University of South Carolina Libraries
-uqq- * ' * *;. '' * ' ' ' " ' . ,.,.<v ?l)c Combat Journal. VOLUME tl. CAMDEN, SOUTH-OAliOLINA, OCTOBEK 8, 1850." " N UMBER 80. THE^CAMDEN JOURNAL l'UBLISIlKD BY THO. J. WARREN & C. A. PRICE, KDITOKS AND PltoPRIKTOKS. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Three Dollars and Fifty Cents/if paid in ad vat mi;, or Four Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is published at Two Dollars and Fifty Certs, if paid in j tdvahf-e, or Three Dollars if payment is delayed for three months. Any person procuring five responsible' subscribers shall he entitled to the sixth copy (of the edition subst rilted for) gratis for one year. ADVLRTIiSKM F-.NT8 will he inserted at the following rates: For one square (1-1 lilies or less) in the semi-weekly, tqie dollar for the first, and twenty-five cent* for each subsequent insertion. " In the weekly, seventy-five cents per square for the first, twtd thirty -seven and a half cents for each stilisequent insertion Single insertions one dollar per square. The numtier of insertions desired, and the edition to lie published in, must be noted on thu margin of all adveriscments. or they will be inserted semi-weeklv until orered to be discontinued, ami charged accordingly. Semi-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertisements charged the same as for a single insertion. Ialterttl discounts allowed to those who advertise for three, six, or twelve months. ftyAll communications by mail must be post-paid 01 secure attention. The following gentlemen are Agent* for the Journal: Wm. C. Caston, (lenerul Agent. Col. T. W. Hukv, Jacksonham, Lancaster Di*t. S. ir.Uos.sEu. Esq., Lnnrasterville, S. C. C. 0. .McCri mmk.v, Carthage. \. C. W. C. Moore, Esq., Camden. S. C. And Postmasters are requested to act as our Agents. jjoetieal Department. TO THE SOUTH. The time to talk has passed away, Now is the time to do, not say, And every moment of delay But binds our fetters faster. The wrongs we have so long endured By submission will ne'er be cured, Tis fatal in sleep to be lured, 'Twill double each disaster. Can freemen stand and be oppressed? And see the enemy divest Their States of power, peace and rest, Without a single murmur? And shall theii words all go for nought ? Then is the South not what I thought, She is a slave?if she is bought? For what else can we term her ? Every insult let her pocket, Every warning let her mock it, Until like a flying rocket. The truth t ?o late rushes home ; Then alas! is rain th' endeavor These hei chains to loose or sever, Then she will be tree?nete.r ! Can you say now " let this come ?" Will you have your rights denied you? "? i -L _ k:?.L ? will you n:ive me uunn ucimr ;uUi As you quaked when she defied you ! Then sit down and fold jour arms; But God forbid this case to be ! And may my eyes :he South ne'er see, When gone the brave, and lost the free !? Southerners resent vour harms! Y. M. RERBEW DOOLrrrLE' S TRIP TO NEW ORLEANS, Or Measured for a Coffiu. WRITTEN FOR TUB YANKEE BLADE BY PRES. It will he recollected by many, that several years ago, the merchants of New Oi leans had great difficulty in getting and retaining, for any desired length of time, suitable salesmen and hook keepers, on account of the unhealthy na ture of the climate in general, and the prevalence of the yellow fever in particular. As the most capable clerks were obtained from the northern cities, the merchants held out great inducements, and offered large salaries to tempt young men to leave their homes in New England. and enhance their fortunes by a sojourn at the South. Among those who 'run wild* with the idea that they could obtain a competency in a few years, in New Orleans, was one Reuben Doolittle, who, after getting his courage up to the sticking point, notwithstanding his great fear of the yellow fever, left his father's farm in Vermont, and set sail from Boston. As our story is located in New Orleans, we will make a long jump, and land at once with our hero in the Crescent City.' On arriving at New Orleans, Reuben took lodgings at a hotel, where, as ho had been informed, men of mercantile pursuits were in the habit of meeting, from time to timp for the arrangement of business matters with out-of-town tradesmen, and where not a fewof them boarded. After being comfortably roomed iu the j fourth story, his first movements were, to put himself into the 'purtiesl' trim his wardrobe and taste would permit The painful operation of shaving, and skinning with cold water, and Polor-Pinder razor, being gone through with, and ? - - iii.. the after infliction ot a soap-suus 21011111011 01 the neck and face, completed, (during which last performance, the principle part of the water went running down his back, and the whole of the soap was deposited in his eyes, causing him t<> revolve in very unique gyrations about the r?'On:,| lie drew forth the identical drab pants, and swallow-tailed, brass-buttoned, blue coat, w.iich had so excited the wonder and admiration of the village beaux, when he wore thorn for the first time, the Sunday prior to his departure for the South, and which had cuused the tailor, or rather the artiste, who had fashioned them, to he over-whelmed and bewildered ' with business for the ensuing three months.? i Wjth exceeding care and delicacy did he draw I on, over his thin extremities, those delectabh drabs; and when his toilette was completed with great, pride did he crown the whole with the incomparable blue coat. '^iow, by gracious!' exclaimed Reuben, ex. ultingly, 'my market is just as good as made If any body wants to get a feller as will he an honor to 'em, all they've got to do is to find out where I board. If they want a smarter or genteeler looking chap than I am, they'll probably have to hunt around in some other district than Ncati Orleans. Folks say that situations is as plenty as moskeeters, 'specially for bright, intelectooal young men like me. I 'spose the trouble will be to make a choice?there's so many chances, that one is sure to get faggled to decide what sort of one to tike. Now I ain't a ooitif? to he so derned nice about it?if a - ? O" o man offers me a situation in a Bank or Insurance office, at a salary of, say abeottf two thousand dollars, or a leetle over, I shall take it, and make no more fuss about it, anyhow. But I should prefer a clerkship in a Life Insurance office, to do their writin' and cipherin' in a leetle taller shape than they ever went anywhere, for I think I should he safer there when theya/Jer fever conies along. Any way, I'm in the market, and I'm bound to make these Louisiany folks know that if they want real cute, wideawake chaps, Vermont's the place to find 'em.' The above soliloquy was muttered, at short intervals, by Reuben, during the time occupied in dressing. This operation being finished just as the dinner ffon<; sounded, he descended to the dining hall, and took his seat at the table. Never having before sat at a dinner in a first class hotel, every thing he saw was a matter of wonder and curiosity to him. The modus operandi of the head waiter and his subordinates ?the number of courses and frequent changes ?the variety of dishes, and the unpronounceable names given to them, threw him into a state of astonishment, which nearly deprived him of appetite. After recovering from his bewilderment, he applied himself manfully to the viands presented him, and displayed a vigor in disposing of them that bid fair to amply make up for lost time. His peculiarity of maimer attracted the attention of many and the ridiculous nature of his questions arid orders, was soon observ ed by fun-loving wags, who never lost an opportunity of enjoying themselves at others' expense. In Reuben they discovered a rich subject for a 'soicing' operation, and they determined that not many hours should pass away before he became the victim of the largest sort of circular.' Half an hour<ifter dinner found our hero in the bar-room, doing the agreeable with the 'mad ones.' After asking them to take drinks and cigars'all remind.' he had no hesitation in telling tliein the object of his visit to New Orleans, and his hope of getting immediate employment; not forgetting to speak of his fear of the yalltr fever. They gravely assured him that, as to the matter of obtaining business, there was not the .. if.mlit All |,n fn ltd to cunuvv* y,i uuu?k. .... ....v x..., btick for*a good price, and leave the employers to draw lots to decide who should have him at any rate. Hut when they spoke of the yellow fever, they shook their heads, and looked ominous. Strangers, tliev said, had a mighty poor show, and among Vermonters it had been fata in almost every case. ? The latter part of these remarks frightened Reuben almost out of his wits, which being observed by the wags, who had long before discovered his bug-bear, they went to work to pile 011 the horrible as fast as possible. One declared, that never during the annals of New Orleans, had the fever prevailed to such an alarming and fatal extent, as at the then present time; while another very seriously asserted that there was no particular cause lor alarm, as only tiro thousand had been buried the day before. Every one of the initiated had his story to tell, in which he painted the horrors of the fearful malady in the most vivid colors. And every narration was made in such a callous, offhand maun- r, that Reuben quivered with terror. While matters were at this point, a tnnn entered the bar-room, with a quick, business-like step, and proceeded at once to examine the names in the hotel register, lie was accompanied by an attendant, holding in his hand a long wand, or measuring rod. Any one lookrig sharply at these two men would have recognised them as a couple of the wags, slightly disguised. Having completed his examination of the register, the first comer, turned to the bar-keeper and said: 'I see you have but one arrival from the North to-day?a Mr. Doolittle. Is he here?' lieuhen, on hearing his name spoken, suspected at once that the inquirer was some merchant in search ol a clerk, lie forgot the fears that had beset him hut a moment before, and stepping briskly forward, announced himself as Mr. Doolittle. The following dialogue then ensued between the two ; the answers being noted down on a memorandum book, by the stranger. 'Mr. Doolittle, are you a native of the North?' ' *? I %?rnc? Karu in flin rifltd nf 1 t'd) ail. A. ?UO WW It* Ui U?V j'lW Ili/Uk J/?I? V VI Vermont.' 'How old are you ?' 'Twenty-six last corn husking.' 'Ever been sick ?' 'No, Sir ; never sick in my life?tough as a knot?hearty as a buck?and can dew more r ,1 ?i?i A'.I. ._l f work in ;i nay man you ran siume a sura ai. 'Have you ever been in the habit of drinking to excess V 'Never; I don't think business will ever be put hack by my bad habits?cause 1 'aint got any.' 'Well, sir, I think you are a pretty sure case. Young, healthy, robust fellows like you, who have never been sick, and are rigidly temperate are usually picked oil' the quickest.' 'Yes; I knew I should suit you. You'll find : ; me to be a right smart sort of a chap, that can , turn my hand to anything. But, how about i ! the price V I 'Oil, we have a number of prices, according j to the circumstances, or tastes of our friends.' The questioner now spoke to his man with i ; ihestafT, and said :?Measure him.' ; ! 'Measure me!' exclaimed Reuben, 'why, darn I it all, I don't want an}' more clothes. Don't i you see that this is a bran new coat, that I have ' --a - y> i gut Oil liuw i ; | ' Yes, but this is to bo ?i different sort of gar; ment?one peculiarly adapted to this climate.' ! j Reuben did not fully comprehend the meani iug of this last piece of information, but quietly allowed himselfto be 'measured,' which was done by the attendant, holding the staff upright , against Reuben's back, and after a moment's pause, saying; 'Five foot, ten inches high, and broad across the shoulders.' This statement was noted down by the man with the memorandum, who then looked Reuben calmly in the face, and asked? 'How do you prefer to have it? A common, pine one, or mahogany with a silves plate?' 'Mahogany .'?plate!? what ??gasped poor Reuben. 'Your, sir.' 'Coffin!?oh Lord !?almost shrieked Reuben, as he sunk, limp like a wet towel into a I chair. 'I beg your pardon, Mr. Doolittle,' said the j ! tormentor?'I fear I have bee:i too abrupt. But j in business matters, we should never stand too , much on ceremonies. In my capacity as head J supervisor of funerals, it is necessary that I: should attend to these little matters somewhat in advance, and by so doing, save a great deal of confusion and hurry. Now, at the end of j about three weeks, we shall call for you, and? I Reuben heard no more, but made a rush to-1 wards the landlord, and frantically begged to 1 know 'what time the next boat left for up-river.' On being informed, he hurried to his room to pack his baggage, muttering to himself as he went? 'That 1 should ever have been such a darned, eternal, everlasting fool, as to come to Ncan Orleans to be measured for a coffin. Several persons who had been present in the | bar-room, during ttie scene described, were ia- | 1 ken to bed in convulsions?and a small boy was busy, with a basket, the next morning, picking up buttons from off the floor. Valuable Land for Sale. In Equity? Lancaster District. R. E. Wylie, Admr. George W. Coleman, dec'd. vs. Mary A. Coleman, and others. BV virtue of the decree of the Court of Equity in above case, I will offer for sale on Monday the 28th Octol?er, 185U, at the dwelling house on the premises, all that valuable plantation whereon George W. Coleman formerly resided, situate on ' Pishing creek in Chester District, containing beI tween five and six hundred acres, more or less, | 1 bounded hy said creek and by lands of D. G. Ati! derson, Dr. McCreary and Chappel llowze. i Terms, a credit of ti and I'd months, the purchai ser giving bond with good personal security. J. II. WlTilERSPOON, C. E. L. I). Com. office Lancaster C. It. Sept. 12. $2.ti2 In Equity---Lancaster District. Daily P. Ingrain, vs. William Cauthcru and wife Na ncy, Nathaniel 15. fiitfraui. Arthur Ingram, et | al.?Partition Ileal Estate Jemima Ingram, file- | ceased) ami so forth. IT appearing to any satisfaction that Nathaniel | 15. Ingrain and Arthur ingrain, two of the ile- j lendaiils in above case, reside without tlie limits of j this State, it is ordered on motion of J lani:~oml, Sol., for complainant, that the said defendants do plead,! I answer or demur to the Hill in above case on or ; ; belore tho 1st day of November, lsfd), otherwise j Judgment pro rnnfesso will be ordered against i I them. J- II. WITHKKSPOON c. e. I.. D. j Cotn'rs. office, July 'JO, ls5(). lfit ;"> ? In Equity---Lancaster District. R p. Carrirn and wife Mary, vs. Mabala Canton,. | (widow,) Middle:on (J. Casfmi. John II. Caston. Partition of Real Estate of Kli C ' 'astoti, deed. ! IT appearing to my satisfaction that all the above j defendants reside without the limitsol the Stale, I ' it is ordered n motion of Clinton and 1latum, that ' the said defendants do plead, answer or demur to j i the [5iil in above case on or before the 21*! day ol | ; N\ v. 1*50. otheiwise judgmeul pro c.onlesso will I be ordered against them. J II. WITHKRSPOON.c. k. l. d. j i Com office, Aug. 15. ?>? 66, Notice. J rT~MIF. Special Partnership heretofore existing in the name j j 1. of W M. M. 1,1'BHOCiv Ar Co.. for the carriage of' Freight ami Pmsengeni on the water* of the State of South i Carolina, by the steamboat ROBI'.ItT M ARTIN, i* this day dissolved with the consent of all the partner*. Charleston, July 16th 1830. \\\ M. I.PBBOCK. P \!'l. I-. Vll.LKFKJl'K ?t SON C.J.shannon. It OUT. MARTIN. J. It. fO. II. DIKES. K. \V. tv Al.TKK. EinVIN P. ST Altlt. j Sept. 21 76 6i I ttttt: rv oiivc* VPPL1CATI0N will be made to the Legislature at its next pension, for an act of incorporation for Antiocii Baptist Church. JAMES E. RODGERS. JOEL DAVIS. A up. 9. 63 3m IMPLICATION will be made at the next Session of the Legislature of South Carolina to charter | a Company to A/anulacture Cotton and Woollen poods in or near the town of Camden, by steam or I water power. Catndon, Au/. 9. ltf.r>0. | VfOTICK ik hereby given, that application i_ x will lie inado at the next session oft lie Logis- j latnre for a charter to build a I'LA.NK ROAD roni Camden, through Lancaster, to some point i ; on the North Carolina lino. Aug. 2. Attention Guards. \rOt' will parade at your Ueadey.von- on Saturday the j i .L 13ili ofOetolicrnifxt. pro|ierly nrmfl anil ofpii|ied ? j At wlii'di time liy the order of l.ifin Od. J. B. Kershaw, an eleetion will Is; liclil tor ltd I.ieipeiiaei. Sergeants : I luclisun, llueknhw and Woolen, are detailed as inanai eers. By order of (-'apt. K. S, AIOtFAT. : W. K. IIIKJIISON.O. K I Sept. 20, lB.'Kt. ?.'? w3t 1 WM. MATTHIESSEN'S Wholesale Clothing Establishment, ; Comer of East Bay and Queen Streets, : CHARLESTON, S. C. Manufacturing House, 36, Piatt St. New York. COUNTRY Merchants purchasing Clothing, j will tinil it lo their advantage to look through j the stock of this extensive Clothing House, where they w ill iiml fresh and desirable Goods, at prices j 1 as low as can be purchased at in New York. July 2G. 69 swlOt j JOHNBrDESA^SSURET .ldper's Wharf, Charleston. S. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his ; care, and to the selection and filling of orders. j sept. 13. 72 6m MAZYCK & SON, Factors and Commission Merchants, SOUTH COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. WI J.LI AM MAZYCK,) >V. ST. J. MAZVCK, $ i PAUL T.T'ILLEPIGUE, FACTOR, And General Commission merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. CI.iberal advances made on consignments of Produce, and prompt attention given to the forwarding of Goods, at the lowest ratea. Aug. 30. 68 j 20,000 PAIRS OF BOOTS AND SHOES. rIX> bp] PI AD at the Mew Shoe Store, and will X he sold lower than any ever before offered in this market?having paid the cash for eve y article, and selected from the best and largest manufacturers in the United States, we flatter ourselves that no one can fail to be pleaded in quantity, quality and price. The stock consists in part, ! as follows? Men's line Cull' stitched Bool? " " Pump Boot* " " Waterproof do cork solea " " " do stitched and quilted soles '200 line Calf sewed Hoots, from 84 5U to $6 00 -00 ' ' " and Kip pegged Boots, from $2 to $5 00 .Me?V fine Calf sewed Bootes $'2 to $4 00 ' '* " a id < loth Congress Boots S3 to $4 50 " ' ' Jersey Ties, ?3 to 83 50 " " " pegged Bootees. SI to S2 00 " " Kin " " 73c to SI 00 Youth'* Ki|> pegged Bootees, 50c to?5c ** C'aif " " 75c to $1 00 " " Hoots assorted " Kip " " Ladies' Department. Fine silk <.niters, bluck and colored " satin " " " " lasting " " " \v<dts and black " " Half Gaiters, welts and black ! " " " " colored and black Welt " Tics, Foxed, Broad and Easy " " " without Tip*, for corns ' Jenny l.iiul liootces, Kid and Morocco I'utnp " " " " ivi.l and Enameled Excelsiors Kid and .Morocco Jenny Lind Buskins Taylor Tics. I'tiinp Fine Kid Slip|>ers. with Rosettes Fine Mnrroceo >li|>|sTs ami Ties Fiii.* Ties and Buskins, Wells Fine Morocco do do Kidextni wide SJi|n and Ties Goat Bn?kins and Ties, Welts Goat Boots Misses' Idaek and colored Gaiters Iillie aim nglil eiuoren nail vntucrv i " black. 1)1 lie and tironze Bootees " b!;n k and colored SlipjcTw " 'but Bootees. tewed and (legged, for School SKo*? | Children's Shoes and Roots. assorted Together witli a great variety ?>f Gentlemen's, Ladies* j and Children's Shoes, too numerous to mention. a Fine TRAVELING 'IKINKS. CARPET RAGS, V* A Lit 'LiS. HATS and CAPS. All of which will posilively be sold loiu-r ilistn the lowest for cash. fry-Call and see for voiirs'dves at the NEW SHOE STOKE of WORKMAN & HOONE. Sept. 'Jo. Fall Goods. r|A ROW EEL & CO. are now receiving llieir JL EalI supplies, to which they invite the attention ol purchasers. SUGARS?Si. Croix, Delta, crushed, powdered and clarified COFl'T.K?Kio ami .lava TK.\?tireeo and lJvson .MUl.ASSKS?Went India and New Orleans SALT?Table anil sack MACKaKKI,?No. I and 2 I'ickit.'s, Ketchup. Mustard, (iitnrer, I'epper Spice, ('uinaiiioii, Snap, Candles, Starch, t&c. Hardware, lines, Axes, Spades, &.c. Ba^iiiK, Rope ami Tnine. DOMKSTICS?Bleached and brown Homespuns Together with a general assortment ol Hoods suited to this market. For sale low by _ July'JO. 'I'. DONNKLI. & CO. Keady-Maclc Clolltiiig. 1CO.M PLETE assort mont ot Over-coatn, Dress and Frock-coats, Business.coats, Blanket and coating ()ver-coats, gentlemen's line Cloaks, I'ante and Vests, Heady-made Shirts, Stocks and Collars sept. 16 II. LKVV At SON. Carpeting. A COMPLETE Assortment, oi Ingrain and Venetian Carpeting.*, for sale low by Sept *J(?. II I.EVV & SON. New Goods/? rPII K undersigned i* n<nv receiving hi* Fall supply ot 1 iriwxi*. Having purchased very largely. he is enabled to oiler ureal inducements to Ids friends and customer* to purchase from hint. Among lit* stock may be found many articles not usually kept, nnd which he will take great pleasure in showing; as n regards prices, he will be satisfied with ('harlesio* tcrin* \ liberal ileduction made on cash purchases. \\\ flONXKV. Sf'pi. 17, 7-1 if Annatto, Copperas, llldlpO, I jOgWOod, Madder, White Load, I linseed Oil, Turpentine, Window (Hasp, Lamp Chimney*, Solar Globes, Solar Wicks, .S"|ieri:? Oil, Solar Oil, Castor Oil, Epsm A ftili and fresh sun-1 oalt* &-c- ^'cust received, an ' , jj* lhe ;vbove article* toClit- *'* . "/ - ,orsa * .* J. Di-llAV VI To My Old Friends in Kershaw. HAVING paid particular attention to the growth of different kinds of new cotton seed for the iast four years. I became so convinced of the superiority ot some of them to the gulf cotton, that I bought last fall every seed with which my crop is planted and am fully satisfied that I shall be handsomely paid for so -'oirig. I have the Front. Bannana, Pomegranate,Harris, and golden chaff. This year 1 think the golden chaff and Pomegranate, are doing best of a wet year, and on fresh land the Harris cotton will or has made more than any other. If any of my acquaintances should feel disposed * to try them I will forward any reasonable amount to Charleston, neatly put up in strong sacks at one dollar per bushel and "this is what I paid here for all but the golden chaff, for these I paid #5 pur bushel. The expense to Charleston cannot he more than one dollar more* in other, words, I will deliver any reasonable amount of the seed in Charleston at ?2 per bushel. Any one sending an order 6hallhave the seed of the kind ordered. I would remark however, that I have no great many of the golden chaff to spare, as I purpose planting largely of thptn, this is an early cotton with very extended branches even to the top. The golden chaff seed commanded $5 per bushel here last year. WILLIAM L. McCAA, Dayton, Ala. sept. 18, 1850. 77-3t Fair X of ice. I HEREBY caution all persons agt?nst trading for a note 011 hand given by ine, payable .to' N. Bradshaw, of Kershaw District dated in September 1850, for seventy-five dollars, payable 'the first day of January 1852. the consideration for which said note was given, having failed, I am determined not to pay it unless compelled bv law. ELI HUE BATES. Gadsden, S, C. Sept 23 1850. 77 4l mansionhottseT camdex, s. c. f~PHE subscriber respectfully announces to his X friends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, that he ban opened, as a HOTEL, that large and commodious house in Log Town, formerly tiie private res.dence of B. Perkins, esq. The building is admirably adapted for that purpose, being situated in the n ost healthy and pleasant part of Camden, combining all the advanta gcs of the town with the balmy atmosphere of the country, and within a lew minutes' walk of any part of Camden. The rooms are large and airy, his .Servants respectful and attentive, and he pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping up an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and to use every exertion to please those who may call upon him. His STABLES will he found commodious,and always fully supplied with Provender, O'The House being conducted on Temperance Principles, he flatters himself that those who favor him with a call will find the MANSION HOUSE not only the comforts and attention of a well regulated Hotel, but the quiet retirement of a Home. Charges moderate. QjTAII the Stages arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the House when desired. E. O. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. 27 if _ Fifty Dollars Reward. I)i;naw^y from tlit- subscriber on the night V of the 22d inst.,(si.\ miles south of Lancaster Court House on the Camden road) a negro man named John,about six feet six inches high, with a scar on his face, (near his eye) occasioned by the kick of a horse, he is black, carried off with him two suits of clothes, among which was a suttinet coat, black cloth pants, blue flannel shirt, striped shirt, d' c. He carried off a chesnut sorrel horse, fine black saddle with piated stirup irons, doubled reined bridle and martingales with ivory rings. It appears said boy, after leaving mv house went to .Mrs. Stinson's, at Russel Place in Kershaw District and carried oil'a negro woman and young child, that Mrs. St'nson had on trial and was about purchasing from nie. The negroes were recently purchased by me in the city of Baltimore. Since they have left I understand Mie :.i W?J ? 111(1 II *illtl lie lidU d ll'-e illttk (iv Utv/U^IK aw with him from Baltimore. The above reward will be paid for their apprehension and delivery to me, or information given so that I can get them. EI J t,\ BISHOP. Lancaster Dist. S. 23 Aug. 1850. 68 tf Salem Woolens. HAVING taken the agency of the Salem, N ('. WOOLEN .MANUFACTORV, we are prepared to supply Planters with their !*fffro Clolli* of various qualities, and at Manufacturer's prices. These G? odd have been used by several Planters in this neighborhood for many years, to whom we can refer, as being an article, for warmth and durability, of a very superior quality. 4?" WOOL will be taken in exchange, at a fair price. W. ANDERSON & CO. A tig. 22. 67 *2m Notice.. 11,1, jJhrsons having demands against the estate of the late Mrs. Mary B. Gill, dee'd of Lanrasterviile, will please present them properly attested to the undersigned, bv the first of December next. JONES CROCKETT. Sept. 2ild 1850, 76_ _ tf Pastilles de Paris. I"V)R the alleviation and cure of Bronchitis, and oilier diseases of the throat now so prevalent in the United State*, among Ministers and other public speakers For tale by sept. 20 7. J. DeIIAV. | Superior .Hiittlard, [N quarter and half pound boxes; White Mustard Seel: Ginger; Black and Red Pepper* Spire; Nutmegs; Mace: loves; Cinnamon, &r For sale by Z. J. DeHAY. Stone Lime, Plaster of P-aris, and Cement. 1110 aoove conmanw on Hand. 01 iioou quality and at low prices. AUc* Gvpeinn or land Pla.f?r* 0 L CHATTKX?' oh. 12. ,?> tjPlanetary Horse Power. , swWeTibers have received one ?>f the nbo\e tnn ' Jl chinos from the mtuinfactnrv of Geo. Vnil >fc < o.. to 1 .v hich tliev would call the attention of those who want ?! ' Ak.Iam; 4V?^ uttv f^YSftfininif nr ivriuuiiiK' vuai.- iw. ... ; powersfor<?uj ^ GASTINfJS will he promptly uhwl of MILL 1KOH& f^oxy, U(A cOOI'ER. *"{$ \ fev Mill Cnwik? oSVutd. ' i.rt 7". h.;.|V '3 '<