of the Federal Union bear in mind that they are 1 prepared for all this. 'Hie great question then is not whether Congress have violated the Federal Constitution, but whether the Constitution any longer answers the end for ichich it teas designed. And if not, then, how shall we specdilij withdraw from it! . J. F. G. MITTAG. * Ji/dgk Butlrr.?This distinguished gentle- j man reached home on Saturday night hist from ! j Washington. At the request of his fellow-cit , izens, he addressed a large assemblage of the . t'o f'onrt House on Tuesday last. Ire"l"v " For an hour and a ball* he was listened to with i the deepest interest, interrupted frequently by !, loud plaudits, while he portrayed in bold and (1 dignified style the wrongs and injuries done to | the South, and lite future prospects of the south- ;, em people. We will attempt no analysis of , Ill's remarks; but suffice it to say, they were ! fully up to the crisis, and all that could be de- , sired from the patr iotic statesman. E'lsrrfcbl Advertiser, i, FIon. A. Burt.?Our well tried and esteem'ed Representative arrived in our village yester- ; day afternoon, and consents, we are pleased to | ^esirn, to address the people in the Court House Y>n Thursday next.?lb. EDITORIAL GLEANINGS. A Good Thutslmeiit?A gentleman in .the vicini-1 ty of Boston lately invested thirty-nine dollars in J cigars to be sent to California. By the last steam- i er he received thft following; "Your cigars, (3,000) . are sold and brought four hundred and titty dol- J law." . There are employed in the yearly transit of. Great Britain *with die world and with her own chores, 33,672 sailing vessels, lilt) steam vessels, ? employing 236,000 seamen. A box of incendiary publications, addressed to the army and citizens of France has been seized . at Angouleme by the Government, i. represen- ! - tafive of the people, noted for his eccentricities, is I said to be mixed up in the matter. Debt of Texas.?The Victoria Advocate figures it out that seven millions will pay the whole debt of Texas, and leave a surplus of three millions for ; the purj?ose of education, internal improvement,! or whatever else the people of Texas may choose, i provided the bill of Mr. Pearce is accepted. Judge King of Philadelphia has decided that an injunction will not lie against the earnings of one partner in a business from that for which the partnership was formed. Hiraiu Warning of New York, wanted to enjoin ?11,000 worth of California gold, which Smith Cram, likewise of the empire city steamer had deposited in the mint. The legislature of Vermont was to have com- 1 menced its session 011 Thursday last. The ses- , sion will doubtless be short?the election of a U. S. ISenator in place of Judge Phelps, and Judges > supreme court, being the principal business to be done. * J The annual loss of property in British shipping wrecked or foundered at sea may be assumed as amounting to nearly three millions of pounds sterling per auiiutu. < No flagging infhe Nary.?The news ofthe pas- i r?age of the Navy Appropriation bill, with the pro- i vise ot-aJMUt&utg Hogging, in me navy, nas produced general dissatisfaction among the officers ; on this station They all express the confident belief tndl the discipline of the service is destroy- i ed.?iV- rf'tlk Beacon. A monster steamer is about being built at Lou- j isvifle, to run between that dtv and New Orleans. ! She is to be 365 feet long, with 8 boilers, 36 inch :. cylinders, and 11 feet stroke, to throw a water- i wheel50 feet in diameter, and is designed to make ! i the trip between the I wo cities in tour days. Edward Davis, keeper of the light-boat in Cock- | spur Roads, hung himself to a bed post, at his re- ' sidence hi this city yesterday morning. We have I heard of no cause for his committing this act. He ! leaves a wife and two small children. Satatuuih Republican, 8ih insL The Tuscan Government had resolved to grant j 25,000 pounds on demand of England for losses sustained by the British subjects during the occupation ofLeghoru. The Austrian ^Government were quite indignant at Haynau's treatment in England, and urges the King of Hanover to interfere to aid the election of ! Husset in order to gain absolute power. The Liabilities // Railroads.?I" the Supreme Court of Massachusetts on Wedi ..cday, the case of Mr. Jordan, vs. the Fall River Railroad company, was again tried. It has been before the courts, we believe, for one or two years. It is a case in which plaintiff seeks to recover of defendants, as common carriere, for the loss oflier trunk and contents during het passage from Boston to Bridgewater, in June, 1848. The trunk contained gold coin, amounting to $375. and clothing and jewelKO ftO TKo intv rnfnrttfifl a V#>r iy vaiucru 01 * vjihj ?vn..i.v?? ? diet for the plaintiff for the clothes, and $103,44 in addition. If tlte stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and preserve for many generations the remembrance of God which bad been shown! But every night comes , out these preachers of beauty, and light the universe, with their admonishing smile. Tell the Truth.?Ladies who rpfuse to tell their age to the census-takers, are reported as being fifty and a little gray withal! "You want a flogging, that's what you want," said a parent to his unruly sou. "I know it dad, but I'U try to get along without it," said the little independeut brat. DoYoo TmxxSot?The Washington Union quotes an article from us, iti which we say the issue in our opinion is "disuniou or abolition? between the two we cannot hesitate" Tne Union replies: "But the People of Georgia will , hesitate!" Does the Union think so? Does the Editor believe they are prepared to give up their property, and to exchange their prosperity and wealth, their fields cultivated by slave "labor, their growing manufactures, their inter- j Intniintfomniita oonctrn/itptl lit. M. nnst of , IIOS llllj'l V? VJIIV.I WV7 vuwwx ?v*vx* ( twelve millions of dollars, their happy firesides, j their social organization, to tear in fragments the wjtole framework of their constitution, laws and pi-lii'v, for the blessings of this " glorious ,1 UnionIf ho does, wo do not. If tho pen- i pie of (leorgla are degenerate in spirit, surely they are not a race of fools. Columbus Times. Charleston, Oct. 14,1S50. Cotton.?The demand 011 Saturday was to a moderate extent only?prices ruling a shade _ in favor of buyers, without any actual decline. The sales footed 800 bules at from 13 a J33-4, i _v^_. . - I TELEGRAPHIC^ INTELLIGENCE Baltimore, Oct. 13, 8 p. m. The election for members of Congress in Pennsylvania has resulted in tbc election of 15 Democrats and J) Whigs. In the last Coi iress it was 15 Whigs, 8 Democrats and one Free Soil. * Both brunches of the Legislature ire Democratic. In Ohio as far as heard from, the Democrats iiave gained one and the Whigs two members ...... lit., uri.u?..? r>i Congress, iiiiu it is ueuevou uie ?? mgo h?y? :i majority in both branches ot the Legislature. Ualtimokk, Oct e3, 10 v. m. The United States mail was robbed last night between Philadelphia and Cray's Ferry. The bags containing the mails made up at New York for Richmond, Wheeling, St. Louis, and other Western points were cut, and upwards of n bushel of opended letters have been found. It is believed that at least one hundred thousand dollars have been stolen. The Ohio elections have resulted in the election of 9 Whigs, 9 Democrats, Giddiugs, Free Soiler, Townsend, Abolitionist, and Johnson, Independent. In the last Congress it was 11 Democrats, 5 Whigs, and 5 Free Soilers. New Vouk, Oct. T2. The Cotton market to-day was steady, the sales amounting to 1300 bales ; Middling Or leans, 14 3-8; Fair, io i-4. rair u planus, 14 3-4 a 15. The sales of the week are 15,000 bales. New Oulkans, Oct 11. The Cotton market was not active to-day, the sales amounting to only 1200 bales, as buyers were uuwilling to pay the ashing prices, and are waiting the Eurojiea's advices. Kio Collee is dull at 12 a 12 1-2. "New Okleans, Oct. 12. The advices by the Europa have been received, and the Cotton market was quiet to-day. and prices easier. The sales amounted to 1500 bales, and of the week to 13,000. Savannah, Oct 12. Florida Elections.?In Duval county Buddington lias been elected to the Senate, and Plutniner and Rryant Representatives? all Whigs. Nassau county is reported Whigs. St. Johns and Putnam, Whigs. Marion is reported Whig. Cabell is probably re-elected to Congress. FROM T1IE CHEROKEE COUNTRY. Marietta, Ga., Feh. 17, 1^48. j Opinion of Dr. J. B. Randall nn ihc merit of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. We have liecn induced, i>i consequence of the benefits received from iliis medicine. to aihl our testimony in favor ol its extraordinary healing properties. We take great pleasure ill slating, that we have frequently used itourself and administered it toothers during the past year, in'-ases of obstinate coughs, colds, soreness of the chest, At., and always with the most happy result. We therefore cheerfully recommend to all the affleted with the above diseases. to TRY the Hal "a in of Wild Cherry. The New York livening .Mirror says:?"Wfstar's Balsam is still working wonders in curing the most desiierate ilulinonary diseases. We have not only witnessed its ef. fertss. hill liave seen a ureal many certificates, which plane the eflieu|y of this imalunbie medicine beyond all que*4 lion. Jttvasa custom atnoinr the early settlers of New Kriglntid to drink freely of Wild Cherry tea in case kof colds and fevers. Tuis tea was made by steeping the twigs and bark of the Wild Cherry tree, and drank freely morning and evening. The old Purimti Fathers used to regard it as "ihe sovereignest thing on earth" for all sorts of complaints ; and there can he no donbl but the Balsam prepured by l>r. Wistar is one of the very best articles for Consumption that has yet Iteen disesvend." None tJeniiine unless signed 1. Hli'l'I'S on the wrapper, mdd in Camden by JAMKs It. AlcK.VlN, Wholesale hv P. M. Cohen A:<< 'harleston, and by Druggists generaly throughout the Smte. IT IS \ POSITIVE FACT. That wherever Dr. Rogers's Svrupof Liverwort and Tar has been introduced, it is superseding every other Cough Medicine before the puhiic. This is wholly owing to its truly w onderful mndiciiial virtues. See pamphlet to Is: had of the Agents, and also advertisement in another column, For sale at McK A IN'S Drug Store, Camden, S. C. camdIn prices current." Bagging. |>er yd. 18 to Lard, l!> 8 to 10 llalc iuipe lb to 12 Lead, lb 6 to 7 Bacon, lb 7} to 8 Molasses, pall 31 to Butter. lb 18 to 20 Mackarel, 1)1)1 8 to 10 Brandy, pall 28 to 33 (Mails, lb C to 7 Beeswax, lb IS to 22 (bits, sheaf, cvvt 40 Beef, lb 4 to 5 jPeas, hitshel 80 Cheese, lb 12 1") jl'otatocs, sweet. Itu 30 Cotton, lb 111 to 1311 Irish bit Com, bushel 1)0 to On Rye, bushel 05 to 1 Flour, hhl 01 to 7, Rice. bushel 3 to 4 Fodder. nvt Of) to KHIjSngar, . lb 7 to 12 Hides.dry lb 8 to it |S:ilt, ?:n k 1? Iron, lb 5 to 01 shot. bap 2 Lime. hhl 2 to 21 iTobaeco, lb 10 to 50 Leather, sole, lb 18 to 21 | Wheat, btisli 11 just R?Ci:ivi:d, A supply of J. Dtiraixl &. Go's. CELEBRATED FRENCH BITTERS. Warranted a certain cure lor Dyspetwia, Weakness of the Stomach atel Want of Appetite, Weakness of the ('best, and " Fever and Ague." It is also a pleasant Beverage, in its pure state, and tnay lie drank with Wine hp Snirils without at all imnairiiur its medicinal unalities. May Ixs had by the oiwe N, Family Grocer. J. HA.KIUS. DeKaln Street. W. C. MOOUK, Family Grocer. Camden, Sept. 24* 77 mv6m liUXISS tine G'HKESB. For sale bv r)U SHAW & AUSTIN ~ FRESH MOUNTAIN BUTTER. For sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. 1 Box Smoked Halibut, For wale by SHAW & AUSTIN. Wanted to litre. A GOOD House servant, for whom an extravax\_ gam price will be given, and the wages paid moiithip* * A. G, BASKIN. Oct. 14- 82 _ tit O RA "D ATTTft vrl wuw ivcwaiui RANAWAV from Uie subscriber about the 1st, Aug. 1819, my negro man Bogas, a boot and shoe maker by trade, about 35 years of age black, with full eyes and thick lips, plausible when spoken to, a little stoop in the shoulders when walking, he wasTraised about Suiupterville, or Bishopville, and was formerly the property of Bishop & Bowen, of Sumpter l)ist. I purchased him of Thos. Lang, Esq., of Camden, and he has a wife at the Saluda factory, nwar Columbia, his mother is in Sumpterville, and he is supposed to be lurking about the above places, or Georgetown, where he has connexions. I will pay $30 for his delivery to me at Lancasterville, S. C., $25 it he is lodged in any jail so as I can get him, or the above reward ot $50 for his apprehension and proof to conviction against any responsible white person who may have harbored or employed him. \VM. ROBINSON. __Oct. 4, 1850. wflt 79 Notice, The Regular Meetings of tho Lancaster Division, No. 30, Sons of Temperance, are held every .Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock. J. R. LARK, U. S. ryf' ' J , x.Valuable Land for Sale. Ill Equity-.Lancaster District. R. E. Wylie, Admr. George VV. Coleman, dee'd. vs. Mary A. olenian, and others. BY virtue of'the decree ofthe Court of Equity in above case, I will offer for sale on^Monday the 28th October, 1850, at the dwelling house on the premises, all that valuable plantation whereon George VV. Coleman formerly resided, situate on Fisliing creek in Chester District, containing between five and six hundred acres, more or less, bounded by said creek and by lands ofD. G. Anderson, Dr. McCreary and Chappel Howze. Terms, a credit of 6 and 12 months, the purchaser giving bond with good personal security*. J. II. WlTUEItSPOON, C. E. L. D. Com. office Lancaster C.I). Sept. 12. ?2.62. Corn, Flour and Bacon. 1,000 sacks CORN, two bushels each 200 bbls. Baltimore superfine Flour 25 hhds. prime Bacon Sides. A regular suppl) of' the above received from Baltimore, and for sale bv TIIOMAS J. KERR, Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. sept. 21, 76 3t Notice. APPLICATION will t?e made to the Legislature at its next session, for an act of incorporation fur Antioch Baptist Church. JAMES E. RODGERS. JOEL DAVIS. Aug. 9. 6<3 3m APPLICATION will be made at the nextSession of the Legislature of South Carolina to charier a Company to Manufacture Cotton and Woollen goods in or near the town of Camden, by steam or water power. Camdpn, Aug. 9.1850. Notice is hereby given, that application will be made at the next session of the Legislature for a charter to build a PLANK ROAD rom Camden, through Lancaster, to some point on the North Carolina line. , Aug. 2. Li?t of Letter* REMAINING in the Post Office at Cnmilcn, S. C., on the 1st Oct. Ittal), which if not called for before. will he sent to the Dead letter office on llie 1st Jan. 1851. A* Anv Daguerrean Artist. Mrs. Jnmes Addison. B. .Miifdletoit Brown. Satnl Bmntiutn. W J C Bass, Jtio ABoweti. Mr* Mary A Bowcn. Dr D P Bush, Jas M Bailey, Josiaa Itflsw. Jtilianna Blackmail. Peter Baxkin, Vincetil Bell, E W Bnmnon. Jus B Bell. IIJ Brown. C. Jane Cove, Win II Carter, \Vrp F Cloud. Jtt* D Carrew. H F Corbctt. Jas Cloud. W W Cnrrii. A II Cutis Cha D Carr. Ma ret Campbell. Stephen I) Colyer. 1). W F DeBruhl, E A Dinnings, J I, Dickson. W II Dtitton. Jo]in Dorian. Y, *>. B. Emmons, John English, B Exum. Marshall Ilurriet English. F. Isabella Fatkonberry, E A Flinn, Elizatieth Fisher, C Flinn. G. Elizabeth Goiner. Francis M Graham, A D Gale (ArI ul. o.. /I..... Jl. Miohae] Hunter. I. Richard Inkels. J. Burwel! Jones. K. i' Killian. L. Roht W l.ove, Unlit Latla. Jns J Love, Jno W Leak, Joseph Lyon (Printer). Hansom Lee. )L John )li!lnr, Krlircra B Mirkle Wiley Malone, Rosettn Mclhuvnll, Win Milliken Mirliell Minich, J If MoIssnd. Bnily Martiu- John Motley, Jane McLeod, \V W McCoy. James Marsh. Joshua Marsh. Maria M McRea, J C MeKenna. J as McLnurin, John Middleton, Jerry and Cherrv McKinnon. Alexander MeCaskill, Harriet Mitchell O. Bernard O'Reilly. I*. I.J Patterson. Magdalene Porrit. George Parker, Jno Paight, Merritt Perrili. It. George "Rabbin*, H W Rodgera, J L Iteid, A Homer, Dr Wm Reynolds, W J Reynolds, Mil low A Roach, Wm Rogers' "S. \V H Senbrook, II M Sealer, Amelia Sumter, A Sanders, Virginia T Siiumr, Samuel Smith. .Mary Shannhaw, Elizabeth Sinclair. John Sanders. John Sinw, John Seott. T. Wm It Taylor. Jos L Tiller. John Thompson, Kliza Tavlor. W K Thomj*oti 3. CThoimvan, Wm Thompson W. John William" 2, John Webb, Thorans Wallace. J J Wooten. Martli White. Lucy Williams, It LWhitaker, James M Williams. C II West. L T White, James WimkL Y. John A Voting. Winnefred Young 2. Persons asking for any of the above will please say they ore "advertised." JOHN G GAAIBWKLL. I*. M. South Ciuoiiun?kershinv |Oistrict. BY JOHN It. JOY, KSQUfRK ORDINARY. "ITTHKUKAS. PA I'I. T. Vlf.I.KPIGUE applied to VV ine for la-tler* of Administration, on all .and singular ilir Goods and Chatties, Rights and Credits of Airs. MAIi'i'llA E. WILSON, late of the District aforesaid, deceased. Those are. to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and rrediuts of the said deceased, to he and nppenr le-fore me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to he hidden at Kcrdiuvv Court House on the. 2*Jd day of Oct. ins'... to show cause, if any, why said udniiiiist rat ion should not he granted. Given under my hand ami seal, this 8th Oct. in the year of our I.nr.! one thousand eight hundred and lifiy and in the seventy filth year of American Independence. JOHN H. JOY, o. k. d. Oct. 11. 1850. 81 4t. Hsad Quarters Upper Battalion 22d Reg't S. C. Iff., Cct, 9, 1850. ''piMS HATTM.IOX is hereby onlered to muster at X FLAT ROCK, on the. lGili day of November Next, at 11 o'c lock a. iu.,arn,edand equipped, for drill and review. Tlie Oficers and non-coniinissioiied Officers will assent, bio tiie day previous, for drill and instruction. Bv order of Aliij. I). 1). KIRK1.AND, J. \Variikn, Adjt 22d licg't s. c. w. Cct. 11, ISjO. 81 wGt Head Quarters Lower Battalion 22d Reg't S. 0. M., Oct. 5. 1850, Battalion is hereby ordered lo miicter at X i amden on lite iMd day of November next, at 1J o'clock. A. M armed and equipped, for Drill and Review. 2 The officers and non-comtuWicned officers will assemble the day previous lor drill and instruction. By order of l.t. Col. J. B KBKSIIAW. Tito. J. Warren, Adjt. 2'Jd Re^'t. s. c m. BY His Kxrclltoicy, WiiiTKM.tR^n II. Skaiskook, tlnvernoraud Commander-in-chief in and over the State of South Carolina: Whereas, it is (lie duty of every religious community lo acknowledge, at stat ed periods, their dependance on Almighty Cod, to express their gratitude for past mercies, and humbly to implore llis blessing for the future? AW. therefore* I. Whitemarah B. Seabrook, Governor of South Carolina, do hereby recommend to tlio people of the Slate, to observe the Fourth Thursday in October next, as a day of thanksgiving, humiliation and prayer, and to assemble at their respective places ol worship to offer up their devotion to that Being, who has assigned us a home rich in tho best fruits of the earlli, and dislinguislied for the excellence nf its religious, political, social and civil institutions. (Jiveti tinder my band, and the Seal of the State at Columbia, this twenty-third day of .September in the ye ?r of our Cord one thmw.ind eight hundred and fifty, and the scvonty-fith year of Air' can Iiidepcndancc. .ofl WIHTKMARSH B. P" B. K. Hanneoan, Sccrrtar- V|^ABIvUOK, Oct. 1, .y of Htatc. 7?? :u Piano Fortes. BEING the appointed agent'for Newman &. Bro's. superior Piano Fortes, \v?* are ready to receive orders for the same. The Pianos are manufactured upon the most improved plan with an entire iron frame, to preveiiithcm from getting out of tune. Pianos delivered fiee of cost, and put up and tuned by Mr. Newman, or some other competent person. Terms moderate, Pianos warranted Apply to J B. F. BOONE, Ag't. Oct fl. 80 tf FALLGOODS. THE subscriber has received and now offerp for sale, a large and well-selected stock of Fall Goods, consisting of a full and complete assortment of Plain and colored M. ae Laines and cashmeres Black and colored merinos and alpaccas Sud English and French bombazines Mohair and worsted lustres &c. English and French mourning and fancy calicoes ' French, Scotch and Lancaster mourning and fancy Ginghams Sup plain and watered binck dress silks Black satin toure and national, for ladies dresses do and mourning spun silk. do do Sup Irish and French poplins Rich brocade and chine silks Plain and fancy chameleon silks A varied and beautifu. assortment of silk and veL vet trimmings Plain and black water'd silk vissettcs French mantelllas and black sacks, latest style Black and colored wool shawls; ladies cravats Neck and belt ribbons IRMinei, cap auu trimming uu French corsets, all sizes Ladies merino vests and union under dresses, long and short sleeves White and black hose; cashmere and lama wool do do do and colored cotton do. all sizes Misses white and mixed col'd do from 1 to 12 } rs. A great variety of Napoleon and other new styles lace capes trimmed embroidered muslin collars do standing do do mourning do do breakfast do Embroidered muslin cellars and cuffs Huff muslin sleeves; infant's waists, all sizes Hlack and white lace veils Embroidered and scollopped linen lawn li'd'kfs Ladies, gent's and children's linen cambric do Superior French kid gloves, all sizes and colors Ladies and misses black and colored silk do ?A LSO?? A large assortment of thread edging and insertings Swiss and cambric muslin trimmings Plain and tig'd swiss and orgaudi muslins Swiss, book and tnull do Plain, figured and chec ed cabric do Superior black and colored broadcloths do do French Doeskin Plain and mixed double milled satinets Black and colored cashrneretts, f..r boy's wear dent's tig'd cashmere and silk vesting*, very rich Biack barathea and satin do Boy's and youth's toilet do Drab moleskin, for hunting coats Black silk and beaver hats, latest fashions An entirely new style of plain and fancy cravats Londou and Paris neck ties A large assortment of ready made shirts Merino and shaker flannel sliiris and drawers Shaker knit shirts and drawers Super buck and dogskin gloves; driving do Fine kid gloves, all size A large assortment rf English and Welch flannels "warranted not to shrink" Fine red, blue and yellow flannels Fine colored do tor sacks and children's wear Cheap red do lor servant's wear AL?0 London duffil bankets, ot all qualities Fine whituey and rose bed do Flam and twilled negro blankets .1-1 ?J i, vvniie anu coioreu saiuuc uu DOMESTICS. Irish ami Scotch fronting linens and lawns Pillowcase a/id sheeting linens Bleached aim brown table damask and diaper, all . widths Bleached and unbleached table cloths, all widths Rich damask doylies and table napkins, all sizes Russia and bird eye diaper; Huckaback and scolch do Russia sheeting; dowlas* Bleached and brown hollands Colored worsted table covers, all sizes Embruidered piano do; centre table and toilet do also , Bleached and brown sheetings, of various widths do do homespuns, of all qualities, from (3$ to 31^ cents per yard BKSJDKS A larsrc stock of IVIlfiKO I LOTUS, Consist ingot iVoiiiherii t wiiit; ueorgi* nains; Linseys; Kerseys; Blankets; coarse Aatmets, &c. All of which will be sold on the most liberal terms. O I also continue to purchase cotton, corn and other country produce, tor which the highest market prices will be given. C. MATHESON. _Cct. 8. SO _ _ St Distinguished Arrivals!! J TAKE pleasure in announcing the safe arrival of a splendid variety of Fall and Winter Goods. Amongst which are, the newest style--of French Cashmeres and Moitsselines, Woolen de Chillies, Alpaccas, Mohairs, Came loons, Coburgs, Drap de Linns, changeable Parrainattas, solid color d Merinoes, and Atoussolinos, and a lot of satin striped Dress Goods, at 20 cents per yard. Oct* 1. JAMES WILSON. MANSION HOUSE. CAMDE.V, S. C. rpHE subscriber respectfully announces to his L friends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, iliat lie has opened, as a HOTEL, that large and cmniiiodio' e house in Log Town, formerly the private res.deuce ol H. Perkins, esq. * The building is admirably adapted for that purpeso, being situated in the u ost healthy and pleasant part of ( ainden, combining all the advanta ges of the town with the balmy a'mnspherc of the country, and within a lew minutes' walk of any part of Camden. The rooms are large and airy, his Servants respectful and attentive, and he pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping np an nttrnrfivo and well suimlied TABLE, and to use him*7 CXerti?n '? plea6? l',ose w,l? '"ay call upon His SI ABLhS will be found cniwuodiot' nn.i always fully supplied with 1'rovender O'The House bein?' conduct ' ' ... Principles, lie flutters liir *'r regular trips between Charleston and Camden, about llm first of October, stopping at all the internWiato*landings on the river, both ponting and going. Shippers may rely upon promptness, and at as low rates as can be sent by any other conveyance: For freight apply to II. LEVY, &. Son. Agents, Camdenj'Sept,24, 1850. 67 2n> ' Boy*8 Clothing. J UST received, a large assortment) of* Boy's * and Youth's Clothing, well and>nearly' ujardfe'.' Also?Men's Clothing of every description 'and ( quality. E. W. BONNE*: SEGA IIS! SEGA B*! !--A very choice lot of Palmetto and Gold Leaf Segars, forvale'by. July 26. T. BONNELL UO.! Executor's Xoticfc. J)KRSO\S indebted to Joeephr' Cunningham, t. (Jpc'd. are requested to wake ptfytnfent, and t tJiosu having demands to present th'enir to either ol tits subscribers. J NO. BROWN, Liberty Hill. C. J. SHANNON, Camden, July 15. [56tlj] Ex'rs. Notice. ALL ptsrMin* having demand* again*! the folate of Jons F. Rutin deceased, wll present them doty at-' iaatf.fl ftntl tlio*e indebted will make paymeut tome. MS. S.. ERVIN, AftrrtV 1 Oct. 8,8130. HI w2l. I.nrd. Huron and Flour, rucutvcd it .\l< *t JRti/