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p# mm VOLUME 11. ~ CAMDEN, SOUTH-CATOLIXA^WEMBER 1, 1850. i\ UMBER 8fil THE CAMDEN JOURNAL PCBLIS11KD BV rim. J. warkkn & c. a. price, KTHTnRS ,V"N1> PROPRIETORS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL l? published at Three Mhm and Fifty Cent", if paid in alvatii-r, or Fonr Dollars if payment is delayed for three hintith*. THE WEEK I.Y JOURNAL 1? published at Two IJuilars and Fifty Ontv, if noid in \d tittic. or Three Dollar* if jmyrneiii is delayed for three nruths. Vny person procuring five respnntnbh? subscribers shall K* entitled to the sixth copy (of the edition stibseribed for) "gratis for one year. \ hVERTlSKM KNTS will !v inserted at the following raw: For "ne square f 14 line* or lesst in the semi-weekly. *? !' dollar for the fret, and twenty-five cents for each *"b*equent insertion. lathe wee'ilv. seventy-five cents per square for the first, fcnd ihiny-SMven and a ball'cents for each subsequent insertion. Single insertions one dollar per square. The namncr of insetlmn* desired, am! the edition to pnblishad-w, must be noted on the margin of nil adveriseinents. or they will be inserted semi-weekly until orcred to he discontinued. am1 charged accordingly. SSeinj-raonthly.'ioontlilv and quarterly advertisement* 'charged tlie name as for a single insertion. Liberal discounts allowed to tho?c who ad\ertise for three, six. or twelve months. v (jyAll communications by mail must be post-|?id 01 secure attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: - W?. C. Caston, General Agent. Col. T. W. Htrer. Jacksonliam. Lancaster Dist. S. II. Kosukk. P.sq.. Lancaslerville, S.C. C. C. McCariiMEX. Carthage. N. C. \\r n \i c j" J.... c f .'IOQRN. v ixmu'-ii. ?-?. v.. And PoKMiaUers are requested to acta* our Agents. '* HOME. A BALLAD KOK EVERY BODY. BV MAKTIM F. TUPFER. I foraged all over this beautiful earth, To pick its best nosegay of innocent mirth?. Tied up with the bauds of its wisdom and worth? And lo! its chief treasure, Its innermost pleasure Was always at home. x I went to the palace and there my fair Queen On the arm of hnr husband did lovingly lean, And all the dear babes in their beauty were seen, In spite of the splendor, So happy and tender, For they were at Home! I tuni'd to the cottage, and there my poor hind I .ay sick of a fever.?all meekly resign'd, For, Oh! the good wife was so tender and kind, T. . -It .. Ill UI (111 l(l<*lirrP9 An angel in tatters And die was at Home! I ask'd a fond mother, just come from the post, With a letter tlm kissed, from a tar away coast, . What heart-thrilling news had rejoiced her most, And gladness for mourning, Her boy was returning - To love her?at Home! I spoke to the soldiers, and sailors at sea, Wh ete best hi the world would they all ot them be? I And hark! how they earnestly shouted to me, With iron hearts throhbing, And choking and sobiing, O land us at Home! I cnnie to tlie desk whf re old Commerce grew gray, And ask'd htm what help'd him this many a day, In his old smoky room with his ledger to stay? And it was the beauty, The comfort and duty, That cheered him at Home! .V 1 came to ttiecourt, wtiere me sages 01 law Were wrangling and jangling at quibble and daw, 0 wondrous to mo was the strife that I saw! But all that tierce riot. Was calmed by the quint That blest them at Home! 1 called on the schoolboy, a poor love stricken lad, Who yearned in his loveliness silent and sad, \ For the days when again he should laugh and be glad With his father and mother, And sister and hrother, And happy at Home! I tapped at the door of the year stricken eld, Where age, as i tlio't had old memories quell'd? But still all his garrulous fancies outwell'd {Strange old l&bhioned stories Of gladness and glories That once were at home! T si-},iKiM?r'<t the nrnrlij^al. w anton and wild. How cTiang'd from the heart that you had when a child, So teachable, noble, and modest, and mild! Though sin had undone him, Thank God that I won hirn, By looking at home! And then when he wept and vowed better life, ] hasten'd to snatch him from peril and strife, By tinditig him wisely a tender young wile,? Whose love would allure him, And gently secure him A convert at Home! So he that had raced alter pleasure so fast, And still as he ran had its goal over past, Found happiness, honor and blessing at last, In all the kind feelings, And affections and fueiings, That ripen at Home. Non-Intkhcocrsk.? At h meeting in Moliile, held by those opposed to the late settlement of the slavery question by Congress, the following resolution, introduced bv J. C. Campbell, esq. was adopted: Resolvedy That it is the duty of the Southern people, in this conjuncture, to give every encouragement to the labor and iudustry of the pi'oplo within their limits; by preference and premiums; to patronise mechanic arts and puranit-A nt home: to nrovide bv subscriotiou I'nr the erection of manufactures; to maintain their own teachers, schools, colleges and churches; to discriminate in their commerce,against those cities and individuals who show hostility to their in 'itutious, or maintain political alliance with f!- ir enemies; and thus, by fostering the intern ! <?f domestic industry, education and intercourse, to lay the foundations of a Southern independence, in the good will and mutual itidejieudence of all classes of their citizens." Onio.?A respectable Ohio | apcr states that * the Democratic members of Congress elected from that .State will probably support tlie repeal ofthefogitivo slave law. JOHN B. DESADSSDRE, AdgerN Wliurf, CharlMtou, S. C. ! Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his ! care, and to the selection and lilting of orders, i sept. 13. 72 6rn ! MAZYCK & .S0N, Factors and Commission Merchants. SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. O. WILLIAM MAZYCK, ? I W. ST. J. MAZVCK. S PAUL T. VILLEPIGUE," FACTOR, And General Commission merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal advances made on consignments of Produce, and prompt attention given to the forwarding of (joods, at the lowest ratea. Aug. 20. 68 20.000 PA fits OF SOOTS AND SHOES. rIX) BK HAl) at the New Slice filore. and will JL be sold lower than any ever before offered in this market?having paid the cash for eve y article, and selected from the be.-,tand largest manufacturers in the United States, we Halter our- ! selves that no one can tail to he plea?ed in quau tity, quality and price. The stock consists in part, : *a I. >11 - Men's fine Calf stitched Boot* Pump Boots " 44 Waterproof tlo mrk soles " " " do stitched and quilted sales j 200 pairs fine Calf sewed Boots, from 5c to J&6 00 , 2tk) nnil Kip pegged Boots, lroni ^2to ij<5 00 I Men's fine Calf sewed Bootes *fi to %: 1 CO a id ? lotli Congress Btmts #3 to $4 50 , " 44 44 Jersey Ties. *3 to ^3 50 * pegged Bootees, #1 to ?2 00 'l " Tvip " " 75r to $1 00 Youth's Kip pegged Bootees, 50c lo?5c " Calf " " ?5c to $ I 00 " " Boots assorted i j^ip Ladies' Department. I Fine silk Gaiters, blutk and colored 1 " satin " " lasting " " " * 44 welts and black " " Half Gutters, welt* anil black 44 44 44 " colored and black Welt " 'l ies, Foxed, Broad and Easy without Tips, for com* *' Jenny Liml liooiee*. Kul und Morocco I'mnp " " " * ill ami Enameled Excelsior* Kid und Morocco Jenny Liiid Hu*kin* Taylor Ties, Pump Fine Kid Hipper*. with Rosette* Fine Mormeeu >li|ipers and 'J'ie? Fine Tien and Biibkius, Well* Fine Moroei*o do do Kid extra wide Nlij* pud Tie* ( oni ttu>kins and Tie*. VNelu ( oa: liouis ** " black, blue und lirnnze Hootees " bun k anil colored NiipperM" (<nai hiNileeii, sewed and Jigged, for School Shoe* J ChildrenV Hns-* anil Hoot*. asMiiied 'I ogcilier wuli a great v.-.riciy ol' (ierilleiiieiiV, Ladies' j ami Children'* Shu's. too nuineroiu< to ineniion. AI.SO Fine TlUVELl.W TKlNK>, CAKI'ET RAtiS, I VAhlt'tri, ilATS and All of which will po>i- | liieiy lie *o!d lower ilniii the lowest lor ca>h. v^ri 'all and ?>ee lor yourselves, at the NEW SliOE STORE 01" WORKMAN At lJOONE. Sept. SO. Fall Goods. I . . I rp BUNNELL &. CO. an? now receiving tbeir J_ Kail supplies, to which they invite the alienlion ol purchaser*. SUGARS?S;. Croix, Delta, crushed, powdered and clanlied COFFEE?Kio and Java TEA?lireen and II) soil MOLASSES?v\ ess India and New Orleans SALT?Table and s:ick MACK A It hi,?No. 1 and 2 Pickles, Ketchup. Mustard, Cinder, Pepper Spice, Cinnamon, Soap, Candies, Starch, &c? j Hardware, Iloes, Axes, Spades, &,e. liii^itiK, Kopc im?l tl'uiue. DOMES'l'lCS?bleached and brown Home fcpUIIK Together with a rrnrral assortment ol Goods ~ ~ r? * ~ a suited 'o thin market For sale low uy July 26. T. BUNNELL & CU. Ready-Made Clothing. A COMPLETE assortment ot Over-coats, Dress and Fror.k-c.uals, Business coais, !>> >i:ket and coating Over-coats, gentlemen's line Cmaks, I1 mis and Vests, Ready-iuade Shirts, Stocks ami (.' I sept, 18 H LBVV S? Carpeting. A COMPLETE ,-\>s iMiiem v. Ingrain and V, i"l neti -ti C irpotings, lor sain iovv by Se|,t -Jti. 11 LEVY &l SU.\ , New Goods. TUB undersigned i* now receiving hi* Fall supply ol ! synods. ilit\ inc purchased very Inrgely, lie is enabled ' to offer pn-at inducement* to hi* friend* mid customer* to ! purchase from liiui. Anion:: hi* stock tuny he (ntind many article* lint ustiullv kept, and which lie will Inke great I pleasure in showing; as it regards price*, he will he *at- I i*|ied with Charleston terms. A liberal tledneiinu made on ' rash purchases. K. W. BOXNKV. Sept- 17, 74 if Auualto Copperas, Indigo, logwood, Madder, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Window Glass, Larup Chimneys, Solar Globes, Solar Wicks, ^pe rm i ?il, Oil, O.,*lor O i, F.p.-om Sabs &r. &C. A full and Ire*ft iy nt ill tiiOalanc .I'mlt'in>t received, o:; orale hy sept 2(1 7* ' Hr.II >\ . rimrtmtHpfl VVUliUivvvw T1 1 tlie Jail ol Kershaw District. .1 nejfn u a > who rails himself U'iliiiuii, and says he he. hninrs to John Stovall, of (innrvia, near Augusta. Said ao?ro is Hbout twenty-three years of ajje, yellow complexion, stout but t, five fcetU inches high. The owner is requested 10 come forward, comply with the law and take him away. THO, J. WARREN,S. K. I). Oct. 4, 16.p)0. TP Lard. Raeon and Flour, I received at MOORE'S. i * YEW Staple and Fancy Goods. ' rpHE subscribers ore now* opening a complete _L assortment of Staple and Fancy Good*, purchased with much care, which they will dispose ol 1 on their usual liberal terms, They conseist in j part, as follows: WOOLENS. ! Heavy London Duthl Blankets Super rt-4 to 14-1 Lamb's U ool Bed Blankets | Iloavy all-wool iNegro Cloths ! .\egro Lint-eye, very heavy and etout 1 Plaid L;nsoys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear C lollh and ('mrtiuicren. i Superfine black, blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths on permit* woe-sain oiacfc UaaBimeren , ISatiinelB, assorted colors j Kentucky Jeans, do do I Elegant Fashionable Vestinos ' ? ? ? I' aticy (.-i.ssimeres . Red while and veliow Flannels COTTON OOODM. PRIM'S, of every description Furniture Calicoes, very handsome (imgliams; Cross.oar'd and fancy striped Muslins Furniture and cambric Dimity Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored and black cambrics Silks and Fancy Artidci. E'egaul plain ai.d water'd biack silks " plain, figured and waler'd colored silks " Clieua bgured dross silks, very rich Bolts; elegant lace capes Muslin worked collars and sleeves Very handsome Jnserlings and Ldginga Lme.i-caiubric Handkerchiefs KiUueil tiik Stockings; raw tnlk blockings i,,ri;iicli merino, biack and assorted colors Super biack and tnereuian black Aipachas Striped and cross-bar\l colored Aipaciias DOMESTICS. JI-4, 7-8 and o .*> bleached and tirown Shirtings l'd-4 bieacned and unbleached Wheeling* W one and unbleached Dnlis Striped and plaid colored Homespuns lied Ticks; .\proii cli-cks; cotton Oztiaburgs LIN L.N S. Super an assorted lush Linens " Lawn Lawns, Dow ins; i< 'Table-clothe ' Damask Diaper; i)aiua;k Napkins u Bud-eye and Russia Diaper* ? iivn Munde? and Uunuy bagging Bale Hope and I'm ire; Irmi; fi>alt Sugar, Codec, Molasses , ALSO Blacksmith's Bellows, \ ices, Anvils, Hammers Hcitw 1' ales, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes lines, Spades, Mlmve.s, Manure Turks With a couipleie assortment et Hardware and ' Cutlery With manv ulher hrticles too tedious to enumerate, i il. LtlVV *y SUN. i sept. 17* 7.1 Km New Fall Goods. fflHK suhscriur resuoiftiiiv intouus his friends i -A -VI.UUIO ? ? " "'? J vmg ills Tall .stjpjiiy of Ui'difiioi, A) t> implies &<' Consisting ii; pari, ol the following articles, viz:? ; Brown, crushed, ioat and clarilic* Sugars . New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses kioand Java Riet, Cheese, ilacou and Lard ."so. 'J, and a .Uaekarei Corn, Hour, Oats, bail Swears Iron ol aii sizes l'owder, Shot. Lead, Soaps. Starch, Candles Fine and common Tooaico and Ttviue, Man and U?>v s \Vat*on baddies Riding and VVae^ou RliUles Hume.-, Collars, Kidini; and Waggon Whips ALSO Crockery, Glass and Hardware Coiiint' L si Axes, Naiis, assorted size l'ocket Knives, Knives and Lurks iteyro i'ioths Rleached and brown Home.-puns n..,i v i A^vi'i's i-zcu, a11u iv m 11 i?i una.miji vi A few cases ot'ineu a:id boys Hats and Caps Willj all oilier article* usual!) Ibund in a w< it supplied Grocery and Hardware store, all of winch will be sold exceedingly low lor casli. B. \V\ CHAMBERS. Cuind. li, S. C. Sept. 3. 70 tt iX^Tlm -Suiuier Banner and Truo Suutlirou will ropy for ilinr months. GUiiN and Pistols. j^l\E IJ'inu.e-o.trreOe.l tjuus in cases; Double barrelled Guns wiiliuul cases; Revolving l'lstols in cases. By sept. 17. II. LEW if* SON. M'gurs. ; !?! : subscriber* have now on baud the mdst :i . .hi ne nrunds ot genuine Spanish .Se^ars. 17. H. LEVY 4- SON. Fresh Groceries &c. 'Dii. .-in./. Hi-is i-i-u resiiecl.iiiiv lo inform JL iliftir Irioiid- hi id ilie puitlic generally, that h?ev have now received their Kail cupplv ol UROCIIiili^Si. Rrown and era.-hod cSuj;urH Km ami old Java Cnlh-e Now Orleans and Muscovado A/classes iMackarel, No.-. 1. 2. and '! Rice, Mai;, <v,t. Sir.. Slope Tnjaic. Gunny < lot 11 2Ji ilis. per yard, 40 :ii..hes wide Diimlee Ranging, IA H?s per yard Weaver's I test I'liiladclphiu Rope Tiirce-ply Twine &c. Wooii'Ui. I.omloti Dtilll - !!!. k'"ls Negro Ijcmkets C >: I JmiI.I.c loanke's > . . r-> !. ns"vs, &c. a i* - :;:i< werccr I'ot.itoes. Ail nl a i i,e -Mid i?*w ior cash, ' y GKO. S. DOUGLAS &. CO. | i l. lR.Vi. 10 tf Distinguished Arrivals!! 11 AKiS pie.,Mire in announcing tiie safe arrival n! a -|0eii:lnl variety ?>r Fail and Winter Goods. Amongst which rrs, lie newest styes ol French Casluneres ami Mo isselmos, Woolen de Chillies, Alpaccas, Aloliaiis, Cameleons, Cuburgs, Drap tie I fniic nfm niTonltln DoHS'inifittnu until) nnlnr /I VI o I rinoos, an 1 Wuusselinos, ami a lot of satin striped ! Dren* Goods at 20 cents per v:id. i Oct- 1. J A WES WILSON. NEWSTOfcE. THE subscriber is now opening a large assort inent of Groceriiv* and Staple Goods in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gera'u (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he wil dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. Those wishing to purchase would do well t< call and examine the stock, consisting in part,o the following, viz: Ix>af. Crashed, Ground and Granulated Sugars Si. Croix. Porto Kico, and New Orleans do New Orleans, .Muscovado and Cuba Molasses J*i vh. l^iguiraand Kin Coffee Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black Teas Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles No. gaud 3 Barrels, Half and Quarters W ine. Sola and Butter Biscuits and Ctieese Soapnnd Starch, assorted i eppor. opuv, conger. Nutmeg*, Mat*and Clove* Pwder. Shot and Lead Hardware. Cutler)-, Nail* and Cartintr* Paint*, Linseed Oil, Sperm. Oil and Window Claw ? ALSO Bleached and unbleached Shirtings and Sheeting* Blanket*. Bed Ticks, Apron Check* and Oznaburg* Together with a large assortment of BaxKiiix, Rope a cut Twine. J. W. BRADLEY. Cam Jen. S. C. Sept. 23. {Crt'ash paid for Cotton and other Produce. New Fall Goods. AM.&R KENNEDY, are now receiving their supply of goods- KUilah e for the season. The stock will he lound complete in ail the branches, usually kept by them, they have been carefully selected at unusually low prices, and will be sold at.a very small advanco on jVew York cost. The above would respectfully invite the attention of their trieuds and the Ihe public generally loan examination, of their stock, leeliug saiisfied it low nriroo on/I 1 * 1 * . r.,wo nmi ?uuu (mv it.*c win eneci eaiep, toey can. I not l;t11 to enjoy a liberal share ol that patronage | heretofore so fully extended to them ! They beg to call attention to a few of the leadI ing articles, viz: Rich Figured and Chene Sitka. Newest styles c?shmere6 and mouselaines Changeable poplins andcoburgs Brocade and plain lustres Eace capes, collars and chemizettos Puff sleeve?, en'schildr work'd bodies Muslin and thread edgings and inserting?, &c liioves of every description, hosiery do. Lawn anil cambric handkerchiefs English and anierican prints, unusually low Furniture chintz, ginghams Long and square shawls, &c &c vVc .Mourning Goods. Super. alpacc&'and canton cloth,a new article Dark grey poplin, ginghams and English printa I Fast colors, collars and handkfs. ingrained Cotton hose, silk do., cashmere & cassimeresh'wis I lu Domestic*. Blea. sheetings and long cloths, a ery low iv-* iu j^-i uieaccuro sneeiuuf,supe r latrnly lineus 1 Brow n and col'd h'epuns ofall kinds J.iuwys, bed blankets, from 10-4 to 13-4 White &. red llan'ls, shaker welsh & gauze do. &c (ienKlrmeii'a Wean Sup'r bl'k and col'd Drench clothe " u u doeskins and cassimercs AVlttt;U.nmtU'Wbr,,t^ cravats, gloves and half hose Superior quality of dress shirts Unuer clothings ol every description. Iteady Mude Clothing. Coats, vests sod pants, got up iu a very superior style. Hats aud Caps In great variety and of the latest fall fashions. Aegro fjood*. Superior plains, kerseys and satinets, suitable for hnu&c servants, am. & eng. blankets, wool hats, A*C. <CC. Together with a full supply of hardware, Ate., ali oi wlu.\h will be cheerfully shown (o any one favoring them with a call, Sept. & 77 tf Boots, Shoes and Leather, Tool, I II KK Willi Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valices. fault subscribers have just received theiargest X ciiid bust assured stock of Juioots and suo?-r? e\er offered in tins market, to which they resphctfully invite the attention ol purchasurs.? Their stock consists in part, as follow s, viz: Geuilenu-n's l'u*kionabie Die** li?ou>, p>imp bottom* " sUUsli " waterproof do quilled bottom* " " " ?iu cork 3o!e* f'alf pegged.Cnlifnrnia Hoots ' * waterproof Uool* Kip ' ' " *' fashionable pump-sole Shoe* l'aieut U-alherunu Calf Gaiter* Jenny Lind Tie* " Hungarian iluut* " India ttubber Slioe* Hoy's line Call* I'tinip Uoot* ?? l?. I I*--- ? I.iji-W " " " uterproof Bool* " " Kip peggeu Lioota " Calf Bootees ' Kip *1? Ladie* White 'Silk Ciuitem Kid silijid " fin iter Hoot*. u?M>rteJ color* ' Black Siitin (.'intern " " i n*ting " ' (.'"lured Iluii i:irian Tiet - Black *; " " Kid Slip* and I ic# " " Morocco Slip* and Tie* " India litihher Shoes ' Bnskln Walking Shoe* " ( mviNkin " " " ' " Itnofs " Black Lasting Haif Gaiter* Slip? ,i ii .. u- i.:_ DIOMJ1 A ira Mi?s,.'s ("Jailer Rnoii, assorted ?-??lorw ' Colored and black Jenny l.itnj Tie* " " UooleeS " " " Slips " Calf and Goatskin Hoots TojtiIht w itli a beautiful assortment of Children's Shoes <>i all colors a lit I stylos stock ok SUOI>, of our own manufacture, both pegged aud sewed. ai.SO Sole, I'pper and Harness leather, Calf and Kip Skins i F.ining and Hiudiug Skins. together with every article ne| cessary for carrying on the manufactory uf Hoots and I Shoes. Fine and common Travelling Trunks, Carpet Paps, 1 School Satchels, Nurse Haps and Valices.all of which we oiler at verj low price*. ALDGN A .1IURRAV. C'emtlcn, Sept. 27. 77 2ui . ICnisiim. A few Boxes new Raisins, just received by w. c. moor.:. Nlone inic, Plaster of Paris, and Cement. The above articles coiwlantly 011 hand, of good nuality and at low prices. Also, Gvpsum or land | plaster. 0. L CHATTEL F?b. 13. 13 tf Notice. rSTlIE subscribera-have thisilpy formed a cn partJ. nership tor the transaction of a General Gro* corv business, under the fi'-tn of Shav & Austin, 1 * GEO. VV. SHAW: 1 L A. AUSTIN. Can.den. sept. 1, 18??0 ) 1 T53E SUBSCRIBERS ARE now receiving and opening (at the ato^e two doors below Mr. George A Men's Shoe Store. and nearly opposite Messrs. A. M. <$ R. Kennedy,) a select assortment of Family Groceries, cone'stinff. in part, as follows: SUGARS?Crown, crushed, clarified, powdered and loaf COFFEES?Rio and Java CHEESE?Imitation English; do. small size \fOT.AfcSFS_v??- <"\,i J 14 ' vucmir <1IIU niUECOVaOO Palmetto Hams a superior article Mackarel No. J. in kilts Candles?colored wax, sperm and adamantine Crackers?soda, water, Gutter and lemon pic nic Spices?ginger, mace, cloves, nutmegs, cinnamon and pimento Teas?Gunpowder, young hyson. and golden chop Rice, starch and table salt Farinn, for puduings, &c., superior to rice, sago 01 tapioca Welsh's prepared cocoa, Baker's broma, chocolate Assorted pickles, ketchups, Spanish olives and pepper sauce . Sardines, anchovies, fresh salmon and lobsters in cans j Capers, currie powder, currant and Gnava jelly, strawberry jam French and English mustard Currants, ginger preserves, figs and almonds' Genuine bay rum. lemon syrup Extracts nutmeg, vanilla, rose and lemon A fine-assortment ot Confectionary . AH of which will be sold low for cash. A share of patronage is solicited. \ ()pf 4 QT-T A Ct? ?- ?T-eiT,T?* ? -- .. Mun ?? kL. A(JO I li\? Family Flour. A FEW bars "Extra superfine" Boston Granite Mills, from selected wheat, put up in bags of 25 and 60 lbs. each. Received and for sale bv Oct. 4, 1850. SHAW &. AUSTIN. , Choice Segars of variow brand*. Forsaie by SHAW fc AUSTIN. Salt, BaKinng, Rope and Twine. For sale low by SHAW & AUSTIN. j CON FjCCTIOXARIES. ~ VSPLENDID assortment of American and Fren< b Confectiouaries, Just received at j Oct. 20. MOORE'S. New Mackerel. j A few barrels No. 3 Mack a re I, 1K50. - half Ho No. 1 and 2 do Ho Just received at Moore1 s Family Grocery. IT ni wegro Biioes, We liave now on hand, a targe supply of m.nHt jOJJjgl . j Of our own manufacture, which we can recommend an faithfully marie and of the best material. also Band and Harness Leather Ijlaca and Russmt Upp-r Leather ' r Calf Sk>n?, Kip Skins Huffed Kip lor snddlf covers, &c. And lor sale bv Oct. 4. W. ANDERSON & CO. New Grocery and Provision Store. ! rrMJF. subscriber would rcspectfull inform his | JL friends and the public: generally, that he is j now receiving his fall supply of GROCERIES, | constating in part, a? fallows? SUGARS?Brown, joaf, crushed and clarified COFFEE?Rio ana Java. MUL.Aa.5fco?Aew urieans and Muscovado. Rico choose, ba^on, lard. corn, and sail. Mackerel wlnon ard ,'lour. Cracker*?W'i::e, burner and soda. Preserve??Ginger,peach, plum, etc. Pickles, catsups, sauces, citron, chocolate k teas. also. Raisins, almonds,currants and Eir'ish walnuts, Pecan and bu'ter nut?,spice, and r'vter. Nutmegs, candies, kisses, plums, i.e. Prunes, ti/s.dates, &.?. Also?Powder, shot,lead, cixar-, tobacco, &c. Soaps, starch,candies,crockery, glass and hardware. A!s->?Lime juice, lemon syrup, snJ ginjer wine Carers extracts Java c:.ff-e. \VM. C. MOORE. N. B. Packages sent to any part of the Town. August26, I80O. 68 A Complete Mock of wins test* t ,7.1'n ara i*r$ CIONTAININO every kind of Gloves, Lace ' .Mitts, and Half Lo:ijj do.; a beautiful article of Glasso Silk Gloves, all colore, to match Dresses; mihseb' ar.?J rhiliiret 's Gloves aii sizes. Hosiery. L'sdieB* Silk, Merino and alL'Vool Hose; cotton Hosiery; of every coior and quality; m eaes'do., all Ptzep. Ladies' Merino and silk Vests Men"A cotton, merino and wool Half Hose; merirc Sliiris and Drawers; boy's do < M"ii's ki?l, s-k, buckskin anil cashmere Gloves. In fact, every tinner desirable in the aoove depart* merit's. a* WiLSU.VS I'ALVIbl JU a i UKb. SEttA&S !!?A very choice !'>t _ rf Palmetto and Gold Leaf iS"gars, for sale by July 26. T. BONNELL & GO. Domestic Items, BROWN ami t>*<Mcti-d aheotiti/8, every width; Ticking; Rrgltsh Long-clothe; Counterpanes plain and figured curtain Dimity; gannjnt Dimity ; colored Homespuns and Denims; plaid l.inaey?; Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. also 1150 pieces of bleached and brown Homes-puna, as low a* tlicv ran be bought any where in Amer* ic,i. At JAMES WILSON'S. I, A DIES SHOES. < Received from Philadelphia? Ladies Kid Slippers and Tien do Walking Shoes Mis?e? Boots and, &r. Rv Oct. 4. w. ANDERSON & ro. ~PSce?8 ~ ELEGANTLY bound, at $1 per copy, for sale by W. C. MOORE