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. ' . . J' ;".' - * " ?l)c Camden Journal. vni.TTMEIL ~ CAMDEN, SOOTH-CAROLINA, OCTOBER 18, 1&50. NUMBER83. THE CAMDEN JOUBNAL. PCBLIPHBD BY THO. J. WARREN & . A. PIUCK, KDITOKR AND PRoPRfBTOK8. THE Slftll-WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Three Dollars and Fifty rehta.'if paid in 'advance, ?r Four Dollar* if payment in delayed for three tnoutli*. TfJE WEEKLY JOURNAL J* published at Two DoIInrs and Fifty < Vnt*. if paid in clcancc, or Tlifce Dollar* if jnyincut is delayer! for three tnnnlh*. Any peNon procuring Ave responsible subscribers shall lx- cntin-yd rn tire sixth copy (oTthe edition subscribed for) fcrntls for one year. A I) VEttTIS hM ENTS will be inserted at the following Fat-*: For one square f 1-4 lines or less) in the semi-weekly, hii- dollar for the first, and twenty-five cents for each Nuhscqnerir insertion: In the weekly, seventv-five cents per square for the first, thirty-seveij ami a half rents for each subsequent ininsertions one dollar per square. 'lite tiuintier of insertions desired, and' the edjj/W to he publiebetHrr. hjust he noted on the margin of ali ailveri?emeiits. or thev will be inserted semi-weekly until or^ s?j ?. -i ?.i t-rea n>.no niwiiwmcw. ?n? ... .? Semi-mfuithly, monthly and quarterly advertisements charged the same a* for a single insertion. Liberal discounts allowed to those who advertise for three, six, or twelve months. By AH communication* by mail must l?e post-paid oj secure attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: Wm. C. Gaston, General Agent. Col. T.W. Hnsy, Jackson ham. Lancaster Dist. S. II; RoesKR. Esq., Lancosterville, S.C. v'. C.'McwftUMMRN, Carthage. N. C. W.CT?oork. Esq., Camden. S. C. And P(?una-ters arc requested to act as our Agents. To My Old Friends in Kershaw, HAVING jrnij particular attention to thegrowth flifdifferent kinds of new cotton seed for the 1 st four years, I became so convinced ofthe superiority ot ^omeof theiu to the gulf cotton, that I bought last fall every seed with which my crop is planted and am fully satisfied that I shall be handsomely paid for so *oing. I have the Pront. Bannaln, Pomegranate,Harris, and golden chaff This yvar J think the golden chaff and Pomegranate, ar j doing best of a wet year, and on fresh land the Harris cotton will or has made more titan any 0 her.?' Jfaqy of my acquaintances should feel disposed to try than I will forward any reasonable amount to Charleston, neatly jut I up in strong sacks at one dollar per bushel and this is what I paid here for all bat the golden chaff, for these I paid $5 jer bushel. The expense to Charleston cannot le more, than one dollar more in other, words, 1 willl deliver any reasonable amount of the seed ill-Charleston at. $2 per bushel. Any one sending an order shall have the seed of the kind ordered, Twould remark however, that I have no great many of the golden chaff to spare, as I purpose ;plauting largely of them, this is an earlycotton with very extended branches even to the top. The golden chaff seed commanded $5 per bushel here last vear. . WILLIAM L. McCAA. Davton, Ala. sept. 18,1850. n-at : , - -., v-; i? ?v South Cttrolii&a?Kershaw District. lin J'ihn J$. Jou, Eagvi't* Qrdiuaryfitr mid DisL WHKHfi^ erR. MHlerapplieH t?? me for letters of administration on all mid singula t ie goods smlchattel*, rights and credits of Mrs. Si rah A Ai jller, late .of the District aforesaid, deciased . These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all an I singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and.appear before me at our next Ordinary'.# court'for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court Mouse on the 14th day of Oct. inst. to show cause, if any, why the said administ-Hfion should not be granted. Given under tny hand and seal, this 3d day of Oct., in the year of our laird o e thousand eight hundred and fifty, and in tbe.scventy-fkh year of American Independence. JOHN R. JOY, O K. D. Oct 4,1850. .> 79 In Equity?Lancaster District. ? ? - ? rn i Uaily 1?'. Ingram, vs. wunnm ^auwicm dmu ?nc Nancy. Nathaniel B. Ingram.iArthur Ingrain, et al.?Partition Real Estate Jemima ingrain, (deceased) and so forth. IT appearing to any satisfaction that Nathaniel B. Ingram and Arthur Ingram, two of the defendants in above case, reside without the limits of this State, it is ordered oh motion of Hamrrmnd, Sol. for complainant, that the said defendants do plead, answer or demnrto the Bill in above case on or before the 1st da^ of November, 18&J, otherwise Judgment pro confesso will be ordered against tbern. J-ILWITllERSPOON c. E. L. D. Com'rs.oSicej'Jaly 20,1850. 16t 5"! In Equity,--Lane aster District. R. P. Carrico aud wifoJVIarv, vs. Mabala Caston, (widow,) Middleion G. Caetoril John U. Caston. Partition of Real Estate of Eli C. Caston, deed. IT appearing to my satisfaction that all the above defendant*; reside without the limits of t he State, it if ordered ott-motion ot Clinton ana nanna, inai the said defendants do plead, answer or demur to the Bill in above case on or before the 21st day of .Nov. 1850. Qtbeiwfce judgment pro conTeaso will be ordered against them. J. H. WITUER8P00N, c. *. t. d. Com office, Aug. 15. $7 . 60, Fair Notice. 1 HEREBY caution all persona against trading for a note on hand given by me, payable* to N. Bradshaw, of Kershaw District dated in September 1850, for seventy-five dollars, payable the first day of January 1852, the consideration for which said note waa given, having failed, I am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law. ELI HUE BATES. Gadsden, S, C. Sept. 23 1850. 77 4t Committed TO the Jail of Kershaw District, a negro man who calls himself William, and says he belongs to John Stoyall, of Georgia, near Augusta. S-tuI upgro is about twenty-thr^e years of ago, yellow < jmplexion, stout bui't, five feet 3 inches high. The owner is requested to come forward, comply with f.?- iaw and take him aVvay. THO, J. WARREN, S. K. I). n,.t j 1R.?W). 79 Executor's Notice. PMfSONS indebted to Joseph Cunningham dec'd. are -requested to make payment, and those having demands to present them to either ot the subscribers. JNO. BROWN, Liberty Hill, C. J. SHANNON* Camden. July 1$. [3tit I jj E.v'rs. ,\E\V Staple and Fancy (roods. < a "MIR subscribers are now opening a complete , jj . assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, pur- ! ^ chased Willi u;uch care, which they win uispose 01 i j on their usual liberal terms, They conssiat in part, as follows: ' c WOOLENS. t Ileavy Loudon Delhi Blunkeis Super8-4 to 14-4 Lamb's Wool Bed Blankets Ileavy all-wool Negro Cloths Nogru Linseys, very heavy and stout l'ltud Linsoys; Wool Cloth lor women's wear Cloths and Cassiuteres. Superfine blac k, blue, brown, and invisible green French Cloths Superfine Doe-skin black Cassimercs Sattinets, assorted colors Kentucky Jeans, do do Elegant Fashionable Vestings Fancy Cassiineres Red white and yellow Flannels COTTON GOODS. PRINTS, of every description r uriiuure calicoes, very uauuQuuig Ginghams; Cross-bar'd ami lancy striped Muslins Furniture and cambric Dimity Furmluie Fringes; cotton cambrics Colored aud black cambrics Silks and Fancy Articles. I E'egant plain and water'd black silks ^ plain, figured and water'd colored silks 6 " Clieua hgured dress silks, very rich u Bolts; elegant lace capes B Muslin worked collars and sleeves a Very liandsouie Inserting* and Edgings a Emeu-cambric Handkerchiefs Ribbed eiik Stockings; raw silk Stockings a French merino, black and assorted colors P Suncr black and inereiiiall black Alliaclias )' Striped and cross-Lar'd colored A! pachas '' DOMESTICS. 3 4, 7-8 and 5-5 bleached and brown Shirtings ii 12-4 bleached and unbleached Sheetings While and unbleached Drills Striped and plaid colored Homespuns . Bed Ticks; Apron checks; cotton Oznaburgs * LINENS. J Super an assorted lush Linens " Lawn Lawns, Dowlas; Damask Table-cloths ^ ' Daiuask Diaper; Datuaik Napkins *u Bird-eye and Russia Diapets * ALSO * Dundee and Gunny Bagging * Bale Rope and Twire; lion; Salt Suyar, Coflee, Molasses <, ? A Lso Blacksmith's Bellows, Vices, Anvils. Hammers , Sciew R ates, Trace-chains, Collins' Axes iloes, Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks Willi a complete assortment of Hardware and j Cutlery 2 With many other hrticies too tedious to enumerate, p; H. LEVY 4- SUN. i sept. 17* 74 Gin y New Fall Goods. s milE subscriber respec fully intouns his friends - J ci:? .lit* tWfil Lu i? unit* rop*il 'I X ana im? puuuc 5^,,V*0,V ???"? ving his Fail supply of ^ Urocei-ieii, Domestic*. &c. c Consisting in part, of the following articles, viz:? ^ Brown, urusbed, lo if and clarified Sugars l New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Itio and Java Coffee * Rice, Cheese, Bh< on and Lard Mo. 2 and 3 Mackar.-l j Corn, Flour, Oats, Sa t Swedes Iron of all sizes Powder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles f, Fine and common Tobacco c<; ifag^inu. It ope and Twine, Men and boy's Wagon Saddles a Riding and Waggon Bridles f. Haines, Collars, Riding and Waggon Whips Crockery, Glass and Hardware Collins' best Axes, Nail?, assorted size Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks Aegio Clotlis Bleached and brown H jmopmjs r Bed, Negro and Riding BLANKETS A few cases of men and boys Hats and Caps ^ With all other articles usually found in a well sup- rj plied Grocery and Hardware store, all of which (l will be sold exceedingly low for cash. B. W. CHAMBERS. Camden, S. C. Sept. 3. 70 tt Sumter Banner and True Southron will ropy for three months. Guns and Pistols. X?INE Double-barrelled Guns in casps; Double | JL' barrelled Guns without cases; Revolving Pistols in cases. By sept. 17. H. LEVY cfr SON. li Segars. THE subscribers havej now on hand the mdst favorite brands of genuine Spanish Segars. sept. 17. H. LEVY dj- SON. | Fresh Groceries &c.. fTMIh subscribers beg respectlully to inform I their friends and the public generally, that they have now received their Fall supply of GKOCERIBN. Brown and crashed Sugars , llio and old Java Coffee New Orleans and Muacovado A/olaHseu Mackarel, Nus. 1. 2, and 3 Rice, Sail, &r. Sic. Bugging, Hope and Twine. Gunny Cloth lbs. per yard, 46 inches wide I j Dundee Baling, lbs per yard Weaver's best Philadelphia ilopo TJiree-ply Twine &c. WooEeu?, ,j I/ondun Duflle Blankets Negro Blankets Colored Saddle Blankets Grey Plains: Negro Linseys, &c. 0 A few barrels fine Mercer Potatoes. All of j which will be sold low for cash, by c GEO. S. DOUGLAS & CO. uep?* I, 1850. 76 tf Notice. * The Special Partnership heretofore existing in the name of VvM. M. Ll'BBOCK <)k Co., for the carriage of Freight and Passengers on the waters of the State of South * Carolina, by the steamboat KOHKKT MAKTIN, is this day dissolved with tlm consent of all the |>artiicrs. Charleston, Jtdy 10th lHfrf). w m r nnnnrir PAUL If. VILLF.l'JGUE <fc SON. C.J. SHANNON. UOBT. MARTIN. J.R.*C. 1I.IMJKES. r K. W. WALTER. EDWIN P. STARR. I Sept. 21 NEWSTOKE. rHE subscriber is now opening a large assortment of Groceries mid Staple Goods, u the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald soutli of the Bank of Camden,) which he will isnose of at Charleston prices for cash. ] Those wishing to purchase woukl do well to all and examine the stock, consisting in part, ot | lie following, viz: I?onf. Crashed, Ground and Grannlnted Sugars St. Croix, Porto Itico, and .New Orleans do t New Orlenns, Muscovado and Cuba Molasses j Java, 1 .oguirn and Kio Coffee Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black Tens Sperm. Adamantine and Tailow Candles No. 2 and 3 Maekarel,in Barrels, Half and Quarters i- 1 Ui i Wine, OIHiU. UliU Diatl'r MIM'UIIS ilHU LlitUPC Soup and Starch, assorted Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Nutmegs, Mucc and Gloves Pov-der, Shot and U<ad Hardware, Cutlery, Nails and Castings Paints, Linseed Oil, Sperm. Oil and Window Glass t # ALSO Bleached and nnhleaclied Shirtings and Sheetings Ulankets, Bed Ticks, Apron Checks and Oznnbnrgs Together with a large assortment of Baling, Hope and Twine. J. VV. BRADLEY. Cainden,S. C. Sept. 23. fc}-Cash paid for Cotton and other Produce. New Fall Goods. I M,&R KENNEDY, are now receiving their . 1. supply of goods suitab'c for the season. The lock will lie lound complete in all the branches, sually kept by them, they have been carefully elecied at unusually low prices, and will be sold ta very small advance 011 New York cost. The hove would respectfully invite the attention of lieir friends and the the public generally toanexmination of their stock, feeling sal islied if low rices and good styles will effect sales, they can. <j 01 lail to enjoy a liberal share ol that patronage j erelofore so fully extended to them. rm .. 1 a- ?II ? i*. 1 1 a. liey ueg to can attention to a jcw 01 tue icauag articles, viz: Rich Figuied and Cheiie Silks, lewest styles cashmeres and inouselaines' Changeable poplins and coburgs r Irocado and plain lustres Cace capes, collars and chemizettes ' 'utf sleeves, children's tvork'd bodies 1 luslin and thread edgings and insertings, &c 1 rloves of every description, hosiery do. * .awn and cambric handkerchiefs 1 mglish and atnerican prints, unusually low ' 'urniture chintz, ginghams ^ Mug and square shawls, &c &c &c Mourning Goods. Super. alpaccas and canton cloth,a new article a )arkgrey poplin, ginghams and English prints *J 'ast colors, collars and handkfe. ingrained lotton hose, silk do., cashmere &. cassiinere sh'wls Ju Domestics. Ilea, sheetings and long cloths, very low 0-4 to 12-4 blea &. bro sheeting,super lairnly linens } Irown and col'd-h'spuns of all kinds iinseys, bed blankets, from 10-4 to 13-4 Vhite &- red flan'ls, siiaker welsh & gauze do. &c (4englemeu'g Wear. I lup'r bl'k andcol'd trench cloths " " 44 doeskins and cassimeres 'weeds in variety suitable for boys latin, silk and cashmeref vesting* ravats, gloves and half hose t Superior quality of dress shirts Jnder clothings ol every description. Iteady 3Iu*dc Clothing. 1 )oats, vests slid pants, got up in a very superior i Ctfli. _ Hats nnd Caps n great variety and of tin? latest fail fashions. Negro Good". Superior plains, kerseys and satinets, suitable jr house servants, am. &, eng. blankets, wool hats, ic. die. Together with a full supply of hardware, die., ; II of wbi.-Ji will be cheerfully shown to any one ivoring thetn with a call, Sept. 77 tf Boots, Shoes and Leather, ( TOCUTIIKK WITH a Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags and e Valiees, rHE subscribers have just received the largest t and best assorted stock of Boot* and f ihoes ever offered in this market, to which they Eisphctfully invite the attention of purchasers.? 'heir stock consists in part, as follows, viz: lontlcinen's fashionable Dress Bin its, ptirnn bottoms " " *' stitch " " " waterproof do <jtiiltetl bottoms 't " " do cork soles " Gnlf jxtgged.California Hoots waterproof Boots t .? K'jp ?? " " " fashionable pump-sole Shoes " " l atent leather and Calf Mailers ' Jenny Lindffie* " Hungarian Boots " India Hubber Shoes loy's fine Calf Pump Boots " " " Pegged Boots " " " VN aterjtroof Boots " " Kip pegged Boots Calf Bootees ' Kip do .ndies White Sill; Gaitom * Kid Slips " Cniier Bonis, assorted colors ' Black Satin (Jailers M " (.osting " " Colored Hungarian Ties " llln<* " ' Kid Slips and Tien " " Morocco Slips mid Tien " ludin Unlilicr Shoes ' Buskin Walking Shoes " Coalskin *' " " " Boots " Black Lusting I laif (Jailers I " " " Slijw i " " " Buskin Tics 'fisses (Jailer Boots. assorted colors " Colored mid lilnrli lininv I.iiul I ies " " ltlhltccs " ' Slips Calf and (loatskin Hoots Fogctliur with a beautiful assortment of Children's Shoes ol all color* ami styles also?ai.arok stock of IVCttXtO HIIOUK, f our own manufacture, hotli pegged and sewed. t a lso??iole, Upper and Harness leather, Calf nnd Kip Skins jiiiiig and Binding Skins, together with everp article tie- 1 essary for carrying on the manufactory of Hoots anil I > I iocs. 'also Fine and common Travelling Trunks, Carpet Hags, 1 icliool Satchels, Nurse. Hags and Valices.nll of which we ' illernt very low prices. AIjDUN AV MURRAY. Ccntden, Sept. 27. 77 2m ftaisiits. A few Boxes new Raisins, just received by W. C. MOORii. _ Mono iuus Piaster of Paris, and Ctiiieuti The above articles constantly on hand, of pood nudity and at low prices. Also, Gypsum or land blaster. C. h. (IIATTFXF<b. 12. Id 'f WM. MATTHIESSEN'S Wholesale Clothing Establishment, r Corner of East Bay and Queen Streets, t CIIARLlilSTOJf, S. C. " Manufacturing House, 36, Piatt St. New York. ] COUNTRY Merchants purchasing Clothing, g will find it to their advantage to look through j he stock of this extensive Clothing House, where ? hey will rind fresh and desirable Goods, at prices p is low as can be purchased at in New York. July 26. 59 swlOt g JOHN B. DESAUSSURE, 1 Adder's Wharf, Charleston, S. C. r Will vive nromnt and close attention to the sale ^ >f all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his :are, and to the selection and filling of orders, sept. 13. 72 6tn ^ MAZYCK & SON, J Factors and Commission merchants, F SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF, I CHARLESTON, S. O. Wl I.I.I AM MAZVCK, ? ?' W. ST. J. MAZVCK, ) PAUL T. YILLEPIGUE, J FACTOR, L Ana u-enerai uommission mercnant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal advances made on consignments of Pro- .. luce, and prompt attention given to the forwardng of Goods, at the loweHt rates. Aug. 20. 63 g 20,000 PAIRS or L BOOTS AND SHOES. rO BE HAD at the New Shoe Store, and will s be sold lower than any ever before offered p n this market?having paid the cash for eveiy ar- s icle, and selected troin the best and largest man- p ifacturers in the United States, we flatter ourielves that no one can fail to be pleased in quan- $ ity, quality and price. The stock consists in part, is follows? p den's line Calf stitc hed hoots >> " " Pump Boots " " Waterproof do cork soles " *' do stitched and nuilted soles 15 :00 pairs (lire Calf sewed Boots, from $-1 50 to $6 UO J3 !tH) ' 44 and Kip pegged Boots, Iront $2 to $5 00 n Hen's fine Calf sewed Bootes to ?4 00 u " " n ul ( loth Congress Boots $3 to $1 50 H " 44 Jersey Ties, $3 to $3 50 A 44 44 44 pegged Bootees. $1 to $2 00 L 44 44 Kip " " ?5c to $100 ^ fouth's Kip jKgged Bootees, 50e to 75e i, 44 Calf 44 44 75c to $1 00 * " "4 Boots assorted 44 Kip 44 44 .S Ladies' Department. p "ine silk Gaiters, black and colored 44 satin 44 44 44 44 lasting '?'?? A 44' 44 44 welts and black 44 44 Half Gaiters, welts and black p 44 44 44 44 colored and black rVcIt 44 Tics, Foxed, Broad and Easy * ' " 44 without Tip, for corns C 44 Jenny Lind Bootees, Kid and .Morocco 'ump 44 44 " . " I vid and Enameled Excelsiors ' iid and .Morocco Jenny Lind Bnskins I'aylor Tics, Bump 1J *iiic Kid JSlipprs. willt Rosettes \ 'lilt* morroecu .'ii|ijicrs ami it-.-i 'me Tie* ami Buskins, Well* r fine a'ororco do ?lo vid extra wide Slijw and Ties Joat Buskins and Tie*, Welts I] oat Boots llisses' black and colored Gaiters n blue and light colored Half Gaiters ,{ black, blue and lirouzc Bootees " black and colored Slip|?<rss H ' Goat Bootees, sewed and pegged, for School Shoe* J .Children's Shoe* and Boot*, assorted jj Together with a great variety of Gentlemen's, Ladies' ? aid Children's Shoe*, too numerous to mention. (QFinc TRAVELING THINKS, CARPET BAGS, J? /ALICES, HATS and CAl'S. Allot* which will |hjsiively lie sold lower than the lowest for cash. .. ftjTCall and see for yourselves, at the NEW SHOE ^ STOKE of WORKMAN & HOONJE. Sept. 'JO. Fall Goods. rllONNELL & CO. are now receiving their j Fall supplies, to \\ liicli I hey invite the attun.ion of purchasers. SCO AUS?St. Croix, Delta, crushed, powder- 1 ed and clarified C'OFFFK?Kio and Java TKA?(ireen and ilyson MULASfcSKS?West India and New Orleans cs , I 'P T?I,U .....I MACKAitHL?No. 1 and 2 Pickles, Ketchup. Mustard, Ginger, Pepper Spice, Cinnamon, Soap, Caudles, Slarcli, &c, j Hardware, lloos, Axes, Spades, ?.Vc. J Itavh'iiiK, Itope an<I Twine. DOMKSTICS?Bleached and br-jvvn Home- A epuns (. Together with a gaural assortment ol Goods .-1 suited to this market. For sale low by . L July UP. T. BUNNELL & CO. r J(ctuly-31atlc Clofhing. I COMPLETE assortment ol Over-coats, Dress ~ and Frock-coats, Business-coats, Blanket and coating Over-coats, gentlemen's lino Cloaks, Pants ind Vests, Ready-made ishirts, Stocks and Collars. > sept. Hi II. LEW >.V SON'. ( j* j a uarpeung, r I COMPLETE Assortment ?n Ingrain and Veil nctian Carpeting*, lor sale low liy Sept 20. H LEVY & SON. I New Goods,'.7 I'M IB undersigned is now receiving liis Fall supply ot . gauds. 1 litviu^r purchased wry largely. lie is enabled r <i ofler great inducements to his friends and customers to nrnliftM> from Kim. Antwur his stuck mav he found many | trtirles mil usually kept, ami which In- will lakn^reat Measure in shnwinj;; as it regards prices, lie will be snlslleil with Charleston terms. A. liberal ileiluctioii inmle on ash purchases. E. W. HO.NNEV. S. pi. 17, 71 U' ^ Anuallo Copperas, ^ Indigo, Logwood, Madder, While l^ead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Window Class, Lamp Chimneys, Solar Globes, Solar Wicks, j iS'perin Oil, Solar Oil, Castor Oil, Epsom Salts &c. &c. A lull and fresh supply ol all the above articles . list received, and lor sale by sept. a>. 5U. Dr-HAY. FALL GOODS. rUE subscriber has received and now offers for sale, a large and well-selected slock of Pall roods, consisting of a full and complete assort* rent of Main and colored M. oe Laines and cashmeres Hack and colored merinos and alpaccas iup English and French bombazines loliair arid worsted lustres &c. Inglish and French mourning and fancy calicoes 'renclt, Scotch and Lancaster mourning and fancy Ginghams Iup plain and watered blnck dress silks Hack satin toure and national, for ladies dresses do and mourning spun silk, do do Iup Irish and French poplins Lirh brocade and chine silks 'lain and fancy chameleon silks t varied ana Dcauiuui assortment of silk and velvet trimmings lain and black water'd silk vissettes *\ * 'rencli inantclllas and black sacks, latest style Hack and colored wool shawls; ladies cravats leek and belt ribbons lonnet, cap and trimming do 'rench corsets, all sizes .adies merino vests and union under dresses, long and short sleeves V'hite and black hose; cashmere and lama W09I do do do and colored cotton do. all sizes lisses white and mixed col'd do from 1 tcf 1^ yra. . great variety of Napoleon and other new styles >ace capes trimmed embroidered muslin collars do standing do ' ' do mourniiig do do breakfast do Imbroidered muslin collars and cuifs utF muslin sleeves; infaut's waists, all sizes '' lack and white lace veils Imbrmdcrcd and scollopped linen lawn h'd'kfs .adies, gent's and children's linen cambric do uperior French kid gloves, all sizes and colors ,adies and misses black and colored silk do . lai^c a^nuuiucui MI iinuau cugiug <ttJU lllcuriiu^o wiss and cambric mufllin trimmings lair, and fig'd swiss and organdi muslins wriss, book and mull do Iain, figured and chec: ed cabric do ALSO Superior black and colored broadcloths do do French Doeskin lain and mixed double milled satinets lack and colored caehrneretts, for boy's wear Kent's fig'd cashmere and silk vesting#, very rich lack barathea and satin do ioy's and youth's toilet do irab moleskin, for hunting coats . lack silk and beaver hats, latest fashions n entirely new style of plain and fancy cravats ondon and i'ans neck ties < , large assortment of ready made shirts [erino and shaker flannel shirts and drawers (baker knit shirts and drawers (upcr buck and dogskin gloves; driving do ine kid gloves, all size . large assortmeutof English and- Welch flannels' "warranted not to shrink" ine rod, blue and yellow flannels 'ine colored do for sacks and children's wear heap red do for servant's wear also ondon duffil bankets, of all qualities 'ine whitney and rose bed do lam and twilled negro blankets Vhite and colored saddle do DOMESTICS, risk and Scotch fronting linens and lawns illowcase and sheeting linens iloaciicu ami Drown moie uamasK anuaiapcr. ait widths licached and unbleached table cloths, all widths Licit damask doylies and table napkins, all sizes Lussia and bird eye diaper; [uckaback and scotch do Lussia sheeting; dowlass licached and brown hollands lolored worsted table covers, all sizes Linbruidcred piano do; centre table and toilet do also licached and brown sheetings, of various widths do do homespuns, of all qualities, from G$to 31$ cents per yard besidks ? A large stock of XJGGllO CLOTHS, Consisting of Southern Twillt; Georgia IMainp; .insoys; Kerseys; Blankets; coarse Natinets, &c. All of which will be sold on the most liberal - rn.s. IL/'lalso coiilinue 10 purrnase roiion, corn anu tlier country produce, tor which the highest maret prices will he iriven. C. MATHESON. (let. ti. t?0 < 8t Distinguished Arrivals!! [TAKE pleasure in announcing the safe arrival' of a splendid varietv of Fall and 1Vinter Goods. iinongst which are, the newest styles of French ,'iisliioerns and Monssclines, Woolen de Chillies, ilpuccas, Mohairs, Canieleons, Coburgs, Drap de -1 ui_ u i:,i \i^ jVOUF, CIlHIl^CilUlt; 1 <llhtlliail(iOt OUIIU ?*vuwj u ifjvinoes,'nnd Mousselines, and a lot of satin striped >ress Hoods, at *20 cents per yard. Oi l. JAMES WILSON. A Complete Stock of HOSIER V ./.r/P GEO YES. CONTAINING every kind of Gloves, Lace. Mitts, Long am) Half Lou" do.; a beautiful, rticleof GlasseSilk Gloves, all colors, to match frcsses; misses' and children's Gloves all sizes. Hosiery. Indies' Silk, Merino and all-wool Hose; coflon losiery; of every coior and quality; misses' do.,t II sizes. Ladies' Merino nnd silk Vests Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Ilose; me-, inn Shirts and Drawers; boy's do. Men's kid, silk, buckskin and cashmere Gloves, a fart, every thinjj desirable in the above depart* lent's, at WILSU.VS 1 AL?.uli 1 1 U S1UKK. ^JEGARS! ^FGAJRfc!!?A very choice lot 1 of Palmetto aud Gold Leaf Scgars, for sale by July 20. T. BON NELL & CO. Notice. A 1.1. person* having demands against tlic Lstate of. r\ Innv F Krviv deiviLsnl wil nrestiilt iheni dlilv at ste?l, and indebted will make payment tome.* JAS. 8. KRV1N, Adm'rOct. 8,8130. 81 wiu land, Baron and flour, vorpivoij ill