The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, October 11, 1850, Image 4

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_______ I ^.>77^ ^ f;Y'S > -' Vj I u r -e .* 1 X- i_ii-_v5 * ' I Jt ?~Z? _ J ' i U >.f- ' >! ;: s&-y ~ f-\ *? ^ A ? X" *.%-$: _ . ' .. ; ctf 11 V - - ? -vi4 ! '? U ; I T f &C \c* r- " rJ ~'u ! v BMSS'J 1 . ... -.^ : -i.i.i. ?tubus. a'Ho envy of all Pill Manufacturers, [-. TYecatisc they arc-nu-r. be?:cr and m<>.- .' etRcaeinns tht'i i.< 1 > any others: ? n? 1 h -euo-v the public will take t.w oih- J era if they ea:i obtain them. 500,000 Boxes ^ have be<*n -old annuallv fur the last five rear*. I ' YOl NG AND OLD. U \Ui AND FKMALL. < call always take liiern with equal safe'v. without fear. '' IF PI 1.1,S KF, NT.OLSSARV S Raiv.IW. ??(| I for purginir ana Ptennswtr me oiw .. M purifyine the Blood arid thuds of the body. lake no others j j' ?for no other piiis prod ties those combined effeSs, or eon- j " tains Sanaparilla in thoin j (' Eat, Drink ami live as usu?', p and pur?>ie your usual oreopation whilst tnkititr them j y without fear of <rkin? old.during all kinds of weather, i , ONJB THOUSAND DOLLARS * are wagered that ni ne genuine ( . riitic.iies from phwi- f * cinns, Clerrf/nien, M.-m'--. (s of I huntress and respectable I V citize.. can li * or of their etlhacv than auv other. i? Forty 5'rl's in H tiox ! ! an i sold at TWBXTY-FIVc. CT.NTS a iioX, \vi?!i liiruotioii** ; _ tia.l much wh' aiviee .iccoiiipaiiyhjreaeh box, . ! > :. i 'ti-'e "r invltr-sai'i m:!!.; :> ;,.i ' . ode- of any kind. T" : .'.eh or U> v Pr dure no iekcesv vomiting or bad feeling*, ai.;: : ood timss. 1 A <>3 a- * : > iikc.muu. , N, ones. . . ? wili be willing afterward* (I x ':A"p' . c :r.iway<dngoo?T, and if they ! Sl dorm: then ao others will. H. '.l: ' V Propriety and Alanti fncturer, |(. . r I'mgcis;. Chemist ami Physician, of fifteen ' y-ai- r. mv in i hilndulpiiia ; liraduate of the I ni ' ver.-iiyof I'-'iln- vlvauia ; Member i f different Medical In- ci atitutions t>f Philadelphia. New York. Boston, Baltimore and arsnmte ami corresponding member of several j Medical fnsdtutjnas of Ixmdou am! i'a.-is?hence the rc.i- , son of the greater confi lence placed in hi* pills, and their j being recommeniied m the practice of most respectable | physi' ians, throughput the United Stales". > j J 03*-I rincipal Depot. Dr. Leiuv's Dispensary, No. II1 | j> North Fourth at*, t'hiladeaphin?and sold wholesale and j retail atMcKAl.VrS S>n:g Store, Camden : TOLANI) A: i CURTIS; Columbia; Ml; A i:i< & BOSSAKD,Sumter- j ? villi- ; Or M AM.OY.Cheraw; I'K VTTiV .1AMKS. New- | al her: v : RUFF* KKKl>r,Cht-.'tervillc : J. L. YONC.Ui:, i h, Win?boro;fI. H. WhlST, I ninnv.ile : Dr. P. M . CO-! IIKNand ei-KVKLA.\'l), l.'harlcplon; ami bvino.?t Drug- j gists i&i Stori-lieejxsrs in lite United Stares. Aug. 20.1651). GG 12;a i FEISALH2 PILLS, J "] For Females only, j Invaluable to Voting, married and single. J ,0 M. - - - - Resiorative ai??! .'souznsy I'm*. i Price 25 cts. a Box. ,4 CCOMl'.ANIEI) with a small pamphlet, con- ' .X JL ttilting tuiI directions, u.-ettii hints, intnrma i 1 tion and advice t< females from youtii or puberty to old age. ^ Nature will be much as-iste-l by their use, in " anticipation of certain period , or where there is r' irregularity, suppressi mi or absence of the natural r' changes, ami will relieve the suffering, pain and f" distress common to many at those periods. There ' are other times, also, when the married and single ri will find them useful. j4)1 Mothers <io not mistake the ailings of your i daughters; when affected with I lead-ache, Dizzi- ! '!l ncss, Faiutinp.'Loss of Appetite, Is.chlioss oi me Stomach, I*-tit?j. i.i the Sides or Cro^N, Pains n- '' lotiif the Beck, Spine or across the Loins, Hysferi- I cal nr Nervous feeling. Depression or Low ncss o| ! ci tlie Spirits, . lelauehtA rVsiike to exercise and ' society. Palpitation of H?ari, Bleeding at the nose ! &.c. Too often are medjr.ines given them for Liv- ! ^ or complain's, I) spepsin, Coi'.sumption, i'.c, when I the real cause is not suspected; and through improper medicines and treatment their constitu. j tions are destroyed; ami their constitutions are de* J etroyed, and tiiey become miserable during life. Cl Thousands of* Females in l'l.iiadt iph.a, New 1 York, Boston, Baltimore ami elsewhere know the '' efficacy-of those Pills-, and manv could be referred to, but delicacy and respect to :iie sex 1< rhids it. di Sold who I sale and retail at Dr. Leidy's Di-s- '' pensarv, No 114 North Fourth Street. Fiuiada.? t ' T " " ' i T..i- ,1 A. .nw. 1 F h I so Dy J. rv. \j (iiiiuuii? i viuKu v| ? T | Columbia; Biack & Elmv, Ornii<reburt>; Dr. P. M. ' Cohen and Dr. J. A. Cieaveland, Charleston; and j 'J by Dru?,r*_'i.-.if ant] Storok^cpors generally. /ti<f. :>() i'(i % ly E IMUii 2i?;iic $20 j ]j l?arlodo:i to Vork. TIIS CUE \T -M All. ROUTE FROM T C i I \ iv LES ro X S '' LEAVING lite wharf at the fuot ff Laurens st. V daily at 3, p- ru. after the arrival of the South vVILMINGI ().\ and WELDUA, N. C-PETERSBURG, RIuli.MONi), to WASIE A JNUTO.W HALTIMUUK, I'll 1 Ltt; i/v, ! . and to NEW YORK. The public in respectfully informed that the | steamers of this line, from (lb-rlesion to \\ il- I rnington, are in lirst rate condition, and arc navi- 1 gated by well known and experienced command- rn era, and the Railroads are in tine order, thereby i>c securing both satcry and des patch. ATIIROIGH ! m TICKK'r having already been in operation will { a! be cont.nucd on and ai'er tie *1 . r of Oct. 1~49, j la a> a peruii.ient arrang.uimio from Ch arleston io | S-'X York. i'> e i iers ivnoirij Ives th'Te ! hav it-* - ' ii t. C". jo without delay j ~ thr'i'j h .!<? Ii'*i w;:-o. to stop at any irn- I media: :> < , u,r the..' ?ea;> on the hue to j suit t ;5> r.nt'e travellers ! may i in- 'lor.; day daing iiusi- i j, tiers hoars a;.| on board , thui.teai.ivi "V . ? it ; hatige ; of oa* a-. re ittij"; n mmre to Ny.v (mu>f i i.i ?on li'tii i ^ of i*j. 7* i:\3L mil "i "'if >V' I in M^iun ami ; icaib?^:i itaiiroju C impri'i v, at ?!; olli?-e of* the ! Company, foot ol l.i'irens stro< \ t" whom please ; ^ apuly. For other iiiforiualio of 11. C. DUNCAN, i at tho American Hotel, j ? May 3, :34 _ lf_ French Confectionery. | J AFKES1I supply of eleoant Confe tionary? consisting of Jelly Cakes, Cordial Drops, chrystalizeil Rings Coaaqnoa. Rnnlions, Rose Almonds, Lemon Almonds, 'onlial Almonds, Gum \ Drops, IMSpOerry nans, ivatiiiii-ii^ \jum urups, MVi Drops, Jujube Haste, Kock candy, Horebotiud candy, &c., for sale by F. L. ZE.l/R. Aprl 19. 31 House for Sale. That very desirable residence in Logtown, be- ,? longing to the Estate of Joshua Reynolds, and now occupied by Mr. Samuel E. Capers.? ^ The terms will be very !:i" ral. Feb 22?15?tf] ' FRANCIS L. ZE.MH. {* rpiJE .Subscriber has just received a few ounces ! ?j I of KfHeogririen Oi ucius s oupermr quinine 1 which no offers prices as lew as it can he possibly J aliorded in this market, lor cash or short cred.t. V J I'rHAY. r>. April 1. u Medical Eoeksfood's Practice of Medicine nilci Stales Oispciisatory, Wood .mil Baclie hritison's and f i": ifli'ii's I)irr>ei.s.':;>.Ty rifntii's Universal 'arv iintr!M ! f<il D ry Itnjjr.'s do li.1 m>V i'orket I.i-xifon of Mt ilit.'il Torms aylar's Mndi.-al JnrKprndpnre 1 Airi'oan; Ilo'o.-ir'd .Anatomy Dii.'i liu Ufi'iirr s .?<;niom:rui i ui.cs 'arprnterV Fieim n;s ot Physiniogy f>y Principles nt Human Physiology hun'liili "i! infants hi <i children ontiie 0:1 disea.-cs of children be-i o's practice of Medicine, rie'.v edition in one ; Volume ewce? on children Do. on Females hurchill's MidwilV-ry 'lymrrV W Ilium's Principle? of Medicine hurrhill on ilie Diseases of Females imon's Family Medical (iuide riffifh's Medical Botany Iruitl's modern Surgery !ytiter's Treatise on Fever tiek.-ofi's Practice of Medicine liiler's Principles and Practice of Surgery Icrton's Human Anatomy I tiller's Klemenls of Physiology f.lnoM on the Disc ses of l.'ic S-iiin il' lior on the Ivir, 0*:r, July 3. A. YOUSO. i lava Ware. rHF -*-b!/i r has rcee.ved Can] Baskets, ! Pkitos, lVi=kei?, ('ainllcitirks:, Pitcher*:. etc., ' '(!.? . ( I.av;:, :.!i I.Pat anil arliclt'3? iso, China Cups a irf Farmers, China Colognes, j lass Baskets, Toy Toiahic rs, I'itc.'.ors ami B i- i >n.'-. I .Pino tide Glasses. <r. i i ; a. Flower Pots, Ciii- j i Poll H?nds, Tool Che.-'s, !, :ruo Poric ' iflil' nn-iioti board--. di -p, minisitiirp knives, China I uiT Boxes, with a larjje variety of Toys and Pani* Goods, all for saiehy P. L. ZBMP. April Uh * [ .Ml , Drug's! Drug's!! [AilK Subscribe. iias on hand'Tuiii is constantly . receiving fresh supplies of Drug*.Medicines, n;o. Brush. u.llir-, v,.,., , .. . , ami Window < ; nil of whir?! are wnrraut1 of the host quality, :nt?l will he sold lower tlian : any establishment iit the place. Those who iv for cash will find it very natch to their advance 'a apol v first to l'U.A.NCiS L. ZK.MP. Foil ?1 \:> tf Lamp (>??. ITJST received a new supply of Lamp (til: which ! f may lit' h:td at the low prier of 88c. per gal- ! n; also, pure winter-strained .Sperm Oil. Sold by . FilANCIS 1.. ZEMI\ F. h. eh ]."> tf j The of South Carolina, j KERSHAW DlSTKK'T. rOllN II. TUUSDKl.. who in hi the custody ot i tin? Sherill'of District* hv virtue of a j frit of Capias ad Satisfaciendum, at ilio suit <>| lioileyman, Jr., ii vin?r liied in my otiice, to?tiicr with a schedule, on oath, of ins estate and fects, his petition to the Court of Common 1'ieas, avittir 'hat he mav i?e admitted to the bonelit of .i- J.. r.._ .1 ih Acts (?/ the uenerai rtsscinuiy mane mr im: j diet of Insolvent IteJior.". it is ordered, that the j ii<i ii. (lolloyn'iiti, Jr., ami all othor the creditors whom the said John II Trtisdcl, is iti anywise ' idehted, he, mid they arc hereby summoned, and j ive notice to appear, hob>re tlie said Court at j amden, mi Mi inlay the fourth day of November ; e.xl, to shew cause, it any they can, why the pray- i of the petition alorcsaid, should not he oral.ted. j ,S. B CAPEiW, Clk. i Oifice of Comtiioii IMcas KcrdiaW District,-9lfi prii, lboO. uithntW j "THE Ci\I?D~EN BAZAAR, j I'M IK subscribers beg leave to announce to the . Ladies and (ientlcuien of this place and villi* v, that they have just opened a splendid stock I'W.WY and STAI'LK COUDS; ail ot which iey otfer at liie lowest prices possible. To the illowing articles tliey wish most particularly to aw the attention of purchasers :? lain, figured, and sat:n-s?ripvd Bareges igtireil ami Kmbroidcred Lawns rencli ami uiner calicoes issue silks, ami Ginghams lam ami Figured Swiss .l/ulls lain mi'l Figured Cambrics; Jaconets tnbroiderod curtain muslins inens? Irish ami Grass ; Linen < amhric aiidkerchmis, I,ace Gapes.and a great variety ol Needlework Goods uge-tber w ith a general assortment of all other Us in:! !_\ etnii! al I iieir establishment /e wish to draw the aiieotain ol' gcntleiue:: to | our stock or' Read,-made Clothing', which em- J brace every article in that line. pr|l &--S8. ' M. URUCKKR & CO. | WHOSE STORE IS THAT OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE J Tin KL1AS & KOOPM/lN'S, who will sell! . Fancy Dry Goods, Ready inaiio Clothing, Grot n. i ?i. ii."? I-\I,..?i...,.,I ih.i,, I *i IIU Ul 1 ?un > ?n nciviiami i1.\. i wgapui no n % i j : found elsewhere in tins market. We re" .: ir hearty thanks to customers who ii ive so her lv patronized us, am.' i.ftjr a continuance o.' I .r.-:r ; vers* Our Stock is new tn i well .-.elected. KL1.-\S <) KoOi'.MA.V April 10 31 TEMPERANCE HOUSE. ! The iiiuiersi-ned would respectfully inton/i tin ! jblie ii. t lie has inker; the house well kiio.wit a. >: "('Ri ?.S'.V J\E '.'ormrriy kept l>y .)/r. Win civain in trie i wn of Camden, where he is preiretl to cm.'in d tte traie. i ,s ami hoarders a a an a;;io pr i i s. Those vvf.o r'esire to lee. till nie ijuiet abroad as at ii.itne, are invited to jrjve c a call Travellers accommodated for a single night, and ! eakfast in time for the cars in the morning, at . charges. J. 11. I-\ ilOUNK, Feb.'?!?I)?tf ] Proprietor* Fine Hams. PI IK subscriber wishes to exchange a lot of line L hams lor sides. II. JIOIjEEi MAN. may :il 43 if c. iviXthgson; H a \ K A (?i: T. t tits ?i.n stand oitositk Davis's Hotel JAMES W~ BASKIST AUCTIONEER, cmDEX, s.c. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted i him. lie may be lound .it the Sheriff's OfTicc j r?i' *;?!<?. rH \T house on street at present occupied bv John Ingram, as a storehouse and dwelling i ir particulars apply to JAMES McE WEN June 16, 46 tf lialon's Chemical Hair In vigorator, J 7*011 preventing BALDNKSS.aud to rr torc the j _ J lair that has fallen off or become thin, and ; ? cure Ltfectually, Scuki or Dandkuff. Fori ile bv V.. J DkHAV. ! .My L' M tf lywrirjiij in rrr-irm ' r" t gMi^Mrww?www The Great Cough Eemedy. j ..fAIEI'S a i ( ( (Wt \V r??i?rt (r~^> > j 5 ^*?7 fcjjgy ls;-'.X!iik2.? li 1 ift: Li&.->T-ifer<?T< pi-itf C;lT/r*.. .A ' JL\ | For (tin Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, ! WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION In ot]'er:n<r to the community ta:s justly reiebra- t led remedy for diseases of the threat, and lun?>, i it is not ntir wish to tr;Ho with llie lives or health ! of ihe alllieted, but fraakiv to lay before liieui tiie ! opinions of disiiiiuiiis eii men ami soma of tiita j evidences of its success, from waich iney can j judge lor litemreives Wo sincerely pledge our | selves lo .'iriri: i.u wild assertions or mise stile i inenls of Ms elticacv, nor ivili we hold out any j to sufleriiij; hnmaniiy which lads Will not j warrant. ! ?.! AJ.tnv j<ra< r . ?u.-wn. i. .... | mfjii . . . >11: si:!: . .. i < .. . .* c publish, ffCl- I in;r nr. A : < y ilivui i oiled ly reliable iii'J if : f . o with) their boat mliJence and p.tiroai.mj 11/* ''1.S.V 1). i? [\ 'Vtvii.-. i'olli.'ye, Maine, \\ ? j jn\ v.. ,-f.i t:i ? your * Cherry /V? ' i:i i:iy vv ? : n.i!y ;.mt that III III}" fr:"' . ?l: ! it !/iV"S lilft ,-r i .'i ? '.till t'l S'atO j i:i i:> rho' no in. .i-cine i ever Known lias p.nveu so tic: l\ si t . .it curing diseases ami In.:.. O* UHV. I'M. Wiito*?"That In* j rni!s:ii< r-' (.'!. rr:i lJf< trr-:!' the im.-.' medicine lor , i'uiir.onary Alin taws i-vi r ^ vets io the public," j and i es that "h;s da a ^liltr alter item.; obii?!?d ' to keen the rnuin tour motiLhr- with severesolved | i nili;it, ad'Oittpmiir (J by ivisiir.j c: blood, sweats, :D'I the attendant symptoms ?.i" l orisiim,')tion, coinmcrrcd the use ol tlie ('hurry I'eclural and lias recovered." 113- KX-CHA.V 101 /.OR KI.NMi,. ! Now York says : i iiave been a great. surieier v. itii Bronchitis, i and but tor the use <> ' the ('lurru I'm! .ml might I have continued to ite so lor many years to come, I but tint has c.t:r**d me and lain happy to bear I tcstimuny to its ethcacy " From ?n !( t. >tiini'i;u it!.12-sfc the tuiblic I'i judge i for themselves. the Dr. Aver?Dear Sir: For two years 1 was afflicted witii a verv severe cmioii, st?*c*>nt|?aiiie?I by spiitii!^ ol b!u>.l and profuse lii^liL sweats.? j By the advice of niv aMendm? physician I was in- I di?eed to use your Cherry I'c.toml, ami continued i to do so til! I considered myseii cured, and ascribe the effect to your |ire:;irati??'f. JAMES ilANDAl.L. II tmpd. ri vs. Spr.iNonKi.m Nov This d v iipiieare I mo above named Jamos itau- j rlaii, and pronounced the ;;bovi: s'Uenieut true in every respect. UMIK.V/O N'lUToN, Justice. The XitiMiiedy <'nr<N. I'oktlani), .Me.. Jan. 1<>. l^lT. Dr. Ayer: I have been iono afflicted with Astii- j ma which crow yearly worse until i i.-i atiiuinn. i it brought on a coti^n which eoiilincd me in niv ! cnainhcr, and bpjp'ii to assume the alanuitijf ' symptoms of cniisuuipt on. i had lri"d tiie best . advice and the host medicine to ii" purpose; until 1 1 used y: 11r ('ktrri/ i' c!i>r'tl, wiiicii 1 as cured me, | and vou imy well habere mo ??ralefiti'v vourn. j J. i). PliFLPrf. j If t!-ere i< a iv v;-J;?i? in the ju'tiinent ol the wise j w ho speak trmsi i .V|.ene:iif, h. re .s a t.icih'.Mic ! wot thy oj tint politic, cmiiideiie I Prepared I.y J. C. AYkli, Chemist. I.owc'l, j Mass , and sold in C,i:ir!":i hyJ. It, ahkaln, and j by JJruojrtsts and dealers genera;.)' throughout tn>- j State. AU?. 2. fij Jim ! Victims c? Dyspepsia. Look Hore. ; DR. ALLEN'S COMPOUND. Tin M .!!cin.* i.-i i!i r-i !.< tile in.l " . a!!"-from a : full ctinviitli'iii liui: i: IS superior ituinj nthcrimwiiitm!. Inr the cure of i-;i";i i.i. Liver V ' aipothi . .'?c."\oii l?e- j liility. IJoililv wi>.-. ?Ve. i'n:[Kirod only lij lie; proprietor*. ( . W. AI.I.KN.TvI !>.. j I'liilai.'. I|. Iiiu. anil .!. A .v 'A. i,. I i.i'.V t'.l.AN i>. No. VeT j Kinj: Slfr-.l, I has. ?*. N'oii- (tcnuiiic unless si'juei! by Dr. tt. \V. \ I,I.FIN. and i foiiiiursijjiic.l l.y J. A. A \V. I.. ("I.KVKI.A-N D Tin; J hotilcs liovinc the words "Ai.i.En's DvsrKi Tic Ukdici.vk j i una., iiimvn on mv grass. Sulen^cni I'ur CuinJen, Z.J. DeIIAV, ! Sept 30, 75 >y A(< ui i:i i'.Ir:*t<5 rV- o? ice. 4 i.l? |>*rM'ijr= havii'if <-i.< m^ ajytinsl the estate c?f A llit' late Mrs. Harries Ms/or will hand tiioni ill ;>mperly alt-sted; - ? . delved will pl^oe make payment to ! . n IJosser, uim i? lulSy hiiUioi /> ' n : if-s.< i<ir me. 15 . \ .Sl/.iili, Aiiiii'r. S ' ' " , 71 Si" " E S AW, At*"-rzir--T .?t V " : : ? *V*r inEouity, : ' ' i . Si'inkr,! Fairll Id," I .. .. .:. La:i . :.; Mi tricts. | Ik . fj . I I ? k ?"> < A . ATTORNEY AT I AW, Camden, S. C. . i (Ojjlct: ivthirrHul'!y hi r.?ir < f !h<t Court Ji->usc.j j w:i.i. a i; K,\r> i !i"J rot r. i or {);;r!in:iti?:i mid Niuntrr )>istrlcts. Business i 11'rt 1 to hi .i w il. iu\ t ui'h prompt i and careful att? itiou. July I\]ARfri.\ & BRYAN, r&cTOSs. AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS,: JJOY' K & CO S WIJAKF, t'HAK!.EST<i.\, S. ('. James Martin. Thomas A. Eryan Rrf rrnr.ts?Messrs. Robert Martin. Ciiarii.-'on R. O'NYal. Columbia, C. .1. Nhnunmi, C.niuleii j James Wrijrht. Choruiv, J. R. A ikon, Winnsboro Jti?" Advances mailt.' on (.'uttun ami oilier Pro- i duco shipped in tie in. Particular attention nivrn j to the purchase of Ragging, Rope and Family Sllpplii s. July 2?J. 5fi 3m feloraiyc of Col ton. r I'M IE subscribers are now building a now Col- ! J. ton House, and will be prepared to store cot- j ton on accommodating terms. 'l'liey oiler tlieir services for the sale or Forwarding of cotton, and tiic receiving and Forwarding ot Merchandise. Sopl2075tf Me DOW ALL & COOPER. | " Cleveland's Premium Cologne." \KEW do/en of the a novo Cologne, for which A. Cleveland, of 'Ji)7 Kin:,' street Charleston, received a Silver .Modal from tho So. Ca. Institute, just received and for sale hv J. DEI 1 AY. Ladies Gloves. *Vy O >V receiving I .otisr* Cloves, of every ilest ripnori and 1> quality. K. W. HONNEV" ' S?rr 17, "t ?/ Memphis Institute. OJUPA :W3EST. 'ipHE regular con ran of '.oiViupk in this Insti- j .3.. t'MP u.i commence on lie i'ir^t of No-j vernber, an ! ontmiic out : the last of February. | The Anatomical department wiii up opened and ' ready lo receive students by oi October, j The .Medical Depart. cut will be tinder thodirec- ! ion ol ll;e i'ullowiiur riiUFKSIW.iS: J. CO.VQI.'KST r.iUSS. 31. j). pr. f-ssor of the In. >ti-utes "f .Medicine" ami Medical JnrNprndunre. VV. iit iii> PdWKJ.i.. >1. i>.. !V lessor ut Cerebral Physiology. lieolnjfy ami Mineralo")'. K. .S. .\ i:'.V? I'OS. .'1 i).. I'roiWsor oj coiruory* II. J. I i? '/ ! ;. .M. if., Piof.woi u i i'!. :?>i y a ad Practice <>f .Mi-ilii -inc. J. A. \\'ll.-d>.V >1. i' . i'rok-.-v^roi'UlwWlricsam! Diseases i f 'A nrr.eti an.I >' 'iaiiir- ti J. KIXG. M. I'.. I'lofo.-tir of Materia Medicia, u:ul 'I luT.ip?Ml!ir.':. I-'liliKMAN. 31. i'.. Professor >{ Autumn v. J Mll/!'<.5.\ sA.M>::i:s, A. :?i., M. D., i'Wessurof Chemistry and Pharmacy. Chi.MQULO' I.KCTI'RKRS. NBUICIMi?5'KOF. II J. Ili l.CK si i;<;i;uv?I'liOr. n.s. n?.\vtun. KIIKKMA.N. .M- U. Anatomical Demonstrator. M' _ i?? . r\i n11111 111f tn 1 IIU It.'Ua IUI ?I Mill l*WUiao Wl iwwbMiww U...WM... ... 6105. Kc-'icli Professor's Ticket, 815. A/atriculator'.s 85. !)f(iiiijist.ra!or's F.;? ?10. Gradual inn, ?20. Those dc'siriiijr further information wit please address ilieir iriier.- (post u? the Hcai; and students arr. vit;<. in thociiv will piouso cull on him at the Coiniiiorci i 1 lute'. K. S. NEWT O.N, M. !)., Dean oftiic Faculty 2.,* w ihhmsst** R:VT. H')X. K. \V. M. KING. Professoroi'Theorv an I'rar- j tie.- ??f Guv .M'M* V. !' KAitl'V, Professor >:' t'oiniaercial Ju-! ri^jeiidi-nci-. Tei'.ms?.?50 per Session. Ail oiuiipurjirH'ions poriuiniii^ In this department must be addressed t-> K. \V. ,\I. KING, Esq. Moil'llls, Teint.. Mare I:, lft50. Tiie Families tor intellectual abilities, moral worth and iiroicssinunl arqu:remcins, will compare j i.iv< ra!>!e vv.tii tlie no .-t distinguished in our couii try. The ne .lira! l icnl'v const antes an anomaly. " - - ' inivf?ii hi rii?.ii nro alilo I tit ! JIJS or (III; Mini 4* W ! lecturers :?it'S tic best ? !'teachers. Tiiutff; who v. iii c<tlit[*iiij;!.t:o our geographical position, ami lucc-xtem i'f our jii'pii stiran have I no doubt its to r:!? eligibility '! utii si'.umujii lor an enterprise u! the As to health, including a I! seasons of till; VCiir, nu ueily thai ANV OTIIEli ! oitv it as :.:oj;k. A cuittnm t?rroi exists in tiie nam's of many students relative to the place ofstudying medicine; I iliose who intend practicing among the diseases ol i lie West and South siiutiiu cena.itly educate themselves ata school wiigpe (acuity arc practically acquainted with those diseases. That the jjudI.c tuay be satisfied of tin |ierinaiieucy "I tirs s< i: id, we feel it our duty t" state, that the Trust.- Facility form 1 v>iriu action ivii.u h augur- *. eii u>r its jtit tire sac ess; and s .lie pec.oibir internal nr^aiiiy.ataui winch onuects llicui, cannot be interrupted. H. W. M. KIMtJ. President oi the .Memphis Institute. July 17, Is >j. 18 ly Iron Iron and Steel. Sweeii's iron troni ivio to*d :n llat. " " H-6 to 1-4 in. square. " " li-ti to 1-4 111. round (.'list Slcci " 13 to i- i iu square. 'lOrrnnii am. ?i? r ?S';ecl. I'orsalp liy i *ot* 13. 'i'. iiOi\.NELL & Co Acw Mackerel and Salmon. rem ,.:io .j.:; uarrei* .No. I AJtU'karH, do ii<> do (lu S.ilmoti. i'\:r s;iio i?iw, iV T. BUNNELL A CO. JleKalb Factory. 31 ami 33 1:1011 1 otfoii Os.i.-!-1: 4-1 Ut? '* ni..ilc e\!?resrf!y lo unit.* 1' for Cotton i'ii kmj .Sl'U.N \.\U.N. >s :::! nuinborH, ami warrant i'ii ol c vi;;i< ::I 'jiMiIly. r or tf.ilc- u inji-.-a '- a:its iota:! by \V A.N'DEilSON 4- CO. GC'j'ieinUt'i ' d'' M Chain l umps. MrlisiTiiiM'.^ !:av?; rc? ri\ci! a I'resli FU|?|>ly JL of < "h.iiit i'lid i-'.v'tirfa. A puoj|> ol this Iwiid u.;tv be seen in operation on their j.'S'emmes. Mi-lhiU'Al.L & COOPER. Ma re 11 13 3(1 Bactin! caconl! Bacon!!! rI^lJK .-uo.-i riber has on hand ?2?}.0t>0 lbs, I JL 8Uii??ri??r 1!A< .'OA' am! a rorrespoudii'jr qmntU ty of laud, hi the <>: there i.? tik;?ry jtjoo fino Hants, any person wtsijinjj to pun b.ise tnijfhi tind it to their advantage to call a:i;l examine, before purchasing elsewhere; terms will be rna~ acC'Jtninotiaiin^. Aii extensive ami \voil assorted stock of other articles in the ^rorerv line, coin| rismsr all the necessaries subsistence, together with tif:y tiiouaand best (.'uLvliied Florida iScgars. 11. IIOLLLVMAN. April ti, I-At). VJU tt 31 i?ccllaaeons Books, A:c. The Amrel World, by the author in Festus Wits-oii's Die' unary ofi'ociical Quotations < 'osi;.o>; bv If umbo!1, ? v<!.?. Southern i: rsrni'inv; Latcon's Foiany Travel! r's t inula through 'be U. S. with a Map Music tor the i'lauo and (iuitar llertimt's Instruct ions for the 1'iano Olriey's .Modem Geography and Atlas, revised edition * ' if l oiiaii nr. iin: liiirfr Kiliou's Historv ot Human Liberty, ?feo. July2. "A. YOUNG. ! rp waio UrAATS II22II-KS I JL | fli iSiiii.-r.riimr ii:u? a spkuidni iot ot HARD HOIKS fur sale?ready for delivery. .1. F. SUTIJKULANI) M iy Ih"?0. 42 tf Window Glass. r I'M US Glass hi uut.'acf urcd by the i'atapsoo Co. .JL <>l Balliiiinre, cannot lie excelled by that o! any other. I have just received a larue invoice of the I'oliowiriiT sizes: 8x10, 10x12,0x11, 11x13. 12x14, 14x1 si, 18x20,18x24, tic., to which 1 would invite the attention of in want ol the article. Aim)?l.anms. tJiiiiniiies, plain ami cut solar i Globe--. ursine Bottles, i'hvsicians pocket Case | and Vials. * /. J OeIIAV. April 2. 2(5 tf <>iv A general assortment of IJUV (IDODS, 1! A U DW AIIK, GROCERIES, &e. Received !,y XV. A.N PERSON & CO. I Eiu^ic Doll Ile.tds. VNKlTand beautiful article, superior to any ! thing of the kind ever before manufactured, i Heing elastic tlicy will not break by falling. Paint- j ed in Oil, when soiled, may be washed with soap j and water, for rale by F. L. ZE1II'. I April J.9. 31 J 1( jLfsi oMWieiif F> EMAIN'NE in the Post * 'fTifc at' <vntb?rif i?. C.. on i. the* 1st ih i. I'which fCiioi ralleil &>f fcefore, will be ?<?nt to the I:eni| Better oflire oti the Istjfen. 1331. A* Anv l/ugiierrean Artist. Mrs. James Atfdkmn. B. Mi'hihttou Brown. Fnm! I'raiinutn.. W J U Bass, Jno A Bo wen. .Mrs -Mar y A Ih wen. Dr D P Bush. J as M Bailey. Jwia'? Bass, jtilianna Blacltnian. Peter linskin, Viucent Beil, 11V. Brsiiiiinn. jar: B Bell, H J Brown. .faiietVxe, Wra H farter, IVm F Cloud. Jas D Carrew. !1 F-t orb 'tt. .Iti? ClnirU W W Otnti. A HCutTs C'ha i) Cnrr, Mtirtft < 'ampler!!. rhepheti D l.'oiyer. t . I). Vv V OeBrulii, -K A Dinuisijjs, J L Dickson. W II Dtilton John Dorian. E 13. Etninon?r John English, B Emm. Marshall Harriet Ei.gll It- . . . F. Isabella I'.alkenherrj", E A Flinn, EHzalieth Fisher, ?? (' 1"! in it. H. F.liznberh Prunes* M flraham, A D Gale (Arlisf). John < Jnr mer. Th'tnta* (inns, ii. 31i<-ha?j Hunter. 1. Kiohard inkels. ' T J. Bnrwvll Jones. K. P Ivillian. L. iiobt W Love. Robt I-atta. Jin J Love, Jno W Leak, Jo?epb L>V>ii (Printer), bancom Lee. 31. John 31i!hir. Reb-era B 3tirkle Wiley Malone. Roseau JlrUowail. Wrn MilJWron 3liehell Minich, J H tleLeod, iinily Martin. Joint Motley,Jane McLeod, W W Me Coy. James Mtinli. Joshua Marsh. Maria M Molten.J V MeN'enna, Ja* MrL&nrin, John Middleton, Jerry and Cherry MeKi'trmu, Alexander .MeCaskill, Harriet .tfiuhdl (). Bernard O'Reilly. P. LJ Patterson. Magdalen? Perrit. George Parker. Jno Paigh!. Merritt Perritt It. Ororgo Bobbins, II W Rodger*. J LReM. A Homer,.. l)r \Vm Reynolds, VV .1 Reynolds, Millow A Koach, W tna RogersS. \V K Seabrtwik, II 31 Srales. Amelia Snw'er. A Sanders. Virginia T Simins, Samuel Smith. Alary StlAHtthavy,'/ahejb Sinelair. Joint Sanders, John Shaw, Jr.hh'Srott.T. Wm l; Taylor. Jos LTilL-r. John Thoinpsuirr Klim 'T.i. v!"r. \V F. Thompson 3. OThiimnsun, Wm I'h.muwoti' W. John William* 2. John Webb. Tliontas Wajiafe. J i J \V?H?t'-n. AT ;rih White. Litry Williams, U LWhitaker, James 31 Wiliiams, C II West, l.T White, James \\ ood V. John A Voting, Winitefred Voting 2. Persons asking for anv of the above will p!ex?e- say they ore "ii.lverlii-eJ.'' .ItJIIN G_ CA3ILWLLL, P. 31. ^{.utb Litv?I?tta?lieiKltaw Dixtrfct> P/MBBE AS Mrs. SttsHiinah Tweed lias allied fry to ttte for Ia-iicts of Adiniritiptration on all a till singular the Hoods and Chattels, Righ'Fs itnd credits <!" lt"!>ort L. Tweed, late of tie District aforesaid deceased: These arc, ihererore, to cite and admonish all and singular, :lie kindred and creditor- of tip; said deroa.-ed. in be and appear before me at our next Ord.n-iry's Court tor.the said District,to taf'ljbhii'n at Kershaw Court House on the IBthday of'Ovft. inst, to siunv cause, if any, trh.lhe istration should not. be granted. . (liven under my batio biwi seal, litis ?ird .day of | Oct . in tin; year of >mr Lord one thousand eight ! hundred and filly, and in the seventy-fifth year i of Atnerican Independence. , . , JOHN R. JOV. O. K. D. .TJ.iSOlViC 25AIjZ, CLOTHING- STOEE, 2(>8 Kiug-slmd, corner of Wentwortli, CHARLESTON, S. C. \\r A. KMN'T & .MITCHKI.L are now reI ? 9 reiving their usual supply ol Spritijf and ! Sunwner Ciolbing, to which they would invite the ilteii! .k.i n: pu>( J: sers. Thtydieep constant jy:?i? ! liana, a mil and complete stork of Clothing-and ViVm lemon's Outfitting articles. Furrhasers will at nil tunes find a IUI! stuck of Knglisii and French Cloth DiOosand Frock Coats Medium and low priced Ciotb " do i'iiit?, of all iiesi:npt uin-, And n mil .si?-it oi Vests. . * < They would invite attention to their flock of OiMtl'injjr art'des, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Un-'or ??tiosiery, (Jloyes, Suspender* t*rcsf'?i?vif (*??wih, &.?. 4'? All oi iiic above Hoods will be sold at the lowe pnu" w. A. KTrNT $ mrenm. - 2'jpf Knnr-st. cor. Wmftuurih. April 13. a> -' " Gr. V. ANTWSJUV 31 ttUCil A NT' tXflOit, Keeps mi band nm!*ts coni-t a ntfyjnaniifan uring ' an extensive assorto'd-nt of Jmisft and lashionatiie ! garments, whir It will be siml at'reasonable prices, i'i.e goods arc ?r?t tin c.\|.rcrV'v"1ot- a iashmnabie <-tistoiu Irams and will bu found "superior <ii work* maiisn'p and ijualny.- I have-.* Is* on hand and ant l daily receiving an extensive assortment ot shirts ami furnishing articles, cjitdt'e aud cheap. 1 shall soil p.o article but w hat I.'goliil and substantial. -A A line assortment n: Si.k and Fur Hats, of the very latest styles, from the birasC pf lleCbe cjj- Closer. ' Jan. 2. "T " tf ______ . ' V ' V' ' _ * ?50I?EY WAITED! ''I'M IK subscriber earnestly requests those ir.debt. 1. cd to him to come forward and settle Without delay. KOR THE FBTDRfc"" lie will work lor cash, ami expects tbe tnoney or other salistHction when the work is delivered. For tln'te " whom he is indebted, he will do work at the lowest cash prices. N. It. aKRANTS. June 14, 1850. 47 tfw Leidy's Blood Pills. ,1 LAKGFj and tresli suppiy'of tire genuine arti. /l ele,just received at Z. J. UGH AY'S. A?o. .0 - 66 THOMAS B ONPTELL & CQ. Keeeii iiig A Ferwai'diHg Jlerchaut*, CAMP13X, S. C. > 111 iTI A T I II n IIIS j>. ?* . nuiiiiij) Receiving and Forwarding Merchant, AMI ( Uiiyer of Cotton and other Country Produce, CAMDEN, S. CV CtOKX Shcllcrs, Prifent Straw Cottars. plonglw, Patent ) Churn* ot'thv m-nr approved kind?Rooking and sitting < iia i r.-. I*ailu. Titlw. die., just received hy Sept. 17,17UC? _ E. W. BUNXEV. . Carpeting!!! TEST opened tutd forKale, coiutnun,. extra fine, superfine. and imperial three ply Carpets, of new pattern*. Also. Pritrt.'il I'loor Cloths, Hugs! and cotton Carpeting. Sept. 17, [71 tl' 1 O - B^AV. BONXEV. WILLIAM CI JttOOltE, . BANK A t} E XT, And Receiving and Forwarding Merchant CAMDEN, S'. C. - Kkfkkknces?'VV. E. Johnson, Esq. Maj. J. M DeSnussure, T. J. "Warren, Esq. ;^T"Trnt? Sonlhron insert 3 months. Irish Potatoes. VFRW barrels lino Northern Potatoes, just, received by JAMES McEWEN. Aug. 3, I860. 61 tf. Mill Cxiidgcons, Seel Mill Gudgeons, lOi to 20 inch Mill Cranks, assorted sizes North Carolina, English and Norther Hollow Ware, assorted, from I to55 gallons Patent Iron Axles. 1 io inch. Mill Irons ol'anv kind furnished to order. AL.nO WALL & COOPER. 61 ' <? Copal Varnish, Leather Varnish, Spanish Brown, Venetian Red, Japan Varnish, Red Lead, ?tc. &c. Kept constantly on hand at 7, J- Dr.flAY'S Sept. 20.