University of South Carolina Libraries
,+ 'jpVOLUME 11. ^ CAMDEN,SOUTH-CAROLINA, OCTOIjEinZl^^" NUMBER81. THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. rcm.isiiKU bv THO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, KDtToKS and pltnpkiktc'RS. THE SE3II-WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Three Dollars and Fifty Cents. if paid in advance, ?>& Four Dollars if payment is delay ml for three months. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in vlvnnce, or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. Any person procuring five re-'p msihle' subscribers si nil be entitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subscribed fori gratia far one year. \ DVRffTfSlvMK v'lN will be inserted :t? the followiii" tnt.?* : For one square (1-1 liitwor le*s> in the semi-weekly. dollar for the first, and twenty-live renin for each tsohs-equent insertion. jn the weekly, seventv-five cents [vr square for the first, fen I thiny-*?-veii and a half cents foreueli suK-ijtleiil insertion. Single iiisi-rtiom-otse dollar per square. *1*1 ie numner of insertions desired. and the edition to published itr, must be noted on the margin <>f all tnivera-emciits. or they will L- inserted Hani-weekly until ort-red to lie discontinued. a:n' charged accordingly. tiwni-monthlr. luoutitiv and quarterly advertisement* charged Lite same as for a single insertion. Liberal discounts allowed to those who advertise for three, six, or twelve month*. CyAU communication* by mail must be post-paid ot secure attention 'l'W lOUOWinggPtuicmen arc .\gcn~.* mr ?::c .'uuiiuj: Wjj. r. Castox, tinners! Agent. Col. T. VV. Hirer, J.tck<onlian>. Lancaster Dirt. S. II. ilossca. IN*]., I.aocn.'u .-villc, S.C. <*. V. Jlc-Rtrjyer.x. C-trhagc. N. C. W. <5, Moork. Camden. si. ('. And P'isL'itt-tcrr are requested to act as our Agents. waaBBagMWjj an??wmmmrn To My Old Friends in Kershaw, HAVING paid particular attention 10 the growth . ofdiffere. it kinder of new cotton seed tor the last lour years, I became -o convinced ot the superiority 01 some oi'tlu tn to the guh' cotton, that 1 bought last tall every set d with which my crop is planted and a:n iuily satisfied that I shall be handsomely paid for so "oh.g. 1 have the Pront. Bannatia, Pomegranate,Harris, and golden chaff. This 1 t- I. 1.1 ... T> I.. Year i ui^is. me guiucu umu mm v,... are doing best of a wet year, and on fresh laud the Harris cotton will or has made mor? than any otiier. If any of tny acquaintances should f.-<! disposed to try them I wit! forward any n :ism;>h!e amount to t haricston, roallv pur t;p in - irnng stork* at one dollar per barbel and this is wIku 1 pai l heritor all but the golden ehalf, f r tin sr 1 paid -S'3 per bushel. Tim expense to Cluuieston cannot be more than one dollar more -in other, words, I will deliver any reasonable amount of the eeed in Charleston at ?- 1 er' bushel. Any one see.ding an ord> r shall have the seed of lie kind ordered. I.would remark however, that I have no great many of the golden rbnff to spare, as 1 purpose planting largely of them, this is an early cotton with very extended branches even to the top. The golden chati* seed Commanded ?.0 p>er bushel here last year. WILLIAM L. MfCAA. Dayton, Ala. sept. 18, 18.50. 1T?3t . ?IHRHEUY e:ilWioo :?ii persons against trading Jur^a noie.meh.uidgiven by me, j .i\??Mr to A. B adshaw, of Kersliaw Ijistrift dato.I in September 1*50. for seventy.five 'dmbus, p.yabie the k.-st day of January. 1^525 the consitloraiinii for winch said note vvasV-vou, havii j lVi?? d, 1 am iifc'er;mtied not to pay it imie-cs rn.nuelhn! by lav. ' ? *' Hi it K H ATES. Gadsden. S, G. Sept 'JIJ J ,7 1; MAlfSI OS HOUSE 4 . V * ?*' ? THE sufccrihor resj e> t udy i.niiouucos to Jus friends and the i K A\ EJd.lXG 1'Uiii.iC j generally, thai !.?. > upti.ed, as a lit! TH1., llu.1 large and eonimodio'Louse in L?g To/. n, furtafr- | ly the private rea.deure cf S3. po-kme, esq. The building is adrn.rably ai'njupd-.'dr that per- j pose, being1 situated in ti.r u Ost healthy and pleas. I ant part of ( auuien, conihiniog all tiio advanu | ges of the town with the b>lmy atmosphere of :!jf C un'rv, and wirfnn a. lew unnufes' wail; of any Ert of Camden. The rooms a;e large and airj, it Servants respectful and attentive, and Ln pledges himself ^t<> spare no pains in keeping tip an attractive aud well supplied TA15LE, a:td to use every exertion to please those vvli* may can upm biro. llie STABLE'S will be found coimnixliouK, anj always fully supplied with Provender, ID* I'be Hoiinc being conducted on Teniperuncv J'ruictples, he ftatttus himself that those wbo ia\<Cr him with a call wilffii.d *he MANSION HOUSE rot only the comforts and attention ol a \v?;ll u ated Hotel. i>ut the quiet retirement of a Jfuvu. Charges moderate. UTAH tlie Surges arriving in the place, and th? Omnibuses running to the Depui, will call at tht House when de-ired. fi. (J. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. 27 tr Fifty Dollars Seward. RUNAWaV from the grubscrilwr on trio night of tho 22d ihsk, (six milbs south of Laura- to; Court House on the t'ataden road) a negro man natmd John,about six foot, six inches high, with a scar on his face, (near his eye) occasioned by the kick of a horse, lib is black, carried oil" u itti j Him two suits of clothes, among \fhich wasasatti* j net coat, black cloth pants, blue flannel slrirt, stri- I pod shirt, &.c. Ifc carried blT a chcsuuS sorrel j horse, fine ouick snuaie wim piawa siuup hui.;, doubled reined bridle and martingales with ivory j rings'. It appear.' saiJboy,after leaving my house j went to Mrs. Stinsou's, at Kusscl Place in Kershaw District and carried oli'a negro woman and young child, that Mrs, StinsOn had on trial and was about purchasing from me. The negroes ;rerc recently purchased by me in the city of Jhl-; -tirrjore. Since they have left f^ufderstand the j man said he had a freu pass, that he brought it with him |ton) Baltimore. The above reward will be paid tor their apprehension and delivery to me, or information given s> that I can get them. ELI 0. BISHOP. t - T>;*t N. rr. 03 All?. <>8 If Superior IVfuxinrd, IN {.; -rler ami half pound lio.xes; White Musta r See 1; Ginger; Black and Red Pepper Spice; Nutmegs; Mace; loves; Cinnamon, A'c.; For sale by Z. J. DeIIAY. Pastilles da Paris. FOR the alleviation and cure of Bkoni;hiti?, and othef diseases of the throat now m, prevalent in the United States, amen? Ministers arid other public speakers For sale by Sept. 20 V" UKHAY. YVM: i\S AT TLliESSEN'S Wholesale CfctJiins Establishment, ! n | Corner of East Eay and Queen Streets, ; CJfARLJlSTOH, S. C. Manufacturing House, 36, Piatt St. New York. C10UNTRY. Merchants purclia^iut^ Clothing, j > will find it to their advantage to iook through j ..('il.It.uvtci.uiriil'liilhiiiff HntlBd, ll'Wrp i j Mil- Wl II* '? V .. - . tlit.'y wiS! find fresh and desirable (mods, at prices I as low as can be purchased at in New York. July 2H. 59 swlOt JOHN B. DESAUSSURE, .hljicr'ii Wharf, Oharhnitou, S. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his care, and to the selection and Idling of orders, sept. 13. 71 (mi ~MA|YCYFSON, . . Factors and Commission Merchants, SOLTII COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. O. WU.MAtf MAZVCK. > w. sr. J. maxvck, > PAUL T. \IL1EP1GITE~ FACTOR, And General Commission Merchant, A CCO.M.MODA TION W11A RF, CHARLESTON, S. C Liberal advance* made on consignments of I'roI di!co, an^ |>r')ii!|jt attention given tu the forwardI ing of (mods, at the lowest rated. J .Aug. '20. 63 IMtfltS OF BOOTS AND SHOES. j rpo iij.; 11 a I> at lite iNew Shoe More, and will j JL be sold lower titan any ever belore offered 1 in tins market?having jiaid the cashlor eve y artic.e, and selected trout the best and largest manufacturers in the United States, we flatter ourselves that no one can fail to he jdea?cd in quaiitity, quality and jun e. The .-lock coiik;sI* in fjart, as toliows? Hell's 111.? C alf Miir'.ed H<wcs j " " ' j'iini|) Hoots " W atefprooi Jo cork soles ! " " do stitched and quffted soles j tin;I pairs line < tilt sewed Boots, front j j() io . j.C DO j 3iNJ . ' '* ami ivij> |?ej?irt-*l Koois, Iroia y- to ?J 00 j Mi ll's film i'nif vwud Bootes to si (i' a .J ? loth Con<{ro.-s jioots ?3 to ?(4 50 .'eiscv Tics. i"C3 50 " " " trt! Bootees. .si I" S3 00 '* Kip " * 75c lo SI 00 i foulit's Kip pegged Bootees, 5dc lo "oc Caif - " 75c lo SI 00 I " * Ho. i:s assorted j " Kip " " I Ladies' Department, ! fine silk (jailers, biuek ami colored j " hall.I " " " lu.UujJ ' " " welts and black *' ' Half (jailers, '.veils ami black .** " entered id Mack Writ " Tie*. Fnxeii, Broad and Kasy ; " " " without '1 ip, i>.r coriis i " Jenny i.iini I'ooteeo. Kid ami .liiTOCco I'lJUIp " " . " " , i ivj;i uiu! Knann'leii I'.n.elsiors ' Kid ami iio!w:r'iJi;iiii) Kind Hit, kin* I 1 Taylor l ies. , j flM Kl.l >ltj J-'iS. Wilt; ituictlos fine Morro-. co >iipper* and l ie* fine i i.-s a.ia Bu-k::.s, W ells l ine 5>i.mhh u on do Kidexir.t wide clips u:id Tics I tyuai i.and (..'.at Uovlt: ' vi i. -.i' l. ami colored i.'aiters j " blur ami ligid colore*: Half Oniters black, btiie ami iiroii/.e Booteea " black and colored Slip;*-!*.* '' ' > ..U Bootees, >evvvd and pca^ud, for School Shoes ! lliil.lren's t-la-es and Hoots, assorted i '?Oj-eSiar with' a great variety of ( tMilk'tiitMi's, Ladies' and l.iiildreti's iiiioes. tun nam j.-'.rt> to iiieiition. A I.S' ' Fine T:;a I'Ki.l.W f'AKl'ET BAGS, 1 ValJOKS, HA'i'S and ('Ai's. Allol which will jw*iti\eiy Ik- fc?ild lower than the lone-a for ousli. i?n'nli ami see lor yoiirsilvcs. at thy NEW SHOE STOKE ot WOKiCUAft A: HOOMK Sept. 20. Fall Goods. , rI^ 110.\.MILL & CM. ate now receiving1 their j J_ Fail supplies, to w Inch they invite liie atten. , Uyii <?l" purchasers- ' SL'CAUS?Si. Croix, L>eUa, crushed, powder- ( ed and clarified COFFFK?Rio and Java TK.\?(irecn ami Hyson MoLASSKS?W?hi India and New Orleans SALT?Table and sack MACKARKI.?No. 1 and 2 Pickles, Ke'cimj), AJusiard, (iingrr. Pepper Spice, Cinnamon, Soap, Candles, Starch, &c. VJardwaie, lines. A.ves, Spades, \Vc. Rope and Tninc. I DOAlliSTlL'S?lileached and brown UomCSpHnS Together xvitii a general assortment ol Hoods suited ii< this market. For s;ue l^w Oy JnivFi T. BONNKLL 1 Reariy-.Mndc ( lothing. 1CO.MPl.FTU assortmentol Over-coals, Dress : and Frock-roats, Business-coals, Blanket and ! noati.-K Over-mat?, emit lemon's line Cloaks, Pauls [ and Vests, Heady-made Shirts, Stocks ami' miars. ! H|it. lfi i|. l.iJ? ^ HON. Carpeting. ICOMIM.ETK Ass t'iiumi oi ingrain ami Venetian Carpeting.*, for sale low !?v | Saot2fi. " II I.KVV & SUN. I New Goods.^ rril K undersigned is n?w receiving his Fail supply oi X goods. Having purchased very he is enabled , ' to oflhr great inducement* to hi* friends and customers to | purchase from liini. Among ins sloe!; lauy ln> found many j article* n"t nsnallv kept, and which In* vv ill take great I pleasure in showing; as it. regards prices, he will Ih< sat' * 1 1:1 1 .1 in-i,],. mi :sli*<(l Willi i ~iiiinvMu>. icroi* nuu.n n- uin ............... (uu !i |?iirrlinscM. K- W. 1ION.NKV. S'-|i! 17, 74 If Amiatto, Copperas, lllllliro, JjOJfVVO'iH, Madder, Wliitn Load, ]<iii?..-cd Oil, Turpentine, Window (ilasB, I,ain|i Chimneys, Solar (Ilnl)i's, Solar \V';ckv, S'periri Oil, Solar Oil, ' Castor Oil, Kjikiihi S;dt* s;c. &o, j A lull anil fresh ol ill theahove aitirlos j ip?t received, lor tfa.'e l?y ' fcopt. v'O. ' '/.J. Dell AY. ; General Information! THE subscriber would confidentially inlorni his kind patrons, and the jiubiic promiscuously, that he is "in town," having returned from tin? North with an overwhelming stock of choice, cheap and elegant Goods, embracing every thing new and elegant iu Staple nit<I Fanry Dry Cootltt. His purchases consist entirely of Dry Goods, selected from thejniost recent importations, with the closest attention to every branch of the Dry Goods business, so as <o present to the public'at once, a complete assortment in that line, and at prices iow enough to suit the closest economist. Parties from the country will please bear him in mind when they visit Camden, as his stock is j always open lor inspection. New Goods received every month, at the "Pul* met to Cash Store. JAMES WILSON. rv.? i it tf VI U it ? # | Linen Department, BROWN ami bkstcijgtt Jaflijkfc Linen ShTrt- j in-p?, J;,inasi: Tnifte-rVfrrfo'llifek- i aback an Diaper Toweling.*, Crash, Dowlas, B. I B. Diaper, Long Lawns, French cambric, ladies and gentlemen's linen cambric Handkerchiefs. ALSO a choice stock of UiJSJf LI.XEwarranted puie Fiiix, and romarkablv low, newly opened at JAMES WILSON'S. New Fall Goods. KKNXED V, are now receiving their supply ofgoods suilalne for the season. The stock will l?e found complete in all the branches, j usually kept by them, they have Imeti carefully j selected at unusually low prices, and will be sold j ut u ipfi' Mm:,!! mlntnrp no Vcw Vart cost, 'i'he i above would respectfully invite the altcniion of their friends and Hie liie puiihc generally loan examination of tiieir slock, feeling satisfied il low prices and good styles wiii effect sales, they cannot fail to enjoy it liberal share of that patronage heretofore so liillv extended to them. They heg to call attention to a few of the lead- | ing articles, viz: Kich Figured and Cliene Silks. Newest styles cashmeres and mouselaiues Changeable oopiiiin and coourgs Brocade and plain lustres E:.ce capes, collars arid chemizottes I'nli'sleeves, children's work'd bodies Muslin and thrca j edgings and insertings, &o Gloves oi'evt rv description, hosiery do. Lawn and cambric handkerchiefs English atnl ainerican prints, unusually low furniture chintz, gimrhufns Lung and square simwis, (Sic &c. <Sic .lloUJ'JUIIg (lOOils. Super, alpacca; and canton cioiii,a new article Dark grey poplin, ginghams and English prints Fast colors, collars nut! ijandKts. ingrained Uolton hose, silk do.. caMintere & cas.-iuure sh'tvls in Domestics. Blea. sheetings and long cloths, very low 10-4 to 1:2-4 blea<\: bro sheetinu,supo'r family linens Brown and ccd'd h'spurts oi'ai! kinds Linseys, bed hinnk< 's Iron: lo-4 :o 13-4 While & red l! f-.V. f>!i tilt r vv-ii-n St g?lQ"2<T3oTSCc tleiitrleiueij's Wear. Snjj'r bl'k nmicoiM trior i, cloths " " u doeskins and caasinteren Tweeds in variety .vuitttble tor boys Satin, silk ai d r;e-lin:; re w tings sravala, gloves ami half hose Siijuiiur quality oiMi-ess .-i.irts Under clothings o) every description. Ui udy .tlude Clothing. [.'oats, vestasud pant.-., gut up in a Very superior style. Hats mid Caps In great variety and ot'tie inn si fiiii fash ions. Mecfo '.ii?od>. Superior plains, kerseys and satinets, suitable 'or house servants, am. o- eng. bltnkets, wool hats, to. iCC. Together with a full supply of hardware, &c., til ol which will be eliecrfuily shown to any one tivuimg uit'in wiui <i uti:?, Se|X. 2' 77 tf Boots, Shoes and leather, J'U Kit WITH Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises. rllK sMifo-criburs have jnst received the largest and beat aborted stock of ISoOts :v:sd shoes over offered in this market, to which the) ; esphclf'ully invite, the attention of purchasers.? I'heirstock consists in part, as t'uUuwo, viz: jenllcmcu'M fubliiouniiiu Lire;-* J?wii?, pump bottoms " " sltie!, " " waterproof do quilted bottoms " " " <lo c-rk soles " {?ftalf pcp'qe(l|{'aliiWiiia I'<><?ts " " " waterproof hoots Kip ' " fti?lib<uahle |iinii|sM>le Slavs " " j'utfiit (.'ttiruajters ' Jenny L.niljTiea " ]fuiieuri:in Hunts " Imliu iltihlicr Sheen ioy's fino Calf I'nmji lion's " " * Pegi^i-ii IterU " V\ itiernrnoi Boom " " Kip juniqe'l U.s. 8 ('nil' Heelers T i\tp rt" -I'li'-.s \v liite Sill, f.'jiiteW Ki?| aii!>s " liuiicr linois, nisort'-i! color* S:iJin Call'i " I .l.-lil>e " ; ' Cn'iiri il Hii'i ariim l ies ? i;".i Hip* nun i i'*s " i an i T.rn " In 1;. linl'l'- P Wooes - Mnsklil She-.* " tioatski i ; ' '' Kimi!* " lila. k Lariiiij i i:n! < buier* i .. . slips lint kin 'Pit's tt: i-'..:.- ? P ?.I'll'.! r.iii?ry Jllfytss \ IIIUI " liin. . ' Colored air.! !. .Ii:nn> ian i '!V.i " 44 lillotl'CH 44 44 " Siijis ' ('ulfniiit (?i.di llm.N I'ojjiMlicr ?\ ii !i :i I ? *: m : 'till at.-nriineMI nf ('liilt'fnS S hi h. ? t (il all color.- ami My I4?s m.mi? \t.Minr. yrm i: ok \s.i;no }>b! nf our own |?' : j"i\ ami ic.v<-.|. Soli-, I *(?jh r ami i l:i r*n? I i ln-r, < ";ilI";i??. 1 Kip !-!,im<, Lining ami Iniinim; Skin;:, nw'la-r \vi:!i ? \>-rj>:irii. In m fQMfiiryxfnr c.irrvnn: on Is.?* rnannfnr!i>ry oi' Hi n.j anil I'inu and coiiiiiion *l"rtt?TrmiKs. Carpet llau"4. iSclioo! Saiclmls lia^sam! Valiiv-.all of ulin li uv nlfra' -rvlow j>ri? < *. \ f.l?i:?V 4?- .IfMJK.W, '? ^ T7 "Jni ' "p v"v!? l-; -4>?<ly. ~ ; SuoftMor !':rin !i Mr n.iy, Ku [mrpo. S<|S. For Halo ill I .V.cKAI.VS UUFO-STUMF, t Domestic Items, BROWN and bleached rdieetings, every width; Ticking; English Long-cloths; Counterpanes; i plain arid figured curiam liiniitv; garment Uimi'.y; i colored Homespuns and i>ooim>; piaid l.inseys; Flannels and Blankets, at ai! prices. A1. -1! 1150 pieces of bleached and lirown Homespuns, as low as liiey can he bought any where in America. At JAMES WILSON'S. .H'rVr KiXliB VEfi>, At iirag-Store, A choice assortment ?>f I'erf twin, &p. from the estab'ishment .of X. Haziri, successor to the celebrated Roussell, of Fhtladelpiiia, consisting in part, of German Farrnia Cologne, in wicker bottles Ri-usseli's cologne, in fancy botti, t, all sizes J .is bin's Extracts, a J a rue assortment li'-nssellV E.\'t. Jockey Club and Jenny Lind Aromatic Vinegar Soap*. x'oiicir.e, Omnibus, i'aimyriene and Jenny IJtid ' i 1 1 Chrystaline Wash Tiai's 2'?f the ?!air. r r l i r r". . . JUiJTiy ijiii'i Liiiu ?i ftnusseli' li<- Luhlral.o Ox (narrow l'oniatiiin. isi wrtw top Jars Joins llatiolV Kan f).; I.nsiralc Tooth. Nail, Flesh aiu! ail Brushes Kcccivcsi, AT IttoSiASiVS i>52r?-STOK?, A : resit supply "i l'rii^sanil Med.cities, cousin- I tin^ in pari, oi t-iid I.i.ui Oil. Ipecac, Quinine*! <.Vc. <\-c., winch vvii! be sold at the lowest rales for | cash or ''(food credit." Oct. 1 | OII.S, *.y8!,S. Best pure Winler-stiained Sperm Oil Solar Oil, at 5?A cents per -alion Train i >ii, J.iimceti Oil, Spirits Turpentine, &c. &.c. For the low eel prices, at Mp'KAJN'S I )R Utt-STnKK. rrUK Town coinic il ol l.'-.u.dcu. wishes lo hire 4 i 1 or ~) iibii! 1>ikI><>(] haii'ls i<> work on tlit* streets. ' I'or [*.iriioulnrs, v w. i-.:;n r ol :itr; council, or in thu Town .\iaifliaii. by order ot council, L. W., 'J'. Mursiiull. ; Sept. i-T, 17 ii PRICE'S POEfflS, [ I TM.KlJAYi'lA' bound, at ?j-;l nor copy, lor sulci ili i.y _ VV. C. MUPKK. | Salem Woolens. nA\Jj\(? Iaken the iio'o'y ut iijc SuIt'll), N j , . (\Y I iOLLN AIAaIV.ICTOIIY, v.e arc j prepared lo supply l'hiiitcrs wi'.ii tl.cir ClotSiii oi various ijualitics, and Ala.-.ul'icUircr's prices. , l iiuse Goods have boon ii. cii bv severa* 1'iaii ters in ucighLnrhonii for many years, to whom I we. c.:n re lor, as beituj an article, for warmth and \ 1 duraUtliiv, u:' a vary superior quality. iL-'\VOOii will lie tak< n :n exchange, at a lair | ' i? - *tJ w. ,\M)I:KSO,\ &. co. Aug. 22. (>7 2m Vosici*. Ai,I, persons having li'.n . 's a ?a:list llic pstate oi ihi? itie Mr.-. M -.r; Jhyj !:. dvc'd o: JLaneas- j tervilie, will please presei ti,eiu proper]) attested io itipi.od, i ; .< dr.-' 1 ? <*< .uiber : ( next. JOMiS CROCKET IV j Soot. 2:5.1 l-r>0. To tf j iLhizv, iMi ... v <>? far is, attd ? J The rd>ovr articles constantly on hand, of good < quality at id at low pric. . 0\ j .-win or kind . piaster. C. h. C'llAT I'll A* i ' l'\;fi. 12. 12 it i Bogardu3' Planetary Horse.Fower. i rpiti'. -uli-.vi1wr> li.uc rerciveil one <>l" il.e above ma- j ] X cliiinsf from il.r niai.'.lai-rnrv of tiro. Vail .v i >.. !k i wiiiclt tlay would rail tins a:V:i!i.>ii of liaise who wan! ! ' tmwvrs f"r?>iiiniii<r. >awii?i; or 'iriinliip/. Orders lor any ( kind of 3III,L I It ON > or ' '.> ' t.V.s will be |>roui|>t!v ! attended io. il, .n)?\ i l.hvVCUOf Kit. ' ; it/" A few- iliit Cranks on lir.iul. . w.... .... i . .r I oefju vi'i ii1."'. 4i ) : ft ! 4 L1KKLY ft'Mi.-ltO v 'l.MA.V, ami Jive chi!-j ji\ (Iron. u I'iii.tii,??wd cook, wash. i er and iroiier, ami her l?.rchildren?All per. i i'cctly suL'tid and health v. Aj.j.lvto Oct 1. i'. MOORB. I rvOiic.". : r 11t 11". S;r:-?-i;i! I'rriurr-iii,) :? ' ?< e*i?itii!z in the; JL Vi *1. M lii.ui ... t ... t?r itiv carrMcv "i | Kreiirii! -in I !';!-: 'in :v. >! tlif Sinn.* ol S'.mtli : Carolina, by the ekambwit liOliKltT .VIA.11T1N, is thib I Jay dirr'i'iv^iJ .\iiii ill'- rniiMMi' 1 j..l Mm partners. J CliarlrM.iii, Jul." 1;i!i I?. w. M. i.ruuocx. I l> \i i. 1-. v li.i.i.i'Jo'UE A- SON. j C.J.SIIAXVON. | UO i, I. n .i'iN I \\i .ii NKs. j K. \V > .V :. ! Ivrt J 11V\ t . i \ 1 S^i 11-."". ? 4,' Altonticn Gasi*C3. \'??l ,!i [ -.1 . '. I. . .1 S'.ti :?(!;( J ?l:v i i ? . s ?- r<?ri rn \ .|.r. . r : n?t -i. ? J Vl w iiirlt i? > III >! '. ' . i.I ?J. |5. If (i i?v. mi let'iion \\ li Ixs lu-M C?r '"! Sf^'Hiiir [ | IIn-r.'i-"!!. K'.fksiN-e mi V? itc ? i-::isi- >i .i*. j li' itoii'r?>r * ' ; K. >. .Uol'i \ l". ' u\ i:. I.: ?>. :s. j | fVi.i -.m. u:tt I -2 3;:-.rriv<. \ ll'i ,!' !:a !!. .ii'H. (>' '. / (.</ mud UU. i | \V? UfiiVv If Vl,... . ,! . j | T T i.I f!n. ii.-lr.i'i. . ! i ami -;t?__ : | iif a;:.! i iir.jiii'f criil : < '! ! Sirali.l ,?i i!ifi, i;.io nl tli.r l> rl liofc^i. .'a reasPil . ; 'I'll.-se nit', i c aiiil :i.!:iin-:if I) .i!i , and Mii/jalar. !iu: kiiiii.cii aiiii i a.-iiiinrsn; iuo m i'<!i:?-;ivvil, i.i l"ii ami apjHMr i/i-iine me at. uur in*.v: OriSi'iar. 's mm it tur ilie >a.ii I) riiin uo iioliltf : ! 1 a! KurfJi.iW I'l.utl liiimc mi fit* iMiniav "I Out j irist. :>) i-litiw c:\u~t!, 11 any. u !iy iiiu;-an: .iiluin:!.- j tratimi fclioiiM nut ! jxratti. .! j | (i'lvcn uiiiivr my li.iii'l :ii. i mvi!, ;iii< ,'M .11v ol ! ( O. i , ;r. i!i!> y.- T ol <?tir I.omI <> o liuiiiip'ti ait'l tin v, n ti. ra'y-li'li yue ol i A.nim'ii an ImIi*|m;!!iIi'ii(V'. joii.N jov. o. K. i>. !1 < i : If?HO 7!) i ? -. \ 4 w w | '-I ilmsc \i'iy i. ! limit!*; -iii'lia-i V' \ ' \ ' "t'oi.fa 11 > i ' > .o,M I a nil I 'liar i -ion. A c, Also?10,000 nttcimn '.? *. A c. i (ft i. VJ' MuOKE'S. r'u: tii Carolina anu the South.?The letter of Guv. Seabrook which we published scrne days .-.inee, had attached to it a note not marked as a postscript, and which we did not feel at libeity to make public without further authority, which we now have. The note stated that notwithstanding the reasons given in lite 1 Iter for reserve and caution on the part of litis .State, in a certain contingency, which his i ve.'lleiii'v hoped would occur, he would speedily summon the Legislature together. Gov .Seabrook's letter was written before the proclamation of Gov. Towns had reached him. We now add the important movement of tho Governor of Mississippi, whose terse and stirring proclamation we publish to-day. No imputation of precipitancy, or ambition of leaderI ? . O. il /I ! snip, f.Jiti rest upon oouia Carolina now, ana we can hardly doubt that under this striking change of circumstances, his Excellency will decide that the reasons for reserve on the part of this State have altogether disappeared, and that.the time for the decisive move has come. To hold back now, would look, not like a refusal of leadership, but like a betrayal and dosertiou of our ststcr States,?and to such a proceeding we need not say we hold Gov. Seabrook utterly incapablefor one moment of lending his countenance. To act, when the actiou of South Carolina could add strength, instead perhaps of weakness, doubt and division, to the sacred cause she is pledged to serve,?this, we know well, has been the aim of Gov. Seabrook, and he will nut fail to see that inaction now would be construed as pusillanimity rather than discretion. We cannot doubt what his course will be. ? Charleston Mercury. Presentimciu.?There is a singular circumstance connected with the death of Mrs, Charles Wellnian of this city. Five years ago, she predicted that i;i lSbU she would die. This belief she had evcrsince confidently maintained. Ab t.?_ l i.u U.IL ? v* ujwiitu.^ ^IIJV?V, ?iiuii iu JIUI usual ucaiui) she expressed some apprehension that she might have liotie wrong in marrying, when she must so soon take a final leave of her husband. When her sister came to see her, during her last sicknerss. Mi-s. Wellman reminded her of the prediction, audits approaching fulfilment. Her death; which took place night before last, was fromjthe prevailing disease. She was only fourteen years old when this strange presentiment impressed itself upon her mind.?Hanni . iQfi* hal (Mo) I aion. .-' W A Limi- ok (iold.?A wife ot Mr. Solomon flrerr, icsiding a few miles from this place, found a lump of gold mi the day of the big rail), or the day after, which weighed sixly pennyWrights! It was lying on the edge ofthe spring brunch which when she discovered it, the rain fmviti; wnv!i.-?4-th(* d'rrt o'T it^ailrf leti'ils tempting beauty bare. This lump, v.tid to be the taigest ever (bond m lit is country, was j?icKeti up 011 me lancJ oi Mr. .Suiiiu-i;'Hampton. UV icnrn that several !a rg" lumps, weighing, from 8 to 1(5 pennyweight*, have heretofore been found near the same place. Who iws how near California is to us ? ? Maintain Banner. Be Gentle.?There are some persons that appear from their acts everv morning as if they Itad slept iijiuii a bed of thorns. Their first word to the children or dependents is a cross one, ind as the day wears on?as the sun lights his glorious course through the heavens the whole aarth beneath him, lie brings no joy to the cLurlisii heart, hut in sunshine as in storm and darkness it will bo miserable, and make others wretched. Oh, what folly! how unhappy the morose, the Totful, and the passionate are; and how they scatter the blight of their misery about them! -Scold, -'.-old, is the order of the day with them. ? I.. . j\.. I 1 mi I ?!.,. .... \Wl.> Uli'liiC J/WIM I CIIIIW lililt l/VUlva UllJit their jurisdiction. . fI..niSr.rds have thus been made a wreck whom iiiul words and gentle acts words would have nude useful. And who must suffer the penalty? Those who have couuni'ted transgression. r?r as iU.-.r as pimislimeut follow error and :ri:tie, so certain will it be the unkind. It may not come fur years. They may go on abusing nr.! opjne. ii:g those who are beneath their control. iiu: ia an hour, perhaps, when they least L'xp.-ct v. ill fall the* blow sudden and severe, that will fill them v. itii anguish, and call up to their nh.ds in their wakeful night hours, the wrong ii. v i. i . done. Conscience scared through it .l i'* In :|;ni i':Tiliiiu,?l?1 , T.-r.'-r?i'Vi" ?r tec: tiie puncture of a tlioru vcciier than the callous ever dreamed it could ?t\ Kiiidmus to others will always create liappiless in the giver and the recipient* The gentle will < v r ! it loved, and their influence upon :iie heart \\i!! he like the zephyr of summer, itirri:\g the heads of (lowers, as if to unfold uieirrich he nutioin greater profusion, and v. i-.l- r the fragrance of their grateful periiaio. /' >ne S-;hb>it!i.?'i'he following. . >tr!c cio i-. made in the report of Conmai proceedings: "The iliMi 11, and (excepting a re. ess of two !:oa:>) continued iu session till >UJ!?i;?v mni.dng at ?> o elocli.' Tlti' 1???: > sunlit j:?<l as well, if it were not fur appearance sake, have adjourned on Saturday night, and met on Sunday morning at the iisi::-i hour. Thai body puts ofFio the adjournment |l:eviolation ot the fourth commandment, having, i'i.:di probability, violated tho remainiler of t!ie decalogue throughout the session, i his :.? !.(>!' desecrating the Sabbath is a tilling tinalo t-o the godless proceedings of the whole session. It i< saiJ ihatall Ujo cotton factoiiejj in Cinci.ttiiili h'pfiidcd opcf.ilions