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?l)c Camkn 3ounu?l. VOLUME 11. CAMbEN^SOUTH-CAROLINA, NOVEMBER 5, l&b" NUM?ER 87. MM??????? ?? LAY OP THE WOUNDED HEART. BY FRANCIS C. WOODWOKTH. O chide me not for weeping, SheV still the same to me, Though she has long been sleeping Beneath the willow tree. i That name, so lightly spoken, Falls sadly on my ear? Deem not that Death hath hrokeu A spell so strong and dear. Can the cold grave e'er smother The heart's first, warrriest flame? That heart enshrine another. And still love on the same? Say not sheearlv perished. As flowers in autumn die: Sav not the form I cherished Dwells where her ashes lie, % No?oft when tears are flowing, As tears are flowing now, ? And life's chill winds are blowing Fiercely upon my brow, That lovod one, who hef >re toe Flew to her native sky, Is bending fondly o'er me, As in bright years gone oy. IIow thin the curtain hiding The spirit world from me! How oft, like shadows eliding, That cherished form I see! My God! I thank thee ever, That friends so fond and true Not eVn the grave can sever, Or shroud from human view. Now comes she near and nearei! Welcome, mv spirit bride! Methinks she should be dearer Than e'en before she died. What though she has been sleeping Long'neatb the willow tree, Yet chide me not for weeping? She*s still the same to me! Eeal Cotton Land for SaleTHE subscriber offers for sale his Plantation, situate on Bear creek, 8 miies southeast of LancMterville, containing oOOacres, 200 ot which is cleared, the grater nart ecenily, the balance t woods. The crop of this year, with 7 hands, will lie about 80 hales of cotton and 600 bushels co n, liefore the storm it was su posed I'M) bales wot 11 have been made. On the premises is a new gin house and screw, a comtbrtahlc dwelling and all necessary out buildings, Persons wishing to buy and make cotton would do well to examine, as I will sell. Terms ea*v and accommodating. My reason lor sel'ine is to engage in other business. Some fikely Negroes will also be sold if desired. WILLIAM STB YENS. Lancaster Diet- S C. SepL 30,18.10 -85 850 Reward. 13AKAWAY from the subscriber about the 1st. .li- JSX 1840, my negro man Bogas,*a boot and shoe mgker bv trade, about 35 \e;>rs of age black, with full eyes and thick lips, plausible when spoken to, a little stuop in the shoulders when walking, he was raised about Sumpterville. or Bishopville, and was formerly the property of Bishop & Bow en. of Sumpter Dist. I purchased him < f Thug. Lang, Esq., of Camden, and he has a wife at the Saluda factory, near Columbia, his mother is in Sumpterville. and he is supposed to be lui k L--? .1 _1 1 ? Illg aooui me auuvr pimro, i/> .. uviv h* has connexions. I will pay $30 for his delivery to me at Lanrasterville, S. $25 it he is lodged in any jail so as I can fret hiin, or the above , reward ot $50 for his apprehension and proof to conviction against any responsible white person who may have harbored or employed him. WM. ROBINSON. Oct 4, I860. w6t 7ft Piano Fortes. BRING tl?e appointed agent for Newman &. Bro's. superior Piano Fortes, we are ready to receive orders for the same. The Pianoe are mat ufactured upon the moat improved plan with an entire iron t'r.<me, ?o prevent them from getting out of tune. Pianos delivered fiee of cost, and j j L.. ??_ _.i put up ana lUlieo UV -m- iicwmmi, UI ouinc ,mn:i competent person. Terms moderate, Pianos warranted Apply to J B. F. BOONE, Ag't. Oct ft. 80 tt In Equity?Lancaster District, R P. Carrico and wife Mary, vs. Mal.ala Caston, (widow,) Middleton G. Caston. John R. Caston. Partition of Real Estate of Eli C. Gaston, deed. IT appearing to my satisfaction that all tlte above defendants reside without the limitsot the State, it is ordered on motion of Clinton and Hanna, thai the said defendants do plead, answer or demur to the Bil! in above case on or before the til si day of Nov. 1850, otheiwise judgment pro confesso will be ordered against them. J H. WITHERS POO N, c. f.. l. d. Com office. Aug. 15. 87 66, LUMBER THE subscribers having commenced operation* with their $team Saw Mill, are prepared to furnish Lumber to their friends and the public, at unusually low rate6 for cash. CTIVo Lumber will be delivered witnoui an or der, except where a bill has been previously given. J\0. LOVE, S'R. OcLll??2wtf JAS. J. LOVE JUST received, a large assortment of Boy's and Youth's Clothing, well and neatly made. Also?Men's Clothing of every description and quality. E. VV. BUNNEY "VrOTICE IS hereby given, that application N u ill made at the next 6essio? of the Le^is lature for a charter to build a PLANK ROAD rom Camden, through Lancaster, to some point on the North Carolina line. Aug. 2. Nolftce. VT'PI.ICATION will be made to the Legislator" at its next session, for an act of incorporation Antinch Baptist Church. JAMES E. RODGEKS. JOEL DAVIS. Aug 63 3m Notice. APPLICATION will be made at the next Session of the Legislature of South Carolina to charter a Company to .Manufacture Cotton and Woollen ! ' goods in or near the town ef Camden, by ateain or ' water powor. ! Camden, Au^'. 0. 1650. JOHNB, DESAUSSURE, Adder's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his care, and to the selection and tilling of orders. frt;pt. 13. TZ t>m mazyck^&Ton" Factors and Commission merchants, SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C.; WILLIAM MAZYCK.) ff. ST. J. MAZYCK.) paul t. VILLEPIGUet FACTOR, And General Commission merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal enhances made on consignments of Produce, and prompt, attention given to the forwarding of Goods, at the lowest ratea. * 1 Aug. 26. G8 (1A aaa n a vnc ar *V)VW r V*BOOTS AND SHOES. TO BIC HAD at the New Shoe Store, and will be noid lower than any ever before offered in this market?having paid the cash lor eve y article, and selected from the best and largest manufacturers in the United Slates, we Hatter ourselves that no one can fail to be plea*ed in quantity, quality and price. The stock consists in part, as follows? -Men's fine Calf stiiched Boot* " " " Pump Boot* " " Waterproof do cork *oles " " ' do stilcbed and quilted soles 200 pairs fine Calf sewed Boots, from ?-1 50 to JO 00 200 ' " " and Kip pegged Boou. from S2 to #5 00 Men's fine Calf sewed Boole* $2 to si I 00 ' " * a id < loth Congress Boots S3 to (4 50 " '* Jersey Ties, S3 to S3 50 4 * " pegged Bootee*. $1 to S*2 00 ? irtr. no 41.1^ f*SI W V* Youth'* Kip pegged Boo ices, 59e to?3c Calf " " 73c to $1 00 " " Boot* assorted " Kip " " Ladies' Department. Fine silk Gaiters, bluck and colored " saiin " " lasting " " , ' welts and black " " Half Gaiters, well* and black " colored and black Welt " Ties, Foxed, Broad and Easy " " without Tips, for corn* " Jenny Lind llooiee*, Kid and Morocco i'ump " id and F.nameled Excelsiors Kid and Morocco Jenny Lind Buskins Taylor Ti?-?. I'uiup Fine Kid Slipper*, with Rosettes Fine Mcrrin co Mippcr* and Tiea Fine Ties and Dtiskins, Wells Fine Morocco do do Kid extra wide Mips and Ties Goat Hu?kiu* and Tics, W elts Goal Bool* Mitels' black and colored Gaiters * blue and lixrht colored Half Gaiters " black, bine and trrouze Bootee* " black and colored Slippers* " ' mat Bootee*, sewed and pegged, for School Shoe* Children's Mine* und Bool*. assorted I . ?:.L _! ? .1. .1 i ugciurr vwuj u ^rrai wciiucuicii n, uiuico and Children'* .Slue-*, too numerous to mention. Fine TRAVELING TRUNKS. CARPET RAGS. VALICES, HATS nod CAPS. All of which will positively lie sold lower limn tin' lowest for cash. iCM'all .ind *ee for yonmelves, at the NEW SHOE STORE of WORKMAN A. BOONE. Sept.-JO. Fall Goods. TBONN"ELL &. CO. are now receiving their Fail supplies, to which they invite the attention ol purchasers. SUGARS?S;. Croix, Delta, crushed, powder. ed and clarified COFFEE?Kio and Java TEA?Green and 11 yKin MUl.AS.SES?West India and New Orleans SALT?Table and sack MACKAKhL? No. 1 and 2 Pickles, Ketchup. Mustard, Ginger, Pepper Spice, Cinnamon, Snap, Candies, Starch, &.c. VI I . _ II . A U 1 . - tf. . riaroware, noes, .ixcs, opauc*, ?,r. Bagging, Rope uud Twine. DOMES I'JCS?Bleached and br-jwu liom.:spuns Together with a general assortment ol Goods suited to this market For sale low by j'liyiB. T. BUNNELL & co^ Ready-Made Clothing:. 4 COMPLETE assortment ol Over-coats, Dress it and Frock-coals, Business-coals. Blanket ahd coaling Over-coats, gentlemen's line Cloaks, Pants and Vests, Keady-made Shirts, Stocks and Collars. sept. IB II. LEVY v SON. Carpeting. I COMPLETE Ass irtrnent o. ingrain and Venetian Carpetings, lor sale low by Sopt ^B. H LEVY &. SON. New (roods. TUB undersigned is now receiving hi* Fall supply ot eoods. Huvinr purohnsed very largely. he is enabled to Otter great inducement* touts irienriM ana customer* to purchase from him- Among hi* stuck may be lound many articles not usually kept, and which he will take great pleasure in showing; n* it regard* price*. he will be *atisfied with Charlesto* terms. \ liberal deduction made on cash purchases. E. W. BONNEV. Sept. 17, 71 tf Amiatto Copperas, Indigo, Logwood, Madder, Wlnto Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Window Glass, Lamp Chimneys, Solar Globes, Solar "Wicks, e r til S?Kr Oil oprnn w?if ?'wirn Castor Oil, Epsoin Salts &c. &c. A full and fresh supply of all llie abovo articles ust received, and for sale by eept. 20. Z. J. DeHAY. Committed TO the Jail of Kershaw District, a negro man who calls himself William, and says he belongs to John Stoval I, of Georgia, near Augusta. Said negro is about twenty-three years of age, yellow complexion, stout bui't, five feet 3 inrhes high. The owner is requested to come forward, comply i i *_i L: wjiii uiu law auu uiku iiim awny. THO, J. WARREN. S. K. I). Oct. 4. 18-50. 79 I.nrd, Bacou nnd Flour, received at MOORE'S. | .liE W Staple and Fancy Goods. rpHE subscribers are now opening a complete X assortment ol Staple and Fancy Goods, purchased with much care, which they will dispose of on their usual liberal terms, They consist in I part, as follows: | WOOLENS. Heavy London Duffil Blankets 1 Super H-4 to 14-4 Lamb's Wool Bed Blankets i Heavy all-wool Negro Cloths : Negro Liiicpys, very heavy and stout ; Plaid Linsoys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear Clotlis and Cassimeres. : Superfine black, blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths ! Superfine Hoe-skin black Cassimeres . Satliuets, assorted colors _ Kentucky Jeans, do do j Elegant Fashionable Vestinga j Fancy Cossinieres Red white and yellow Flannels ' COTTON GOODS. | PRINTS, of every description Furniture Calicoes, very handsome 'Ginghams; Cross-bar'd and fancy striped Muslins , Furniture and cambric Dimity . Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics ! Colored and black cambrics Silks aiid Fancy Articles. E'eganl plain and water'd black silks : " plain, figured and water d colored anas J " Chena figured dross silks, very rich : Bolts; elegant lace capes 1 Muslin worked collars and sleeves , Very handsome liiserlings and Edgings Lineii-catiibric Handkerchiefs j Ribned silt Stockings; raw silk Stockings t I French merino, black and assorted colors ! Super black and meredmn black Alpachas . Striped and cross-bar'd colored Alpachas DOMESTICS, j 3-4,7 8 and 5-5 bleached and brown Shirtings 12-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings : \\ lute and unbleached Drills Striped and piaid colored Homespuns Beu Ticks; .iprou checks; cotton Oznaburgs LINENS. jouperan assorieu trisu i^meus j " Lawn Lawns, Dowlas; Damask Table-clothr * Damask Diaper; Dauiaik Napkins " Bud-eye and Russia Diapeis A LSOHundei and Gunny Rale Rope and Twine; iron; Sail Sugar, Cofiee, Molasses ALSO Blacksmith's Bellows, Vices, Anvils. Hammers Smew P ates, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes Hoes, Spades, Shove is, .Manure Forks With a complete assoriuieut of Hardware and Cutlery ! With uiauv other hrticle* too tedious to enumerate. H. LEVY dr SUN. sept 17* 7.1 Hm New Fall Good3. TIIE subscriber -respectfully intuims his friends and the public generally, that he is now recei| ving his Fail supply of Grocc'iies Roinenties, Ac. Consisting in pari, of the following articles, viz:? Brown, crushed, loaf and clarilied Sugars New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Rio and Java Coffee j Rice, Cheese, Bacon and Lard No. 2 and 3 Mackarul Corn, Flour, Oats, Salt Suedes Iron of all sizes Powder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles Fine and common Tobacco l?uggiug, Kope :ond Twliifl, Men and buys Wagon Saddles Hiding and Waggon Bridles Haines, Collars, Hiding and Waggon Whips also (-'rockery, Glass and Hardware Collim' best Axes, Nails, assorted size Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks Negro Cloth*, Bleached and brown Home-puns Bed, Negro and Hiding BLANKETS A few cases of men and boys Hats and Caps Willi all oilier articles usually found in a well supplied Grocery and Hardware store, all of which will be eoid exciedingly low for cash. B. W. CHAMBERS, t nmdin, S. C. Sept. 3. 70 U iW'fhe Sumter Banner and True Southron will ropy for three monlh*. Guns and Pistols. FINK L>f>ul>ie-b:jrrulleiJ (tuuh in eases; Double barrelled Guns without ca*ce; Revolving Pistols in cases. By sept. 17. II. LEVY if- SON. Scgurs. fPIJE subscribers have now on band the indst X fuvoriie brands of genuine Spanish iSegars. _aeptJ7. IL LEVY ?fJ50N_ Fresh Groceries &c.. ^?^1 !!' subscribers oeg res pec till I ly to inform I t Lei r friend* and the public genera lit, that they have now received ihrir Fall supply ol CiKOCKKIES. Brown and crashed Sugar* I nn> ana oiu Java New Orleans and Muscovado .Uoianscs | Mackarel, Nos. 1. *?i. and !l IIicc. Naif, &r. $:.c. Ua|;eiiij(, Kopv and T-vviur. I Gunny Cloth "Z\ lit*. per yard, ?lfi incites wide | Dundee Banging, 1} lbs per yard Weaver's best I'liiladelpliia Ropo Three.ply Twine AtC. Weoleus. I/indon Duffl" Blankets Negro Blankets j Colored Saddle Blankets Grey Plain** Negro Linseys, <tc. also A few barrels line Mercer Potatoes. All of i which will be Bold low lor cash, by GEO. S. DOUGLAS & CO. pepj* 1, 1850. 70 tt* Distinguished Arrivals!! I TAKE pleasure in announcing the ?afc arrival of a splendid variety ot Fall and Winter Goods. 1 Amongst which are, the neweai sty'csof French 1 Cashmere^ ami Mo isselines, Woolen de Chinien, I Alpaccas, Mohairs, Camelcons, Coburgs, Drap de Lyons, changeable Parramattae, solid color d Me , r-noes, ami Mousselmep, anu a lot ol satin striped 1 ItrexH Goods, at VO corits per vsrd. Oct !. JAMES WILSON. I i NEW STOBE. THE subscriber is now opening a large assortment of Groceries and Staple Goods, in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, of the following, viz: Loaf, Crushed, Ground and Granulated -Sugar* St. Croix, Porto Rico, and New Orleans do New Orlean*, Muecovado and Cuba Moluw Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee Gunpowder, Young Hy*on and Black Teaa tjucriu, nuomaiiuiic aiiu i ailuw voiiuiw No. 2 and 3 Mackarel, in Barrel*, Half and Quarter* Wine, Soda and Butler HUcuiu and Cowse Soap and Starch, assorted Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Nutmegs, Mace and floret Povder, Shot and Lead Hardware, Cutlery, Nail* and Castings Paints, Linseed (hi, Sperm- Oil and Window Glass also ? Bleached and unbleached Shirtings and Sheeting* Blankets, Bed Ticks, Apron Checks and Osnaburgs Together with a large assortment of Bagging, Hope and Twine. J. W. BRADLEY. Camden. S. C. Sept. 23. KrCasb paid for Cotton and other Produce. New Fall Goods. AM,&R KENNEDY, are now receiving their # supply of goods suitab'e for the season. The ! stock wiii be found complete in ail the branches, usually kept by them, they have been carefully selected at unusually low prices, and will be sold at a very small advance on New York cost. The above would respectfully invite the attention of their friends and the the public generally to an examination of their slock, feeling satisfied if low prices and good styles will effect sales, they cannot fail to enjoy a liberal share ot that patronage heretofore so fully extended tothem. % They beg to call attention to a few of the leading articles, viz: Rich Figured and Chene Milts. Newest styles cashmeres and mouselaiues Changeable poplins and coburgs Brocade and plain lustres i Eace capes, collars and chemizettes Puff sleeves, en'schildr work'd bodies xr titilin nnrl thrnnH pricincrc nnH infcprfinra. Ar r Gloves of every description, hosiery do. Lawn and cambric handkerchiefs English and atnerican prints, unusually low Furniture chintz, ginghams Long and square shawls, &c die dec Moorniof Goods, ! Super, alpaccas and canton cloth,a new article Dark grey poplin, ginghams and English prints Fast colors, collars and handkfs. ingrained ; Cotton ho8e,silkdo., cashmere dtcassiiuereeh'wle In Domestics* i Blea. sheetings and long cloths, very low 10-4 to blea&bro sheetingtsupe'r family linens Brown and col'd h'spuus of all kinds Linseys, bed blankets, from 10-4 to 13-4 White & red flan'ls, shaker welsh dI gauze do. dec ; Gentlemen's Wear. Sup'r ol'k and col'd trench cloths ? u doeekiiui and eastiraerea Tweeds in variety suitable for boys Satin, silk and cashmere vestings cravats, gloves and half hose Superior'qualitv of dress shirts Under clot hinge of every description. Ready Hade Clothing. Coats, vests end pants, got up in a very superior btyie. Hats and Caps In great variety and of the latest fall fashions. Negro Good*. Superior plains, kerseys and satinets, suitable for house servants, am. & eng. blankets, wool hats, &c. i.c. Together with a full supply of hardware, die., all of which will be cheerfully shown to auy one | favoring them with a call, Sept. 2;? 77 tf ; Boots, Shoes and Leather, ToOUTUKK WITH Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valices. THE subscribers have just received the largest and best assorted stock of Boots and Shoe* ever offered in this market, to which they resphetfully invite the attention of purchasers.? Their stock consists in part, as follows, viz: Gentlemen's fashionable Dress Boots, pump bottoms " " " " stitcn " " waterproof do quilled bottoms '! " " do cork soles " Calf pegged.California Boots " " ' waterproof Boots .. Kjp ?? . " fashionable pump-sole Shoes " " Haient Leather and Calf Gaiters *' Jenny Lind Tics " Hungarian Boots " India Rubber Shoes Boy's fine Calf Hump Boots Pegged Boots " " Waterproof Boots " '* Kip pegged Boots " Calf Boo toes *' Kip do I -.U? IVU:? 0:11. i lAiu icv ?? uuc oniv uaiirn - Kid Slip. ' Gaiter Bouts, aborted color* " Black Satin Gaiter* " " Lasting " Colored Hungarian Ties - Black " Kid Slip* and I ies " " Morocco Slip* and Tiss " India Kubber Shoes ' Buskin Walking Shoes " Goatskin " " ' " Boots " Black Lasting Half Gaiters Slij s " " ' Buskin Ties Misses Gaiter Boots, assorted color* " Colored ami black Jenny Lind Ties " Bootees " " * Slip* " Calf ami Goatakin Boots Together with a beautiful assortment of Children'* Shoes o| all colore and style* ALSO?alarge STOCK Or NUtiKO SHOES, of our own manufacture, both pegged and sewed. ALSO?1? Role, Cpper and Homes* Leather, Calf and Kip Rkins Lining and Binding Skins, together with everp article necessary for carrying on the manufactory of Boots and Shoes. also ? Fine and common Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags. SchtKil Satchels, Ntiree Bag* ami Valice?,all of which we otic rat very low price*. ALDEN & MURRAY. r,n,Ln s?,? or rr o?, Kaisinn. A few Boxes new Itaiaine, just received hv W. C. MOORti. $tom?Linie, Planter of PnrFs and Cement. The above articles constantly on hand, of good quality and at low prices. Also, Gypsum or land plaster. C. L. CllATTEXFeb. 12. 13 tf Notice. THE subscribers have this day formed a co-partnership for the transaction of a Geoferal Gro. eery business, under the firm of Shaw & Austin, GEO. W. SHAW. L. A. AUSTIN. Camden, sept. 1,1S50THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE now receiving and opening (at the store two doors below Mr. George Alderv's Shoe Store, and nearly opposite Messrs. A. St. 4* KKennedy,) a select assortment of Fatally Groceries, consisting, in part, as follows; SUGARS?Brown, crushed, clarified, powdered and loaf COFFEES?Rio and Java CHEESE?Imitation English; do. small size Mnt ASHPS .~t m faInieito Hams, a superior article * Mackarel No. 1, in kitta Candlea?colored wax, sperm and adamantine Crackers?soda, water, butter and lemon pie uic Spices?ginger, muce, cloves, nutmegs, cinnamon and pimento Teas?Gunpowder, young hyson, and golden chop Rice, starch and table salt Farina, for puddings, die., superior to rice, sago or tapioca Welsh's prepared cocca, Baker's broma, chocolate Assorted pickles, ketchups, Spanish olives and pepper sauce Sardines, anchovies, fresh salmon and lobsters in cans Capers, enrrie powder, currant and Guava jelly, strawberry jam French and English mustard . Currants, ginger preserves, figs and almonds Genuine bay rum. lemon syrup Extracts nutmeg, vanilla, rose and lemon A fine assortment oi.Confectionary, All of which will be sold low for cash. A share of patronage is solicited. Oct. 4. SHAW di AUSTIN*. Family Flour. A FEW bags "Extra superfine" Boston Granite Mills, from selected wheat, put up in bags of 25 and 60 lbs. each. Received and for sale by Oct 4, 1850. SHAW & AUSTIN. Choice Segart of various brands. For sale by SHAW di AUSTIN. fin It. Tin win <7. Ram o Tnrlnn For sale low by SHAW & AUSTIN. C o *F EC T10MA RIE8. A SPLENDID assortment of American and Frenc h Confectionaries, Just received at Oct. 20. MOORE'S. Mew mackerel. A few barrels No. 3 Mackarel, lr^O. - half do No. 1 and 2 do do Just received at Moore's Family Orocery. Negro Shoes. We have now on band, a large supply of Black and Harnett Pegged Brogans and Stitch-down Shoes, Of our otcn manufacture, which we can recommend as faithfully made and of the beat material. - * aLao Band and Harness Leather Blac* and Russett (Jpp?T Leather Calf Skins, Kip Skins Buffed Kip lor saddle covers, die. And for sale by Oct4. W. ANDERSON &. CO. New Grocery and Provision Store. rpHE subscriber would respectful! inform his X friends and the public generally, that he is now receiving his fall supply of GROCERIES, consisting in part, as follows? SUGARS?Brown, loaf, crushed and clarified COFFEE?Rio and Java. MOLASSES?New Orleans and Muscovado. Rice cheese, bacon, lard, corn, and salt >c_-i i j a .udi.ft.oici pdiiuuii auu uuur. Crackers?Wine, butter and eoda. Preserves?Ginger, peach, plum, dtc. Pickles, catsups, sauces, citron, chocolate & teas. ALSO, Raisins, almonds,currants and English walnuts, Pecan and butter nuts, spice, and ginger. Nutmegs, candies, kisses, plums, &c. Prunes, figs, dates, &c. Also?Powder, shot, lead, cigars, tobacco, See. Soaps, starch,candles, crockery, glass and hardware. Also?Lime juice, lemon sjrup, and ginger wins Capers extracts Java coffee. WM. C. MOORE. N. B. Packages sent to any part of the Town. August 26, 1850. 68 A Complete Stock of MMU9AJ&M I X# UAjU IXA. CONTAINING ev? ry kind of Gloves, Lac* Mittp, Loriganrl Half Long do.; a beautiful article of Glass? Silk Gloves, ail colors, to match Dresses; misses' and childrei ' Gloves all sizes. Hotiery. Ladies' Silk, Merino and all-wool Hose; cotton Hosiery; of every coior and quality; m.ues' d?., all sizes. Ladies' Merino and silk Vests Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Hose; merino Shirts and Drawers; boy's do. Men's kid, silk, buckskin and cashmere Gloves. In fact, every thing desirable in the aaove depart* merit's, at WILSON'S PALMETTO STORE. SEGARM SEGARS!!?A very choice lot of Palmetto and Gold Leaf Segar*, for sale by July 26. T. BONNiSLL & CO. Domestic items, BROWN and bleached sheetings, every width; Ticking; English Long-clothe; Counterpanes; plain and figured curtain Dimity; ganudutDimity; colored Homespuns and Denims; plaid ^inseye Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. a 1150 pieces of bleached and brown Homespuns, as low as thev can be bought any where in .Ante.'* ica. At JAMES WILSON'S. LADIES SHOES. Received from Philadelphia? Ladies Kid Slippers and Ties do Walking Shoes Misses Boots and Shoes, &c. By * Oct. 4. \V. ANPERSON TO PRICE'S POEMS, ELEGANTLY bound, at #1 per ropy, for pain ' by W. C. MOORE.