assorted colors luper black and lueiedmn black Alpachas I ?. I I ..-.l..r<wl A !>llsia UipCTM Cl&JU ll?'C.-"iioi II DOMESTICS. 4, 7 8 and 5-5 b cacned and orown SlnrtingB 2-4 bleached and unbleached tilieeiinga Vlnie and unbleached D.ilis ?(nped and plaid colored Homespuns ted Ticks; \pron cIi-cks; cm ton O^uaburgs LINENS. upernn assorted lnsb Linens " Lawn Lawns, Dowias; Damask Table-clotln '* Damask Diaper; Damaik .Napkins " Bird-eje ami Russia Diapers rA lso Dunder and Gunny Lagging Bale Hope and Twn e; iron; Salt Sugar, Coffee, Mola-ses also tlacksmitli's Bellows, Vices, .A nvilft. Hammers Ictcw P ales, Tiace-cliajiis, Collins' Axes foes, Spades, Mmveis, Manure Forks " - - . mifl v mi a toiiipjc;e assuriuieiu n umunnic Cutlery Vith tnaiiv other hrticles loo tedious to enumerate. II. LEW a- SUN. sept. 17* * 'on New Fall Good#. rHE subscriber respectfully iiiiowus his friends and the public generally, that he is now recei. ing his Fan supply of Groceries Domestic^ dec. onsisting in part, of the following articles, viz:? Brown, crushed, loaf and claritjed Sugars New Orleans and .Muscovado .Molas&es Rio and Java Cotiee Rice, Cheese, Bacon and Lard No. 'J and 3 Jlackarel Com, Fiour, Oats,Salt Swedes Iron of all sizes Fowder,Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles Fius and cununon Tobacco flagging, iCojto and Tuiue, Men and liovC W.-iu-on Saddles Riding and Waggon Bridles Hames, Collars, Kidum and Waggon Whips ALSO ("rockery, Class and Hardware Collin. * i?est Axes, Nans, assorted eize Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks .\e;ra t.oUis Bleached and brown Unfile-puns Bed, .Negro and Kiding BLANKETS A lew cases of men and boys Hats and Caps Vith ail other articles usu.uiy lbund in a well suplinil flriwwri' mi,I 11:i i ll iv.i rv store, all of which "? "??J ? >'iii be sold exceedingly low for cash. B. W. CHAMBERS. Cnraden. S. C. Sept. 3. 70 tl {Ki Tlit; S'ututer banner and True Southron will ' opy ir tlirgf iii"inli> Giiiis and Pistols. niNE l).iUO.e-U.irre it tl (juiiK in caM*s: Double IT barrel loil Gnus without cases; Revolving 'it?t?>ls hi cnees. by sept. 17. H. LEVY SOX segai's. 1MIE subscribers have now on hand the indst favoi ne brands ol genuine S.mumb Secure sept 17. H LEVY 4- SO.V. Fresh Groceries &c. rHr. subscribers hey reaper tlu I ly to inform their friends and ihe pu die generally, lbat ney have now received iheir Fall supply ol GROCLUIES. Brown and crashed Angara Km and old Java ("ofFee Mew Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Mackarel, Nos. 1. 2, and 53 Rice, Sail, tec. Sir. Ilagging, Hope and Twine. Gunny idolli 2^ lbs. per yard, 4(31 in. lies wide Dundee Hanging, IJ llis | er yard Wea\er's best I'liiladelplua Rope Tlirec-ply Twine Sic. Woolens. Ixmdun Duffle Blankets Nt'ffro Blankets Ciilnrpd Saddic Blankets Grey I'laina* Neurit I.iiihpvs, &c. A LS'i A few barrels tine Alercer Potatoes. All of A'bicli will be sold l<>w for cash, In GEO. S. DOUGLAS &, CO. sept* 1, 1850. "76 tf Shoes, Shoe8. PLANTATION IJ ogaus, of superior quality, and a large assortment of other Shoes, fresh >ntl nt.iv Jn?it rmiMiPf] bv "Bepi'."s3. ' E. W. RONNEV. Notice. ALL persons having demands against the estate ol the Lie Mrs. Mary B. Gill, decM of Lamms, ervillr, will please present tlietn properly atiest. ?d to the undersigned) bv the first of December aext. JUNKS CROCKiSTT. SopL Sad L65ft 76 if NEW STORE. ' THE subscriber is now opening a large assorl input of Groceries and Staple Good in the Store lately occupied by William J, Gerak (south of the flank of Camden,) which he wii dispose of at Charleston prices ibr cash. 'J hose wishing to purchase would1 do well t( call and examine the stock, consisting in part, o. the following, viz: Loaf.< wln-d. t>round an" granulated cugara St. Iroix. Porto Kiro. a: d N.-w Orleans do Mew Orleans, 31ufrtvai i. anj Cuba Molawei Java, l-atjuirn and Uio Cofne Gunpowder. Voung Hyson and Clark Teas Spenn. Adamantine anil Tallow Candles No. 2 and 3 Mackerel. in Parrels. Half and Quarter* Wine. Soda and Putter t'ircuits andCneete Soap and > torch. orror'ed Pepper. Spice, Ginger. Nutmegs, JIaceand Cloves Porder. Shot and Lend Hardware. Cutlery. Nails and Casting* Paints, Linreed Oil. Spe nt Oil and U indow Glass ?r??Al>U?? Bleached and unbleached Hurting? and Sheeting* Blanket*, bed Tick*. Apron Check? and Oznaburgs Together with a large assortment of Bnettina. Rene and Twice. J. W. BRADLEY. Canr'en. S. C. Sept. 23. fjri a?h pnid for Cotton and other Produce. New Fall Goods. All. &. U KtiANhDl, are now receiving their supply ul goods suilab e tor tiie ueason. The stock will he found complete in all the branches, usually kept by them, they have been carelully selected at unusually low prices, and will be sold at a very small advance on A'evv Vork cost, 'ihe above would respectluily invite the attention of their friends aid Die i he public generally to an ex* animation of their stock, leeling sa isfied it low prices and good styic . win eti'.ci saiem they can* not tail to enjoy a jerai shaie ol that patronage heretofore so lullv extended lotiiem. They beg to call attention to a few of the lead* itig articles, viz: Rich Figured and Chene Silks* Newest styles cashmeres and mouselaiues Changeable poplins audcoburgs Brocade and plain lustres Eace capes, collars and chemizettes Puff sleeves, pu'schildr work'd bodies Muslin and thread edgings and inserting*, acc Gloves ol'avery description, hosiery do. Lawn and cambric handkerchiefs English and ainerican prints, unusually low Furniture chintz, ginghams Long and squar- ehawis.&c dtc&c Mourning Goods. Super, alpaccas and canton cloth,a new article Lark grey poplin, ginghams and English prints Fast colors, collars and handkis. ingrained I Cotton hose, silk do., cashmere & cassiinere sh'wls Iu Domestics. Blea. sheetings and long cloths, very low 10-4 to lil-4 b.ea & bro sijeeiimr,supe'r l'amily'linens Brown and col'd h'spuns ot'all kinds Linseys, bed Jlaiikeit, 1'rom 10-4 to 13-4 White & red han'ls, shaker welsh & gauze do. &c Genglemou's Wear. Sup'r bl'k and cot'd trench cloths * " Uucotu.M AIM! c3a.-iraorAo Tweeds in variety suitable I'or boys I Satin, silk and cashmere vesting cravats, gloves and halt'hose Superior quality of dress shirts Under cioihiugs ot every description. Id.ady Ma'Je CJotaiug. ('oats, vests stid pants, got up in a very superior style. * Hats and Caps ! Iu great variety and ot the latest fall fashions. I A'e^ro Good-. Superior plains, kerseys and satinets, suitable for house servants, am. & eng. blankets, wool hats, &c. &c. Together with a full suy ply of hardware, &c., all ot whi,vh will be cheeriuuy 6hown to any one favoring them with a call, .V-pi. 2 " 77 tf Soots, Shoes and Leather, TOO W1 I'll Travelling Triuiu, Carpet Bags and Vauces. I 'jfMlE subscrib -rs havejuai received the largest I X and best slock ot liuois aad j >aoc'fc ever otfered in this market, to which they j n-eplKUu.!) invite Uie aileiilioli ol purchasers.? 'J't.eirslut* consists in pari, as loliovrs, viz: Uentkioeu's lashiunabie Dieos boois, pump bottoms >Ulctl " " waterproof do quilted bottoms '! " do cork soles " Calf pegged California boots *' " * waterproof ooota Kip ' fashionable pump cole Shoes i aicnt Leather and Calf Gaiters Jenny LiuJ i lea " Hungarian i.oois " India wubber Siioes Hoy'i tine Calf I urap nooa Pegged Hoots ' " ' V?uu:rpruol boots 44 " Kip pegged boots ,} Culf bootees ' Kip do Ladies v? hire Silk Gaiters ' * Kid Slips " Gaiter boots, assorted colors 4* SkAfrin tZnitfr* " " i idling " " Colored Hungarian Ties " Black " ' " Kid Slip* and i ies " " Morocco S.ips and Ties " India Lubber Shoes ' JJukln V\ diking Shoes " Goauktn " * " 1)001* i " Black Lasting Hail' Gaiters - Slips " " " Biifkin Tics Misses Gaiter Boots, assorted colors ' Colored and bluck Jenny Liud Ties " " " llootees " " ' S.ips ' Calf anil Goatskin t'oors Together with a heuittitul assortment of Children's Shoes'! all colors und styles ALSO?ALARGE STOCK Or 3UUU9, of our own manufacitire, both pegtred and sewed. Sole, I'pper and Harness Leather, Calf and Kip t*hin> r.i it;.?t;,.? ?Li,? i,?r (her with evern article tie unilllg UHU vo..~. .-5 , cewary I'or carrying on the manufactory 01 booth art. Shoes. also ? Fino anil common Travelling Trunk*, Carpet Bnp> School Satchels, .Nurre Hag, and Valicea.all of which w? offer at very low prices. ALDFN' dr MURRAY, Ceraden. Sept. 27. 77 tiro Rni*iu?. * ' n - - o ;.,^i rnhoovrl hv A lew uoxes new oainm?, m?, W. C. MOOR)-:. Sfoti<-^L.J;iic, Piaster of Paris, and C? incnt. The above articles constantly on hand, of goo quality and at low prices. Also, Gypsum or Ian plaster. C. J* I'HATTBN' Feb. 10. lli If THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE now receiving and opening (at the stire two doors l;elo?* Mr. George A Men's Sho? -lore, and nearly opposite Messrs. A. M. R. Kennedy,) a select arportnient of Family Groceries, cot f sting, in part, as follow*; -i'GARS? Brown, crushed, c'arified, powdered and oal OFFEES?Rio and Java t'H KKSE? Iiiiiiation English; do. en-all size .tJUL, tr-or.o?i\ew urie^is ^tin :iiurcovsdo I'jtln lb n<f, a superior arncle Uackaml No. 1. in kitts * ( ami?es?colored wax, sprrm and adamantine t racker*?soda. water, butterand lemon pic nie .Spic er?ginger, nn.ce, cloves, nutmegs, cinnamon and pimento . Tea#?Gunpowder, younghyson.and golden chop Kice, starch at.d oAW alt Farina, for puddings, die., suj^vLto rice, sago or 0 tapioca vl Welsh's prepared cooi.a, Baker's Irftnn, choeolate Assorted pickles, ketchup*, Spanish olives and pepper sauce Sardines, anchovies, fresh salmon and lobsters in cans , r . , Capers, rurrie powder, currant and Guava jelly, strawberry jam Fp neb and English mustard Currants, gin^pr preFerves, figs and almonds Genuine bay ruin, lemon syrup Extracts! nuneg, tnilla. rose and lemon A tine assort mSM ot Confectionary All of which .will be spld low lor cash. A share of patronage is solicited. <M 4. SHAW & AUSTIN. Family Flour. A FEW baes "Extra superfine" Boston Grtiiite Mills, from selected wheat, put up in bags of25and 50 ibe. each. Receired and tor sale by Oct. 4,1850. SHAW & AUSTIN. Choice Segars of rariom brands. For sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. Salt, Bagging, Kope and Twine. For sale low by SHAW & AUSTIN, WfectioIiries. A SPLENDID assortment of American and Frpni h Confectionaries, Just received at Oct. 20. MOORE'S. < Ifew Hackerel. A f*w barrels No. 3 Markarel, JWiO. half do No. 1 ami 2 do do Just received at Moore'* Family Grocery. Negro Shoes, We liave now mi nanH, a large supply of Black and Rnssett Pegged Brcgant and Sfitch-dovyn Shoes Of our own manufacture which ?e c*n recommend as faithfully made and of the best materia]. Band and Harness leather Bines and Rnssett Upp r Leather 0+?ir^j HI|J LSI, III* Buffed Rip lor saddle covers, Sic. And for sale bv . net 4. W. A NDERSON ? CO. New Grocery and Provision Store, 'PilE subscriber would respectful! inform hia L friends and the public generally, that he is now receiving his fall supply of GROCERIES, consisting in part, a* follows-rSUGARS?Brown, loaf, crushed and clarified COFFEE?Rio and Java. MOLASSES?New Organs and Muscovado. Rice cheese, bacon, lard, corn, aud salt Mackerel salmon and tlour, Crackers?Wine, butter and soda. Preserves?Ginger, peach, plum, dc. Pickles,catsups, sauces, citron, chocolated teas. ALSO, Raisins, almonds,currants and English walnuts. Pecan and butter nuts,6pice, and ginger. Nutmegs, candies, kisses, plums, dc. Prunes, figs, dales, dc. Also?Powder, shot, lead, cijars, tobacco, dc. Soaps, starch,can dies, crockery, glass aud hardware. Als)?Lim? juice, lem on syrup, and ginger wine Gapers extracts Java coff-e. t VVM. C. MOORE./ N. B. Packages sent to any part of the Town. August 26, 1850. 68 ... A Complete Stock of o ?m -mam /tr A MMUSMJbiIf W~ ita'WMP WA/7 r CDM At.M Mi ev rv kind ni lil n?W Lace.Mm.-, llau Loii?r<lo.; a btautuul article (JlasseSilk (3 love.*. nil colors, f ? mtich Drei-eep; iiii-ge>'and rlnldre 'e Chive* all fixe*. Hosiery. Ladies' Silk, Merino arid all-wonl; cotton l-fusierv; of every eoior and quality; miane*' d?., all s zf.-t. Ladies' Merino and silk Vest* Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Hoe; me. rim Shirts and Drawer.; boy's du i. M 'nV kid,< injck.-kiit and cashmere Gloves. Tn tact, every tiling de.-traule in the a *>ve department's, at WILSON'S PALMETTO STORE. SEQAKS! *ESA?SM-A very choice lot in' R-iimelto and Gold Sejrars.for sale by July 26. T. IJONNKLL Si CO. Domestic Items. BR' AVX >iii.i mtMi li' il wheelings, every width, Ticking; Kr.gli.sli Iahw cloths; Counterpane.*;, iihiin awl lijiir<il curtain Dimity; garut u.l M.mity -'i|>.red Home* nuns ami Denim-; plaid l.inseys F.annels .iiiij Bhnikete. at all prices. \LSO 1150 pieces of li'eacheil a <1 brown Homespuns, s low as tlicv can be bought anv whore in .-\oier* ma. At ,l \MlvS U |LS()N\S. ElOIES SHOES. n .' 1 , 1^.1..i.;., |IPI:m:vpii ir?till i una?ici,Mi.n Ladies Ki'l Sii|?|M?rx and Ties i!ii Walking Simes Misses Boots an I Slmes, &o. Rv )c?. 4. W. \NHFRsON At CO. PRICE'S POEMS^ FELEGANTLY bound, at $1 per '-opv. for sale Li by _ YV. C. MOORE. Executor's notice. PERSONS indebted to Joseph Cunnin?ham dec'd. are rtquested to make payment, and hose having demands to present them to either oi !IH Biibsciibers. JNO. RROWV. !.ibpfty Hill, C. J. SHANNON, Camden, July lb, [i?Ci 1 jj Ex're.