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el)c Camfrctt 3ournnl. VOLUME II. CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, NOVEMBER 8, 1850. DUMBER 88. LIFE IS BM3ET. ,!Oh iiio is sweet." said a merry child; "And I love. I love to room j Jo the men.' nv> green, 'neath t!?e sky serene? J Oh! the world is a fairy home. i i There are trees hung thick with blossoms fair, And flowers r.nrl pay birds bright, There's the moon's clear ray and the sun-lit day ' Oh, the world is a w;>r!d of Light!*' ' "'Jb. life is sweet,"said a gallant youth, As he conn'd the storied page; And he ponder'd on the days by gene, And the fame of a former ape. 1 " ' 1 -' iw.omiitcr hvp. l i.'orc was uupc m ms uu6u. 0 \nd he long'd for riper years: 15.- clung to life?ho dr red its strife? Me kit no dread nor fears. "Oh life is sweet," came merrily Fiom the lips of a iair young bride; i And a happy smile she nave the while To the <) one by her side. "Oh, life is-sweet! for we shali live Our constancy to prove, Thy sorrows a re mine, my trials thine, Our solace in our love." . < "Oh life is sweet," said a mother fond, As she (fazed upon her helpless child; And she. closer pn-st, to her gladdened breast Her babe who unconscious smiled. "My life shall he for thee, my child, Pure,guiltless, as tfaon art; And who shall dare my soul to tear From the tie that lbrmsa part?"' "Oil life is sweet," said an aged sire, Whose pye was sunk ant! dim: Ijis form was U-nt?his srrength was spent? Could life be sweet to him? Oh. ves, for round the old man's chair His children's children rlung: Ami each dear face and warm embrace Made life seem ever young. Thus lite is street firm early youth To weak enfeebled age: Love twines wish life through care and strife, j In every varied stage. Though rough perchance, the path we tread, ! And dark the skv altove, j In every slate there's something yet, To live for and to love. Fft-ro tb? Fairfield lleraiJ. Nr. K'Ulrir: Looking iijmjii disunion as a ; "fixed fact"?that this rotten and corrupt con- . cern cannot much longer hold together, I von- j ture to predict that the following blessings will result to the iJouth therefrom: A tnore extended, j Hirer t.nd rational liberty, with greater harmony and good will among the members of, the Southern C onfederacy, than has ev??r existed between them under the present Union. J'rPM trade. with greater nrosrwi itv to all the I various interests, agricultural, mechanical, commercial ami manufacturing?cotton never less ( than 10 cents per pound, ofteticr '20, Greater strength ami greater security to our j domestic institutions, with an entire stoppage j of bonier thieving and kidnapping, on the part j of the .North. <irenter extension of education, religion and j morality. i .More railroads, and internal improvements . generally. Negroes and land increased in value from j i>0 to 100 per cent. Rauoerism unknown in too laud, and If these predictions do not prove true, it is ' useless to attempt to reason from cause to of- j ft* ft. J'KOrtiET. |j _ t To Bent. THE Store and Dwelling opposite the Masonic ' Hall, possession given the first of January J next. i Also.the Ntor- and Dwelling, two doors above i the Camden Hotel ami opposite lite store lately j occupied by Messrs: McDowall & Cooper, posses. | sion given immediately. TilO. J. WARREN*. Oct 22. . 84 j\j I'j imn, (j'l.iner uv jot , ?1 !?ew Raisins. Just received ?t Oct. XI BONN E V jS _ !YE<4ROI?$. VL1KKLY NEGRO WOMAN, and five chi!. dren. Also, a onn;i, a good cook,'vashcr and ironer, ami her three rii.ldreii?All perfectly eound and healthy. Apjdvto Oct 4. \V. ('. - MOORE. New Arrivals. A FRESH supply of Jellies Jams. Bay Ruin, j\. hermetically sealed tSalmou. Lobsters, Giu,.r p p.*. 4, f?.. ger >vme ct-c. clc. <?i tMcccamgii/ ?/? yi <-! *>,_/" cask, at .'looreV Family Grocery Notice. AIX Persons indebted to the Ks'ate of Robert I/. Tweed, dee'd will please cell and settle the same, and tliose having demands wiil render tliein in properly attpstod, SUSANNAH TWEED, Admr'x. October 29. 85 w8l notice. NoPf)m t'nruiersiup horctotom exi?nii2in me name i A of \y M. M. LUUiiOCiC <L Co., for the oarrinue of Freight ami Ptuwengerw on tin* uati-nniftlie State of South Carolina,by the eteamlMiat ROBERT MARTIN. ia tliia (lav iliesnivetf with the content of ail the jiartner*. Charleston, July Kith 1^50. W. M. I.VHROCK. P \UL k VIJ.LKPWUE ii SON". C.J. SHANNON. KOBT. .MARTIN. J. R. <5* C- II. PUKES. K \V WALTER. EDWIN P. STARR. Sept. 24 76 6t Estate Sale. 7 > Y permission of tho Court of Ordinary for t> Kervhaw District, we will expose to public salt* . Friday the 8th of November ensuing. a: tli?- v residence of Joseph Cunningham, deceased, -.iiiertv Hill, all the Household and Kitchen furnii' i?-, appertaining to that Mansion House, being -i |i irtion of the residuary estate of the decuus' ?i- < r itavvnv i VU. J ruiiJ* ?n r>auj, ?. f n JOHN BROWN. { MrK Oct. 18, i 350. 31?ts JfTST receive'!, a large assortment ol Bov's and YnathV* Clothing, troll anrl neatly made. Ait-.? Men'a Clothing of every description and | qnMy. K. W. BONNEY | JOHN 8. DESAUSSURE, 23 CL-UJi-tis, Adger'* Wharf, CCtarlesJon, S. C. Will pive prompt and close attention to the sale of ail descriptions of Produce entrusted to his care, ami to the selection and tiliing of orders, sept. 13. 72 6m MAZYCK & SON, Factors and Commission Merchants, SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C.t w i ? r r ? \* wi7vrV ) \v. ST. J. MAZVCK. ^ PAUL T. YILLEPIGUE, FACTOR, And General Commission merchant, Ac COMMODATION U IIARF, CHARLESTON, 8. Cliberal ad\ance?s marie <>n noiifigimient* ol 1'roduce, and prompt attention ?riven to the forwarding of Cioodtf, at the lowed rate?j. Allg. "Jt>. DO 20,000 PAIRS OF BOOTS AND SHOES. rFX) ?5 ft HAD at tlio :\ew Sho- More, and will X be sold lower than any ever he lure offered in this market?having |>aid the carhfur eve:y article, and seleceil trotn :he best and largest manufacturers in the United States we flntter ourselves that no one can fail to be pie?-ed in quantity, quality and price. The stock consists ju part, as follows? ? Hen's i1m< t'nlf stitched Hoots I'linio Boots " ** Waterproof do cork soles " ' " do stitched and quilted Holes 200 jinirs fine Calf sewed Boots. front $4 5:> to $G 00 200 ' " " and Kip [legged Boots, from 4s2 Co $5 00 Men's fine Calf sewed Boote* ?2 to $4 00 a id t loth t.'oiigress Boots $3 to $4 50 4i " " Jersev Ties. ?3 to $3 50 4 4 44 44 pepped Bootees. ?1 to $2 00 4 *4 Kip- " 44 75c to 81 00 Youth'* Kip pepped Bootee*, 5<?o to 7">c 44 Coif 44 44 75c to $1 00 44 44 Boots assorted 44 Kip " 4' Ladies' Department. Fine silk Gaiters, Idack and colored 44 satin 44 lasting 44 44 44 44 44 wells and black 44 44 Half Gaiters, wells and black ' " *' "* cotnreu ana mucn Writ " Tits, Fovd. ilroad and Easy *" " " witlioiit Tip*. fur rorns " Jenny Linn Itixnee*. Kid a no JIoiucco I'lirap " " " i?l nnd F.aenieled Kxrelsinrs Kid hi id Muntrro Jenny l.ind liuskuw Taylor Tie*. I'niiiji Fine Kid Hipper*. with Ho-ettos l ine .Murmcco Hipper* nnd '1 its Fiiie T:t? and iJu*kiii*, Wells Fine Jior*M*rt? do do Kiii extra wide >lij?- and Ties (1'si*. l.'u-k;n- and Ties. Weil* i.mku i* "iJis-M-H* b!:;ok mid tailored finitely " lilit*- and liu'hl rnloreij ihilfOnitet* " Mark. blUPand bmuze Bootees " b'aei; mid colored Sii;>;e*!>s " 1 tinit Bont<-e>. >e".ved and (i-tlged, for Sejiool Shoes t'hildrenV Shoe* and . assorted Together with a ?re.ii v.-.riety ol Gentlemen**, Ladies* and Children V Sim-*. iiiimi tons to iiu-nwon. Cine TiaVHI.l.V: TK. ,\K -. CAUI'KT BAGS. VAI.Ii'r.S, 11 ATS mo! I' vl'tj, Ml of u'tirli will ji<>>i* ti\t*iy *?- l'iu>rili::n rh?- lowest ?"??r jC' ( ull ?n<l see i'ur yontvivcs. at tlie .N i. W SHOE STORE uf WORK.VAX& ?OO:VK. S?-|>i. Fail Goods. r|A BUNNELL & i'O. arc now ror 'iving tbeir i_ Kali sti|.|)lies to wliici) ihey invite too alienlion of ptJiriiasers. SUGARS?S . Croix, Delia, crunlied, |>o\vd"rp?l and clarified COFFEE?Rio and Java TEA?to pc si and Hi son MUGASSfcS?\? os: ji:?.a ana ,iew vnuum SAl/l'?hi <J sack MaCKaUK!.?.\u 1 ami 2 Pickle*. Ketchup. Mustard, (iinjrer, Pepper Spice, ('meaiiion, Soap, ('and'es, Starch, &c. Hardware, I Iocs, Axes, Spades, &?\ Basils;;. nisti Twine. DO.MKS'i JCS?Bleached and lirjwn Homespuns Together with a general assortment ol Goods suited io litis market For sale low liy Jnlv>n. T. BUNNELL & (TO. Itca<]y-3ia<le c;ioiliin?. 1 CO.MPLE'i'U assortment o! Over-roats, Drees il am! Knwtk-roaie, Business-mats, Blanket and coatmjf < h cr.nw's jipoiipce-nV line Cloaks, Pants and V esls, ReailV-uiadc Shirts, Stocks ami Collars. sept. Hi ' it. LMV'V . SUN. Carpeting. ICOMPCETK Ai-snrtnieti' ?. lanrain and Venetian Carpeting*, for sale low liv _ Sf,' :>H. ]| I.KVV & SON. "ktattt fZi\i\Aa i!CW MVUUiJi riillE undersigned is ii?w rcccitinc hi* Fallsupplyo| .1 good*. Ilriviiu* purchased v?-rv largely, he t* cnnhleil to ofT-r gren' inducement* to hi* friends am) customer* to purchase fn<m him. Among his stock mav lie loniid many article* tint tamalh* kept. and winch he will take great pleasure in showing: lis it regard- price*, he will Ik? satisfied with Chnrlestor. terms. A liberal deduction made on cash purchase*. L. W. BU.N'.N'KV. Sept. 17, 71 if Annatto Copperae, Itultgo, Logwood, Madder. White Lead, Lmseed Oil, Turpentine, Window (thins, Lnuip Chimneys, Solar Globes, Solar Wicks, Sperm Oil, Solar Oil, Castor Oil, Epsom Salts tCc. &C. A lull and fresh supnlytd all the above articles list received, and lor sale by sept. 20. Z.J. Dr.HAY. Committed nr? .1 _ l..:l U*.,> I liutri/.f a licrrru max ' jV HI" Jrtll III 1%' fnilO" 1. who fall-- himself William, and say* lie he. longs to John Stovall, of Georgia, near Augusta. Said negro is about twenty-three years of a?e. yellow complexion, stout hurt, live lent ft inrlie., high. The owner is requested to come forward, comply with tlio law and take him away. THO, J. WAKREN. S. K. I>. f)rt. 4, 1ST)0. 79 Lard. Karon and Flour, received at .\K)f)RK"S, ??? ? ? = WW Staple and Fancy Goods. ' ^T^HE subscriber.* are now onenintr a complete : JL a&sortment of Staple and Fancy Hoods, purchased with much rare, which they will dispose of I on their usual liberal terms, They conssist in i pari, as follows: WOOLENS. Heavy I/ondoji Outfit Blanket* < Super *-4 to 14-4 I,.nib's V\ ool Bed Blankets Heavy all-wool Negro Cloths Negro Linspys, very heavy and stout Plaid L nseys; Wool Cloth tor women's wear t loths C'awiiuert'N. Superfine black, btuo, brow n, and invisible green Freuch Cloths * Superfine Doe-skin black Cassimcres Saltinets, assorted colors Kentucky Jeans, do do i Elegant Fashionable Vesting* ' Fancy C. ssimerts ' Ked white and yellow Fiannels cotton cooun. i PRINTS, of every description ; Furniture Calicoes, very handsome j Ginghams; Cross-bar'd and laucy striped Muslins i Furniture and catnbr.c Dunily Furniture Fringes;*cnttou cambrics Colored and black cambrics NiSlcs uud l-'aucf Articles. E'eganl plain and water'd black silks ' ' plain, figured and vvaler'd colored silks I " Clieua figured dn-ss silks, very rich j Units; elegant lace capes .Musjiu worked collars and sleeves . Very handsome lnsertiigs anil Edgings ' lljiiuikorduels , Ribned silk Stockings; raw silk <Siockings French merino, black and assorted colors Super ulatk and moredian black Aipachas j ,">iripeu anu cross-uar <i cmorcu .-xipatuosDOXE3TIC8. J 3-4,7-8 am] 5-5 bleached ana brown Shirtings ! 12-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings VV bile and unbleached Dnlis Striped and plaid colored Homespuns lied Ticks; .-.pron checks; cotton Oznabtirgs LIMi.NN. I Super an assorted i.isti Linens " Lawn Lawns, Dowias; Damask Table-cloths * Damask Diaper; Damask Napkins " Bird-eye and Kussia Diapers A I.SO Dundee and Gunny Bagging Bale Kope and I Wire; Iron; Salt Sugar, Loftee, Mola-ses ALSO 1 Blacksmith's Bellows, V ices, Anvils. Hammers Scow Rates, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes I iJnen, Spades, Mmve.s, Manure FurK.s With a complete assortment u! Hardware awd ! Cutlery j With tiianv other lirticioa too todious to enumerate. II. LEW 4- SON. Kept. 17* "i (i,n Hew Fall Good3. i JIllIE subscriber respei-tl'uliy inluiuis his friends I JL and the public generally, .hat he is now reccii ving hie Fall -upply of ?>, iJllEU^itiCS Consisting in part, ol' the loiiowing article.'-, viz:? iirown,crushed,loaf ami clarint-d Sugars New Ori.'?ins .in.I ."\Jii-c<j\ano ftloluste* ivioand Java Cjiieo ' J vice, Clic-s.', iiacoi! and Lard No. ^ and '.i .tlnckar -l Corn, Flour. Urns.Salt Swedes Iron of aii sizes Fou der. Shot. Lead, iSonp-j. Starch, Candles i *.\ ... x ji;r ai.ii cuiiiuwii. iuu-ci.w J?o|?r :ru<! Twiac, iiew auU uov's Wagon Saddles ' Killing and Waggon Jiiridios ! Haines, Collar.-, Killing and Waggon Whirs A l."0 Crockery, (ila-.s a:id 1 Jardtt .ire Coliiijf * best A.\i ", .Nail.-, assorted mo I'ockel Knives-, knives and Forks V.'irro Wenched and brown iioiue."puns Jled, .\egro and Killing OKAMvKTS A lmj A leu* cases of men and hoys lints and Caps W iih all otlisr articles u-naliv I-hihcJ in a well sup- 1 p.iod Grocery and Hardware store, all of which ivill he sold exct cdiogiv Jow lor cash. " K. W. CilAMVliKS. I- 1? ^ ev... ^ n, II * uiiurjj. ?7. in jn. ?*' I iXA'j'lie 'SuniiiT B-tnnur :tn<i True ."S'Hilliriii) will mpy for ihree mnriilit-. Uuus ami I'isiols. FTnE l>nui?:o-ti.irrii.ieil limit* ir: i:a I barrelled (Juiis witimul cases; KevoJviiig i'lstoln in casus. Jly sept. 17. i'. i.l2VY cj- SON. Sl'?ars. I'llllB suliscribrris likve now on linuci tlie mds'C X favorite luaiul-- ol tyctilii::c Spanish Molars. *ept.17. II LBVY () son'. w "i n H iesii UTQCsnes ocu. rl"Mji .-inii-1 r.tivi> nog lespcci.uilv lo iitforni _L tiieir friends and '? ?? >m :ir generally, thai they have now r??c?vved Hieir Full supply of ii liKrikvif. L ? j.}. Brown and crashed Sugar* Jlio and oial Java O'll- e ,\?? Orleans and Mnsrnvjido .l/olassiea Marknrel, .\<>*. 1. "J. and Ji Hire, .Salt, Ac. An*.. Sojx' as??C Twine. Gunny GluMi I"* pur yard, -'iti wide I >ii mice Bagging, I'. Il?s per v-m, Weaver's Iip-i IMi'i.iiieJpliia Kepi* Three-ply Twine Ac. London Duffle Blankets .Negro BIhiim*:* ** ' --ic Ii... ?!? . ; ?v(?i'ir?'ii r:a'iniv winm ! Grey Plains* No'/ro l.'iinpys, At. Al.*i> ; A I'tuv linnols liin* vleivor Pu? nines. All of ivliicli w ill lie sold lor ra.-h, li\ GEO. S. DOUG I,AS & CO. | wpl* 1, 1*50. "?> if Distinguished Arrivals!! 1TAKK pleasure in announcing llie hate arrival of a s|>leii'lid variety i Full ami Winter tioorfs. I Amongst which arc, the newest pty'esof French I faplimcrep ami MoiHselinep, Woolen de Chimes, i Alpaccas, Mohairs, Cnmeleons. Coburgs. Drap tie I Lynns, changeable 1'arra'Dallas, solid color <1 Me ; ruioes, and .\ioiisp"li?o*?, ami a lot ol satin striped | Ores? (ioo;|s, a! \'l) cents per varrl. I Uci I. JAM IIS WILSON. I I ~ NEW STOBE. THE subscriber is now opening a large assortment of Groceries and Staple Goods, in the Store lately occupied by William J. Geraid (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, ot the following, viz: Loaf. Crashed, Ground and Granulated 6'ugara St. Croix. Porto Itico. and ."New Orleans do New Orleans, Muscovado and Cuba Molasses Jn\H, Lapnira ami Kio Coffee Gunpowder. Voting Hyson and Black Teas Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candle* >n). if and 3 Markarel, in Barrels, Half and Quarter* Wine, Soda and Butter Biscuit* and Cneene Soap and Stiireh. ovurirtl Pepper. Spice, Ginger, Nutmegs, Mace and Cloves Povdcr. Shot and Lead Hardware. Cutlery, Nails and Castings Paints, Linseed Oil. Sperm. Oil and Window Clam ALSO Blenched and unbleached Shirtings and Sheeting* Blankets. Bed Ticks. Apron Checks and Oznnburg* Together with a large assortment of , . Bagging, Rope and Twine.' ' ' J. W. BttADLEY. \ Cnm-'en.S. 0. Sept. '^3. *'T' {?rCn*b paid for Cotton nud other Produce* New Fall Goods. AM.&.R KEMNKDY, are ju>w receiving their supply ofgoods suitab e for the season. Tlie 6lock will be loand complete in all the branches, usually kept by them, they have been carefully selected at unusually low prices, and will be sold at a very small advance on jVew York cofi. The ; above would respectiuily invite the attention of! their friends ar.d the the public generally to an ex-1 animation of their stock, I'eelitig satisfied if low prices and good styles will effect sales, they can-. not lail to enjoy a liberal share of that patronage I heretofore so Hilly extended to them. They Iwg to call attention to a few of the lead- j j. ing articles, viz: Rich Figured and Chene Silks. ; Xewtst styles cashmeres and raouselainea j Changeable poplins and coburge | Brocade and piain lustres 1 Eace capes, collars and ehemizettes j Puff sleeves, en'schildr work'd bodies j Muslin oiul thread edgings and iusertings, &c j Gloves of every description, hosiery do. I Lawn and cambric handkerchief | English and american prints, unusually low ] Furniture chintz, ginghams ' Long and squar.- shawls, &c die &c Mourning Goods, j Super, aipaccas and canton cloth,a new article I L'arKgrey popiin, ginghams and English prints ! Fast colors, collars and haudkf-. ingrained j Cotton hose, silk do., cashmere & cassi mere sh'trie Iu Domestics, j Ulea. sheetings and long cloths, very low i 1 u-4 to 1 2-4 btea & bro sheetimr^uper family linens j | Brown and col d h'spuns or ail kinds j Uinseys, bed blankets, from 10-4 to 13-4 : White &. red fiau'le, shaker welsh & gauze do. &c (ieojtlemen's Wear, i Sup'r hl*k and coi'd trench cloths i 44 * 44 doeskins and cashmeres j Tweeds in variety suitable tor boys j Satin, silk and cashmere vesting? ; cravats, gioves am] iia'HTiose j Superior quality of tlress shirts j Under clothings or every description. Krady Jiuile Cluliiiui^ , ; (.'oats, vests situ pants, got up in u very superior j j style. i Hats and Cap* j In gnat variety ami oftiV iatfst fai! fashions, e^ro GooU'-. Superior plains, Kerseys and salinets, suitable j for house servants, am. eng. blankets, wool hats, i etc. &c. Together with a full supply of hardware, &.c., | all 01 >viinjj will be ciieerfuiiy shown to any one | lavorins: them with a call, J 77 tf I Boots, Shoes and Leather, TOOKTilKlt WITH j Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises. : rjUlK suiia'crihers hare just received the largest 1 J. and be?t aborted stock of lioolH aud j isiioe* ever offered in tins market, to which they ) reephctlully invite tin- attention of purchasers.? I Their stock consists in part, as follows, viz: Hurtle men's tiipliiuuatiie hoots, pump bottoms " stilt h " waterproof do qi riled bottoms " " il<> cork sule* Cull'pegged I'aiitoriiia hoots tvaterprool um>;? Kip " *' fashionable pump-solo Sltoea __ _ _ i-air-nt leather and Calf tiaiwri ' Jenny Citxi Tics Hungarian Hoots " India Uubber Shoea Boy'a Calf I'unip Wool* Pegged Bo?>u> ' " " H a'?rproo!' Boots " " Kip pegged Boots *' f'alf ' K.p_ do Ladle?: White Sill; (?ai?er? " Kid Siips " O.iiter Bonis, asscr'e-l colors Rim I. Satin Cullers " U'lMilig " Colored Hungarian 'l i?? " Mn.-k ^ ; 4" " Kid ;>lip? and t ies ' ** 3?!?ru?!C0 cilip* and Tie* India Kiilibt-r SIimm U<i>kln Walking Shoue " ( e&ukin " ' " Boot? " Uia<-k Lasting Half Gaiter* " Sli;* ' ' '* Bu>kin Ties MifRfM flatter Iv'xiln, .IsfOMOli <-i?Ioit ' (.Allured and Mack Jrnnv land Tin* Kuotet-s ' " ' Slij** ' falt'and Goatskin lino!* Tneetlifr vvi'h a beautiful assortment of Cliildren'a Shoe? I all colors .mil styles ALSO?A1.1RGE STOCK 1>V 1 CKliO SMOEft, of our own nmiiuturliire, l>otli recced and sewed. Sole. C'ppcr and (in rues? Leather, Calf and Kip Skins Limn? and Blndirnr Skins, tog*ther with everp article nereswary for currying on the manufactory m be*its and ? Fine nml cmmon I rnvcliirn: Trunk*, Corpet j Sriuiol thitHu-U. .\nr<c Bagxaud Valid*,all of which we ; offi'ral very low price*. ALI)E.\ A JIURKAV. | Oinden. Sept. 27. 77 -m _ Kai.tinn. A lew lioxtNf new ltuihius, jut-1 received hv W. c. .MOOIl'.J. hleur^iuie, I'lanler of J'uris ami (Jeiueut. The abpveartjclQ? constantly on hand, of good nuaiitv and at low price*. Ai.^o, Gyiwjm or land I plaster. J..' ClfATTEN* i r??>. 12. is 1 if 1 . i b?i- d a Notice. THE subscribers have this day formed a cn.part- . nersbip for the transaction of a General Grneery business, under the firm nf Shaw dt Austin, GEO. W. SHAW., ' L.A.AUSTIN. Camden, sept. 1,1&50 , r; ,, THE SUBSCRIBERS ARK now receiving and opening (at the et-'e two doors below Mr. George Alden's Shhe ' Store, and nearly opposire Messrs. A. M. 4* ft* Kennedy,) "a select assortment of Family Groceries, cons sting, in part, as follows: . t SUGARS?Brown, crushed, clarified, powdered and loaf COFFEES?Rio and Java CHEESE?Imitation English; do. small sire MOLASSES?New Orleans and Muscovado Palmetto Hams, a superior article MackaTel No. J, in Ritts ?. ramllsH?colored wax. sDerm and adamantine Crackers?spda. water, butter and lemon pic trie Spice."?ginger, mace, cloves, nutmegs, cinnamon and pimento Yea??Gunpowder, young hyson. and golden dtop Rice, starch and table salt Farina, for puddings, &c., superior to rice, sago or -tapioca Welsh's prepared cocoa, Bakei broma, chocolats Assorted pickles, ketchups, Spanish olives and pepper sauce Sardines, anchovies, fresh salmon and lobsters in cpiis Capers, currie powder, currant and Goara jelly, strawberry jam French and English mustard Currants, ginger preserves, tigs and almonds Genuine bay rum. lemon syrup Extracts i inmep, vanilla, rose and lemon A fine assortment of Confectionary All of which will be sold low for cash. A share of patronage is solicited. Oct. 4. SHAW &AUSTIN. Family Flour. \FEW baps "Extra superfine" Boston Gran- . ite Mills, I'rcm selected wheat, put up in baps j of25 and 50 lbs. each. Received and for sale by Oct. 4, 1850. SHAW & AUSTIN. Choice Segars of various brands. For sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. Salt, Ba^ifiug) Rope and Twine. For sale low by SHAW & AUSTIN. } CONFFC TION ARTFS. " A SPLENDID assortment of American and Frenc h Confectionarie*. Just rgceived-at Oct. SO. MOORE'S. ?. . ni ?u.,i *4 ??> ?tHI' / Sew Maekei el; T <<* A few barrels No. 3 Mark^.et, 1W>0. ? i V " half do No. I and 2 do do . , ' Just received at Moore's Family Grocery. > Negro Shoes. We have now on Hand, a large supply of Slack and Ruv?cU Pefflfd ???#? and Stifch-downShoes, > Of our oirn manufacture, which we'can recommend as faithfully made and of tho best material. also Band and Harness Leather Bl.iCrt and Jiussett Upp? r Leathor Calf Skins, Kip Skins HuIF-mI Kip for saddle covers, &c. And lor sale bv Oct.4. W. ANDERSON <fc CO. TJo-rrr flvnnexvrr ond Pivnricinn Rtnro 11 V TV U1UUV1 J UUU * 1 VV1WAVU MWAVI fpiIE subscriber would res|>ectfull inform his JL friends and the public generally. that be is now receiving his fall supply of GROCERIES* consisting in part, as follows? SUGARS?Brown, loaf, crushed and clarified COFFEE?Rio and Java. MOLASSES?New Orleans and Muscovado'. Rice cheese, bacon, lard, corn, and aalt Mackerel salmon and flour. Crackers?Wine, butter and soda. Preserves?Ginger, peach, plurn, &c. Pickles, catsups, sauces, citron, chocolate & teas. Raisins, almonds,currants and Knplifh walnuts, Pecan and l?utter nuts,spice, and "ringer. Nutmegs, candies, kisses, plums, &c. > Prunes, iigs,?ates, &c. . . , A!:-o?Powder, shot, lead, cigars, tobacco, &c. Soaps, btarcli,candles, crockerv, glass and hardware. ? * ? Also?Lime juice, lemon syrup, and ginger wine * Capers extracts Java coffee. WM. C. MOORE. N. P. Packages sent to any part of the Town. August 26. 1850. C8 A Complete Stock of . nOSIEtt r AJVD GEO VES. C().\TAIM .\'G ev< ry kind of Gloves, Lace . ." lifts, Lmpaml Half Lonjrdo.; a beautiful article !" Giusso Silk Gloves, all colore, to nlatcti |)r?>i-ses; mioses' and cliildres.'a Glove* all size*. Hosiery. Indies' Silk, Merino and all.wool H"*e; cotton Hosiery; of every eoior and quality; ui.sses' do., all Ladies' Merino and eilk Vests Mfn's cotton, merino and wool Half Hose; merinr Shir's and Drawers; boy's do Men's kid, silk, buckskin ami cashmere Gloves. In fart, every tiling desirable in the a.iove depart' meat's. at. WILSOVS PALM F/ITO^SWRK. _ SSKARM! ?K?AKS!!?A very choice lot ^ of Palmetto and Gold Leal Seoars, for pale by July T. BONNKU. & GO. ' Domestic Items, BROWN anil bleached .wheeling*, every width; Tickin?; Knglish I.oiiir-cloths; Counterpanes; Aimtnin I Vmittn irnMnlhtftioiite. piHIII it III! l|?;iliv II lUIMlMI JL'IIIIIiy j ^n? 1IITVIM AMIIIM \ * colored Homespuns and Penims; plaid Liiiheya Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. a 1150 pieces of bleached and brown Homespuns,, as low as thev can be bought anv where in Atnerica. At " JAMRS WILSON'S. LADIES SHOES. Received froui Philadelphia? Ladies Kill Slippers hiiiJ Tien do Walking Shoes Misses Roots and Shoe?, &c. Rv Oct. 4. W. ./ViNDfiRS('(V PRICE'S POEKS, ,;u~ I7M.EGANTLY bound, ar$l i^tcopv,.ior ??le hv u. C. Moore, ' , J>.i > 1*1 f -