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t Slic Camkti Journflf. ' * - . . '_ _ , . _ j > .J * VOLUMETI. CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, NOVEMBER 12, 1850. NUMBER 89. "" "T : 1 LET TJ3 BE FRI$ND8." Let us be friends together, Faithful and true, 'Midst lite's tempestuous weather, Sunshine breaks through. For a friendly voice, pleasant and warm, : Cheers me in sadness, Fills me with gladness, When darkens the storm. I Speak to me friendly words When we meet. Sort as the notes of birds; Pure and as sweet; Then shall jour own heart be bleat With peace divine, And mine?in tranquil joy shall rest. Shall we be friends together While life last, Soon its tempestuous weather, With me, will be past, If friends are but near me, With kind words to cheer me, Oh! nought shall deter me. From death and the grave. Foi he will go with me, Who is able to save. Frv-m the Fairfield Herald. Mr.Edtior: Looking upon disunion as a, "fixed fact"?that this rotten and corrupt concern cannot much longer hold together, I venture to predict that the following blessings will result to the South therefrom: A more extended, purer tnd rational liberty, with greater harmony and goodwill among the members of the Southern (Jontederacy, tnan has evpr existed between them under the present Union. Free trade, with greater prosperity to all the various interests; agricultural, mechanical, commercial and manufacturing?cotton never less than 10 cents per pound, oflener20, Greater strength and greater security to our domestic institutions, with an entire stoppage of border thieving and kidnapping, on the part of the North. Greater extension of education, religion and morality. More railroads, and internal improvements generally. Negroes and land increased in value from bO to 100 per cent. Pauperism unknown in the land, and If these predictions do not prove true, it is useless to attempt to reason from cause to effect PROPHET. PHILOSOPHY OF EATING. Useing but two or three kinds of food, besides bread and butter, at a single meal, and never eat anything between menls. You bhould eat at regular hours, and but three times a day, with two intervals of not less than five hours each, nor more than six. Cold water retards digestion, and so does any liquid, if much is taken during; or noon of. ter a mm]; half a glass at a meal is enough. From an hour and a half after a meal, until within halfan hour of the next one, you may drink as much water as vou desire; it is Desi, however, to drink but a swallow or two at a time, with an interval of half a minute or more; otherwise you may take more than nature requires before you know it, just as in eating fast. If too much fluid is taken during meals, it di lutes the gastric juice, thus weakening its pow. er of digestion, and retainingthe food longer in the stomach than is natural; it also causes acid stomach, heartbearn, fulness, belchings, and bad blood, producing, according to circurnstauces, a dryness, or rawness, or scalding | sensation in the throat, as do indigestions from other causes, whether from quality or quantity of food. All errors as to diet arise from quantity or quality, and I propose one safe rule to each, applicable to all persons, and under all circumstances. As to quttli/p, the general rule is to eat that which you like best, and which yon find by close observation and experience is followed by no uncomfortable feeling about the head, hands, foet or stomach. As to qvantUy, take as much at one meal n6 I will allow vou to become decidedly hungry by i the next meal; this can only be determined by consecutive observations; but remember, never swallow an atom of food unless you are hungry; never "force" a particle of food on yourself; the brute creation cannot be induced to eat or drink, if slightly ill or excited, guided only by thpir noor blind insticts, and were we, who are so much higher than they, by the "reason" that | is within us, ought to feel ashamed to art less wisely; and yet nine-tenths of all our ailments, acute and chronic, enter here; and nine-tenths of them all might be cured thus, if taken in reasonable time, and if properly persevered in. The finer all foocf is cut with a knife, before put into the mouth the sooner and eusier it is digested, on the same principle that a large piece of ice placed in a vessel of water will require a much longer time to melt, than if it were first divided into many small pieces. The gastric juice dissolves solid food from without inwards, as water dissolves ice from without inwards; hence, food, especially all kinds of meat, should be cut up in pieces not larger than a pen, before it i6 placed it in the mouth, taking in as many of these pieces as is convenient Thi- precaution would not be needed were per.-' to eat slowly, and masticate their food prop' i but our national hahits are otherwise, nor i- iVere much hope of a speedy change in this respect a kntinv.?An hour for dinner, and half | the time for other meals, do not lie down, do notwt to sew, or maintain any stooping posi Hon; do not ride on horseback, or study, strain, lift or perform any labor, bodily or mental; a leisure stroll in the open air is best; cheerful j conversation is next best; or reading a newspa- ! per, these require no mental effort While I walking, keep your hands behind you, and your j1 chin, on or above a horizontal line, and en- j deavor to feel in a good and cheerful humor with '1 yourself and all the world.?Dr. Hall, of Cincinnati. on Throat and Lungs. ^ 70HNRDESAUSSD11E, j: ?5a.?^<3a!?P?a&d Adger'i Wharf, Charleston, S. C. j Will give prompt and close attention to the pale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his care, and to die selection and filling of orders. sept. IS. 72 6m J1AZYCK & SON, Factors and Commission merchants, SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C.? WILLIAM MAZTCK. I . W. ST. J. MAZTCK, f PAUL~T. V1LLEPIGUE, FACTOR, OaiiArol Onmrnloalnn Wnrrhflnt. AUU UVUV* UA VVWlUWWftVM ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal advances made on consignments of Pro. duce, and prompt attention given to the forwarding of Goods, at the lowest rates Aug. 20. 68 20,000 PAIRS OP BOOTS AND SHOES. rrVD UK 11 AD at the i\ew Shoe Store, and will JL be sold lower than any ever before offered in this market?having paid the cash for eve y article, and selected from the best and largest manufacturers in the United States, we flatter ourselves that no one can fail to be pleased in quan- ' tity, quality and price. The 6tock consists in part, as follows? < .Men's fine Calf stitched Boots " " ' Pump Boots " " Wo tornrruif .In corlc nates I " " " do witched and quilted soles *200 pairs fine Calf sewed Boots, from $4 50 to $6 00 200 ' ' and Kip pegged Boots, from $2 to $5 00 Men's fine Calf sewed Bootes $f2 to $4 1*0 ** " ' a id t loth Congress Boots $3 to $4 50 " * Jereev Ties, 83 to 83 50 '' ? ?? pegged Bootees. $1 to $2 00 " Kip ' " 75c to 81 00 , | Youth's Kip pegged Bootees, 50c to 75c < ' Calf " " 75c to 81 00 ' " " Boots assorted J .< Kip " " Ladies' Department. Fine silk Gaiters, black and colored i ' satin * " " " lasting " " " " ' " welts and black " " Half Gaiters, welts and black " " *' " colored and black Welt " Ties, Foxed, Broad and Easy " " " without Tips, for corns I " Jenny Lind Bootees, Kid and Morocco Pump *' " " _ " Aid and Enameled Excelsiors 1 Kid and Morocco Jenny Lind Buskins Tsvlor Ties. Pump _ I I'ijc Kid Slippery with Rosette* hue Morro< co >Uppers and 'l ies Kue Ties and Buskins, Welti Fi?e .Vloropro do do Kil extra wide >lipn and Ties Gait Buskins and Tics, Welts Gait Boots iMiises' black and colored Gaiter* " blue and light colored lialfGalteri " black, blue and brouze Bootees " black and colored Slipp?r*? " Goat Bootees. sewed and pegged, for School Shoes Children's Shoe* and Boots, assorted Together with a great variety of Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Children's Silo' s, too numerous to mention. Al.SO Fine TRAVELING JKu.NKjs. CARPET BAGS, VALlCE*. HATS andVAPS. All of which will positively he sold lower than tne lowest for cash. fcrCall and see for y<>nr*elves, at the NEW SHOE STORE of WORKMAN dc BOONE. Sept. 80. Fall Goods. TBONNKLL Ai CO. are now receiving their Fall supplies to which they invite the attention of purchasers. j SUGARS?Si. Croix, Delta, crushed, powdered and clarified COFFEE?Rio and Java TEA?(ireen and Hyson MOLASSES?West India and New Orleans SALT?Table and sack MACKAREL?No. 1 and t? Pickles, Ketchup. Mustard, Ginger, Pepper Spice, Cinnamon, Soap, Caudles, Starch, <Xic. Hardware, Iloes, Axes, Spades, &c. Ba^inu, Rope and Twine. DOMESTICS?Bleached and brown Homespuns Together with a general assortment of Goods ? - ... suited to this market, f or saie low oy July W. T. BO.WKI.l, A' CO. Kcady-Madc llolhing. i I COMPLETE assortment ot Over-roats, Dress fl and Frock-coats, Business-coats, Blanket and coating Over-coate, gentlemen's fine Cloaks, Pants and Vests, Ready-made Shirts, Stocks and CollarB. scjiL lfi H. LEVY at SON. Carpeting. COMPLETE Assortment 01 Ingrain and Ve il netian Carpeting*, ior *?ie low nv _Sept H LEVY & SON. New Goods. ? THE undersigned is now receiving his Fall supply dl goods. Having' purchased very largely, he is enabled to oflir great inducement* to his friends and customers to purchase from bitn. Among his stock may he lound many articles not usually kept, and which he will tnko great pleasure in showing; as it regard" prices, he will be satisfied with Charleston terms. A liberal deduction made on cash purchases. E. \V. BONNEYSept 17. 74_ tf Annatto Copperas, Indigo, I/Ogwond, Madder, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Window Glass, Lamp Chimneys, Solar Globes, Solar W icks, Sperm Oil. Solar Oil, Castor Oil, Epsom Salts &.c. &.C.. A full and fresh supply of all the abovo articles ust received, and for sale by sept. 20. Z. J. DeIIAY. JUST received, a large assortment of Boy's and Youth's Clothing, well and neatly made. Also?Men's Clothing of .every description and qualify, E. W. BONffEY JVE1V Staple and Fancy Ooods. TUG subscribers are now opening a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, purchased with much care, which they will dispose of on their usual liberal terms, They conssist in part, as follows: WOOLENS. Heavy London Dutfil Blankets Super H-4 to 14-4 Lamb's W ool Bed Blankets Heavy ail-wool Negro Cloths Negro Linseys, very heavy and stout Plaid Linscys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear Cloths and Cassimeres. n i?__ I.i i i : oupernne oiaciv, uiue, urowu, anu uiviBiyiv jjiscii French Cloths Superfine Doe-skin black Cassimerea Sattinets, assorted colors Kentucky Jeans, do do Elegant Fashionable Vesting* Fancy Cissinieres Red white and yellow Flannels COTTON GOODS. PRINTS, of every description Furniture Calicoes, very handsome (Jinghame; Cross-bar'd and fancy Btriped Muslins Furniture and cambric Dimity Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored and black cambrics Silks and Fancy Articles. E'egant plain and water'd black silks " nlain. figured and water'd colored silks " Chena figured dreed silks. very rich Bells; elegant lace capes Muslin worked collars and alcoves Very handsome Inserting)* arid Edgings Linen.cambric Handkerchiefs Nabbed silk Stocnings; raw silk Stockings Erench incrino, biack and assorted colors Super biack and nieredinn black Alpachas Striped and cross-bar'd colored Alpachas DODIESTICS. 3-4, 7-6 and 5-5 bleached and brown Shirtings 1^-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings U'lnte and unbieached Drills \ Striped and plaid colored Homespuns Bed Ticks; Apron checks; cotton Oznaburgs LINENS. Super an assorted Irish Linens " Lawn Lawns, Dowlas; Damask Table-cloths ' Damask Diauer: Damaik Napkins " Bird-eye and Russia Diapers also Dundee and Gunny Bagging Bale Rope and Twine; Iron; Salt Sugar, Coffee, Molasses also??? Blacksmith's Bellows, Vices, Anvils. Hammers 3ciew H.aies, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes Hoes, Spades, Shovels, .Manure Forks With a complete assortment of Hardware and Cutlery With manv other hrticles too tedious to enumerate. H. LEVY c* SON. sept. 17* " * fini New Fall Goods. THE subscriber respectfully intones his friends and the public generally, that he is now receiving his Fall supply of Cirocenej, Domestics, dec. Consisting in part, of the following articles, viz;? Brown, crushed, loaf and clarified Sugars New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Ilio and Java Coffee r>:? I) J T I ruce, vneuse, i>,t';un uuu uiiu No. '2 and 3 Mackarel Corti, Flour, Oats, Salt Swedes Iron of all sizes Powder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles Fine and common Tobacco ISuggiug, Kapc and Twine, Men and boy's Wagon Saddles Riding and Waggon Bridles iiames, Collars, Riding and Waggon Whips also ("rockery, Glass and Hardware Collim' best Axes, Nails, assorted size Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks Nietfro Clotli*, Bieached and brown Honae.-puns Bed, Negro and Riding BLANKETS A few cases of men and boys Hats and Caps With all other articles usually found in a well supplied Grocery and Hardware store, all of which will be sold exceedingly low for cash. B. W. CHAMBERS. Camden, S. C. Sept. 3. TO tl B^The Sumter Ifcinnar and True Southron will ropy for three months. Guns and Pistols. FIXE Double-barrelled Guns in Double barrelled Guiis without cases; Revolving Pistole in cases, ilv oept. 17. ' H. LEVY <f SON. Segars. THE subscribers have now on hand the mdst favorite brands of genuine Spanish Negars. sept. 17. H LEVY cf SON. Fresh Groceries &c. rpHK. subscribers beg respectfully to inform X their friends and the pitnlic generally, that they have now received thmr Fall supply of GROCERIES. Brown and crashed Sugars Rio and old Java Coffee New Orleans and Muscovado jl/olassee Mackarel, Nos. 1. "J, and U Rice, Salt, &r. &c. Unking, Rope and Twine. Gunny (.loth 2A li?s. per yard, 40 inches wide Dundee Bajgiog, !& lbs ^er yard Weaver's '??:Phi.ideip'ia hope TJiree-jtiy Twine <v.\ IVooSesxs. London DulTl Hiiii'kt'te Negro Blankets Colored Saddic Blankets Grey Plains Negro Linseyg, &c. A few barrels tine .Mercer Potatoes. All of which will be sold low for cash, l?v GEO. S. DOUGLAS & CO. ecpjJ 1, 1850. 76 tf Estate Sale. T)Y permission of the Court of Ordinary for I 1 Rnrelnii. Ilietrinf. WO will OXDOSe tO Dublic pale on Friday the 8th of November ensuing, at the late residence of Joseph Cunnincham. deceased, at Liberty Hill, all the Household and Kitchen furniture, appertaining to that Mansion House, being a portion oftherosiduary estate of the deceased. Terms at sale, C. J. SHANNON,) v I JOHN MOWN, ( hxrs' Oct. 18,18.V). fit?f* NEW STORE. THE subscriber is now opening a large assortment of Groceries and Staple Goods, in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. n-ieKinir in nnrpkasfl urniild do vupll to *" i'?? ? call and examine the etock, consisting in part, of the following, viz: Loaf, Crushed, Ground and Granulated Sugars St. Croix, Porto Itico, ar d New Orleans do New Orleans, Muscovado and Cuba Molasses Java, 1-agtiirn and Rio Coflee Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black Tcaa Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candles No. 2 and 3 Mackarel, in Barrels, Half and Quarters Wine, Soda and Butter Biscuits and Cneese Soap and Starch, assorted Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Nutmegs, Mace and Cloves Powder. Shot and Lend Hardware, Cutlery, Nails and Castings Paints, Linseed Oil, Oil trvd Window Glass ALSO Bleached and unbleached Shirtings and Sheetings Blankets, Bed Ticks, Apron Checks and Osnaburp Together with a huge assortment of Bagging) Hope and Twine.^ J. YY. iJK.AJJ.Lfc. I. Camden. S. C. Sept. 23. KrCanh paid for Cotton wd other Produce. New Fall Good*. AM.&H KENNEDY, are now receiving their supply of goods suitable for the season. The stock will be found complete in all the branches, usually kept by them, they have been carefully selected at unusually low prices, and will be sold at a very small advance on New York cost. The above would respectfully invite the attention of their fnends ar.d the the public generally to an ex* animation of their stock, feeling satisfied if low prices and good styles will effect sales, they can* not fail to enjoy a iiberal share of that patronage heretofore so fully extended to them. They beg to call attention to a few of the leading articles, viz: Rich Figured and Chene Silks. Newest styles cashmeres and mouselatnes Changeable poplins and coburgu Brocade and plain lustres Eaee capes, collars and chemizettes Puff sleeves, en'schildr work'd bodies \fII?n/l o/lfftnffa Qnri incortinffn 4UUOIIM OUU mituu ?***? w Gloves of every description, hosiery do. Lawn and cambric handkerchiefs English and arnerican prints, unusually low Furniture chintz, ginghams Long and square shawls, &c <fcc (fee Mourning Goods. Super, alpaccas and canton cloth,a new article Dark grey poplin, ginghams and English prints Fast colors, collars and handkfis. ingrained Cotton hose, 6ilkdo., cashmere & cassimere sh'wls In Domestics. Blea. sheetings and long cloths, very low 10-4 to 12-4 blea & bro eheeting^upe'r family linens Brown and col'd h'spuns of all kinds Linseye, bed blankets, from 10-4 to 13-4 White & red flan'le, shaker wefoh de gauze do. dtC Genglemen's Wear. Sup'r bl'k and col'd french cloths u u u doeskins and castimeres Tttioo/Ic in trariotv Kilitnhlfl for b0V8 Satin, silk and ca6hmere vestings cravats, gloves and half hose Superior quality of dress shirts Under clothings oi every description. Keady Jtlude Clothing. Coats, vests snd pants, got up in a very superior style. Hats and Caps In great variety and of the latest fall fashions. Negro Good;*. Superior plains, kerseys and satinets, suitable for house servants, am. & eng. blankets, wool hats, &c. Sic. Together with a full supply of hardware, &c., all of which will bs cheerfully shown to any one favoring thetn with a call, .Sept.j2o 77 ' .tf Boots, Shoes and Leather, TUUKTHKK WITH Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags ana Valices. THE subscribers have just received the largest and best assorted btock of Boots aud felloe* ever offered in this market, to which they resphctfully invite the attention of purchasers.? Their stock consists in part, as follows, viz: Gentlemen's foahionabie Dress Boots, pump bottoms ' " " stitch " waterproof do quilted bottoms " " " do cork soles f'alf pegged.Califomia Boots " '' " " waterproof Boots Kip " " fashionable pump-sole Shoes " " rateut leather and Calf Gaiters " '* Jenny Lind Ties '* Hungarian Boots " India Rubber Shoes Boy's fine Calf I'ump Boots Pegged Boots " " " V\ alerproof Boou " " Kip pegged Boou " Calf Bootees ' Kip do Ladies White Silk Gaiter* " " Kid Slip* " Gaiter Boot*, assorted color* '' Black Satin Gaiter* " " i-asting " Colored Hungarian Tie* - Black " * Kid Slip* and I ie* " " Morocco Slipe ana Tie* 1 " India Rubber Shoe* '* Buskin Walking Shoe* * Goatskin " " " Boou " Black Lasting Haif Gaiter* Slips " " " Buskin Ties Misses Gaiter Boots, assorted color* ' Colored and black Jenny Liud Tie* " " " Bootee* " " Slip* ' Calf and Goatskin Boot* Together with a beautiful assortment of Children'* Shoes ot all color* and style* also?ala roe stock op SUOUS, of our own manufacture, both pegged and sewed. a lso Sole, tipper and Harness Leather, Calf and Kip Skin* Lining and Binding Skins, tog.-ther with everp article necessary for carrying on the manufactory of Boot* and Fino and common Travelling Trunk*, Carpet Bag*, School Satchel*, Nurse Bag* and Valices.all of which we oiler at very low price*. ALDEN & MURRAY. Cemden, Sept. 27. 77 2m JBuiiius. A few Boxes new Raisins, just received by \V. C. MOORiO. StoneglLime, piaster of Paris, aud Cement. - - ' J ..f J The above articles constantly on u<uiu, ui gouu quality and at low price?. Also, Gypsum or land plaster. C. L. C1IATTEN* Feb. 12. 12 if A otic e. TH E subscribers have this day formed a co-part* nership for the transaction of a General Grocery business, under the firm of $haw &. Austin, GEO. W. SHAW. ' L. A. AUSTIN. Camden, sept. 1,1850. THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE now receiving and opening (at the qtsro two doors below Mr. Georgo Alden'a Shoo Store, and nearly opposite Messrs. A. M. R, Kennedy.-) a select assortment of Family Groceries, cons'Bting, in part, as follows: SUGARS?Brown, crushed, clarified, powdered and loaf COFFEES?Rio and Java CHEESE?Imitation English; do. email size MOLASSES?New Orleans and Muscovado Palmetto Hams, a superior ar.icle Mackarel No. 1, in kitts Candles?colored wax, sperm and adamantine Crackers?soda, water, butter and lemon pic oic Spices?ginger, mace, cloves, nutmegs, cinnamon and pimento Teas?Gunpowder, young hyson, and golden chop Rice, starch and table salt Farina, for puddings, &c., superior to rice, sago or tapioca Welsh's prepared cocoa. Baker's broma, chocolate Assorted pickles, ketchups, Spanish olives and pepper sauce Sardines, anchovies, fresh salmon and lobsters in cans Capers, currie powder, currant and Guava jelly, strawberry jam r rrncn ana r-ngiiBn muirara Currants, ginger preserves, figs and almonds Genuine bay rum. lemon syrup Extracts r.utmeg, vanilla, rose and lemon A fine assortment of Confectionary All of which will be sold low for cash. A sham of patronage is solicited. Oct 4. SHAW fc AUSTIN. Family Floor. A FEW bags "Extra superfine" Boston Gran, ite Mills, from selected wheat, put up in baga of 25 and 50 lbs. each. Received and for sale by Oct. 4, 1850. 8HAW & AUSTIN. f Choice Segara of various brand*. For sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. Salt, Bagging, Rope and Twine. For sale low by SHAW & AUSTIN. CONFECTIONERIES. A SPLENDID assortment of American and Frem h Confectionaries, Just received at Oct 20. MOORE'& New mackerel. A few b*rrel? No. 3 Mackarel, lWiO. - half do No, 1 and 2 do do Just received at iWonr^J Family Grocery. Negro Shoes, We have now on hand, a large supply of Black and Russett Pegged Brogant and Stitch-down Shoes, Of our own manufacture, which we can recommend as faithfully made and of iho beat material. also 1 Sand and Harneaa Leather BlacK and Russett Upper Leather Calf Skins, Kip Skins Buffed Kip for saddle covers, Sic. And for sale by Oct.4. W. ANDERSON & CO. . New Grocery and Provision Store. fpHE subscriber would respectfull inform hie JL friends and the public generally, that he is - - t n xivtannn ttici now receiving his Tan supply 01 onuuciju&o, consisting in part, as follows? SUGARS?Brown, loaf, crushed and clarified COFFEE?Rio and Java. MOLASSES?New Orleans and Muscovado. Rice cheese, bacon, lard, corn, and salt Mackerel salmon and flour. Crackers?Wine, butter and soda. Preserves?Ginger, peach, plum, &c, Pickles, catsups, sauces, citron, chocolate & teas, ALSO, Raisins, almonds, currants and English walnuts, Pecan and butter nuts, spice, and ginger. Nutmegs, candies, kisses, plums, (fee. Prunpe, figs, dates, &c. Also?Powder, shot lead, cigars, tobacco, die. Soaps, starch,candles, crockery, glass and hard* ware. Also?Lime juice, lemon syrup, and ginger wins Capers extracts Java coffee. WM. C. MOORE. N. B. Packages sent to any part of the Town. August 26, 1850. 68 A Complete Stock of HOSIERYJIJVD OLOVES. CONTAINING ewry kind of Gloves, Lace MiltS Long and Half Long do.; a beautiful article of Glasve Silk Gloves, all colors to match Dresses; misses' and childrei's Gloves ali sizes Hosiery. Ladies* Silk, Merino and all-wool Hose; cotton Hosiery; of every coior and quality; misses' d*., all sizes. Ladies' Merino and silk Vests Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Hose; me. rinv Shirts and Drawers; boy's do. Men's kid, silk, buckskin and cashmere Gloves. In fact, every thing desirable in the aoovt depart* merit's, at WILSON'S PALMETTO STORE. SEGARS! SEGARS! J?A very choice lot of Palmetto and Gold Leaf Segars, for sale by July 26. T. BONNBLL & CO. Tlnmoatin Itomfl. i/WIUVMVAV AVVMAWI BROWN and bleached cdieetmgF, every width, Ticking; English Long-cloths; Counterpanes; plain and figured curtain Dimity; garnuntDimity; colored Homespuns and Denims; plaid Linseya Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. A LSO 1150 pieces of bleached and brown Homespuns, as low ae they can be bought any where in America. At James wilson's. i ? LADIES SHOES. Received from Philadelphia? . Ladies Kid Slippers and Ties do Walking Shoes Misses Boots and Shoes, &e. By Oct. 4. VV. ANDERSON & CO, PRICE'S POEMS, ELEGANTLY bound, at $1 por copy, for pale by W. c. MOORE.