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' *> . JB&.. . . ..... ... ~-j - ixi^ilTfi>wnnnrij: 'ni v-wnqfrTrir trr-??r ^ - '' *****-'? ^ .s5^jWW^S^-,s: '>" ' ^ - . ^ " . * /'*". " ' - . d)c Coihocu JoiinwL VOLUME 11. CAMDEX, SOUTIi-CA KOL1NA,~OCTOBER 15,1850. NUMBEim THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. ~ PPBLIS11ED 1JV THO. J. WARREN & O. A. PRICE, V EDITOR* AND PROPRIETORS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL la published at Three Dollars and Fifty < Vnt*. if paid in fedvanre, or Four Dollars if payment is delayed for three room mi. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL I*-published at Two Dollnrs and Fifty renin, if paid in advance, or Three Dollar* if payment in delayed for three months. Any person procnrine five responsible subscribers shall he entitled m the sixth ropy (of tlm edition suhsc-rilH-d for) Jyrat'w for one year. ADVERTJSF.MEATS will l<e inserted at the following Va'.-n: For one square (14 lines or Jos) in the semi-weekly, Fn?* dhHar f?r the first, and twenty-five cents for each fenw-equent insertion. In the weekly, seventv-five cents per square for the first, ^nd thirty-f'wen and a half cents for each subsequent insertion. Single insertionsone doHnr per square. The nnmfer of insertions desired, and the edition tO published In, must he noted <>n the margin of all ndverl-emonts. or they will he iris tried semi-weekly until or'ered to fce discontinued. ami charged accordingly. , tietni-ftjonthly, monthly and qnnrterly advertisements V-harged the same as for a single insertion. libera! disconnis allowed to those who advertise for tliree. six. or twelve months. C3T AH communications by mail must be post-paid or secure attention. The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: Wx. C. Cabton, tlenem! A pent. Oor-T. W. Hntr, Jiwkxonliani. Lancaster Di*t. S. H. Rosskr. E?q.. Lanca*t*rvillr, S. C. C. Mcr.RnxMK.v, ranltape. N. C. W C. Moosk. E?q., Camden. F. C. And Postma' tprsare requested to act an our Aprnt*. "THE BATTLE OF JONG'S MOUNTAIN ; f OR THE HERO'S REVENGE. A TALK ?F WUIO AND TORY WARFARE. Da von remember thiB dnv? It is the 7th of 'October, 1780, nearly two month*after the tieifeat of General Gates, and after the annihilation <ofSumter. Reader of the richest history in :tho world?the history of your own Revolution ?can you have forgotten it ? Has it been buried in oblivious silence beneath accumulations of more pompous events ? Have its lurid battlements l>een eclipsed by the meteoric splendor,-the glare of more porgeous victories ? Or has thenmse of,a continent yet found no son, who would stoop to sing the stormy deeiis of I Shunters fighting without a flag, fed on parched ( corn and receiving no pay but the golden coin i of conscience, andjthe promise of their country's rgoodl See! yonder on Kings Mountain, a table eminence,-with a level at the summit, six hundred yards long, by sixty wide, lies the camp of Ferguson?a hollow parallelogram oi scarier uniforms, black muskets, and sharp bristling steel. The drum rolls. Hie red cross flies.? The suolmtiesare defended by monstrous Ti bins of dark rocks. Veterans hardened in the fires of a dozen campaigns, stand on the mountain's topw It is "Ring'sMountain" loo! Who cKnll think of atortiuiiir its steep sides f W e shall see presen fly. Look I three parties are climbing over the rocks ascending those old walls of nature's handiwork, built dim, distant centuries ago, perhaps in the morning gf creation. One moves to nssatdt the west end, another to the east, while tiie third will charge the centre, is it rot a brave sight f But you cannot 6ee them very well, for a veil of mjst alirouds the mountain, through which the eye of the sun peers pale, as if sick at tiie carmige about to be. The approach cf freedom's warriors is covk?. tkm mint and thick trees, and even now the black rocks aid theui. Suddenly ou the three sides of the steel and iron parallelogram, nine hundred rifles roar, and nine hundred shoots rise; and then a thousand English muskets answer back with hoarse thunders of death Ferguson is not?cannot be surprised. With furious calmness he attacks the assailants with fixed bayonets, and fof'ees them to retire. But they only give a litHe, and instantly renew the combat. Every massy rock becomes a battery?every pine. tree burns powder. The marks men of the backwoods hold their bullets io their mouths for swill reloading, and thus the torrent of fire never fcpnses. The officers on both sides fight like common soldiers. It is more a wholesale murder than a battle by rule. But toll me?who are those two standing foremost arapng- the Tcunesapcans on the western edge of the mountain top, disdaining shelter, refusing to yield an Inch of ground, defiant of all Britain's bayonets! Do you know them ?the old man?'how dark is his silvor hair with war's sable smoke- how dim looks the white paper on the black gun's muzzle; heaven! bow beautifully it blazes now, as death rings a tory's or a tyrant's funeral in every peal?with that bold grandson still, as ever, beside him! His eyes dashed desti active joy, the matchless ecstacy of the battle; And yet he is not satisfied. . lie groans: "Oh! God of justice, where is Mary's innrderer? Shall I not find?shall any other hand than mine slay him ?" Now look on the other side of the mountain. Vrt,i hahnhl a iriant of evil aspect in fiery jed * VV **" G>~ . w hair. He leads a company of tory riflemen. They too are mountaineers, and do execution as fearful as the brother foeman of their own land, who struggle for it and liberty. That ^captain is Tom Bell?the robber before the rwar, and since the murderer of Mary. Let thinr not cross the black muzzlo fleeked with Its snowy paper! Still on goes the bloody work. Columns repeatedly charge and break?form and charge again. Campbell, Cleveland, Sevier, Shelby, and the gallant Lacy, rule America's tide of war, bursting up the mountain's clifted side.? Ferguson's blue eye shines like a star, and Tom Bell's red face burns like a comet, above the surging sea of red coats. At length there comes a turn.XJFerguson shafts a huge wedge-like column of solid, gleaming, blood-dripping bayonets, ami slowly - pushes the Americans in the eastern foot of the eminence. B??EM?????????? Is Jill tlion lost? No. See a terriblo band of the good and true from the canebrakes of Frcncb Broad, four hundred miles a way over tlie Alleghames, have moved round the mountain from the west. They are headed by the rifle w ith the white paper on its muzzle, and j the v discharge a cataract of flame into the Brit- . ish flank. Look now, how the scarlet uniforms | roll backwards up the acclivity, faster than they ti came, leaving many a red cross behind them. tl See again?the fresh men having learned how a to charge,loo, without bayonets. J hey cnarge in condensed columns, with firo and hot lead, and drive the slaves down the western slope in disorder tp the deep base. Then the breeze springs up and clears the mountain of it mist and battle smoke, and the broad sun of heaven smiles on the living and the dead. 0 As a last resort, the brave Ferguson forms his c entire force, into columns, to cut his way out of t: at awful circle of fire. lie flings his sword ~ wildly on high. lie shouts in thunder, "Forward?charge !" The next instant he is a corpse. A riflcbnll from the muzzle wreathed with snowy paper, has gono through his heart. The British, panic-stricken, throw "down their arms and cry for quarter. A number equal to the whole American army are prisoners. And now die old man raises a yell, that sonnds above the pean-sbout of nine hundred gtrong throats?"King's mountain is ours forever !" Thus terminated gloriously, an engagement in man}' respects the most important, wagcu (luring the war. It struck the savages of the frontier with terror from Ohio to Florida. It laid in tl.c dust Britain's grand schemea of To- m ry co-operation. Lord Cornwallis heard of it paused in [lis triumphant career, and ordered a hasty retreat to Wiunsborougli, eighty miles in Lis rear. Marion and Sumter heard of it, and renewed their deadly ambuscades. The battle shock, was over; the battle-smoke . * drifted ftway on the wind, and the sun shone brightly on the dead and dying?011 broken ( arms and bleeding bosoms?when a jury-martial Silt to decide a question of avenging justice, til Theatrocions Tories were summarily arraigned m 1 ? M to answer the charge of nuy n turners. Among these pale wretches pleading for mercy, Tom Hell, the Hercules in red hair, was most abject of all; and so earnest were his ^ prayers and promises for the future, that he M was on the point of being acquitted, when an old man, with streaming white locks, broke through the circle of guards, and confronted the shivering culprit. * " Do you remember French Broad, and the lOtli of August ?" " Save me fioni him!" cried the Tory cap- j.-j tain, stretching forth his chained hands for help to the astonished bystanders. " Have you forgotten Mary Copeland ?"' asked the old man, grinding his toothless gums till the blood ran out on the foam of his lips. * " I did not kill her?oh! you cannot say I killed her!" exclaimed the coward,falling on J*1 his knees, and seeking to embrace the icet of k his enemy. " No?llut you forced her to kill herself, us the sole menus of solvation from loul dishonor?" t) " Oh! I did not intend to harm her!" persisted the false Tory, writhing in the dust like the meanest of reptiles. tii " Then rise and swear," answered the other ' with a griui smile. The wretch 6prang up and pledged oaths wild enough to wake the dead. * CI '* Do you see this dagger?" inquired the aged hern nniotimr to a silver hilt flittering in his 11 WT" I O " w w belt " Mercy ! Mercy !" shrieked tho murderer. v The eyes of the old man shot spurks of living fire, as he ?iid in a hoarse, hissing whisper? S' ' This dagger, on the night of the 10th of August, was in the heart of an angel. But now ? it is in yours, devil," he added, striking homo the sharp steel with amotion prompt and powful like lightning. H There was a moan, and then a gurgle, and -* then a gush of warm bled ; and the victim lay l" a corpse at the avenger's feet. Five minutes afterwards nine others?equal traitors and homicides?hung dangling from the swinging limbs of oak and pine tees, there nn tliu summit of Kind's Mountain, which no v" w ? o King should ngain call his own, any morn forever. In Equity---Lancaster District. Bady F. Ingram, vs. William Cauthem and wife Nancy, Nathaniel B. IngramjArthur Ingram, ct al?Partition Heal Estate Jemima ingrain, (deceased) and so forth. sl IT appearing to any satisfaction that Nathaniel B. Ingrain and Arthur Ingrain, two of the tie- ? fondants in above case, reside without the limits of this Slate, it is ordered011 motion of Ilnmvnnd, Sol. 1 for complainant, that the said defendants do plead, ft answer or demur to the Bill in above case on or C( before the 1st day of November, 1850, otherwise a. Judgment pro confesso will be ordered against them. J- H. YVITHERSPOON c. e. l. d. Com'rn. office, July 20, 1850. lUt 58 In Equity--Lancaster District. Jl " " " ---1 ?:r- ** - u.m, p?,nn ? K- I', l^arrico anu wild mu.r, (widow,) Miililleion G. Caeton. John R. Gaston. _ Partition of Real Estate of Eli C. Canton, deed. IT appearing to my satisfaction that, all the above defendants reside without, the limits of the State, it is ordered on motion of Clinton and Hanna, that ? the said defendants do plead, answer or demur to pi the Bill in above case on or before tho 21st day of a Nrv. 1850. otheiwise judgment pro confeeso will P be ordered againpt them. J! J H. WITI1ERSPOON, c. v. l. d. Com office, Aug. 15. #7 ^ 66, Fair Notice. I HEREBY caution all persons against trading for a note on hand given by me, payable to N. Bra^shaw, of Kershaw District dated in September 1*350, for sevonty-fivo dollars, payable the first day of January 1H52, the consideration for which said note was given, having failed, 1 am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law. ELI HUE BATES. u Gadsden, S, C. Sept. 23 1950. 77 4t WM. MATTHIESSEN'S Wholesale Clothing Establishment, Corner of East Bay and Queen Streets, 1 CHARLESTON, S. C. Manufacturing House, 36, Piatt St. New York. 1 COUNTRY Merchants purchasing Clothing, ^J will find it to their advantage to look through ] he stock of this extensive Clothing House, where j hey will find fresh and desirable Goods, at prices ( s low as can be purchased at in New York. July 26. 59 swlOt ( JOHN B. DESAUSSURE, ' i AHtror'd WIui rf. (.'lmrltHitnii. S. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale ' f all descriptions of Produce entrusted to hie . are, and to the selection and tilling of orders, sept. 13. I'l . ; 6in MAZYCK ft SON, ] Factors and Commission Merchants, I SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF. I CHARLESTON, S. C. a WILLIAM MAZ'-CK. / W. ST. i. MAZTCK, \ PAUL T. VILLEPIGUE, [ FACTOR* And General Commission Merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, , CHARLESTON, S. C- * Liberal advances made on consignments of Pro- 8 uce, and prompt attention given to the forward- u irrnf (Jnrwls. at the lowest rates. Aug. 20. 6S a 20,000 PAIRS OF tl BOOTS AND SHOES. ; rO UK HAD at the Kew ISIioe Store, and will n be sold lower than any ever before offered h 1 this market?having paid the cash for eve y arcle, and selected from the beat and largest man- h 'acturers in the United States, we (latter cursives that no one can fail to be pleased in quan- N ty, quality and price. The slock consists in part, C t follows? ? en's fine Calf stitched Boots E * Pump Boots ? " " Waterproof do cork soles j, " " " do stitched and quilted sales , <1 pairs fiiie Calf sewed Boots, from $4 jo to ?6 00 r1 0 " " " and Kip pegged Bouts, from 5^ to $5 00 L en's fine Calf sewed Bootes to 84 00 ? " * at J t loth Congress Boot* $3 to $4 50 v " " " Jersey Ties, ?3 to #3 50 j " " " pegged -Bootees. $ 1 to 00 ?. Kjj) .. " 75c to $1 00 uuth'n Kip pegged Bootees, 5<k:to?5c Calf " " 75c to ?1 00 L " " Boots assorted f Kit) - " . , Ladies* Department. ne i-ilk Gaiters, black and colored P " satin " " " ? " lasting " " " 1 " " " wults and black H " ** Half Gaiters, Melt* and black , " " " ^ " colored and black ?. 'ell " Ties, Foxed, Broad and Easy * " " " wiilioul Tijm, lbr corns " Jenny Lind Bootees, Kid and Morocco k nmp " " " " i<l and Enameled Excelsior* *J id and Morocco Jenny Lind Buskins o nylor Ties, Pump lie Kid dippers. willi Uosetlcs Cl lie Moirocco clipper* and Tie* S lie Ties and Buskins, Welts (J ine Morocco do do iii extra wide Mi|e< nrnl Ties c nut Knskiiis and Ties, Welts uat 15oots isses' black and colored Gaiter* " blue and lig lit colored Half Gaiter* II " black, blue and bruuxu Bootee* " black and colored Stlipprss " Goat Bootees, sewed and pegged, for School Shoes iildrvn's allocs und Bimi:*, assorted o, 'I ogetlier with a great variety of Gentlemen's, Ladies' ? id Children's Shoes, usi numerous to mention. aijio a Fine TRAVELING TRUNK*, CARPET BAGS, ta ALICES, HATS and CAPS. All of which will posirely l?e sold lower than the lowest for cash. _ ifj*l'all and see for yourselves, at the NEW SHOE roRE of WORKMAN & BOONE. Sept. 2th Fall Goods. . rBONNELL & CO. are now receiving their J Fall (supplies, to which they invite the atten. jii of purchasers. rr' SUGARS?Si. Croix, Delta, crushed, powder- * ed and clarified COFFEE?Rio and Java TEA?Green and Hyson MuLASSES?West India and New Orleans SALT?Table and sack MACKAKEL?No. 1 and 2 Dickies, Ketchup. Mustard, (imger, Pepper Spice, Cinnamon, Soap, Candles, Starch, &c. Hardware, Hoes, Axes, Spades, 6ic. Va^iu;', Rope and Ttvinc. R DOMESTICS- Ulo.irhed and brown Home, spuns Together with a general assw-tment ol Goods liled ?o this market. For sale low by July 26. T. BON NELL & CO. L Ready-Made Clothing:. I COMPLETE assortment ol Over-coals, Dress & and 1'Yock-roats, Business-coats, Blanket and jating Over-coats, gentlemen's fine Cloaks, Pants nd Vests, Ready-made Shirts, Stocks and Collars. ........ CI/?M sept, lfi 11. Ltjv r <v. Carpeting. 1 COMPLETE Ass >rtfiicui oi Ingrain and Venetian Carpeting*, for sale low by Sept 20. II I.EVY fc SON. New Goods.^ rllK undersigned is now receiving his Fall supply of goods. If a vine pnrchnsed very largely, lie is enabled ? oflcr great inducements to his friends and customers to 1 urcliase from liitn. Among his stock may be found many rtielos not usually kept, and which he will take great leasitre in showing; as it regards prices, he will Iks satlied with Clitirleslo* terms. A liberal deduction made on wh purchases. E. W. BOjN'NKY. 4 Sept. 17. 71 tf { Annatlo, Copperas, Indigo, Logwood, | Madder, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Window Glass, Lamp Chimneys, Solar Globes, Solar Wicks, Sperm Oil, Solar Oil, Castor Oil, Epsom Salts &c. &c, A full and fresh supply of all the above articles 1st received, and for sale by sept- 20. Z J. DeHAY. General Information! THE subscriber would confidentially inform liif> kind patrons, and the public promiscuously, that he is 44 in town," having returned from the J North with an overwhelming stock of choice, ' cheap and elegant Goods, embracing every thing J new and elegant in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. PI is purchases consist entirely of Dry Goods, se- < ccted from the,most recent importations, with the ' closest attention to every branch of the Dry Goods )usiness, so as to present to the public at once, a complete assortment in that line, and at prices low enough to suit the closest economist. Parties from the country will please bear him t n mind when they visit Camden, as his stock is c ilway9 open for inspection. . f New Goods received every month, at the "Pal o? HCILU \sU9U OtUl Cm JAMES WILSON. Oct. I. 77_ tf Linen Department BROWN and bleached damask Linen Shirt, ingp, damask Table-cloths and covers, Huckback an. Diaper Towelings, Crash, Dowl<s, B. 3. Diaper, Long Lawns, French cambric, ladies ml gentlemen's linen cambric Handkerchiefs. ALSO a choice stock of IRISH LINENS, warraned pure Flax, and remarkably low, newly opened t JAMES WILSON'S. New Fall Goods. 1M.&R KENNEDY, are now receiving their supply of goods suitable for the season. The . tock will be found complete in all the branches, sually kept by them, they have been carefully i elected at unusually low prices, and will be sold t sPvcry small advance on New York cost. The bove would respectfully invite the attention of leir friends and the Ihe public generally toanexmination of their stuck, feeling satistied if low rices and good styles will effect sales, they can- F ol fail to enjoy a liberal share of that patronage eretofore so lully extended to them. They beg to call attention to a few of the lead- n ig articles, viz: J Rich Figured and Chene Silks. p otroof ctuliic poclinu>roc mniifiplainpfl ??? .. Changeable poplins and coburgs Irocade and plain lustres lace capes, collars and chemizettes utr sleeves, children's work'd bodies luslin and thread edgings and insertinge, &o 1 rloves of every description, hosiery do. J >awn and cambric handkerchiefs Inglish and american prints, unusually low 'urniture chintz, ginghams 1 >ong and square shawls, &c &c &c J Mourning Goods. p uper. alpaccas and canton cloth,a new article lark grey poplin, ginghams and English prints 'ast colors, collars and handkfs. ingrained ? Cotton hose, silk do., cashmere & cassimere sh'wls In Domestics. t< lea. sheetings and long cloths, very low v 0-4 to 12-4 blea&bro sheetimr^upe r family linens d ........ -...I Irtn/la iu n ii auu Wi u 14 oj/uuo v? wu ?iiiu? .inseys, bed blankets, from 10-4 to 13-4 p yhite &. red flan'ls, shaker welsh & gauze do. &c Gengleinen'a Wear, up'r bl'k and col'd trench cloths " " M doeskins and cassiinerea 'weeds in variety suitable for boya I atin, silk and cashmere vestings t ravats, gloves and half hose l< uperior quality of dress shirts ( huler clothings ot every description. Cl ittady Made Clothing. 'oats, vests sod pants, got up in a very superior ~ style. lints aud Caps I great variety and of the latest fall fashions. Negro Goods. q Superior plains kerseys and satinets, suitable p >r house servants, am. & eng. blankets, wool hats, ,c. &c. Together with a full supply of hardware, &c., II of which will be cheerfully shown to any one H ivoring them with a call, J -Sept. 2n 77 tf " Boots, Shoes and Leather, .1 TOUKTHKK WITH Travelling;. Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valices. rllE subscribers have just received the largest and best assorted stock of Boots aud 1 hoc* ever offered in this market, to which they e :sj)hctl'ully invite the attention of purchasers.? ft 'heir stock consists in part, as follows, viz: enllemeu's fashionable Dre>* Boot*, pump bottoms " " " Htitcb " " " waterproof do quilled bottoms H " " " do cork soles J Calf pcggedjCnliforiiia Boots, F " *' " waterproof Boots C w Kip " ? " ilt * fashionable pump-sole Shoes Patent Leather and Calf Gaiters '* Jenny Liudfrics " Hungarian Boot* " India Kuhh^r S1kv?a oy's fine Culf Pump Boot* ii ii 1 ? " " H Wuternroof Boots " " Kip pegged lioow ' Cnlf Bootees * Ki|> do adieu White Silk Gaiter* ^ " " Kill SH|m " (Jailer Boot*. nssnrtcd color* " Black Satin Gaiter* o " ' Lasting ' I " Colored Hnnirurian Tie* Jf " Blnrk _ " " " Kid Slip* and 'I in* " " Morocco S!i|* ntiil Tie* ' India Rubber Slioe* ' Buskin W'ulking Shoe* ? '? Goatskin " " 1 " ' *' Boots " Black Lasting Unif Gaiter* . ?? " " Slip* ?' " " Buskin Tie* k litise* Gaiter Boot*, assorted color* ^ C ' Colored and black Jenny Lind > ie* " " " Rooted* " " ' Slips a " Calf and flontskin Boors (i I'offcihiT with a beautiful assortment of Children's Shoes ( o| all colors and styles 3 ALSO?ALARCK STOCK OK KKVKR MIOliS, 1 >f onr own manufacture, hoth pepped and sewed. ' a >ole, Cppcr and Harness Leather, Calf and Kip Skins, ( Lininr anil Binding Skins, together witli everp article ne- | essary for carrying on the manufactory of Hoou and SIlOO*. -^-AI.SO Finn and oominnn Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags, School Satchels, Nurse Bags and Valices.all of which we )flerat very low prices. ALDEN& MURRAY. Ccmdcn. Sept. 27. 77 2m KaiMiitfl. < A few Boxes now Raisins, just received by W. a MOORB. Ct'? . Domestic Items. BROWN and bleached Mieetings, every width; Ticking; English Long-cloths; Counterpanes; plain and figured curtain Dimity; garmantDimity; colored Homespuns and Denims; plaid Linseye; Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. ALSO 1150 pieces of bleached and brown Homespuns* is low as thev can be bought any where in Amer' ca. At " JAMES WILSON'S* ? T i JFST RECEIVED, At Jiciiaiii'g Drug-store, A choice assortment of Perfumrj, &c. from & heestab'ishment of X. Bazin, successor to the :elebrated Roussell, of Philadelphia, consisting in >art, ol German Farmia Cologne, in wicker bottles Roussell's cologne, in fancy bottles, all sizes Lubin's Extracts, a large assortment Rnuesell'p Ex't. Jockey Club and Jenny Lin?t Aromatic Vinegar f. Soaps. Poncine, Omnibus, Palmyriene and Jenny Lind Soaps Chrystaline Wash Balls * For the Hair. Jenny Lind Hair Gloss Roussell'sEau De Lust rale Ox marrow Pomatum, in screw top Jars Jules Hauel's Eau De Lustrale Tooth. Nail, Flesh and Hair Brushes JumI Received, AT McKAIN'S DBUG-STORE, A fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines^consis' ing in part, ot Cod Liver Oil, Ipecac, Quinine, ic. <fc., which will be sold at the lowest ratesjfnr ash or ' good credit." Oct. 1 OILS, OILS. Best pure Winter-strained Sperm Oil Solar Oil, at 87^ cents per gallon Train Oil, LinBeed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, &c. &c. 'or the lowest prices, at McKAIN'S DRUG-STORE. Notice. rHE Town council of Camden, wishes to hire 4 or 5 able bodied hands to work on the streets, 'or particulars, apply to either of the council, or )the Town Marshall. By order of council, L. W. BALLARD, T. Marshall. Sept. 27, 77 tf PRICE'S POEHS, . rM.EGANTLY bound, at $1 per copy, for sale Pj hv W. C. MOORE. Salem Woolens. HAVING taken the agency of the Salem, N C. WOOLEN MANUFACTORY, we arc rcpared to6iipply Planters with their Negro Cloths f varions qualities, and at Manufacturer's prices. These Goods have been U6ed by several Plan' ;rs in this neighborhood for many years, to whom re can refer, as being an article, for warmth and urability, of a very superior quality. X7*WOOL will be taken in exchange, at a fair ' rice. W. ANDERSON & CO. A itg. 22. 67 2m Noticed ILL persons having demands against the estate of the late Mrs. Mary B. Gill, dec'd of Lancas?rville, will please present them properly attestd to the undersigned, by the first of December ext. JONES CROCKETT. Sept. 23d 1H50 76 tf Stone Lime, Plaster of Paris, and Cement. Tim artirloc nnnchntlv nn hanrl. nf (rrwvl uality and at low prices. Also, Gypsum ortand laster. C. L. CHATTENFeb. 12. 12 tf Bogardus' Planetary'Horse. Power. rHE miWribers have received one of the above machine* from the manufactory of Geo. Vail & Co., to hich tliey would call the attention of those who want iwer* for Ginning. Sawing or Grinding'. Order* for any ind of MILL IRONS or CASTINGS will he promptly [tended to. McDOWl LL & COOPER. ' KTA few Mill Crank* on hand. Sept. 20.1850. 75 tf NEGROES. A LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN, and five chil-% .1 tlren. Also, a VV oman, a good cook, wash, r and ironer, and her three children?AH persctly sound and healthy. Apply to Oct 4. W. C. MOORE. Notice. rHE Special Partnership heretofore erinting in the name of \\ M. M. LUBBOCK As Co., for the carriage of reight and Ptwretigem on the water* of the State of South anuiiia. by the ?teaniboat ROBERT MARTIN, U thi* ? I-. J 1?C .1... ^.uaaMt itf nil tlin nnvtimN IV (IlKKnivetl Willi lii?; cunncmvi & uw pu<Miv>n, Charleston, July 16th1850. W. M. LUBBOCK'. PAUL K V1I.LKP1GUE <fc SOX C.J.SHANNON. KOBT. MARTIN. J. R. ?I-C. H. DUKES. TV' ?sr Sept. 21 76 6t Attention Guards. 47"OIT will parade at your Rendezvou* on Saturday th? 12th of October next, properly armed and equiped.? ,t which time by the order of Lieut. Col. J. B. K?r?bawr n election will be held for 3d Lieutenant. Sergeant* lughson, Hnckabee and Woolen, are detailed a* manner*. By orderof ('apt. K. S. MOFFAT. W. E. Hl'GHSON, O. S. Sept. 20.1850. 75 w3t_ South Carolina?Ker^liaw District. hj John R. Jay, Esquire, Ordinary for said Dist. LTHIEREAS Miller applied to me for letW ters of administration on all and singulalie goods and chattels, rights and credits of Airs. Sarah A M iller, late of the District aforesaid, do eased . These are, therefore, to cite and admonish alk md singular, the kindred and creditors of the said leceased, to be and appear before me at our next )rdinary's court for the said District, to be holdee it Kershaw Court House on the 18th day of Oct. ;yT nst. to show cause, if any, why.thesaid adminieration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 3d day of }ct., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight lundrcd and fifty, and in the seventy-fiih year of \incrican Independence. JOHN Jl. JOY, O. K. D. Oct 4,1850. 79 Scgar*. OA AAA 'ho9e very fine brands; such as "Coneolaceon," "Gold Leaf," anil Charleston, &c, .Also?10,000 medium quality, &c. Oct. 20- AT MOORE'S.