University of South Carolina Libraries
Ik vnT.fTMR 11. OAMDEX, SOUTH-OAROLIXA, OCTOBER 22, 18.~>0. "" NUMBER84 THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. wr VVKLISIIKD BV THO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, EDITORS AM) PR<>l*RIKTOKS. THE SEN I-WEEKLY JOURNAL I* published at Three IhilLirw nml Fifty Cents, if paid it! hlvanrr. or Fblrr t)<>!];in< if payment is delayed for three tUOIitllS. Ttir wpvifi v -innHNAl, 1 1M1S Jt ? LIUAk i<A ? w Js published iu Two Dollars and Fifty Cents. if |k?i?f in tdianfe, or Three Dollar" if payment is delayed for three hionihs. Amv person procuring five responsible snlwrrihers shall W. entitled to the sixth ropy tof the edition subscribed for) gratis for one year. ADVERTISEMENTS will !? inserted at the followitie Vnnn: For one square f 14 lines or less) in the semi-weekly. *'?< dollar for the first, and twenty-five cents for earh fenltsequeni insertion. In the weekly, seventy-five cents per rqv.are for the first, wnd thirty seven and a lialf cents for earh subsequent insertion Single insertion" one dollar per square. Tlte nnmi-er of insertions desired, and the edition to published in. most he noted on the margin of all ndver'i"emeitf*. or they will le> inserted si-mi-weeklv until orVred to lie discontinued. ate- charged accordingly. 'Scmi-iWintlilv. iiionthlv and quarterly advertisements tW r&De as for a single insertion. I.iheral lifawnnra allowed io those who advertise for three.-rhf, or twelve pmntlv. or* Ad comntuuiialiotiK by mail must Ik* pwu-paid <u itiure attention. The following gentlemen are A pent* for the Journal: Ws. id. C'*ston. General Agent. Cnu T W. I lofty , J.ickxoriliatn. Lancaster Dirt. S. II. UossKr. Ksij.. Laneast: rvi'l"', S. ('. G. Mci bitumen, CanliiMje. .N. C. W. C. .Moork. E*jm A'aiujrii. S. C. A Jul Postmaster* are requested to act as our Agents. ' " iiiniia--11" ?ifiiMii??. nmi To My Old Friends in Kershaw. HAVING paid particular attention to the growth ol'different kinds of'new rotten seed for the last lour years, I became so convinced ofthe superiority ol scute of them to the p;tiIf" cotton, that I bought last tail every seed \\i:h which rny crop is piatit?'d and am tuliv satisfied tfiat i Hiau do nanuHHiielr paid fur so *oing. I have the l'ront. Bannana, Pomegranate,Harris, ami golden chaff. 'J hip year I ihink ihe golden chalf and Pomegranate, are doing best of a wet year, and on fresh land the Harris cotton will or has made more than any other. If'anv of my acquaintances should f'-ei disposed to fry tliein J will forward any reasonable amount to ? hnrleston, neatly put up in strong sacks at one dollar per bushel and this is what I paid here for all but the golden chafti for tin se 1 paid So per bushel. The expense to Charleston ca. not be more than out dollar more in other, words, I will deliver any reasonable amount of the seed in Charleston at %2 per bushel. Any < nv sending au order shall have the seed of the kind ordered. 1 would remark however, that lhace no great many of the golden chad'to spare, as I purpose planting largely of them, this is an early :?*?i*. .1 i 1.j,;, Colloii wnn very e.\ii-iiuru uioiivM^c ... top. The golden chaff .seed commanded $5pir bushel hefts last year. WILLIAM I- McTAA. Dayton, Ala." s* pi. 18. J850. 77-3t Real Cotton Land for Saler|^UE subscrilier uHeis <r?r sale l?ir? P.h t:?tion, JL situate oil Bear creek," miles southeast o; L.-ii-eapterviMc* containing-?00 acres, <>i w iii'h is r eared, ihe greater miri rHe?1lv, the balance I woods The crop of tine jwar, with 7 bands, w ill be about "0 bales of cotton and fit Ml bushels coin, before the storm it was mi [*>se<| l'H) bales would lime been made. On the premise* i* a new gin house and screw, a comfortable dwelling _..l -II ... ?... ? > kllillllliHS l*?ruillli uisll. #11111 till IJCI r.vmj in? to buy ai-d make cotton would do well to examine, a# 1 ivili ?e!l. Terms ea^y and a.TommiMiatlng. My reason lor Koi'mjr is to engage it! oilier business Somo likely Negroes will also be sold if d?hired. WH.I.IAM STRVENS. Lancaster Dint. S C. Sept. 30, ISoO.-Sl TT.1.1.1. T J f O.K v aiuauie Lauu. iur oaic. In Kqnity?Lancaster District. It. E. Wylie, Adnir. George W. Coleman, dee'd. vs. Mary A. olentau, and others. BY virtue of the decree of tin: Court of Equity iti above case, i will offer for sale on .Monday the 28th October, 1850, at the dwelling house on the premises,;?11 that valuable, plantation whereon George w. Colt man formerly resided, situate on Fishing creek in Chester District, containing between lire and six hundred acres, more or less, Imutided by said creek and bv lands of p. G. Anderson, Dr. McCreary anil C'happel llotvze. Terms, a credit of 6 and 12 months, the purchaser giving bond tvitligood personal security. J. 11. WTfl 1ERSPOON, C. E. L. D. Com. office Lancaster C. D. Sept. 12. 82.(12. $50 Seward. tjanaway front the subscriber about the 1st, I I' Atrg. 1811), Thy negro man Bogas, a bool and shoe maker by trade, about 35 years of age, black, willi full eves and thick lips, pUu-ihle when spoken to, a little stoop in the shoulders when walking, he was raised about Sumpterrilhs, or Bishopville, and was formerly the property of Bishop & Bowen, of Sumpter t)ist. I purchased him of Thos. Lang:, Ksip, of Camden, and he has a wife at the Saluda factory, near Columbia, hi? mother is in Sumpterville, and lie in fttippoeed to b.i lurking about the al>ove places, or Georgetown, where he has connexions. I will pay $30 for his delivery to me at l<aiicaste)rviUc, S. ('? $25 it he is lodged in any jail so as I can get him, or the above reward ol $50 for bis apprehension ami proof to conviction against any responsible white person who may have harbored or employed him. ' WM. ROBINSON. Oct 4; 1850. wtit 79 In Equity?Lancaster District. Ba;ly F. Ingram, vs. William Cautiicrti .nid wife Hancy, Nathaniel B. Iiigram.'Arlhur Ingram, et :al.?Partition Real Eatate Jemima Ingram, (deceased) and so fort li. IT appearing to any satisfaction that Nathaniel B. injrram and Arthur Ingram, two of the defendant* in above case, reside without the limits of this Soio. it is ordered on motion of Hnnir*ntid, Sol lor . ainarit, tlmt the paid defeiidanis do plead, answer or demur to the Bill hi above case on or helmt .he ist day of November, lbtiit), otlierwise Judifintml pro ennfawo will be ordered aoainst them. J- H. WITHERSPOON e. e. l. d. ' <vi io^n lit, ^oin re.unice, juiy WHITE LEAD. Expected daily, a lar<re invoice of White Lead, Chrome Green. Pari? Green, cjrc , which will he sold at lower rates than hitherto offered in this place, at McKAlN'S DRUG-STORE. *EW Staple and Fancy Goods. rI'M IE subscribers are now opening a complete ; I ns.-ori nipiii oi Startle and Fancy Goods, pur-' c ita>cri vvilii iiiucIi rare, which they will dispose of on their UMJa: Iile.-al terms, They conssisl in > part, as loi.ows: WOOLI2XS. Heavy London Duliil liiuiike'.s Super *-4 io 14-4 Lamb's v\ uol Bed Blankets Heavy all-wool iNegro Cloths ?\e?ri> LiJiseys, very heavy ai.d stout ! l'litid Liiiseys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear Clotitx aud Cansitnem* | Superfine Dark, blue, brown, and invisible green j I French Cloths Superfine Due-skin black Cassimeres Satlineis, assorted colors j Kcututky Jeans, do do Elegant Fashionable Vesting* Fancy . feiuieres iCod while and veliow Flannels COTTON GOODS. I'RLNTS, of every description Furniture Calicoes, very nai.dsome Giuohaiiis; Cioss-lar'd and ;aiiey striped Muslins j Furniture and cambric Diuniy Furniture Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored and black cambrics feilk* and i'aucy Articles. EVgant plain ai.d water'd black silks plain, figured ana water'd coiured silks | * Chena floured dress snks. very rich i? i ? belts; elegant lace capes VI..-,.... 11-... L?.|| n.tilar^ and sleeves : \ ery handsome rUngs mid Edgings 1 l.iiieii-c.iinbr.c Haiidkerclneu | Ribbed silk Stockings; raw si.k blockings , French, black and assorted colors Super black and uiCiediaii black Aipachus Sti ij eJ ami'd colored A.'puchas DOMESTICS, j 3 4, 7 band 5-0 bleached and brown Shirtings ]"<4-4 meat bed and unbleached Sheetings W hue and unbieached Drills .Siript-d and plaid colored Homespuns bed 'i icks; Apron checks; cotton Oziiaburgs LLVE.YS. Super an nstoi led li .su Linens " Lawn Law:ib. Low.a.-.; t>aiiia*k Table-cloths ' Damask Diaper; J)ama >k .Napkins " bird-r^e and Russia limpets A Ls>u I I 'uncle* and Gunny bagging bate Kn, t and I wii e; linn; Salt j Sugar, Codec, Moia:*es A LbO I j blacksmith'* Bellows, Vice?, Anvils. Hammers bcicw 1' ale?, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes ! Hoes. Sij.ides. Shove.s. Alanure Forks Willi a complete assortment <1 Hardware and | Cuiiery Wiih many uiiicr hrlic.'es loo tedious lo enumerate. ! Jl. LEW cj- SON. t-ep'. 17* 74 Uni - Hew Fall Goods; fPJIE subscribt r respectfully iulbriiis his friends j I. and lilt- public generally, liial he is now rucei- j ving his Fail euppiy of Urocciieii, Djiiicdics, Ac. Consisting in pari, ot the following articles, viz:? i Brown,crushed,lo. fund clarified Sugars New Orleans and Muscovado MoIu.sms Kioand Java Ct ll'jf Bice, Cheese, Bacon and Lard i\o. 2 and 3 Mackaril "Corn, Flour, Oa:.-, Sait Swedes Iron of all size* Powder.Shot. U-iidjS -aps, Starch, Candles - Fine and common Tobacco itope and Twiiio, Men asul boy s Wagon Saddles Riding ami Waggon Bridles Humes, Collars. Riding and Waggon Whips ALSO Crockery, Glass and Hardware Collin*' best Axes, Nails, assorted size Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks .letro fioThs Bleached and brown II one-puns i Bed, Negro and Riding BLANKETS A few cases of men and boys Hats and Caps With all other articles usually ibuud in a well supplied Grocery and Hardware store, ail of which wiil be sold exceedingly low for cash. B. W. CHAMBERS. ('imii le n. S. C. Sept. 3. 7:) it KrTiit* .x'uaiter Banner and True Southron will copy for tlnvc immtl ? Guns and Pistols. ..... ... . , , ,, n | ,"*1 iNl*i ll.iUDiO-D rr-J.U ti VJIIIM m i/oiiuie 1^ barrelled (iuiis without cases; Revolving Pistol* in cases. By sept. 17. ll.JLKYY <f- SON*. Sesar*. 1MJI< *u!iscril>"r* h.ivy> nu.v oil iiainl tlie; imlst favorilt; brand* ol genuine Spanish .S'e^.ir*. *epl 17. II LBVY ?J> SOS. Fresh Groceries &e. T": suo-eniiers nog iisj.ecliuliv io inform j I A. tiieir mentis awl ii?: pnnnc yfoitsrauy, uiai | <tiev have mow received their Fail sepal v of i Brown and crashed ?Sii?j:irs Uio and old Java e .New Orleans and Miiseovado .Volasac* Mackarn!, N*i?. (. J, and il Hire,!, iSic. &o. iln^zinz, SCopc a id <3 Twine. (iiinnv i lotii 'JJj ihs. per yard. Id int.lies wide j Dundee Bnuijino, ] l2 I lis per yard Weaver's he?t I'hii.idelphia iiopu Tlirec-ply Twine &C. Wooii'lis. London DniHn Blankets Negro Blankets Colored Saddie Blankets Grey I'laiinc .Nejjro Linseys, &c. A few barrels fine Mercer I'utalue*. All of j which will be sold low for cash, In GKO. S. DOUGLAS & CO. 1 8*ip|" I, 1850. 76 if Hotlce* fTMlK Special Partnerxliip heretofore existing in the nnnte j J. rif W M. M. Ll'HUOl'K ?V; Co., for llie carriage of' Freight mid Passenger* on the wnters of the Slate of South Carolina, hy tlie steamboat RORKKT MARTIN, is thi* (lay IJUMIOIVeil Willi iiini;wii^n?wi um tuc j'aiuiLir. Cliarlcnton, July lfith 1 H5??. W. M. LUBBOCK, p \UL K VII.LKI'ftiUE A: SON. C.J.SHANNON. 1 ROBT. .MARTIN J. R. .VC. II. DI KES. E. W. WALTER. EDWIN P. STARK. Sept. 21 70 pt i NEW STOEE. TJilC subscriber is now opening a large assortment of Oroecrie* and Maple <*nod*. in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, of the following, viz: lawf. (Vastnil, ('round mid CJrninilatrd -Siipars St. Croix, I'orto lliro. and New Orleans do New Orieaus. .Muscovado and Cuba Molasses Java. hngtiira and Kin Coffee (iuiijNtwdcr. Voluip Hyson and ItlnekTeas S|K*rni. Adamantine niul Tallow f-'ninlim \o. 2 and 3 Miu-karvl. in Barrels. Hall" and Quartern Win?. Sr?la hiiiI Butter Biscuit* itiui Cneesc Soap ntnl Starch, assorted Pepper. Spice, (Singer, Nutmegs, Mace and Cloven Pov der. Shot and Lead Hardware.. Cutlery, Nails atul Casting* Paints, Linseed Oil, Sjierni. Oil tnnl Window Class A l.MI Bleached and unbleached Shining*and Sheetings Blanket.-. Bed Tick*. Apron Checks and Ozntibunja Together with a large assortment of JBagk'iMk't StdM! and Twine. J. W. L'llADLEV. Camden, S. Sept. -3. DTC'asli paid forC'oUoit and other Produce. New Fall Goods. AM, &R KENNEDY, are now receivingtheir supply okgoods suitaii e lor tiie season. The stuck will he lotind complete in ail tin* branches, usually kept by them, tnwy have been caielully selected at iintisualiy iow prices, and w 11 i* >nirl at a very small advance ott .Yew Yut!-* t\ -'. 't in* above would respectliii'v invite tiie attvitihui ol lltuif lr.ends ai d toe lite publicgenerally loan ux aiDlliauoiJ 01 lllUir **??!?., .v.uiit'ii u iv... prices and good sty ies vviii cti? cl sale.-, limy nuinol laii It) ei)j<>y a I.beta! shaie ui patronage heretofore so fully extended loiiiein 'I'll* y beg lo cull attention !o a lew til' the leading articles, \ iz: i'ich Figured uml Cheue Silk*. X' Wtst styles- cashmeres and .iiuiioduiiicg Changeable pcpliiss undeoburgs limeade and piain lustns Eace capes, collars a..d clu-inizctles I'uif sleeves, en'.-chndr work d bodies Muslin and thread edgings and inserting*, &c Cloves of every description, hosiery do. Lawn and cambric handkerchiefs English and aiiK-rican prints, unusually low 1 Ul lilllliu CI Jltl I t.y ^in^lKltiir' Long and square .-haw is, &tr uic &c JUoiiruiiu; (ioodsi Super. alpaccus am! canton cloth,a now article Dark grey popiin, ginghams and English prints East colors, cedars ami handklN. ingrained Cotton hose, silk Jo., eashifiere ?St cussiinuru sir wis in Worn,-slic*. Blea. sheetings and long cloths, very low 10-4 to 12-1 blea vCoro sheeting,stipe 7 iatni'v linens Brown and cot'd h'spuns of all kinds Liuseys, bed blankets, from 10-4 lo 13-4 While &. red liun'ls, shaker welsh '& gauze do. &c tleiislenieii's Wear. Sup'rhl'k and cot'd trench clorh.<? doeskins and cassimereg Tweeds in variety suitable tbr hoys Satin, silk and cashmere V us tings cravats, gloves and hall liose Superior quality ul'dress .-hirts Under ctn.hings ul every description. U.Htiv .".lade Clothing. Coats, vests slid pants, got up in a very superior sly le. Hutu and ( aps In great variety ami of .Ik1 latest Tail fashions. Ne::r?? (loud-. Superior plains, kerseys and subnets, suitable for lu.use se; \ ants, am. &. eng. blankets, wool hats, &c. &.c. Together with a lull sitpply of hardware. &c\, all oi win.J, aiii tie i heir.funy sJiuwu to ai y one hi t'iii itiir irifii :i r:iiL Srpi. *J 77 'f Boots, Shoes and Leather, i? uk nit:it v\ i ni Travelling Tnmk3, Carpet Bags and Valices. 7IU1E subscribers have just received the largest JL and a.-surii d stock i?f 25oois? felloes ever oll't-rt-'il in this market, to which they resphctf'uiiy invite I'm a 1 u-ti>i<>:i a( purchasers.? Their .stock comisls in part, as follows, viz: Geatlcitica's fusli ionubic I>os Cool*, pump builcm* " Mil'll waterproof do ipiilk'd lioUomst " *' " do cm It soles fait"pegged .fa lil'nriiiii Bonis " " " waterproof Bonis Kip *4 fai l unliable ptanp-sole Slctes fulfill I^JitlicranJ Calf t'Uil'TS Jciiiiv ii12'1'it-? " Hungarian UimiIs '* Imii.i Kiililtrr (iliiici Ijiij'ii line Calf I'uinp iltmu liix-ix ' " " VV isu-rj>r???>r Uooiii " " Kip itegsjiil Uiwta '' Calf Ooop i* Kip ?! ? Lt-livs \V liiie vSilk (iaiWT* " KiJ Siijw " Cailer lino;*, iiKMirtnl culum '* lilat k 8atiii (laitrr>> " " I " Colored Jiun^ariaii Tie* " Ki l Slip* ami I i* *' ' .Moun'cu Siip* niiJ India UuiiinT Sla*-* Hiakin :.lkin,' Slio-y " (?"a ("kiii " " " I MKl'V " IHiu'k Lasting I laiT Jailer* ** Siij* " li?i- kin T??*y tiiilrr ??<in * :i?s<>r:i-'J ml* f(Join.-.".) ii'itl hi.ick .Jfl'.ir l.i.i1 I-'-' _ " ( lllf llloj ; :i f. : TogHlier with .. I-. ,* il-J i > u: '-li.i;i?l .ill colors lit)-! , t. !ii*IaOi>. of our own iii:iiiuI:icinro. itoiii ih-imimI u.ul ?-c\v. J. \ i..o? Niile, I |>|x-r :i*nl in-awer. ? .hi ;iiih i\iji -m,i? l.inini; ami Hindio-/Skiim. loe 'tiier e\er!i iinn-lr iniv^nry for currvine oil tii?* maiMiliiClorv of liont:* '.tin! niihc*. ? Kim- inn) i'oiiuiinii Tnnclliiii! Trunk?, Cnrjiei linen. School Satchel*, \iir>r ll,ie>an>! Valiee*,all nf which we oiler a.t verv low price*. VM)t;\ & KlitltAV. < Vm.lrn, Sent. 'J?. 77 ?iu KuiniUM* A few Boxes new Raisin--, just received by W. C. MOORii. Stone iin?s S>ls?*?auf J'inis (VtJU'Htt Tlx? above articles constantly ;.u naini, of good quality and at low prioe^. vise, Gypsum or laud plaster. I?. CliATTMN' Feb. J J. I- ?t' YViM. MA'L'TIIIKSSEN\S Wholesale Clothing Establish meat, Corner of East 3ay and Queen Streets, HA.lL3;siO,\, ?i. C. Manufacturing House, 36, Piatt St. New York. CCOUNTRY Merchants purchasing Clothing, / will find it ?o their advantage lo look through the stock of this extensive Clothing House, where j they will find fresh and desirable Goods, at prices us low as cun be purchased at in New York. July ?6. swiot JOHN B, DESAUSSURE," AdgcrV .Vimrf, Charleston, C. I Will ^ive prompt an J close attention to the sale ; ot' ail descriptions of Produce entrusted to his j care, and to the selection and filling of orders, supt. 13. 12 (iin MAZYCK t 3()?, I Factors and Commission Merchants, j SOtTII COAIAIKUCI \L WliAUI*. CHARLESTON, S. C. W1I.I.IAM MAZVCK. f w. ST. J. MAZVCK, ) "paul T.1TLLMGUET FACTOR, And General Commissicn ISeich&ni., ; ACCOMMODATION W11A It ?, C.'I VKLKSTOX. S. C - i l.ilicrnl sidi utiles made on coiihi^nlncitts ol 1'ro- i | Jncr, and firoinpt iitieiiiioi! given lo liic forward- j injj ol Goods, at li>e iowfst rates 1 Aiig.'Jrt. to * j !\ViI?* OA* BOOTS AND SHOES. : r|XJ UK UAu til liit' Aeiv ?Snod More. <111(1 wiii i i m~ liti tol?i io a ct than .my u\ > > ngiure ullered j in tins niailici?iiuving :iie ca.-hior eve v arj tide, ami sciec:otl I row tee Uslami largest man- 1 ! ulaciurer* .11 tiie United Stale.-, wo Duller our- j selves 1l1.1t uo one tail lati io be piea-eii in ijuaii- : lily, quality ami juice. Tiic stuck consists tti jmrt, a? loilliU s -Wi'ii'm fine C all' nli.'rlicii Ifcrnin " " I'uillJ) Iitio.a J " " Waterproof ilo cork ?oiw j " ' " uo htilclicd and quilted sole* | III) pairs /ii.o (,'u.lf sewed Ltouls, I'miu c+1 fx to 5.6 W j 'ii<0 and iviji (ii-'rufi llooln. troiii 10 jM Of j ."den's line Call" 'crtcd lli><'ie> c.? to t (Hi ; " " ' a id 1 ioili t.'oiigros l'(*oin ?3 to at) 1 ** " JelM'V Ties. .-3 10 :<3 j>) pegjrcd iinuU'c*. 5}i to 00 ' " Kip ' - 7t?r i?j b I 00 Youth'b Kip liobkuii, M'loVii: - i C'uif " " Ticiooi W_ i ' " Boot)' a?Kortcd i - Ktp " Ladies' Dcjiaitnieut. ! Kino ?ilk liuiters, blaek ??k! colored I ** >a?i)? %* * " I lu> iug " j Weils :tin! Iikirk *' " lluil" tiuiieia, well* .mi! Mark ' * " " " viilun.t! uini iiiuck. Welt " Ties, Ko\f?i, Broad and Knsy lYItliOlli 'I lor euros ** Join;} i.iittl Bootees, kid and Morueco l'liiiip " ivid and Eimiwled I'.xeelsinrx ' Kul ;n.'I Atotxii en Jenny Liml Butkiim | Taylor'IV.*. J' I Fine Kid .-lipper*. uiili I?o.-et!t ii j I ine Miirpm'" >iif|^i.?. nod I lea ! i' me '1 it* and Btiskins, U ells ' Fine Mnn.eeo do do I Kid extra wide >lij* and Tiea j (mat Bu kill* aiiil l ies. V\ eiu j <?oat lhiu.k J .yis*ex" iiiiic!; :im! cuiitris'l ( 'stiicrx liliit-.iit.l i "l'>r?-il uiitfWaiters lli.ll'n. aJ.illlll llfl.llZt: HoolCt'i " iii;icl; cuJorfi! " < out llieitris. am) ju jjjreil, for !>rhool Siioce j J Children'!* Mine* nuil boom. akMcie.i j i ngiilier wall a variety ?f Gentlcmcn'is, t ; uiiil C iuKircii'x c>iii>'-i. tiNiiiiiiiicioUx lo liieniiou. | Fine TKAVKU.Vi CAIU'KT HAGS, j I VAlJl'Iii*, II \'l S siiitl C-vi's. All of ulni ii will i"?i* liveiy be xoltl lower than the lnwexi for ra>ii. it/( ail ami m-u lor yuinx ivo, al ties .\ii\V S110C ; , .STOKI ; of : woitioiAX ?* BOOM:. ! Se;il. 20. Fall Goods. r|"* llON.NKI.I. ( O. ;irc now rncjivin^ their j .L l''all eiijijiiie-s i" 'A hu ll thev invite li.e alienlion of piucii.iseix. ?!' /; \o>: r?.i?. !)r?iia. crushed. nOWcicr I'll lilt! l.ll 'i'iod ("l > 1*^?Uto Java j TKA?iiieuu and ll>.?>11 I Mol.ASSKS?Wt'bi I:i<lia and New Orleans SALT?Tabic and sack i MACK A UK I.? N?. ! and 1 | J'.ckliv, Kutciuip. Mu.-: ml, timber, IV'pjier Spice, ('ini'.tnmii, Snap, Candies, Starch, fee. i 2lurdwaic. lines A.xis, Spades, A.'0. ZJojm* ami 'i'winc. IJO.MKS IK'S?illemlied and lir-jwn Heme.-pnns ! T???i*llii*r Willi a ufsurtmctil o! Cioncs I suited i" litis market. i'nr sa c inw i>vr July -JO. T. JiO.WKKK A CO. Rcadj-Ma<lc CloHiiu^ iC'O.MI'J.L'TiO nt Uver-ivat-, uross ami Frtvli-fn .is, i li .ii.Kt-: ami I ?vu!ia>f < >ver-c<'.il.-, jjimiIIimh-u's '.'aula I an*! \ !! < ' . - dtnrl#? Sliwkrfami C'?!!ars? i ' ii ;.i:\ v s< Carpeting*. * ' "l ' i i. > ! * 11. f Jl' > illxl a"li \ C? I .a tic;i til C .'j.elia^p, tor ealo :??u itv S. . i Jii. 11 1 F.V l Hew Goods. [ rr\l\-. na-jt-r itr-u-ii i* n?*\ m:: Isit Full?M I ; "!> . ii:i\in. |uirrli.i"<-il v.-rv urp-ly. !. - is t-tiaMnl I t'i ii'It iiT'ltit'i-tii* tiif lii "n|< .Iml .-ii-min.-rs t?t |* l'ri?tn lii:u. Ammi; lii* Mm-h inav (mind nniiv :iriii*lc< ii"l n?iiitllv ami wliirli In-mil uiki-uit-ui |i|i:iMirc in sIiouiiii:: : ?-11 r?j> |>rav.?. he will lv mmiflicil witli f'liurlfhUi/ u-riiin. \ lilieml ?! .Iiu-timi nmi!i- mi ra-Mi pun-ham-*. I!. iV. KO.NMil. 17. 71 ll' A intuitu Copperas, lllllliri), I.Og'Wcil III, .Madder, Winte Lead, I ..........I ( ill 'I'ni-niMit!lit?. J tllirti ru 1 ?lr, , ... t r Window Glass, Lamp Chimneys, Solar Gjoli?;s, Solar \Vick?, Sperm Oil, Solar Oil, Castor Oil, Epsom Salts Ac. Sc. A loll anil I'resli supply ol all tlto abovo artiries list, received, and lor s.iie by ..opt.-J'I. ZJ. DUI.W. Is the !\nrtk Satixftclf?The following taken limn the .New York Post, a leading paper, will fianv that the grasping North is not y&l satisfied ami that it meditates still further and grosser aggressions upon Southern Rights: v, itii ri'l'.mo 10 int'w mexico and t tat), m'IiicU :tre itiiw jciivided with Territoiial Governments containing no prohibition of slavery, there la * nothing to prevent that question from being soon brought up again and as often as there is the : lightest chance tor its .success. There is nothing to prevent a proportion forthe amendmeiit of these hills from being brought forward at the next session of Congress, when we shall be rciutoiccu hv toe accession ol tlie Senators and Representatives from California; "nothing," that print continues, "to prevent, it from being urged upon the next Congress, .when a dih fereut and jostcr proportion of Northern ? and Soothe; n Representatives will be returned to Congress under the new "census." And further says: if we cannot exclude slavery from the territories, by n direct prohibition; if Congress has not the firmness or the virtue to amend the Territorial Coverumciit by a formal recognition af the iaw of'freedom, bequeathed by Mexico tt) her ceded provinces, ?e will do to exclude it by the continual agitation of the question ?a method of warfare which is still left us, and which the capitalists possessing slaves?if we may trust the admission of the \ Southern politicians?dread almost as much as an express exclusion by law. Ai.Ait.uiA.?We Lave in the last Mobile iiibuue most ing evidences of an earnest Southern spirit ii: a part of Alabama where we feared ihe suhiiiissionista might eve.i have a bin* jorhv. >oou after the passage of the oti-eailed Compromise measures, a cail was pnWislietl i:i .Mobile lor a grand public* gathering :ind festival, to celebrate tin* niumpli of Toole, Clay and Co. The meeting was appointed for Tuesday, the 6th i'.isi. 1 lie .Mobile J ribune took up this call, and in a serit s of it murkobly able ami luminous arilek-u, exhibited the true character of these measures and the position and company : -v . l.l . I 1.... 111 ?iik.i ? imiin-iii i?ui v. uuiiibiiici- luvuisvnvg I?v rejoicing iivtr them. Tue people \ were aroused, and a call was published ior a public UK-cling U> uisOUSs ;ukI pUsS just Sentence on the Conip: omise measures, The meeting was held on Monday, the llii inst.*, and was, we learn, one ot tile largest ami most enthusiastic meetings ew-r assembled in Mobile. The resnlu- A tions adopted contain a keen dissection anil e*-^ posnieol tlie recent trumpery adiustmeib, ? the meeting uiiani'ibiii&iy recommeii$$L tlio (iovvrii'H DI ?-?-? ccrll tlw? iitgislalure, preparatory to the calling ot'a State Convention.'' On Tuesday, the day after, enme oIT the grand jollification ot ti.o sohrnisSiouists. 'Ilio tribune furiiishes tiie lb.lowing lively sketch of the unfair: , 'Use chowder party \festerday, we learn, * was a mournful failure. There were a good '* uiiiiiy people at the tables, who niahily looked as though they had no recollection of having ? eulcuaguud meal any time these twelve months. ' + The procession, as it defiled down Roval-street, about half-past five o'clock, was a most piti b 5 L-* '! !ii?e.? nfoim iw.i IU..W1 tiff \f I'll; M. 41 vi v 1* wiv n?'i liiui v max mmj i:i it, aii told, and the beautiful flag borne he- . : I'oio it was so long, that it might almost have coveted the last man in tlie crowd. It looked weary of the service it was enlisted in. VYe shall hear of no more chowder parties got up to ylui ily the 'l'en ituriai laws of the late Congress. "iiy the way, we are pi ionised a fuilnr ar count (>S this a flair. "At ni. iit the jidiifiers held n meeting in th- -?t .Market iloiiac, and, compared with the .Southern meeting of Monday night, it was a total failure. W e take pleasure in announcing this fact. i it is a convincing proof of the soundness of ? \ .Mobile on this imp.>t taut subject." I The Virginia Convention will meet on Mon! day next. A tun-t eventful session is before : us. and we fear one of the most embittered i lor power and predominance which , ever divided this distracted Stale. At present i theie is a '.'vticrnl culm over ail things?tiio j cultu t!.?t pirctnles (be tempests. The loutj Congress is over; {lie members of our ruaip i'uiiiameiit have sought their homos to tnuse jjioo liit* mischief they have done. Genera news are of no impoitanre; newspapers con t :ii! nothing ? !' interest. Soon, however, wo shall haVf before us subjects of snlfiricul iuipottanee to engage the attention of the most callous. The discussions of themes which will eooie home, if not to the bosom, most certainty ; to the bretnl and bn-iiies* of all the people of ! this State, will soon be forced upon the- press ! and tin public. ? llichmuwl Exn.nii.' r. j Que': Yjeroria and IVi.iiv Mi-fit, the latest liinniu-: Us, ase "fill rusticating itiiiMi.-, I Mi.'icii.ii-is Hi ... 11ul. Iter Majesty, !iv tU w.i .. tiic heroine oi n feat, which i- 'Lloui jrorlunnoil even l?y tiie hnidj jv.'us^fyti . .?i ?::uf par i ??i* the co'.iliti V,? the neet'tit of the nijfti'.'il Mio iiilaiii ?>f i-eiin i imiml, some ! leot above the Jr'V? I of tin* sea. During the toilsome ascent 1.4?r Majesty proved herself a first rote ;edosfri.m, :iml had the advantage over IMiii Albert in more than one contest, m : siirmontiup t!io more m.^ed points, were the I hands perforin fully as important a part oftlio | loeomotioii as it i!to feet, and eventually tlie 1 tjiieen reached t!ie summit tiie first oftlio par! \\ 'J'!ie summit of the mountain is almost void of v > p t.-tiou, !i,ivi:io t'ie peculiar weather boa' ten ap;a *;r common to Scotch mountains of like < ion. s^-rnmc tJf.TCnTC1 .TlVivUi & * jj^LuUANTLV bound, ut ? ^p-i copv^ior saio